Is it possible to make a husband love his wife again?

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. Today we’ll talk about how to regain a lost relationship and how to make your ex-wife fall in love with you. Starting a family is a very complex process that requires great responsibility on both sides.

Not all couples successfully go through the stage of a long life together and separate for various reasons. The result: broken hearts, suffering children and division of property. However, relationships do not always end irrevocably. If a man understands that the decision was rash, but he still has feelings, then there is an opportunity to make his wife fall in love with him again.

This article will not talk about magical love spells or anything like that. Let's consider common ideas and understand how to act so that we can restore relationships quickly and positively.

Learn to listen

The most common cause of discord in the family is the unwillingness of partners to listen to each other.
A man often considers his thoughts more important and correct, without listening to the woman’s opinion. Selfishness is developed so strongly that any words from the wife are not perceived as anything even slightly significant. Naturally, the lady will not tolerate such behavior for long. She needs to be considered and respected. If you think about it, it's not that much, right? Analyze your past behavior and figure out what mistakes you made in communication.

Without this understanding, you won’t be able to figure out how to make your wife fall in love with you again. When trying to renew a relationship, you will have to step on the same rake.

It happens that girls really talk a lot and are not relevant, however, you will have to learn to listen! Otherwise, even new relationships are likely to fail with such a worldview. It is important not just to nod in time during a conversation, but also to delve into its essence. No tricks will work, and the girl will still understand that she is not taken seriously.

I listened to deaf ears once, then a second time, and on the third time misunderstandings began to arise. This is precisely the main reason for quarrels and separations.

Advice from a psychologist

A man must understand that old feelings cannot be returned. Therefore, you need to win your spouse again. Psychologist's advice:

  1. Do a lot of work on bugs. Take into account all the claims and complaints of your spouse and try to change your behavior.
  2. Be patient. Haste will only lead to new mistakes.
  3. Call your spouse for a frank conversation. Listen carefully to her speech, without taking hostility or making excuses. It is better to immediately admit all your mistakes.
  4. Communicate more. You should ask your wife about her affairs, take an interest in her hobbies and interests. During a conversation, it is advisable to listen carefully, sometimes ask questions and look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
  5. Give your wife all your free time. You can suggest watching a movie together, going to a recently opened cafe, taking a walk in the park, going to another city for two or three days, admiring the sights. Or follow all the wishes of your wife.
  6. Take care. A man needs to take on some of the household chores, prepare dinner or breakfast at least once a week, and remind him of important matters and meetings.

READ How to make peace with your wife after a strong quarrel: select an option depending on the situation

If a man does not know how to make his wife change her anger to mercy, then it is advisable for him to immediately contact a specialist so as not to further aggravate the conflict.

Sex life

A completely predictable result of a long relationship between husband and wife is the cooling of passion for each other. Sex has not lost its importance for anyone, but the wife no longer excites, spontaneous intimacy has not arisen for a long time, and sex for show does not satisfy. Some couples stop making love altogether. Hi, friend! Especially for you, I have prepared the course “Student. Natural seduction" for only 1490 rubles! Follow the link and order -> You need to re-ignite the flame within yourself. Remember how it was at the beginning of your relationship. What prevents you from regaining this passion? Some people make excuses that when they try to have passionate intimacy, they do not meet with a response.
Of course, if you suddenly start throwing yourself at your wife, nothing will come of it, because she is also unaccustomed to this situation. Here you will have to include romance: invite her on a date, give her a nice gift, or at least bring flowers. Little things like this always light up women!

Strong love spells on a departed wife

Your spouse left you, but you want to return her love and peace to your family? A strong love spell on a departed wife will help restore a happy marriage. The result will be reliable if done correctly.

4.1 Three locks

For this love spell you will need:

  • three padlocks with keys;
  • three red candles;
  • black cloth or towel.

Try to perform the ritual at night. This way it will be much more effective.

  1. Spread the cloth and place the locks with the keys inserted on it. Light a candle in front of each castle.
  2. Bring each lock in turn to your lips and say through its handle:
    “I lock it with a lock, I shackle it with shackles, I seal it with wax, (wife’s name)’s love for me will last forever, I will lock her heart with three locks, I won’t allow it to others.” , Only for me will it burn with passion. Just as the locks are unlocked, love will end, and until then, be strong to my word.”
  3. After each reading of the plot, take out the key and drip candle wax onto the hole. Do this with all three locks and candles.
  4. Wrap the locks in a cloth or towel and hide them. Keys must be thrown into a river or other body of water.

