How to cheer up a girl in correspondence. How to cheer up and make a girl laugh in correspondence on VK. How to entertain a girl on VK, Skype if she is bored, examples of correspondence both in conversation and when she is in the hospital

How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

Before you think about how to entertain a girl on VK, remember a few basic nuances:

  • Don't get down to business if you're in a bad mood, because every word she says will irritate you;
  • Be attentive, listen and be a vest you can cry on;
  • Do not be ironic or aggravate the situation, humor lifts the mood, but only in a good way;
  • Try to distract her from the problematic topic;
  • Give positive examples.

Cheering a girl via SMS is even easier than in person. Because there is time to think through the answer, catch the mood and say a lot of pleasant things that are scary to say in person.

Cute SMS or VKontakte message for a girl

Girls love not only with their ears, but also with their eyes, so you need to send her sweet and pleasant messages as often as possible.

The main thing is that what is written comes from the heart:

  1. “I need you like air, without you my life will turn into emptiness.”
  2. “You are more than just love to me. You are the one for whom I breathe and live."
  3. “They say that there is no such thing as ideal, but for me you have become perfect.”
  4. “My soul swells with admiration at the mere thought of you.”
  5. “There is nothing more beautiful in the world than your eyes and smile.”
  6. “This caller is asking you to smile.”
  7. “My love for you is like the sea. Just as big, frequent and endless.”

It would be great if the message included emoticons. You can attach a beautiful or funny photo.

How to cheer up a girl in contact?

VKontakte is one of the most famous and visited social networks where most people communicate. Therefore, the problem of how to cheer up a girl in contact arises for many guys. To get started, you can send a song, a funny video or a funny photo. If we are talking about your beloved, then send her pictures and clips together, this will definitely lift her spirits and show your support.

If you haven’t been communicating for a long time, then persistent calls may be unnecessary, but we’ll tell you how to make a girl laugh over text. It is important not to write huge messages, and remember that most ladies do not like:

  • Jokes on girls;
  • Black humor;
  • Lots of obscene language;
  • Vulgar phrases.

It’s better to give her a few compliments, insert a couple of jokes, talk about your day and funny situations at work (with friends, at school). Don’t forget to include cute affectionate nicknames like bunny, ray of sunshine, baby. Although, in the question of how to cheer up a VK girl, you need to take into account personal characteristics and character. Some people prefer to express everything that hurts so that it becomes easier. In this case, jokes or pet names will be inappropriate, and the above options for how to make a girl laugh in correspondence may not work.

Psychology of interest

Many pick-up coaches and NLP specialists can give a bunch of practices and techniques for winning a girl’s interest. However, they all forget that there are several basic principles on which any communication is built.

Important! Maintaining interest is not a one-time message with a beautiful phrase or witticism. This is the ability to maintain a conversation in any situation, even when the conversation is “stalling” or the interlocutor is not in the mood for communication.

There are a lot of non-verbal signs by which you can determine the interest of the opposite sex. But what to do when your interlocutor is sitting on the other side of the monitor, and you can only communicate with her through messages.

Don't despair. The letter also contains signs of sympathy.

Let's look at them in order:

  1. A jumble of exclamation marks, question marks, as well as emoticons or emojis. Women are very emotional by nature. If a girl puts a bunch of extra signs or emoticons, you know that she is interested in you.
  2. Surprise and admiration. This works both in simple communication and in flirting. The girl subconsciously wants to see a strong man in her interlocutor. So she tries to praise him.
  3. Additional questions. If your interlocutor throws back questions, she is interested in you. In principle, this is the basic principle of any communication.
  4. Quick transition from formal to informal communication style. The girl suggested switching to “you” - this is a good sign. Thus, it shows that your conversation has moved to a new level of communication.
  5. Laughter. At this point, you need to distinguish between laughter and excessive punctuation marks with a series of emoticons. Usually people focus their interest on a good joke or witticism. This is immediately obvious. Most women love funny men and respond well to a good sense of humor.

The listed signs, to one degree or another, indicate interest.

