Methods for safely removing papilloma on the eyelid at home using folk remedies

Papilloma on the eye is a benign neoplasm, which is often localized on the upper or lower eyelids. It is a small growth that initially causes only aesthetic discomfort, but over time it can increase in size and lead to serious complications. To avoid unpleasant consequences, papillomas require timely and proper treatment.

Reasons for appearance

Papilloma is a manifestation of the human papillomavirus, or HPV, which, according to statistics, infects 7 out of 10 adults around the world. It is transmitted by contact or sexual contact, less commonly by the so-called vertical route, from mother to child during childbirth. The virus is in the body in a “dormant” state, but when immunity decreases, it begins to actively multiply and causes the appearance of neoplasms.

The main reasons that have a negative impact on the functioning of the immune system and create favorable conditions for the appearance of papillomas include the following factors:

  • infectious and chronic diseases;
  • HIV and other immunodeficiency conditions;
  • incorrect lifestyle, bad habits;
  • hypothermia of the body or frequent insolation (stay under ultraviolet rays);
  • regular stress;
  • unbalanced diet, deficiency of vitamins in the diet;
  • scratches and minor injuries to the skin around the eyes;
  • taking certain medications.

Papillomas around the eyes can appear at any age, but in older people they are diagnosed more often than in young people, since due to age-related changes in the body, the immune system begins to work much worse.

Another factor that provokes the appearance of papillomas is pregnancy - hormonal changes in the body contribute to the exacerbation of chronic diseases and the proliferation of viruses, including papillomavirus.


You should not worry when papillomas appear. According to statistics, about 70-80% of people are infected with HPV. This virus has no cure. Modern medicine can only localize it.

The main fighter against papillomavirus is our body. The stronger it is, the less likely it is that it will allow the virus to manifest itself.

More than 600 of its varieties have been identified. For the most part, they do not pose a health threat. But some of its strains can contribute to a decrease in immunity in the body and provoke cancer.

This is the reason why it is necessary to treat HPV under the supervision of doctors.

The appearance of papillomas can be caused by various factors:

  • high concentration of ultraviolet radiation;
  • weak immunity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • stress.

The formation of papillomas in the eyes does not depend on age. It can equally occur in both young and elderly people.

HPV penetrates in various ways:

The skin is the body's first line of defense against viruses. Any microtrauma facilitates the penetration of microbes. Therefore, it must be protected and monitored regularly.

Why is laser removal of papillomas so in demand?

Before the use of laser removal of papillomas in medicine, warts were cut off using electrical methods, the use of chemical reagents and low-temperature nitrogen. Laser removal of papillomas is an innovative technique that provides painless removal of the tumor.

Thanks to low intensity radiation, blood circulation in the body is stimulated and healing is accelerated. Along with removing the growth, the laser beam seals the blood vessels, eliminating the occurrence of inflammation and scars.

Laser removal of papillomas on the face is an extremely precise procedure

. There is disinfection of the wound and absolute control over the depth of penetration, in which the tissues around the affected area are not exposed.


The main manifestation of the pathology is neoplasms on different parts of the eye, which can be located on the lower or upper eyelids, sometimes at the roots of the eyelashes or near the conjunctiva, singly or in groups. The favorite place for localization of papillomas is the upper eyelid - most likely, this is due to the fact that the skin in such places is thinner and more sensitive.

Other symptoms of the disease include:

  • sensation of a foreign object or “sand” in the eyes;
  • difficulty blinking;
  • tearing, redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

The severity of symptoms depends on the location of the growth - a papilloma near the eye causes much less discomfort than a neoplasm that is located next to the eyeball or in the crease of the eyelid.

How much does laser removal of papillomas cost?


laser wart removal costs from 500 to 2500 rubles.
The procedure
for removing papillomas is carried out both in private medical institutions and in public hospitals. The price will vary depending on the location of the operation, the qualifications of the specialists and the general performance of the clinic. The price for laser removal of papillomas may increase subject to additional tests that must be taken from the patient before the procedure.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations


The classification of papillomas is based on the characteristics of the clinical course of the pathology - shape, size, localization of growths, as well as the risk of their malignancy (degeneration into a malignant tumor).

  1. Flat . Such neoplasms appear on the skin singly or in small groups and are shaped like a round or oval growth that practically does not protrude above the skin. They appear quite rarely on eyelids.
  2. Keratopapillomas . This type looks like clusters of small papillae on a small stalk, which is easily damaged even with minor impact.
  3. Fibropapillomas . Dense growths that can have different shapes and colors. They affect the deep layers of the skin and are nourished by their own blood vessels.
  4. Filiform . The neoplasms look like small yellow lumps on a small stalk, which over time begin to grow and elongate.

Based on their tendency to malignancy, papillomas are divided into neoplasms with low and high oncogenicity. Low-oncogenic types are practically invisible to the naked eye, are characterized by slow growth and rarely cause serious complications.

Growths with high oncogenicity grow quite quickly, so the risk of developing cancer in patients with such pathology is much higher.


Papillomas can be located in the thickness or along the edge of the eyelid near the eyelashes. Externally, they look like papillary or flat formations. Papilloma on the lower eyelid is as common as on the upper eyelid. The shape and structure of the growths may vary. One of the varieties is keratopapillomas. They are clusters of poorly distinguishable, papillary, small neoplasms. In appearance, such a tumor is similar to a cauliflower inflorescence. Other characteristics of keratopapillomas:

  • Localization area. Keratopapillomas occur in areas of the body with delicate skin: neck, face, armpits, eyelids.
  • Structure. Such papillomas are soft and rough to the touch.
  • Structure. The growths are pedunculated, so they can easily come off, and only affect the epidermis - the top layer of skin.

