10 signs that a man likes you: list. How can you tell that a shy guy likes you if he avoids you?

08/31/201602/31/2017 Nadezhda Plotnikova

Every young lady, having met a handsome young man, at least once wondered how to understand that a guy likes you. After all, if interest arises, you want to find out whether the potential chosen one experiences the same emotions or prefers friendly communication.

How can you understand a man’s true feelings if he is silent and, it would seem, does not show his interest in any way? You will need to conduct an interest test, find characteristic signs that indicate male sympathy, and, perhaps, simply explain to the young man.

Nonverbal signs that a man likes you: list

Nonverbal signs of sympathy
Signs that a man likes you can manifest themselves nonverbally, that is, in his facial expressions, gestures, and so on. Of course, dating someone these days can be difficult, and even more so when you don’t know how the person treats you.

There are eight nonverbal signs that let you know that a man likes you:

  • Long eye contact . This is the most obvious sign of sympathy. If he looks at you for a long time, it means he likes you. If you don’t have such contact, it means your partner doesn’t feel very comfortable and needs a different approach to him.
  • It's close . When a man feels sympathy, he tries to be closer so that he can hear every word. This may not be noticeable in a crowded bar or other public place. But this is true if you have time to notice.
  • Crossing views . Eye contact is always important, but if your partner meets with you often and does not miss opportunities, then he is interested in you.
  • Openness . If he slouches, it's bad because he's bored. But if he sits straight and in an open position, then this, again, indicates interest.
  • Redness . If you made him smile and then he blushed, then he is not indifferent to you. Usually women blush more often, so if he blushes, you can be happy.
  • Mirroring . This is an indicator of increased trust. If someone likes you, then they begin to copy your actions. It `s naturally.
  • Laughter and smile . The basis of flirting is laughing at every joke and smiling even without talking. This will all help you understand that the interlocutor is interested. A smile means that you are truly interesting.
  • Touches . This is a definite sign of flirting, and if a person flirts, it means he shows sympathy. During a conversation, he may touch your hand or another place, then rest assured, he is not indifferent to you.

Close contact

On a subconscious level, a representative of the stronger sex will try to be as close as possible to the person he likes. If you see him at least once a day, then this can be considered a manifestation of hidden sympathy.

For a colleague, a clear confirmation of tender feelings will be assistance in the locker room or even a meaningless question about the weather while standing in line at the cooler. For strangers - light touches on the hand and attempts to get as close as possible. Some guys try to travel with girls they care about on the same public transport.

Changing your usual behavior in the presence of a girl you like is a normal reaction. Once in the vicinity, a man may become agitated. He becomes shy and timid. Distracted by his appearance and his tender dreams, he may begin to stumble during a conversation.

If during a conversation a man looks at your lips or décolleté, it means he is showing sexual interest in you.

When talking with the person he likes, a representative of the stronger half of humanity changes the timbre of his voice. There are notes of tenderness and softness in it. There are fewer swear words in speech. The guy will try to please you, presenting himself only in a favorable light.

The questions asked by the guy deserve attention. If a girl is unlikable to a young man, he will not be interested in her personal life, work affairs or mood. By telling a pretty woman about himself, a man will begin to praise himself, remembering his achievements. It is possible that many of his “exploits” will turn out to be exaggerated or simply fictitious.

Even a modest person will definitely try to give a compliment to the person he likes. And here not only the man, but also the woman will somehow have to interact and understand the interlocutor. These will not necessarily be banal and hackneyed phrases. Compliments will be unobtrusive in the form of approval of actions, support in a general dispute, or emphasizing the girl’s character traits.

If you look closely, you can notice signs of sympathy even in the most modest and timid person. A completely different conversation will happen when a man is not free. His actions will be less pronounced and more careful, since sympathy does not mean that he will commit treason. Often everything will remain at the level of coquetry. This is pleasant for both and there is nothing shameful.

For men, tactile moments are extremely important. A representative of the strong half of humanity will try to touch the object of sympathy. He will not miss the moment to touch your hand, hug you around the waist, or even touch your shoulder in a narrow corridor. The absence of tactile movements and crossed arms or legs when talking indicate sympathy for the other person.

Your personal belongings will not be left unattended either. Place your keys near his phone. A man will definitely take them, look at them or twirl them. This indicates the manifestation of romantic feelings.

