Components of the socialization process

Article “Socialization. The essence of socialization"


In many sciences, literature and in everyday life, we often encounter this concept as socialization. Something is meant by this concept. There are a large number of definitions from the point of view of any science, be it philosophy, psychology or sociology. Let's reveal some of them.

Socialization is the process of personality formation, the individual’s assimilation of language, social values ​​and experience (norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior), culture inherent in a given society, social community, group, reproduction and enrichment of social connections and social experience.

Socialization is the process of operational mastery of a set of programs of activity and behavior characteristic of a particular cultural tradition, as well as the process of internalization by an individual of the knowledge, values ​​and norms that express them.

Socialization is the process of assimilation and active reproduction by a person of social experience, mastering the skills of practical and theoretical activities, transforming actually existing relationships of personality quality.

However, the author of the term in relation to a person is the American sociologist F.G. Giddings. In 1887, in the book “The Theory of Socialization”, he used it in a meaning close to the modern one - “the development of the social nature or character of the individual, the preparation of human material for social life.”

According to Professor A.V. Mudrika, socialization is the development and self-realization of a person throughout his life in the process of assimilation and reproduction of the culture of society.

Social development of the individual is a natural, continuous process. In this process, a large role is played by the process of familiarizing a person with the world, norms and the need to comply with these norms to regulate relationships with others, one’s own behavior, attitude towards people, towards nature, towards work, as well as enriching the practical experience of self-realization of one’s own behavior in various types of activities ., i.e. the process of human formation takes place.

The essence of socialization lies in the fact that in the process a person is formed as a member of the society to which he belongs. Any society has already established norms, rules, ideals to which a person must come while living, developing and being in a given society. Moreover, in the modern world these ideals are more or less similar in different societies.

The socialization of a person occurs in interaction with a huge number of different conditions that more or less influence his development. These conditions are usually called factors. There are four groups of socialization factors:

- megafactors, these include space, the planet, the world, and which, to one degree or another, influence a person through other groups of factors;

- macro factors - country, ethnicity, society, which influence people through two other groups of factors;

— mesofactors, conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, identified: by place and type of settlement, by belonging to the audience of certain media, by belonging to certain subcultures. They influence socialization both directly and indirectly, through the fourth group of factors;

- microfactors - family, neighbors, microsociety, peer groups, educational, government, religious and public organizations.

The socialization process can be conventionally represented as a combination of four components:

— spontaneous socialization of a person in interaction and under the influence of objective circumstances of society, the content, nature and results of which are determined by socio-economic and socio-cultural realities;

- regarding guided socialization, when the state takes certain economic, legislative, organizational measures to solve its problems, which objectively influence changes in the opportunities and nature of development, on the life path of certain age groups (determining the mandatory minimum of education, the age of its beginning, terms of service in the army, etc.);

- relatively socially controlled socialization, i.e. systematic creation by society and the state of legal, organizational, material and spiritual conditions for human development;

- more or less conscious self-change of a person who has a prosocial, asocial or antisocial vector, in accordance with individual resources and in accordance with or contrary to the objective conditions of life.

Thus, socialization is considered as a process, condition, manifestation and result of the social formation of personality.

There are various types of socialization, during which social roles are learned. The main ones include: gender-role, family-household, professional-labor, subcultural-group. A person’s mastery of one or another social role occurs gradually, in accordance with his age and living environment. In the process of socialization, he goes through certain stages, stages and steps. There are different approaches to periodizing the stages or phases of socialization.

Thus, we examined the very concept of socialization, the essence of socialization, and also revealed four groups of socialization factors.


  2. Kodzhaspirova, G.M. Pedagogical dictionary / G.M. Kodzhaspirova, A.Yu. Kojaspirov. - M.: Academia, 2013. - 176 p.
  3. Meshcheryakov B., Zinchenko V. Big psychological dictionary

The concept and essence of socialization

Man, at his core, always is and will be a social being, who from the first days of his existence is surrounded and included in interaction with other people. During this interaction, a person’s assimilation of social experience occurs not passively, but actively, in the process of first joint activity with an adult, then in the process of active activity of the child himself - communication, subject-based, play, educational, work and other types of practical activities.

Socialization refers to the process of an individual’s entry into society, which gives rise to changes in the social structure of society and in the structure of the individual. The latter circumstance is due to the fact of human social activity, and, consequently, his ability, when interacting with the environment, not only to assimilate its requirements, but also to change this environment and influence it.