The second type is fibropapillomas. They affect the deeper layers of the skin. Fibropapilloma on the eye has its own vessel, its color varies from pinkish to dark brown. This neoplasm does not have a leg. Growths are more common on the back, limbs, and face. The last type of papillomas are flat, which makes them difficult to notice on the skin. They do not differ from the skin even in color. Externally, the growths are a collection of nodular tumors.

Why are they dangerous?

Papilloma on the eye is not just a cosmetic defect. It can lead to serious complications. If the tumor is localized near the eyeball, it has an irritating effect on the conjunctiva, causing conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other inflammatory eye diseases that threaten vision impairment. In addition, some neoplasms are easily injured, resulting in a risk of infection and the development of an inflammatory process.

Papillomas with high oncogenicity are especially dangerous, as they quickly transform into malignant tumors. An unfavorable sign is the rapid growth of a wart, a change in its shape or color - in this case, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

What is the danger

Before you start getting rid of papilloma, you should visit a doctor. The specialist will determine whether the growth can develop into a malignant tumor.

Small tumors that grow slowly, are not very noticeable, do not cause pain when pressed, and are practically harmless.

There are also papillomas that quickly enlarge, acquire a dark brown color, and sometimes become injured when pressed or rubbed. Once damaged, it is rare but can turn into a cancerous tumor.

The most dangerous growths for humans are those that form under the influence of an oncogenic strain of the virus.

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The use of the radio wave method is indicated for deep penetration of formation into tissue

Find out whether Ofloxacin eye drops are really effective against many types of bacteria here.

How to treat papillomas on the eye?

Modern medicine has several ways to get rid of papillomas.

Surgical excision method

Due to the increased risk, this method is not acceptable if the papilloma is located above the eye or inside the eyelid:

  • there is a high probability of damage to nerve endings;
  • Scars remain after excision of growths.

Laser treatment

Removing papilloma from the eye with a laser has the following advantages:

  • high precision of excision;
  • minimal risk of injury to healthy skin areas;
  • skin scarring is minimized;
  • there is no need for stitches.


You can remove papilloma on the eye using liquid nitrogen.

Cauterization of papillomas reduces the risks of collateral injuries and complications.

How to remove papilloma from a baby

The article is for informational purposes only. Methods for treating pathology and removing tumors should be prescribed by a doctor. Various growths and warts are also found in children. Most experts believe that if their appearance is provoked by the papilloma virus, then first it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, which includes the use of:

  • means that strengthen the immune system;
  • vitamins;
  • drugs that reduce the activity of the pathogen;
  • ointments, chatterboxes.

If after such therapy the growth on the eyelid cannot be removed, surgical treatment is resorted to.

Creodestruction is used when you need to get rid of papilloma in a small child. Liquid nitrogen burns out the tumor faster than in a minute. During such an intervention, no pain is felt, and there are no scars left after it.

The radiosurgical method is prescribed if the diameter of the growth is no more than 30 mm. Electrocoagulation is rarely performed in children, since exposure to high-frequency current is accompanied by pain, and the wound does not heal for a long time after the procedure.

Laser removal is indicated when a large papilloma is located deep under the skin.

Evaluate the effectiveness of an antimicrobial drug from the fluoroquinolone group – Oftaquix eye drops.


Complex damage to one of the facial nerves is ptosis of the upper eyelid.


To get rid of papillomas in the eyes, you need to consult a dermatologist. To make a diagnosis, as a rule, an external examination is sufficient, but sometimes a general blood test and a study aimed at identifying the papilloma virus in the body are necessary. If the neoplasm is located near the eyeball and contributes to the development of inflammatory eye diseases, a detailed examination of the tissues and structures of the eye is necessary.

For growths with high oncogenicity, patients additionally require consultation with an oncologist and a biopsy - taking a sample of papilloma tissue and their subsequent examination under a microscope.

Possible consequences and complications

In some cases, after removing papilloma with a laser, some complications may occur. Their manifestation depends on many factors: the size and number of tumors removed, the correctness of the operation, and compliance with the rules of wound care in the postoperative period.

Therefore, experts recommend that to remove such formations, contact medical institutions rather than beauty salons.

The consequence of laser removal may be the development of inflammatory processes after tearing off the crust and infection in the wound. In this case, the problem area will turn red and become swollen, and suppuration will begin.

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The patient will be bothered by aching pain and a possible increase in body temperature. To eliminate this problem, antibiotic ointments are used.

In case of existing intolerance of the body to certain components of drugs, allergic reactions may occur after treating the wound with antibacterial drugs. They manifest themselves in the form of burning, peeling and redness of the skin. Antiallergic medications will help get rid of these symptoms.

Laser beams can cause burns if the skin is hypersensitive. After healing, pigment spots may form, which will disappear over time.

In rare cases, keloid scars form after the wound heals. This usually happens when large papillomas are removed with a laser, as well as growths that are located in places of constant friction with clothing. In addition, hereditary factors play an important role in the formation of scars, as well as concomitant diseases of the endocrine system.

Immediately after completion of the operation, itching in the treated area and minor pain are possible, which disappear in a short time.

Why do papillomas appear on the eyelid?

Papilloma occurs when HPV (human papillomavirus) is activated in the human body. This happens when favorable conditions exist. Especially often, growths on the eyelids appear when immunity decreases. This is possible after suffering serious illnesses, severe hypothermia, long-term use of antibiotics and immunosuppressants.

The human papillomavirus provokes the appearance of growths on the eyes

HIV-infected people are susceptible to the development of papillomas on the eyelids, since the body's defenses in this category of people are severely depleted. Different types of HPV can provoke the appearance of growths: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 16, 42, 43 and 44. All of the listed types are non-oncogenic, except 16. This type can provoke the transition of a benign process to a malignant one.

