16 tips on how to please a girl and attract her attention

In adolescence, you seriously begin to think about the question of how to please a girl. Unfortunately, not everyone has nearby understanding adults or sensitive older brothers or sisters who can be asked for advice. If for one reason or another you were unable to get answers to your pressing questions or were embarrassed to ask them, use ready-made tips on how to attract a girl’s attention and not lose face on the first date.

Features of young sympathies

For all teenagers, adolescence is a difficult time. During this period, significant changes in the body and psyche occur under the influence of hormones. Most teenagers are very emotional and vulnerable. In acute situations, they are overwhelmed by emotions and feelings, which are not always possible to quickly cope with. Most teenagers tend to take what happens in life to heart.

In matters of the heart, the main fear of all guys is being rejected. Because of this, guys are afraid not only to confess their love, but even to look at or talk to the object of their affection. Next comes the fear that strangers will laugh.

As a rule, those who make fun of other people's feelings are those who have not experienced such feelings themselves, or are simply evil people.

Don't let either one or the other get in the way of your happiness. Trying and getting rejected is better than hiding your feelings all your life without ever knowing whether they are mutual or not.

At the same time, you shouldn’t rush too much and openly communicate your feelings to everyone around you.

Wait, take a closer look, find out more information about your beloved, start showing small signs of attention. In everything related to relationships, girls are very sensitive and attentive. So the chosen one will definitely notice certain changes in behavior. Remember that even if she likes you too, she may not respond right away. The reasons may be different: she is shy, afraid, has not yet understood her feelings, is simply being mischievous and wants to torment you.

How can a teenager tell his lady love about his feelings?

No need to rush

If a teenager is friends with a girl, then he should do everything as carefully as possible. If she doesn't reciprocate his feelings, it will affect him negatively. For the reason that they will stop communicating. Because the girl will feel awkward in the presence of a teenager.

A teenager should think and find out whether the girl likes him or not

You can determine whether a girl likes a teenager or not, as follows. A teenager needs to analyze and understand:

  1. Does the girl try in every possible way to remain alone with the teenager?
  2. How often does she turn towards the teenager and look at him?
  3. Is the girl interested in the life of a teenager? Does she text him first? Does he ask counter questions?

If one or more of these signs are present, then this will have a positive effect on the teenager. It is quite possible that the girl also has sympathy for him.

Recommend that your teenager hang out with the girl’s friends

If during communication a teenager becomes close to one of the girl’s friends, then he can take advantage of this acquaintance. And find out if he likes her. And also whether the girl will agree to date him. If a friend is close to both a girl and a teenager, then this will have a positive effect on him. Because this way the teenager can find out the truth.

Advise your teenager to choose the right moment

The teenager will have to confess his sympathy to the girl only when she is calm. When she does not experience discomfort, stress, tension, and so on. If a teenager confesses her crush at the wrong moment, it will negatively affect her. Most likely, the decision may change.

The conversation about feelings should be held when the girl has a free day. When she is in a state of calm. And when nothing will distract her. In this case, the teenager will be able to express his feelings. And the likelihood that it will be successful will increase.

The teenager needs to tell him directly about his sympathy

Before confessing his sympathy to a girl, a teenager needs to think through his words. Find out exactly what he feels. And then form your thoughts into a full-fledged speech. The teenager should pronounce the words as romantically as possible. In order to arouse the girl's sympathy. And so that the moment will be remembered by her forever.

How to get a girl to like you at school

In biology lessons or in programs about wild animals, you probably heard that the female chooses the strongest or the brightest, most spectacular male. These signs indicate the health and youth of a potential candidate for procreation. It is this male that the female will pay attention to first. This is a law of nature that also works for the human world.

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As a rule, the generally accepted leader in the class is considered strong. A leader is someone who stands out from other guys. His superiority is recognized by both boys and girls. Try to become one. If the competition in the class in terms of leadership is too high, or your calm nature does not allow you to keep everyone’s attention on yourself, then you need to come up with another way to start standing out from the rest of the guys.

For example, you can become an excellent student in all or several subjects, or start going to a sports section, music school, hobby group, or club.

Winning a school Olympiad or a sports competition, performing on stage - all this will certainly help you stand out from the general gray mass and attract the attention of not just one, but several friends at once.

If you want to please a specific girl, then start regularly showing her small signs of attention:

  • greet her personally, calling her by name;
  • when you communicate, look into her eyes;
  • it’s okay if she notices you staring at her during class;
  • offer to walk her home after school or to the bus stop;
  • Be active on social networks: add her as a friend, like her photos, write short comments (without mistakes - this is important!).

