Why does vision blur?

Anisometropia is a concept that characterizes different vision in the eyes. When the disease occurs, the body's optical system cannot refract rays correctly, and each eye has a different optical power. With such pathology, the task of selecting corrective optics becomes more complicated, so you need to look for a special approach to patients. If the problem is not corrected in time, a complication such as astigmatism may develop.

Why does it happen?

The causes of the disease are divided into two groups:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

More common are congenital forms of anisometropia, which are hereditary in nature. In infants, the disease does not manifest itself externally and is initially asymptomatic. But with age, the manifestations become brighter, and the disease progresses. The degree of development depends on the timeliness of diagnosis and correct correction.

The causes of the acquired form of the disease are divided into 3 groups:

  • cataracts that are progressive and cannot be treated;
  • complication after surgery;
  • disturbance of accommodation in old age.

The disease can be stopped if you choose the right treatment in a timely manner and do corrective exercises.
Acquired forms develop faster than congenital ones, which contributes to early diagnosis, correct diagnosis and corrective measures. In most cases, the congenital form is genetic in nature, so they talk about the hereditary nature of the pathology. If you start proper eye care in time and select corrective exercises, the development of the disease can be slowed down or even stopped.

Separately, there is an idiopathic form of different vision in the eyes, in which it is impossible to identify the causes of the pathology. The diagnosis can only be made after a full examination by an ophthalmologist and a geneticist, who will help rule out other causes. According to statistics, the idiopathic form is very rare.

Astigmatism - what else?

Let's talk specifically about pathological changes in vision that affect the acquisition and development of anisometropia. The following unfavorable conditions may be the causes of such deterioration:

  1. When a person has suffered a unilateral cataract lesion. The cloudy lens of the affected eye has a negative impact on the condition of the other eye. If the second eye turns out to be chronically weak, it begins to focus the resulting image increasingly poorly.
  2. If one of the eyes has poorer vision due to congenital unilateral myopia. This is precisely a case from the field of pathological changes in newborns within the framework of existing risks.
  3. Due to acquired damage to the visual system, for example, due to changes in the shape of the lens, or injuries to the cornea. In these cases, doctors talk about a serious visual impairment - astigmatism. A normal eye strives to focus the light rays entering it strictly on the retina, but with a problem lens or damaged tissue, it cannot do this correctly. Therefore, the eye muscles are forced to strain intensely to change the shape of the eyeball, which over time leads to permanent deformation.

Do not confuse astigmatism with “normal” myopia, which, as a rule, occurs and proceeds painlessly. Here, the organs of vision noticeably react to external stimuli, experience annoying pain, overstrain, which can lead to headaches and even nervous breakdown.

How to understand?

The experience of a person who has different vision depends on the degree of difference in the clarity of vision between the eyes. The classification of the difference in optical power is shown in the table:

DegreeDifference, dioptres
LowThe diopters between the eyes do not exceed the difference by more than 3
High6 or more

With a low degree of difference, there are no symptoms.

Over time, the patient begins to see poorly and the image becomes blurred.
Since the eyes of a patient diagnosed with anisometropia see differently, the organ of vision that has a higher optical power takes on the function of vision. The other eye, in turn, ceases to function and eventually ceases to see. Patients have poor orientation in the environment and are unable to clearly distinguish objects. Patients also see poorly, the image is blurred, which forces them to squint and strain their vision, so their eyes get tired and their sharpness decreases.

Two suns - two moons...

This pathology received the Latin name “anisometropia,” literally: “associated but uneven visual deviations.”

Our visual system, when functioning normally, is characterized by the ability to receive images on the retina of both eyes simultaneously. It focuses it with the same degree of refraction, that is, synchronously refracting light rays.

But with anisometropia, the so-called binocular vision is impaired to one degree or another, that is, merging of images focused on both retinas does not work.

The reasons for this phenomenon, unfortunately, are quite common. A person may be predisposed to anisometropia at birth. But expectant mothers should not be afraid - the human eye, nevertheless, was initially adapted by nature to normal perception of the world and has the necessary margin of safety.

It is interesting that in a human embryo (and animals) the eyes are almost the only organs that go through a completed path of evolutionary development by the time the fetus is born. That’s why they almost never grow in the future, but look so huge on a child’s face.