To attract the attention of the young lady he likes, the guy will try to give her small gifts. You can give something serious, but it will be off topic, since there is no relationship. A woman may not understand this and may even be afraid of obsession for no reason. But fresh muffins or croissants from the pastry shop around the corner will come in handy for lunch. The girl will be pleased.

You can skillfully lie during a conversation and even control your facial expressions, but your gestures will still give you away. The following will be indicative:

  1. The desire to stand and be nearby. Very rarely will a man turn his back to you.
  2. A person very often straightens his clothes and straightens his hair.
  3. When talking, a representative of the opposite sex will try to lean towards the person he likes. Thus, he confirms his interest and desire not to miss anything important in the conversation.
  4. On a subconscious level, the guy repeats the girl’s gestures. Try touching your nose or changing your position. He will do it too.
  5. To appear truly handsome, a man, when near the girl he likes, will definitely straighten his back and straighten his shoulders. This will give his appearance solidity.
  6. An insecure man will always look for a foothold. This will be the leg on which he will lean. At the same time, it will be directed towards the object of hidden sympathy.
  7. Even sitting with crossed legs, a representative of the stronger sex will show sympathy. The toe of his shoe will point to his chosen one.
  8. A shy young man will feel lost in the company of a girl he is interested in. When worried, he may fiddle with his clothes with his fingers or twirl his keys in his hand.

Men rarely openly show their interest in a woman. Jokes that contain a hidden hint are a good opportunity to understand how a girl feels about a guy. In case of a negative answer, you can always turn everything into a joke, saying that I misunderstood. When the girl reciprocates, you can act further, moving on to more active actions.

Naturally, it is impossible to talk about a clear manifestation of jealousy in this case. This will be confirmed by the absence of official relations. But it is extremely difficult not to notice how a man’s mood sharply deteriorates and his smile disappears when you are flirting with someone or making an appointment over the phone.

In order to be liked, men do different things. This also applies to changes in appearance. To become brighter, more noticeable or more respectable, a guy can change his wardrobe, especially if he knows your preferences. He can switch to a discreet business suit or, conversely, buy himself stylish ripped jeans to be on trend.

The Internet is a completely different matter. Here it will be more difficult to somehow find out that a man likes you, since you won’t look him in the eye and won’t hear his voice. But I want to understand the psychology of a man:

  1. Correspondence on social networks is regular. As soon as you are online, he immediately starts writing a message.
  2. Guys don’t like to talk a lot, but with the advent of sympathy, correspondence becomes a favorite activity, sometimes even with phenomenal illiteracy.
  3. As in ordinary life, the young man will try to find out more about the person of interest. He will regularly visit your account on the social network, ask a lot of questions, take an interest in your hobbies and life views. How can you not talk about yourself to your beloved?
  4. Showing interest doesn't end with messages. The young man will like all your photos, comment on reposts and photos. It will always be in your news feed.

We suggest you read: Hidden signs of falling in love in men, psychology

Before you understand whether the man you are interested in likes you, pay attention to his appearance. When a guy is in love, he suddenly changes. New clothes appear in his wardrobe, and his shoes are perfectly cleaned to a shine. He strives to charm the object of passion by any means.

A man avoids the woman he likes: signs

Mutual sympathy
Signs that a man likes you may not be too obvious. Sometimes it happens that a man shows indifference, and it just speaks of falling in love. To figure out whether this is so, it is important to pay attention to how you previously communicated and how he behaved.

If suddenly he starts ignoring a woman, then this may show his feelings. Maybe he tried to give some kind of hint, but the woman did not reciprocate, or said something that did not suit him, then this may be his defensive reaction to rejection.

There are also situations when a man is simply inclined to communicate with a girl. He just enjoys being with her. But he just doesn’t want anything more. In this case, the woman simply wants to communicate with him a little more than he does with her and is waiting for the first step. Well, the gentleman tries to avoid communication because he is not serious.

Ignoring is a good tool to get attention. For example, everyone in the company communicates with her, except one. So he may be deliberately intriguing in order to direct the woman’s interest in his direction.

To bring a man to clean water, first try to carefully ask your friends how he feels about you. Maybe he told someone about his crush. In addition, you can talk to him yourself, but you need to do this in a relaxed atmosphere so that he understands that the dialogue does not oblige you to anything.

