How can you tell that a girl likes you by her looks, gestures and correspondence?

08/22/201602/06/2017 Nadezhda Plotnikova

Women are such contradictory creatures that sometimes men spend a lot of time learning to understand them. However, many young people never have success with the fair sex because they are not able to recognize secret signals, signs and hints.

And yet you can understand women by paying attention to their facial expressions, gestures, and behavior on social networks when corresponding. How to understand that a girl likes you? Observe her, recognize the signs of interest in you and act.

Studying body language

You've been communicating with a young lady for a long time, but you still can't understand whether she likes you as a friend or is there something more possible between you? Pay attention to her gaze, body position and involuntary (or voluntary) gestures.


Girlish eyes are truly a “deadly weapon.” When answering the question of how to tell if a girl likes you, watch her eyes. If she loves you or is passionate about you, then you will notice the following:

  • eye contact lasts longer than usual (at least 6 seconds);
  • the pupils dilate when the charming girl looks at you;
  • a classmate or company friend looks at you more often than at the people around you;
  • the girl looks sideways, as if looking in the other direction (the fair sex has excellent peripheral vision).

Remember that if a young lady looks at you, this does not mean that she likes you. Sociable people prefer to make eye contact with their interlocutors. Observe how she behaves with others. If a girl is reserved with other men, but flirts with you, you are not mistaken in her look!


Playing with curls is a favorite pastime of a girl in love or flirting. In addition, being next to a man she likes makes the young lady nervous, which also affects involuntary finger movements, including:

  • constantly touching your hair, throwing your bangs back or blowing them off your forehead;
  • twirling hair around a finger, pencil or other writing utensil (for example, at school or office);
  • throwing back the hair from the neck, and at this moment the girl is trying to catch your gaze.


When communicating with a cute young lady, pay more attention to her lips. To express your sympathy, a girl does not have to say anything at all. If she likes you, then she will most likely:

  • lick lips;
  • barely noticeably bite your lower lip;
  • smile seductively;
  • touching your lips with your fingers, as if wanting to check your makeup.

Body position

Observe the position of a girl's body during a conversation to understand whether the girl likes you. If she crosses her arms over her chest and doesn't look at you, you can assume indifference. Signs of interest and sympathy are movements such as:

  • tilting and turning in your direction during a conversation;
  • reducing the distance between you;
  • touch, even if fleeting;
  • pointing the toes of her shoes at you;
  • voluntary or involuntary mirroring of your actions and gestures.

However, do not forget that modest girls are often nervous and shy, so they begin to “squeeze”, and you may not find the above signs. Wait until she relaxes in your presence and let her know that you like her too.

Showing female sympathy depending on the situation

The straightforwardness of men does not allow one to correctly interpret the signs of falling in love. In their conclusions, they rely on written messages and spoken words, but psychologists recommend monitoring the woman’s behavior, body language and gestures. A friendly attitude does not always indicate sympathy - it is quite likely that the lady is well-educated, and the guy mistakenly mistook her manners for something more.

In social networks

Common surveillance advice involves counting likes on photos and adding friends, but these signs are not enough. The picture may reflect a picture that is close to her at the moment - hence the laconic “heart”. A friendship offer is also uninformative if the guy’s page is closed - no one has canceled women’s curiosity. Signs that a girl likes you should be looked for in correspondence:


How to find a girl for a relationship: dating methods

  • messages longer than short words and one sentence;
  • the woman gives detailed answers to questions;
  • she is interested in the life of the guy with whom she corresponds;
  • can talk about himself for hours.

With a high probability, she will join similar groups, follow the news on the man’s page, and actively comment on them.

Random stranger

Even for the first meeting, there are tips that will help you quickly understand everything. Women have well-developed lateral vision - much better than men. They do not need to openly look at the object of interest, since a slight turn of the head in its direction is enough. She still has nothing to talk about with the guy who is sitting at the next table in the cafe; she herself is unlikely to approach, but she will begin to send signals of sympathy - and they need to be recognized:

  • often glances towards the man, pretending to look past him;
  • eye contact lasts longer than 2 seconds;
  • plays with hair or straightens hairstyle;
  • smiles;
  • licks or lightly bites the lower lip.

A stranger will not openly declare her sympathy - the signs will be as subtle and barely perceptible as possible. If a woman is nervous, she may feel tight or shy, which will be indicated by a slight blush on her cheeks.