Of course, there are girls with a very bad sense of humor, as well as materialistic ladies who are only interested in the size of your wallet. For such women, a conversation is a formality that carries no meaning.

Reference! To really surprise a girl, find out everything you can about her. Social profiles can help with this. networks, as well as mutual acquaintances in real life.

Ask everything about her interests, favorite music, books, movies. Mention her favorite writer or musician in your correspondence. A positive reaction will not keep you waiting long.

The video describes the main signs that a girl through correspondence likes you:

A couple more ways to entertain a VK girl

Cheering a girl via SMS or VK correspondence is not so difficult if there is a certain connection between you and you like to communicate. The best way is to tell a funny story from your life, but not one where you looked stupid. Also remember a couple of jokes, help make the situation ironic. When a girl can look at the situation from the other side, more simply, her mood will rise and she will forget about what happened.

How can you still cheer up a girl in contact? Tell jokes with hidden compliments, which everyone will appreciate and will become a new round in the development of your relationship. A good alternative is jokes with meaning, which broaden your horizons and allow you to take the conversation to another steppe, to distract you.

Regardless of how you decide to tease a girl, there are unacceptable situations:

  • Don't try to be a clown and insert phrases like this into every sentence;
  • There is no need to use a lot of slang and unclear words;
  • You should not bring up the topic of sex and sexual relations;
  • Talk about people with disabilities or past ridiculous situations, otherwise it will make the situation worse;
  • Talking about past relationships;
  • You shouldn't talk while drunk, nothing good will come of it.

If you don’t know how to tease a girl in correspondence, in a kind but funny way, go to her photographs or pictures. You can leave funny comments, chat and supplement the correspondence of others with pictures. It’s enough to use your imagination and be creative.

Another way is to talk about simple things, developing the topic to the point of absurdity, coming up with unrealistic development scenarios. It makes both of you happy and uplifting. You can even go to community groups where people share funny events from their lives, and send them to a friend. Try different methods and understand how to cheer up a girl by correspondence.

If you are at a loss for how to cheer up a girl in contact, go to special humorous public pages. A couple of funny pictures or videos will cheer you up without much effort. Especially creative people can personally shoot a video of themselves and send it to a friend. This will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to cheer up a VK girl? Individual approach!

You can figure out how to cheer up a girl in correspondence if she is sad, but not all methods will work. It all depends on the situation, your relationship, the character of your friend. If some people don’t like dark humor, others treat it ironically and may make similar jokes in response. It definitely works for all types of women - creativity, videos and pictures, funny stories from your life. The rest is an individual approach and the ability to “feel” a person.

If you know each other well, you can support, give a good mood and cheer up even in SMS. And recommendations on “how to cheer up a friend in contact” are not needed. To do this, you don’t have to give expensive gifts, rewrite jokes from a comedy, or seem better than you are. Girls subtly sense pretense, falsehood and insincerity. Also, you should not try to take advantage of a lady’s condition to persuade her into a relationship or sex. This approach backfires and ruins the relationship forever. Women love those who can listen to them, support them, give them a compliment and insert a funny joke into place.

On social networks, representatives of the fair sex are looking for what is difficult to find in gray everyday life: atmosphere, recognition and good mood. By adding major tones to your message to the lady of your heart, you will increase your chances of success. It doesn’t matter what color your mood is in life, you should radiate positive positivity on social networks. Gloomy and withdrawn gentlemen while away their bachelor evenings in proud and dreary solitude. So the question of how to cheer up a girl, for example, on VKontakte (VK), is very relevant. In the fight for a beauty’s smile, time-tested means of improving your mood are guaranteed to work: generous compliments, decent stories from your rich biography and decent anecdotes.

What questions can you ask a girl over text to get to know her better, as well as an interesting list

When communicating on VK, the guy strives to get to know the girl better and move on to a closer relationship.

The proposed material discusses the features of communication by correspondence, a list of possible tricky, vulgar, intimate, cool and funny questions for girls that can be asked on VK.

