Working ways to interest a man: psychological techniques and astrological advice

Category: Dating and Dating

In this article I will tell you how to interest a man. You will learn how to be interesting in communication with any man. What are the top 5 hobbies that attract maximum interest from men? You will also learn the rules for organizing a date, which a man will remember as a vivid experience in his life. You will understand the main mistakes in communication. And you will learn about psychological techniques for creating comfortable communication. As a result, after carefully reading the article, you will be interested in many more men.

A common stereotype is that in order to start liking a man, you must first pump up your abs and thighs. This is wrong! A woman with any figure can be liked if she knows how to communicate correctly.

And a woman who relies only on her appearance is seriously mistaken. Men are not excited by the picture; they focus on their feelings and sensations when communicating with a woman. Therefore, try to develop not only your body, but also work on other aspects of life (hobbies, work or business, self-development, etc.).

Psychological techniques for creating interest

To interest a man, to arouse his desire to communicate, you need to understand well, first of all, two basic rules. These rules are based on the characteristics of the male psyche.

Rule #1

Love for you will not come out of the blue if you just stand there and smile. You must be able to captivate yourself!

This moment is the main mistake of modern women. They were taught by loving mothers that they deserve to be loved just as they are. This is a wonderful attitude, but psychologists say that a woman is treated the way she treats herself. Therefore, a man will only be attracted to you if you are attracted to yourself.

A woman who is passionate about herself will talk with interest about what is happening to her, igniting and inspiring with her ideas, allowing her to immerse herself in her inner world. Therefore, the main psychological technique is to tell a man about yourself, about how you live.


Top 5 most erotic women's hobbies that immediately make men's eyes light up:

  • Erotic dance (strip dance, belly dance);
  • Massage training;
  • Playing guitar;
  • Skiing;
  • Cooking courses.

Advice: If you don’t have a hobby, but a man you’re interested in does, then research information about him on his profile on a social network in advance and start studying what he’s interested in.


Almost all the strangers you'll charm are working. Therefore, a working girl will gain their respect. However, it is very important to observe moderation here.

  • Don't talk about work if you don't like it: negative emotions are not interesting to anyone.
  • Keep quiet about a non-prestigious job: a man may not want to date a woman of lower status. If you work as a cleaner, a courier, a store salesperson, or do something that you yourself are ashamed of, then talk about other facets of your personality until you change your profession;
  • Skip the details of the business process and the nuances of relationships with your superiors. If a man is not well versed in your field, this information may be boring to him.
  • When talking about work, focus on your achievements and cool (interesting) incidents when communicating with colleagues.
  • To interest a man in correspondence, send photos of your work process where you look cool.
  • Send him videos of what's going on in the middle of your day.

Rule #2

A man will only be interested in a woman who is interested in him.

What is the most sensitive erogenous zone in a man? No, not at all the one you were thinking about.

Many women complain that a man does not call after sex; they relied on sexual availability, but did not achieve the effect. No interest. Here's why. The most sensitive place in a man is his ego.

Remember! A man considers for a permanent relationship only the woman in whose eyes he will be reflected.

The easiest way to show interest in a man's personality is to ask questions and give him the right compliments.

There is only one main rule here. The man should be interesting to you. It's very simple. If you are bored with a man, but are trying to make him fall in love with you to increase your self-esteem or to sleep with him, or because he is rich, then this is a wrong approach.

Such relationships are doomed to break. Spend time only on interesting men whom you like to listen to and from whom you want to learn something.

Choosing a method depending on the situation

Regardless of the method of communication, a woman should:

  • leave some understatement about yourself;
  • after a phrase or sent message, pay attention to the reaction, and if necessary, change the direction of the conversation;
  • be able to listen, providing the opportunity for self-expression.

In person

Phrases that can interest a guy in a personal meeting should not be limited to demonstrating your oratorical abilities. To begin with, you can use a glance, a sincere smile. Often on the first date, girls make mistakes by bringing up inappropriate topics of conversation.

If a guy is interesting, at the first meeting you need to remain silent more, paying attention even to minor moments of his story that can say more about the person.

Correspondence on social networks

Correspondence must comply with certain conditions:

  • politeness;
  • honesty;
  • literacy;
  • appropriateness of topics for communication.

It is also important to respond appropriately to jokes, showing a sense of humor, or express surprise, and demonstrate interest in the topic of the conversation. It is recommended to use images or emoticons that reflect your reaction to the man’s message.


Compliments to a man for all occasions

Phone conversation

You need to start a telephone conversation with a casual greeting. To make the conversation lively, you can ask relevant questions. For example, the question “How do you like the new film?” contributes to the continuation of the conversation, and can also provoke a desire to invite you to the cinema.

It is necessary to avoid the same type of questions that require a monosyllabic answer:

  • How are you?
  • What's your favorite color (food, sports team)?
  • Do you like computer games (motorcycles, animals)?

