How long is the incubation period for conjunctivitis?

Clinical picture of conjunctivitis in children

The connective mucous membrane lining the eyelids on the inside and connecting them to the eyeball is called the conjunctiva. This thin transparent tissue performs two important functions - protective and secretory. The conjunctiva protects the eyes from external factors - dust, germs, bacteria, fungi, viruses. In addition, the mucous membrane ensures constant wetting of the eyeball.

If foreign bodies enter the connective membrane, irritation begins, activating the protective and secretory functions of the conjunctiva. The person experiences lacrimation, blinks reflexively, and the foreign body is eliminated.

When an infection, fungus or other pathogenic microorganism gets on the mucous membrane, inflammation begins, called conjunctivitis.

Why does conjunctivitis occur in childhood? Children often rub their eyes with their hands when playing outside or in kindergarten with sand, dirty and dusty toys, so the risk of getting irritating substances on the conjunctiva is quite high. At the same time, the child’s immunity is still weak. The body cannot neutralize pathogenic microbes, and therefore conjunctivitis can be a consequence of even a common cold. The disease progresses in the same way as in adults. There are no big differences in the methods of combating conjunctivitis in childhood and adulthood.


An accurate diagnosis can be made after laboratory tests. This is the only way to determine the pathogen. The doctor prescribes tests that will help identify the type of bacteria that has affected the conjunctiva and caused inflammation.

Bacterioscopic examination is mainly used. To do this, make a smear of the mucous membrane. Using a microscope, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the discharge from the conjunctiva is determined. Additionally, bacteriological culture is carried out. A special environment is created in the laboratory that promotes the development of bacteria. An enzyme immunoassay will also be required to determine the level of protective functions of the mucosa against the herpes virus. Using these diagnostic methods, the doctor determines the treatment method.

Causes of conjunctivitis

The catalyst for the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane can be:

  • Infections. These include pathogenic bacteria, for example, streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and opportunistic fungi and bacteria that are always present in the external environment. Bacterial infections are severe and long-lasting compared to other types of conjunctivitis. On average, infections are treated for 10-14 days.
  • Viruses, including herpes and adenoviruses. Typically, viral conjunctivitis lasts no more than 7-10 days, but the disease can become more complicated if it is accompanied by a bacterial infection.
  • Fungi. Children with immunodeficiencies are susceptible to fungal conjunctivitis. Such inflammation of the mucous membrane takes a long time to be treated.
  • Chlamydia are microorganisms that differ in nature from bacteria and viruses and occupy an intermediate state between them.
  • Allergy. Intolerance to certain foods or allergies to pollen, fluff, or animal hair can cause inflammation of the conjunctiva.
  • Eye injuries and hygiene violations. A child can inflict a minor eye injury on his own without noticing it. He will rub his eyes with his hands and accidentally cause an infection.
  • Long-term inflammatory diseases of the eyes, ears, nose: rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

These are the main causes of conjunctivitis. Sometimes the baby is already born with incipient inflammation on the mucous membrane. This happens if a woman becomes ill with any infectious disease during pregnancy. The infection can enter the child's body through the blood.

Signs of conjunctivitis in children

Conjunctivitis is not a disease that occurs exclusively in childhood. It can occur at any age. Even the fetus in the womb is not protected from this disease. This disease is often diagnosed in infants. However, most often the first signs of conjunctivitis are detected in children of 3 years old, when the child goes to kindergarten. The number of contacts increases, and keeping track of the baby is much more difficult.

Conjunctivitis does not appear immediately. The incubation period for viral forms of inflammation of the conjunctiva is 5-7 days. Bacterial conjunctivitis appears after 6-10 days.

Inflammation caused by an allergy is noticeable almost immediately, once the pathogen is on the connective membrane.

The symptoms of the disease differ in the different forms in which conjunctivitis occurs, that is, it depends on the reasons that caused it. There are general signs, nonspecific, characteristic of any type of inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye:

  • swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids;
  • redness of the conjunctiva, edges of the eyelids and other structures of the eyeball;
  • photophobia;
  • lacrimation.

Signs of any conjunctivitis, except photophobia, are visible to the naked eye. But all these symptoms give a superficial idea of ​​the disease.

To accurately establish its nature, you need to know other signs characteristic of various forms of conjunctivitis. The bacterial type of inflammation is always accompanied by the release of yellow-brown pus of varying consistency. Pus accumulates on the edges of the eyelashes or in the corners of the eyes. Especially a lot of purulent discharge is observed in the mornings. Due to the pus, the baby's eyelids stick together, so it is difficult for him to open his eyes without the help of his hands.

Viral conjunctivitis is sometimes accompanied by headache, as it is often combined with rhinitis. Also, the viral form of the disease is characterized by fever, cough, and runny nose.

