How to interest a woman and make her like you

I had no luck with women. They disappeared after the first date. This would continue until my friend admitted that I looked too unkempt and old-fashioned. After that, I changed all my clothes, began to keep my clothes clean, shave regularly, and straightened my posture. The result was not long in coming; a few weeks later I met a wonderful girl, who six months later became my wife. In this article I will tell you how to interest a girl.


Now all the stores are filled with both expensive and cheap clothes. And you can look stylish in cheap clothes if you learn how to select them, paying attention to the style and fabric. Don't wear knee-high sweatpants or college clothes that make you look younger on a date. Don't be influenced by modern fashion, as it doesn't suit everyone. The ideal option is classic clothing consisting of trousers, a shirt and a jacket. The foundation of stylish clothing is quality leather shoes that will last for years, so don't skimp on them.

Eye contact

We return again to the fact that women love attention and care. Therefore, to get a girl interested, you should look at her as much as possible. Women know well that a man’s eyes and gaze can tell much more than any words. Therefore, try to catch her gaze and look at her with loving eyes.

Naturally, it is important here to maintain reasonable boundaries and not to overdo it so that the girl is not afraid of you. And if you don’t see mutual sympathy from her, and she doesn’t look at you back, then leave her alone. Perhaps you're just not her type. Either she is not ready for a relationship at this stage of her life. Then it will be much easier for you to find a new girl than to try to impress one who does not reciprocate your feelings.


If a man smells like a pleasant perfume, is well dressed, and walks stiffly and slouches, then from the outside he looks like a loser. To see the shortcomings of your gait from the outside, film yourself. Slouching can be corrected by wearing a special posture corrector. To change your gait, watch films about confident men, memorize their gait and practice in front of a mirror. While walking, keep your back straight, do not take large or small steps, and be in a relaxed state. Then you will radiate masculinity and self-confidence.

Look at yourself from the outside

  1. Interesting appearance is the key to success. For guys, you don't have to be too handsome. Confidence is everything. But cleanliness and neatness should become the rule for a guy who wants to attract a girl. Nails should be well-groomed and cut short.
  2. It is advisable to choose a suitable hairstyle. A stylist will help you do this. A successful haircut transforms your appearance. When it comes to clothing, it is advisable to decide on a style. It doesn’t matter whether it’s classic or sporty, the main thing is that it matches your inner mood.
  3. Take up exercise if you haven't already. Girls like fit guys. Look in the mirror and evaluate yourself impartially. If you were a girl, would you like your reflection?

Communication skills

Not all men know how to speak beautifully; some, on the first date, out of excitement, talk nonsense, for which they later become ashamed. And others talk a lot only about themselves, not allowing the lady to get a word in, and then they wonder why she ignores his calls and messages. Therefore, your task is to make the woman feel comfortable with you.

During communication you cannot:

  • Talk as if you were interviewing her.
  • Sitting on the phone.
  • Get in immediately or invite her to your place.
  • Talk only about your merits and achievements.

Learn to think carefully about every word, do not use swear words, make the tone of communication calm, even, remove haste or protracted speech. Express your feelings sincerely, without falsehood. Intonation can be improved by reading books out loud every day for 20 minutes. After a month, your diction will improve significantly.

Play on curiosity

Girls are much more curious than guys, and therefore easily succumb to the right provocation.
Invite her to some event, describe in a few words what will happen at it. It's better to choose something really bright. If she is interested, then you have already done what you wanted. But as practice shows, if you do everything as I described, then the girl will be 100% interested! Even if he refuses, there is no need to insist too much. But be sure to go yourself, and then send her photos and tell her how cool it was there. Say you're really sorry she wasn't there. Now you have a fairly high chance that next time she will go with you, since she is already interested.

Another way to play on curiosity is to avoid a direct answer.

. For example, she asks you where you work. Tell us about what you do, how difficult it is at work, some funny incidents, and so on. As a result, you seem to have answered the question posed, but she will obviously still have more that she will think about later.


A confident man can be seen from afar. Confidence manifests itself in an exuding aura of positivity, the way you carry yourself, the way you walk, and the way you wear clothes. Such a person behaves at ease in any situation. It is enough for him to exchange glances with a woman for her to want to be his companion.

To exude confidence, study your body language; your gait should be calm, smooth, and your posture straight. Make sure your hands are relaxed and not clenched. A confident person looks straight into the eyes, speaks clearly and convincingly, and smiles sincerely.

How to interest a girl in live communication?

It all depends on the context of what is happening, the lack or presence of experience in communicating with a representative of the fair sex:

  • Stranger. If you don't want to start a long-term relationship, go to a nightclub or bar. Most visitors to such establishments are not looking for soul mates, but come to have fun. Any casual conversation will do, and an offer to go to a man’s home is met with a positive response or refusal.