Liking test

How can you tell if a young man likes you? A test or, rather, an experiment will help you understand your feelings and the situation. Carry out the following simple tasks that will lift the “veil of secrecy”.

Of course, they cannot confirm or refute your assumption about the presence of sympathy with an absolute guarantee, but you will be able to think through a strategy of behavior.

Test No. 1. Asking for help

To understand the guy’s level of interest, try breaking, for example, a pencil and asking the young man to sharpen it (you might “accidentally” drop an earring, for example). If a guy agrees to help you without persuasion, we can talk about his sympathy.

Test No. 2. Look

This test is associated with such a psychological feature as mirroring the movements of a sympathetic interlocutor. Catch a man's gaze and immediately look at the clock, then look at the man again. If he also turned his gaze to your watch, and then began to look at you again, this is another sign of interest in your person.

Test No. 3. “Provocation”

The next test is a bit like a provocation, but there is nothing you can do to find out whether a young man cares about you. Come up with a story that you and your friend were going to the cinema, but in the end you were left without a companion. If a guy likes you, he will offer his company without further ado.

There should not be too many such experiments, otherwise the young man will understand that you are testing him. Who knows how he will react to such “testing”.

Does a man like me: signs of a shy guy

Shy guy
Shy men are often reserved and it is quite difficult to understand their attitude. They live by their own rules, precisely because they are too shy. However, there are still signs that a man likes you.

Often shy men hide their own feelings from everyone, and therefore it is difficult to understand how he feels about you. However, if he often stops his gaze on you and looks longer than usual, then he admires your appearance. Perhaps he likes everything about you.

If you have already met, then take a closer look at his daily routine. If before he devoted a lot of time to some activity and nothing distracted him, but after you appeared he began to do it less, then he likes you. The same applies to situations where he has no problem giving up everything for you, while he may not even turn his head to others.

If you're not familiar, pay attention to where he sits. As in any other case, he will try to sit closer. Again, he will carefully hang on your every word. When meeting, even if he has problems, he will always be in a good mood - joke, communicate.

By the way, sometimes guys are just silent. This indicates that he is already comfortable even keeping silent. Your conversations are more about personal issues and maybe even intimacy, but within reasonable limits, of course.


Body language is an expression of feelings. With its help, you can learn not only about sympathy for yourself, but also, in principle, read all the secrets of human consciousness, since every gesture carries its own message.

The first thing that shows increased attention to a girl is the gestures of the hands of a man in love. They are always on the move. If you are discussing something, your companion’s hands actively accompany the conversation, because the guy wants to impress you as much as possible and at least somehow get into the center of your attention.

Open palms will often be shown, this is a gesture of frankness: “I am open to you, I trust you, I accept you.” Relaxed hands speak of goodwill, sincerity, and tenderness. But crossed or hidden hands in a pocket scream that the interlocutor has lost interest in what is happening.

Follow your companion's fingers; Freud also said that their demonstration reflects sexual overtones. Does he show them, highlight them, expose them? If they are actively involved below the belt (putting thumbs in the belt of trousers, sticking fingers out of pockets, etc.) - a gesture of obvious manifestation of erotic interest, one’s authoritarianism, desire to dominate over a partner.

A man in love, when he sees a woman he is interested in, always takes care of his appearance: straightens his jacket, straightens his collar, tilts his head to look at his shoes, shakes dust off his pants.

Pay attention to the man's legs. To find out if he is in love, look at how he sits and stands in front of you. Firstly, the toes of the shoes will always be facing you, this is a subconscious gesture indicating that the companion is ready to follow the woman.

Secondly, look at the other person's ankles. If he is standing, his legs will in most cases be spread wide; if he is sitting, his ankles will be crossed. By the way, if a guy is unsure of himself, in a vertical position he will need support, for this he will begin to push one leg forward. If you are in company, this leg will indicate the one he has feelings for.

If a man likes a woman - signs: look

A man's gaze
As we have already said, a man's gaze can tell a lot. And therefore, the signs that a man likes you definitely include him. Let's take a closer look at it.

So, for example, a man is constantly attracted to the very girl he likes. He will always try to find her even in a crowd. If he hides the feeling, then on the contrary he will even try not to look at her. This applies even to those cases when it is necessary according to the situation.

