Action of nitrofuran derivatives
Use of the drug Furadonin during pregnancy and lactation against urological diseases
Description of the drug Furagin Furaginavexima is a drug whose main component is furazidin. It's antimicrobial
Indications for use
Pharmacological properties of the drug Furagin Furagin belongs to the group of antimicrobial agents - nitrofuran derivatives, having
Consequences of kidney disease
How to drink kidney tea, what are its benefits
Kidneys are the filtering station of our body. Two small fist-sized organs distill every minute
Effective herbs with a diuretic effect for edema
The use of diuretic herbs for edema helps to remove excess fluid in heart failure (astragalus, valerian),
Torsemide is a new opportunity in the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure and arterial hypertension
Pharmacological properties of the drug Torasemide A fast-acting diuretic. The mechanism of diuretic action is due to inhibition of reabsorption
Canephron is a herbal antimicrobial agent
Canephron and Canephron N - what is the difference between the drugs
An effective natural uroantiseptic that is absolutely safe for the body is the product. Kanaferon. Its composition consists exclusively
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