You can unobtrusively offer your help: explain a difficult topic in your studies, do homework together, borrow a pen, carry a briefcase, complete an order from the class teacher together, take a turn in the cafeteria. The main thing is not to overdo it.

There should not be too many signs of attention at once - one a day is enough. And under no circumstances turn into an errand boy for her.

Remember: common interests bring people together. Ask what clubs or sections she attends. Try signing up too. You might like it, and you can spend time together after school.

A question of relationships

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In fact, first love can come much earlier than in adolescence. But this question arises acutely only among teenagers. Perhaps because the matter is aggravated by hormonal changes in the body. From the fifth grade, boys begin to take an active interest in girls, and they, in turn, show interest in them. This is a completely natural and natural process inherent in man by nature itself.

However, not everything goes smoothly, and sometimes the issue of relationships becomes too dramatic. The boy is afraid to ask his parents for advice, and not everyone has older brothers. In such a state, you can do a lot of stupid things, aggravating the situation even more. If you have no one to consult with, you need to read the relevant literature on the psychology of relationships. If texts on psychology seem very difficult and incomprehensible, you need to read articles with the appropriate title.

What to do to attract a girl's attention? To do this, it is not necessary to perform a heroic act and chop off dragon heads. You need to be an interesting and well-read person. Girls like it when guys know more than they do: it inspires respect. If you can’t become a well-read person, then you need to use your muscles: many girls like athletic guys with pumped up biceps.

On a note! To be noticed, you need to become noticeable: stand out from the crowd.

Just don’t stand out with the smell of sweat and dirty clothes: girls really don’t like sluts. Train yourself to take care of your appearance, take a shower regularly and put on a fresh shirt. Boys do not have to follow fashion and wear perfume: it is enough to always be fresh and neatly dressed. Friendliness is also a prerequisite for attracting a girl’s attention. Learn to smile beautifully and radiate vibes of happiness. The fact is that a gloomy person pushes others away from him; you don’t want to communicate with him.

Age 12

How to please a girl at 12 years old? It is enough to be attentive and polite. At this age, boys often bully, be rude and make fun of girls. They think that in this way they will attract attention to themselves. But that's not true. Girls do not like ill-mannered and rude boys; they are attracted to noble and polite gentlemen.

At this age, girls like to read fairy tales in which princesses are waiting for their princes. They strive to make these romantic dreams come true, so they look for well-mannered and cultured boys. If they are, of course, good girls from a decent family. Therefore, if you need to attract the attention of just such a girl, then you should make her dream of meeting a noble prince come true - to become him.

On a note! To quickly get a girl to like you at the age of 12, you need to become interested in what interests her. Common interests bind young hearts.

If a girl plays sports, then she should immediately enroll in a sports section and set records. Female athletes pay attention only to those who know how to achieve sports results. If a girl is into music, then you should find out what kind of music she likes. By showing interest in this direction, you can get closer to the object of your attention and quickly make friends.

Age 13

How to please a girl at 13? To do this, you should not appear older than your age. This is the big mistake of the young gentlemen. Girls at the age of 13 want to see cheerful and exciting boyfriends next to them, who are attentive and polite. A sense of humor in this situation will also come in handy, as will positive energy.

Girls at this age like leaders, but not all boys have this quality. If you can’t become a leader in the class, you need to try to become one in a sports section or other activity.

However, you can win a girl’s heart by showing attention to her. Carrying her bag to the entrance, helping her do her algebra homework, getting her the book she needs—there are plenty of ways to show her attention. The main thing is that her wish comes true. It is very important.

Age 14

Previously, young people were married at this age, but now they are considered children. Although many have already received a passport. The person feels completely grown up, but for some reason they trust him little. This is very unbalancing. But you need to realize that looking grown up is not enough. You need to have life experience, which you cannot have at 14 years old. Therefore, pretending to be a grown man is stupid, but remaining a child is also funny.

How can you attract the attention of a young lady, how can you please a girl at 14 years old at school? You need to try to stand out with your intellect; if you can’t stand out with your intellect, then by achieving achievements in the sports section. At this age, boys already participate in martial arts competitions, which is always attractive to girls. To feel protection and support in the face of a man is the natural desire of every girl.

On a note! In a relationship with a girl, politeness is paramount.

If classmates or guys from the yard begin to provoke “obscene” behavior towards a girl, you should not listen to this advice. Such an attitude will quickly alienate a decent girl, and it will be impossible to return her goodwill.

