How to remove fatty deposits on the eyelid at home

Wen is a benign formation that is localized under the skin of the eyelids due to the accumulation of secretion from the sebaceous glands as a result of blockage of the canal.

This condition often occurs on the face, especially in the eyelid area.

There are cases when the patient's condition may be complicated by excessive increase in adipose tissue to the point that visual function is reduced due to the development of astigmatism. It is not recommended to remove the wen on your own; you should consult a cosmetologist, dermatologist, or surgeon.

The cause of wen around the eyes

Many body dysfunctions can cause fatty tissue to accumulate in the pores:

  • unhealthy diet, which contains a lot of fatty, fried, smoked foods, fast food;
  • a violation of fat metabolism, as a result of which a person develops obesity;
  • a small amount of physical activity in the patient, due to which adipose tissue is not consumed, but accumulates in various parts of the body;
  • endocrine pathologies accompanied by the deposition of adipose tissue, for example, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • liver pathologies, especially fatty hepatosis, leading to metabolic disorders;
  • temporary imbalance of hormones in the body, for example, during pregnancy, during adolescence;
  • pathology of the urinary system, for which excess substances are not excreted in the urine, but accumulate in the tissues;
  • hereditary predisposition to the formation of wen on the face.

The doctor must not only symptomatically eliminate the formation as necessary, but also identify the root cause. If it is not treated promptly, the condition will reoccur.


The condition is characterized by certain clinical symptoms:

  • absence of pain and discomfort on the face, the formation is detected only visually;
  • the appearance of pain only due to excessively large formations, which lead to compression of blood vessels and nervous tissue;
  • fatty deposits appear as white dots resembling pimples;
  • if 2 formations are close to each other, they can merge into 1 large wen;
  • If a wen has formed under the skin, it will not be able to get rid of or open on its own; this requires medical assistance.

Many patients live with lipomas throughout their lives. They don't bother them. People decide to remove lipomas due to a cosmetic defect or their formation to excessively large sizes.

The danger of wen

If no serious disturbances or changes occur in the human body, most often wen forms in the form of small bumps, which remain that way for many years. This is a benign formation that does not affect neighboring tissues or the entire body.

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But in some cases, the following complications may occur:

  • the formation of a capsule around the seal, as a result of which it ceases to interact with other tissues or immunoglobulins, so pathogenic microorganisms accumulate inside, causing infection and suppuration;
  • the infection can penetrate into neighboring tissues, causing the formation of boils, acne, and staphylococcal infections throughout the face;
  • if the festering lump is located near the vessels, the infection can get into them, causing sepsis (infectious blood poisoning), which is dangerous to human life and health;
  • the formation of fairly large wen on the eyelids, which form 1 large formation that compresses the eyeball, therefore astigmatism and decreased visual acuity are formed;
  • infection of the internal contents when trying to eliminate it on your own, which causes an inflammatory reaction and the formation of pus;
  • with negative environmental influences (large amounts of dirt, ultraviolet radiation), degeneration into a lipoma and subsequently into a malignant tumor is possible.

That is why you should only contact a professional doctor who can, using specialized instruments under sterile conditions, eliminate the formation without harm to the patient.

How to get rid

When such an unpleasant problem as wen appears on the eyelids, the question of how to get rid of existing dermatological defects becomes especially relevant. Fatty deposits on the eyelid can be eliminated at home by using simple, safe, but very effective remedies. However, you can carry out any procedures yourself only after receiving medical advice.

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You can also use medications to remove lipomas from the eyes, which help eliminate lipomas quickly and painlessly. In the absence of positive dynamics due to long-term use of medications, as well as against the background of the rapid growth of tumors, the use of invasive methods is required.


It is recommended to treat wen on the eyes through the use of medications only with the help of a medical professional. More often, a procedure of this kind involves the following: a specialist makes a neat incision or puncture in the center of the tumor, after which he injects a medicinal solution that promotes the resorption of the lipoma. The inadmissibility of using medications at home is quite simple to explain: there is a high probability of the medication getting into the mucous tissues of the eye, which can lead to extremely serious consequences.