Socialization is the process by which an individual assimilates the norms of his group in such a way that through the formation of his own “I” the uniqueness of this individual as a person is manifested, the process of the individual’s assimilation of patterns of behavior, social norms and values ​​necessary for his successful functioning in a given society.[8 ]

The process of socialization is continuous and continues throughout a person’s life. The world around us is changing, requiring corresponding changes from us. The human essence is not carved out of granite forever; it cannot be completely formed in childhood so that it no longer changes. Life is an adaptation, a process of continuous renewal and change. Thus, in one culture, a 14-year-old girl may be a high school student, and in another, a mother of two children; 26 year old

a girl may be in the prime of her business career, just moving up the political ladder, or already finished her career if she is a professional model, but in some other society a person of this age usually has already passed away and is revered by younger relatives as an ancestor. In all cultures, the process of socialization occurs differently.

No person is born a ready member of society. But from the very beginning of his life, a person is involved in social interactions, where personality properties depend on the social situation, its lifestyle, activity and communication. A person acquires his first experience of social communication even before he learns to speak. In the process of social interaction, a person acquires a certain social experience, which, being subjectively acquired, becomes an integral part of the personality.

In modern scientific literature there is no unambiguous definition of the concept of “socialization”. Therefore, for a multi-aspect and comprehensive vision of the socialization process, it is necessary to consider the definitions given in philosophical, sociological, psychological dictionaries and the definitions of research scientists involved in this issue.

In philosophical encyclopedias, in the broad sense of the word, the term “socialization” is used to refer to the process “during which a human being with certain biological inclinations acquires the qualities necessary for him to function in society.” In other philosophical encyclopedias, socialization is considered as the process of assimilation by a human individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values, allowing him to function as a full member of society.[2]

In sociology, socialization is a complex scientific concept that implies the process of assimilation by an individual throughout his life of the social norms and cultural values ​​of the society to which he belongs.

Domestic sociologist A.N. Teslenko gives a different definition to the concept of “socialization” - this is the broadest concept in the formation of personality, it involves not so much the conscious assimilation of ready-made forms and methods of social life (as opposed to education), but rather the development of one’s own value orientations, one’s own style of behavior, allowing a person to self-realize as personality.[30]

In social psychology, socialization in the special sense of the word is an extremely important social process for society as a whole and various groups. It is carried out with the help of social mechanisms that ensure the achievement of social and group goals.

In social psychology, a more concise definition of socialization is given - this is the process and result of the assimilation and subsequent active reproduction of social experience by an individual.

Thus, in the psychological dictionary of V.P. Zinchenko and B.G. Meshcheryakov socialization (from the Latin socialis - social) is the process of an individual’s assimilation of social experience, a system of social connections and relationships.[14]

Socialization should be understood as the entire multifaceted process of assimilating the experience of social life and social relations. So, socialization is understood as the entire multifaceted process of humanizing a person, which includes both biological prerequisites and the individual’s immediate entry into the social environment and presupposes: social cognition, social communication, mastery of practical skills, including both the objective world of things and the entire a set of social functions, roles, norms, rights and responsibilities, etc.; active reconstruction of the surrounding (natural and social) world; change and qualitative transformation of the person himself, his comprehensive and harmonious development.

Macrofactors of socialization

Macro factors of socialization influence the socialization of all humanity or very large groups of people living in certain countries.

Macro factors include:

  • Universe, or Space.
  • Planet Earth.
  • The entire human community.
  • A country is a territory that has borders, distinguished from other territories by natural conditions and geographical location.
  • Society is a set of social relations that have developed between people in a country, including in its structure the family, the state, age, social, professional and other groups.
  • The state is a part of the political system of society that has power functions.
  • Natural environment or geographical factor.

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In the modern world, there are many problems that affect the living conditions of the individual and have an indirect or direct impact on the socialization of the individual:

  1. Environmental problems – environmental pollution.
  2. Demographic problems - growth or decline in the population of individual countries.
  3. Economic problems - economic crises, increasing gaps in the level of economic development of individual countries and continents.
  4. Military-political problems - the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the increase in the number of regional conflicts, political instability.

The socialization of an individual is influenced by the characteristics of the sex-role structure of society, predetermining ideas about the status of gender, sex-role expectations, and self-determination.

The state acts as:

  • factor of socially controlled socialization: participation in the creation of educational and educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, colleges, institutes, institutions for children with poor health, etc.);
  • factor regarding directed socialization: determination of the mandatory minimum education, length of service in the army, age of marriage, etc.);
  • factor of spontaneous socialization: ideology, politics, social and economic practices characteristic of a given state form certain conditions for the life of its citizens.

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