Treatment of demodicosis with folk remedies

Many people have to deal with skin diseases. The most common of these are eczema and acne. Demodectic mange is also common. It is simply impossible not to notice him. When it occurs in a person, foci of inflammation appear on the skin of the face, it begins to itch severely, and unbearable itching appears. The main cause of this disease is an opportunistic parasite , which, when it appears in the subcutaneous layer, leads to skin problems. Normally, this parasite occurs in every person. It is found in the sebaceous glands, not only in us, but also in animals. More detailed information about the disease itself and ways to combat it will be presented in this article.

What is demodicosis?

The occurrence of this disease is associated with the creation of a special environment conducive to the life of this parasite. When such conditions are absent, then, being on human skin, it does not cause problems. These properties are inherent in the acne gland - a mite whose habitats are:

  • the mouth of the sebaceous glands;
  • eyebrow and eyelash areas;
  • hair follicles.

However, the concept of biocenosis is widespread among specialists, which means the vital activity of two biological systems that are interconnected and exist in one another. During numerous studies, biologists have found that demodex provides the necessary PH balance, participating in the process of biocenosis . Carrying out their vital functions, mites that provoke demodicosis destroy pathogenic bacteria that settle in large quantities on a person’s face and hands.

The most common condition is demodicosis of the facial skin. This is mainly due to the fact that there are a large number of sebaceous glands on the face, which become dirty quite quickly. For acne, the main food is sebum, consuming which demodex releases toxins, as well as its metabolic products.

It has been proven that 97% of healthy people are carriers of the parasite. If there are no conditions for the parasite to live, it dies quite quickly. But then the natural question is why this disease does not occur in every person . The answer is quite simple - not all people have conditions favorable for the life of this parasite.

Diagnosis of the disease

Only a specialist can diagnose this disease. To determine the disease, microscopy is prescribed: scraping from the sebaceous glands and dermis of the face . To detect a mite on the skin, a specialist uses a special tool to squeeze liquid out of the pimple or take a scraping from the damaged area. The material is then placed on a glass slide and examined using a microscope.

As for the eyelash test, for this examination 8 eyelashes are taken - 4 from one eyelid. The eyelashes are placed on glass, an alkali solution is dripped onto them and covered with another glass. The material is then examined under a microscope.

There is another method for identifying this pathogenic organism - gluing a piece of sticky transparent tape to the infected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dermis. The tape is left overnight, and in the morning it is peeled off, placed on a glass slide, and microscopy is performed.

Causes of diseases

There are several factors that can be considered as the cause of this disease. The main ones should be considered:

  • the use of hormonal creams and ointments;
  • sudden changes in hormonal levels in the body;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the appearance of inflammatory infectious skin diseases;
  • poor nutrition;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • use in a large number of cosmetics;
  • frequent visits to the bathhouse and solarium.

Most often, infection with demodicosis occurs when a person suffering from this disease comes into contact with a healthy person. However, the disease can often be transmitted during a facial cleansing procedure in a beauty salon. Therefore, if you are a frequent visitor to such establishments, then you need to choose the right cosmetologist.

Factors that help cure demodicosis in people

To speed up the recovery process from an aggressive tick and avoid a relapse, you need to take into account a number of important points.

Factors that accelerate the healing process:

  • organizing proper skin care: carry out hygiene procedures 2 times a day, using sulfur, laundry, and tar soaps;
  • replacing feather pillows with other products containing synthetic filler;
  • refusal to use decorative cosmetics until complete recovery;
  • prohibition on squeezing out acne on your own;
  • daily change of bed linen, with mandatory ironing of pillowcases on both sides;
  • treating glasses and shaving accessories with antiseptic agents;
  • washing scarves and hats once every two days;
  • avoiding prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • ban on visiting saunas, baths, swimming pools.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of sulfur extract during pregnancy is not recommended, however, there may be individual cases when the use of sulfur ointment is used for pregnant women.

In this case, the following features of use should be taken into account:

  • Sulfur extract is prescribed by a doctor, in a small dosage once a day;
  • Before application, it is recommended to perform a sensitivity test;
  • The entire period of treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor; in case of side effects, the use of sulfur ointment is stopped.

During the period of breastfeeding, the use of this method of treating skin diseases is not recommended.

