Methods for diagnosing personality self-esteem

The Dembo-Rubinstein technique is used by psychologists to study human personality traits. Based on its results, you can find out the level of self-esteem, maturity, and self-criticism. Experts determine how satisfied the subject is with his life and whether he adequately perceives reality. Taking the test is useful for both adults and children.

general information

The Dembo-Rubinstein self-esteem test is considered part of psychodiagnostics. It helps determine several parameters:

  • level of self-esteem;
  • how a person perceives himself;
  • mood;
  • adequacy;
  • level of maturity;
  • presence or absence of problems;
  • level of criticality;
  • demanding of oneself;
  • satisfaction with your life.

The creator of the method is Tamara Fulfovna Dembo, an American psychologist, student of Kurt Lewin, doctor of Clark University. The test was created in 1962. In 1970, it was modified by Susanna Yakovlevna Rubinstein (psychologist, employee of the pathopsychology laboratory). The edits consisted of adding a transcript of the results.

Study of personality self-esteem

Opinion about yourself can be viewed from all sides, since many different methods have been developed that allow you to thoroughly study what this or that self-esteem means. In short, the most significant evaluation criteria are:

  • The level of aspirations is compared with objective results;
  • There is a comparison of one's personality with other people.

Important! The following conditions should be taken into account: the higher the level of claims, the more difficult it is to satisfy them; success or failure in any activity affects the assessment of abilities: failure reduces aspirations, and success increases them.

The moment of comparison is no less important: when assessing, an individual compares himself with other people and compares his own achievements to them. A person’s overall self-esteem is also strongly influenced by his individual characteristics and how important the assessed quality or activity is to him.

Psychology offers a number of methods for measuring an individual’s self-esteem and compiling its quantitative and qualitative characteristics:

  1. The popular study by Dembo-Rubinstein is designed to study the self-esteem of adolescents, which consists of the following indicators: intelligence, health, character, authority among peers, practical skills, appearance, self-confidence. The main parameters for obtaining results are height, stability and realistic self-perception.
  2. The “Three Assessments” method proposed by A.I. is accessible to people of different ages. Lipkina. The self-assessment arguments presented in the methodology help to evaluate oneself and determine the level of stability/instability of the individual.
  3. The no less popular “Evaluate yourself” test helps you find out what level of self-esteem a person has: normal, adequate, inadequate, overestimated or underestimated.

To independently study self-esteem, you can use popular techniques

Methodology for self-assessment of personality S.A. Budassi

Among the most common studies of personality self-esteem, the most famous method is S.A. Budassi. It helps to quantify personal self-esteem. The description of this technique is as follows:

  1. The respondent is offered a list of 48 concepts that denote personal qualities. Of these, 20 qualities are selected according to ranking, those that most characterize the respondent’s idea of ​​an ideal personality, that is, the standard.
  2. In the second series of the survey, from the selected twenty words, the most important personality qualities are noted, first preferred by the respondent, then less attractive.
  3. The third series is devoted to ranking from these same concepts the qualities that are characteristic of the respondent, first the most pronounced, then less pronounced.

The Budassi method is based on the fact that the statistical norm is a natural discrepancy between the real self and the ideal self. The concept of “real self” is a person’s idea of ​​himself. The ideal self-concept is a person’s idea of ​​himself in accordance with his desires (“what I would like to be”). The discrepancy between the real and the ideal can become both a source of intrapersonal conflicts and an impetus for personal self-development.

It is useful to understand that the level and quality of a person’s life depend on what kind of self-esteem was formed in the process of his formation as an individual. By adequately recognizing and accepting oneself, a person can make plans, determine his place in society, and thereby regulate the level of satisfaction with his life.

How to take the Dembo-Rubinstein self-esteem study

Take a blank sheet of paper. Draw 4 vertical lines. Their height should not exceed 10 cm. Place a mark in the middle of each line. 1 mm equals 1 point. The lines indicate:

  • character;
  • state of health;
  • mental capacity;
  • happiness.

If desired, you can enter optimism, satisfaction with oneself (qualities). If a teenager takes the Dembo-Rubinstein test, add abilities, appearance, authority among peers, and self-confidence.

The top of the lines is the highest indicator for the parameter, for example, the smartest, the most beautiful, etc. The bottom, accordingly, is the lowest. Think about how you rate yourself in light of each dimension. How happy are you? Do you consider yourself a beautiful and happy person? Does the teenager enjoy authority among friends or classmates? Is he confident in himself or does he suffer from a complex?

Use zeros (“0”) to mark the desired level. Crosses (“X”) – objective assessment. A horizontal dash indicates the current indicator of a particular parameter.

Using a ruler, measure and record the distance from the bottom of the line to the cross. This will be the level of aspiration or desired indicator. From zero to horizontal stripe - self-esteem. You also need to look at the discrepancy between aspirations and self-esteem.

