Plastic surgery again: 6 stars who made “fox eyes”

Big eyes

Huge eyes instantly attract attention. You literally won't be able to take your eyes off the person's face. What kind of nature is hidden behind big eyes? People with big eyes are very artistic. This is not surprising, because their appearance compares favorably with the rest. Such persons often gain fame in the acting field or are involved in politics. People manage to gain fame due to the fact that they can conquer the interlocutor with one glance and force the person to listen.

It is not surprising that a person develops leadership qualities from childhood. A man with big eyes knows how to give orders in such a gentle and affectionate voice that from the outside his order will sound like a gentle request. Charisma helps a person become the life of the party. Moreover, it does not matter whether the person communicates with well-known people or with unfamiliar individuals. A person knows how to gain attention and keep it. But you need to behave carefully with such individuals. Often, tyrants hide among them, subjugating their victims to their will and parasitizing them throughout their lives.

Protruding eyes

People with large eyes, whose eyeballs are protruding, are characterized by incontinence of feelings. Such persons are impulsive and eccentric. But, unlike women, men quickly learn to control their emotions. Representatives of the stronger sex know how to turn their shortcomings into advantages. They perfectly understand their problems and therefore are excellent at seeing similar shortcomings in other individuals. Such persons know how to play on people's feelings and, as a result, become good leaders. Such men are distinguished by passion and inflated ambitions. But both, within reasonable limits, help people make their lives interesting and varied. It is difficult to get bored with such a person, as he is full of ideas and always keeps a few jokes in stock that can defuse the atmosphere or save any situation.

Women with bulging eyes are too emotional and they rarely learn to manage their feelings. Therefore, they tend to behave recklessly. But such persons are good flirts. They know how to make the right contacts and present themselves in a favorable light.

How to determine a person's character by eye color

There is a version that in the distant past all people had brown eyes. The appearance of greens, greys, blues and blues is associated with the Ice Age, altered weather conditions and mutation.

Let's see how to determine a person's character by eye color.


A person with green eyes has tenderness and kindness, but only to a certain limit. He becomes decisive and tough when he has to make important decisions. Perfect for a leadership position due to his innate sense of justice, assertiveness, and ability to get out of the most difficult situations.

Green-eyed people do not know how to dissemble, you can rely on them. They are interesting conversationalists; they not only talk well, but also know how to listen and understand their interlocutor, so they are always surrounded by friends.


Nature has endowed brown-eyed people with a complex disposition. They are born leaders, characterized by temperament and impulsiveness, and they are also no strangers to harshness and irritability. Brown eyes indicate intelligence and wisdom, the ability to make the right decisions.

A monotonous life is not for brown-eyed people; their element is new experiences and interesting work. At the same time, they are amorous, which is probably why they often change their chosen ones.

People with light brown eyes are reserved, vulnerable, impressionable and indecisive, but they are distinguished by hard work, diligence, and diligence. You can rely on them and entrust them with the most difficult matters.


Blue-eyed people have a calm, balanced character. Behind their apparent vulnerability and impressionability lies a cold calculation. They are subject to frequent mood swings; short-term aggression may be followed by causeless depression.


People with blue eyes are charming, sentimental, emotional and romantic. However, they are difficult to predict. Behind the ostentatious naivety there is strength, determination, and the ability to quietly manage people.


People with gray eyes have logical thinking, determination, achieve their goals with maximum benefit, and are not afraid of difficulties. They are distinguished by practicality, curiosity, and a romantic disposition, so they choose active, adventurous partners for life and rarely commit treason.


Yellow color is rare and is rightfully considered mysterious and unusual. Their bearers are extraordinary individuals with developed intuition, unpredictability, emotionality, artistry, and various talents. They spot fake people right away.

Chameleon eyes

Eyes whose iris color changes in the presence of certain factors are called chameleons. Their owners:

  • indecisive;
  • inconsistent;
  • may do illogical things;
  • often change their interests and priorities;
  • subject to frequent mood swings;
  • They like to change their type of activity; as a rule, they do not finish what they start.

