How to increase a woman's self-esteem? 6 exercises to boost self-esteem

When a person is not confident in his abilities, this greatly interferes with life. Low self-esteem prevents people from making a career or building a personal life. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle from which the individual cannot get out on his own. To solve the problem, you can take part in a training session dedicated to building self-confidence. In classes you can learn to love yourself and think positively.

Every person dreams of becoming successful

Concept of self-confidence training

Self-confidence training is an activity or course that helps:

  • Overcome existing inferiority complexes;
  • Have a positive outlook on the world and others;
  • Find out your own strengths;
  • Forget about your shortcomings.

This area of ​​practical psychological assistance is invariably relevant for people of different genders and ages: from schoolchildren to managers of large enterprises and organizations. Classes are held in group or individual form, the venue is a training hall or a psychological relief room, a relaxation room at an enterprise, an office of a practicing psychologist. No special equipment required. The duration of one lesson usually does not exceed an hour.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you believe charlatans who promise to change a person’s consciousness in a couple of days or even in a few hours. Forming a positive worldview is a long and gradual process. In addition, most of success depends not on the psychologist, but on the desire of the person himself to overcome his insecurities.

It’s not easy to part with complexes, but it’s still possible

Self-esteem training

To increase self-esteem, you can turn to various trainings that are offered today. There are quite a lot of them, since there are more people with low self-esteem than everyone else. We can say that there are up to 5% of people with adequate self-esteem, about 25-30% of people with high self-esteem, and all the rest are people with low self-esteem.

Moreover, inflated self-esteem often drops almost to zero. Teenagers have high self-esteem, they think that they are capable of anything, they will succeed, and they set unrealistic goals. However, as you encounter various situations and the lack of solutions to them, self-esteem drops. In rare cases it becomes adequate. Often people begin to criticize and humiliate themselves for any failures and stop believing in themselves, which contributes to a decrease in self-esteem.

Self-esteem is how a person evaluates himself and how he perceives his opportunities. The higher the self-esteem, the more omnipotent a person considers himself:

  1. Adequate self-esteem: “I set realistic and achievable goals. I have certain resources and opportunities to achieve them. If I don’t know something or can’t do it, I’ll learn. If I encounter a problem, I will try to fix it. I set exactly the same goal that can be achieved in real life conditions.”
  2. Low self-esteem: “I constantly dream of something, but I can’t achieve it. As soon as I take on something, it immediately collapses, various difficulties and problems begin to arise. As soon as I start doing this, problems immediately appear. This unsettles me. I can give up everything, which is much better than sweating and trying, but in the end getting nothing.”
  3. High self-esteem: “I know what I want. I deserve only the best - all wealth, love and universal respect. If someone doesn’t like something, let him go to all four directions. But I know and can do everything, I’ll definitely succeed. If problems suddenly arise, I will force the culprits to fix them, because I am always right.”

They say that it is better to have high self-esteem than low self-esteem, because at least with such a worldview you can achieve at least something. However, it should be understood that high self-esteem often becomes low, as well as vice versa. A person will never feel calm and stable.

Self-esteem training is aimed at teaching a person to adequately evaluate himself. You need to be able to program your subconscious for success. You need to not react to negative criticism and assessments from others, who will always be dissatisfied with something and condemn others. The only appraiser you need to focus on should be the person himself, who knows himself best.

Thanks to trainings, a person understands that self-love is normal. After all, self-esteem decreases when a person tries not to love himself, so as not to be selfish in the eyes of others. Learn to love yourself, see your talents and opportunities that you can use for your benefit.

What are they for?

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As a rule, during classes students pursue the following goals:

  • Part with shyness, timidity, isolation;
  • Overcome old childhood complexes;
  • Start a new successful life from scratch;
  • Get practical advice on successfully building your career and personal life.

Statistics show that women and teenagers most often participate in such activities. However, men are also willing to attend courses to develop positive self-esteem. One group may contain peers or people of different ages, it depends on the general concept of the course.

Increasing female self-esteem

Women are more prone to developing low self-esteem due to the fact that they depend on the opinions of others and their own external attractiveness. If a woman does not see admiring glances on herself, then she fades. If she constantly hears criticism addressed to her, she becomes defenseless.