The introduction of the human papillomavirus is facilitated by unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier of the infection, as well as contact of the pathogen with damaged skin during a handshake.

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Laser removal of papillomas on the eyelid - consequences

  • 01 August
  • 0 rating

Papillomas are growths in the form of moles or warts on a cylindrical stalk. The unpleasant, repulsive appearance of papillomas, reminiscent of small nipples or rough plaques, brings a lot of inconvenience. If you don’t get rid of them in time, they not only increase in size, but also create entire colonies of their own kind.

Most often, papillomas appear on the elbows, under the knees and in the neck area. The growths can appear in the most undesirable places, such as on the eyelids and chin.

Why do papillomas appear?

The reason for their appearance is a virus that penetrates through epithelial cells.

As a rule, transmission of infection from a sick person to a healthy person occurs through sexual contact, but a household method of infection is also possible - for example, through hygiene items, in a swimming pool or gym.

A mother with papillomas can infect her child even before birth. Doctors and nurses who remove these growths are also at risk, and cases of infection are not that rare.

The following categories are more likely to get sick or have papillomas spread throughout the body::

  • Patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Women taking contraceptives.
  • Smokers and people who abuse alcohol.
  • Impaired metabolism favors the appearance of many small warts.
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system significantly reduce immunity and lead to the appearance of various skin diseases. Papillomas are no exception.
  • There is a high probability of these growths appearing if there are already any urogenital infections. For example, chlamydia, herpes or mycoplasmosis.
  • Fans of year-round tanning are at risk.
  • HIV-infected.
  • People who are stressed and abuse unhealthy food.
  • Old age and accumulated chronic diseases provoke the appearance of papillomas.

The papilloma virus tends to remain inactive for a long time. Often one small growth does not cause concern for years, but one day a whole rash is discovered.

It's no surprise that most people want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Skin growths, which can double or even triple in size, cause a lot of inconvenience. Papillomas located on the eyelids or feet interfere with the usual way of life. Many of them are painful and easily vulnerable.

How to get rid of papillomas

There are three methods of disposal:

  • Using a laser.
  • Liquid nitrogen.
  • Surgically.

A liquid nitrogen

Nitrogen removal is as follows. The area with the growth is frozen to stop its development. As a result, the wart simply dries up and falls off. This simple and convenient method has a lot of side effects :

  • Skin rash.
  • Painful sensations.
  • Tissue swelling.
  • Pigmentation disorder.


The main advantage of this method is its 100% efficiency. After it, papilloma no longer appears, while nitrogen and laser do not provide such a guarantee. Unfortunately, noticeable scars are sometimes left behind, which is why this method is rarely used on the face, neck and other visible parts of the body.

The operation is carried out after treating the area with an anesthetic . The doctor applies stitches and observes the patient for two weeks.

Laser removal

Today this is the most progressive method of removing tumors. Depending on the type of papillomas, a carbon dioxide or erbium laser is used.

The advantages of this method include the following:

  • Unlike nitrogen treatment, blood circulation is stimulated.
  • Short rehabilitation period.
  • Rapid tissue healing.
  • No scars.
  • Activation of biological processes.
  • There is virtually no risk of infection.
  • The possibility of a neoplasm is excluded.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • Possibility of getting burned.
  • Possibility of re-infection.
  • Sometimes the procedure is painful.

During the operation, the following happens: the area with the growth is treated with novocaine, then the upper part is cut off with a laser, and the leg is burned out. The area must be treated with an antiseptic. The entire procedure takes about twenty minutes and in most cases is painless.

The method is contraindicated for malignant neoplasms, large growths and unknown reasons for its appearance. Also, surgery is not performed during pregnancy or in case of diseases of the circulatory system.

After the operation, a crust forms at the site of the papilloma, which should be treated as follows :

  • Twice a day - hydrocortisone ointment.
  • Three times a day - with an antiseptic.
  • Oil products with vitamins A and E for tissue healing.
  • Sunscreen.

It is forbidden to apply a patch and take a bath. After the end of the rehabilitation period, the patient returns to his normal lifestyle.


Treatment of papilloma on the eyelid should be comprehensive and aimed at combating not only the external manifestations of the papillomavirus, but also pathogenic microorganisms that are in the patient’s blood. In the treatment of the disease, drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects are used, which include Genferon, Cycloferon, Interferon, Immunomax, used in the form of tablets or injections.

The regimen and duration of administration, as well as the dosage of medications, are determined by the doctor, taking into account the clinical course of the pathology, age and characteristics of the patient’s body. To remove the tumors themselves, instrumental techniques, pharmaceutical preparations for external use and folk remedies are used.

How to remove papilloma

The main condition is that you should never remove a growth on the eyelid yourself. At best, this will lead to an inflammatory process in the organ of vision or nearby tissues. A more serious complication is malignancy (malignancy) of the tumor. If papillomas appear, you should consult a dermatologist. After examination and diagnosis, the specialist will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. In some cases, a biopsy is performed - an analysis that will help distinguish benign from malignant tumors.

The first to use more gentle methods of treatment are special medications. When the body is affected by HPV, the following are used:

  • Medicines that have an antiviral effect. They are available in the form of tablets, ointments, solutions and drops.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs. They are also some antiviral agents, for example, Viferon. The immunomodulatory effect is especially important in case of HPV infection, since it is provoked by weakened immunity.

It is worth noting here that antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs will only help suppress the infection from the inside and strengthen defense mechanisms. The growths themselves will not disappear from this. To remove them, a special method is used - treatment with special drugs that destroy tumor cells and restore damaged tissue. Such products can be used at home. Their use leads to drying out of the growths. More radical methods of removing papillomas include:

  • Hardware treatment. It consists of resection of pathological tissues with a laser or liquid nitrogen.
  • Surgical treatment, which involves excision of the growth with a scalpel in special “one-day” surgery departments. In this case, the doctor may additionally take tissue for histological examination.


