Signs that a married man colleague likes you

It can be quite difficult to understand that you are lovable as it is. Here the matter is complicated on a catastrophic scale by the fact that the man is married. It is unlikely that he will show his sympathy openly, unless he is a womanizer and is not looking for a one-night stand. Otherwise, you will have to strain to confirm his sympathy for yourself. Then how do you know that a married man likes you?

Every man in love with a woman shows several signs of sympathy - verbal and non-verbal. In a situation with a married man, you should rely on non-verbal communication (gestures, facial expressions, glances, body position). A person's behavior inevitably changes when he falls in love. This is what you need to pay attention to.

Attention to the eyes2

Watch how he looks at other women. If it’s difficult for you to be objective, ask a friend. You can see his sympathy for you in his eyes. If the way he looks at you is different from the way he looks at others, he looks at you more often than necessary - perhaps you made the right assumption about his liking. The hallmark will be that he looks at you until you notice, but looks away when you turn around.

We reveal all the secrets of how to understand that a guy likes you.

How to understand that a married man is interested in you

You need to act if a girl thinks: I like this married, handsome man, I want to be with him, to confess my feelings.

The first thing you need to do is take a closer look at the young man’s behavior, pay attention to his actions and words:

  1. A guy is interested in something from mutual friends - a sure sign that the lady is not indifferent to him.
  2. He tries to find himself in common company, finds common ground, tries to become closer, make friends.
  3. Tries to please: smiles, jokes, talks about his advantages and achievements.

Also, a married guy interested in a romantic relationship will not talk about his wife, marriage, previous or current experiences. If he too often speaks about his wife in a positive light, talks about love and tenderness for her, then he probably just wants to make friends with the woman, and not start an affair with her.

Main features

Since it’s not easy to find out whether a man married to another girl likes you right away, you should pay attention to some points:

  1. A young man who wants to start a relationship will hint at this in every possible way: talk about his feelings, give compliments, etc.
  2. If a guy is sure that he has fallen in love with someone else, then soon he will probably want to talk about his divorce.
  3. A loving person will try to do everything to win over the young lady and be close to her.
  4. The main sign is the seriousness of a man’s intentions - if he confidently convinces a girl that he is going to break all ties with his wife, and then carries it out, then he can be trusted.

READ How to find a mistress for a married man: practical advice

Nonverbal signs

Nonverbal signs are various types of manifestations of emotions and feelings, not counting words. A married guy is not always ready to communicate with his beloved, especially if passion between people has arisen recently. His looks, warm words addressed to her, help, and care speak of the young man’s concern. Such treatment does not always indicate love - it is important to understand how this person behaves with other ladies. Maybe he's just being polite and not in love.

A nonverbal gesture that you should pay special attention to is narrowing personal boundaries. The guy sits closer to the girl, touches her, hugs her goodbye, looks into her eyes, often looks straight into her, etc.

Signs that he loves you, but hides his feelings in every possible way

By a man's behavior you can guess his thoughts and emotions. A man in love will show a special attitude towards a woman, and she will notice it. If he behaves differently with other people, then he definitely feels something more for the lady than just respect and friendly sympathy.

Additional tips

How else can you understand that a married man likes you? There are signs by which you can understand that a guy is very interested in a woman:

  • he blushes and gets embarrassed when talking about her;
  • tries to show his best side, gets very excited in her presence;
  • says nothing about his wife, and when it comes to her, he changes the topic of conversation.

It is not always clear what a girl should do if she likes a married young man, especially if there is mutual sympathy. But when everything becomes clear, it will become obvious that we need to take action.


We are designed in such a way that at the subconscious level we try to be closer to the object of our sympathy. During a conversation, he may inadvertently lean towards you, reach out with his hand, or constantly turn towards you. It is worth paying attention to the opposite gesture: one hand is clasped on the wrist of the other. This closed posture is often taken as a signal of hostility, but it has a completely different meaning. Clasping his hands, he tries to restrain himself and prevent himself from impulsively touching you.

If a girl likes a married man

The theme of a romantic relationship with an unfree gentleman is explored in timeless classics and modern cinema. Neither a young girl nor an experienced woman is immune from secret relationships. No matter how smart and wonderful the homewrecker is, getting out of a love triangle is always painful.


How to win the guy you like: proven methods and tricks

If a girl likes a man who is not free, then it’s time to face the truth:

  • "Broken" marriage. Guys' imagination knows no bounds when it comes to explanations. In order not to seem like a scoundrel who simply wanted affordable entertainment on the side, the man comes up with heartbreaking stories about a sick, scandalous, frigid and disgusted wife. The mistress is pleased to realize that she is younger, sexier, more beautiful and more affectionate than her wife, from whom the gentleman will never leave.
  • Role reversal. There are situations when a man leaves his family for a rival. Very little time will pass - and the mistress will turn into that same “disgusted” wife. Maintaining beauty and meeting the gentleman “in parade” is very simple in the absence of obligations. Family life involves completely different stresses and worries. The mistress will begin to monitor the behavior of the married man with whom she is connected by marriage, suspecting him of treason.
  • Lost time. Guys are interested in young girls, and over time he can change the object of his hobby. The place of the faded lover will be taken by a young passion, who will also listen to stories about an unhappy family life.
  • True face. The prince on the white horse may not be who he claims to be. He tells only part of the “sad” story about the marriage, and the true state of affairs is unknown to his mistress. Even if a rival heard a man talking on the phone with a really grumpy and scandalous wife, this does not mean anything. It is quite possible that the gentleman has burdened his wife with all the housework, is constantly cheating on her, and instead of helping her spends the entire evening fighting goblins in a computer game. With a high probability, years later the mistress will also turn into an “evil hag.”