Symptoms of demodicosis

There is a whole set of symptoms characteristic of this disease. The main ones include the following:

  • itching Its occurrence indicates that the mite has begun active life activity in human skin. The skin begins to itch. However, in some cases, in the presence of demodicosis, this symptom may be absent;
  • redness. The proliferation of parasites that provoke demodicosis leads to the fact that the skin begins to become inflamed and peel, and in addition it becomes gray in color and becomes lumpy;
  • acne and enlarged pores. Living on human skin, mites lead to blockage of the sebaceous glands. This causes inflammation followed by acne. Under such conditions, the skin begins to actively produce sebum. However, activation of this process leads to worsening of the skin condition. Over time, the pustules break through, resulting in sores. And this leads to a sharp increase in the likelihood of infection;
  • swelling. With this disease, redness of the eyelids occurs. Frequent styes may appear on them, and the eyelashes may stick together. Specific peeling of the eyelid, as well as the brow ridges, may also occur. When this disease appears, the skin on the eyelids peels off, as well as around the eyelashes. As a result, unsightly looking scales are formed;
  • Hair and eyelash loss. Parasites that cause demodicosis feed on the cells of the hair follicles. This leads to the gradual death of the bulb, which after some time leads to hair loss.


Demodicosis can develop not only on the head, but also on the chest and back. Most often, this disease is found on the scalp, because there is sufficient activity of the sebaceous glands, which is influenced by local and general immunity, as well as hormone levels.

The following areas are often affected by decodecosis:

  • nose
  • forehead
  • upper eyelid
  • scalp area

Rosacea appears first. This is persistent erythema with redness and swelling of the skin. The patient also develops acne, pustules, nodules and telangiectasias. The skin is consistently red. The rash can also appear between the hairs on the head. The patient's face is covered with acne. The skin of the affected areas is characterized by thickening. The vascular network on the face is visible. The skin is irritated, tight, and the patient may complain of itching.

With demodicosis of the scalp, a person develops dandruff in the hair area and the head itches. This also happens with endocrine system disorders, stress, lack of vitamins in the body, frequent alcohol consumption, etc.

Symptoms of skin disease

Each form of the disease has slightly different symptoms. If the head and torso are affected, the following symptoms are observed:

  • The formation of nodules, tubercles, and rashes due to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct, through which the produced secretion is discharged. It accumulates and creates ideal conditions for the parasite to feed and reproduce.
  • Unnatural shine of the skin that cannot be eliminated. It does not disappear even after thorough washing.
  • Burning and itching is more pronounced at night, when parasite activity peaks. High air temperature in the room or other specific place where the patient is located can increase itching.
  • Arterial hyperemia is reflected on the skin in red.
  • Changes in pigmentation and density of the epithelium.
  • The wings of the nose are enlarged, this is due to the transformation of functioning tissue into connective tissue, due to tissue sclerosis. This sign indicates a severe form and leads to rhinophyma (the shape of the nose takes on a new enlarged shape).

Severe form of demodicosis When the eyes, in particular the eyelids, are infected, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • Increased fatigue even from minor exertion.
  • The tear film becomes thinner to the limit.
  • The eyelids become thick and/or swollen.
  • Eyelashes stick together.
  • The eyelids turn red.
  • The process of inflammation of the eyelids progresses.
  • Eyelash loss.
  • Severe itching and burning.
  • Pustules, scales, and crusts appear on the eyelids.

The tick finds the most favorable habitats so that reproduction is possible. These are those parts of the body where the sebaceous glands and meibomian glands are located (on the eyelids), because it is the secretion they produce that is food for parasites:

  1. Body under the eyebrows.
  2. Chin.
  3. Rib cage.
  4. Back.
  5. Forehead.
  6. Ears.
  7. The fold between the nose and lip.
  8. Eyelids.

It is worthwhile to dwell separately on demodicosis of the eyes. Ticks happily feed on the secretions produced by the meibomian glands. This product is essential for lubricating the eyelids and preventing excessive tear hydration. When colonies of mites settle in the eye area, a person experiences real suffering. The patient feels discomfort: the eyes itch and burn, they are unable to close normally, purulent discharge forms - all these are clear manifestations of the presence of a tick.

Treatment of subcutaneous mites on the face

If a person has demodicosis, then he, of course, will immediately notice it. Having seen problems that have arisen on his skin, he should not hesitate - he should immediately consult a doctor. If this is not done, the disease will progress. This will cause the skin on your face to become swollen. Its color will change from normal to gray. The capillaries will expand and nodules will appear.

To quickly get rid of this disease, treatment of demodicosis should always be carried out comprehensively. takes three months to completely get rid of the disease . The treatment regimen for this disease is determined by the doctor. It is prohibited to take any medications on your own without his permission.

External treatment

It is based on the use of drugs such as metronidazole, clindamycin, erythromycin. The pharmaceutical industry offers these drugs in the form of sprays and ointments. If we talk about the most common ones, we note Demalan and Manting. Along with them, ointments containing sulfur and sodium thiosulfate, sulfur-tar alcohol are used in the treatment of demodicosis. In addition to using creams, when treating this disease it is recommended to wash your face with tar soap.

