How to choose sunglasses: a compromise between functionality and style

Glasses are constantly being improved, the lenses are becoming lighter and more transparent. They began to make sunglasses with diopters, and in recent years, adjustable glasses have also appeared , which you can choose “for yourself”. And they are becoming more and more popular, although doctors recommend not wearing them on a regular basis, but using them as auxiliary ones.

Glasses with adjustable diopters are available without a medical prescription and do not need to be specially ordered. However, many models have now appeared on the market, produced in ordinary “workshops”. Such models are only superficially similar to the real thing and do not fulfill their function.

Types of Adjustable Glasses

There are several types of such glasses. Depending on the need, different types are used for everyday life: conventional, hydraulic, electronic. The good thing about these glasses is that anyone can adjust them to their specific vision. Various companies are engaged in production, distributors work in all countries of the world.

Hydraulic Superfocus

This is a modification of Adlens glasses made by Superfocus. Its feature is a special liquid between two lenses. The inner surface of the one closest to the eye is flexible. Thus, when the amount of fluid changes, the pressure changes and the soft lens bends. The number of diopters varies. They can be adjusted in the range from -4.5 to +3.5. The undoubted advantage of these glasses is that they are very light and comfortable.

One of the very first models was unsuccessful - they connected two lenses using medical glue, and distilled water was added to the space between them using a syringe. This was inconvenient and the experimental models were not liked by the participants in the experiment. In addition, the dioptre range was too small. In total, about ten pairs of these glasses were produced.

emPower electronic glasses

The glasses of this system were developed by the American ophthalmological company PixelOptics. Their lenses are coated with a special liquid crystal layer. Under the influence of electrical impulses, this layer changes its structure depending on the visual acuity of a person. Thus, the owner does not need to change glasses as vision becomes better or worse. The glasses have a sharpness adjustment button. There are also models with automatic adjustment. They run on a special battery that needs to be charged every 3-4 days. They come with a charger and can be charged for 8 hours. So far, the adjustment range is only a few diopters, and these glasses have a very high price, but the developers are working in this direction to make their product cheaper and more functional.

Adjustable Adlens glasses

Among all similar glasses, they are the cheapest and most practical. They are also called “family”, because thanks to the built-in device, each family member can customize them to suit themselves and their needs. They can be used as auxiliary ones, taken with you on the road, or carried in the glove compartment of a car. The most famous of them are made by the ophthalmological company Adlens. These glasses are quite stylish and beautiful; the frames are made of plastic in various colors and are suitable for both men and women. You can adjust it in the range from -6 to +3.

The company also makes sunglasses with the same function, but for now only with a yellow filter. For now, the frames are made in one size, designed for the average person.

So, these glasses can be used under any conditions and life circumstances - for reading, watching TV, working at the computer, when you need to look at something in the distance.

Photochromic (“chameleons”)

Lenses change color depending on the amount of light falling on them. Indoors they lose their color, but in the sun they acquire it again. The intensity of such changes depends on the intensity of exposure to ultraviolet rays, which change the structure of photochromic substances found in the lenses. The production technology of photochromic lenses varies from manufacturer to manufacturer in terms of the distribution of photochromic substances.

Photochromic ones are easy to use; you don’t need to change dark ones to regular ones when you are indoors and, on the contrary, wear dark ones instead of regular ones when going outside, they will independently change the color and intensity of the darkening.

Modern “chameleons” can be used by vehicle drivers. Typically, glass does not transmit UV rays, so ordinary “chameleon” glass does not darken indoors or inside the car. Modern technologies have made it possible to create lenses that darken inside the car under the influence of short-wave blue sunlight penetrating through the car glass.

How do they work

The simplest principle of operation is to adjust the lenses relative to each other. This turned out to be the most reliable and practical model, in which everything is provided for the most comfortable use. And among all the models and options offered on the market, Adlens is the cheapest with the same effect.