Old friend

With constant communication, sympathy can be understood by the look - it becomes softer, warmer, the pupils are dilated. If a lady likes a guy, she will work on her own image by changing her wardrobe, makeup or hairstyle. A woman subconsciously strives for random touches, so she can touch her with her hip or shoulder, or take her by the hand during a conversation.

To attract attention, the lady says that she is cold or hungry. The guy, like a true gentleman, will certainly respond to the request by offering a jacket or lunch in a cafe. So an ordinary phrase will serve as a reason for a romantic date.


A woman remains a woman under any circumstances, so signs of sympathy can be easily established by her behavior at work. She will appear more often in the field of view of the man of interest, even if she works on another floor. When communicating, he strokes his neck, tugs at his curls, twirls a ring or chain, or touches his earrings. In a conversation with a nice guy, she changes the intonation and timbre of her voice - this point can be easily compared by watching her dialogue with other men. The girl supports the gentleman in all issues, projects or plans, and can ask for help. A formal suit is often replaced by a more feminine outfit, and offers to make coffee come more and more often.


Qualities of a serious man that real women appreciate

Married lady

It’s much easier to understand that a girl you know doesn’t like you than to determine whether she likes you. When it comes to a married woman, mystery and secrecy increases several times, but little things still give the lady away. Her family status does not allow her to act openly, so she needs to read non-verbal signs:

  1. Playing with the eyes. The woman looks at the object of admiration, but sharply looks away if he turns around.
  2. Random encounters. The girl finds herself “at the right time and in the right place”, visiting the same places as the guy. She will sit next to you in the car or at the table, and “accidentally” end up in the same sports club or swimming pool.
  3. Touching. He may playfully pat you on the shoulder or take your hand, enthusiastically telling something and “not noticing” the contact.

To attract attention, loud laughter, jokes and topics of conversation are used in which the guy you like can participate.

Friend's wife

In this situation, playing with fire begins, so psychologists advise not to look for signs of how a married girl behaves when expressing sympathy. It is better to ignore signs of attention, since the friend’s family relationships will be destroyed, as well as long-standing male friendships. You can pay closer attention to the signals in order to retreat in time and appear less in the eyes of your unfree passion. Since all participants in the classic “triangle” are often in the same company, a woman can hide behind friendly behavior:

  • hugs when greeting or parting;
  • a light kiss on the cheek;
  • the gaze lingers on the guy for a long time;
  • the body is completely turned towards the object of interest.

Laughs at jokes, gives compliments, watches the guy’s reaction. All of the above looks quite harmless, but upon closer examination it turns out that increased attention is paid to only one man in the company.

Childhood friend

If a guy has known a girl for many years, it won’t be difficult to understand that she likes you. A slight sincere smile, prolonged visual contact, tilting the head to the shoulder to the right or left - all these are non-verbal signs of sympathy. When communicating, there are no closed signals: crossed arms or legs, frowning eyebrows, a “stony” facial expression. If a couple hasn’t seen each other for a long time, a friend can carefully find out if the guy has a girlfriend: “Surely your girlfriend will like this movie.” She will flirt, attract attention, talk for a long time, write on social networks.


What cannot be hidden from others: signs of female sympathy

Classmate or classmate

In a limited space and a small company, young ladies behave approximately the same with everyone, but there are some nuances . Psychologists suggest what will help determine who is interested in you at school:

  1. The easiest way is to ask her friends. Girls always discuss guys and their own likes, so the information received will turn out to be true. You can talk about an upcoming date or going to the cinema and your own fears if your chosen one refuses. Girlfriends will show their cards, wanting to arrange their friend’s personal life.
  2. Laughter is considered the second indicator of sympathy. Even if the joke is stupid, the girl will definitely smile to morally support the guy she likes.
  3. The desire to help betrays the lady headlong. Does she offer to copy off a test, patiently explain difficult material, or cover up for some pranks? There is no need to be tormented by doubts whether you are her type or not - the sympathy is obvious.

Sometimes a classmate herself needs support and asks for help. Nothing special is required from the gentleman - a little assistance or protection.

Observing the girl's behavior

The most important sign of a young lady's sympathy for a guy is flirting. A girl likes you (or even she loves you) if in your company she starts laughing, touching you, or getting into arguments. However, remembering that every woman is a bright individual, consider the following rules:

  1. Some girls simply love to flirt with absolutely all representatives of the stronger sex, other young ladies do not understand at all that they are flirting, while others are shy and do not resort to such gestures.

