Mood swings in women and men - what is it called, why does it happen

It happens that a person who previously had a calm, even character often begins to change his mood: from wild joy and excitement to a depressed, depressed state. In some cases, this phenomenon goes away on its own without requiring treatment. However, sometimes the help of a professional psychologist is necessary.

From joy to sadness - one step

Identifying Mood Swings

Sometimes the mood changes frequently, for no apparent reason. In this case, the term “difference” can be used. Also in science, the concept of “cyclothymia” is used, this is the name given to the tendency to sudden changes in mood. This psychological disorder is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Alternation of increased excitement with apathy;
  • Periods of high levels of performance are followed by times when a person has no motivation at all for any meaningful activity;
  • A person constantly experiences difficulty concentrating and cannot concentrate on even the simplest things (in severe cases, patients are even forced to quit work or study because of this);
  • Periods of increased sociability alternate with times when the patient wants to isolate himself from the outside world and lives in isolation and solitude.

Another scientific name for wave-like changes in mental mood is cyclothymia, since this disorder is characterized by cyclical changes. It is known that at certain periods of life people are more likely to suffer from cyclothymia. Such periods include pregnancy, adolescence and the so-called “midlife crisis”.

Frequent mood changes are characteristic of people with unstable psyches

Possible reasons

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Sudden changes in mood happen for various reasons. Much depends on the gender, age and health status of the person. Among the main reasons, experts usually name:

  • Tendency to abuse alcohol;
  • Gaming addiction and other types of painful, manic addictions (for example, addiction to watching television);
  • Hereditary predisposition to mental disorders;
  • Age-related hormonal changes;
  • Long-term use of certain medications.

Also, a common cause of this problem lies in the improper upbringing of a person from childhood. Experts say that people who were not taught to manage their emotions as children suffer from mood swings much more often than patients who were taught from an early age to restrain their feelings.

Sudden changes in emotional background occur for various reasons.

Among women

If a woman or girl often changes her feelings from intense joy to tearfulness and sudden outbursts of anger, this may be a sign of incipient depression. The reason for changeability most often lies in dissatisfaction with marital or partner relationships, as well as inferiority complexes. It is known that in women, undulating mood changes are often combined with dysmorphophobia (a disorder associated with dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance, most often with one’s figure).

Attention! Emotional instability often occurs in early pregnancy as a result of hormone imbalance. Therefore, if a lady suddenly becomes capricious, it may make sense to buy a pregnancy test. If suspicions are confirmed, you can take any sedatives or vitamins, including folk remedies, only as prescribed by a doctor.

In men

Mood swings among the stronger sex are not uncommon. Most often, they are characteristic of those who have recently quit smoking, as well as those who actively abuse alcohol. A man suffering from alcohol addiction falls into joyful excitement before taking another dose of alcohol. After drinking the drink, euphoria reaches its peak, and along with a hangover comes depression. If a smoking or drinking gentleman is forced to abstain from his “drug” for a long time, he may experience unexpected outbursts of anger and sharp transitions from joy, a calm mood to a state of passion. In this case, it is necessary to first treat the patient for his addiction.

In teenagers

It happens that adolescence has a negative impact on the child’s psyche. The teenager either falls into euphoria or becomes completely indifferent to the world around him. Most often, with age, this condition goes away without requiring treatment, since the cause of wave-like changes is very simple - hormonal changes in the body. The main thing is to recognize the problem in time and, if necessary, show the child to a specialist. Perhaps he will prescribe drugs that stabilize hormonal levels, and sudden teenage mood changes will stop.

Attention! If a teenager suddenly switches from anger to joy and vice versa, parents are advised to carefully check his things and his social circle. Sharp changes in the emotional background are characteristic of people who have recently started using drugs. At the slightest suspicion of drug addiction, the teenager should be urgently shown to a specialist.

Why does your mood often change?

Mood, in essence, is our psychological attitude towards the surrounding reality. It can be different: positive, negative or neutral.

Mood changes are a normal function of the nervous system. Thanks to it, we adapt to changing environmental conditions. But sometimes these “swings” are so frequent and sharp that they interfere with a normal productive life. In this case, it’s worth figuring out: what, in fact, is happening?

Let's try to classify the factors of changes in psychological mood. So,

Possible causes of sudden mood swings:

1. Temperament type. Choleric people are most prone to frequent mood swings in stressful situations.

2. Diet. Scientists have long noticed that some types of foods have a stimulating effect on the body, while others, on the contrary, have a calming effect. Therefore, it is worth carefully reviewing your diet.

3. Various addictions: alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction. In a state of passion, it is very difficult for a person to control changes in his state.

4. Physiological reasons. For example, previous traumatic brain injuries, or certain types of mental illness. In such cases, the help of a doctor is necessary. Most likely, he will prescribe complex therapy, including both drug treatment and psychocorrection.