To increase women's self-esteem, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Ignore the opinions of other people, become the only person who is allowed to evaluate you.
  2. Don't make your self-esteem dependent on your appearance (or improve your appearance so that your self-esteem increases).
  3. Surround yourself with people who don't put you down or insult you. You are not obligated to associate with those who do not respect or value you.
  4. Love yourself for who you are. Do not ignore shortcomings and do not be ashamed of their presence. They make you unique. If you want to change something about yourself, then change it, but of your own free will, and not because someone else wanted it.
  5. Focus on your strengths and advantages. You definitely have them, even if you don’t notice them. Think more about what is good in you, rather than about what shortcomings you and other people are outraged by.

If you want to correct something in yourself, then correct it. But what exactly you will correct should be your desire, and not the opinion of other people.

What kind of trainings are there?

How to develop mindfulness - training and tasks for improvement

There are several types of courses:

  • Authors and trainers;
  • Behavioral;
  • Gender;
  • Corrective.

The first type is the most popular.


Author's methods are methods developed by a specific practicing psychologist. As a rule, such classes are taught by the author of the development himself or his student. An obvious disadvantage is the high cost of the courses.


If the author of the course is a professional trainer, this area of ​​psychological work is called “coaching.” Popular life coaches teach people based on their own wealth of experience. However, their opinions may not coincide with the worldview of the training participants.


Self-confidence training can be focused on the development of certain behavioral stereotypes. For example, these could be courses on mastering the basic techniques of persuasion, seduction (for women), and manipulation of others.

Correct behavior patterns will help you easily overcome the “eternal loser complex”

To combat shortcomings

Self-confidence training can be aimed at combating existing shortcomings (for example, excessive timidity). To develop self-confidence, exercises include elements of combating qualities that prevent a person from successfully demonstrating his potential, talents and abilities.


Gender training to increase self-esteem and self-confidence is aimed at developing qualities inherent in female or male representatives (male strength, female attractiveness and seductiveness). Such classes can be recommended to those who have been looking for their soulmate for a long time and have been unsuccessful.

Training “Be confident in yourself”

Training for the leader school “Vertical” 04/06/18 Topic: “Be confident in yourself.”

Goals and objectives:

introduce students to the signs characteristic of an aggressive, confident and insecure person;

build a sense of self-confidence;

practice skills of confident behavior;

continue to work on getting acquainted and uniting the asset for further joint work.

Equipment and attributes:

— badges;

- chairs, tables, sheets of paper, pens;

— cards with tables, situations and roles;

- computer, projector and screen. Participants: students from the leader’s school “Vertical”.


Stage 1: Introductory.

Participants sit in a circle.

-Good afternoon! I'm very glad to see you. Today, the best guys gathered at our lesson: smart, active, independent, cheerful, purposeful - in a word: leaders. Let's greet each other with loud applause!

(Applause sounds).

But before we start practicing, let’s do the following exercise: everyone will need to say two phrases in turn: “Today I have...” and “I don’t want to brag, but...”.

(Do the exercise in a circle).

Well done! You have successfully completed the task! How will you deal with the next one?

Game “Find the Person” (materials: paper and pens).

You know that a leader’s success is influenced by his “search behavior.” In this game we will test your ability to quickly make acquaintances.

You will need to write down the names of people who meet the given criteria as quickly as possible on the signs I have distributed.

So, let's start!

(Carrying out the game, presenting the results in a circle)

Thanks to this simple game, you and I got to know each other better and were prepared and can move on to the next stage of our lesson.

Stage 2: Work on the topic of the lesson.

And now, guys, I suggest you read the statements of famous people and determine the topic of today's lesson.

(Statements are displayed on the screen and read aloud)

“Regardless of the height of a mountain, people can climb it... as long as they have determination and confidence.” Andersen

“The worst disbelief is disbelief in yourself.” Carlyle, Carlyle Thomas

“Avoid those who try to undermine your FAITH IN YOURSELF. This trait is characteristic of small people. A great man, on the contrary, gives you the feeling that YOU CAN BE GREAT." Mark Twain

“Self-confidence forms the basis of our confidence in others.”

F. La Rochefoucauld

“If a person loses confidence, then he stops seeing the road. Nothing shines for such people” NN

“The self-confidence that comes with achieving your goals is the most beautiful thing in the world.” Madonna

(The guys express their assumptions.)

That's right, guys! Today we will talk about a very important quality of a leader - self-confidence. And the theme of our lesson is “Be confident.”

. We will get acquainted with the signs characteristic of an aggressive, confident and insecure person; We will build a sense of self-confidence and practice skills of confident behavior.

