Socialization (from Latin socialis, social) is the process of a person acquiring such personality qualities that will allow him to live, communicate, work in society, express himself as an individual, and be responsible for all his affairs, for himself and for those around him. Socialization is also the result of a person’s mastery of social experience.
It is in the process of socialization that a person becomes an individual, and this process occurs literally throughout his life, from his first days. A person communicates with different people, finds himself in a variety of situations. His views and habits change, and a reassessment of values may occur. Therefore, the process of socialization never ends. As long as a person lives, he is under the influence of society.
Individuals are born
Personality, Process, Individual, Quality, Social, Man, Individuality, Possibility
“One is born as an individual, one becomes an individual,
individuality is defended”
(A.G. Asmolov).
The author of this statement is a modern Russian psychologist, politician and scientist - Asmolov Alexander Grigorievich, a specialist in the field of methodology and theory of psychology, personality psychology and developmental psychology.
This statement reflects the most socially significant factors in the development of the human personality.
To analyze this statement, it is necessary to turn to the concepts of “individual”, “personality” and “individuality”.
Man is multifaceted: he has both an animal nature (organism) and a social principle (personality), but he also has purely human qualities (individuality).
In the system of the biological species Homo sapiens, a person acts as an “individual,” an integral genotypic formation that, in the course of an individual life, realizes the history of its species. The system-forming basis of the biological species “man” is a way of life specific to this species. The functional and structural qualities of an individual, given to him at birth and acquired during his maturation, are studied, for example, by human biology, human genetics, etc. - in a word, a complex of natural sciences that study the history of human development. At birth, each child is an individual. He may have similarities with his parents, but nature endows him not only with biological qualities, but also with individual traits and “invests” in everyone the makings of abilities that a person later either develops or loses.
2 pages, 909 words
Principle of development in psychology 2
... two trends are resolved by developing more advanced ways of regulating the interaction of a developing individual with the environment, characterized by dynamic stereotypy and flexible stability. Through such... new types of socially significant activities (at school, outside of school, in the work collective, etc.) and in the implementation of these aspirations, he finds new sources of his development. Development …
In the process of socialization, an individual becomes a person.
The social systemic qualities of a person as an “element” of society are fundamentally different from his natural qualities. In a social system, any things, including the person himself, begin to lead a double life, subject to both natural and socio-historical laws.
The accumulation of spiritual, psychological, and social qualities by an individual is a process of formation and development of personality. The concept of “personality” has many meanings; in a social studies course it is understood as:
- a human individual who is a subject of social activity, possessing a set of socially significant traits, properties, qualities that he realizes in public life;
- a special quality of a person acquired by him in the socio-cultural environment in joint activities and communication;
- the result of the process of education and self-education.
Not everyone can be called a person. For example, a human child is only a candidate for personality. He is not yet aware of his actions, he has not formed his own worldview.
In order to become an individual, an individual goes through the necessary path of socialization - this is the process of assimilating the social experience accumulated by generations of people, accumulated in skills, abilities, habits, traditions, norms, knowledge, values, etc., joining the established system of social connections and relationships. Socialization begins in childhood, continues in adolescence, and often into fairly mature age. Its success determines how much a person, having mastered the values and norms of behavior accepted in a given culture, will be able to realize himself in the process of social life. It occurs: in the family, kindergarten, school, special and higher educational institutions, work collectives, informal social groups through communication, upbringing, education, the media, and the system of social control. Sometimes, in our modern society, we have to observe the opposite, sometimes tragic picture of the process of transformation of a person into an individual, which arises when a person falls out of the system of social connections.
The importance of distinguishing between the concepts of “individual” and “personality” is very productive in psychology. If we imagine a scale with opposite points “individual” and “personality,” then at one end there will be a “personality without a corporeal individual,” like various mythical personalities, and at the other end there will be an “individual without a personality,” like children raised by animals (the phenomenon Mowgli).
Personality is an individual who is aware of his individuality.
Individuality is the unique uniqueness of a person as an individual and personality, a set of his unique properties, and it is in the unique characteristics, in the uniqueness of a person, that individuality is manifested.
Behind the manifestations of individuality are the potential possibilities of the endless lines of the creative evolutionary process of life.