How to please a girl: universal tips

Age is of great importance, the ways in which you can arouse the sympathy of your beloved will be slightly different. But there is one tool that works for all ages: appearance.

As they say: you are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind. No matter how wonderful and interesting a person is, no one will want to get to know him better if he smells unpleasant, is shaggy and wears dirty clothes.

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More often than not, girls are attracted to guys who dress in a classic or sporty style. If you can’t show off in fashionable clothes, then choose something simpler. It is important that the clothes are the right size and that the individual elements fit together. It is desirable that she generally emphasizes the strengths of her appearance.

If possible, wear a good cologne, it's very catchy. Girls always pay attention if a guy has a delicious perfume.

Be careful and polite. In adolescence, boys often bully, be insolent and make rude jokes at girls, mistakenly believing that this makes them look cooler and more attractive to the opposite sex. But in reality, hardly a decent girl would like such behavior. At the age of 12-13, girls feel like princesses from their favorite fairy tales and cartoons; they want to be friends with pleasant, kind princes.

A strong weapon in the arsenal of a guy of any age is a sense of humor. If you know how to joke well, then consider yourself lucky. If not, develop this skill.

Be confident in yourself and your own abilities. Try to cultivate these qualities in yourself. No questions like: “Can I kiss you?”, “Can I hold your hand?” I decided - do it, but under no circumstances go too far. There is a significant difference between self-confidence and arrogance.

Watch your posture. If a guy walks hunched over, this indicates his lack of self-confidence.

Don't skimp on compliments for her. If you are embarrassed to do this when meeting, then use messages and comments on social networks.

Play sports. This is good for both health and for attracting female attention. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, everything is very bad with physical education, or you have problems with excess weight, then start small: regular exercises and push-ups will be enough.

Important rules and subtleties

Girls in adolescence are very vulnerable, so when initially communicating with them, you should follow several rules so that the girl does not get offended. If you touch your feelings with resentment, winning her favor will be much more difficult in the future.

How to make acquaintances

To get to know a girl, you need to start a conversation with her with general topics. You can talk about teachers and school, you can discuss some high-profile incident at school or changes in the schedule. Ask about hobbies, give a compliment, offer to take a walk or go somewhere.

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Here are a few phrases to start dating, using them you can understand how to please a girl 12-13 years old and older:

  1. Hello! Is it you I saw in the park with the Labrador? Cool dog.
  2. Hello! Where are you going with the tube? Into art? Let me help, it's probably heavy.
  3. I heard you yesterday at the concert. I think it’s a rarity: such a beautiful girl who also plays the piano. Just kidding, I know it's a piano.
  4. Where are you flying to? Has the zombie apocalypse begun? You're just like Milla Jovovich.
  5. Hello! You have such a light gait, you probably play sports? Where do you train?
  6. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time. (And sing a song).

It may be difficult for a boy to approach a girl for the first time. Embarrassment and fear of ridicule usually make it difficult to express your feelings.

You definitely have to believe that everything will be fine. All men once approached their loved ones for the first time. Even Justin Bieber was not born to conquer women's hearts. Therefore, you need to be determined and try to meet the girl alone, without unnecessary witnesses. Approach her, look into her eyes, take a breath and say the first phrase in a firm, calm voice.

What topics to talk about

You need to talk with the girl about topics that are interesting to her and in which the boy is well versed. Of course, you shouldn’t bring up the conversation about outfits and cosmetics. You shouldn’t lie and pretend to be an expert in an unfamiliar matter. If a guy doesn’t know anything about a girl’s hobby, he needs to honestly admit it and ask her to tell her more about him. List of topics that a girl might be interested in:

  1. Animals.
  2. Art.
  3. Music.
  4. Movies.
  5. Sport.
  6. Non-standard.

The phrases suggested above will tell you how to structure a conversation in order to please a girl 10 years old and older.

If a girl has a pet, you can ask her about keeping and raising it and tell her about yours, or tell her about her desire to get a dog (cat, fish, hamster).

Does the girl attend art school? You can give her an album with reproductions of her favorite artists, invite her to a museum, or tell her about your passion for graffiti.

A new friend studies at a music school. And the boy can accompany her. Or write words to a melody. Or he is just a good listener and knows all modern musical trends. What does she think of English turnips?

Movies. Well, of course. You can go to the cinema. Or watch your favorite comedy on the Internet.

It’s always fun to discuss sports if both of you are involved in it. Even different sports will not interfere with such a conversation. The menu, warm-up methods, loads, results, mistakes, differences in training are discussed.