My choice on the topic of self-confidence was not accidental. When teenagers are asked what is most important to them from a psychological point of view, what they would like to learn, the results show that the statement “I would like to develop self-confidence” most often comes first. And this is quite natural: after all, such a quality is very important for later life, for achieving success in a variety of situations, be it relationships with friends, study or work, sports or other hobbies. After all, behaving confidently means being able to set and achieve goals, control yourself, defend your interests without aggression or shyness, and come out of conflicts with honor. Of course, these qualities develop throughout life, but their formation is most strongly influenced by the life experiences accumulated in youth.

What is your level of self-confidence? This will help us determine the “Self-Assessment of Self-Confidence” test.

(Testing of participants. Announcement of results).

So, what behavior can be called confident?

Focused on overcoming emerging obstacles,

and not worry about them. All people periodically experience certain difficulties; this is a fact of life. But different people react to these difficulties in different ways. For an insecure person, they turn into obstacles that cause a lot of negative experiences, but constructive

they do not provoke any active activity aimed at overcoming them. He spends a lot of energy on these experiences, without moving towards his goals. Or, at the other extreme, he spends all his strength on overcoming the obstacles that have arisen, which in reality are not surmountable at all, and the circumstances that caused them do not depend on the person. And, faced with further failures, he worries more and more. A confident person is capable of a rational analysis of emerging difficulties and, if they seem surmountable (with a reasonable, justified investment of time and effort), then he spends his efforts precisely to overcome them. If the obstacles turn out to be too serious or even insurmountable, such a person does not “bash his head into a closed door,” but reconsiders his goals or looks for other ways to achieve them.


With confident behavior, a person imagines goals quite accurately and builds his own actions in such a way that they allow him to get closer to them. At the same time, not all goals serve as a prerequisite for confident behavior. Firstly, they must be realistic, that is, fundamentally achievable by a given person, taking into account his existing capabilities and limitations. Secondly, the goals must be specific, such that a person can accurately imagine on the basis of what, by what criteria he can judge whether they have been achieved or not. Thirdly, it is more appropriate to define goals for yourself in positive terms: as an image of what you plan to achieve, and not of what you would like to avoid.


implying an adequate response to a rapidly changing environment. Such a person quickly navigates situations of novelty and uncertainty, and if he sees that some actions do not lead to positive results, he begins to act differently. Flexibility is especially evident in communication. A confident person is able to change his communication style depending on which interlocutors he is talking with and in what conditions this happens. An insecure person constantly “hides” behind some social role, behaves in accordance with it without taking into account the situation in which he is (for example, like a military man, always communicating with everyone from a command position, so “fused” with this role , that it becomes almost impossible for him to communicate in any other way).

Aimed at building constructive relationships with others,

implying a movement “toward the people” rather than “from the people” or “against the people.” Such a person strives to establish harmonious relationships with others, based on trust, mutual understanding and cooperation. This behavior strategy continues even when a person encounters difficulties. To overcome them, a confident person, if necessary, uses “social resources” and turns to others for support. Other strategies involve either withdrawing into oneself, withdrawing into one’s inner world, loneliness (movement “from people”), or opposing oneself to others, enmity with them, aggression (movement “against people”). If a person is inclined to any of these strategies, then when life difficulties arise, this tendency also intensifies: the withdrawn person is rejected from people even more, becomes unsociable, and the hostile person moves to open aggression. And this leads to a kind of “vicious circle”, the problems as a result of this behavior intensify even more.

Combining spontaneity with the possibility of arbitrary regulation.

When the situation requires immediate actions, a person takes them, but if necessary, he can also control his spontaneous reactions. This applies not only to behavior, but also to emotional response. Such a person does not strive to constantly suppress his emotions and feelings, but allows himself to express them openly. But if necessary (for example, when the situation does not allow them to be manifested externally or they are too strong, preventing an adequate perception of reality), he is ready to take control of them.

Persistent, but not turning into aggressive.

A person makes efforts to achieve his goals, but does so, if possible, without harming the interests of other people. Of course, confident behavior does not mean a “sacrificial position” and abandonment of one’s interests. On the contrary, such a person is ready to defend them very harshly, to go into conflict for their sake. But, firstly, in such conflicts he concentrates precisely on defending his interests, and not on offending, humiliating or offending the interlocutor as an individual. Secondly, a confident person does not conflict without objective reasons for it. When what caused the tension is more important for the partner than for such a person, or when it is more important for him to maintain a harmonious relationship, then he is ready to give in and sacrifice his interests. For him, it is more important not to “follow the principle”, but to resolve the conflict flexibly, taking into account all the nuances of the situation in which it arose.