You should also wipe your face with chamomile infusion and use calendula. If the disease is advanced, then experts will probably recommend the method of cryotherapy, which involves treating demodicosis with liquid nitrogen . In most cases of this disease, if the mite has already settled in the skin, then it can probably be found in the scalp. Therefore, to get rid of it, you will have to use special shampoos during treatment, which can be easily purchased in pharmacies.

Antibacterial therapy

In order to relieve inflammation and allergic manifestations that arise during the disease, it is necessary to use antihistamines. The most famous are Tavegil and Suprastin. In some cases, when treating this disease, a dermatologist may prescribe antiprotozoal and antibacterial drugs - Ornidazole and Trichopolum.

Maintaining hygiene

When treating this disease, it is necessary to pay special attention to hygiene. re-infection may occur . To avoid this you must:

  • double iron bed linen every day;
  • down pillows and duvets must be replaced with wool or synthetic ones;
  • it is necessary to get rid of all the cosmetics that the person used before the illness. Otherwise, this may lead to re-infection.


Quickly getting rid of demodicosis will be a difficult task if you do not adhere to a special diet during treatment. It involves excluding fried foods from the diet, as well as spicy and salty foods. Alcohol and marinades are prohibited. You need to include a large amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Nutrition should be balanced. Yeast and tomatoes should also be excluded from the diet . If this is not done, they will worsen the condition of the skin. To quickly get rid of this unpleasant disease, efforts should be directed toward restoring metabolic processes and increasing immunity.

Anti-stress therapy

Stress has a negative impact on the human immune system. In addition, it takes away strength from the body. If the patient is unable to cope with stressful situations that arise in his life, then he should consult a doctor for help. He will prescribe a course of drugs that have a mild sedative effect.

There are a number of recommendations that a patient with demodicosis must adhere to during the course of therapy:

  • During treatment, you should avoid visiting baths and saunas.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures should not be performed on the face.
  • It is necessary to avoid tanning in the sun.
  • When performing cosmetic procedures, they should be done without using a scrub, as well as lotions that contain alcohol.
  • Face masks, especially those containing iodine, and other than them, it is better not to apply warming ones until demodicosis is completely cured. Their application will lead to increased blood circulation and warming of the skin, which is undesirable during the period of illness.
  • To quickly get rid of mites, the main cause of demodicosis, you must stop using decorative cosmetics during the treatment period.


Sulfuric ointment

Sulfur ointment for demodicosis is one of the most common medicines for killing subcutaneous parasites. It works well on parasites, quickly getting rid of them. It is based on an active substance such as sulfur. Auxiliary components are Vaseline and T2 emulsifier. The sulfur-based drug has established itself as one of the best ointments from the group of antimicrobial drugs:

  1. The ointment is used after the appearance of pathological elements on the skin, including demodex. It also fights well against infectious skin lesions: lichen planus, sycosis, seborrhea, scabies mite and mycosis.
  2. You must adhere to the rules of use. Apply the product only to previously cleansed skin. Sulfur ointment is applied to inflamed areas no more than 3 times a day. To avoid unpleasant allergic reactions, the layer should not be too dense.
  3. After use, there are usually no adverse reactions. The percentage of allergic reactions is very small. An ointment based on sulfur is not recommended for use if the patient has intolerance to certain substances.

As a rule, the simultaneous use of two drugs to treat the same affected area can lead to disastrous consequences.

The components come together and the result is connections that can make the situation worse. Therefore, treatment should be carried out with one drug, and after completing the course you can switch to another.

It is strictly forbidden to freeze the ointment.

Storage is provided in conditions where the temperature ranges within 25 °C. The product is good for two years and no more. Admission after the expiration date is prohibited.

Permethrin ointment

The product is considered universal, as it treats any form of demodicosis. After contact with the affected area, it immediately begins to have a detrimental effect on the subcutaneous parasite. After the first use, patients note an improvement in their condition.

The peculiarity of the effect is that the components of permethrin cream are able to attack the body of the parasite, passing through its thick shell. Such preparations for external use lack this property. Once in the tick's body, the components destroy the nervous system, which in turn paralyzes the parasite.

Permethrin ointment is safe for humans due to the absence of toxins.