At the same time, they are light and agile; there are many adventures and surprises in their lives.

Small iris

A person whose iris is small is an unreliable person. Such people with big eyes cannot take responsibility and do not like to commit themselves. We must pay tribute to such individuals - they know how to attract people due to their sincerity and insight. People with small irises rarely lie about their intentions, although those around them do not want to believe pretty people, believing that they are simply downplaying their merits. Therefore, individuals with big eyes cause sincere surprise among those around them when they do not live up to the expectations placed on them. Therefore, you should not be fascinated by a person with a small iris, only to be disappointed in her later. Guys with eyes like these often become pick-up artists, and women make excellent bitches.

Overall rating

When interpreting a personality, one should not focus on the indicators of only one parameter. The description above shows the ideal characteristics for which you need to make adjustments for other parameters - ears, mouth, nose and others. In addition, the eyes themselves have other features besides their distance from each other. Here are those that the physiognomy of the eye pays special attention to: color, pupil size, distance between the pupils, distance between the eye and eyebrow. In addition, the size, shape and depth of the eye are important for correct personality assessment.

Big iris

Have you ever wondered why a person has big eyes? The answer is very simple - it is a facial feature genetically inherited from ancestors. The character of people with large irises is very soft and malleable. They often carry slackers on their shoulders, who shift their work onto the shoulders of trouble-free individuals. A calm and patient person finds pleasure in exhausting work. It is difficult for him to argue with others, since he considers all difficulties to be tests of fate. Soft-hearted individuals love to help others and do not expect anything in return. Their naivety sometimes seems childish. Such people believe in fairy tales until their retirement, and they like to imagine themselves as the hero of one of their favorite stories. The personal lives of people rarely go well. They find their happiness next to the person they begin to idolize. Such worship makes a tyrant and despot out of any person, who over time begins to take advantage of his exalted position.

Round eyes

What do the biggest eyes on a person say? You can see a photo of a person with big eyes above. Such persons are distinguished by good prudence. They are ambitious and at the same time too cowardly. That's why they make good leaders. People with round eyes do not like to take responsibility, but they like to receive laurels of winners. They care little about the fact that they receive honors undeservedly. It is impossible to work under the leadership of such bosses. Since managers are afraid of responsibility, they can never accurately explain the task to their subordinates and, as a result, try to whitewash themselves and make others scapegoats. Therefore, few of these individuals achieve success. Often they simply float, as their charm attracts victims to them, who agree to spend time and energy on satisfying incomprehensible demands. But still, people with round eyes also have their advantages. They are sympathetic and sincere, so they become good friends.

“Fox look”: how to achieve a fashionable effect (and is it necessary)

Bella Hadid
These days it has become possible to change almost any part of the face or body. Do you want to get rid of a hump on your nose? There are special injections for this. How about adding a couple of cute dimples to your cheeks, just like Miranda Kerr? An invasive procedure like dimpleplasty will do the trick. But there's one trend that many may not be familiar with yet: the fox look. It is becoming increasingly popular in the cosmetics industry. All thanks to Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid. Some decide to undergo plastic surgery and various procedures for the sake of an almond-shaped eye shape, and TikTok users even shave their eyebrows to create that same tricky squint (just follow the hashtag #foxeye). So, we tell you all the details about the new trend.

As scary as it may sound, the influence of social media and influencers with large followings is a key factor when it comes to aesthetic trends. The “fox look” trend, for example, appeared thanks to Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid and Kim Kardashian,

explains surgeon and blepharoplasty expert Angelo Zirbas.

Bella Hadid

Although few people are born with this unique eye shape, there are several ways to create this effect, both surgical and non-surgical.

Blepharoplasty and temporal lift

The first option is blepharoplasty. During this type of surgery, which is usually performed to correct drooping eyelids or rejuvenate the eyes, the surgeon removes excess skin or fat and reshapes the eyes. The advantage is that the rehabilitation period is short, and many surgeons even perform it under local anesthesia.

