Eye drops to improve vision - choosing the best

Composition of Predstanol

The medicine Prestanol has a natural composition, it contains only components of plant origin:

  • centella asiatica (gotu kola) helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and has a diuretic effect;
  • African plum bark (pigeum) – a source of phytosterols (a plant analogue of “good” cholesterol) to combat neoplasms in organs and cells, a natural medicine against benign prostate hyperplasia (adenoma);
  • Squeezing the fruits of the sabal palm tree has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the polysaccharide fractions in its composition;
  • Lycopene is a carotenoid vitamin used to prevent prostate cancer.
  • extracts from mushrooms (lacquered tinder fungus and shiitake) are responsible for preventing cancerous mutation of cells and destroying pathogenic bacteria;
  • cranberry extract has a diuretic and antibacterial effect;
  • pumpkin seed extract facilitates urination during inflammation of the prostate gland.

The drug is produced in the form of capsules - 10 pieces in a blister, each of which contains 500 mg of active substances.

Review of drops for eye fatigue

To select the most suitable drug, you can use the list of effective eye drops for fatigue and redness, which help restore the cornea and normalize blood circulation.

Artelak Balance

Artelak Balance - moisturizing drops containing sodium hyaluronate. Hyaluronic acid is present in tear fluid and protects the surface of the eye from damage. The product also contains vitamin B12, which has an antioxidant and protective effect.

Drops are recommended for use in case of eye fatigue, increased tearing due to wind or wearing soft lenses.

The product may cause short-term blurred vision for the next 5-10 minutes after instillation.

Gilan Comfort

Gilan Comfort is a solution with the effect of natural tears, moisturizes and protects the mucous membrane. The product contains hyaluronic acid without preservatives. Gilan-Comfort is sold in disposable dropper tubes of 10 pieces.

The solution is instilled 2-3 times a day when working at a computer or driving a car, when in contact with chlorinated water, or when the mucous membrane of the eye becomes red due to poor-quality decorative cosmetics.

Gilan-Comfort has no contraindications (except for hypersensitivity to the components) and is used simultaneously with all types of lenses.


Okusalin is a solution that has a calming, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and restorative effect. Contains sodium chloride and purified water, no preservatives.

Drops are prescribed for eye fatigue, for recovery after ophthalmological operations, to prevent inflammation in the event of foreign bodies or burns of the mucous membrane.

It is allowed to use the drug during pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood. The only contraindication for Okusalin is the occurrence of allergies.

Opti free

Opti-free are moisturizing drops that are used in the process of getting used to all types of soft lenses. Opti Free contains dextran, potassium chloride, sodium borate, and the preservative polyquaternium-1 in low concentrations.

The product moisturizes and provides a stable tear film, removes substances that cause irritation. If you feel a burning sensation when instilling Opti-free, you should remove and further clean the lenses.

In case of persistent allergy to the components (deterioration and blurred vision, increased lacrimation or excessive dryness, the appearance of a halo around objects), the use of Opti-free is prohibited.


Optiv is an inexpensive eye product based on carmellose sodium and glycerol. The effect of the drops is to protect, moisturize the corneal epithelium and increase the stability of the tear film.

Indications for the use of Optiva are dry eye syndrome and fatigue, which develop due to prolonged work in front of a computer monitor, hormonal imbalance during menopause, hypothyroidism, and treatment with antidepressants.

In some cases, after instillation, temporary blurred vision occurs, disappearing after 5-20 minutes. Sometimes Optiv can cause redness of the eyelids, itching, irritation and crusting in the corners of the eyes.

Due to the preservative content, Optiv is used for 6 months after opening the bottle. Do not use drops if they become cloudy or change color.


Hyphenosis - eye drops that prevent dry mucous membranes. Dithyslesis restores the tear film, protects the cornea from damage and drying out, and has a softening effect on the mucous membrane during fatigue.

Among the indications for prescribing drops are microtraumas, erosions and disorders of the eye epithelium, keratopathy, keratosis, eyelid deformation, thermal burns of the conjunctiva, and xerosis.

The drug must be instilled 5-6 times a day, one drop. The effect of treatment is observed after 2-5 days, and complete elimination of discomfort in the eyes occurs after 2-3 weeks of using Hyphen.