Focused on achieving success rather than avoiding failure

. A person is focused on getting something positive, and is guided by this goal, and not by avoiding possible troubles. When thinking about his goals, such a person imagines himself successfully achieving them, not how he fails. For example, when starting to prepare for an exam, a confident person imagines passing it successfully and strives precisely for this goal. The insecure person imagines how he “fails” the exam, and strives to ensure that this situation does not become a reality. The first of these types of motivation is more effective and more likely to lead to success. Firstly, when a person imagines a favorable outcome of an upcoming task, his emotional state is much better than when he imagines failure. As a result, his activities will be more effective, which will increase the chances of achieving success. Secondly, when we imagine something in detail, then, willy-nilly, we begin to translate our ideas into reality.


A person who exhibits confident behavior does not waste energy fighting with anyone or anything (whether it be the people around him or his own mental characteristics), but instead creates what he considers necessary. It's like in business, where the winner is not the one who spends resources fighting competitors, but the one who does his job more efficiently than them. Defeating a bad habit means replacing it with a good one. Giving up an ineffective way of thinking or behaving means developing another, more effective one. Overcoming your own insecurities means mastering ways to behave confidently. As popular wisdom says, “it is better to fight for something than against something.”

Self-confidence, by the way, does not mean an unconditionally high self-esteem of a person. It implies that, along with the fact that he accepts himself as a whole as a person, he evaluates his particular abilities and skills realistically - that is, not always highly. The self-esteem of a confident person is not

as much heightened as specific: each particular is assessed separately, but this is not transferred to the person as a whole. An insecure person has an unstable and overly generalized self-esteem; he often thinks according to the scheme “since I didn’t succeed, it means that I myself am bad and good for nothing, nothing will work out for me.” Or, conversely, “since this succeeded, then everything else should succeed.” And such directly opposite judgments can change several times a day under the influence of insignificant, random factors.

Sometimes confident behavior is seen as intermediate between shy and aggressive, and aggression is interpreted as a consequence of excess confidence. In fact, aggression is also a manifestation of insecurity! What, then, is the difference between those for whom insecurity leads to shyness and those for whom it manifests itself in the form of aggression? There is reason to believe that the main difference between these types of responses is related to what a person tends to attribute responsibility for his own failure to achieve a goal. Shy people attribute this responsibility to themselves (reasoning is built along the lines of “I can’t do it because I’m bad myself”). Aggressive people shift it to other people or to the surrounding reality as a whole (“I can’t do it because you’re bothering me”). This can be reflected in the diagram:

What do you guys think are the signs of a confident and insecure (aggressive and shy) person?

Signs of behavior of a confident and insecure person

A person who displays confident behavior appears calm and carries himself with dignity. He has an open look, straight posture, and a calm and confident voice. He doesn't fuss, doesn't fawn, doesn't show irritation.

The behavior of an insecure person is of two types: aggressive and passive-dependent.

A person who lacks self-confidence can be aggressive: shout, insult, wave his arms, look with contempt, etc. The manifestation of aggressive behavior, strange as it may seem, is an indicator of insecurity. This behavior is characterized by demandingness or hostility; the person “gets personal” and often pays attention not so much to satisfying his own needs as to punishing another.

Uncertainty also manifests itself through the exact opposite, shy behavior: such a person can be very quiet, shy, walk with a slouch and his head down, avoid direct gaze, and yield to any pressure on him. With this behavior, a person avoids direct discussion of the problem, tends to talk about his desires and needs in an indirect form, “roundabouts”, is passive, but at the same time is not ready to accept what his partner can offer.

A self-confident person knows how to defend his position without resorting to aggression or passive-dependent behavior. He speaks openly about his needs, as well as the desired actions from his partners, without hostility or self-defense. A confident person is also distinguished by the ability to show independence, to defend his personal opinion, and not to dutifully follow those around him.

Stage 3: Role-playing game “I can be different.”

Now we will conduct a role-playing game “I can be different”, through which you can determine how a teenager feels and how he behaves when he is in the roles of a confident, shy or aggressive person.

Each of you will need to play a certain role in the situation I propose.

(The presenter gives everyone cards with roles, then reads out situation No. 1, and three participants play it in three ways, etc., until everyone has taken part in the game).

Then there is a discussion and conclusions are drawn:

- aggressive behaves rudely, impudently, attacks, threatens, looks down on, etc.;

- the shy one speaks quietly, begs, looks with a pleading look, etc.;

- confident person partially concedes, assumes, acts reasonedly, etc.

How does an aggressive, shy and confident person feel?

