How to surprise a girl on the first date? between a banal and an original date

How to impress a girl on the first date

Before coming up with a program for a first date, decide for yourself what effect you expect from this meeting. Your main goal is to make a good impression and not let her doubt the boundlessness of your imagination. Try not to shock her, a hot air balloon ride is good, but she may be terrified of heights. Save extreme ideas for the later stages of the relationship, when you already know a little about your partner's preferences. Choose more realistic and universal ideas that will surprise both the quiet person and the party girl.

Here are some ideas:

  • Choose an unusual place . A girl will definitely be surprised by a date on the roof, with a blanket and fruit, a walk under the starry sky, or a cafe with live music. Think about everything in advance: choose a suitable roof, arrange a romantic place, book a table in a cafe, check the weather: will the stars really be visible that night?
  • Think about flowers . Some men do not give flowers as a matter of principle, only occasionally pleasing their beloved on her birthday or March 8th. You must stand out from them. Hide flowers in the car and give them at the end of the date, bring a bouquet to a cafe so that she discovers it herself, ask the waiter to bring it at a certain moment - make the delivery of the bouquet a surprise.
  • Be kind and considerate . Simple everyday actions can mean a lot to a girl. You gave up your seat in a vehicle to a woman, helped an old man, passed the ball to the children on the playground - for her this is already an action.
  • Be creative . Turn an ordinary walk into a romantic evening with your own twist. To do this, you don’t have to rent a helicopter; it’s enough to give her a balloon in the park, perform a karaoke song in her honor, or launch a sky lantern on a walk. Show her your willingness to surprise.

Be sure to think about how to surprise a girl on your next date. You can do this at the end of your first meeting: give an invitation card or write a note wishing to meet and hide it in a bouquet - she will definitely agree with such a proposal on the next date.

Choose an unusual place for a date

Usually on a first date it is customary to walk around the city and sit in a cafe or restaurant. Try to move away from this and invite a girl to a place where people you have known for a long time go. There is a risk of not guessing, so do not hesitate to ask the young lady about her hobbies over the phone.

Invite a sports lover to a match or to a sports bar, take a girl with a strong character to a climbing wall or a rope course, for a romantic person, organize a picnic in the park, and in the cold season, take her to the theater to see a play about love.

These places are far from the templates of first dates, so she will definitely be surprised by this. Don't forget to inform the girl about the dress code in advance.

Here you will find options for the most original places for a first date.

In general, to surprise a girl on the first date, you just need to think outside the box or resort to the tips mentioned above. And try to do everything from the heart: a sincere desire to please the girl you like is felt. And even if your attempt to surprise is unsuccessful, you will not only not fall in the woman’s eyes, but will also add points to yourself.

How to surprise a girl for no reason - ideas for daily pleasures

Often guys in relationships decide that they need to please their significant other only on holidays. This is how routine relationships appear, devoid of joy, with monotonous days. A girl may get tired of this situation, and she will decide to leave you to meet something new and interesting.

To prevent such a situation from arising, you need to be able to surprise a girl every day, delight her with little things and unexpected surprises, for example:

  • Breakfast in bed . If you haven’t spoiled her with gastronomic surprises before, it’s time to fix that. Get up early and prepare her favorite breakfast: omelette, oatmeal, coffee and biscuit. Place a flower in a small vase on the table - she will appreciate such a little thing.
  • Words about feelings . If you don't know how to surprise a girl, tell her how you feel, especially if you haven't done this before. Girls are extremely sentimental creatures, so your unexpected declaration of sympathy will definitely surprise her. Practice in front of a mirror or improvise; in any case, your words will have a magical effect.
  • Day of rest . Arrange a day of relaxation for the girl, prepare breakfast, do a little cleaning and massage your beloved, sometimes a girl just needs to relax to be happy.
  • A small gift . For daily pleasures, you can buy a certificate to a spa salon with several procedures. You don’t have to come up with a new surprise every day; the girl will be able to attend one procedure a day for a whole week.
  • Music collection . A surprise that will delight many days is a collection of her favorite music. Record it on a flash drive or make a playlist on her phone with her favorite artists, and by playing it every day, she will remember you.
  • Give a gift . Giving gifts every day is not worth it; soon this gesture will be perceived as commonplace. Do this a couple of times a month and choose something she wants as a gift. Perfume, lipstick, a set of tea, accessories for her hobby, try to find out in advance what she would like.
  • DIY gift . You can please and surprise a girl with a handmade gift. And for this it is not at all necessary to embroider a huge panel with your own hands, you can nail a shelf for her cosmetics, which she has been asking for for so long, bake cookies, wrap each of her favorite candies in a piece of paper with a wish, in general, make a pleasant little thing using your imagination.