A man's gaze, when he falls in love, becomes deep, burning and tender. The pupils often dilate. If he is modest, he will look away, but a self-confident man, on the contrary, will stand closer and begin to look.

By the way, if a man looks coldly, but at the same time intently and squints, then he is evaluating the girl.

How to understand that a man likes you by correspondence?

When people meet online, the signs that a man likes you become somewhat different, because it is much more difficult to understand how a man treats you. Often, simple politeness and respect are confused with genuine interest. At the same time, most of the information has to be obtained by assessing appearance and behavior.

Usually, when a man likes a girl, he likes her, writes comments, makes jokes, puts pictures on the wall with interesting wishes, and expresses his feelings with emoticons. At the same time, he always tries to be online and write as often as possible. He asks a lot of questions that would be difficult to ask at a meeting, but easier to do at a distance.

Such communication has certain advantages, because through the Internet it is much easier to express sympathy and attract attention. To do this, you don’t have to violate personal boundaries and get confused in words. You can just type a few words.

If a man does this for a girl, then he definitely likes her. Although, not all people recognize social networks and use them only for work. In this case, do not expect him to be active. At the same time, he may ask you to communicate with him by phone or video call.

The correct conclusion from male behavior

There are many recommendations on how to understand that a guy likes you. But it is not always possible to draw conclusions that correspond to reality. This happens because young ladies mistake banal politeness for falling in love, and ordinary indifference for modesty.

Let's try to look at specific examples:

  1. Let’s say that a guy you know greets you when he meets you and asks how your business is going at college or at work. Most likely, this is a sign of good manners, but nothing more.
  2. Are you sure that the young man is not asking you to meet only out of natural modesty? What if this is simple indifference and lack of interest? Once again, reconsider the signs of sympathy, conduct a small test, make a few not too transparent hints. If he doesn't react at all, he probably doesn't care about you.
  3. Yes, a man regularly compliments you, but you shouldn’t dream of a serious relationship and a wedding dress just yet. Perhaps this is a feature of his character - gallantry. In addition, many young people show admiration for the appearance of pretty girls.

Indeed, the more signs described above in male behavior you find, the higher the likelihood of sympathy and interest. However, do not forget that observation is usually subjective and interpreted in your favor, especially if you yourself are not indifferent to this young man.

And yet, no test, horoscope or clever trick can replace the usual frank heart-to-heart conversation. If your relationship is predetermined, then it will begin with this conversation, but if not, you can no longer harbor vain illusions and switch to another guy.

How to understand that a married man likes you?

The sympathy of a married man
The signs that a married man likes you are, in principle, no different, but only their degree of expression is much less. The thing is that he already has a wedding behind him, perhaps several years of life with his wife and children. He understands that he can destroy family happiness and how many problems he will have.

Not every man is ready to cheat, even if he liked the woman. He will try to hide his gaze, feel insecure and will not be able to joke all the time. It will be difficult for him to carry on a conversation.

In many ways, the situation is determined by the situation in his family and the degree of love. However, strong men prefer to stop communicating with a girl and simply not notice her.

By the way, if a man is cold and tries not to communicate with you whenever possible, then this means that he simply can hide his feelings. Weak men go with the flow of their feelings and cheat. Then they behave as if they were free. Only he will try to make dates where you definitely won’t meet people you know. Perhaps he will even update his wardrobe.

Determining sympathy without deep analysis

A person often tries to hide his feelings, thereby protecting them from the evil eye and strangers. But this can play a cruel joke, because the person you like will not even suspect that you like him. Possible mutual warm feelings may never arise, so you need to understand from a man’s behavior when he likes a woman.


What you should never say to a man: a list of taboo phrases


It is not difficult to determine the sympathy of a stranger. He will try to see each other more often or systematically come into the field of view of the object of desire. A guy in love will start going to the bus stop at the same time as you, in order to be together at least for a while, running in the park when you let the dog out for a walk.

The guy will make every effort to distinguish himself from the crowd. He will talk louder, trying to drag you into his emotional conversation. He will do everything to be noticed, and then from time to time he will cast tender glances in the direction of the young lady he likes. The brave will even smile.