(aggressive causes unpleasant sensations; shy causes pity; confident gives a feeling of reliability).

Stage 4: Exercise “Help a friend.”

Guys, imagine that you work on a popular youth radio, and a teenager calls you with the problem that he is very insecure and asks for your help and support. What would you wish for him? Now you have to write down your wishes and advice to an insecure teenager on pieces of paper.

(Work in groups. Speeches by group representatives).

Was it difficult for you to find words to support an insecure person? In fact, the more you support other people, the more confident you become.

Here are some more tips on how to strengthen your confidence:

1. Remember, there are no perfect people, and you are no exception, so allow yourself to make mistakes. Take it easy. Any mistake is an experience that allows you to improve!

2. Being confident does not mean being cocky, aggressive or insulting to others.

3. Use self-hypnosis.

4. Notice your successes and achievements, even small ones. Praise yourself for them!

5. Do not concentrate on what and how others will think or say about you.

Start now to believe in yourself a little more, appreciate and love yourself and everything will work out for you!

(Showing four cool slides about confidence)

And finally - smile more often! After all, a smile is one of the most important signs of a confident person!

Stage 5: Speech by leaders who took part in the specialized session “Talent Architecture”.

Stage 6: Summing up,
receiving feedback.
To summarize all of the above, I would like to remind you that confidence does not come just like that, on its own, in order for it to appear, you must demonstrate

activity, get involved in activities, accumulate and comprehend life experience.

I would like today's lesson to allow you to better understand yourself, determine what exactly you need to pay attention to in order to become more self-confident - and therefore happier and more successful people and effective leaders.

Now let’s say in a circle what was the most important for you in this lesson, what you liked and what you didn’t like.


Exercise “Closing the circle.”

To conclude our lesson, let's do an exercise that will fill us with positive emotions and create a feeling of our unity. We will take turns taking our neighbor on the right by the hand, calling him by name and saying a few nice words to him, starting, for example, with “Tanya, today you ...” or “Lena, I am glad to meet you because ...”. Having already spoken the words, he does not open his hands. As a result, we will have a vicious circle as a symbol of our unity. So here I go.

(Statements in a circle).

And now let’s all raise our hands together and say, “Goodbye, we!”

Thank you! Until next time

How to choose a training

How to develop intuition yourself - exercises for training

Psychological training on self-confidence can be completed in many large and small cities of Russia, in public and private psychological consultations. When choosing the right type of activity, you should consider:

  • Their cost;
  • The personality of the coach, his education in the field of psychology;
  • No gap between theory and practice;
  • Duration of the course;
  • Reviews from former project participants.

Before making a choice, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

The effectiveness of the course does not depend on its cost

How to develop self-confidence on your own

In order to achieve what you want on your own, without anyone’s help, you need to determine what you need to do and what you need to become to achieve your goal.

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In addition to intention, a person also needs to have:

  • appropriate conditions and resources;
  • information and developmental techniques that stimulate movement in the chosen direction;
  • intelligence;
  • confidence in the success and correctness of your actions.

But very often people are kept from taking the first step by a feeling of inexplicable fear, which completely neutralizes, literally destroys all their aspirations and impulses.

The degree of confidence depends on knowledge of one’s capabilities and a real assessment of one’s psycho-emotional state.

In order to know how to develop self-confidence, you need to realize the need for this and sincerely desire changes.

To be confident in something means that a person understands the fact that completing a particular task will not cause him any difficulties. Moreover, it must be supported by real knowledge and skills. Many people have to work on themselves, develop certain qualities of their character, including confidence.

To do this they can:

  • change your worldview;
  • rethink your understanding of your place in life;
  • become a more responsible person, give yourself the opportunity to change, as necessary, ways to achieve your goal;
  • acquire knowledge that will allow you to become a true master of your craft;
  • Stop focusing on other people's opinions.

There are no limits to self-improvement. Any person can change his character and become the way he wants.

Simple exercises

Exercises from the arsenal of professional coaches are based on the following techniques:

  • Meditation;
  • Relaxation;
  • Autotraining;
  • Art therapy;
  • Gestalt therapy.

The trainer can also role-play problematic situations with participants, especially with teenage children.

Attention! To gain confidence, you need to perform basic exercises at least once a day, preferably several times a day. Such work gives a much greater effect than classes lasting an hour or two twice or three times a week.

Exercises for men

Men's exercises for self-confidence are aimed at developing courage, willpower, and the ability to achieve a goal. These qualities are necessary for those who want to have a good career. To increase self-esteem and self-confidence, exercises to combat complexes should be performed regularly; this is the main condition for success. Self-confidence training for men necessarily includes a daily mindset for success; it is better to do it in front of a mirror.