To start a serious relationship, it is recommended to meet people in bookstores, theaters, fitness clubs, and so on. It is recommended to choose a place based on your own interests. It is difficult to find common ground when you first meet if you are not involved in sports, but are looking for a girl in the gym.

Try to immediately address yourself as “you”. The right place allows a man to reveal his expertise. As an example, getting a girl interested in a bookstore can be done with advice to read a work or an invitation to a literary evening, which implies an exchange of contacts.

  • Familiar. Transferring communication to a new format is much easier than it seems. The main thing is to pay attention to the interests of the object of sympathy. Invite a girl to a concert of her favorite musical group, an exhibition, or a movie premiere that she has been waiting for so long.

Otherwise, the advice described above and the ability to behave allows you to achieve the desired location from a representative of the opposite sex.

How to hook and interest a girl


Such a man does not shy away from arguments, puts everything in its place, and easily solves any problem. He does not manipulate women, does not waste his time sorting out relationships with them. He doesn't care what others think of him. It’s hard to imagine him in the role of a henpecked man. Women strive to win such men.

To become such a person, know your worth, achieve your goals, walk confidently through life, be able to separate feelings and work. If you like a woman, then you should hint it slightly, but don’t waste your free time on her. A man in non-stop mode quickly bores a lady. Therefore, sometimes you should ignore her, do not immediately answer calls, then she will want to win your affection.

Show Lack of Interest: A Sure Way to Get Any Woman Interested

Any girl likes attention from men . You can and should play on this. If you constantly show interest, then the girl begins to take it for granted and stops paying attention to you. Therefore, while showing your interest in a relationship with her, do not forget to sometimes demonstrate indifference and detachment when communicating with her.

A good option is to make her jealous. You can read about how to do this correctly in a separate article.

The girl will try to figure out such a person: what is the reason for his behavior, does he really like her, what has he found in others, etc. You are constantly in the field of her attention. In addition, this causes jealousy in her - a feeling that can bind many to itself. Sooner or later the pendulum will swing in the other direction and the woman will begin to woo you. No magic - just psychology.


Such a man always knows what he wants. Women respect such people, so don’t be afraid to meet the girl you like on the street. When on a date, always take the initiative to choose a good cafe or place to go for a walk. Consider the lady's tastes and do not forget about gallantry. Before the girl is completely hooked, call first and send messages. A little flirting with a girl won't hurt, but follow the rules of decency. Don't be afraid to hug her lightly while walking, keeping your hand on her lower back or slightly higher.

How to attract a girl with almost no effort

While others spend time, money and nerves on seducing a girl, other men get everything at once. And if previously these secrets were hidden from the eyes of mere mortals, now they are available to you.

As you understand, you can really attract a girl without effort. You may find it strange that this is possible. Therefore, it’s time to talk about…

Why shouldn't you try?

90% of men adhere to the standard courtship model, in which they show signs of attention to the girl for a long time, give gifts, endure refusals, go through a bunch of obstacles and, after a few months, finally have long-awaited sex with her. Moreover, it is not a fact that their relationship will be strong: such men usually face frequent betrayals (of which they are unaware), scandals, misunderstandings and constant attempts by the girl to drive them under an even bigger and fatter heel.

And all this happens because the female sex does not experience true sexual attraction to such men.

On the other hand, there are 10% of men who know the most effective seduction model , which does not require spending any money, effort or time.

They simply confidently approach the girl, do not adapt to her rules of the game (more on that later) and make her begin to experience sexual attraction to them. And girls can easily cheat on their boyfriends (that is, 90%) with these 10%, because the former do not arouse either attraction or respect in them.

What to do: stay among 90% of men and whine about injustice or go to the “golden ten” - it’s up to you.

You see, we have been taught a completely ineffective model of courtship, which leads to the fact that you only become attached to the girl, invest a lot of effort, and get too little in return.

You must understand once and for all that trying is not only not worth it, but is strictly prohibited.

Because if you couldn't attract a girl from the very beginning, it means you just did something wrong . And your additional efforts in the form of courtship, gifts and dinners can only make you waste time, money and nerves. Besides, there is nothing worse than unjustified hopes.

A little later we will tell you how to prevent your hopes from coming true.

Don't try to please her!

The main barrier that separates 90% of men from success is the desire to please. Partly, those 10% of men also want to be liked. Only the first ones hope that they can do this by adapting to the girl’s ideals.

However, in practice, what happens is that if a guy adapts to a girl, then nothing works out for him.:) Don't try to figure out this phenomenon. Just remember that the main thing is that on an instinctive level, a woman can only feel attraction to an uncontrollable man. Uncontrollable, not in the sense of crazy. By uncontrollable is meant one who does not change his beliefs and desires under the influence of her will.