To maintain a strong and varied relationship, try to surprise your girl every day. To do this, you don’t need to incur big expenses or devote a whole day to your surprise; often a simple declaration of love can make her day special.

How to please a girl without money

Some men believe that it is impossible to surprise a girl without money. This is not true at all, you can make any of her days unforgettable without spending a penny on it.

If you don’t know how to surprise a girl and not be left with an empty wallet, show a little imagination and creativity, namely:

  • Express your feelings . This technique works without failure, you just need to dress up your confession in beautiful words and speak out in a pleasant romantic atmosphere. Do not overuse this method; constant conversations about feelings can soon become boring and devalue your confessions.
  • Serenade under the window . What a way to please a girl is to sing to her under the window. Choose a pleasant, simple romance and please her with guitar picking. If you are not good with musical instruments, invite a talented friend to participate in the surprise, but do not forget that you will have to sing, otherwise it will cease to be a surprise.
  • The inscription on the asphalt . You can surprise without money by making a nice inscription on the asphalt in front of the girl’s windows. All you need is paint, a little patience and imagination. Wish her a good day, confess your feelings, any inscription will definitely please her.
  • Romantic walk . You don't need money to spend a romantic evening on the river bank or admire the sunset. Choose a pleasant place for a walk in advance, grab a blanket for a cool evening and feel free to invite her for a walk.
  • DIY certificate . You can surprise without money with the help of a hand-drawn certificate. This is a comic subscription for washing dishes, taking out the trash, getting a massage, going to see her favorite movie. No skill is required to create such a gift, just creativity and a little sense of humor.
  • Go to a free event . Find a concert, exhibition, or poetry reading in your city that is completely free to attend. You don't have to tell your significant other that you haven't spent a penny. Even free events can bring a lot of positive emotions.
  • Make a gift with your own hands . Remember your labor lessons; perhaps you once masterfully made paper flowers or burned congratulations on a board. Give your gift more time, try to make it unusual and neat.

You can please a girl without money; this method may not be suitable for a birthday celebration or March 8th, but on an ordinary day she will be pleased with this sign of attention, even if you did not spend anything on preparing it.

If you have no money, but really want to impress a girl - 15 ideas

Many men wonder what to give a girl if they don’t have enough money - there are options that can be done both at a distance and upon returning from a trip:

  1. Create a photo album or collage of memorable photographs and present it to your loved one.
  2. Invite a girl on a romantic date and show her a beautiful view of the city from the roof of the house.
  3. Write a poem addressed to your beloved and read it out. If you have no talent for writing poetry, you can ask your acquaintances or friends to help with this.
  4. Help around the house or fix something if the girl needs such help.
  5. Perform a serenade under the window or sing a song with a declaration of love. You can do this alone or ask familiar musicians to play a melody.
  6. Watch a beautiful sunset together on the river bank.
  7. Fulfill a girl's long-standing desire.
  8. Give her a bouquet of wildflowers.
  9. Demonstrate beautiful gestures, perform actions, give compliments.
  10. Help her solve any problem. To do this, you can involve outsiders, if there is such a need.
  11. Make a postcard-confession of feelings.
  12. Play a prank on the girl and then declare your love to her. In this way you can surprise from a distance.
  13. Find an interesting game for two and play it.
  14. Make a wish map and monitor progress.
  15. Arrange to watch her favorite films together.

How to please a girl from a distance

If there are kilometers between you, this is not a reason to stop pleasing your beloved. Gifts and tokens of attention given despite distance are the most precious and memorable for any girl.