5. Chronic fatigue, constant stress. Under stressful conditions, the body simply does not have enough strength for a calm, productive life. Irritation accumulates, and now any little thing becomes capable of unsettling us.

6. In women, there are hormonal changes in the body. Mood changes can be observed especially clearly during pregnancy.

7. Off-season. This includes the characteristic autumn and spring blues, feelings of discomfort during these periods, and, as a result, emotional swings. The physiological reason for seasonal mood changes is a change in the functioning of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the production of the so-called “happiness hormones”.

8. Personal problems. Of course, everyone has them. But some people tend to make decisions quickly, while others have doubts. This provokes a change in mood.

9. Hidden depression. In cases where a person experiences fatigue, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and mood swings for a long time, we can talk about depression. And since it belongs to the category of diseases, the help of doctors and psychotherapists is necessary.

10. Lack of sleep. The body needs proper rest. Healthy sleep can improve both immunity and mood.

11. Lack of sunlight. The reason is the same as in the off-season - insufficient production of the “happiness hormone” melatonin. Only such blues can happen not only during transition periods between seasons, but even in summer in cloudy weather.

12. Lack of oxygen. In winter, in rarely ventilated rooms, there is often not enough fresh air, which provokes drowsiness and bad mood.

Psychologists also distinguish a certain type of character - cyclothymic. The very name of this type speaks of cyclicality. Such people naturally have sudden mood swings. What else is different about cyclothymics and how to interact with them?

Could this be a diagnosis?

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Changing moods can be a symptom of a serious illness. However, do not panic ahead of time. It is quite possible that the frequent transition from intense joy to tears, anger and a depressed state is just a specific property of a particular person. In some absolutely healthy people, emotions often jump from anger to joyful euphoria. Most often this happens in choleric and melancholic people.

This condition requires immediate intervention from a specialist if:

  • A person suddenly becomes suicidal;
  • Along with rapid changes in mood, signs of manic-depressive psychosis are observed;
  • During periods of depressed, depressed state, the patient is prone to constant harm to himself and others;
  • Wave-like changes in women arose against the background of prolonged postpartum depression.

In these cases, it is urgent to show the person to a psychotherapist. Married couples can visit a specialist together; Family psychological assistance gives good results. Timely treatment will help prevent the negative consequences of the disorder.

If your mood changes suddenly and unexpectedly, you should consult a specialist.

Classification of pathology

Mood swings can vary in nature. Experts identify several such “scenarios”


  • Cyclothymic mood swings
    . These are affective disorders that may contain signs of hypothymia (low mood) and hyperthymia (pathologically elevated mood). In the first case, this is reduced self-esteem, indifference to everything around, lack of motivation, irritability, sleep disturbances, self-blame, decreased attention and memory. In the second case - energy, hyperactivity, short sleep, too much euphoria and talkativeness, increased excitability.
  • Depressive swings
    . They may appear temporarily and go away within a short time, but sometimes they drag on for many years. Depression is a serious illness that comes in a number of varieties. In general, it is characterized by attacks of low, depressed mood, irritability, etc., up to thoughts of suicide.
  • Bipolar swings
    . They are better known as manic-depressive psychosis. In this case, sharp mood swings constantly occur: unbridled joy is replaced by the same uncontrollable crying, enormous productivity and creative spirit are replaced by emptiness, fatigue, depression and laziness. Manic-depressive psychosis can take severe forms, which are fraught with suicide or threats to others.

Who are cyclothymics

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Cyclothymics are people with an unstable psyche. One person combines seemingly incompatible traits. Sociability and cheerfulness coexist with increased irritability, embitterment, and a desire to oppose oneself to the world around us. Cyclothymics are also characterized by the following personal characteristics:

  • Increased anxiety and excitability, tears for any reason;
  • Severe irritability;
  • Difficulty concentrating, memory problems, especially in old age;
  • There may be subtle disturbances in speech and motor coordination caused by improper functioning of certain parts of the brain;
  • Constant feelings of guilt for uncontrollable outbursts of anger and agitation.

Also, cyclothymic people tend to attach too much importance to details and insignificant events, to fix their attention on trifles; therefore, even the smallest incident can cause a sharp change in mood, an unexpected attack of excitement or, conversely, depression.

During periods of increased excitement, cyclothymics communicate a lot and can easily find a common language with people. However, when the mood suddenly changes, the person becomes completely different: withdrawn, silent, focused on his own feelings and experiences. Therefore, such people, as a rule, have very few friends. They communicate mainly with relatives who are tolerant of such changes in mood.

Cyclothymia itself is not dangerous. However, if you do nothing and ignore these negative changes for a long time, they can cause destructive processes occurring in the patient’s psyche. Therefore, any person subject to changeable emotions should be attentive to their own condition.

Dealing with a cyclothymic is not easy

How to deal with mood swings?

In order to stabilize your psycho-emotional state, it is important to reconsider your own employment at work and at home, and learn to set priorities correctly. Start playing sports, walking in the fresh air, eating right.