Tricky questions for a girl with a trick

Tricky and provocative trick questions, better than any other, will allow you to find out the preferences and interests of a girl, which is not easy to do without resorting to this method.

The table shows a list of such requests:

What to askWhat you can find out
Given this opportunity, where would you like to move?Will indicate preferences, a possible option, if the interlocutor likes you, is to be nearby
What fears bother you?Best characterizes a girl, including her intelligence
Tell me about your greatest passion in lifeAbout the presence of common interests and preferences
Does being busy interfere with meeting friends?Find out how important friendship is in her life
How do you see yourself thirty years later?Is the girl interested in home, family, children? Important for prioritizing future communication
Did you really fall in love?Lets you find out if a girl is capable of love
Do you regret the past?A peaceful person will not show regret

List of vulgar and intimate questions

It is not appropriate to ask vulgar and intimate questions in all situations, but they are better than others at causing rapprochement.

When moving on to a personal topic, you should not rush too much so as not to offend your interlocutor. Clearly control the line beyond which further communication will not arouse the girl’s interest.

List of possible intimate questions to get to know her better:

  • How do I match your erotic dreams?
  • How do you feel about sex at a distance?
  • Opinion about pornography, would you like to watch a movie like this together?
  • Are glances or touches more arousing?
  • Did you wake up from erotic caresses?
  • Which lover do you prefer?
  • Favorite sexy lingerie?
  • Which male body parts turn you on the most?
  • How do you feel about same-sex love?
  • Don't hold back your gaze on the clothes, what would you like to focus attention on?
  • Tell me about an unusual place where you would like to have sex.
  • Show off your sexy photos.
  • Do you sleep without clothes (naked)?

Note! When moving on to such a topic, you should be prepared for mutual frankness.

If the conversation is maintained, it is possible that they will ask something similar in response.

Don’t get hung up on eroticism, dilute such moments with neutral ones, try not to alienate your interlocutor with excessive intrusiveness.

  • Age.
  • The amount of wages.
  • The number of former men.
  • Alcohol preferences.

Don’t say platitudes and phrases that set people’s teeth on edge. Avoid overly complex topics for which the interlocutor will not be prepared.

Ask things you want to answer yourself, stay original. It’s not difficult for a girl to determine how frank you are in your communication.

Cool and funny questions for fun communication

Cool, funny and interesting questions are a good way to liven up the conversation.

For a fun and meaningful conversation, ask the girl:

  • How many useless items does your handbag contain?
  • How would you spend a million dollars?
  • Tell your favorite jokes.
  • Do you eat in the bathroom or kitchen? Sing to me.
  • Did you make fun of teachers and classmates at school?
  • Do you striptease?
  • Tell us about a funny, awkward or interesting situation in your life.
  • If you had to temporarily change your gender, what would you do?
  • Tell me about the most terrible movie you have ever seen.
  • Have you ever tried exotic food?
  • What names are associated with sexuality and vice versa?
  • What do you consider the most successful and unjustified purchase?
  • How do you feel about dinner turning into breakfast?
  • Help me explain to my parents that I have already grown up.
  • Do you have pets, remember the funny things that happened to them?
  • How do you feel about ghosts?

Asking funny, cool and unusual questions will create a relaxed atmosphere in communication and will allow you to determine how the interlocutor feels about humor, how much she appreciates and understands funny things, which is important for getting to know each other.

A good idea is to share cool pictures that illustrate what you said.

Features of communication by correspondence in VK

Communication by correspondence in VK has characteristic features that differ from direct conversation, its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of correspondence include:

  • Great lightness and ease, leveling the constraint and isolation inherent in individual people. Without seeing a partner in front of you, it is easier to overcome indecision and become more relaxed.
  • Communication with remote interlocutors.
  • Impersonate someone else using someone else's embellished photographs; it is impossible to verify the authenticity of the data presented.
  • Correct errors made at any time.
  • Voluntary contacts and relationships. If you don’t like the interlocutor, communication ends at the request of either partner.
  • Find a partner with your desired tastes and preferences, discuss a topic of interest, and much more.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • Changes in consciousness, loss of real communication skills.
  • Escaping into an imaginary world.
  • The person communicating is not always what he appears to be online.
  • Inability to check what your partner says.