And modern means of communication and delivery are capable of bringing the most daring ideas to life:

  • Use social networks . Messenger or social network are your main tools for surprising a girl from a distance. Try to wish her a good day every morning, and good night every evening. Cheer her up with funny pictures and jokes throughout the day.
  • Confession video . Record a video confessing your feelings to your beloved. Prepare in advance, decide what you will talk about and rehearse in front of the mirror. A cute video from a guy will melt the heart of any girl.
  • Use video calling . Don't forget that you can communicate online via video calling. If you have not had the opportunity to do this before, and you have not yet tried this means of communication, call her this evening, she will definitely be surprised.
  • Flower delivery to your home . What will really surprise a girl is a bouquet you send to her home or work. Choose a reliable courier, select the most beautiful bouquet and place an order for a certain time, paying for it in advance, she definitely will not expect this.
  • Food delivery . Girls love only delicious food more than flowers. Find out her favorite dish in advance, find a good restaurant in her city and place an order in her name. To avoid mistakes, find out when your beloved will be home. An unexpected delicious dinner at home will not leave her indifferent.
  • Advertising banner . A girl will definitely be surprised if she finds an advertising banner with her name near her house. This can also be done remotely. Contact the advertising company, choose nice words, a photo, and place an order.
  • Hide the gift . Before separating from your girlfriend, hide a gift in her house that she will definitely find during your absence. It could be anything, from a note wishing you not to be bored, to jewelry.
  • Unexpected meeting . If you don’t know how to surprise a girl from a distance, approach her in person. Before doing this, find out when she will be home and do not give any hints about your arrival. Arm yourself with a bouquet and surprise her. She will definitely remember him for a long time.

Even from a distance, you can please the lady of your heart; often such signs of attention are the most desirable and exciting. Don't forget that the most amazing gift is your visit to the girl.

Nice prank

To make the girl’s surprise reach its climax, you can play an interesting prank on her. The method is suitable only for those young people whose lovers are not offended by jokes and do not have problems with the nervous system. And there can be a lot of drawing options:

The video above shows a way to prank girls on the subway, you can do the same with one girl, the effect will be incomparable! And if a girl drives a car, you can negotiate with a traffic police officer to stop her car. Let the inspector look at the license longer, shake his head, depict some kind of problem... The girl should be nervous before the pleasant surprise that awaits her. When the documents are returned to the owner, they will contain a note from you, or the inspector may verbally say something like “Everything is in order, and Petya Ivanov loves you very much.” At first it will seem to her that she misheard, but when she sees the malicious smile on the inspector’s face, she will understand everything.

Another interesting option. True, it looks less like a prank: rather, it’s just a small miracle for your girlfriend. In this case, you will also have to negotiate, but with the seller in the store. If you know for sure that a girl buys a certain product in the same place, you can hide a note in it (glue it on the bottom of a carton of juice or milk, make a neat cut on a box of chocolates or in a package of chips and hide it there, sealing it gap, etc.) It is clear that the store should not be self-service, but with a counter, and it is better to leave the photo of the girl to the seller so that he does not confuse who to give the surprise product to.

When carrying out such pranks, it is important that you are not in the car and not near the girl at the time of buying groceries. Finding a surprise will give her a pleasant shock, and she will be amazed for a long time at how you managed to pull it all off.

Different girls have different ways to surprise them. One will like your non-standard behavior more, another will like a humorous coupon for the fulfillment of wishes, the third will be delighted with Copperfield’s antics when, while pouring juice, she sees your photo and a wish for bon appetit at the bottom. The girl's delighted reaction will show you that you can give her positive emotions without resorting to financial costs. And how exactly to surprise your girlfriend is up to you. After all, you, like no one else, know her character, sense of humor and habits.

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How to impress a girl in bed

Intimate life is an important part of a relationship. Often it turns into a routine and no longer brings such pleasure. If sex plays an important role in your relationship, try to make it varied, surprising your girlfriend with this.

Helpful Tips:

  • Take your time . Not all guys love foreplay, but girls are crazy about it. Try changing your tactics and make your goal in sex not the end result, but the path of pleasure leading to it. Give your loved one more kisses, tease her, do everything to prolong your intimacy.
  • Ask about her wishes . Ask the girl what she likes about your proximity and what she would like to give up. Some moments may be unpleasant for her, but she simply does not want to talk about it. Discuss everything and listen to your partner.
  • Experiment . In order to surprise a girl in bed, it is not necessary to use very exotic devices and methods. Try new positions, role-play with costumes, make sex real fun.
  • Make her desirable . Tell the girl that she is special and that intimacy with her is desirable. She should always feel like she's on top of her game, and you should remind her how amazing she is.
  • Think through everything in advance . Take it upon yourself to provide comfortable intimacy. Prepare contraception in advance, let your beloved relax, and not look for what she needs at the most inopportune moment.
  • Try something new . Blindfold her today, and tomorrow use handcuffs, diversify your intimate life by choosing unusual places for intimacy, this will help you remain desirable to each other.