Exercises for women

Every representative of the fairer sex should know how to develop self-confidence. Most often, women are offered to take part in express training on how to develop self-confidence and increase self-esteem. In classes, girls and women learn to love themselves, be attractive and seductive, and win people over at first sight.

Exercises for teenagers

Classes with exercises on how to become self-confident for teenagers are a great way to smooth out all the problems of adolescence and teach the student to resist any negativity coming from classmates. As a rule, work with boys and girls to raise self-esteem is based on role-playing games. Typically, a schoolchild reacts vividly to this format of the seminar.

Self-confidence training: 7 powerful ways to increase self-esteem

Some people naturally have such a level of self-esteem that it is almost impossible to confuse them. She is not influenced by temporary declines or the opinions of others.

Others, due to their innate temperament, upbringing, life experience, constantly doubt whether they are good enough, what friends, relatives and even strangers will think about their actions, are tormented by worries, spending an insane amount of energy and health on this.

Because of this, many doors leading to a bright, rich, fulfilling life remain inaccessible to them. No, they are not locked, it’s just that such a person does not dare to enter it. Will it be possible to do something about it, to change internally? Yes!

Method 1. Change your environment and communicate with successful people

We are what we fill ourselves with. Communicating with insecure, lazy, aimless people, over time you yourself become imbued with a similar attitude to life, you begin to consider a drab existence as the norm, to strive for nothing, to waste your free time on nonsense that does not benefit your mind, body, or soul. What is it if everyone lives like this?

Starting from Sunday evening, they dream about Friday, and when they wait, they run to the store for beer and spend the weekend playing another shooting game. And in a circle.

Finding yourself surrounded by highly motivated people who know how to effectively manage their own resources, who care about health, physical fitness, and development, you involuntarily begin to imbue them with their values.

An understanding comes that there is another reality in which living is much more interesting than in the monotonous dullness of days and years that are similar to each other. You can find such individuals at work, in your educational institution, or in the gym.

Features of group trainings

Group training to improve self-confidence is very popular. The main advantages of group classes are that they provide the opportunity to make new acquaintances and communicate on exciting topics. Also, in group classes there is always an element of competition, and this training format increases the effectiveness of the exercises performed and raises the self-esteem of the participants. The course director makes sure that each person can express himself to the maximum and tries to create a favorable psychological climate in the training group.

If uncertainty does not interfere with life that much, it is better to first try to raise your self-esteem without the help of a psychologist. To do this, it is enough to tune yourself into a positive wave every day and convince yourself that all your ideas and plans will work out, come true, and be implemented. However, if uncertainty is combined with a persistent inferiority complex, professional training under the guidance of a psychologist is the best option, especially for primary schoolchildren and young people under 20 years of age.

What is increased self-esteem?

Increasing self-esteem is a process during which a person discovers his own potential and begins to use it. Self-esteem is formed from childhood. A person is not able to control this process, because he is under the influence of his parents. If parents themselves have low self-esteem, are unhappy, poor and pitiful, then most likely they will form the same self-esteem in their children. Low self-esteem can also develop in a family of authoritarian parents, where children should not have their own opinions, desires and should not do anything without their consent and permission.

As a result, a person grows up with low self-esteem. He constantly dreams of something, but does not achieve it because he does not believe that he can achieve something. He would like to have a well-paid job, but he does not learn the necessary skills because he is used to achieving nothing. A person cannot even think that he is capable of something, which has been going on since childhood.

Every person has potential - these are opportunities, readiness, strength, determination, etc. A person with low self-esteem often does not notice what potential he has, what heights he can achieve. Even if he sees that he can do a lot, he is often afraid of this and tries to ignore it, so that his insight does not force him to confirm the presence of such enormous potential. Thus, low self-esteem forces one to ignore or constantly reduce one’s own capabilities, which could help a person achieve greater heights.

What is self-esteem based on? On the beliefs that a person has. To increase it, you need to start by changing beliefs, which are often laid down by parents in childhood. Often these beliefs are laid down by the society with which a person is constantly in contact. Self-esteem can also decrease after failures, when a person tells himself that he is a loser and is not able to do anything normally.

In other words, you need to learn to look at yourself in a new way. And sometimes it is enough to soberly assess your personality and see your own potential in a real light, so that self-esteem naturally jumps and encourages everyone to reach greater heights than they currently have.

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