A brief description of:

  1. The main components begin to act after the first contact with the skin. With its help, serious allergic manifestations are treated, and even such a contagious disease as scabies. Permethrin cream for demodicosis is used in the treatment of skin areas whose complications were caused by secondary flora. Usually in such cases there may also be lice.
  2. Use the cream taking precautions. Squeeze a small ball of product onto your hand and distribute evenly over the entire skin. Intended for single use. When treating demodicosis, repeated use is possible. After 12 hours, the drug is washed off. After this, they change into clean clothes.
  3. By-effect. An allergic reaction may occur. The skin may itch, there is a burning sensation and numbness in a specific part of the face. Some patients report the development of erythema after use.
  1. Contraindications. The ointment is not recommended for use if the patient has been found to be intolerant to individual components. Permethrin cream should not be used by nursing mothers and children under 3 years of age.
  2. Interaction with other medications. Permethrin is not applied to the skin together with other medications to avoid the development of adverse reactions.
  3. It is recommended to store the medicine at temperatures up to 25 °C. The best place is the refrigerator door. Before this, the ointment is placed in a special bag to separate it from food products.

Do not use after expiration date.

Yam ointment

In the treatment of demodicosis it acts as a fungicidal-bactericidal agent. Consists of the following components:

  • sulfur;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • petrolatum;
  • tar;
  • turpentine;
  • zinc.

Effectively treats various types of rashes, including rashes that are contagious.

The components contained in large quantities in the ointment act on the skin as an antiseptic. They do not have increased toxicity to humans after application.

  1. A common remedy for the treatment of scabies mites, various forms of dermatitis and eczema. Apply a small amount to inflamed areas no more than 2 times a day. The treating doctor determines the duration of treatment, depending on the degree of damage and symptoms. Immediately after the end of treatment, the patient must be tested for demodicosis in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment. If a parasite is detected, treatment is repeated.
  2. Some patients may experience allergic reactions. If hypersensitivity to individual components was previously noted, then the ointment is not used.
  3. During therapy, be sure to maintain personal hygiene. Do not remain in the same clothes in which the medicine was applied. Yam ointment can be produced both in tubes and small bottles.

Yam ointment is a favorite preparation of grandmothers for eliminating various types of skin manifestations.

What forms of demodicosis exist in humans and how to determine it?

Experts note that the development of the disease is possible with pathological changes in the conditions of existence of such forms of demodex as demodex folliculorum and demodex brevis. In order to take appropriate measures in a timely manner and stop the process of destruction of the skin due to the activity of the mite, it is necessary to distinguish between the different forms of the disease.

Demodex forms:

  1. Gradual damage: small papules appear, there are flaky areas of the skin. The nose, forehead, and chin (areas with a high degree of fat content) are most affected.
  2. Formation of bright, inflamed, red papules. This sign can be a symptom of photodermatitis, seborrhea, sarcoidosis.
  3. Granulomatous type: papules of different colors (yellow, red, brown) appear on the temples, chin, and temporal zones, forming nodules, after which scars remain on the skin.
  4. Purulent formations resembling acne, dermatosis, folliculitis.
  5. Combined manifestations: purulent formations, papules, nodules, peeling of the skin appear simultaneously or alternate.

Traditional medicine and demodicosis

To effectively treat demodicosis on the face, medications prescribed by a doctor can be combined with traditional medicine. They have been used for centuries to treat skin conditions. Various rubbings, talkers , as well as homemade creams along with ointments help to quickly deal with the mite that has taken up residence on your skin. The most effective are black currant compress, soap masks, and ointments based on sulfur and tar.

Clay masks and other methods also help to cope with the disease. However, when using them, you need to remember that you should not limit yourself to their use. Using masks alone, it is difficult to get rid of demodicosis. The best that can be achieved is to put the disease into remission. However, the mite will remain living in your skin until the next relapse.

Effective remedies for demodicosis

Spregal against demodicosis based on esbiol has a detrimental effect on ticks, affecting their nervous system. The therapeutic effect is observed from the first use. Treatment of the skin is carried out in the evening. Release form: aerosol.

Aerosol remedies for demodicosis are sprayed in a well-ventilated room at a distance of 20-30 cm from the face. After treatment, the face should not be washed for 12 hours. Avoid contact with mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, and eyes. Well tolerated by patients, no adverse reactions. The reviews are positive.

To combat an allergic reaction caused by the parasite, medications for demodicosis with an antihistamine effect are prescribed:

  • Tavegil is an antihistamine. Dosage for treatment – ​​1-2 mg per day. Take one tablet. At an advanced stage, the dose is increased to 6 mg, which is equal to 6 tablets;
  • Suprastin is a traditional medicine against demodicosis. Relieves inflammation and swelling. Take 25 mg up to 4 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined individually;
  • For mild stages, clemastine is prescribed 2 mg, divided into two doses. It is permissible to increase to 6 mg. The dose is divided into 2-3 applications.