These disadvantages do not prevent the growth of popularity of virtual communication.

Don’t forget, live conversation is the best alternative to going into a fictional world.

Useful video

Sincere compliments

Don't be shy to admire a girl as often as possible. There are never too many compliments. Everyone mentally tries on the crown of a beauty queen. And it suits everyone! Your humble task comes down to ensuring that the compliments are:


Monitor her photos and show the wonders of male observation. Online catalogs of the female version of a beautiful life will expand your ideas about how to cheer up a pen pal. A couple of minutes - and you know what “make-up” is and at first glance you can distinguish “delicate coral” from “luxurious cherry”. If you notice a new lipstick (eye shadow, nail polish) – please the owner with a flattering review:

  • “You are such a stylish thing! The color of your lips is simply mesmerizing!”;
  • “I admire your avatar like the cover of a fashion magazine. I didn’t know that such wonderful beauties existed in life”;
  • “You have very beautiful hands. I ask in advance for permission to walk you home in the evening: I’m afraid that with your luxurious manicure I will have too many competitors.”


Compare your chosen one with someone (no one!) that you consider truly beautiful:

  • “You are like a fresh lilac branch to me. I look at you - and there’s spring in my soul again”;
  • “Your photo in the morning invigorates me more than coffee. No Arabica can compare with your natural sophistication.”

If you’ve run out of suitable words, visualize your compliment with a suitable GIF or a photo with a gorgeous bouquet of roses.

“Crocodile of my soul” - such a nickname seemed to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov to be quite figurative and quite appropriate to address in letters to his bride.


The girl spends hours on end spinning in front of the mirror, not only in an uncontrollable burst of narcissism. She tries to please others, to attract the attention of her one and only. Perhaps yours. Show that you appreciated the efforts and thank them in the comments under the photo for the pleasure they brought:

  • “Thanks for the selfie. I saw you, and I wanted to live”;
  • “Post your photos more often. Let there be more real beauty in this world.”


Daily reminders to a girl via SMS or VKontakte about how beautiful she is will definitely lift her spirits. Improvise, look for new reasons to express your admiration. Believe me, they definitely exist. A woman is not allowed to be the same even for two days in a row. So the guilty “I never tire of repeating how beautiful you are” does not seem to be a premature capitulation in courtship.

Third stage. Make her think only about you

  • "Hello! I don’t ask what you’re doing, because I already know. You're thinking about me, right?" This question implies that the girl has fallen head over heels in love and thinks only about you all day long. She will be hooked, and she will definitely answer that this is not so.
  • “Today you were able to cheer me up, it’s not that easy. You're witty. Keep up the good work." By doing this you will show your sympathy, set her apart from the crowd of others and program her to try even harder to be interesting to you. If you like her behavior, praise her. If you don't like it, scold it. Know the value of your time and be confident in your own abilities.
  • Response to a negative message (refusal, unpleasant words): “Okay, I’ll take away ten points from you.” Questions will immediately arise: “What are the points? Are you exposing them to everyone?” This will clearly show her that you are the one giving her an assessment, looking closely at whether it is worth further courtship. This means she should try to be better, and not vice versa. You tell her what exactly you didn’t like, and she will try not to repeat it again. Another plus of this message is that, unlike others, you don’t worry about any nonsense.
  • If a lady is frozen by the meeting , write: “You know, one beauty doesn’t want to see me. Of course it’s strange, but I like her.” In one phrase there is immediately humor, a compliment, a desire to meet and no pressure. This will melt the ice and she will become more accommodating.