And the more you act correctly, the worse it will be for you. Because she will feel your desire to adapt to her, and will perceive this as weakness .

On the contrary, try to be ready to lose right away. This will relieve you of emotional stress, and you will begin to communicate with her more relaxed.

Start enjoying the process. Watch how the “bad” guys behave. Try to behave the same way. Read a few articles on our website where we give advice on seduction strategies and try to apply them.

When you learn to enjoy the process and remove dependence on the result, a lot in your personal life will change.

Believe me, many people on earth are capable of risking huge sums of money and their lives. Therefore, taking a chance on a girl who may never “give it” to you is a very simple task.

Taking risks will turn your seduction into an exciting adventure.

Moreover, often you need not just take risks, but behave in exactly the opposite way. While she tries to subjugate you (you won’t even notice this if you’ve never been seduced), you will force her to play by your rules.

Therefore, do not be afraid to do what she would least like.

Don't fulfill her requests if she asks you for anything. As soon as you help her in some way at the initial stages of seduction, you will immediately turn into a convenient friend. And then you can forget about real sexual attraction on her part.

And most importantly, do not adapt to its conditions . For example, if you propose a meeting in a certain place and at a certain time, she may offer her own option. In the case when she is really busy (with work), you can agree to her terms (although even in this case it is quite dangerous). But if she definitely won’t work at the time you suggested and explains it as being otherwise “busy,” then under no circumstances agree to her option.

A little later, when you manage to really interest her, you can start agreeing to her terms more often. But not always. And if we are talking about the first stages of communication, then this is definitely not worth doing.

If you can persuade her to your terms, the seduction will speed up several times. Checked!

"One Woman's Syndrome"

If you have a girlfriend and you consider her special, one and only, then don’t rush to conclusions.

When a guy has too few girls in his life (which is the norm for 80% of men), he begins to value each of them too much. Anyone, even just a pretty young lady, becomes a goddess for him.

And this begins to manifest itself in his behavior .

It would seem that what’s wrong with it when a man treats a woman like a goddess?

But not everything is so simple: if a man treats a woman this way, then his value (as a sexual partner) automatically drops. She feels that he has few girls (men who do not feel “hunger” will not treat a girl this way), and concludes that this is not without reason.

And the man himself begins to make stupid mistakes caused by the “one woman syndrome.”

How to solve this problem?

The only way: start seducing several girls at the same time .

Each of these girls will think that you are not fixated on her, and will feel the presence of rivals (which will only fuel her interest in you).

And you yourself will be more sober about each of them. You won't depend on them emotionally. And the seduction itself will happen quickly.

Model of a mysterious romantic

There is one good way to attract a girl through romance. And we will not be talking about ordinary romance (which hardly contributes to seduction), but about something else.

This method is perfect for those who are used to communicating too well with a girl and caring for them.

Its essence lies in the fact that you give a girl an amazing date, where you talk to her about romantic topics, look after her, give her the brightest emotions and, perhaps, even give her a small gift.

And then you disappear for at least 2 weeks .:) Neither a call nor a text message should come from you. You shouldn’t fall for her provocative SMS in the style of “If you don’t want to communicate, just say so.” In general, you turn on the “Silent” mode.

During these 2 weeks, her emotions will eat her up from the inside. On the one hand, you gave her an amazing date with elements of romance, and she is already prepared for the fact that you will now start running after her. On the other hand, you have completely disappeared somewhere. Curiosity will take over, and she herself will start writing and calling you . You don’t answer her first texts and calls. And only then do you get in touch again, again give her bright romantic emotions, again arrange a grand date and, attention (!), do not answer her questions about where you were and why you didn’t write anything.

Already on the second date you can easily have sex with her. However, if the pleasure of the game is more important to you, you can disappear again for 1-2 weeks so that she can wait to meet you again.

Intrigue combined with romance will allow you to seduce her almost effortlessly.

True, at some moments you will want to write to her so much that there is a high probability of “breaking” and getting in touch. Of course it's not fatal. But it will be better if you really disappear from her sight for a few days.

As you can see, you can really attract a girl without effort. While other guys will waste money, time and nerves, you will put in a minimum of effort and get maximum results.


Women love successful men. A person who is not interested in anything and wastes his time watching stupid movies or computer games is perceived as a sad loser. Therefore, regularly improve yourself, show interest in life, learn new things, find your passion.

Such hobbies could be:

  • Photo.
  • Astronomy.
  • Rock climbing.
  • Playing guitar.
  • Body-building.
  • Woodworking.
  • Cooking, etc.

Final Thoughts

All women want attention, love and respect. Because this is the key to how to interest a woman and make her fall in love with you. Naturally, this is not easy to achieve, but in any case you need to start somewhere. So take a pen and paper and write down those qualities that you are not satisfied with and that you want to work on. Start working on yourself, as a result you will notice how your life will change, and you will become an increasingly attractive person. Especially for the fair sex.

