How to develop strong-willed personality traits - psychology

What is will and how does a strong-willed person differ from a weak-willed person? I became interested in this question when my younger sister began to often skip school lessons and stopped attending the rhythmic gymnastics sports section. She explained this by not wanting to waste time.

For her, relaxation and doing nothing on social networks were more attractive and useful than studying and sports. Today I will tell you what volitional personality traits are, why they are needed and how to develop them. It's never too late to train your will, but it's best to start doing it in childhood.

The will of man

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Psychology considers the volitional qualities of an individual as a set of necessary qualities to achieve set goals. The human will is most clearly manifested in:

  • determination;
  • discipline;
  • persistence;
  • strategicity.

These character qualities are based on the will of a person, which psychologists consider as a kind of mental habit or its special state.

Note! Willpower must be trained like the muscles of the body.

However, just willpower to achieve your goals is not enough; another component must be present - willpower or inflexibility. Willpower and resilience form the volitional sphere of personality, which reflects the mental state of the individual.

How does willpower manifest itself? This is the ability to quickly mobilize the psyche to realize what is planned. Why the psyche and not the body? Because it is mental efforts that play the main role: they are called intention. If the intention to do something is clearly formed, then the body obeys the volitional impulse and obediently fulfills its plan.

If the intention is not clearly formed (the person has not figured out whether he needs to do this or not), then the body will show passivity or will dictate its terms. And the body’s set of desires is always the same - to relax, eat deliciously, sleep. The body tends to do nothing. Only a stimulus - a strong interest in something - can motivate him to action. It could be hunger, a desire to attract attention, or a desire to earn money to realize a dream. Without stimulus, the body will be passive and inert.

What is weakness of will? This is especially noticeable when a person stops halfway or gives up at the first obstacle on the way to the goal. A weak will is also trained if parents indulge the child’s whims and do not react to frequent changes in mood. If a child is controlled by the desire “I want it or I don’t want it,” then his will is not trained. Such a child will have a very hard time in life, which requires a tempered will and strong character.

Important! To cultivate willpower in a child, you need to instill in him the skill of bringing his plans to completion and the ability to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal. The desire to succeed is a necessary quality of a person’s character.

What is the manifestation of willpower? It manifests itself in the ability to maintain a set goal, not deviate from the chosen path and enjoy the achieved result. It is the pleasure of what has been achieved that is the incentive for the development of strong-willed qualities.

Note! Willpower can be compared to endurance.

Most often, a person does not have enough stamina to complete the work he has started. He either loses interest halfway through, or lacks patience, or laziness rears its head. Therefore, endurance must be trained, as well as willpower. Willpower is the urge to action, and endurance is responsible for the implementation of plans. There are many easy-going people, but few of them can go all the way to the end and get results.

Stages of will formation

Researchers consider several stages (stages) of will formation. They represent volitional acts and include the fact that a person:

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  • Recognizes a specific need;
  • Aware of the possibilities of its satisfaction;
  • Shows motives for activity (motive is the driving force here);
  • Aware of the struggle of motives for activity on the path to choosing a solution;
  • Selects a specific solution;
  • Defines the implementation plan for the selected solution, which includes methods, means and methods;
  • Performs and controls certain activities;
  • Evaluates the results obtained.

If volitional regulation of behavior occurs, generated by actual needs, then special relationships can be formed between them and the human consciousness. Even S. L. Rubinstein characterized them in this way: will in the proper sense manifests itself when an individual shows the ability to reflect on his own drives. He must be able to rise above them and, being distracted, realize himself as a subject. Next you need to choose between them.

The development of volitional regulation of human behavior can occur in several directions:

  • The process of transforming involuntary mental processes into voluntary processes;
  • Gaining the ability to control your behavior;
  • Development of strong-willed personality traits.

In any of the listed areas of will development, as it strengthens, specific transformations often occur. They gradually raise the process and mechanism of volitional regulation to a higher level.

For example, within the framework of cognitive processes, will, first of all, acts as an external speech regulation, and only then as an internal speech process. Within the behavioral aspect, volitional control first refers to voluntary movements of individual parts of the body, and only then becomes part of the planning and control of complex sets of movements, including inhibition of some muscle complexes and activation of others. In the sphere of formation of volitional qualities of a person, volitional development is presented as a movement from primary volitional qualities to secondary ones and subsequently to tertiary ones.