Non-standard. Sometimes girls get involved in activities that are considered traditionally masculine or boring. Maybe she's a biker and loves speed. Or fishing with his father. Or loves integral equations. In this case, you need to show attention and find common ground. For example, you can offer bike tuning - after all, the guy works part-time in a car repair shop. Or vice versa, ask for help improving algebra at school.

This is roughly how you should structure a conversation with a girl.

What not to do

Youth is uncompromising. She lacks worldly wisdom, patience, and the ability to put herself in the place of another. That is why the first feeling requires careful treatment, because a carelessly spoken word can lead to a breakup.

Here are some things to avoid:

  1. Constantly pursue.
  2. Teasing, pushing, pulling hair.
  3. Criticize.
  4. Attract attention with risky antics.

You shouldn’t be intrusive or chase a girl. Trying to show sympathy with rude antics. If communication has been established, no matter how the relationship with the girl develops, the boy should not criticize her appearance, home life, manner of dressing and quality of clothing. Of course, these tips are more relevant for those who want to please their deskmate at the age of 12, but perhaps they will also be useful for high school students.

Sometimes shyness prevents a boy from admitting his feelings, and he follows the object of his love for weeks. This behavior will not lead to anything good. The girl either begins to get irritated, not understanding what the guy wants from her, or begins to consider him a weakling and a loser.

Attracting the attention of your loved one by pushing or tugging is even worse. Constant bullying will create hostility and make it more difficult to form a relationship. A boy's critical statements towards his girlfriend can also ruin a relationship that has not yet begun, and risky antics (jumping out of a window from the third floor, for example) can lead to injury.

How to get a girl to like you on the first date

A first date is an opportunity for both of you to get to know each other better. Save your pocket money or ask your parents to take her to the cinema or to a cafe. Give her a small bouquet or one beautiful rose - she will be very pleased.

It often happens that a guy and a girl quickly and casually begin correspondence on a social network. But when it comes to dating in person, the problem is what to talk about. Come up with a couple of conversation topics for such a case.

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Every person is primarily interested in himself. If you want to please her, talk more about what interests her. Ask about her hobbies, how she spends her free time, what recent films impressed her, what her favorite books, games, and musical performers are. Only talk about yourself when she asks.

Not the best topics for conversation on a first date would be: lessons, school gossip, mutual acquaintances, friends, family.

Remember: all women, regardless of age, like to talk with an interlocutor who knows how to listen. So be sure to let her talk. Show interest and understanding in the experience.

How to meet a girl at school

The moment of meeting is exciting. Further communication and the overall impression depend on it. Before approaching the girl you like at school, you can choose the first phrase and topic for discussion.

What to say to a girl when you meet her at school

The course of the conversation depends on what you say first to a girl when you meet her at school. The tackle should interest you from the first phrase and make you want to get to know your interlocutor better. If you say a banal “Can I meet you?”, everything can turn out well. But there are more original options:

  • Hello! Are you getting ready for your next lesson?
  • Hello! I haven’t noticed you near this office before.
  • Difficult lesson? If you want, I can help with something.
  • Didn’t we meet at the Olympics? It seems to me that you are an excellent student!
  • It’s a pity that I’m not in the same class with you, but we can meet each other during breaks and more!
  • Will you go to the concert? We could sit next to each other! (Referring to a school event).
  • Hello! How do you feel about the new film...?
  • Hello! Do you like our school cakes? I could treat you!
  • I noticed you a long time ago and it seems to me that we crossed paths somewhere! Can you tell me where?
  • Hello! I see you are preparing for class. Do you have a moment to chat?

The basic rule of the first phrase is not to cross boundaries, not to touch on anything personal. Do not be persistent so as not to scare the girl away.

Selecting a topic for discussion

Dating girls at school is successful when there are points of intersection and common topics of conversation. What topics to pay attention to before jumping in:

  1. Studies. This is a good option for discussion. Even if the girl is in a different class, the lessons are taught by the same teachers. You can talk about homework, upcoming tests and exams, teachers. But learning is tiring, so you shouldn’t spend a lot of time on this topic on romantic walks.
  2. If the acquaintance has just taken place, then the likelihood that there are common friends is high. Students from different classes of the same school are often friends with each other. This could be a topic of conversation.
  3. Hobby. Teachers and parents send schoolchildren to music, crafts, and sports classes. Sometimes against your wishes. But most children attend extra classes. You can agree on the topic of hobbies and visit each other’s clubs for fun.
  4. What remains outside the educational process and the school institution is music and films. It is worth discussing the latest films and popular musical groups. And also invite a new friend to the cinema or to a concert.
  5. High school students have a pressing topic - the future, entering a university, entrance exams, choosing a profession and memories of junior and middle school.