  2. If the young lady is shy, but you assume that she loves you, take a closer look at the implicit “symptoms” of interest on her part. For example, she may blush in your company, adjust her clothes or bag. This is also considered a kind of sign of interest.

In addition, pay attention to changes in the young lady’s appearance. If she likes you, she will try to change her wardrobe, hairstyle or makeup. However, there are girls who look almost perfect in all situations. In this case, you need to observe her for some time to notice changes in her appearance.

It should not be assumed that changes in the appearance of the young charmer are associated with her sympathy for your person. Some girls do not consider it necessary to change their appearance because they are self-confident and prefer to remain themselves.

Studying communication

To find out if a girl likes you, first of all, take a closer look at her behavior while communicating with you. A classmate at school, a young lady in a company, or a work colleague, when in contact with a young man she likes, begins:

  • listen to him carefully (and it’s not so important what he says), actively maintain a conversation on almost any topic;
  • smile at the guy’s jokes and laugh at the jokes and funny stories he tells (smart girls in love understand that even bad jokes need positive evaluation).

How to understand that a girl you know likes you? Ask your mutual friends if she has tried to find out from them in the meantime whether you are single or have a girlfriend. In addition, she can share her emotions with her friends and wonder if you will make a good couple.

Nonverbal signs that a girl is in love

To see signs of sympathy on the part of a girl, you just need to focus on some nuances in the appearance, gestures, and mood of the chosen one.

  1. Changing appearance, preening

When a woman likes a man, she tries with all her might to please him and attract his attention, and this can be done with the help of appearance. Having fallen in love, a girl can change her hair color or get a new haircut. Long hair will often be worn loose, decorated with hairpins and other accessories.

More skirts, dresses and seductive clothes with a deep neckline and transparent inserts appear in the wardrobe. If previously preference was given to sneakers and comfortable shoes, now high-heeled shoes will prevail. This change in style occurs on a subconscious level in order to appear more gentle and feminine.

In the presence of the object of love, a girl often straightens her hair and jewelry, focusing on her neck and wrists. He always points his legs towards the gentleman and, if the opportunity arises, he will certainly show off his knees.

The desire to attract attention is given to the fair sex by nature, so you should not judge falling in love only by these signs. Many single ladies behave this way around attractive men just to be the center of attention.

  1. Change of mood

If just a minute ago the girl was serious, concentrated or sad, then when she sees the guy she likes, her face lights up with a smile, a light lights up in her eyes. All attention is directed to her beloved, she listens to him carefully, asks leading questions.

Also, a change in mood is noticeable when a woman in love does not communicate with her chosen one for a long time. At these moments she is sad, complains of laziness and apathy, but as soon as her loved one calls or sends a message, the lady literally blossoms.

  1. Distraction of attention

If a girl who is always serious and collected suddenly becomes absent-minded, it means that love has come into her life. Forgetfulness and being late for meetings are the constant companions of a lover.

During a date, absent-mindedness also manifests itself. The interlocutor seems to be listening to the gentleman, but as soon as he asks about the topic, she becomes lost, not knowing what to answer. This is due to the fact that all her thoughts are in dreams of a happy future with this man.

  1. The girl constantly looks at the object of adoration

The signs of a woman or girl in love are sometimes so obvious that it is difficult not to notice them, and first of all, this concerns the look. She will constantly watch the object of her adoration, but as soon as their gazes intersect, she will immediately look away or lower her eyes and smile shyly. This staring game can take place throughout the evening.

The girl’s loving gaze completely betrays her sympathy. The young lady looks at her chosen one with eyes full of admiration and adoration. This can be noticed both by the guy himself and by the people around him. In company, she does not let him out of sight, listens with bated breath and satisfaction to her lover’s speeches.

  1. Copies a man's gestures

Psychologists say that copying an opponent’s gestures brings people closer together. Many women, on a subconscious level, repeat the body movements of the man they like in order to feel unity with him.

If you notice that a representative of the fair sex is copying your gestures, postures and speaking in your words, these are clear signs that the girl is in love with you.

  1. Jealousy

When sympathy is just emerging, and the young lady does not know about the attitude of her chosen one towards her, jealousy begins. Some people hide it and talk about their experiences only to their girlfriends, while others show emotions even in the presence of their gentleman.