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If a guy has a great sense of humor, then the ladies will not be attracted to him. Any sane woman will choose a guy with average income, but with a great sense of humor, than a wealthy, but boring man. If the former can still achieve everything in life, then life together with the latter will be unbearable.

Some guys are afraid to offend a girl with a joke, while others use inappropriate or vulgar humor. Therefore, put aside vulgar humor for meetings with friends, where it will be appropriate. On dates, a joke should be appropriate and delivered on time, then the girl will want to meet again with you, who has a wonderful sense of humor.

Self confidence

Confidence is definitely an attractive personality trait. It makes you shine and attracts the gaze of others. If you are a bit of a shy person, then work on yourself and try to reduce your shyness. Start spending more time socially, socialize more and meet people you don't know. The girl should feel your confidence. And with such a person it will be much more comfortable for her to build a relationship.

I know that many guys can also be embarrassed about their appearance, due to the fact that they do not have a beautiful and toned body. But for many women, what is more attractive is that you feel comfortable in any situation and are simply happy with yourself.

How can you interest a girl and attract her into your life?

Nothing brings people together like common interests. If you don’t know what the girl you like is interested in, then you need to find out somehow. The easiest way is from her friends. Even if she loves cooking more than anything else, do not rush to classify this hobby as purely feminine. In restaurants, men are often the cooks. So if your bachelor’s table is simple, it’s time to try to diversify it, at the same time learning some culinary subtleties. After all, then there will be something to talk about. In addition, she will clearly pay attention to a young man who knows how to prepare exotic dishes.

Does she like to knit or embroider? You don't have to do this either, but being able to appreciate such work is very important. And to express admiration means to truly “hook” a friend.

What can we say about such things that people of both sexes can be interested in:

  • tourism (both trips to the forest and trips abroad);
  • sports (both being a fan and doing something yourself);
  • music (being a fan or playing an instrument);
  • cars (just drive or understand the brands of cars, their structure, etc.).

And many such examples can be given. You can even find some minimal point of contact, but develop a great friendship from it. The main thing is to show interest in the girl’s so-called spiritual body, that is, in what she lives and breathes, which is especially important for her. Maybe she just loves pets, and you tell her how much you hate cats or dogs. And then you will get an irreconcilable enemy in her person. And in general, it’s always better to talk about what you love rather than about what you don’t like. Getting together on a positive wave is always better than “being friends against someone.” An exception may be a situation when you need to immediately punish the offenders of your chosen one. This should not be cruel revenge, but more of an exemplary punishment. But the best option is direct protection. Nevertheless, such situations arise infrequently, and deliberately provoking them is already a game on two fronts.

If everything is quiet and peaceful in the life of your chosen one, then you can still find a reason to interest her, for example, when communicating on the Internet.

Psychology of attractiveness: what girls pay attention to

People are greeted by their clothes - so says the proverb. But both appearance and clothing may be different, but girls find something in guys that they would certainly like. Some like brunettes, others like brown-haired or blond. But in reality it turns out that the chosen one may not have the “declared” hair color or even skin color! And girls pay attention not to facial parameters, not to the chosen style, but more to the ability to wear these clothes, manner of speaking and gestures. That is, something that somehow reveals a person’s soul.

Therefore, there is no need to be clamped and force yourself into some kind of framework. There is no need to try to be someone else who, from the girl’s point of view, is “good” or even “ideal”. You need to be yourself, because you yourself are not so bad. If you strive to be, say, Elvis Presley or Arnold Schwarzenegger, then you may miss the girl who was interested in you at that moment.

Pretty girls don't notice me - I'm a loser, what should I do?

There may be objections to this situation: “Well, how and why should I be myself if I was born a loser?” In the end, things may come to the point where you consider yourself worthy only of that “gray rat” with thin pigtails and glasses, but not of the prom queen. But it is precisely this position that can indicate your low self-esteem and at the same time creating an ideal girl who would be suitable for you. Thus, you expect that you are worthy only of the prom queen, and you will not consider yourself a successful person if you do not achieve her favor.

But you are already sure in advance that they will not pay any attention to you. Becoming prom king is beyond your reach. Showing off muscles of steel is unrealistic. Shyness and poor memory prevent you from telling jokes incessantly. But you can tell stories from life in vivid colors. If this happened to you, then you remember it, and you don’t have to learn anything special. And don't try to do it in front of the prom queen. You will still be shy in front of her. And try asking out someone who was recently considered a “gray rat.” Most likely, this ugly duckling will turn into a beautiful swan before the date. Albeit not with such a stately gait, albeit of short stature, but an elegant, well-groomed and quite pretty girl will come to you. It's not a fact that you will continue dating, but the fact that you had a date will give you confidence. It will get easier!

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