Classification of volitional qualities

Psychologists distinguish two types (subtypes) of human volitional qualities:

  1. primary;
  2. systemic.

Primary volitional qualities are given to us from birth, systemic ones are formed in the process of socialization of the individual, that is, in the process of integration into society. However, primary volitional qualities are lost with age, so they need to be restored through training.

Primary volitional qualities are:

  • energy;
  • patience;
  • self-control;
  • courage.

Energy manifests itself well in young children. They are always positive, everything is interesting and exciting to them: the world around them is painted in bright colors. That is, they always have a motivation for action - knowledge of the world around them. An adult needs to activate this motivation, specifically tune himself to a positive outcome and mobilize internal resources (energy to achieve the goal).

Patience is the ability to painstakingly and purposefully achieve what is planned. Young children sometimes demonstrate miracles of patience when they engage in activities prohibited by their parents (dismantling toys for parts, destroying their mother’s cosmetics, etc.). A small child will definitely complete the job he has started - destroying his mother’s creams, etc. An adult does not always want to patiently finish what he started (in the absence of visible results), but in the presence of a powerful incentive it is quite possible. However, patience should not be confused with passivity: they are different things.

Self-control is manifested when a person continues to complete the work he has begun, despite unfavorable external circumstances. Self-control takes control of any emotions so that they do not interfere with the implementation of your plans. But fear, panic (everything is lost) or apathy (hands give up) can interfere. A strong-willed person stubbornly pursues his chosen course, confident in the success of his enterprise. However, self-control should not be confused with stupidity and stubbornness: it is expressed in the stability of the emotional background.

Courage is overcoming irrational fears on the way to a goal. Why are fears called irrational? Because they are imaginary and far-fetched. They don’t really exist, but a person can easily imagine and come up with any fear. In addition to irrational fears, there are also very real ones - misunderstanding of others, obstacles and condemnation of competitors, outright lies and even a threat to life. A strong-willed person knows how to overcome all fears on the chosen path and steadily moves towards the goal. However, courage should not be confused with extravagance, recklessness and unjustified risk.

Systemic volitional qualities are always associated with a moral component; they are developed under the influence of society. These qualities characterize a person as a social unit:

  • determination;
  • persistence;
  • integrity;
  • initiative;
  • determination;
  • strategicity;
  • self-sufficiency.

Purposefulness presupposes the ability to set a goal and achieve it through legal means. This is a very important character quality that allows you to survive in society and achieve a certain social status.

Persistence helps you move towards your chosen goal, without deviating from the path and without giving up at the first failure. A persistent person can devote years to his chosen goal in order to subsequently enjoy the result achieved. Persistence is well trained in sports sections.

Integrity is the quality of a social person. This is loyalty to one’s views and beliefs, the ability to defend one’s own point of view and not succumb to provocations. Integrity is closely related to a person’s ideological position.

Initiative is also a quality of a social person. This is the ability to generate ideas for transforming the world around us, showing concern for life in society and the desire to improve social life. Initiative is inherent in people with leadership qualities.

Decisiveness is a quality necessary to accomplish a given task. Determination can only be learned through practice. For example, many schoolchildren are afraid to answer at the blackboard - determination is required. Determination is also manifested in the ability to quickly make decisions without fear of consequences. However, decisiveness is sometimes confused with impulsiveness, which only brings harm.

Impulsivity is characterized by greater emotional intensity, in contrast to decisiveness. Serious decisions should be made with reason, not emotions. Also, decisiveness should not be confused with haste: this is not fussy behavior, but the speed of transition from decision to action. While an indecisive person hesitates and thinks, a determined person achieves his goal.

Strategicality is also a quality of a social person. In other words, this is a strict sequence of actions on the chosen path and the absence of chaos in thoughts. A reasonable person will never begin to act without a clearly thought-out plan, and he also foresees (plans) the result of his efforts. For example, an architect first sees a building with his inner eye, and then implements it in a project. However, being strategic does not imply rigidity of thinking: plans can be adjusted by a changing situation.

Self-sufficiency presupposes independence in all its manifestations. This is the ability to live according to one's own beliefs and principles. A self-sufficient person does not need outside help; he can make decisions quite independently and implement them in practice. In other words, this is the ability to act autonomously and independently.

Strength of will

The volitional qualities that best characterize the willpower of an individual include independence and initiative.