4.2 For meat

For this love spell, you will need to invite your spouse home under a plausible pretext and feed her a meat dish.

  1. During the day, grab meat from the market. If you receive change from your purchase, leave it to the seller.
  2. After sunset, when the moon appears, start preparing the meat dish.
  3. After cutting the meat, place it in a saucepan or cauldron.
  4. Turn on the heat and immediately after that take a clean knife. After making a cut on the ring finger of your left hand, drop a few drops of blood into the meat. At this time, read the plot:
    “With warm blood, voluntarily given, I cover your eyes.

    You won’t see anything except my image,

    You will scour the fields and forests, looking for the way to my house.

    Longing for me will devour your heart, and gnaw your soul like a homeless dog.

    I will unite us forever with a meal of blood,

    Yes, neither the sorcerer, nor the witch, nor the healer can remove the witchcraft.

    Let it be so!"

  5. After preparing food, serve it on the table immediately. Only you and your wife can eat the enchanted dish!

In terms of power, this love spell is absolutely not inferior to any black one, but it acts very decisively and purposefully, it lies on the person being bewitched constantly.
In this love spell, a force operates between dark forces and light ones, giving a person a very strong love attachment to the customer, dependence on the customer and the desire to always be there, passion and spiritual attraction. Portal expert Vitaly




I am engaged in bringing together destinies and all areas of love magic! I am adjusting my relationship...

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4.3 On the bulb

Spelling a wife's love spell on an onion is an ancient and effective ritual. It was used back in Rus', when a wayward wife did not want to talk to her husband.

  1. Take a small onion. Peel it and cut it in half.
  2. Write on a piece of paper the full name of your beloved wife and her date of birth.
  3. Place the paper with the name inside the bulb and tie it with thread.
    Say the spell: “Angel on the way, O Christ, protect, bless my work. With hot fire and God's earthly flesh, I conjure the servant of God (name of wife) to cleave to the servant of God (your name), turn to him with your heart. Just as the Holy Family is revered in heaven, so she would always remember him, she would think about him, both in the dark night and under the red sun. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen!"
  4. Leave the bulb on the windowsill. When it dries, bury it under a tree that bears fruit.

Is it worth returning your beloved wife? Or should we forget everything and move on?

Answer a few simple questions and find out where your relationship is headed!

4.4 For sperm

This love spell creates a very strong sexual attraction. Your wife will feel desire and passion for you in just a few days!

  1. Take the sperm and spread it in a thin layer on a red candle. It is best to do this at midnight of the full moon.
  2. Scribble your wife's name on the candle.
  3. Light a candle and read the spell:
    “As my seed dries up under the flame of a candle, so you will begin to dry out for me, Day and night we will be inextricably linked with you, You will only desire my body, Only you will be satisfied with my face. May your heart be inflamed with strong love. Let it be so!"
  4. Let the candle burn out completely.

4.5 To the burial ground

A love spell on a departed wife with grave soil makes an eternal attachment with the participation of otherworldly forces. Be careful: it is impossible to remove such a love spell!

  1. Go to the cemetery at a convenient time. Take a handful of soil from the grave of a woman with the same name as your wife.
  2. At home, lay out a clean towel and pour soil onto it. Break a chicken egg on top and mix it with soil.
  3. Say the spell:
    “The deceased woman lies and lies in the damp earth, resting for a century from earthly worries. During life, love knew, but now it sends love with its spirit to the living. That love will enter the chest of (wife’s name) and remain there. The dead will forever lie in a coffin, but love will forever be a secret in the heart of (wife’s name). My word will be strong like a gravestone. Let it be so.”
  4. You need to pour the soil with the egg near your house.


Such a boring thing as home life can simply kill any relationship.
People get so used to each other that it becomes simply impossible to ignite in a sexual impulse. A wife sees her husband every day in torn sweatpants or in front of a computer, a man sees his woman without makeup and unkempt. There is simply too much work and housework to do, and against this background love fades away. Of all the possible problems, this is the most solvable! You just need to make a little effort and diversify your life: go on vacation to the sea, find a common hobby, and so on.