Medication therapy is complex. To influence the papillomavirus from the inside, antiviral drugs are used in the form of the following tablets:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Zovirax.

Among antiviral drugs, Acyclovir is most often used. The advantage of the drug is that it is available not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of lyophilisate, cream and ointment, including a special ophthalmic one. The main component of the drug blocks the replication of the virus, thereby inhibiting its activity. The disadvantages of Acyclovir include the possible development of tolerance by the virus to this medicine. In addition to papillomavirus, this medication is used to treat:

  • herpes simplex;
  • herpes zoster;
  • chicken pox.

Antiviral drugs in case of damage to the body by papillomavirus can also be used externally. With local treatment, the active components of the drugs act directly in the area of ​​virus activation, i.e. in the growth area. External antiviral drugs:

  • ointment and gel Viferon;
  • Panavir gel;
  • Ganciclovir drops;
  • Bonafton ointment.

Of these products, it is worth noting Viferon ointment. The advantage of the drug is that in addition to being antiviral, it has an immunomodulatory effect. The basis of the product is human recombinant interferon. This substance normalizes the concentration of immunoglobulin E in the body. Among the disadvantages of Viferon, one can note the possible development of allergies at the site of application, but it quickly passes. This ointment is used for lesions of the skin and mucous membranes caused by papillomavirus or herpesvirus.

The third group of medications used are special preparations with special substances in their composition that destroy tumors. Extracts of red pepper, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, propolis, sodium and potassium hydroxide, and carbolic acid have these properties. Examples of products containing several of these components:

  • Wartner Cryo;
  • Cryopharma;
  • Antipapillomas;
  • Super Celandine;
  • Dermavit;
  • Collomak;
  • Papilight;
  • Papilux;
  • Papillock plus.
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Papilight is highly effective among them. It contains extracts of garlic, propolis, red pepper, Jerusalem artichoke and special substances Rhododendron adamsii, Caragana jubata. Due to these components, the drug neutralizes virus strains and removes growths. The advantage of Papilight is that, thanks to its plant composition, it is better suited for treating the delicate skin around the eyes. In addition, the drug additionally has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Papilight has no disadvantages or adverse reactions. Indications for use of this drug:

  • Bowen's disease;
  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • bowenoid papulosis;
  • condylomas.

PAPILITE CREAM. NOT ADVERTISING. HONEST REVIEWS. We remove warts and moles. Papillomas

Surgical excision method

This is the most radical option for removing a tumor. After local anesthesia, the doctor uses a scalpel to excise the papillomatous tissue, capturing small areas of healthy tissue. Next, stitches are applied, after which the patient is explained the rules for caring for the wound. The advantage of this method:

  • safety;
  • no relapses;
  • high efficiency;
  • low cost;
  • no contraindications, since the procedure does not require the use of devices or chemicals.

Surgical excision is indicated for extensive papillomatous growths in both the upper and lower eyelids. Although this method is rarely used, since the skin around the eyes is more delicate. An obvious disadvantage of removing tumors with a scalpel is the scars that often remain after tissue healing. Everything is determined by the quality of the suture, which directly depends on the qualifications of the surgeon. The only possible complication is infection of the wound, but this often occurs when recommendations for its care are not followed. The cost of the procedure is about 1500 rubles.


This is the name for the method of removing papillomatous formations by freezing. This procedure is safe and does not even require anesthesia. The doctor simply applies a special tampon applicator, which is moistened with liquid nitrogen, to the growth. As a result, the tumor tissue freezes, dries out and falls off. Pros and cons of cryodestruction:

  • Flaws. It is not always possible to completely remove the tumor the first time, since it is difficult to determine its depth. In addition, the procedure often has to be repeated for multiple tumors.
  • The advantages of cryodestruction include safety for children and pregnant women and a low risk of complications.

Of the negative consequences, judging by the reviews, only some patients experience an inflammatory process, which is often associated with the fact that a person accidentally touched the crust or deliberately opened it on his own. Due to infection, suppuration may begin. Another possible complication is relapse of the disease. It is excluded if the doctor has carefully worked on the root of the formation. For this reason, it is important to choose experienced specialists to perform cryodestruction. The cost of the procedure is about 1000–1500 rubles.

Laser treatment

The laser excision procedure begins with anesthetizing the area around the eyes, after which the tumor is “burned out” using a special device that emits a narrow beam of light. As a result, small crusts remain in the affected area, which disappear after a week. Pros of laser removal:

  • the risk of scarring is minimal;
  • high precision of excision;
  • the ability to polish remaining small scars;
  • minimal likelihood of injury to healthy areas;
  • no need for stitches.

Complications of the procedure are often associated with improper wound care. If you accidentally tear off the scabs or wet them with dirty water, there is a risk of infection. In this case, the patient is prescribed antibacterial ointments. Another possible complication is keloid scars, but they rarely remain, since laser excision is highly accurate - the light beam is directed precisely to the area of ​​papillomatous growths. There are no other disadvantages to this procedure. Its price varies from 200 to 600 rubles.