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  • Double life. Since polygamy is prohibited by law, men show miracles of ingenuity. At home, their spouse “serves” them: cooks, puts things in order, takes care of the children and everyday life. For the sake of the soul, the gentleman finds a mistress who satisfies his sexual needs and does not torment him with lectures or complaints.

If you like a handsome married man, you should think about the prospects. The lover is satisfied with this situation, he is not going to change anything, and having got a traitor as his wife, peace will only be a dream.

Avoidance 8

Sometimes men do not show any signs of attention to the girl they fall in love with. If a man was previously absolutely faithful to his wife, then he will be afraid of the appearance of interest in you. Most often, this manifests itself in deliberate avoidance of meetings, coldness, refusal to attend an event where you will be, citing unconvincing excuses.

But this behavior should not be confused with rudeness. If a man avoids you, perhaps he is in love, but if he is rude to you and simply treats you with disrespect, there can be no question of any love. After all, respect and human attitude are the basis for falling in love.

Why married men cheat

When a married man begins to show interest in a lady, it is necessary to think about the motives for such behavior. The reasons may be the following:

  1. He does not love his wife, lives with her because of a common child or unresolved financial issues, there is no connection between them.
  2. The guy is interested in other female representatives in order to diversify his sex life, and his wife has no idea about it.
  3. A young man fell in love with a girl and wants to start a family with her, divorcing his current chosen one.

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There are other reasons - the couple has a crisis in the relationship, problems, quarrels, scandals, so everyone is looking for consolation on the side. Also, a man may not be satisfied with something in sex, but he is not going to file for divorce.

There are also unions in which it is customary to cheat on each other; this is not condemned and is not a reason for disagreement.

A little experiment 9

No matter how hard a man tries to hide his attitude towards you, his jealousy will be immediately visible. You can play on this. Start an innocent flirtation with another man in his company or pretend that a man in whom you are interested called you. His look will immediately change, he will show dissatisfaction or grief. It may not be expressed in words, but non-verbal language speaks for itself. If his behavior has changed during your flirting, draw conclusions about his attitude towards you.

Men who are married are much more careful in expressing their feelings. If you are interested in this man, sometimes you need to make the first move to show your interest.

And how to understand that a man is married, you will learn from our article further on the link.

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How to behave

Often a woman who likes a young married man does not know what to do, because destroying someone else’s family is a taboo for many. The best thing to do is discuss the issue with the guy and ask his opinion on this matter. If people decide to start a romantic relationship, then it is necessary to resolve the issue of divorce. You shouldn’t put pressure on a man - it’s enough to simply indicate your position, without demanding anything from him, but also not agree to the role of a mistress.

READ How to forget your lover and survive the pain of parting

What to do if you like a married man

It is advisable to establish trusting communication with the guy, get to know him better, and only then think about the further development of the romance. You shouldn’t ask a guy for a divorce or rush if it all started recently. There is a high probability that the couple will not succeed. But hiding your feelings, dating on the side in secret from your wife is also a bad idea.

The most reasonable option is to talk to the man, give yourself time to get used to him, and then decide how to behave further. It happens that people are not suitable for each other and subsequently regret a hasty decision made in a fit of passion.

Love affair at work

Sometimes women meet their soul mates at work. If you like a charismatic married male colleague, then you need to take a closer look at him and make friends. Do not forget that many people in a team behave differently than in a family or friendly circle. You need to get close to the guy, try to find out as much as possible about him. You should not meet his wife, even he will offer to do so

Unfree men and women

You can accurately determine whether a man married to another woman likes you based on a number of non-verbal signs. The situation becomes more complicated when the girl is also in a romantic relationship. The advice remains the same - you need to get to know the object of your feelings better, and only then make a decision. It is easy to destroy an existing marriage, but passion and sympathy for another man do not always result in something more.

There is also no need to rush into sex, especially if the partners are not yet sure that something will work out for them. Even when communication goes well, this does not mean that the guy and the girl are suitable for each other in love.

How to avoid falling into the trap

Separately, we should highlight young people who are married, but regularly seek intimate relationships on the side. You can't mistake lust for love. Such a man will show signs of attention, say pleasant words, but it all comes down to sex. You need to think about every word spoken and give it a logical assessment. For example, if a guy does not talk about his own experiences, but allows himself obscene jokes, pays attention to the sexuality of a woman, then he is unlikely to think about high feelings.

Relationship Goal

From the very beginning, a woman should decide what goals she is pursuing. If she likes a married man and it’s mutual, then the two of you need to look for a solution to a common problem. But when it’s just a fleeting affair, you shouldn’t get involved in someone else’s family, as this will result in a lot of trouble.

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You can tell your lover about your intentions and feelings, but if the lady is not sure of reciprocity, then this may result in a cessation of communication. Each specific situation has its own nuances that must be taken into account. When a girl knows her lover’s wife, under no circumstances should she advertise her relationship with him. It is worth giving your wife time to come to her senses after the breakup. If possible, it is better not to talk about feelings at all, especially if the couple lives in a small city, has mutual friends, or is simply afraid of publicity.

A woman in love should not try to destroy her beloved’s family if she sees that everything is fine with him. By this act she will cause hatred and contempt. You need to try to forget the guy, get over it, wait a while. In no case should you cause harm, spread gossip and rumors, or try to quarrel between spouses.

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