For variety, it is worth alternating between topics abstract from studying and topics close to it.

Invitation to a date

If you managed to approach a girl at school with a prepared phrase and continue communication, it’s time to think about asking her out on a date.

How to prepare properly:

  • Imagine a possible moment of invitation. This will allow you to understand what exactly you want and whether enough time has passed since you met.
  • Test the waters. In order for a girl to respond positively to a proposal for a romantic meeting, it is important to make it on time. She must be sure that she wants communication. If your behavior indicates that you are not ready for meetings, then you should wait.
  • Think about a place for a walk, entertainment: both should like it. It is recommended to start from the girl’s hobbies, topics of conversation and memorable phrases.
  • Come up with an original way of inviting.

How to submit an offer:

  • Write a letter and give it to school before class. It is recommended not to neglect the rules of the Russian language when drawing up an appeal.
  • Think over the conversation in private and start it by walking the girl you like home.
  • Prepare cakes, cupcakes with an invitation. You can buy a ready-made dessert and put a note, or make it yourself or with the help of your mother and leave a message inside.

The proposal should be memorable and leave a positive impression.

Don't make mistakes

A common mistake teenagers make is to deliberately pretend that the girl they love is not interesting. If you have mutual sympathy, then such behavior is more likely to push her away.

Don't let your friends tease her. Moreover, under no circumstances make fun of yourself. Be a knight - protect your lady from evil attacks. However, you should not get involved in conflicts between girls.

Don't brag. Arrogance and stories about your achievements are not the best way to win the sympathy of your beloved. Don't talk bad about girls you've dated before. Firstly, this is not very noble, and secondly, it may scare her away.

Pick-up artists, in their advice on attracting the attention of girls, argue that you should behave in a certain way. For example, appearing older than you are. However, unnatural behavior is actually more alarming than attractive to the fair sex.

This fact is confirmed by social research. Women are much more sensual than men, so they immediately read the artificiality of behavior. If a modest guy decides to play the role of a macho, then the girl will immediately understand this.

Don't try to start a relationship with a lie. Some guys begin to embellish their own qualities in an attempt to impress a girl. A lie is always revealed, and then it will be difficult to regain trust. No matter how much you want to show off something unusual in front of your lady love, don’t lie to her. Sincerity in words and feelings is more important than any false effect.


Practical advice for older guys

Soon you will become a real man, so talking to girls is great practice before adulthood .

How to dress?

When it comes to clothing, the main thing is to find your own style. Sweaters and shirts should suit you. Don't wear a baggy, knitted, frayed sweater that looks like your grandfather's version. For a guy, the most stylish clothing is high-quality jeans. The suit looks good and presentable.

Clothes reflect your inner world. Therefore, if she is unkempt, torn, faceless, then this will tell a lot about your character.

Leaders prefer black tones; a light gray suit and shirt also looks beautiful, especially in the summer. But clothes in brown and dark blue are a less suitable option for a stylish guy.

How to behave correctly?

There is a well-known saying that girls love bad boys. This is not entirely true.

There should be so much “bad” in you that it does not outweigh all other qualities .

Most girls still avoid hooligans, rowdies and losers.

There must be a golden mean . Be open to communication, sincere and radiantly charming. This may seem difficult at first, but practice will help you develop charisma and personal appeal.

How to communicate with a girl?

You must be confident. There is no need to curry favor with a girl, fulfill all her whims. Such guys are usually just used , but do not start a serious relationship. Be confident and a little distant.

A guy who evokes a feeling of slight mystery is more attractive - you want to find out what he is like, what he really is like.

If you are completely open and all your qualities, advantages and disadvantages are known, you are no longer so interesting, and girls very easily change their preferences in adolescence.

What to do to please a high school girl?


  1. Create your image . You have to be unique and different from other guys.
  2. Remember that all people are imperfect, so do not be afraid of your shortcomings , but try to work on them.
  3. Be an optimist. Positivity, good mood, smile attract girls.
  4. Be active . Passive people are not leaders, which means they are less likely to find a strong and good mate. If you want to win a girl, become popular among the female group, increase your activity level, get out of the hole, stop hiding from society. You won't learn to communicate if you don't practice.
  5. Meet her friends , join the company, become interesting to other people.

How will absolutely any girl like you? Find out about it in the video:

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