Due to the high viscosity, instillation is accompanied by a feeling of eyelids sticking together. During treatment with Hyphenis, it is forbidden to wear soft lenses, and hard ones are removed before and installed after 30 minutes.


Hilabak is a moisturizing solution based on hyaluronic acid without preservatives, with keratoprotective properties. The drug is effective for fatigue, to eliminate inflammation and burning, and to restore the cornea when wearing lenses daily.

The drops provide long-lasting hydration and do not cause blurred vision. Hilabak is recommended for dry eye symptoms, prolonged exposure to a computer screen, in rooms with dusty or dry air, and during air travel.

Hilabak is instilled when discomfort occurs, one drop at a time. During the procedure, avoid contact of the bottle with the mucous membrane of the eyes and the skin of the eyelids.


Balarpan-N - drops with a complex composition (hypromellose, glycosaminoglycans) are used to combat eye fatigue, to eliminate swelling, inflammation, including during significant visual strain.

Use the product 1-2 drops three times a day for the development of erosion, injuries and burns, keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, for corneal syndrome, for the prevention of corneal lesions when using lenses.

Contraindications for Balarpan-N are the development of hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and age under 18 years. Since Balarpan-N does not contain preservatives, the product is used for only 15 days from the day the bottle is opened.


Thealose is a sterile isotonic solution without preservatives with the active substance trehalose, which provides moisturizing of the surface of the mucous membrane, which also has antioxidant properties.

Thealosis is recommended to eliminate fatigue and tension resulting from the negative effects of external factors such as wind, smoke, sunlight, salt or chlorinated water, dry air.

Drops can be used when wearing contact lenses. When treating with several types of drops, pauses between medications should be 10 minutes. The negative effect of Thealoz manifests itself in the form of mild irritation of the mucous membrane.


Innoxa is a solution with a natural composition, including an aqueous infusion of sweet clover, elderberry, blue cornflower, witch hazel, and navel. Additional ingredients include benzalkonium chloride and methylene blue.

Innoxa has an astringent effect, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eyes, eliminates irritation and gives a white-blue tint to the proteins. Drops are used for fatigue caused by poor lighting, exposure to the sun or wind.

After instilling Innox, you should not blink for 10-15 seconds to allow the liquid to be evenly distributed over the surface of the conjunctiva.

Drops are contraindicated in people under the age of 14 and in cases of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the composition.


Riboflavin (aqueous 0.02%) is a vitamin preparation based on riboflavin (vitamin B2), which is involved in enriching eye tissue with oxygen, restoring the retina, cornea and lens, and conducting visual impulses.

Indications for the use of Riboflavin are fatigue as a result of prolonged work at the computer without following a regimen, redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, ophthalmological diseases - night blindness, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis.

Immediately after using Riboflavin, visual acuity may be impaired. When instilling more than 1 drop of the drug, an overdose may occur, manifested by a feeling of numbness, tingling and itching (symptoms go away on their own after 1-3 hours).

Optinol intensive

Optinol intensive is a sterile isotonic solution containing sodium hylauronate and dexpanthenol (B vitamins). The drug protects, restores and moisturizes the cornea, eliminates itching and inflammation of a non-bacterial nature.

Optinol Intensive relieves eye fatigue caused by exposure to the sun, in a room with fluorescent lighting or dry air, when using all types of lenses, after ophthalmic treatments, the treatment of which is accompanied by painful sensations.

If the drug causes a temporary decrease in visual acuity, you should refrain from driving for 20-30 minutes.

Blink Intensive

Blink Intensive - protective drops of the latest generation, used to moisturize the mucous membrane in case of discomfort, sensation of a foreign body under the eyelids, and fatigue from the load on the visual system.

Blink Intensive is contraindicated in case of angle-closure glaucoma, epithelial endothelial dystrophy, under the age of 3 years, with the development of allergies.

Edenorm 5% - drops to reduce swelling and moisturize the eyes. The active ingredients - polyethylene glycol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, microglycine, sodium chloride - provide an antibacterial, anti-edematous effect, eliminate fatigue, and improve vision.

The drug is prescribed if redness of the conjunctiva occurs due to prolonged use of lenses, trauma or degenerative changes (keratoconus, keratoglobus, corneal dystrophy, bullous keratopathy).

