What to talk about with a guy on a date to get him interested

This is like a woman: how to behave on a date with a guy

An interesting trend is that women have decided to be women again. Tired of competing with men, they took out lipsticks, dresses and handbags from their bins and finally became themselves. And they did the right thing. Being a woman is always a winning position in a conversation (and not only) with a man. Especially on a date.

Be a follower

A woman is a follower. The man is the leader. Don't take the initiative on a date. And don't take it upon yourself. Either she will consider you aggressive, or she will relax - and you will have to pay the check, call a taxi and put on your coat yourself. From the first seconds of meeting, let the guy act. Exception: I didn’t like it. It happens that reality and virtuality do not coincide at all. In this case, “we will continue to act,” that is, you. I ordered, drank, paid and ran away on urgent matters.

Be open

A woman is someone you can trust. Practice gestures of openness. These gestures signal: “I am sincere”, “I don’t carry a stone in my bosom.” And it doesn’t matter that you have the entire military arsenal in your bosom - machine guns, grenades, tanks and airplanes. Let him find out about this later. And now let him feel: you are the one whose soul is wide open and whose heart is in the palm of your hand. Smile, make eye contact, don't cross your arms. And no one will suspect you of anything.

Listen more

The most important female skill is the ability to listen to a man. This is more important than contouring, strobing and backing. Seriously. And only a few have mastered this skill. For reasons that are understandable only to them, girls prefer to get involved in the losing adventure of “I’ll crush you with my intellect.” Don't interrupt, don't interrupt and, holy, holy, don't criticize. “So should I just keep quiet?” Don't sit and be silent, but listen. This is action, not inaction. It consists of immersion and concentration on the object of speaking. It's difficult to learn, but possible. And you need it if you want to upgrade your femininity.

Only after mastering this can you open your mouth and speak. But you will have to talk. If you sit and be silent, you will look not so much like a Real Woman, but like “what a lovely fool.”

What to talk about on a date: TOP 5 trending topics

This is the twenty-first century, not the sixteenth, and in the minds of many men, a Real Woman is also a speaking woman. What to talk about? This question interests everyone who is not advanced in the field of NLP, pickup and public speaking. Actually, nothing complicated. You can ask the guy the right questions and listen to him. Talking is not chopping wood. Just grab one of the following topics.

Latest news

An excellent topic for a lively, relevant conversation. Requires preparation. While you're driving, look through the world news feed, and from the pile, choose something about which you can put together a few words and not get bogged down. The exception is news on religious, sexual and financial topics: the feelings of believers are easy to offend, about sex - too early, about money - too.

Great, eternal

Everyone loves art in one form or another. Some people love cinema, even blockbusters. Some people paint, even street painting. Well, someone actually listens to Mozart, Beethoven and Wagner. A couple of questions - and there will be a common topic for conversation about the great and eternal. And you can start with the magic word “by the way”: “By the way, I recently read Montaigne. His “Experiences” are a standard of introspection and self-reflection. What interesting things can you recommend?” If the guy starts humming unintelligibly and turns purple, immediately change the topic. For example, from books to movies.

Personal interest

Whatever one may say, I want to get to know each other on a date. No matter what happens, he goes to the forest, and you go to get firewood. He is a convinced meat eater, and you are a radical vegetarian. He is a swinger, and you are for the institution of marriage. Unobtrusively move the conversation towards hobbies, work and plans for the future. And be ready to talk about yourself. The guy is also wondering if you are a member of the “I sit with my arms folded, waiting for the prince” club.

Leisure and tourism

Be sure to talk about recreation and tourism. The way a person rests says a lot about him. “Sex, drugs and rock and roll” is one thing. Another is fitness or playing golf. When it comes to traveling, pick up your feet and run away from the guy who thinks traveling is a waste of time and money. You’ll even be able to see Turkey with this in pictures. And if the guy is adequate and periodically goes out somewhere, the conversation will flow like a mountain stream - about mentality, attractions, national cuisine, insurance. You can talk about this alone for a couple of dates in a row.