Funny stories from life

A time machine can do a good job. Share stories about touching events from your childhood and school life. Remember what your parents laughed at until they cried. A completely workable option for how to cheer up a girl in VK in correspondence. The Snow Queen's heart will melt from your honest stories:

  • about first love: he pulled a pigtail, but the wrong one (he didn’t recognize it from the back), I had to carry my briefcase for the rest of the year;
  • about my first culinary experience: I defrosted dumplings before cooking and tried to feed them to my mother under the guise of lasagna;
  • about a dream come true: Santa Claus ordered by your neighbors turned up the wrong door and made you believe in a New Year's miracle.

A laconic story about your funny adventures, sent by morning SMS, will easily cheer up a girl. The effect of a pleasant surprise will work. Surprise news from a boyfriend is clearly more fun than reminders from a greedy bank or orders from a strict mother.

What jokes and anecdotes will always be appropriate?

Not at all the ones who walk into a sports bar with a bang in a friendly group of men. We need some other versions to make a girl laugh over SMS. Review your stock of fun for every day and choose something worthy:

"Good old"

There are eternal themes that humanity has been laughing at for several decades in a row. Without inventing a fifth wheel for a bicycle in search of a way to amuse a girl in correspondence, tell her about the latest adventures of Ivan the Fool, games of thrones in the kingdom of animals, reproduce a couple of imperishable pearls from school essays. An opaque hint of your intentions will be bright anecdotes about the funny moments of the candy-bouquet period and its cheerful continuation: “What is the meaning of the word “Registrar Office”? “An absolutely well-deserved guarantee of happiness.”

"New creative"

A win-win option for you. The girl will find and watch the top 10 jokes for the week and funny videos. Why do you need someone else's fame if you yourself are cheerful and resourceful. All that remains is to convince your beloved of this. Try to make a girl laugh on VK in one of the following ways:

  • write and tell a story. With your passion in the leading role: “Somewhere in a remote residential area, on the 25th floor, there lived a bright beauty with eyes the color of summer. I was waiting for the prince from Dubai on a white horse. And I showed up - a student from the nth region in a black used Priora. But that didn’t stop them from dating and being happy”;
  • ask a comic rhetorical question, wait for an answer and give your version: “What is the best French dish that a captive handsome man can afford? “Napoleon cake baked by his girlfriend for his birthday.” This kind of verbal tennis is also convenient as entertainment, with the help of which you can cheer up a girl via SMS;
  • play with your recipient: take an unusual photo and send it in fragments. This is a worthy option for seducing a girl through correspondence. She will have to show miracles of ingenuity to guess what was caught in the lens. Let the original go to the winner as a gift for her resourcefulness.

What to write

Experienced pick-up artists know how to cheer up a girl via correspondence on VK. Take their advice:

  • Tell a fresh joke with neutral content, without vulgarity or tricks.
  • Ask a witty question that might make her laugh.
  • Compliment her appearance while making fun of your flaws.
  • Pleasant words. Tell her that you like her face, figure, hobbies.
  • Like all the photos on her social media page. Don't forget to please the girl with pleasant comments and emoticons under them.
  • It's fun to read a funny poem and make a video. Send it to your beloved.

To avoid guessing how to cheer up a girl with messages, use ready-made templates:

Funny pictures are the best way to cheer up girls and boys. The following cool images are suitable for sending:

  • animals in ridiculous situations;
  • jokes with the stars;
  • jokes with bright funny illustrations;
  • unusual jokes on men;
  • cute photos of little children;
  • jokes about Russian reality, the life of young people.
  • screenshots of correspondence between a guy and a girl.

How should you never make fun of girls?

Do you have a peculiar sense of humor? There are a lot of offended people who don’t understand whether you’re joking or being serious? In such a case, plan in advance how to make the penpal girl laugh. A list of proven taboo topics to help you:

  1. Her faith. Unsuccessful attempts at teasing in this direction can result in a complete break in the relationship.
  2. Her mother. The cooler the girl, the funnier her mom. The formula always works. Show maximum tolerance and smile widely to yourself if you don’t want to end up in a deep h/s.
  3. Her bedroom. Any blows below (or above) the belt are a prohibited technique. For girls, “this is it” means “making love” in the literal sense of the word. And as you know, love is no joke.
  4. Her style. Yes, it doesn’t happen to anyone. No one is immune from one-time total failures. But even if you don’t associate her new shorts with anything other than diapers, the best thing you can do is tactfully remain silent. Believe me, your crush will not intentionally wear something ugly for her avatar. Be lenient.
  5. Her cockroaches are in her head. Forget about the whole colony at once, since you definitely won’t be able to cheer up a girl on VKontakte with their help. If you are still wooing the lady, it means that while you are at her feet. Maintain subordination. Each princess has her own pea, which is not gentlemanly to laugh at. She is deathly afraid of spiders - don’t rush to send close-up photos of them with a bunch of laughing emoticons. She won't appreciate such a prank. If a girl shared some of her weaknesses with you, then for only one single purpose - you must protect her from what she considers dangerous for herself.

Of course, girls are different. And everyone has their own sense of humor. But cheerful and bright optimism is contagious and will certainly cheer up even the most serious interlocutor.

There may be situations in which it is important to know secret ways of entertainment in order to please a woman and give her a smile, and for this you do not have to have money, as you can see by reading this and other thematic articles on this site.

How to entertain a girl on VK, Skype if she is bored, examples of correspondence both in conversation and when she is in the hospital

If a girl feels sad, and you can’t come to her and help cheer her up, then try to cheer her up through correspondence. Nowadays, modern phones and other gadgets make it possible to stay in touch anytime and anywhere.

With the help of correspondence on social networks or via SMS, you can lift the low mood of both a person who is bored at home and a girl in the hospital. To do this, you can tell her a couple of funny stories that happened to you during your separation.

You can also cheer up with the help of appropriate compliments, poems and beautiful declarations of love. All girls love with their ears (and in our case, with their eyes). So maybe you should tell her how lucky you are that the universe brought you together. Such confessions will undoubtedly not let your girlfriend get bored.

How to entertain a girl at home

If you decide to invite your girlfriend to your home for the first time, then you should think in advance about how and with what you will entertain her. All girls are quite sentimental by nature. Entertain her by looking at your childhood photos. For her it will be not only educational, but also fun.

If your girl doesn’t mind playing computer games, then check in advance whether your console is working and whether you have games that she might be interested in.

Getting to know your pets can be an amazing fun for your better half. Your task is not to become jealous of your “comrade” ahead of time.

How to entertain a girl on the street in winter, on a walk in summer if there is no money

Winter walks are a great time for fun. The main thing is to make sure that your girlfriend is warmly dressed and wearing shoes. But a thermos of hot tea won’t hurt either. And then let your imagination float freely and follow its flow.

In winter you can find a lot of entertainment: throwing snowballs at each other, taking your girlfriend on a sled, ice skating or skiing together, a romantic walk in the winter park.

In summer there are also many options for entertainment while walking. All the girls just love to be photographed. So arrange a real photo shoot for her in nature. Collect a bouquet of wildflowers, make a wreath for her and capture all this beauty on your phone from different angles.

How to entertain a girl on her birthday, New Year

A wonderful gift for your beloved girl for the New Year or her birthday can be a certificate for visiting a beauty salon with a variety of spa treatments, massages and other accessories.

You can give a girl a trip to the dolphinarium. Swimming with dolphins will leave the most pleasant and unforgettable experience of her life.

A good gift could be an excursion to a neighboring city or a trip to the theater. If finances allow, you can book a romantic weekend tour.

How to entertain a woman via SMS and phone

A rather original way to entertain a girl using SMS correspondence on the phone can be writing a fairy tale. The essence of this idea is that you, as a good storyteller, come up with a story yourself exclusively for your beloved.

To make the idea more fun and intriguing, do not send the entire fairy tale at once. Divide it into small episodes and send them at different times. If you manage to interest her in the beginning of your story, then with bated breath she will look at her phone so as not to miss the continuation of the story. It’s good if you yourself are the main characters of the essay.

How to surprise a homebody girl and engage her in conversation

Create a DIY gift for your beloved. Now on the Internet there are many ideas and master classes on creating pleasant little things.