You can also perform a temporal lift. It raises not only the outer corner of the eyes, but also the line of the eyebrows, which gives expressiveness to the look. This operation lasts about two hours and is performed under general anesthesia. During it, the skin is stretched and the temporal fascia is raised,

- says Solomon Abrahamyan, plastic surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon at Frau Klinik.

The operation involves a seven-day rehabilitation period. The swelling will completely subside after 10 days. However, after a temporal lift, injections and threads cannot be given for six months. Also, after the operation, you should refrain from physical activity for a month and not visit the bathhouse for six months.

Temporal lift can also be performed simultaneously with blepharoplasty, circular facelift, rhinoplasty and other plastic surgeries.

Blepharoplasty - from 50 thousand rubles. up to 150 thousand rubles.


Blepharoplasty has quite a few contraindications, including acute infectious diseases; oncological diseases; diabetes; high intracranial pressure; bleeding disorders; recovery period after any eye surgery; infectious lesions of the cornea; period of menstruation.

Temporal lifting - from 50 thousand rubles. up to 85 thousand rubles.


Patients who suffer from blood diseases (in the absence of correction), decompensated diabetes mellitus, and mental disorders should temporarily refrain from the procedure. The operation is also not performed if there is an acute inflammatory process of the skin in the incision area.

Cosmetology procedures

You can achieve a “foxy look” using thread lifting. This is a non-surgical facelift procedure that allows you to correct the jawline, the position of the corners of the lips, eyes and eyebrows. The threads are differentiated by their composition and size. They can be either self-absorbing or made of precious metals.

Among the consequences of the procedure I can highlight allergic reactions, temporary swelling and bruising. However, the result of the procedure is quite noticeable and as fast as possible,

- notes Solomon Abrahamyan.

Before resorting to such a procedure, you need to make sure that the result will not harm your natural beauty, because the shape of the eyes changes, and therefore the whole face. If the decision is nevertheless made and there is no way to do without the “fox look”, it is better to resort to surgery, the effect will last for a long time and possible complications, such as from threads, will be eliminated.

- says Natalia Raevskaya, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist at the Gen87 clinic.

Kendall Jenner

Botox can also lift the upper corner of the eye, but keep in mind that the results are short-lived (usually six to twelve months). And it can entail quite serious consequences. Botulinum therapy is fraught with facial asymmetry and migration of the drug to completely unexpected areas. Depending on the structure and nature of age-related changes, sometimes it is enough just to inject botulinum toxin into the area of ​​the outer corner of the eye and the tip of the eyebrow, the necessary portions of the muscles relax, and the formation of slightly upturned eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes occurs,

- says Daria Yakushevich, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, surgeon, head of the department of facial and body aesthetics at X-Clinic.

More often, to create a “fox look” in patients with more complex initial data, when a person naturally has straight eyebrows or drooping outer corners of the eyes, thread techniques are still used along with the introduction of botulinum toxin.

This combination allows you to change the distribution of muscle activity and, using threads, usually with cones or notches, to lift the outer segment of the eyebrow and the corner of the eye,

- adds the expert.

Thread lifting (10 pieces) - from 17 thousand rubles.


Contraindications include: acute inflammatory processes or skin diseases in the intervention area; ARVI; any chronic diseases in their acute phase; arterial hypertension; HIV infection, viral hepatitis; autoimmune and somatic diseases; hemophilia (blood clotting disorder); tendency to form keloid scars .

Botox (100 units) - RUB 2,800.


It is forbidden to do Botox during an exacerbation of any disease, recently acquired or chronic; cancer; diseases of the circulatory system, poor blood clotting; drug intolerance; colds, flu, other respiratory diseases; general negative condition, weakness, fatigue; pregnancy and feeding.

What are the risks?

As with any medical procedure, non-surgical and surgical methods come with potential risks and complications.

You have to be very careful, as the consequences of plastic surgery are irreversible. I always tell my patients that trends are temporary, so it's best to focus on what works for you personally.

says Angelo Tsirbas.

It is important to remember that the methods are not universal for everyone and depend on the individual patient.