Word by word

Sometimes the conversation doesn't go well. At all. We can only sympathize and recommend a word game: ask the non-binding question “how was your day?” and develop a story from it.

  • How was your day?
  • Well, at first, as usual, I slept through everything.
  • Oh, I also have a hard time waking up in the morning. You are an owl?
  • Not exactly a night owl, but I went to bed late yesterday. I sat watching the movie.
  • What movie did you watch?.. Wow, how do you feel about art house?
  • I prefer thrillers and crime detectives.
  • Detectives? Is this Agatha Christie style? Do you like intrigue?
  • Yes, I like unexpected and unpredictable stories.
  • And that's why we met? Did you sense the intrigue?
  • Well, meeting new people is always interesting.
  • Oh, so that means I’m not your first?..

And you can weave such a conversation about nothing endlessly. Until you drink coffee - that’s for sure. And then leave this bore under a noble pretext and from now on be more picky with guys on dating sites.

What to talk about on a date?

Hobbies and interests.

  1. What do you like to do in your free time? For some reason it seems to me that you are a person with a whole bunch of hobbies.
  2. What do you usually do when you're sad/lonely/want to have fun?
  3. How does your leisure time differ in winter and in summer?
  4. Do you like this place? Or do you prefer others? Which ones exactly?
  5. What cuisine is your favorite? Do you have a favorite dish?
  6. Time for the battle of the century! Books or cinema, a club or an evening in the comfort of home, tea or coffee - what will you choose? Why?
  7. Who or what serves as a source of inspiration and motivation for you?
  8. Do you play or have you played any video games? What do you like or repel?
  9. If there was no money in the world at all, what would you do?
  10. Describe your ideal partner. How did such expectations arise?

Take a self-confidence test

A look into the past.

  1. If you had the opportunity to change one event from the past, what would it be and how would you change it?
  2. Have there been times in your life when you felt in seventh heaven?
  3. What events made you change your interests, reconsider your own worldview?
  4. Do you have a favorite photo? Describe her, please.
  5. What did you dream about as a child? What were you like as a child?
  6. When were you most scared? What or who made you come to your senses?
  7. Which age of the years you have already experienced do you consider the happiest or most successful?
  8. Do you believe in the hidden meaning of dreams? Have you ever had prophetic dreams?
  9. What is the best gift you have ever been given? What gifts did you give?
  10. Compare yourself now and 5 years ago. What changed?

Everyday life and everyday life.

  1. Who are you according to your biorhythm - an owl, a lark, a dove? What time do you feel most active?
  2. How does your everyday life usually go? What about the weekend?
  3. How often do you see your friends, how much time do you spend with them?
  4. What do you prefer to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Do you stick to a specific diet or do you like spontaneity?
  5. Do you have any pets? Which? Would you like more?
  6. Are you a graphic person or an improvisation person? How often do your plans get disrupted?
  7. Have you ever sung in the shower or in the kitchen? What were these songs? Did you do it because you just liked it, because of a good mood or because of some event?
  8. Do you like to receive guests? How about visiting? Why?
  9. What is your least favorite housework? What seems like an easy task to you?
  10. Does it ever happen that you work from home? Which room is easier for you to do this in?

Take the self-esteem test

Future and ambitions.

  1. How do you want to live in 5 years? In 10 or 20? Where do you see yourself?
  2. What age do you consider optimal to start a family and why?
  3. What is your deepest dream? How do you think it can be achieved?
  4. What area of ​​your life or yourself would you like to develop more?
  5. What new thing would you like to learn? What is the reason for this desire?
  6. If you were given the opportunity to change one thing in the world, what would it be?
  7. If you had an unlimited supply of money, what would you spend it on first?
  8. If you were the boss of a company, what kind of business would it be? How many subordinates would you have at your disposal?
  9. Would you like to emigrate somewhere? Travel? For which countries or cities?
  10. What event or period of life are you most looking forward to?