What can kill a woman's love

Men are in vain to believe that when a woman receives the status of a wife, there is no need to try for her sake. It is not at all surprising that after such behavior the attitude of the other half changes, she grows cold towards her spouse, and the feeling of love disappears. If a husband wants to make his ex or current wife fall in love with him and see her happy next to him, he should figure out what exactly went wrong.


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Everyday life and gray everyday life

The most common phenomenon in families is that the woman performs all housework. Routine affairs lead to a lack of pleasant moments. Communication between spouses comes down to discussing everyday topics, and romance takes the place of cooking, cleaning, and laundry. The situation can be aggravated if there are children in the family, whom the wife also takes care of. When a woman, in addition to household chores, also works, without receiving help from a man, and experiences a lack of attention, her feelings towards her husband noticeably cool down.

Jealousy for no reason

A man endlessly suspects his wife of cheating, shows distrust of her and constantly devalues ​​her words. Women's self-esteem falls and disappointment sets in. The wife stops seeing her husband, who causes her so many negative emotions, as a close and beloved person.

End of the period of falling in love

At the beginning of a relationship, people flutter on the wings of love and are in a state of euphoria. A woman does not see any flaws in a man, she admires and passionately desires him. But the hormonal levels gradually return to normal, and instead of falling in love, a more serious feeling should appear - love. If during this time a successful relationship has not been formed, then the spouse may feel cold.


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Husband's passivity

In this case, we are talking about a discrepancy between the temperaments or desires of the spouses. If a woman is used to leading an active lifestyle, traveling, visiting interesting places, communicating with friends, but in marriage everything is limited to home, work and children, then a terrible monotony arises. A gap is created between the spouses.

Material problems

Financial difficulties are one of the most common reasons for breakups, as couples cannot stand the test. Women need confidence in the future and a sense of stability. If a man cannot provide for his family and does not want to work, his wife perceives this as indifference on his part.

Difficult relationships

When there is no mutual understanding in the family, the partners cannot agree on simple things, the woman begins to be annoyed by any trait in her husband’s character.

All this leads to constant conflicts and showdowns. The chosen one begins to feel that she has nothing in common with her partner, so she loses interest in him.

Doesn't feel like a woman

It is difficult to admire a woman who is always there, has become familiar and has ceased to evoke emotions. When a man does not devote time, does not give gifts, ignores and brushes aside his wife in every possible way, then alienation comes to her along with disappointment.

What to do after a divorce?

Surely the idea of ​​returning your ex-wife did not come to you immediately after the divorce.
Some time passed, everyone drew their own conclusions and rethought their views on life. Now you are already different people, which means the relationship between you will be different, new. The main thing is to use your time apart wisely.

It is necessary to analyze your behavior and understand the main reasons for divorce. If it happened through your fault, then you need to figure out what exactly you didn’t like the girl. These can be trivial little things or serious offenses: from the smell of cologne and cigarettes, to alcohol and gambling addiction. Having set the goal of how to make your wife fall in love with you again, you need to work on yourself and get rid of what irritated the woman.

In addition, you just need to give your ex-wife time to rest and think about everything that happened. However, you should not delay until she finds a new man.

Don't keep bad thoughts in your mind

Most likely, you broke up for unpleasant reasons, but you shouldn’t dwell on it.
Keep good memories in your head if you want your love back. Under no circumstances should you quarrel with her parents and friends. On the contrary, keep communicating and let them see that you are working on yourself. Let them know that you want to understand how to make your wife fall in love with you again. Then there is a chance to acquire excellent allies who will remind the woman that it is worth thinking about renewing the relationship. You need to be more cunning and not impose your company on anyone

. Just maintain normal relationships - it's not difficult, but it can cost a lot.

Common children

When your wife still has your child after a divorce, you cannot disappear from his life.
Agree on the days when you will visit your son or daughter. This is a good chance to spend time together and prove that you are capable of understanding and loving. In many cases, couples get back together thanks to children. Of course, it would be better if they did not get divorced and the children did not suffer. It happens that the ex-wife quickly gets another man. It is possible that it was because of him that you got divorced. In such a situation, it is much more difficult to get your wife back, but this is not a reason to give up. Behave appropriately, don't make a scene, and show that you are a much better father to your children. You already have at least one significant advantage - you are a real, biological father.

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