After instillation of the drug, temporary blurred vision may occur. If allergies develop in the form of pain and burning of the eyes, or blurred vision, use of Edenorm should be discontinued.


Visomitin - eye drops to moisturize and protect the cornea. The composition includes plastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide, benzalkonium chloride, hypromellose and has an antioxidant effect, stimulates tear production and tissue regeneration, and increases the stability of the tear film.

Visomitin drops are used for fatigue and dryness of the mucous membrane due to prolonged strain on the visual apparatus, in the initial stage of cataracts.

Visomitin is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components, in childhood and adolescence, during pregnancy, breastfeeding. The drops may cause blurred vision, which is a normal reaction and goes away within 5-7 minutes.

Properties of withanol

  1. promotes activation of local immunity;
  2. prevents the accumulation of toxins in tissues;
  3. restores damaged cells;
  4. improves the condition of skin and hair.
  5. optimizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  6. strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  7. useful for the prevention of ARVI. exacerbations of chronic respiratory diseases;
  8. improves blood circulation;
  9. stimulates the skin regeneration process and enhances its protective properties, has a rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effect, improves skin elasticity;
  10. reduces the risk of complications in diabetes;
  11. accelerates wound healing without scarring;
  12. affects inflammatory processes in diseases of the respiratory system, skin, and wounds;
  13. slows down the aging process of the body;
  14. restores the process of microcirculation after strokes and heart attacks;
  15. reduces the risk of sclerotic and dystrophic changes in blood vessels;
  16. has increased antioxidant capacity;
  17. has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect;
  18. improves recovery in dystrophic, inflammatory and sclerotic eye diseases, promotes resorption of hemorrhages in the retina, increases visual acuity;
  19. has a bactericidal and antifungal effect;
  20. promotes rapid recovery of the body during mental and physical stress;
  21. useful in the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, restoration of liver functions;
  22. is a natural gastroprotector, promotes healing of the gastric mucosa, healing of duodenal and stomach ulcers;
  23. prevents the development of tumors;
  24. softens the effects of radio and chemotherapy.

Due to such an extensive list of beneficial properties, the use of withanol is possible in various fields of medicine and cosmetology. During the research, it was noted that withanol does not cause allergic reactions or skin irritations.

Drops to restore vision

The drugs available on pharmacy counters are divided into the following types:

  • anti-inflammatory. There are hormonal and non-steroidal. They contain substances that relieve tension in the muscles of the lens. They relieve pupil fatigue, have a positive effect on visual function, and are an excellent prevention of myopia and farsightedness.
  • moisturizing. Recommended for use for dry eyes. These types of drops imitate real tears; they contain components that do not allow moisture to evaporate from the mucous membranes. They are a good prevention of inflammatory processes that lead to loss of visual acuity;
  • fortified. Restore visual ability with the help of vitamin complexes contained in the drops that are necessary for the body. Valuable for the prevention of poor vision and restoration of reduced acuity.
  • antibacterial. Drops are intended for the treatment of bacterial and viral diseases;
  • antiallergic. Prescribed by a doctor for allergic eye reactions during seasonal periods. Some allergy drops contain hormones;
  • drugs for the treatment of glaucoma. The drugs reduce the production of intraocular fluid and improve its outflow in the eye;
  • constricting vessels. The drops normalize blood vessels and relieve redness and swelling.

Important: Many eye drops are available without a doctor's prescription, but before using them, you should consult with a medical professional so as not to harm yourself further. The eyes are very fragile and sensitive, so it is better not to self-treat.

Areas of use

  1. cardiovascular diseases, cerebral vascular problems and rehabilitation;
  2. gastrointestinal diseases, as well as liver diseases, prevention;
  3. thrombosis;
  4. recovery after intense physical activity;
  5. recovery from psychological stress, stress, and chronic fatigue syndrome;
  6. colds, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system;
  7. allergies;
  8. diseases associated with decreased immunity;
  9. prevention of cancer, treatment and recovery from cancer;
  10. weight loss, normalization of cholesterol levels;
  11. treatment and prevention of skin diseases, as well as use in cosmetology to improve the condition of skin and hair, resorption of scars, and hair loss;
  12. diabetes;
  13. for eye diseases;
  14. for the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity and gums;
  15. to reduce the harmful effects of smoking.