That is, the question “What computer games do you like?” presupposes a more detailed answer, which is what the development of the conversation is aimed at.

The conversation should be short and end naturally. There is no need to abruptly break off the connection so as not to seem rude.

SMS communication

There are several ways to generate interest via SMS:

  • create intrigue. For example, send a message: “I didn’t expect from you...”.
  • surprise. For example, send a photo from an event, inviting you to join.
  • talk about an event related to his hobby.
  • start flirting.

SMS correspondence should be conducted in a positive way, creating the impression that the man is receiving attention from an unusual woman.

Rules for a successful date

If you like a man, but is silent on a date, there are psychological techniques on how to open him up:

  • Ask questions where each next follows from the previous one. For example, “Which faculty did you study at?”, “What was your department?”, “Did you go on summer internship?”
  • Offer to play the popular game “Truth or Dare”. Its essence is that you take turns asking provocative questions and, as a penalty for silence, give a funny task.

Don't look like a bore, don't prepare questions in advance and don't pull out cheat sheets on a date. Don't act like you're testing a man.

Behavior on a date

On a date, both verbal and non-verbal communication are important. Psychologists say that even if a woman has a good figure and wears a beautiful dress, this is not a guarantee that the man will stick around. A new acquaintance can run away even from a beautiful woman in 15 minutes, citing urgent matters. How to avoid this?


A sexy gait is achieved by swaying your hips. Walk at a slow pace, don’t trail behind a man, don’t drag yourself, clinging to his elbow, hobbling on your heels.

Showcase yourself. Wear a pencil skirt with a blouse or a tight dress, heels that are comfortable for you, and curl your hair.

In this form, walk in front of a man in a restaurant so that he can see you from behind, choose a place where he sits with his back to the wall and looks around the room, so that he follows you with his gaze when you go to the ladies' room or see your friends.

Psychological studies have shown that a man is more inclined to pursue a moving object than to be interested in a static one. Read more about other methods of manipulation here.

Plasticity of movement

Movements should be soft, imitating a circle, avoid angular gestures that look like a triangle or square. Examples of gestures that can put a man into a trance:

  • sitting on a chair, throw your head back, arching your chest, and run your fingers through your hair;
  • When you are at his home, feel free to lean back in your chair with your feet up on the table.


Energy is transmitted through the eyes. If you've spent an hour in front of the mirror creating makeup that makes your eyes hypnotic, then it's time to practice the art of the passionate gaze.

  • You lower your eyes and look at the lower left corner.
  • Focus your gaze on the tip of your nose.
  • You flick your eyelashes sharply and look straight into his eyes.


A very powerful technique that almost no one uses! Usually women have a stupor to touch, they begin to think hard about whether this will cause overstimulation in a man. However, such thoughts are caused by illusions; the companion most likely does not want such a woman at all and communicates with her out of politeness, thinking about how to leave as quickly as possible.

If you make it clear with your entire appearance that sex is only after marriage, this is a reliable way to make a man run away as soon as possible.

The behavior should be sexual, it’s better for the man to pester you, it’s better to run away or delay the pleasure if you don’t want to give in too quickly.

But you need to create the illusion that sex is about to happen. A combination of conversation and touch helps create this illusion.

How to touch a man? Just pick it up and touch it. If he likes you, he will be pleased.

If a man removes your hand or pulls you away, then he does not perceive you as a woman.

  • Pat him on the back.
  • Take your hand and squeeze your wrist.
  • Come from behind and massage your shoulders.
  • Take his hand and slide your fingers through his.

Touch him while talking about yourself so that a man will be pleased to listen to you, because it is through your hands that you can convey your harmonious inner mood.

Returning your loved one's interest

Passionate and interesting communication sometimes ends in indifference, lack of desire to continue it. If this happens at the request of the guy, the girl should know how to correct the situation. Men love variety, and routine life simply unsettles them.

Women are always more flexible, they can control the situation, take it into their own hands, and change something in it. To regain the interest of your loved one when communicating, you need to make an effort, do everything so that your partner understands that he is pleased with you.

READ How to introduce a guy to your parents: methods and subtleties

In marriage, feelings fade away very quickly, leaving only habit, which is unable to ensure interesting communication between spouses. To improve relationships, women must rethink them and work on mistakes. Psychologists give recommendations that will allow you to resume normal relationships:

  1. Every morning you need to spend in the kitchen together, exchanging plans for the day, talking about your experiences.
  2. During your lunch break, call each other and talk about your mood and how your work day is going.
  3. In the evening, have a romantic dinner, prepare a dish that your chosen one likes.
  4. Discuss your work day, share your emotions.
  5. Spend more time with each other on weekends, even if you have small children. It is important to find time for your loved ones in any situation.
  6. Praise your spouse for showing attention to you, in which case he will do it much more often.