Independence is the ability to cope in one’s actions without the help of others, as well as the ability to be critical of other people’s influences, evaluating them according to one’s own views and beliefs.

The independence of the individual is manifested in the ability to independently organize activities, set goals, and, if necessary, make changes in behavior.

An independent person does not wait for hints or instructions from other people, he actively defends his views, can be an organizer, and lead him towards the realization of a goal.

Initiative is the ability to find new, unconventional solutions and means of their implementation.

The opposite qualities are lack of initiative and dependence.

A person without initiative is easily influenced by other people, their actions, actions, questions his own decisions, is not sure of their correctness and necessity. These qualities appear especially clearly in the form of suggestion.

One of the important volitional qualities of a person is his determination.

Decisiveness is the ability to make thoughtful decisions and consistently implement them.

Indecision is a manifestation of weakness of will. An indecisive person tends to either reject making a final decision or endlessly revise it.

Personal freedom is also characterized by its organization, which consists in a person’s ability to be guided in his behavior by a firmly established plan. This quality requires the ability not only to steadily implement your plan, but also to show the necessary flexibility when circumstances change.

So, the totality of manifestations of positive (basal and systemic) volitional qualities forms the willpower of the individual.

It has been established that people with a strong will have a high level of achievement motivation.

Achievement motivation is persistence in achieving one’s goal, the desire to improve results, dissatisfaction with what has been achieved, and the desire to succeed.

Yes, people with a high need for achievement are always looking for situations where they could test their capabilities, they are confident in the successful completion of a task, are ready to take responsibility, are decisive in extreme situations, do not lose balance in competition, and show great persistence when overcoming external or internal obstacles.

Methods for developing volitional qualities

A person’s will is trained in the process of life while overcoming various obstacles. It is the ability to overcome obstacles along the way that shapes a person’s volitional sphere. The survival instinct, which is a stimulus to action, helps train the will. But as you grow older, a social stimulus is added to the survival instinct - the praise of parents, colleagues, teachers. That is, education and its requirements come into play. Education begins to form moral qualities, on the basis of which the systemic will is trained.

Methods of strengthening volitional qualities:

  • visiting the sports section;
  • visiting interest groups (art, photography);
  • increasing the complexity of the process;
  • analysis of failures and success.

It is necessary to strengthen the will from childhood. It will be useful for a child to attend a sports section, since collective overcoming of obstacles is a huge incentive to action. Children love to copy each other, so the results and achievements of others will encourage their own achievements.

Interest groups also cultivate strong-willed qualities. For example, when drawing a picture, you need to be patient and persistent. Even a hobby contributes to the development of will, because many hobbies require the same patient participation in the process as the sports section.

Note! To prevent your child from giving up drawing or other activities, praise him more often and do not set too difficult tasks.

An adult can strengthen his willpower through exercise on sports equipment. Strengthens the will and decision to lead a healthy lifestyle or get rid of any bad habit.

Remember that burdening yourself with difficult, impossible tasks is a recipe for failure. You should set small achievable goals and implement them. Completing a task brings pleasure, and pleasure is an incentive to complete the next task. From simple to complex - the best advice for strengthening strong-willed qualities.

Debriefing is an important milestone on the path to strengthening your will. You need to calmly analyze why you couldn’t do something. It is also necessary to record positive results so that they are stored in memory. Re-reading the achievements written in a notebook (or a photo/video report) helps to recharge with positivity if something doesn’t work out.

Article on the topic: “Techniques for developing strong-willed qualities in schoolchildren”

Techniques for developing strong-willed qualities in schoolchildren

Personality is a relatively stable integral system of intellectual, moral and volitional

and socio-cultural
of a person, manifested in the peculiarities of his consciousness and activity.

Volitional qualities -

These are relatively stable mental attitudes independent of the specific situation, which indicate the level of conscious self-regulation of behavior and self-control achieved by the individual.

