glaucoma diagnosis
Treatment methods for acute-angle glaucoma
Symptoms of glaucoma appear when more than half of the nerve fibers in the optic nerve have died, before which a person
Lasik - eye surgery: how laser eye correction works
Laser vision correction in modern ophthalmology is considered not only one of the most effective, but
Eye drops for conjunctivitis with a broad-spectrum antibiotic
Rules for the rational treatment of conjunctivitis Drops for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis
Vision minus 2
How does a person with minus 2 vision see? Causes and correction of vision.
How does a person see if his vision is minus 2? Inability to see objects located at a distance
floxal for children dosage
Floxal eye drops: instructions for use
Floxal: instructions The drug Floxal refers to antibacterial (antimicrobial) drugs used in ophthalmology for
Eye drops to improve vision - choosing the best
Composition of Predstanol The medicine Predstanol has a natural composition, it contains only components of plant origin:
Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory lesion of the conjunctiva
How to quickly cure conjunctivitis in an adult at home?
Conjunctivitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease that spreads to the conjunctiva of the eyes. It is caused by many factors that determine
Dry heat in the form of salt
How to quickly cure stye on the eye at home in 2 days
When the meibomian gland, which is responsible for the moisture of the cornea, becomes inflamed, an internal stye develops on the eye. His
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