You must know how to learn to communicate with different guys in order to always be an interesting conversationalist and listener. Remember what interests your loved one, go to the cinema, restaurant or walk along the embankment. Such moments of attention will have a positive impact on the relationship.

How to evoke feelings in a conversation

What catches a man during a conversation:

  • Emotions.
    Tell stories in which you experienced positive experiences. What amazed and delighted you. For example, “I have never experienced anything like music as I did at that concert.”
  • Images.
    Describe the situation and your appearance. Draw pictures, for example, “it rained that day and my dress stuck to my body.”
  • Feelings for him.
    A man will experience a pleasant state only if you really like him. Look at him admiringly and compliment him.

Find out in this video what magic phrases there are to raise a man’s self-esteem so that he dreams of meeting you again:

Ideal date scenario

Seduction trainers say that lively and interesting dates are the best way to get closer and start a relationship. It is the emotions experienced together that bring people together.

Remember that your task is not to show yourself, but to start a relationship.

An interesting date is different from sitting across from each other in a restaurant and studying the menu. It brings up new topics for communication, makes the meeting stand out from the general mass of similar dates and will make you remember.

Offer an interesting date, especially if the man can cover the expenses:

  • going to a water park;
  • going to an amusement park and attractions;
  • visiting an art gallery;
  • boating.

Show your imagination and invite your man to go somewhere you haven’t been before.


This is one way to check whether a man wants a relationship or sex. If he wants a relationship, he will go on a date with you and pay for everything. If he only wants to sleep, he will most likely refuse and insist on meeting late in the evening at his home.

A date in an unusual place will be filled with erotic impulses and will become an experience for a man, and not a boring meeting with a narcissistic and uptight woman who wants to get married.

The main problem after such a date:

how to curb his ardor if he wants to sleep with you right now. In this case, everything of course depends on the situation itself. But it’s best not to force things and say: “You know, I would like to get to know you better first.”

Share in the comments, after what date are you ready for intimacy with a man?

Answers on questions

How to interest men so that they show initiative and activity?

What is important here is scanning the type of man. There are two types of men: the conqueror and the passive. You can’t take initiative with a conquering man, and it’s not necessary! He himself will call and write, the main task is to generously respond to all his manifestations.

If your man is a passive type, this does not mean that you need to give up on the relationship. But it is impossible to force him to conquer; with him, the initiative will be shown one by one. This has its advantage. A passive man will never put pressure on you; he will gladly respond to any of your proposals.

How to provoke initiative in a passive man? Just offer him a meeting and write the numbers when you are free. He will call or write to you. And you will agree.

How to interest a married man?

Here we need to understand why this question arose in the first place. Do you want to break up your family or become a one-time mistress? You need to work on your self-esteem; perhaps you don’t believe that you can interest a free, successful and wealthy man and create a long-term relationship with him. Apply the techniques described in this article and tell us how your dates went in the comments.

If passion has faded, how to get a man interested again?

Psychologists say that the decline in male desire is due to the fact that a woman begins to dissolve in relationships.

How to stop this process and make a man have a surge of interest is described in detail in this video:

Psychology of communication to maintain relationships

All women should know how to communicate with an unfamiliar man in order to interest him. A girl’s appearance is the first indicator that interests men, but not the only one. It's not enough to just be a pretty young lady. Communication is the key to strong relationships, so work on your ability to hold conversations on various topics.

At the first stages of communicating with a guy on the Internet, you can manipulate him, but in the future such actions will be extremely inappropriate, stupid and impractical. Develop communication tactics, control your positive and negative emotions.

READ How to let a man know that you really like him, but not impose himself

Many girls make a mistake when they stop monitoring their words and actions after conquering a man. You need to be sweet, interesting and cheerful with your chosen one all the time. Thanks to this, you will be able to remain always desirable to him.

Psychologists explain how to communicate with a man so that he always has an increased interest in you that will not disappear over time:

  1. The girl's voice should be sweet; notes of indifference should not be allowed to appear in it.
  2. Mutual support should be present from the first days of communication.
  3. Gestures and facial expressions must correspond to the words spoken.
  4. Don’t interrupt the guy, listen with interest to everything he talks about.
  5. Share your experiences, dreams and plans if you want a man to show interest in you.
  6. Eliminate criticism, praise the man more.
  7. When alone with a man, be a catwoman, do not hide your sexuality.

Sometimes psychologists hear from women: “I don’t know how to communicate with strangers, so I often remain without their attention.” To please him, it is necessary to build a harmonious relationship from the first days that will last for many years. Look your interlocutor in the eyes, control his emotions, watch in what situations he looks away, showing that the topic is uninteresting or painful for him.

Remember, when communicating with a man, you need to build a dialogue, not a monologue. Even if you like to talk, be sure to let your interlocutor express his opinion. Only through constant dialogue can you build relationships that will last a lifetime.

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