Processing the results

Processing is carried out on six scales (the first, training - “health” - is not taken into account). Each answer is expressed in points. As noted earlier, the dimensions of each scale are 100 mm, according to which the students’ answers receive a quantitative description (for example, 54 mm = 54 points).

1. For each of the six scales, determine:

a) level of claims - the distance in mm from the bottom point of the scale (“O”) to the “x” sign;

b) the height of self-esteem - from “0” to the “x” sign;

c) the value of the discrepancy between the level of aspirations and self-esteem - the distance from the “x” sign to the “-” sign; if the level of aspirations is lower than self-esteem, it is expressed as a negative number.

2. Calculate the average value of each indicator on all six scales.

How to evaluate results

As mentioned above, the Dembo-Rubinstein test helps to determine the level of self-esteem. Its main properties are height, stability, and realism.

Self-esteem level values

Interpretation of the results of the Dembo-Rubinstein self-esteem diagnostic technique looks like this:

  1. 50-75 points - average and high self-esteem. A person evaluates himself adequately and looks at things realistically.
  2. 75-100 points – inflated self-esteem. Perhaps some disturbances occurred in the process of personality formation. A person perceives himself distorted, he does not want to learn something new, does not notice his mistakes, and is insensitive to criticism and comments.
  3. Less than 50 points – low self-esteem.

After evaluating the results, you need to find out why the person treats himself this way. For what reasons does he doubt his capabilities or, conversely, exaggerate himself excessively?

Keys by claims

There are also several options for evaluating the results:

  1. 60-90 points is the real level of aspirations.
  2. 90-100 – unrealistic view of oneself, lack of self-criticism.
  3. A score of less than 60 points means too low aspirations. Evidence of improper development of character and personal qualities.

In the traditional modification of the Dembo-Rubinstein technique, a person with adequate self-esteem will place a mark (horizontal stripe) slightly above the middle of the line.
The ideal (zero) for him would be the option below the top of the scale. The best place to place the cross is in the middle of self-esteem and desires. If current self-esteem is marked below the middle of the scale, a person suffers from excessive self-criticism and demands too much from himself.

The relationship between self-esteem parameters

The relationship between all the icons on the scale looks like this:

  1. The correct location for X is between 0 and "-".
  2. The distance between X and 0 is what you want but can't achieve yet.
  3. X is what is available to you. Anything above this mark is unattainable.
  4. The line down from X to your current self-esteem is what you will achieve with a little effort.
  5. The ratio between the segments before and after X is your level of optimism.

0 must be below the upper limit of the scale. If it is located at the very top, one can judge the person’s immaturity. A mature personality understands that it will never be possible to become perfect.

If the indicators on the vertical lines are too far from each other, the subjects are emotionally unstable. According to psychologists, 0 is a person’s dreams. Almost all people have dreams. And when they manage to fulfill one dream, they take on another. It turns out that they set and achieve goals.

X – real prospects, the level of your goal. In the process of moving forward, one goal is replaced by another. 0 must remain above X. Otherwise, inflation of the dream or its depreciation will occur.

The concept and essence of self-esteem

Definition 1
Self-esteem is an assessment of oneself, one’s own capabilities, qualities and place among other people.

Self-esteem is of great importance for a person, as it influences the effectiveness and success of his activities, as well as the development of a person as an individual. By its nature, self-esteem is a subjective personal formation of the human psyche. It performs protective and regulatory functions, has a certain influence on the activity, behavior and development of the individual, the success of its interaction with other people, and it is also to some extent interconnected with the level of aspirations of the individual.

There are several types of personality self-esteem:

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  • self-assessment of abilities;
  • personal self-esteem;
  • general and private self-esteem;
  • stable and floating self-esteem;
  • adequate and inadequate self-esteem;
  • low, average and high self-esteem;
  • high and low self-esteem, etc.

Self-esteem is one of the most important components of a person’s holistic self-awareness. It is one of the necessary conditions for the harmonious development of a person, building adequate relationships with others. Currently, there is a fairly large number of different diagnostic techniques aimed at studying personality self-esteem.

Note 1

Modern psychology has a wide range of experimental methods, each of which is aimed not only at identifying and studying self-esteem, but also at providing qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the results obtained.

The choice of a diagnostic technique or set of techniques by the researcher depends on the researcher’s goal. The success of applying the techniques largely depends on the skills of the researcher himself.

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Interpretation of test results

• 0-25 points indicate a high level of self-esteem, at which a person, as a rule, is confident in himself, reacts correctly to the comments of others and rarely doubts the necessity of his actions.

• 26-45 points – an indicator of the average level of self-esteem; a person rarely suffers from an inferiority complex, and only from time to time tries to adapt to the opinions of other people. • 46-128 points – the level of self-esteem is low, the person is sensitive to criticism, and lacks self-confidence.

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