The treatment regimen includes not only drugs for the treatment of demodicosis, but also vitamins aimed at restoring the body, strengthening the immune system and natural barrier functions. Vitamin A, E, C, PP, K1 are prescribed.

There is no medicine that will cure the disease in a matter of days. Regular use of a set of medications recommended by the doctor, adherence to a special diet and a healthy lifestyle will certainly lead to a cure.

Treatment with folk remedies

Demodicosis of the facial skin requires timely treatment, otherwise an exacerbation of the disease can provoke severe changes, after which scars and cicatrices remain. There are effective folk remedies that are easy to prepare at home:

  • To treat demodicosis, you can use aloe juice diluted in half with water. This remedy relieves itching and discomfort, stops the development of inflammatory processes, and also has a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Symptomatic treatment of facial demodicosis involves relieving itching and inflammation; for this, you can use herbal preparations at home. The most common folk remedies are decoctions and infusions of chamomile, calendula, wormwood in combination with lemon balm or mint. Use the resulting home remedy to treat demodicosis as compresses or lotions, apply them to the affected skin of the face several times a week.
  • Treatment of the disease with celandine juice is effective. A folk remedy based on this plant can be easily prepared at home. The roots of the plant are crushed, mixed with vegetable oil and left to infuse for a week. To treat demodicosis, this home remedy should be applied to the affected skin of the face before bedtime, or mixed with sour cream.
  • An effective folk remedy for the treatment of demodicosis of the face is ordinary garlic. A well-known folk home remedy is garlic compress. Several cloves should be crushed into a paste, wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected skin of the face. The biologically active components of such a product have a bactericidal effect, which contributes to the rapid treatment of demodicosis and the prevention of complications.
  • Apple cider vinegar may be a simple and effective treatment for facial demodicosis. It is enough to wipe the affected areas with a cotton pad twice a day so that the activity of the pathogen decreases and the symptoms cease to appear.

Treatment of facial demodicosis using folk remedies can be simple and effective. The ingredients for preparation can be found at the pharmacy or assembled yourself.

However, it is worth remembering that treatment of facial demodicosis with herbs and other folk remedies can provoke the development of allergic reactions, and not all such remedies are approved for use in the treatment of children.

Prevention of demodicosis of the head

To prevent or relapse demodicosis, you need to adhere to all the rules of personal hygiene. You must have only your own bedding and bath accessories. Take care of your immunity. Vitamin prophylaxis, good nutrition, timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases, elimination of dysbacteriosis and metabolic disorders are important.

Choose pillows that are filled with synthetic materials, because feather pillows are often home to mites that cause decodecosis capitis. Pillowcases and towels should be ironed after each wash (a hot iron kills parasites). Facial scrubs are used once a week, not more often, otherwise the natural protection of the epidermis is disrupted and local protective forces are reduced.

At night, washing with tar soap is recommended. In winter and autumn, talk to your doctor about prescribing medications with zinc and selenium for preventive purposes. It is better to give up habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Avoid overwork, as well as excessive cooling and overheating of the skin. In summer, do not neglect hats and tinted glasses.

If someone in your family has been diagnosed with this diagnosis, wash bedding and towels at a temperature of at least +75°C. Pillows, even synthetic ones, need to be washed from time to time at +40°C. When washing, special acaricidal additives are used, for example, Allergof and Akaril.


If you do not have skin problems, then in order to protect yourself from subcutaneous mites on your face, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene . Hands should be washed regularly. Not only before meals, but also when you come home from the street. To do this, you should use antibacterial soap. You only need to use your own hygiene items and cosmetics. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. If you follow these recommendations, the risk of developing demodicosis will be extremely small.

Treatment of demodicosis with ointments

Demodicosis is a disease that can take a long time to treat. Recovery can occur within a month, but there are also cases when it is not possible to get rid of the tick for more than a year. Although the treatment of the disease is considered complex, ointments are of particular importance in this regard. In addition to vitamins and immunostimulants that help accelerate the rate of restoration of skin health, medications for external use are mandatory.

Ointment for demodicosis, whatever it may be, has one important property - viscosity. It is because of this factor that the parasites cannot move and become paralyzed. And in this state, the tick is easier to kill. Within a few minutes, the applied ointment begins its effect on the parasites. Complete destruction of these occurs within half an hour after using the drug. The most effective in the fight against the disease are:

  • Sulfuric ointment,
  • permethrin ointment,
  • yam ointment,
  • ichthyol ointment,
  • benzyl benzoate.

All products for external use are toxic. These should be taken carefully, strictly according to the instructions, and best of all, after consultation with a dermatologist.

Permethrin ointment effectively fights demodicosis

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