Quarantine for mononucleosis. When can I go to kindergarten again?

How does conjunctivitis become infected?

Conjunctivitis is a quite contagious pathology. It is very easy to get sick with it.

In this article

  • How does conjunctivitis become infected?
  • Prevention of conjunctivitis in infants
  • How to avoid getting conjunctivitis in kindergarten?
  • How to avoid getting conjunctivitis as an adult?
  • What to do if a family member has conjunctivitis?

In many cases, it is enough to wipe your face with the same towel that the patient uses and even shake his hand. The virus or bacteria very quickly enter the conjunctiva and begin to actively multiply there. The main cause of infection is non-compliance with hygiene rules. For example, if you leave the restroom without washing your hands and thoroughly rub your eyes with them, you may become infected with conjunctivitis. Infection is the next process. When an infection occurs on the conjunctiva, follicles begin to form on the eyelid. This leads to enlargement of blood vessels and compression of nerve endings. There is itching, increased lacrimation, and the sclera turns red. If measures are not taken to treat the disease at this stage, a viscous fluid begins to be released from the eyes, which in some forms of the disease can be purulent. It “glues” the eyelashes together, so it can be difficult for the patient to open their eyes in the morning.

Most forms of conjunctivitis are transmitted by contact. Viruses and bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the eyes through various sources. This could be dirty hands, swimming in public bodies of water or swimming pools. Women can become infected with conjunctivitis when using low-quality or expired cosmetics. The risk of infection increases if there are microscopic injuries to the mucous membrane of the eye. The development of the disease can be provoked by too bright lighting or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.

How dangerous is an infectious disease?

Infectious mononucleosis is an acute viral disease that primarily affects the oropharynx, lymph nodes, liver and spleen.
A specific manifestation of the pathology is the presence of atypical mononuclear cells in the blood.

The disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Typically, the infectious agent is transmitted to children by airborne droplets and contact: through saliva, dishes, dirty hands, toys). Infectious mononucleosis occurs as an acute respiratory infection.

The incubation period ranges from 5 days to 1.5 months, although it usually lasts 14-21 days.

Symptoms of the pathology:

  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • muscle aches;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
  • hypertrophy of the tonsils with the appearance of a yellowish loose coating on them;
  • bad breath;
  • pain in the abdomen.

Treatment includes:

  1. Diet No. 2 according to Pevzner, restriction of physical activity or bed rest (in severe form).
  2. A sick child is prescribed detoxification, desensitization, restorative and symptomatic therapy.
  3. Antiviral agents based on Acyclovir are used. Glucocorticoids (Prednisolone) are used when there is a threat of asphyxia.

The disease is dangerous due to the development of the following adverse consequences:

  • meningoencephalitis;
  • obstruction of the upper respiratory tract by hypertrophied tonsils;
  • severe hepatitis;
  • splenic rupture.

Although such complications occur in rare cases, appropriate treatment must be carried out promptly. It will help warn them.

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Prevention of conjunctivitis in infants

Already in the first month of life, a child may experience inflammation of the epithelial cells of the eyelids and eyeball. The conjunctiva, a thin transparent tissue that covers the outside of the eyes and the back surface of the eyelids, suffers. In newborns, the causes of conjunctivitis are:

  • infection during childbirth;
  • reaction to medications;
  • failure by the mother to observe the personal hygiene of the child;
  • weakened immune system of the baby;
  • blockage of the tear duct.

Very often, infants develop conjunctivitis of a viral or bacterial form. In the first months of life, the baby is very dependent on his mother. Infection during childbirth is quite common. Transmission of conjunctivitis pathogens occurs when a child passes through the birth canal. Infection with viruses or fungi can also occur due to the fault of the maternity ward staff. For example, if unsterile instruments were used. Timely prevention of neonatal conjunctivitis is very important. This allows you to start treatment in the first days of the disease and shorten its duration. Advanced infectious conjunctivitis can cause systemic lesions and lead to decreased vision. If a newborn has been infected with chlamydia, which has become the causative agent of the disease, then treatment should be carried out only in a specialized ophthalmology department. When preventing conjunctivitis in newborns, it is important to maintain child hygiene. Items used to care for infants should always be sterile. If the child's mother becomes infected with an infection that is transmitted by airborne droplets, for example, ARVI, she should use disposable face masks.

They should be worn every time she plans to have contact with the baby. Masks will not allow bacteria to pass from a sick person to a newborn.

Is conjunctivitis contagious?

As for whether conjunctivitis is contagious, it all depends on which subtype we are talking about.

If we are talking about viral conjunctivitis, then it is contagious and is transmitted by airborne droplets, even at a distance.

If we talk about bacterial conjunctivitis, then it is more difficult to get infected; it only happens through contact, so maintaining basic hygiene will prevent infection.

And the allergic subtype of the disease is absolutely not contagious, because allergies arise due to the individual characteristics of the body.

How to avoid getting conjunctivitis in kindergarten?