Another great option for a pleasant time with a homebody can be a romantic dinner by candlelight or under the lighting of a home fireplace. At the same time, you can start a conversation on any topic that interests you or her, you can find out about her childhood or plans for the future.

How to entertain a girl when she's sad and on her period

If you can help her in any way, then offer her your care and support. She should know that she can count on your strong shoulder in any situation.

To distract her from her experience or sensations, try to do something special for her. For example, prepare a fragrant bath with foam and sea salt. This will help her relax and get a pleasant feeling from the care shown.

If necessary, use your sense of humor. Try telling her some distracting and funny story from your life.

A friend is a cheerful, interesting comrade, support and support, an assistant, a critic and an outlet. Such definitions should be suitable for both sides, that is, if a friend is there at a difficult moment, then she should be supported when she is sad and lonely. Unfortunately, everyone has such moments, and it is at this moment that one feels an urgent need for a friend. Many people wonder how to cheer up a friend and lift her spirits. But something you need doesn’t always come to mind right away. Since the situations due to which the mood fell are different, the ways to raise it should be different.

The first step is to find out the reason for the lack of mood. But you need to ask carefully and tactfully, showing concern, no matter how much your friend doubts that they want to help her.

List of phrases

Below are the main stages in the development of a relationship with a girl and conversational vocabulary. I didn’t bother to indicate the list of phrases; they can be different for each of us, but I don’t see the point of mentioning the common ones here, you already know them. Therefore, we will consider how to act in a specific situation.


Compliments are simple and effective signs of attention; it is necessary to allocate a place for them in communication with the object of sympathy.

What words can you use to excite a girl at a distance and being nearby, if not with kindness? The girlfriend will pay attention, begin to be embarrassed, thank you and prepare for further flirting.

We advise you to use kind words related to appearance, because they monitor it carefully.

Preparing for the next step

In the previous point, we managed to get female attention; three steps remain until final arousal. It is important not to interrupt the sequence, but to act in stages - the interlocutor should not consider you intrusive or too frank.

After winning attention, you need to understand what kind words excite a girl. Remember what you talked about. What was the interest of the communication? There will be much more impressions if the expression is chosen based on the interests that have been discussed up until now.

Let's take the example of a lady wearing dresses. If the occasion arises, note that it fits well and suits her.

Come from afar

If the partner’s interests are taken into account, compliments are made and the woman is in the mood to talk about tender things, we move on to the next stage - slightly frank conversations.

Talking about something vulgar will help you begin to slowly arouse desire in your interlocutor. Shortly before going to bed, ask for a description of her pajamas; when you meet, ask her preferred color of underwear and whether it matches what she is currently wearing.

By the way, the stages, in addition to directly going to bed, are suitable for use from a distance. If, in addition to real flirting, you are interested in how to excite a girl with words through the phone and quickly, then the listed methods are suitable. It is advisable to flirt virtually shortly before the meeting.

Possible reasons for low mood

  • Problems with personal life
  • Problems at work
  • Health problems
  • Physiological problems
  • Psychological problems

And many other troubles. From banal little things to global failures, because women in general are prone to frequent mood swings.

Having found out the reason, you need to boldly take action. If the mood is spoiled because of some little thing, then the first thing to do is try to make her laugh by telling an anecdote or a funny story. You can even remember some fun moments that you experienced together. And if the problems are more serious, then reassure them and make it clear that everything can be solved by citing successful examples of friends.

Ways to cheer up a friend

Most young girls get upset for love reasons. If your girlfriend has problems in her relationship or if her boyfriend has left her, then you can distract her from love failures in a proven way - work. Both mental and physical. Firstly, you can offer to cook your favorite dish together, because it’s no secret that many girls simply eat up their problems. Cooking and talking on abstract topics, and then tasting the creation, will undoubtedly lift your spirits. Games, logic puzzles, and charades are also good distractions. A joint trip to a beauty salon will cheer up your friend and increase her self-esteem. And physical exercise in the gym will add slight fatigue and make you forget.