In the absence of positive dynamics with the use of medications, the patient may be offered removal of the existing tumor using laser therapy. This method is particularly gentle and virtually painless. However, if necessary, local painkillers can be used.


There are many different ways you can get rid of wen on your eyelids. Some of them are gentle, others are more radical. It is possible not only to symptomatically eliminate the formation, but also to cure the root of the problem.

Pharmacy products

This method of therapy is suitable for small formations that are detected only by visual examination. They should be no more than 1 cm in diameter, then medications can help:

  • Dimexide. This is a concentrate that is applied externally. It has an anti-inflammatory effect by eliminating free radicals and improving metabolism in the affected area. The product also eliminates pain and has a slight antimicrobial effect. If you smear it on the formation, it will gradually be absorbed through the skin, increasing permeability for other drugs.
  • Ichthyol ointment. This is a drug for external use that provides an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Additionally, the drug has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It quickly penetrates the skin, affecting adipose tissue.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. This is liniment, which is also based on xeroform and tar. The drug has an antiseptic and irritant effect. Due to the latter effect, the internal contents of the wen come out faster.

These drugs are aimed at an antiseptic effect and prevention of infection, as well as independent opening of the contents.


This is a more effective effect on the area of ​​adipose tissue through the use of medications. The method has the following positive effects:

  • resorption of contents without the need to open the skin;
  • single administration of the drug, there is no need for a long course of treatment.

The negative side of the method is the possibility of complete lack of effect. But this occurs quite rarely. In most patients, the secretion is reabsorbed within 2-3 months.

Surgical removal

There are several types of techniques used. It is not selected by the patient, but determined by the doctor after conducting diagnostic tests and identifying the person’s health status:

  • Liposuction. A cut of 0.5 cm in diameter is made on the surface of the formation. A special device is inserted into it, which sucks out the fatty contents. This is the fastest method that allows you to completely eliminate formation. It is possible to re-use liposuction if adipose tissue has accumulated again.
  • Endoscopy. The doctor makes a small incision through which the internal contents are squeezed out. The procedure is painless, as an anesthetic substance is first applied.
  • Classic way. The doctor makes a large incision throughout the entire lump. Using this technique, you can gain full access to adipose tissue. It is performed for large formations that cannot be eliminated using previous methods without the risk of relapse. The surgeon completely cleans out the contents and applies stitches. This is considered a disadvantage of the procedure, since a large connective tissue scar is subsequently formed.

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Surgical removal is performed if the formation has reached 2-3 cm in diameter, so medications will not help. The use of the technique is also indicated in the presence of a large number of wen, with the danger of their fusion.

Laser removal

This is the most modern technique that has been developed in recent years. Using the method, the risk of re-formation of wen and various complications is eliminated. Laser exposure completely eliminates the possibility of fusion of formations.

After preliminary disinfection of the tissues, the doctor applies a laser beam to the area of ​​the wen. It burns it completely, leaving no traces. The technique eliminates the possibility of formation of connective tissue scars.

Rehabilitation after the procedure takes several days. The patient only needs to apply an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. This will prevent the spread of infection and overexposure of the immune system at the site of the lesion.

In some patients, the procedure may cause the formation of pigment spots. Subsequently, for most of them it disappears.


This is one of the latest techniques used in modern medicine. During electrocoagulation, the lesion is exposed to high frequency current. It completely burns out the formation down to the deep tissues. The treatment can be applied to large or small fat deposits.

The rehabilitation period also takes several days; complications do not arise if the patient uses medications prescribed by the doctor.

How to delete

Let's look at the three most popular ways to remove wen:

Surgical removal

Surgical method is the most popular way to get rid of wen on the eye. It is used in cases where the wen is actively growing and begins to affect vision. Immediately before the operation, the patient is prescribed a series of tests aimed at identifying contraindications.

The presence of infectious and viral diseases is a common cause of postoperative complications.

In 90% of cases, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. General anesthesia is used only when the lipoma affects the nerve endings. First, the doctor makes an incision, then removes the fat capsule - it is easily detached from the skin, as it consists of connective tissue.