For example, if a friend or any other representative of the fair sex approaches the object of her adoration, the girl shows with all her appearance that this man is busy. She can lightly hug him, put her hand on his shoulder, trying to quickly get rid of her “rival”.

If you see that a young lady is overly jealous and does not hesitate to demonstrate this, and you are not going to build a relationship, talk and clarify the situation so as not to give unnecessary hopes and not create problems for yourself.

  1. The desire to be alone

When we have a strong sympathy for a person, we want to learn more about his personal qualities, character, outlook on life, to be close to him - and it is desirable that at such moments there is no one around. A girl in love is jealous if someone invades her personal space with her partner, and tries with all her might to ensure that strangers leave as soon as possible.

To avoid intrusions into communication, the young lady makes dates in deserted places or invites a gentleman to her home, where, of course, there will be no relatives.

Interest in a guy when communicating on social networks

In this case, we will talk about how to find out from correspondence on VK and other social networks that a girl likes you.
It’s quite difficult to determine a woman’s sympathy from a distance. However, there are several signs that will help you create at least a rough picture and determine how interested your interlocutor is in you. Pay attention to such signs and features of correspondence communication on VK as:

  • the speed of her responses to your message (not the most accurate point, since the young lady may simply be very busy);
  • does she write to you first when you appear online or prefers to wait for your messages (modest girls may not write first);
  • numerous likes and comments on photos, videos or music clips on your VK page;
  • how detailed her messages are, whether she responds willingly, what words she uses (“clear,” “yes” are considered impersonal and indifferent words);
  • whether she likes to be frank with you.

To resolve all issues, force the situation. There is no need to ask every morning about the state of her affairs, about the weather, just offer to meet, sit in a cafe or exchange phone numbers. If she refuses, you won't waste much time on fruitless courtship.

How to tell if a girl likes you?

There are a couple of simple but effective techniques that allow you to understand whether a certain young lady has warm feelings for you. In practice they look like this:

  1. Smile at her when she looks at you. Just like that, without any second thought. If a girl immediately returns your smile, this can be considered a good sign.
  2. Try to arouse jealousy by flirting a little with her friend or just another young lady in her presence. While flirting, carefully observe the response. The girl will definitely try to hide her irritation, but she can be given away by:
      rapid breathing;
  3. sharply changed mood;
  4. nervousness;
  5. any attempts to get your attention.

Of course, these signs are not enough to say with “reinforced concrete” confidence that a girl likes you. Perhaps the best solution would be to invite her on a date, to a cafe or cinema, where you can accurately answer the question that is tormenting you.

So, it should be recognized that young people cannot always accurately understand all the signs that the fair sex gives.

Remember that you cannot meet two identical girls. One, absolutely indifferent to you, can show almost all of the above signs of interest, the other, in love with you, will not show a single secret signal. Therefore, be patient, get to know your interlocutor better and feel with your heart whether she likes you.

How a caring girl behaves and looks

Men cannot always boast of good intuition and the ability to read hidden signs of sympathy. Women are different, so proven signs of falling in love may be a manifestation of a friendly attitude or good manners. There are many options for how to find out whether a girl likes a guy, so when analyzing behavior, psychologists advise taking several criteria into account.


The best way to start a casual conversation is to give a compliment. This recommendation is followed not only by men, but also by women. Praise can be about hairstyle, clothing, talents or knowledge. The girl will probably notice a new accessory or detail of the image, which means increased attention on her part. If she gave a quick compliment and walked away, you need to observe her behavior and other signs of sympathy. It is likely that the girl is simply in a good mood, and she decided to share it with a guy she knows.

It’s a completely different matter when a woman, after praise, continues the conversation or asks additional questions. In this case, everything is immediately clear - finding a topic for conversation is a sure sign of interest. Women love with their ears, so they try to say something nice to the object of their affection. The compliment may seem angular or strange, but this only confirms your warm attitude towards the guy. The girl probably rehearsed the “speech” for a long time, but at the crucial moment she became embarrassed and confused.


How to properly respond to a compliment

Sincere interest in the conversation

You can tell that a woman likes you by her participation in the dialogue. A bored lady will answer questions clearly, using short phrases. If she is interested in a guy, she will try to find out more information about him. A woman will ask about hobbies, plans, leisure activities, favorite music or books - and will suggest new topics for communication. A girl will support even a boring conversation just to stay longer in the company of a person she likes.