Laser removal of papillomas on the eyelids – Periscope

Folk remedies for papilloma on the eyelid

With the help of alternative medicine recipes, you can only cope with small papillomas that are flesh-colored and not located near the mucous membrane of the eye. Large tumors are removed only by hardware or surgical methods. Folk remedies can only be used after consultation with a doctor. In addition, they will have to be used for a long time, otherwise they will not bring results. You should not use products containing alcohol, as there is a high risk of chemical burns to the eye. It is better to use the following recipes:

  • Mix 1 tsp. castor, lemon and tea tree oil. Gently apply the composition to the tumor with a cotton swab up to 2-6 times a day. Avoid contact of the oil mixture with healthy skin. Treatment lasts until the growth disappears.
  • Squeeze a small amount of juice from Kalanchoe or aloe. Soak a cotton pad in it and apply it directly to the growth. This procedure has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects. You need to repeat it every day.
  • Pick a few stems of celandine, wash and chop them, then squeeze out the juice. Lubricate the growth with it up to 3-4 times throughout the day. During this time, the tumor should darken. Then lubrication with celandine juice is carried out once a day for 3 weeks. The main thing is to avoid getting the product into the eyes and surrounding skin.
  • Grind several walnut leaves to make 50 g of raw material. Pour boiling water over it and leave for one day. Next, use the tincture to lubricate the tumor up to 5 times a day. The course lasts for 3 weeks.

Advantages and consequences of laser papillomas removal, reviews and results

A growth on the skin that protrudes on a cylindrical stalk is called a papilloma. Almost invisible at times, it may not appear for a long time.

However, with any significant weakening of the immune system or under the influence of heat, this benign tumor appears in the form of a single formation, around which its “brothers” subsequently spread.

general information

The most favorite places for papillomas are the elbows and popliteal recesses. They are also often found under the armpit and on the eyelids. A seemingly harmless “baby”, if no action is taken, can give birth to a whole colony of its own kind.

Therefore, it is better not to waste time and seek the help of specialists. Well, we invite you to learn more about what it is - removal of papillomas with a laser, contraindications and consequences, what you cannot do after the procedure and what reviews this method has.

Reasons for appearance

It's all due to the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is introduced into the body through epithelial basal cells, in which it multiplies in the most active way. Infection occurs most often through sexual contact of any type.

Less common are those infected through household means (household items, public baths and swimming pools, etc.). This also includes touching, using the same personal hygiene items and toilet. If tumors grow on the mucous surface of the lips, then transmission through a kiss cannot be ruled out.

There is also a vertical method of infection: during childbirth or pregnancy from mother to child.

The risk of infection through airborne droplets is evidenced by cases of infection of health workers who performed surgical operations on papillomas.

Prerequisites for the manifestation of symptoms are:

  • decreased resistance of the immune system after suffering infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • long-term use of contraceptives;
  • the presence of urogenital infections (mycoplasmosis, herpes simplex, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia);
  • vitamin deficiency (more specifically, vitamin A deficiency);
  • smoking;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • stress.

More than half of the population with an active sexual life are carriers of HPV, which means that the likelihood of joining this social group is quite high.

Why you shouldn't ignore them

Most often, people who discover such a formation on their body are in no hurry to visit a doctor, since the growth does not cause any particular inconvenience, and the prospect of undergoing tests and undergoing therapy is unlikely to seem tempting to anyone.

However, such a defect does not look very attractive on the face, since there is no way to disguise it. Do not rush to rejoice if a papilloma appears in an area covered by clothing: if rubbed, the protruding head may break off.

Damage, quite possibly, will lead to the penetration of microbes into the wound, the subsequent development of an inflammatory process of the skin tissue, which can spread to the lymph nodes.

Injured tumors must be treated, for example, with hydrogen peroxide, isolated with a sterile cloth, after which you should go to the clinic to eliminate the growth.

It is also important that some types of HPV provoke papillomatosis with a high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor. The HPV type is determined through a special analysis.

Under no circumstances should you touch, tie with a thread, or scratch a small tumor. This will only make the situation worse.

Varieties of techniques

  • Nitrogen treatment. It assumes hypothermia of the tumor, due to which it simply dries out and disappears. Although this method is popular due to its simplicity, it is associated with some side effects, such as a rash, impaired blood circulation in the treated area of ​​skin.
  • Surgical intervention . The roughest method. In addition to the fact that the rehabilitation period is quite long, a noticeable scar may remain on the operated area. Therefore, mechanical removal is used extremely rarely.
  • The use of laser, which attracts precision and effectiveness. This will be discussed further.

How does the procedure work?

Laser removal is a matter of a few minutes if the papilloma is small in size and has not yet spread. Otherwise, the operation may take longer.

During the entire process, the instrument does not come into contact with the patient’s skin in any way, which eliminates infection. The wound heals within a week. You can get rid of papillomas no matter where they are located. The only condition is the availability of education for the procedure.

This method consists of evaporating papilloma using a laser beam. Its penetration depth is adjusted to the depth of penetration into the tissue of the formation itself. A dimple remains at the site of the removed papilloma, the last trace of which will disappear after two weeks.

Postoperative care

You can forget about visits to the doctor after just a week. Many experts advise using creams and ointments to speed up healing. For 2 - 3 days after laser removal of papilloma, liquid should not be allowed to enter the wound.

It is also necessary to refrain from going to the sauna and swimming pool, and avoid hypothermia (do not take a cold shower).

To ensure that there is nothing left on the skin surface that would resemble a tumor, the crust should fall off on its own (after 10 days). Therefore, you need to control yourself and not offend her.


You should see a doctor for removal and consultation if:

  • the neoplasm is localized in a place where it is likely to be damaged (shaving area, areas of friction with clothing);
  • if there is pain in the area of ​​the papilloma;
  • the tumor begins to grow.

In what cases is it impossible

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • colds;
  • herpes in the immediate area from papilloma;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • recently tanned.

Advantages over alternative methods

Laser tumor removal is the most effective and painless. There are almost no contraindications to the use of a laser, and the operation can be performed on any area accessible to the instrument.

Among other things, this method eliminates bleeding, since, simultaneously with the removal of the tumor, the blood vessels are sealed.

Recovery proceeds very quickly: after 5 - 7 days the crust disappears, exposing a completely healthy area of ​​skin, devoid of any scars.