The operation lasts from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the complexity.

Then, the specialist treats the area with an antiseptic solution, applies a suture and a sterile bandage.

The regeneration period lasts about 3 weeks, and then, in place of the wen, a small, barely noticeable scar remains.


Electrocoagulation is a method of removing unwanted tumors (papillomas, moles, lipomas, etc.) using current. In most cases, this method is used to eliminate multiple fatty deposits on the lower eyelid, that is, when the tumor does not come into contact with the surface of the eyeball.

In one session, you can remove all visible wen, since under the influence of current, capsules with lipid liquid simply dissolve. In their place, small wounds remain, which heal completely in about a week.

In place of healed wounds, pigment spots often remain, reminiscent of post-acne. Ask your healthcare provider to prescribe an ointment or cream for you in advance.

Laser removal

This is a modern technique for non-contact removal of subcutaneous tumors.

Recently, it has become increasingly popular due to its gentle effects: no more pain, blood, healing scars and age spots.

Traditional methods

If a wen on the patient’s face has just begun to form or has formed to a small size, traditional methods of therapy can be used. They are highly effective and have few side effects.

You should not use this technique if the patient is allergic:

  • Iodine. It has a disinfecting effect and dries out the formation. The method is only possible to affect cones no more than 1 cm in diameter.
  • Onion mixture. You need to take 1 onion, grate it or beat it in a blender. Using the same method, grind half of the laundry soap. The components are mixed together, placed in gauze, and tied. It is necessary to apply compresses to prevent the formation of fatty deposits under the skin. The method is applicable 2 times a day.
  • Vodka tincture. You need to take burdock tincture and dilute it with vodka 5 times. The product must be infused for 2 weeks. After this, the lesions are lubricated.
  • Aloe or Kalanchoe. Herbal remedies have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to squeeze the juice out of them or apply the cut to the lesion for 10 minutes daily. The effect takes a long time to form, so a course of treatment is necessary.

If an additional rash, itching, burning, redness, or inflammation develops on the face after using herbal preparations, they should be discontinued immediately. After this, you need to take a course of antihistamines.

Recipes for homemade ointments for wen under the eyes

To remove fatty deposits located in the eye area, ointments prepared independently are used at home. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor.


  1. Chop equal proportions of fresh bacon and garlic and mix. Treat the problem area of ​​the eyelid daily.
  2. Grind 5 chestnuts, mix with 20 ml of honey. Add 1 tsp. pulp from aloe leaves. You need to keep it for 20 minutes. Keep refrigerated.
  3. Mix 15 g of wax (preferably cosmetic) with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and melt in a steam bath. Add half a boiled chicken yolk to the resulting mixture. Boil until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Cool. Apply at night, securing with a bandage.
  4. Bake a small onion. Using a blender, beat onion, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 15 g of grated laundry soap. Apply to the growth three times a day.


In order to promptly prevent the formation of a wen or its increase to a large size, you should resort to the following methods of prevention:

  • daily hygiene of the entire body, face and hair, so that sebum does not accumulate in the pores, but is eliminated using various means;
  • using a moisturizer depending on your skin type; if it is oily, it is not recommended to use night cream;
  • elimination of all bad habits such as alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking;
  • taking all medications prescribed by a doctor, you should not resort to self-medication or exceeding the dosage;
  • timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes on the face;
  • a diet that is especially necessary for obese people to follow, it should include fried, spicy, salty, fatty foods;
  • timely treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, endocrine disorders;
  • drinking water without gases of at least 2 liters per day to normalize water-salt metabolism;
  • if the patient has skin problems or various dermatological diseases, you should periodically visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist;
  • If the patient has excessively oily skin, it is recommended to use scrubs for the face and entire body 1-2 times a week.

Prevention methods will not completely eliminate the possibility of wen formation, but will significantly reduce the risk. Since this is a benign formation, they can be easily corrected, especially if in the future the patient adheres to a healthy lifestyle.

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