With allergic conjunctivitis, the patient is bothered by a burning sensation and almost unbearable itching in the eyes, which is why the child rubs his eyes with his hands, the eyelids turn red and begin to hurt.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis begins with photophobia. Unfortunately, this symptom is difficult to detect in very young patients who cannot complain of pain in the eyes in bright light or explain their condition. Two or three times after chlamydia enters the conjunctiva, the eyelids and mucous membrane swell. Pus accumulates in the fold of the lower eyelid.

A person without medical education will not be able to accurately diagnose the disease and determine the form of conjunctivitis.

The symptoms of chlamydial and bacterial inflammation of the mucous membrane are similar. In addition, fever is not a specific sign of this disease. Before the age of 7 years, the temperature usually rises with any inflammation. A child over 7 years old can experience the disease without this symptom. Thus, you will not be able to understand on your own how and how to treat conjunctivitis in a child. If one or two of the above signs of illness are observed, it is necessary to show the patient to a doctor.


This type of disease in ophthalmology is divided into the following forms:

  • follicular - accompanied by severe symptoms: high fever, chills, friability of the conjunctiva, the presence of a rash in the form of small round blisters, mucous discharge, film formation in front of the eyes, redness, decreased visual acuity, cough and runny nose, severe weakness and malaise; characterized by slow development, requires immediate treatment;
  • vesicular-ulcerative - accompanied by abundant purulent discharge, the appearance of ulcers and erosions on the edges of the eyelids, conjunctiva and sclera; after recovery, characteristic scars remain at the sites of the rash; often with this form of the disease, blepharospasm, uncontrolled lacrimation, sensitivity to light, decreased visual acuity appear;
  • catarrhal - occurs rapidly and tends to pass quickly, rarely becomes chronic, accompanied by swelling, redness, and thick mucous discharge.

Only a doctor can determine the type of disease after a comprehensive examination.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children

So, there are many different forms of conjunctivitis. Treatment depends on the causes of the disease. In general, this disease is not very dangerous. But this does not mean that conjunctivitis in a child goes away on its own, without treatment. It becomes dangerous if there is no treatment and another infectious or viral disease is added to conjunctivitis. This can lead to conjunctivitis protracting and causing complications, which causes vision deterioration. In this regard, the child must be shown to a doctor, and not try to cure him on his own at home.

After a diagnosis is made and the necessary medications are prescribed, the baby can be treated at home. It is only important to follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

For bacterial conjunctivitis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics in the form of eye drops or ointments. You need to wash your eyes with special solutions every 2-3 hours to prevent the formation of a purulent crust. It is best to instill drops during the day and apply ointment to the eyes at night. It has a calming effect, relieves pain and itching, helps the baby sleep and prevents the pus from drying out and the eyelids sticking together.

Viral conjunctivitis does not require specific treatment. It is necessary to regularly wash your eyes with solutions. Within a few days, the baby’s body must cope with the virus. With viral conjunctivitis, it is important to prevent infections from entering the organs of vision. Make sure your child doesn't scratch his eyes and wash his hands frequently.

When treating allergic conjunctivitis, it is first necessary to protect the patient from the irritant. To do this, of course, it is necessary to establish what exactly is the irritating substance. Also, with this form of inflammation, antiallergic and antihistamine drops are prescribed. They are used in courses, usually lasting 2-4 weeks.

It is not recommended to treat conjunctivitis in children at home with folk remedies. In adulthood, the body copes with this disease quite quickly. Cure conjunctivitis at home yourself, if the disease is of an allergic nature or viral origin, is quite simple and quick. The therapy uses compresses made from herbs and decoctions. It is better not to use folk remedies for treating children without examination by a doctor.


There is no 100% protection against the virus. However, there are measures that can significantly reduce the risk of contracting a herpes infection:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene - do not use other people’s glasses, lenses, handkerchiefs, do not touch your face with dirty hands;
  • avoid contact with infectious patients;
  • maintain good immunity.

Conjunctivitis caused by a herpes virus has specific manifestations that make it easy to diagnose. The disease is typical for young and middle-aged people. Timely prescribed therapy allows you to avoid dangerous complications.

In addition, watch a video about the prevention and treatment of conjunctivitis:

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Treatment of conjunctivitis in children under one year of age

In infants, the nasolacrimal ducts are not fully opened. Because of this, conjunctivitis in newborns takes on a nonspecific form - dacryocystitis. With this disease, tears do not flow out, which leads to the formation of swelling. The nasolacrimal ducts will open on their own a few months after birth. If conjunctivitis occurs before the tear ducts are fully opened, conventional treatment with drops and ointments will not be enough. Parents will have to give a light massage to the child, pressing on the inner corners of the eyes. Massage helps reduce itching, burning and pain. Otherwise, the little patient will cry constantly.

Conjunctivitis resolves quickly with timely treatment. If the disease is neglected, there is a risk of developing dry eye syndrome, blepharitis, keratitis, cataract, and scarring of the soft tissues of the eye. These pathologies require long-term treatment, otherwise the process of deterioration of visual functions may begin.

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