The use of laser removal is relevant even for very delicate areas, such as the corners of the eyes, eyelids, lips and neck.

Below are photos before and after the laser papillomas removal procedure:

Possible complications

The consequences depend on the complexity of the papilloma, the professionalism of the doctor and the conscientiousness of caring for the wound. Of course, it is better to seek the services of a specialist with a medical education in a clinic than to remove a benign tumor in a beauty salon, where no one will examine or make a diagnosis.

So you can count on guarantees and adequate recommendations for caring for the wound.

As for self-care, you must adhere to medical instructions. However, even following them, you can accidentally wet the healing area with dirty water or tear off the crust. This will lead to infection if antibiotic ointments are not used. An allergy to potassium permanganate solution or calendula tincture, which needs to be used to treat the wound, may also occur. To eliminate allergic symptoms (itching, flaking, redness), use appropriate medications.

Possible development of keloid scars. A preventive measure against this will be the use of ointments with collagenase.

approximate cost

The price of the laser removal procedure is determined depending on the location of the papilloma, its size and the number of growths.

As a rule, clients who want to get rid of many growths are met halfway and given a discount, which is more significant the more growths that need to be removed. We can only point out that the price of laser removal of papillomas ranges from 200 to 600 rubles.

What do people who have tried it say?

We bring to your attention several reviews about laser removal of papillomas:

  • A.V.: “I had papillomas for a long time. I thought they were just elongated moles. During the May holidays we went to the dacha. There, while mowing the grass, I accidentally tore off one large papilloma with a belt. She turned red and started to hurt. When my daughter found out, she sent her to the doctor. I was a little afraid, I thought they would remove it with tweezers, like my youngest daughter did 25 years ago. But it turned out there was nothing to fear. The large papillomas were injected so that it wouldn’t hurt, and the small ones were removed so that I didn’t even feel it. After removal, black crusts remained, which quickly fell off, and now there is nothing left at all. I lived with them for so many years, but the business turned out to be only 10 minutes.”
  • Anna: “The procedure left only positive impressions. The specialist commented on each stage of removal. He explained how the device works and why the operation is safe. Having received this information, I calmed down and forgot about my previous fears. The effect was visible immediately, but time is needed for final recovery. I’m definitely pleased with the result.”
  • Svetlana: “I want to share my sad experience of laser removal of papillomas from my husband. Before deciding on this, he tried Cryopharma, Superclean and other remedies. None of them had any effect, and papillomas continued to appear. Then he nevertheless went to the surgeon. By that time, he already had about 10 “warts” on his hands. They paid a lot of money for the procedure, and a month later, new ones appeared in the place where the papillomas were. I think that using a laser makes sense to get rid of moles, but papillomas are difficult to cure in this way.”
  • Palmira: “I ran into a problem a couple of years ago. The warts were almost invisible to the eye (because they were flat), but their number was growing. I decided to fight this and didn’t find anything more suitable than Celandine. Better not to use it: spare your skin. While looking for another method, I came across laser. The procedure was quick and painless, since the papillomas were shallow and small. It was done even without anesthesia. The doctor simply disinfected the area with alcohol, cauterized the head and removed it with tweezers. Afterwards, crusts formed, which then fell off. Only scars remain. Later they lightened, but their color never reached my skin tone. But in places where there were papillomas before, not a single new one formed!”

At the moment, laser is the most effective and humane means of getting rid of papillomas. Do not forget that the latter are only an external manifestation of the disease terrorizing the body, and treatment is not limited to their removal.

These growths may well signal serious problems, such as sexually transmitted diseases, kidney dysfunction, gastritis, etc.

And in conclusion, we invite you to watch a video about how the procedure for removing papillomas with a laser goes:

Source: //

Removal methods

Removal of papillomas on the eyelids is carried out in any medical institution under local anesthesia. There are several methods of performing the operation, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Surgical method . The classic method, which is used quite rarely, as it can lead to many postoperative complications and leaves scars on the face. The operation is especially dangerous in cases where the tumor is located in close proximity to the eyeball.
  2. Laser therapy . A modern and safe technique that allows you to remove papilloma without scars and unpleasant health consequences. The procedure takes several minutes, and the duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the location of the growth and averages about a week.
  3. Electrocoagulation . The essence of electrocoagulation is the effect of electric current on tissue. Most often, the method is used to treat growths that are located away from the mucous membranes (for example, papilloma under the eye), and a sample of the tumor must be sent for histological examination.
  4. Cryodestruction . During cryodestruction, the tumor is removed using liquid nitrogen. The advantage of the method is complete painlessness and almost 100% guarantee of no relapses; the disadvantage is the rather high cost compared to other methods.

The method of removal should be chosen by the doctor based on the location and other features of the tumor. After the operation, you must adhere to medical recommendations - do not wet the affected area with water and do not rip off the crust that has formed there.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unlike other methods of removing papillomas, such as cauterization with nitrogen or surgical excision, the use of a laser has a number of additional advantages:

  1. During the operation, the growth can be completely removed; no pathogenic particles remain. Thanks to the laser, deep penetration into tissue occurs.
  2. The procedure is bloodless. As a result of coagulation, blood vessels become blocked.
  3. The laser beam has a narrow focus and does not affect healthy tissue. There is no contact between the device and the wound, so there is no risk of infection.
  4. The operation is performed in a matter of minutes, and the recovery period takes only a few days.
  5. The gentle method of laser therapy practically leaves no scars or scars afterwards.

The main negative point with laser removal of papilloma is the inability to conduct a histological study of the tissues of the growth after surgery, since they are completely burned out. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the possible malignant nature of the neoplasm before the removal procedure begins.