If she is sad and lonely, then, of course, she needs fun. This could be going to entertainment centers, cinema, club or cafe. There you can make new acquaintances and have a fun time chatting with friends. You can take your friend to the circus and have a good laugh at the clowns. And, of course, shopping! What could be more interesting and fun than shopping? For girlfriends, this is one of their favorite activities. After all, you can please not only your friend, but also yourself with new clothes.

A friend is an important and necessary person in everyone’s life, and therefore, when she feels bad, you need to be there.

But the desire to amuse a friend does not always arise in bad situations. There are other moments for jokes and fun:

  • Simple communication
  • Correspondence
  • Holidays
  • Practical jokes

What questions should you ask a girl to break the ice and keep the conversation going?

You can unobtrusively find out more about the girl and keep the conversation going with the following questions:

  1. “What would you say is the bravest thing you have ever done in your life?”
  2. “What do you like to eat most for breakfast?”
  3. “Which animals do you love most?”
  4. “If you could choose the perfect job, what would it be?”
  5. “Which famous person would you like to talk to?”
  6. “Which city do you dream of visiting?”
  7. “What is the most exciting book you have read?”
  8. “What is your favorite wine?”
  9. “Do you believe that love lasts three years?”
  10. “Which fairy tale or book character do you associate yourself with?”

How to cheer up a friend in correspondence

When for one reason or another it is impossible to see and talk with a friend, then communication takes place on social networks, by phone or SMS. To please your friend in correspondence, just add a few funny emoticons to the main text, write a joke or send a funny video. In the modern world, people spend a lot of time on the Internet. The virtual world is limitless, and you can register in new groups and communities every day. If your girlfriends are together on one of the social networks, such as VK, then you can post a photo or collage with your friend and give a compliment in the comments. Such a pleasant little thing can please and lift your spirits. And talking on the phone can naturally cheer you up, because this is also a favorite pastime of girlfriends.

How to cheer up a friend during the holidays

During the holidays, it is also necessary to amuse, make laugh and delight friends. For example, on April 1, you can make your friend laugh by sending her funny pictures, animations or videos. And this will be enough, because the main thing is to amuse, not to offend. Therefore, if you decide to prank your girlfriend on this day, you should not forget about the consequences. Jokes should be harmless and funny.

Well, congratulating your best friend on her birthday is everyone’s direct responsibility. It is best to bring congratulations in the morning, this will set a good mood for the whole day. You can congratulate with flowers and poems or another gift. Doesn't have to be expensive or store-bought. You can make a gift with your own hands, taking into account the preferences and tastes of your friend. The main thing is to do it with your soul and from a pure heart.

What topics are best not touched upon in jokes?

Everyone's sense of humor is different. If you haven’t yet studied the girl’s character enough and don’t know how best to cheer her up, proceed as carefully as possible. When you are not one hundred percent sure that your humor will be liked, do not use the following jokes to make a girl laugh:

  1. About her appearance. It is unlikely that she will appreciate humor about her big ears or butt. Perhaps your male friends enjoy these jokes about their prominent body parts. But women do not welcome such behavior.
  2. About your former passions. Even if it seems very funny to you to make another unflattering statement towards your ex-woman. But your friend may think that you, in principle, do not respect the fair sex and will someday respond to her in the same way.
  3. With black humor. Not all girls, especially vulnerable ones, will accept such jokes. You may appear to be a cruel person, and changing your impression of yourself is not easy.
  4. With swear words. Even if the lady does not belong to the heiress of blue blood, it is unlikely that she will be happy with the cobbler's vocabulary sounding from your lips.
  5. With vulgarities. Humor below the belt can hardly really cheer up a sad lady. Guys usually use these kinds of jokes with friends over a beer or with girls they don’t take seriously.

Not all men have a great sense of humor. But everything in this life can be learned. Start small, and the ability to cheer a girl up and bring a sincere smile to her face will definitely come with experience. Even if you couldn't cheer her up this time, don't be upset. Analyze the situation and joke differently next time.

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