For farsightedness

Farsightedness that develops with age cannot be treated. But the development of such a disease can actually be prevented with the following list of eye drops to improve vision in farsightedness.


These are the best eye drops for improving vision, a kind of additional nutrition for the eyes, synthesized on the basis of taurine. This is what this medicine does:

  • Stimulation of damaged or obsolete parts of the eye apparatus (cornea, retina, muscle and nerve fibers);
  • Preservation of eye cells from possible destruction by lipids. To put it simply, improving the prevention of cancer metabolism within the entire ocular system;
  • Acceleration of fat digestion, accelerated production of vitamin complex A DE K. And all this in the intestines;
  • During complex, long and attentive work with the eyes, it is the taufon that gives the vision additional nutrition, a kind of doping;
  • Improved energy metabolism in the nervous system of the eyes. This contributes not only to visual acuity, but also to a general improvement of the body over time.
  • Good metabolic process. Taufon normalizes glucose, which adds insulin in diabetes. As a result, appetite decreases and excess fluid disappears.

It is important to know! That when using these drops the dosage is strictly observed. An excess of the drug in the body will cause harm.


Good drops for eyes for a narrow purpose. Write out if there is:

  • Cataract. Radiation, age-related, acquired disease due to trauma, other origin;
  • Dystrophic damage to the retina (age-related depletion);
  • Inherited abiotrophy (degeneration);
  • Open angle glaucoma;
  • Corneal injuries, dystrophy.

It is important to pay attention to the negative consequences of use; the patient may experience:

  • Swollen eyelids;
  • Burning sensations;
  • Redness of the white of the eye;
  • Other manifestations of allergic reactions.

It is based on the same Taurine (which is found in Taufon drops). It turns out that Bestoxol is similar to drops with amino acids that stimulate the energetic, regenerative, healing process. This kind of drug is also prescribed for preventive purposes, but more often it is instead of exercise for the eyes, as well as for its dystrophy, disruption of the metabolic process in the eye joints.


Ophthalmic tablets, eye drops to improve vision in case of farsightedness, helping to restore vision for a certain period of time. Suitable for the treatment of eye pathologies. Orlit based on:

  • Blueberry fruits, which increase visual acuity by saturating the visual apparatus with vitamins and microelements;
  • Luteolin flavonoid. Eliminates fatigue during intense visual stress, comprehensively promotes a beneficial effect on the eyes;
  • Ginko biloba. Helps improve blood circulation and restore the capillary system in the eyes;
  • Pine bark. It also has a positive effect on the circulatory system of the eyeball;
  • Xanthophyll. Reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation, which prevents ophthalmic diseases caused by age-related changes.

For your information! This complex is considered natural, so it is allowed to be used even for preventive purposes for one month, 1 per 24 hours.

Predstanol - principle of action and effect

For the treatment of prostatitis and its prevention, the drug is taken three times a day, 1 capsule, with 150-200 ml of water. Reception does not depend on the time of day or diet. The optimal duration of the course is 30 days, but depending on the purpose it can last:

  • 14 days – to maintain potency and prevent problems in the intimate area;
  • 60 days – for the treatment of prostatitis, inflammatory processes;
  • 45 days – for the prevention of prostate adenoma and the occurrence of malignant neoplasms in the genital organs.

Why do older people and children's eyesight deteriorate?

Middle-aged and retired people have problems with the eye system due to its aging. With age, the eyes lose elasticity, which affects sharpness and causes periodic pain when the environment changes.

If a person has a predisposition to myopia, then this disease will progress over the years. The situation is similar with farsightedness. This can be corrected with contact lenses and glasses. But in order to maintain the visual system during age-related changes in vision, it is advisable to reduce the load on it for the whole working day. And the best way to do this is with the right vitamin complex in the form of drops.

Vitaon (Karavaev balm) - instructions

Bactericidal and restorative agent. Possesses

, prevents the occurrence of suppuration, secondary infections, cracks and bedsores, and scar formation. It is used for damage to the skin (wounds, scratches, inflammation, abrasions, burns, scratching, cuts, irritations). It also performs a protective function against the influence of negative external factors on the skin: the effects of high and low temperatures, detergents and chemicals.