Symptoms of papilloma under the eye

Papillomas under the eye are small growths of various colors, from flesh-colored to black. They can appear not only on the eye, but also on any other part of the body.

Symptoms may vary.

Some do not bother a person, while others can cause pain when blinking. Over time, tumors may appear not only on the face, but also in other places.

Papillomas can look like flat or pointed neoplasms of a single nature or in the form of large clusters. In everyday life they are called warts.

Some types of papillomas can hang on a thin “leg”.

Diagnosis of a wart will help determine the type of formation and select treatment

Removal at home

Self-treatment of papillomas can be carried out only in cases where the growth is small, located in a safe place (away from the conjunctiva) and does not have a tendency to grow rapidly. A remedy for eliminating pathology can be bought at a pharmacy - they are available in the convenient form of solutions, ointments, gels, pencils, etc.

Do not forget that each drug has contraindications and side effects, so you should read the instructions before use.

  1. Kondilin . Contains a substance called podophyllotoxin, which promotes the death of neoplasm tissue - it turns red, after which it turns black and falls off. If used incorrectly, the product can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Dermavit . A drug for the treatment of papillomas, warts and other similar diseases. The action is aimed at destroying the virus that causes the formation of growths and developing immunity to its effects. It comes in the form of a cream, which should be applied to the affected areas for several weeks.
  3. Lapis pencil . The product contains silver nitrate, which disinfects the skin, destroys pathogenic microorganisms and burns tumor tissue.
  4. Celandine (Super celandine). The product is based on celandine extract, sodium and potassium alkali, and has side effects - it causes severe burning and scarring on the skin.
  5. Cryopharma (Wartner Cryo). Aerosols with propane and dimethyl ether, which have an effect similar to the cryodestruction procedure. Apply the substance to a special applicator, apply it to the growth for 30 seconds, then observe it for 2 weeks. If the papilloma does not disappear, treatment should be repeated, but no more than 3 times.

The above drugs are prohibited for use for the treatment of papillomas on the eyelids during pregnancy and childhood.

How dangerous are papillomas?

It has already been said above that papilloma itself is not dangerous - if it is not injured. But if it is localized on the inner eyelid, the mucous membrane is constantly irritated and dries out. And these are favorable conditions for the development of various ophthalmological diseases, which are much more serious.

Xanthelasmas of the eyelids and their treatment

Papillomas on the lower eyelid or along the edge of the upper eyelash, on the eyelash growth line, are often affected by cosmetics and makeup, become inflamed, swollen and also provoke various infectious eye diseases. The risk of injury to growths is especially high in children who constantly rub and touch their face and eyes with their hands.

As for the degeneration of papilloma into a malignant formation, this happens extremely rarely. And even in this case, doctors cannot say with certainty that it was papillomas that caused melanoma (skin cancer). A much greater danger lies directly in the papillomavirus. It has been proven that it can trigger the development of cervical cancer in women or colorectal cancer in men. But again, only if there are already predisposing factors.

In any case, whether a papilloma appears on the eye or is a formation of a different nature, how dangerous it is and what treatment is required can only be determined by a doctor after examining the patient. If oncology is suspected, a scraping will be taken and sent for histological examination. But usually a visual examination under a magnifying glass is enough for a specialist to determine the type of tumor and select the optimal treatment methods.

Formations on the upper eyelids are especially affected by cosmetics and makeup; they are easily injured and cause inflammation.

Folk remedies

Traditional recipes for papillomas are safer than pharmaceutical drugs, but require more time for treatment, and can also cause allergic reactions and side effects.

  1. Celandine . Celandine juice is the most common folk remedy against warts and papillomas, but it must be used with caution, as it can cause serious burns. Lubricate the skin around the neoplasm generously with any cream, then carefully apply fresh celandine juice to the affected tissue. With regular procedure, the growth should darken and fall off.
  2. Dandelion . Dandelion infusion has a fairly quick effect, but also requires careful use. Take dandelion heads, put them in a glass container and pour alcohol (65-70 degrees) in proportions of 1 to 5. Leave for three weeks, then lubricate the new growths no more than 5 times a day so that the liquid does not get on the surrounding skin.
  3. Aloe . Aloe does not cause burns or side effects, but it will take a lot of time to remove papillomas. Rinse the fleshy aloe leaf well, chop it, squeeze out the juice, apply it to a cotton swab and apply to the affected area for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Walnut leaves . Pour about 50 g of walnut leaves into 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 24 hours, then gently lubricate the new growths with a cotton swab.
  5. Potato . Peel the potato tuber, wash it, grate it on a fine grater or grind it in a blender, then apply the resulting pulp to the papilloma, wait until it dries and rinse with warm water. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.

It is recommended to take infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants with an immunomodulatory effect internally - these include rose hips, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, echinacea, and calamus root.

If treatment at home does not give the desired effect, and the tumor begins to grow rapidly, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible - this may indicate the beginning of the process of malignancy (malignancy) of tissues.

Benefits of the procedure

Laser destruction has a number of advantages over other removal methods. These include:

  1. Guaranteed results. Thanks to the laser, the growth is removed completely, leaving nothing even in the deep subcutaneous layers. The device is able to penetrate deep enough to clean out all traces of the presence of a tumor.
  2. Painless. The impact of the laser gives minimal pain to the patient. If you add preliminary anesthesia with local anesthetics to the procedure, there is no pain at all.
  3. Speed ​​of the procedure. To remove papillomas using a laser, it takes from 2 to 5 minutes per element.
  4. Non-invasive. The laser beam is located in a strictly limited area and does not extend beyond its limits. In this case, not one part of the laser touches the site of the procedure. This is very important, since this method helps to minimize the risk of infection and provides a high guarantee of sterility.
  5. No postoperative scars. If the work is carried out correctly, there should be no traces of laser action left at the site of exposure. This is due to the fact that the affected tissue is completely evaporated, and new, intact skin then takes its place.
  6. Bloodless method of removal. The laser beam heats the capillaries supplying blood, promptly sealing their walls. As a result, bleeding stops and does not resume after surgery.
  7. Suitable for different parts of the body. Not all removal methods can be used on every area of ​​the body. Intimate places, eyelids, etc. are considered especially sensitive. Laser destruction copes well with growths in such areas due to the precision of the laser beam.