Intimate life plays a big role in relationships and is often the reason why some couples break up. Take the initiative into your own hands and surprise your chosen one more often, then you won’t have to worry about this area of ​​your relationship.

Final Thoughts

I hope that these 10 tips on how to please a girl will help you convince her that you are special and try to somehow please and surprise her all the time. Just remember to be real when doing this. And not to do it for profit, or to try to somehow manipulate her in the future. Do everything sincerely and from the heart. And then the girl will love you even more.

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Birthday surprise for a girl

A birthday is a holiday on which a girl expects something special. Many men think that flowers are special, but ladies have a different opinion. If you don’t know how to surprise a girl, be smart, use your imagination and romance, then she will remember your gift forever.

Some recommendations:

  • Quest . Now quests are at the peak of popularity, but giving her an invitation card is quite boring and simple. That is why you must organize it yourself. First, think about its ending: at the end of the journey, the girl should receive a gift that enhances the effect of the adventure. The scenario itself depends on your imagination and capabilities, you can leave notes around the house for the next clue, draw arrows on the asphalt, come up with simple puzzles at each point of the quest, use the help of friends. Such a gift will brighten her holiday, and she will appreciate how hard you worked.
  • Gift through the window . She had only seen this in films - a man giving a girl a bouquet, holding it out directly from the window. To carry out the surprise, you will need the help of industrial climbers who will help deliver the bouquet to her window.
  • Unusual setting . If you have a larger budget, there are many more ideas for how to surprise a girl. For example, you can buy out all the seats in a movie theater for a romantic movie so you can watch a movie together. Another option is a horse ride through the forest, where you can later have a picnic.
  • Make an offer . If you have been planning to ask her for her hand in marriage for a long time, but can’t choose the right day, her birthday is the best date for this. Make her evening as romantic as possible: candles, delicious dinner, live music. Save the proposal for dessert. She will never forget such a gift.

The best birthday gift is your love and participation in her celebration. Congratulate her in the morning with a delicious breakfast or a congratulatory SMS, and plan an event for the evening, but do not say where exactly you will go. Let it be a surprise for her.

Girls love guys who can surprise them. For some, a bouquet of flowers a couple of times a month will be enough, while others cannot imagine a relationship without extreme sports, rash actions and spontaneous meetings. Start small and surprise the girl with a small surprise, this will diversify your relationship and refresh your feelings.

This can be done from a distance

If your circumstances are such that you are not together, then at a distance you can give her an unexpected surprise.

Give her your gift via courier delivery. A large distance in the modern world is no longer a particular obstacle for lovers, because there is the Internet, high-speed trains and airplanes. Access to everything has now become more or less simple. Therefore, giving her a gift now will not be difficult, the only difference will be that you will not be able to transfer the gift into her hands. To do this, you need to use courier delivery. All you need to do is hand the gift into their hands and tell them the exact name, address and phone number of the girl. Although it’s not really necessary to even say the address, because... the courier service in the city will call the girl, explaining that they have a package for her. Then the couriers will ask for the address where the girl will be within the next 2 hours, i.e. where to deliver the parcel to them. All she needs to do is sign upon receipt and that’s it. Your gift will be carefully packed to eliminate the possibility of accidental damage.

Order a bouquet of flowers via the Internet. Just like a gift, you can give a bouquet of flowers, but here things are a little different. Flowers, naturally, cannot travel for a long time and arrive in the desired city in beautiful form, so your task is to find a store via the Internet that sells and delivers bouquets. Place an order, pay for it, having previously indicated at what address and to whom it should be delivered. The messenger will arrive at the address and hand over a beautiful and fresh bouquet directly into the hands of your girlfriend. You can attach a small message in a mini-envelope to the bouquet, or the courier can convey it in words.

Come to her (in secret). Come yourself to the city where your beloved girl lives. For example, while talking to her on the phone, meet her on the street when she returns home from work or school. However, before going there, take care of your place of residence and return ticket so as not to cause inconvenience to the family and friends with whom your girlfriend lives.

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