There is also a hidden meaning in “interviewing”. The more information a woman collects, the easier the stage of seducing a man will be. She will know his habits, vacation spots, favorite cafes or clubs where he can arrange a “casual” meeting.

Many girls are happy to share the hobbies of guys in order to keep their loved one company. Joint leisure brings people together, so you can be sure that the woman has already laid out networks for future relationships.

Reaction to jokes and anecdotes

Not all men have such a sparkling sense of humor to join the ranks of KVN. However, a woman in love is betrayed by her laughter at the most stupid and unsuccessful jokes of her gentleman. The guy seems witty, erudite and very nice, so even an inappropriate phrase will make you smile. Psychologists suggest how you can understand a woman’s sympathy - just make a not very successful joke and look at her reaction.


A cheerful and mischievous girl can attract attention with loud laughter and a change of image. The quiet and modest woman will become even shyer, trying to avoid the company of a handsome guy. In both cases, girls will subconsciously begin to imitate the poses, movements and manner of speaking of their loved one. Copying behavior is the highest form of flattery and a sign of sympathy. Psychologists call this phenomenon “limbic synchrony.” If a guy crosses his legs, the girl will intuitively repeat the movement after a few seconds or minutes.

Instead of guessing how to determine whether a woman likes you, it is useful to conduct a few tests:

  1. Take you by surprise. If you suddenly sit down in the dining room, at a table or on a bench, a girl who is indifferent to a man will not change her behavior. She will cheer or even be angry that she was scared. If you like him, the woman will become embarrassed and start adjusting her clothes and hairstyle, trying to look perfect.
  2. Ask for help. To explain a complex topic, to understand a project, to suggest gift options for a mother or grandmother - you can use any available method. If a girl agrees to help and does not limit herself to quick communication, sympathy will probably arise in her soul.

Before using this method, you need to think about the other side of the experiment. It is likely that the young lady simply treats those around her well, and will take the guy’s requests as the beginning of courtship. Before conducting a test, psychologists recommend taking a closer look at body signals.

Nonverbal signs

A woman will never say about her sympathies directly, giving the initiative to men’s hands. Girls are also afraid of rejection, and the fear of being in an awkward situation causes them to have a panic attack . Psychologists recommend monitoring the hidden sexual signals that women “broadcast” to the object of their sympathy:

  1. Sight. In order to determine for sure whether a girl likes you, you need to watch her eyes. If the eyes meet, but she turns away, you should continue the “reconnaissance.” Within a minute, she will definitely look at the guy at least a couple more times. The main sign of sympathy is a look after a joke. If a girl laughs, she will look at the one she likes.
  2. Poses. When communicating, women try to turn towards their loved one. The whole body “looks” at the man or only the toes of the shoes are directed towards him - these are signals of sympathy.
  3. Appearance. The girl will want to appear in a favorable light in front of the guy, so when they meet, she will straighten her back, straighten her posture, pull herself up and straighten her hair. Women believe in the magical power of curls, so they constantly fiddle with them, play with curls, attracting attention. Particularly daring girls can put on lipstick in the presence of a man, opening their mouth sexually.
  4. Accessories. Nervous, women touch their jewelry, checking whether earrings or rings are in place. However, this is another way to attract a man’s gaze to a certain part of the body - ears, hands, fingers, neck. Girls show off their femininity while trying to charm a cute guy.


How to please a girl: ways to conquer your beloved

Accidental touches during a conversation or meeting will tell about a warm relationship.

Reluctance to end a conversation

If a guy is interesting, a girl will find a thousand and one topics for dialogue. She will show miracles of oratory in order to stay close to her beloved for a few more minutes. The woman listens carefully, without interrupting, and maintains the conversation. You can arrange a check and start a dialogue “about nothing” - even in this case the girl will find a way to continue the conversation. When communicating, she will try to stay very close to the guy in order to periodically touch him.

Offer to meet under various pretexts

A girl in love is looking for a weighty and meaningful reason for a meeting, taking into account the guy’s abilities and skills. Requests are formulated in such a way that it is difficult for a man to refuse:

  1. Help me figure out the computer - I'll have a delicious cake.
  2. I want to watch the premiere of the film, but I only have time for the last showing, and I’m scared to return home alone.
  3. I planned to go to the supermarket this weekend, but the car broke down - can you help me carry the bags?

Prepositions can be very diverse - it all depends on the girl’s imagination and perseverance.

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