Treatment and removal methods

Removal and treatment of tumors on the eyelids is not the job of an ophthalmologist, but of a dermatologist. Therefore, it is better to immediately make an appointment with this specialist. Before making an appointment, it makes sense to immediately clarify whether this medical institution has the equipment necessary to remove papillomas on the eyelids.

After an examination, the doctor will determine whether it is advisable to try to cure the tumor with medications, or whether it is better to remove it immediately. Removal of warts and papillomas in the eyes is carried out only with the help of a laser. Electrocoagulation and cryodestruction are not suitable in this case. Both methods are available and effective, if we are talking about papilloma on the body or on another part of the face: first the growth is cauterized, then it dries out, dies and falls off, leaving a small scar.

But in this case, the risk of touching the eyeball and burning it is too high. Therefore, the doctor will choose between laser removal of growths or conservative treatment with medications.

  • Laser treatment. It is performed under local anesthesia. First, the doctor applies a local antiseptic to the affected areas. Then, when the drug takes effect, it treats the defective area of ​​skin with a laser beam of directed length and frequency. At the same time, excess epithelial cells are evaporated, and neighboring healthy tissues remain untouched. After laser removal of papilloma on the eye, the recovery period lasts from two to seven days. This is a quick and painless method. But it is not used if the papilloma is located too close to the edge of the eye or the formations are too large.
  • Drug treatment. This method will take more time, but it is more gentle, accessible and suitable for treating warts on any part of the eyelid. Systemic antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs are usually prescribed to enhance the body's natural defenses. And, in addition, ointment for topical use. The drugs Papilux and Papilight have proven themselves well. These ointments contain herbal ingredients, and therefore have a gentle effect and are suitable for treating sensitive skin around the eyes. First, the growths dry out and then fall off. The scars remain minor, since the ointments contain active ingredients that promote tissue regeneration.

Vaporizing growths on the eyelids with a laser beam is by far the most acceptable and effective method of getting rid of papillomas.
As a last resort, if laser removal has medical contraindications and medication treatment has proven ineffective, surgical removal of the growths is performed. It consists of excision or pinching off the papilloma with special instruments. The wound is then cauterized to stop the bleeding, after which stitches will be placed if necessary. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.

If the growths are minor, the doctor will initially recommend using ointments. But, as practice shows, sooner or later patients still return and sign up for laser removal. Today, this is the only truly effective and safe way to get rid of skin defects on the eyelids.

Helpful advice: in order to suppress the activity of the virus and prevent relapse after surgery, it is important to adjust the patient’s lifestyle. You should ensure a complete, balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins, adequate sleep and rest, and limit stress and emotional shocks. This is the only way to protect yourself from the virus.

Description of the procedure

Before starting any procedure to remove growths, the doctor disinfects the area where the operation will be performed. In some cases, pain relief is used with a local anesthetic. Typically, an ointment or spray is used for this. After applying the anesthetic drug, 2-3 minutes pass, and the removal process itself begins.

The laser beam is directed to the affected area and, as it were, cauterizes the unwanted growth. At this moment, the contents of the cells are evaporated under the influence of a laser, removing each layer of affected tissue. This happens not only in easily accessible places in open spaces. The procedure for removing papilloma, for example, on the eyelid is exactly the same. The only caveat to this area is that a special cooling method is used for the patient to prevent pain and burns in this sensitive point.

New growths in intimate places are removed according to the same principle. But here the doctor usually uses an anesthetic injection as an anesthetic, pricking the growth from different sides.

The very moment of needle insertion may be somewhat painful, but after a couple of minutes, sensitivity in the area of ​​impact completely disappears, and further manipulations are completely painless.

The area where the impact was carried out turns into a small wound without blood. At the time of destruction, it is disinfected due to the operation of a laser. After removing the growth, the doctor treats the affected area with potassium permanganate.

After the procedure, the patient may be left with slight redness, itching or mild pain at the site where the papilloma was removed.

This reaction is considered normal, since, despite the non-invasiveness of the procedure, there was interference with the integrity of the skin during the operation. All discomfort should completely disappear 2-4 days after the procedure.

Later, a dry crust appears covering the wound. Beneath it there is a layer of already healthy skin, so its protective shell cannot be torn off until it falls off on its own. Otherwise, a scar may remain on the skin, and the recovery process itself may take longer.


It is impossible to completely protect against papillomavirus, since most adults around the world are carriers of it. To reduce the risk of infection, you should avoid promiscuity, use contraception, and wash your hands as often as possible.

Observing eye hygiene plays an important role - do not touch your face with dirty hands, do not rub your eyes and do not give your handkerchiefs and other personal hygiene items to strangers. Women should carefully remove makeup before going to bed and use only proven and safe cosmetics.

With normal functioning of the immune system, the body is able to cope with the virus on its own, therefore, for prevention, one should strengthen the immune system - give up bad habits, eat right, engage in light physical activity and take vitamin complexes.

Papilloma on the eye is a fairly serious problem that can lead to harmful consequences, and in severe cases, provoke the appearance of malignant neoplasms. If tumors appear on the skin of the eyelids, you should immediately consult a doctor - with timely diagnosis and treatment, you can not only quickly get rid of the problem, but also prevent its occurrence in the future.

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