In Moscow, we operate on representatives of different ethnic groups - Caucasians, Mongoloids, Negroids. There are also many differences among Caucasians. For example, the appearance of Kim Kardashian and Bella Hadid is of the Armenoid type: they have deep-set eyes, developed brow ridges, a high forehead, elastic, dense skin rich in collagen, and a minimal amount of orbital fat. Therefore, even a small intervention can achieve the desired effect.

Among the Slavs, the skin loses elasticity faster, so a procedure such as lipofilling can lead to the formation of tubercles. The corner of the eye is also positioned differently. Therefore, Slavic women are more often suitable for blepharoplasty and temporal lift, which changes the direction of the outer corner of the eye forever. Therefore, before performing such an operation, you need to make sure that such a change in appearance is to your liking for a very long time or even forever,

- advises surgeon Rano Azimova.

As for other complications, these may be unevenness after lipofilling, temporary asymmetry of the corners of the eyes associated with swelling or asymmetry of the bone skeleton, a bright and dense scar (however, after some time, it usually becomes an imperceptible fine wrinkle).

One of the most terrible complications is hematoma, which can lead to blindness.

Remember that when choosing a surgeon or cosmetologist, it is important to contact a professional with sufficient experience, study the results of his work and discuss everything in detail during an in-person consultation.

Elena Perminova

Megan Fox

Kendall Jenner

Almond shaped eyes

Do you often meet people with big eyes? Photos of such individuals appear from time to time in glossy magazines. People with large, almond-shaped eyes are sophisticated people, and therefore often achieve success in the arts. Persons draw well, play music, sculpt, or achieve success in literature. But such persons may remain unknown, since they are modest and often simply do not know how to promote their creativity. But if a person can find a smart agent, he will become a world celebrity.

People with almond-shaped eyes know how to make friends and highly value loyalty. They love to establish long-term relationships and are always ready to help. Such persons never cheat on their partners, and if the relationship cools down, they break off the connection rather than look for a lover. People are distinguished by frankness, sometimes even too inappropriate and frightening. But you can’t expect betrayal from such individuals, since they can safely tell everything they think about you to your face.

Epithets indicating the nature of the gaze

There is a belief that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. That is why in books you can often notice how the authors, when describing the hero’s gaze, convey his state of mind. How they do this is not difficult to guess. It’s enough to think about what kind of eyes there might be. Tenacious and accurate are the epithets that come to mind first for most people. But besides them there are others:

  • running;
  • liquid;
  • tired;
  • velvet;
  • watery;
  • fast;
  • attentive;
  • glossy;
  • gelatinous;
  • drunk or intoxicated;
  • exhausted;
  • bottomless;
  • strict;
  • shrill;
  • sparkling;
  • dull;
  • empty or devastated;
  • mirrored;
  • shining;
  • burning;
  • wild;
  • clean;
  • clear;
  • careful;
  • sparkling;
  • unsteady;
  • scattered;
  • ice;
  • faded;
  • kind;
  • downcast;
  • glazed or glass;
  • extinguished;
  • extinct;
  • cold;
  • staring;
  • febrile;
  • frozen;
  • foggy;
  • fiery;
  • shiny;
  • motionless;
  • cloudy;
  • radiant;
  • dead;
  • buttered;
  • vigilant;
  • hot;
  • bloodshot;
  • happy;
  • wandering;
  • lifeless.

Drooping outer corners of the eyes

What do big eyes say? The character of people with drooping eyes is easy to determine. In appearance it may seem that the person is gloomy and very pessimistic. But this interpretation has nothing like reality. People with downturned eye corners are very gentle and caring. They rarely pay attention to themselves and focus on helping others. Such personalities are cheerful and optimistic. They know how to cheer you up and cheer you up. A person with drooping corners of his eyes loves solving other people's problems so much that he does it even unconsciously. Therefore, others may get the impression that the person is sticking his nose into someone else’s business. But one should not take such an attitude biasedly. The person sincerely wants to help everyone who needs care and guardianship.

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