The lenses of the glasses themselves are combined and consist of three parts:

  • Frame
  • Fixed lens
  • Movable lens

A mechanism is built into the frame itself that allows the movable lens to move closer or further from the fixed one. This mechanism looks like a wheel on the side of the frame. There are wheels on each side of the frame and operate individually for each glass. When you turn the wheel, the moving lens approaches or moves away from the fixed one, which creates the desired effect. In this case, the number of diopters falls in the range from -6 to +3.

Advantages and disadvantages

When you decide to try something new and unusual, first of all you weigh the pros and cons. Especially if the issue concerns your or your family’s health. In particular, whether the new invention will cause harm to health, or whether it will be necessary to subsequently correct the reckless step. The same applies to glasses - is it worth taking them, or is it better to use the usual ones?

Although these glasses are very good, they are still a medical device. Before you start using them, consult your ophthalmologist to rule out any contraindications to their use.


They are universal

They can be used by men and women of any age with any visual acuity. In addition, they can be used to correct farsightedness and myopia, and even improve vision. These glasses are incredibly stylish, with an interesting design - dark frames, double lenses will perfectly highlight your eyes. They can also be configured as “no prescription” glasses, worn as a “beauty” accessory. They can highlight any look you want to create.

Convenient setup

Set up within a few seconds, for each eye separately. Easily adjustable to the desired value at any time.

Less eye strain

Compared to bifocals, adjustable glasses are much lighter in weight, more comfortable and do not cause overstrain of the optic nerves. They are indispensable for people with “flickering vision” (as in diabetes) and will help when performing work that requires eye strain (for example, embroidery) or for a surgeon during operations. They are also good during relaxation - when you want to look at something in the distance, even if your vision is excellent, glasses will help you do this.

They are comfortable

Thanks to their frame, adjustable glasses are comfortable and reliable. The glasses come with a case - stylish, beautiful, and easy to open. It also contains instructions for using and adjusting the glasses. At any time, you can adjust each eyepiece to suit your specific needs. The glasses can be worn every day; their body was designed specifically for this type of use.


Nowadays, many trainings are being conducted to improve vision. Those who pass them do not need to order new glasses every time - they can be successfully replaced by glasses with diopter adjustment, one for the entire duration of classes. As your vision improves, you will only need to tighten the ring until you achieve the desired result.

  1. They are light. The glasses are made of modern lightweight materials, with comfortable plastic frames and weigh only 30 grams. For comparison, 1 simple pencil weighs 20 grams.
  2. With such glasses, you will be less likely to order new glasses with different lenses. Although people with problematic vision should visit an ophthalmologist regularly, if they only need to check their visual acuity and replace their glasses, the visit can be postponed for some time.

Sergey, 45 years old, Kursk

For a long time I tried to practice according to the Bates method, but I couldn’t completely give up glasses; after all, with -5 vision, it’s difficult to navigate the city without them. With glasses with diopter adjustment, everything turned out to be easier; in six months I significantly improved my vision - by 1 diopter in each eye. I will continue to work in this direction.

Svetlana, 25 years old, Pskov

Due to the fact that at work I was constantly forced to work at the computer, my eyes were red and somehow inflamed, as if I was crying all the time. Adjustable Adlens glasses saved me from this problem - my eyes stopped getting tired, the feeling of tension disappeared, now I don’t want to rub them all the time, and they are not red, but normal.


It turns out that these glasses are a magical remedy and you don’t have to worry about anything, bought it once and for all? Not certainly in that way. These glasses also have their drawbacks.


Original Adlens adjustable glasses are relatively expensive. When ordering them, you should beware of counterfeits and buy only from the company’s dealers. Fake glasses may cost less, but no one will give you a guarantee of their quality and that they will not harm your vision. To guarantee, it is better to contact the official website of the company. This will protect you from low-quality goods, and in the event of a defect, you will always be replaced with another copy.

Cannot be used for certain diseases

If you have severe eye diseases that require surgery, certain brain diseases, or mental disorders, wearing such glasses may be contraindicated.