What, after all, can prevent a child’s eyes from developing without deviations? In many cases, the difference in vision between them is acquired by heredity. That is, if anyone from the child’s immediate family tree was susceptible to this disease, then the likelihood of its manifestation in childhood increases.

However, remember that a growing child is more susceptible to external stimuli that distort the normal development of the visual organs. While a growing organism is forming, deviation from the natural conditions of its growth is fraught with aggravation of any, even minor, deformations.

Diagnostic methods

A doctor is consulted only when the loss of vision noticeably affects the patient’s well-being. A person may not remember when and under what circumstances the discomfort began. It is important for the doctor to clarify whether close relatives have similar problems. The prognosis between the congenital and acquired forms is different and, accordingly, correction methods may differ.

The ophthalmologist will prescribe examination methods, such as:

  • Determination of acuity using tables for each eye separately and together.
  • Perimetry is the study of the boundaries of the visual fields on both sides.
  • Determination of refractive power on the right and left using the skiascopy method and establishing the degree of anisometropia.
  • Ophthalmoscopy and ophthalmometry - examination of the fundus and measurement of the curvature of the cornea.

Symptoms of diseases based on the sense of color

Color perception disorder

People who use LSD or other hallucinogens, as well as people with hangovers, often see things in strange colors. But if you're drug-free, color distortion—known in medical parlance as chromatopsia—could be an early sign of diabetic eye disease.

Even small changes in blood sugar levels can sometimes cause visual disturbances. In the case of a confirmed diagnosis of diabetes, color distortion complicates the process of self-monitoring blood sugar levels using colored strips that are dipped into urine. So there's one more reason to say no to cake.

Very often, diabetic athletes experience clear changes in color perception after intense training or games. This could very well be an early sign of diabetic eye disease.

If most of the things you look at have a yellow tint, you may be experiencing symptoms of a type of chromatopsia called xanthopsia. Xanthopsia alerts you to developing jaundice caused by serious liver disease.

If you are taking digitalis (a medicine commonly prescribed to treat certain heart conditions) and suddenly begin to see yellow objects with a halo around them, these symptoms may be a warning of digitalis poisoning. Immediate medical intervention is necessary, as this condition is fraught with heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia and is fatal.

Color perception in men

If your partner, a man who has always looked at life through rose-colored glasses, suddenly begins to complain that everything now appears in some kind of bluish, sad color, perhaps it is not that he is in a state of depression. Who knows, maybe he takes too many stimulants that guarantee pleasure. When a man sees objects in a slight bluish haze, which is often accompanied by increased color sensitivity, we are talking about one of the common side effects of using Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, used to treat sexual disorders.

If you are being treated for functional sexual disorder and suddenly lose sight in one or both eyes, stop taking the medication immediately and contact your doctor as soon as possible. This may be a sign of non-arterial ischemic optic neuropathy, a condition that can lead to blindness. Men with retinal disease or other vision problems should avoid these drugs.

Now you know the main symptoms of diseases by the sense of color.

What to do?

The doctor will conduct an examination and try to select lenses.
If visual function is impaired, you should contact an ophthalmologist. Only he is able to determine the method and method of correction. The first thing the doctor will do after diagnosis is to try to choose glasses with such lenses that each eye is comfortable. The lenses will differ from each other, since each has its own optical power. It is important that the doctor selects the lenses, because inadequately applied refractive power can damage vision even more.

Another conservative method is the use of corrective lenses. The method allows you to get rid of the need to wear glasses. The selection of lenses occurs only individually with each patient, but it should be remembered that during the installation of lenses the cornea and the epithelial layer of the eye shell may be damaged, and this is fraught with complications. The use of this corrective method is accompanied by gradual adaptation, periodic examinations by an ophthalmologist and proper eye hygiene.

Glasses are safer for patients with anisometropia.

Surgical treatment

One comes to the surgical method of vision correction when conservative therapy is powerless and the visual acuity progressively decreases. Laser surgery is used to restore the normal refractive power of light rays. This method is difficult to implement and has a long and difficult rehabilitation period. Clarity of vision in the eyes is restored gradually and requires the implementation of strict rules. After the operation, it is necessary for the organs to be provided with 1-2 weeks of complete calm. Only then can you do eye exercises and apply other development methods. Heavy physical activity and eye strain are contraindicated for six months after surgery.

The best treatment is eye exercises!