For a stranger, the same signs of gallantry will be evidence of sympathy. He will offer his hand when exiting a minibus, give up his seat in the transport, or close the window so that you don’t get the wind. Such actions may also be a sign of good upbringing, so it is important to observe how he treats other representatives of the fair sex. If it’s exactly the same, then there’s no point in attributing romantic overtones to actions.


Work is not an obstacle to real feelings, but job responsibilities, marital status and reputation in the team can suffer greatly, so such relationships are often hidden. The fact that a man likes you can be understood in the process of work. He:

  1. She will try to visit where the woman works as often as possible. First about work, then just because. He will look for any excuse, even offering help to colleagues. All this in order to see a girl at least for a few minutes.
  2. If he likes a woman, he will take her line at meetings and operational meetings. She will try to support and help in controversial issues, or simply look in her direction.
  3. Corporate meetings will dot the t's and dot the t's. A little alcohol for courage - and the colleague admits how he looked for all kinds of meetings and stared with his eyes.

old friend

Signs of sudden interest in oneself can also be seen from an old friend. To do this, you need to compare how other friends treat you. Perhaps he shows excessive affection. He throws out words about your relationship:


What can you talk to a guy about on the phone to get him interested?

  1. The conversation is bound to change. The tone becomes more measured. A person who is bold by nature will make eye contact, while a modest person will become even more absent-minded, afraid to even make eye contact.
  2. The essence of the conversation is extremely important. In conversations you can see signs that a man likes you. Guys in love often joke and try to tease a girl, thereby showing flirtation. They will definitely share personal information, revealing their fears and experiences. Perhaps they will tell you about old memories and thoughts.
  3. Tactile touch. The behavior of a male friend will change completely. He will try to be as close to you as possible. Even when passing something from hand to hand, it will try to touch your fingers. During a conversation with you, the young man will not cross his arms or legs, taking closed poses.

Husband's friend

Your husband's friend is unlikely to openly express his feelings, so as not to compromise your spouse for a showdown. The situation on his part is extremely unpleasant.

The man will try to express sympathy with facial expressions and gestures. But from the outside she will seem friendly. Any upcoming feast can dot all the “e”s. Alcohol will loosen the tongue, and the person will no longer be able to control emotions. Here it is important to be extremely delicate so as not to destroy the friendship of men and preserve the family. Gusts of jealousy from your spouse will not bring anything good.


The leader is an ordinary person who will try to attract the attention of a woman. On RAM, he will not compromise, he will do everything possible so as not to show you in a bad light. Moreover, the boss often protects his subordinate from the attacks of other colleagues.

Financial issues deserve special attention. The manager has the opportunity to reward by issuing bonuses and allowances. If a man likes a woman, then she will experience a sharp rise in her career, although all other aspects of recognizing the boss’s feelings will be the same.


What can you tell a guy about yourself: tips and suitable topics


After a breakup, people stop all communication. They try to throw each other out of their lives and continue searching for new love. When your ex starts being active again—texting, commenting on photos on social media, or even calling—it’s worth thinking about. Most likely, he has not forgotten you and wants to return you.

A man may try to make you jealous. He will try to catch your eye in the company of pretty girls, post photos with them on social networks, or have mutual acquaintances tell you about his adventures. In fact, this is just a desire to piss you off so that you realize that you can lose him forever, and decide to return.

If a man likes a woman, his ex will never miss special dates in your life, appear at your birthday party or congratulate you on March 8th. He will do everything possible not to lose contact with you, constantly reminding you of his person.

Friend's husband

You may feel sympathy even from your friend's husband. Such attention can play a cruel joke. The man will be sweet and attentive, and will begin to praise you in front of his wife. An extremely unpleasant situation may arise when, during a feast, he compliments you and not his wife. And everyone will notice it. This behavior can destroy not only your friend's marriage, but also your friendship with her. There is only one way out of the situation - to communicate with a friend without her husband.

Signs that a man at work or boss likes you: description

Leaders always feel confident because they are in charge. Therefore, signs that a male boss likes you will clearly appear. At first he will simply smile and look intently, and then he will start paying compliments and asking you to stay after work to complete things.

Quite quickly he tries to transfer communication into an informal setting. By the way, often even the boss begins to give bonuses for no reason or even an increase. At the same time, if he really likes you, then all the same signs will be visible as in any other situation.

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