The volitional qualities of a person have a horizontal and vertical structure:

  • The horizontal structure is formed by inclinations, the role of which is played by the typological features of the properties of the nervous system. It has been established that a low degree of courage is associated with a certain set of typological features: a weak nervous system, a predominance of inhibition by “external” balance, and mobility of inhibition. Among representatives of those sports that are associated with the experience of fear and lack of insurance (parachute jumping, ski jumping, diving), there are almost no athletes with this typological triad. Thus, each volitional quality has its own psychophysiological structure, which in some components can coincide in different volitional qualities, and in others - diverge. For example, people who have a high degree of patience may not have a high degree of determination, since two of their four typological characteristics are opposite to those that determine a high degree of determination. Even the strength of the nervous system, which is not entirely rightfully considered by some researchers as a synonym for “willpower,” is not associated with the determination shown in an ordinary, non-threatening situation.
  • Vertical structure. All volitional qualities have a similar vertical structure. This similarity lies in the fact that each volitional quality is like a three-layer cake. Below are natural inclinations - neurodynamic characteristics, on which a second layer is superimposed - volitional effort, which is initiated and stimulated by the social, personal factors that form the third layer - the motivational sphere, primarily moral principles. And the degree of expression of each volitional quality largely depends on how strong a person’s needs and desires are, and how morally developed he is. Moreover, in each volitional quality the role of the vertical components can be different. Persistence occupies an intermediate position and for the appearance of this volitional quality, both are equally important.

Thus, we can talk about the properties inherent in the will as a whole: breadth, strength and stability. The breadth or narrowness of a volitional quality is determined by it through the number of activities in which it is clearly manifested. The strength of volitional quality is determined by the level of manifestation of volitional effort aimed at overcoming difficulties.

At school age, a radical restructuring of the structure of volitional activity occurs. Teenagers are much more likely to regulate their behavior based on internal experiences. At the same time, the volitional sphere of adolescents is very contradictory. This is due to the fact that with a significantly increased general activity of a teenager, the mechanisms of his volitional activity are not yet sufficiently formed. Discipline decreases, the manifestation of stubbornness increases, partly due to the fact that due to the assertion of one’s “I”, the right to one’s own opinion, to one’s own point of view, the advice of adults is perceived critically. Persistence only manifests itself in interesting work. The predominance of excitement over inhibition makes it difficult to apply prohibitive sanctions based on moral considerations, self-control and self-control decrease. Courage increases (which generally reaches its greatest manifestation during this period). Under the influence of patriotic feelings, teenagers can even commit a heroic act. At the same time, they overestimate the level of development of their volitional qualities, especially patience and energy. Schoolchildren experience disharmony in the development of basic volitional qualities, but after some time some harmony appears.

To cultivate strong-willed qualities, a variety of exercises are used, which, according to their purpose, can be divided into a number of groups:

1. Activities aimed at overcoming fatigue, through “I can’t.”

2. Tasks performed in unfavorable environmental conditions, in various unforeseen situations, with the introduction of additional difficulties.

3. Tasks to regulate the emotional state.

4. Exercises to overcome unexpected difficulties and obstacles, indecision.

5. Actions based on the manifestation of courage, determination, self-control, and perseverance.

6. Exercises to achieve extremely high results.

7. Lessons on self-education.

Basic rules for developing strong-willed qualities:

1. Remember that organization, order, discipline and a lesson program known to students are the most important basis for its effectiveness.

2. Don’t forget about the role of the emotional background of classes.

3. Conduct group classes more often.

4. If possible, invite more prepared students for joint classes.

5. Taking into account the real capabilities of students, conduct competitions with rewards.

6. At the next lesson, give students tasks to exceed the achieved milestone in achieving any goals.

7. Include in the lesson something that will pose more difficult conditions for the student.

8. Do not forget to praise students for their willpower, courage and other qualities. Never rebuke indecisive students.

To summarize, the key factor in the development of strong-willed qualities in a student is self-development and communication with peers. During the period of primary school age, the basic volitional qualities of the individual begin to form: perseverance and perseverance, which is understood as the desire to achieve what is necessary, including success in activity, despite existing difficulties and failures; decisiveness, characterized as the absence of unnecessary hesitation and doubt in the conflict of motives, quick decision-making and bold implementation of them; endurance, that is, the absence of vehemence in behavior when a conflict arises, a stable manifestation of the ability to suppress impulsive, ill-considered emotional reactions, and not succumb to temptation; as well as independence, responsibility, discipline.

Without strong-willed qualities and strong character, it is impossible to achieve constant success. Of great interest for the formation of volitional qualities of younger schoolchildren in the learning process are games that make them think, provide the student with the opportunity to test and develop his abilities, and include him in competitions with other students. The participation of younger schoolchildren in games contributes to their self-affirmation, develops perseverance, desire for success and various motivational qualities. The game also affects the development of children's independence, creativity, and personal qualities.

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