5 pages, 2308 words
Man, individual, personality, individuality
... and for ontogenesis - the process of development of an individual. From the moment of his birth, a child is a person and an individual, but he is not yet a person: for this he has ... (views, judgments, opinions), needs and requests. In this sense, we are talking about human individuality. In modern philosophy, another concept appears - “divide” (the concept was introduced by the French...
A person’s defense of his motives and values is carried out as the self-realization of individuality that occurs in the process of activity, which leads to the further development of a given culture.
This statement reflects the most socially significant factors in the development of the human personality. Asmolov A.G., in these words showed the possibilities of the formation and development of every person capable of self-knowledge, self-realization and self-improvement. The task of a person is to understand what is given to him by nature, what is innate and what needs to be acquired and improved in terms of gaining the beauty of a living human body. The main thing is not to deviate from the human principles of life, not to break, spiritually and physically. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the author speaks of defending one’s individuality as the maximum development and revelation of the human essence. This is not easy to do in a society that thinks stereotypically, but you need to believe in yourself, understand that a person has the right to be different from anyone. The ability to defend one’s position, to act independently and responsibly is an individual’s dignity. Personal dignity is an important characteristic of a person’s existence among people.
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Agents of Socialization
Agents of socialization are specific people who influence the formation of personality, teach a person specific norms of behavior, and help him master a particular social role. We meet some people almost every day, others very rarely. Therefore, agents of primary and secondary socialization are distinguished.
Agents of primary socialization are parents, brothers, sisters, and close relatives. Some sociologists include friends here too. These people perform quite a lot of functions. For example, a mother is both an educator, a friend, and a teacher.
Agents of secondary socialization are friends, teachers, coaches, officials, that is, those people who also influence a person. determine the line of his behavior and actions. Agents of secondary socialization, as a rule, perform one or two functions (for example, a school - educational and educational).
At different periods of a person's life, the influence of people on him is different. If in the first years it is the parents and loved ones who shape the child’s character, then at school age, especially in adolescence, friends have a huge influence. For some, teachers or sports coaches and other bright personalities can serve as an example. It is very important that a person has a good environment, then highly moral character traits will be formed.
The concepts of “individual”, “individuality”, “personality” in scientific and popular literature
are used as similar in meaning, but they are not synonyms.
This is a single representative of the human race.
Man as a separate individual among people Individuality
the unique identity of a person, his unique characteristics (congenital
and acquired, inherent in a particular person
; appearance, character,
behavior, culture...).
a stable system of socially significant traits that characterizes an individual as a member of society.
These socially significant traits (responsibility, hard work...) are realized by the individual in society.
Personality formation occurs only in society. One is born a person, a person
become in the process of socialization.
Personality is the result of the formation of an individual in society.
Socialization is a process that begins in early childhood and ends in old age.
a person’s assimilation of the social experience of past generations, social roles and
cultural norms influenced by society.
During socialization, the process of personality formation occurs.
stages of socialization are distinguished
- initial socialization
, covering the periods of childhood and adolescence;
, covering maturity and old age.
first personality traits stable personality traits
1 year 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Despite the fact that personality is mainly formed during communication with other people, a number of factors
a) genetic characteristics of the individual
received at birth (hereditary traits are the basis for the formation of personality; for example, physical qualities or abilities leave an imprint on a person’s character);
b) physical environment
(the surrounding nature, which constantly influences our behavior; people who grew up in different climates are different from each other);
c) the influence of the culture of society
(the individual embodies those general cultural values that society instills in its members);
d) individual human experience
(a person finds himself in different situations in life; the sequence of such situations is unique for each person, and he focuses on the future based on individual experience)
the influence of the social environment (the influence of agents and institutions of socialization)
(it should be recognized that this factor can be considered the main one in the process of forming the personal qualities of an individual; the influence of the social environment is carried out through the process of socialization)
The socialization process is influenced by socialization agents and socialization institutions.
- Socialization agents
are specific people responsible for teaching other people
cultural norms, helping them to learn social roles.
- Agents of primary socialization
- parents, relatives, friends, teachers; included in
the immediate environment of a person, having a decisive impact on the formation of personality.
- Agents of secondary socialization
– employees of universities, enterprises, TV presenters; play
a noticeably smaller role.
Socialization institutions –
social institutions that influence the process
socialization and guide him.
Primary institutions of socialization
- family, school.
Secondary institutions of socialization
– army, production, media, etc.
? “One is born as an individual, one becomes an individual, one defends individuality”
(A.G. Asmolov - Soviet psychologist and teacher)