Some consumers have complained that this model lacks image centering. This caused discomfort and led to deterioration of vision. When looking closely at objects, a feeling of concavity appeared. However, representatives of the company claim that this effect does not occur on genuine models; on the contrary, the use of glasses reduces the load on the optic nerves, on the parts of the brain responsible for vision, and on the nervous system as a whole. Discomfort may be caused by the quality of the pair itself, but the company guarantees a replacement if you order glasses directly on the official website.

Among the disadvantages is that they are recommended only as spare glasses.

Katya, 30 years old, Omsk

Since childhood, I had poor eyesight, and my left eye was always far behind my right. So much so that we had to make glasses with different lenses. In the first grade, it even happened that glasses had regular glass on the right eye, and diopters on the left eye. Then the right one “floated” too. I had to carry two pairs of glasses with me at all times. Which was somewhat annoying, I constantly confused them, they got lost... And it was expensive, changing glasses often. I read about Adlens glasses with adjustable diopters and was eager to buy them, which I immediately told my friend about. She smiled mysteriously and gave them to me for my birthday .

Sunglasses with diopters

Prescription glasses help protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays and at the same time correct your vision.

The easiest option is to order the accessory you need from branded optics stores. Here you can easily select the necessary diopters in combination with lenses that perform protective functions. The second way is to use sunglasses in combination with contact lenses. This method is the most popular and less expensive, it will not cause harm.

Guided by our tips and recommendations, you can always choose the necessary eye protection accessory for a man, woman or child. We wish you good weather and sunny days!

Related articles:

  • How to choose the right glasses for vision

These glasses are in demand

It may seem surprising, but initially the glasses were developed specifically for diabetics. This insidious disease ultimately leads to the loss of some vision functions, in particular to disturbances in peripheral vision, when flickering areas appear before the eyes. Glasses were designed to solve these problems, adapting to the needs of each person. However, it turned out that this technology is very helpful for people of any age, and even without diabetes, because it was suitable for everyone without exception, even with the most capricious vision.


They began to be in demand, and clinical studies began to be conducted with them in many countries in Europe and America. They passed all the tests, all the necessary quality tests. So glasses with adjustable diopters have confirmed their reliability, effectiveness, and are approved for sale and use in any country where these studies were carried out, including Russia. The glasses are made from certified, environmentally friendly materials and are recommended by many ophthalmologists around the world.


These glasses were also distributed as humanitarian aid in the poorest countries of Africa, where medical aid rarely reaches, there are practically no ophthalmologists and people are deprived of the opportunity to test visual acuity and choose glasses. With such a gift, thousands of people solved their problem - after all, all family members could use one pair.

Today, it is Adlens glasses with adjustable diopters that are the most promising and are being developed and researched more than other areas.

Sources used:

  • Spatial vision. — M.: Science. Leningrad Branch, 1999.
  • Taking off your glasses is easy! - M.: TERRA-Book Club, 1999.
  • D. Hubel. Eye, brain, vision. — ed. A. L. Byzova. - M.: Mir, 1990.
  • FSBI "National Medical Research Center named after. V. A. Almazova" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

By quality

In countries with hot climates, the sun affects vision much more intensely than in northern latitudes, which means it is necessary to have sufficiently effective protection. In such cases, the quality of sunglasses plays an important role in preserving our vision. When choosing glasses based on the quality of their manufacture, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Cost - a high price means that the manufacturer pays a lot of attention to improving the quality of its products; its product must meet all the requirements and standards recognized in different countries. Glasses purchased at low prices do not perform basic functions; the lenses of such glasses are just an imitation, not a protective filter;
  • Manufacturer - choose companies that produce sunglasses, are known in many countries and have proven the high quality of their products. Manufacturers of “consumer goods”, in pursuit of profit, are not interested in quality and ratings;
  • Labeling - having read the information on the label of branded glasses, you will have all the necessary information about the product: level of protection, quality standards, lens material, manufacturer’s name, etc. Fans of low-quality fakes do not please us with detailed information.

Attention! The choice always remains with the buyer, but we warn you once again, do not skimp on the health of your eyes. Buy high quality sunglasses from reputable manufacturers. Cheap fakes only imitate protection and can harm your health!

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