Ingredients of the balm: water, glycerin, withanol, emulsifiers, antioxidant Grindoks, Trilon B, beeswax, vitamins A and E, olive, sea buckthorn and vegetable oils, tea tree essential oil, plant extracts (aloe, chamomile, wormwood, immortelle, bergenia, calendula, hops, echinacea), piyavit, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol, allantoin, withanol, DMP microcar, perfume additives.

Vitamins A and E are natural antioxidants, protect the skin from harmful influences, increase its elasticity, and prevent the formation of scars.

Olive and sea buckthorn oils, due to their high content of fatty acids, provide enhanced cell protection, activate anti-inflammatory and regenerative processes, and help restore a smooth skin surface.

Leech is an extract of the salivary glands of the medicinal leech. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes blood circulation and blood clotting, reduces swelling and pain.

“Emergency” balm quickly penetrates tissue, does not cause allergic reactions, accelerates the healing process, and does not contain hormones or antibiotics.

Application: treat the affected area with an antiseptic. Apply the balm two to three times a day until complete healing.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the balm

No side effects were identified.

If an allergy occurs, stop use and consult your doctor.


Release form: aluminum tube 35 ml

It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgesic, antimicrobial effects. It can also be used as an antiviral and anti-cold remedy.

  1. reduces and soothes itching and pain, heals wounds, cuts, burns, cracks, ulcers;
  2. used for the treatment of dermatitis and psoriasis, as well as sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis;
  3. has a general tonic, adaptive, immunorestorative effect;
  4. restores cells, normalizes the water-electrolyte balance of cells;
  5. relieves pain from neuralgia, myalgia, osteochondrosis, and arthritis.

Ingredients: essential oils, olive oil, withanol, soybean oil, medicinal plants and herbs.

Patient reviews

Marina, 29 years old: “I bought both Vial and Visine.

I just came to the pharmacy and asked for something during a long “communication” with the computer. Both are good. But you need to understand that they cannot be abused and after instillation it is better to take a break from the computer for at least half an hour, preferably with your eyes closed. I recently visited an ophthalmologist, she only confirmed that you can take any, the main thing is that you feel the effect and do not overuse it.”

Anna, 33 years old:

“There was no ophthalmologist in our clinic at the right time, so we had to use word of mouth and my husband bought what his colleagues at work recommended to him. These drops turned out to be Taufon. I put a drop in my eye three times a day. What can I say based on the results of use: The discomfort in the eyes really goes away almost from the first use. The next morning I woke up with a fresh look and sparkle in my eyes. As a result of the fact that the eyes stopped getting tired so quickly, drawing classes became more productive. It stopped hurting my eyes when reading e-books with a high screen contrast. Overall, I can say that it’s better with the drops than without them!”

Predstanol – scam or truth?

Despite the opinion of skeptics that Prestanol is a scam of suckers, clinical studies on the effectiveness and safe effects on the body prove the opposite. Thus, after 30 days of taking the medicine:

  • in 99% of patients, the symptoms of prostatitis (painful urination, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation) completely disappeared;
  • in 98%, symptoms of the disease did not return after discontinuation of the drug;
  • In 89%, when comparing the examination results, a decrease in prostate size was found.

The drug is approved by the Russian Association of Doctors NanoRF, the expert council of Potrebnadzor and is recognized as one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of men aged 40 years and older.

Where to buy Predstanol?

The only opportunity to purchase the original drug Prestanol is. Ordering from the manufacturer avoids the risk of:

  • buy an ineffective and even dangerous counterfeit, for example, Predstanol tablets (real medicine only in capsules);
  • receive the drug in damaged packaging or incomplete packaging;
  • overpay for an item twice or three times the normal price.


Only on the official portal you can buy capsules for prostatitis Predstanol at a promotion and be sure of the quality of the product.

How to distinguish real drops from fakes

It is recommended to buy all medications from a pharmacy; this significantly reduces the risk of buying a counterfeit.

Signs that may indicate that eye drops are counterfeit:

  • the cost is too low compared to the average price of the drug;
  • series, identification number erased or blurred;
  • the packaging looks dull, the inscriptions are uneven and unclear, the cardboard is thin;
  • the series, expiration date on the packaging and in the instructions for use do not match;
  • the instruction insert looks like a flyer printed on a photocopier.
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