One of the means of preventing anisometropia can be exercises for the eyes, reducing (or completely eliminating) watching TV, working on the computer, alternating mental and physical activity, and walking in the fresh air. Remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat!

I wish you, dear readers of my blog, good health, a keen eye and rich, bright colors! Let everything you see around you bring you only joy and positive emotions, which will subsequently lead to success! See you on my blog!

Why does one eye see warmer colors and the other colder? and got the best answer

Answer from Baturin[guru] According to the evolutionary theory of asymmetry (), the evolution of any structures (and information flows) goes from symmetry to asymmetry. Asymmetrization along the top-bottom axis occurred under the influence of the gravitational field. Asymmetrization along the front-back axis occurred during interaction with the spatial field, when fast movement was needed (to escape from a predator, to catch up with prey). As a result, the main receptors and the brain were located in the front of the body. Asymmetrization along the left-right axis occurs in time, that is, one side (organ) is more advanced, “avant-garde” (as if already in the future), and the other is “rearguard” (still in the past). Dominance is a form of asymmetry. The dominant hemisphere or organ performs its functions better and is therefore more preferable. A person can be strongly right-handed in one function (writing), weakly left-handed in another (grabbing), and ambidextrous (symmetrical) in a third. It is assumed () that during the Mesozoic period, early mammals occupied a subordinate position in relation to the “reigning reptiles” (especially dinosaurs), had small sizes and a twilight lifestyle. Sunlight has the greatest intensity in the green and red (warm) parts of the spectrum, and in twilight lighting the cold (blue) part of the spectrum is more important. Geodakian classifies the lower end, the back, the right hemisphere of the brain, and the left side of the body as conservative subsystems. At the same time, the flows of new information coming from the environment to the operational subsystems (upper end, front part of the body, left hemisphere of the brain and right side of the body) are directed from top to bottom, front to back and left to right for the brain (right to left for the body). A new character arises at the operative end and, if it is not needed there, drifts in phylogeny towards the conservative end. From me: Based on what has been said, it can be assumed that for most people, warm colors are seen better by the right eye, and cold colors by the left. Again from Geodakan: The left eye is more sensitive to simple signals (flash of light), and the right eye is more sensitive to complex signals (words, numbers) (old and new stimuli). The left eye is more sensitive to ordinary words, and the right eye is more sensitive to brands (old and new words). Environmental sounds (the sound of rain, sea, dog barking, coughing, etc.) are better heard by the left ear, and semantic ones (words, numbers) by the right ear (old and new sounds). In humans, in dichotic speech signals, in the first days there is an advantage of the right ear, and after a week - the left. Familiar objects by touch are better recognized by the left hand, and unfamiliar ones - by the right (old and new objects)

Answer from Ekaterina Andreeva

[active] my advice: go to an ophthalmologist

Answer from Olvira Allaberdiyeva

[guru] one hand raking the other modest, for some reason one leg always pulls to the left and the other kicks its ass

Reply from Ural74

[active] good question! I would like to know myself!

Answer from Mikhail Levin

[guru] compared - mine are exactly the same. But my square frame seems taller to one eye than it is wider, and wider to the other eye than it is taller. Normal astigmatism

Answer from Yultan Aydaraliev

[newbie] are you really human?

Reply from Releboy

[guru] The terminator's eyepiece settings are wrong?? ? And it’s not just the eyes that see differently. Dashenka, try on your arms and legs - surely one is longer, the other is shorter? And you go to an otolorhinologist and find out that one ear hears one frequency range, the other hears another. And the right lung is larger than the left by two lobes. Why read? After all, these are people, not clones. If everyone were the same, there would be no need for doctors. It would be enough to issue universal instructions for treating humans...

Answer from Center of the Universe

[guru] I have it even better - one eye sees everything with a greenish tint, the other with a reddish tint. Together is fine. Some kind of 3D.

Answer from Edward Unknown

[guru] Working as an amateur on a tacheometer during the day, I sometimes rolled my left eye so much that it generally saw almost a b/w image. Why as an amateur? because the pros in schools teach you to look in turns ^_^ left/right

Answer from Mikhail Zhukovsky

[newbie] I have the same thing myself. I noticed that it depends on the lighting. If, for example, the lamp was on the right, then the right eye sees colder than the left.

Let's look at some symptoms of diseases based on the sense of color.

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