People of all ages can get conjunctivitis. The possibility of contracting this disease does not depend on the quality of a person’s life or the characteristics of his body. Conjunctivitis is very common in children. Their immunity is not strong enough to resist germs and bacteria, and therefore they are most susceptible to infection. The danger of the disease lies in its rapid contagiousness. Conjunctivitis is transmitted very quickly from a sick child to a healthy one. In a few hours, a large number of children can become infected, for example, an entire class at school or a group of children in kindergarten. It is quite possible to avoid infection. To do this, it is necessary to follow measures to prevent conjunctivitis. To avoid getting sick, the child must follow the following rules:

  • Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands.
  • Try to rub your eyes less with your fingers.
  • When returning from a walk, wash your hands with soap.
  • Do not use another child's towel.
  • Have less contact with stray animals.

Toys purchased in a store or market must be treated with boiling water. This should be done before they fall into the hands of the child. If parents notice symptoms of conjunctivitis in their baby, then it is not advisable to send him to kindergarten.

Firstly, a child can infect other children. Secondly, the disease can take a more serious form. When identifying the first symptoms of conjunctivitis, parents should consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor who will examine the baby will prescribe treatment, and the sooner it is started, the faster the child will recover.

How to avoid getting conjunctivitis as an adult?

Conjunctivitis can also be contracted in adulthood. An infection that leads to an inflammatory process can be “caught” almost anywhere: in the office, transport, shopping center - any crowded place. In adults, ophthalmologists often record cases of infection with viral conjunctivitis. This form is considered the most dangerous because it easily passes from a sick person to a healthy one. The causes of infection of an adult with viral conjunctivitis are:

  • contact with a sick person;
  • use of common household items and hygiene.

To avoid infection, you should follow a few simple rules. Do not touch your face and eyes with dirty hands. It is important not only to wash your hands, but also to use antibacterial soap. If possible, hands should be treated with disinfectant. If foreign particles get into your eyes, they must be removed with a clean bandage or paper towel. If a person uses contact lenses to correct vision, then at the first signs of conjunctivitis you should stop wearing them. During illness, they should be replaced with glasses.

During an epidemic of respiratory diseases, the risk of contracting conjunctivitis also increases. So, if you come into contact with a sick person, you can easily get sick due to infection on the mucous membrane of the eye. At this time, you should take vitamin complexes and immunostimulating medications, and add fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. This will strengthen the body's immune system and reduce the likelihood of contracting conjunctivitis.

Signs of the disease

The manifestation of inflammation directly depends on the form of the lesion and the type of conjunctivitis. However, there are main signs that are characteristic of all types of pathology.

Among them:

  • swelling;
  • increased blood filling of blood vessels;
  • discharge of pus;
  • feeling of “sand” in the eyes;
  • pain, burning of the organs of vision;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • photosensitivity.

A characteristic symptom of the disease, by which the type of conjunctivitis is usually recognized, is “clinging”: in the morning it is difficult to open the eyes, it seems as if they are glued together. A slight or obvious decrease in vision, depending on the type of etiology, is possible.

Usually, conjunctivitis involves damage to both eyes; it does not always go away at the same time; the symptoms and the degree of impact of the damaging factor on the mucous membrane may differ.

A feature of the development of bacterial conjunctivitis is specific purulent discharge. They resemble a viscous liquid of a yellowish or greenish color. Dry eyes and skin and pain are observed.

When a viral type of disease occurs, the source of infection is respiratory tract infections. The patient complains of increased lacrimation, fear of light, and slight purulent discharge from the mucous membrane. There are some types of viral conjunctivitis: follicular and membranous - follicles or pseudomembranes form on the eye.

Symptoms of the allergic type are characterized by severe itching in the eyes, it is painful to touch them, there is increased lacrimation and swelling.

Other signs are possible depending on the typology of the allergy.

The manifestations of fungal conjunctivitis depend on the type of fungus.

Thus, actinomycosis provokes the development of the disease with the release of a large amount of purulent fluid; the mucus in blastomycosis is more reminiscent of a gray filmy fluid. The fungus candidiasis leads to the appearance of characteristic nodules, and aspergillosis affects the cornea.

If conjunctivitis occurs against the background of negative environmental influences, chemical or mechanical, a person experiences pain when blinking and moving the eyes. A typical example is dust or small particles getting into the eyes.

What to do if a family member has conjunctivitis?

Preventative measures for conjunctivitis involve isolating the sick person. This is necessary so that it does not infect other people. But what if one of your relatives gets conjunctivitis? It is not always possible to isolate him from the rest of the family. Adults are not often admitted to a 24-hour hospital, and renting an apartment during illness is not possible for most people. In any case, it is necessary to take measures to limit contact with the infected person. You can give him a separate room, which the rest of the family will not enter. If a child gets conjunctivitis, then it is extremely undesirable to send him to school or kindergarten. It can infect other children.

A sick person should be given a separate container, which should be doused with boiling water after each meal. It is advisable to do the same with the rest of the dishes used in the family. A person with conjunctivitis should have a separate towel, which must be changed daily and ironed before use. The patient's toothbrush should be kept separate from the rest. The apartment must be wet cleaned daily and the room must be ventilated more often. Following these simple rules will prevent you from contracting conjunctivitis, even if the sick person is in the same room with others.

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