What does the doctor think?

“The first thing to do is to understand that moods come and go. You need to be patient and just get through it. Next, you need to understand for yourself that everything that happens is needed for something.”

Herbal remedies based on natural ingredients have a good effect, which help normalize sleep, relieve anxiety, restlessness, etc. These components include:

  • St. John's wort - has a calming effect.
  • Valerian root - improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, eliminates excitability.
  • Rhodiola rosea – helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system and improves oxygen supply to every cell of the body.
  • Volodushka root – has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Clover herb – eliminates the feeling of irritability.
  • Muira puama bark – eliminates anxiety and improves sleep.

Mood swings cannot be triggered, but self-medication will not always help cope with the problem. If you cannot stabilize your mood on your own, we recommend that you consult a doctor. It may be necessary to conduct additional examination, since the cause of sudden changes in mood can be various pathologies. In this case, it is important to establish these causes, and only then begin treatment.

How to stabilize the condition

To return the cyclothymic to normal life and bring him out of unexpected depression or euphoria, family and friends should consult with a specialist as soon as possible. It happens that a patient wants to be treated, but is afraid of meeting with a psychotherapist out of a false sense of shame. In this case, anonymous treatment in a private clinic can be recommended.

When a person has a sudden mood swing, the main task of the specialist who works with this problem is to stabilize the patient’s condition as quickly as possible, without resorting to potent medications if possible. For this purpose, such means as testing, conversations with the patient, performing special relaxation exercises, and auto-training are used. Group and individual art therapy gives good results. Cyclothymics find it very useful to express their emotions through creativity.

If the patient’s condition is so severe that his presence in society can cause harm to others (for example, an outburst of unmotivated aggression over a long period of time), the doctor may suggest hospitalization of the patient. Typically, 10-day treatment is enough to stabilize the condition.

Acupressure for mood swings

A simple acupressure massage can help cope with mood swings. You need to repeat it every day after and before bedtime. Sit comfortably on a chair, place your hands on your knees, palms down. The point that needs to be massaged is located under the ring fingers of our hands when they lie on our knees. This is a small hollow. Massage it in circular light movements for 3-5 minutes. Repeat the exercise in the morning after sleep, and in the evening before bed. In the morning, the massage is done clockwise, and in the evening - vice versa. This simple method is very effective and helps cope with mood swings and depression.

The dangers of frequent mood swings

Frequent sudden changes in mood and emotions can have a negative impact on the mental and physical state of the patient. Cyclothymics often suffer from headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, and nervous cramps in the stomach. Also, if the “surge” period continues for a long time, the patient may fall into prolonged depression due to mental instability, then he will need psychological and drug treatment. Emotional swings are especially dangerous in situations where the patient suffers from alcohol or drug addiction.

A tendency to cyclothymia can have a negative impact on a person’s mental and physical health.

If a patient experiences rapid changes in emotions, it is important to find out why this is happening. When a person constantly “throws from one extreme to another” (from the most complacent mood to anger or depression), this may be a sign of an incipient illness, mental or physical. Only a specialist in psychology can diagnose the disease and deal with the disorder, so you should not postpone a visit to him.

Causes of mood swings in women

What causes changes in mood and condition in women?

Women who complain about an unstable emotional state are not always able to answer the question of what exactly caused their shaky mood, excessive emotionality, or, conversely, sudden cold equanimity. Sometimes the cause of mood swings is stress - accumulated tension results in depression and apathy; Situational stress can provoke aggression or another form of violent reaction. Stressful situations are sometimes perceived by women as the primary source of mood problems. But not all women can understand that they are really experiencing stress. They complain about their well-being and condition, while claiming that everything is fine in their lives and it is unknown where these “swings” in mood come from.

Emotional instability is inherent in women with thyroid diseases . Their specificity causes mental instability and often causes lethargy, low concentration, and drowsiness.

Hormonal imbalance in general is the breeding ground for emotional surges. This is why instability is typical for teenage girls, pregnant and lactating women, and menopausal women. Changes in hormonal levels during ovulation and before menstruation also provoke increased emotionality and sensitivity (by the way, physical too. This is why we do not recommend that patients with increased sensitivity undergo cosmetic procedures on the days of ovulation and menstruation). HRT (hormone replacement therapy), chosen incorrectly, also has a negative impact on a woman’s balance.

Taking hormonal oral contraceptives can provoke mood “swings” - at the stage of drug selection or when taking an inappropriate drug for a long time.

Irregular or insufficient sex life can also affect a woman’s mental and emotional state. In addition, infrequent sex is a risk factor for the development of many gynecological diseases.

Everyone knows that bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drug use) “shatter” the psyche, disrupting neural connections, putting unnecessary stress on the nervous system, liver, and heart. The result is anxiety, suspiciousness, panic and other unpleasant manifestations.

Lack of physical activity, lack of sleep, high mental stress - these factors also provoke instability of emotions.



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