Character and temperament.

  1. Are you a jealous person? What can make you jealous - a mere trifle or a direct fact supported by significant evidence?
  2. Do you like risk, the feeling of excitement? Or do you prefer safety, reliability, rationality, do you like to weigh the pros and cons?
  3. Do you find it difficult to express emotions and trust people? How quickly do you get along with new acquaintances?
  4. What can piss you off in just a second? How often do you get angry or irritated?
  5. How often do you laugh? How do you deal with problems - do you try to think them over, turn them into a joke, or do you take them to heart?
  6. Are you a sensitive person? What can make you cry? Has it ever happened to you that while watching a film, emotions took over during a touching moment?
  7. Let's imagine a situation: you buy a product in a store, come home and notice a barely noticeable and completely fixable defect on it. Will you change your purchase, buy a new thing, or try to fix the problem on your own?
  8. How do you prefer to resolve conflicts with loved ones? Do you try to leave and cool down, do you try to immediately discuss the problem, or do you allow both yourself and your interlocutor to throw out emotions?
  9. Do you have phobias or just fears? Have you ever tried to overcome them? If so, how?
  10. Have you ever had bad habits that you managed to break? Which ones are left? Do you have a desire to fight them?

Take a temperament test

How to fill a pause in a conversation: non-trivial questions

In case of awkward pauses, keep in mind a dozen questions with which you can “stuff” the silence. Examples:

  • “Did you know that...?” (For example, the most expensive car in history was the 1963 Ferrari GTO, sold at auction for $52 million).
  • "Have you ever…?" (For example, has he ever jumped with a parachute or bungee).
  • “If you could have any superpower, but only one, which one would you choose?”
  • “If you had the opportunity to visit an era in a time machine, where would you go?”

In general, it’s comfortable to even remain silent with “your” person. Sometimes that’s the only reason it’s worth closing your mouth for a while – to feel it.

What to keep silent about on a date with a guy: anti-topics

There are taboo topics. You can talk about them with a friend, mother, psychotherapist, homosexual. But not with a guy. And certainly not on the first date. Leave it for later (or better yet, don’t touch it at all):

  • retelling the story of a medical book from kindergarten;
  • stories about distant, close – any – relatives;
  • memories of ex-boyfriends, first sex and kiss;
  • recognition of one's own failures, losses and defeats.

However, look at the situation. If you met with the goal of moving communication to a horizontal plane as soon as possible, you can and should talk about sex, just to warm up. If you don’t like a guy, to put it mildly, you can talk not only about exes, but also about present ones. As always, context is important.

What to talk about with a guy on the first date

Before answering the question “what to talk about on a date?”, you should highlight topics the discussion of which must, at best, be completely eliminated , or at worst, reduced to a minimum. These topics include:

Talking about intimate relationships with your ex-partner.

Agree, it would be difficult to find a person who would enthusiastically listen to such a conversation at the first meeting. The worst side of such a conversation is mentioning the sexual failures of a former partner. Such conversations can immediately frighten off all possible candidates, since on a subconscious level you will turn into a possible threat (a potential girl who, perhaps, will speak the same about him).

Discussion of women's issues.

The manifestation of intemperance in this topic fully relates to the term “emotional prostitution.” Girls who have been alone for a long time, without the opportunity to speak out and talk, are most susceptible to dumping their “dirty panties.” Remember - there should remain a mystery in you that can be easily crushed by a story about the difficult choice of tights.

Gossip and discussion.

Of course, men are also gossips who love to talk, but most find gossip on the first date to be a manifestation of bad manners - this is their psychology.

Now that we know the main topics that scare guys away, it’s time to talk about topics that will interest the majority of potential gentlemen.

Important! When preparing for a date, it is very important to collect as much information as possible about the applicant. She will help you create a list of topics for discussion that meets the maximum number of interests of the young person.

If you were unable to collect suitable information, below are the main topics that are close to the strong half of humanity:

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