Eye exercises for treating cataracts

Can gymnastics and eye exercises help with cataracts, when the lens of the eye noticeably becomes cloudy and transmits light rays less and less? To do this, you will have to answer the question, why does it lose transparency? But there is no definite answer to this, and with age, the likelihood of seeing the world “through the veil of a waterfall” increases for almost all people. This does not mean that you can only doomedly wait for the lens to age and hope for surgery. Those who actively help their eyes not to age prematurely succeed in slowing down the formidable processes and delaying the disease.

Zhdanov complex

This technique includes all the best and effective eye exercises.
First of all, the complex is designed for people suffering from myopia and astigmatism, but you can also perform the exercises with cataracts. It is believed that regular implementation of the complex inhibits the development of the disease. Examples of exercises:

  • draw the number eight with your eyes;
  • strongly squeeze and unclench your eyelids at a fast pace.


  • do exercises 3 times a day;
  • exercises are done at a calm pace without sudden movements.

Causes of visual impairment

The causes of the disease may be the following:

  • eye strain;
  • the presence of bright light as a constant irritant;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • nervous breakdown, traumatic brain injury.

The fast pace of life of a modern person requires extreme stress on the body, in particular the organs of vision. During the day, the eyes perceive and process about 85% of all information coming from the outside. The eye muscles are depleted under excessive intense loads, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity. This, in turn, worsens the quality of life. To see 100% means to fully feel all the delights of life.

Poor vision is observed with pathologies of intrauterine development or decreases during life.

There are a number of factors that worsen a person’s vision:

  • Wrong lifestyle. Irregular rest and chronic fatigue lead the body to a state of critical exhaustion. Spending long periods of time or doing work that involves sitting for many hours in front of a computer monitor has a detrimental effect on the visual analyzer.
  • Diet violation. Poor nutrition has a bad effect on vision, when food does not supply essential microelements and vitamins that are not synthesized by our body. A person must receive them from food.
  • Diseases of the back, circulatory system. Infringement of nerve roots due to osteochondrosis, hernias disrupts the blood supply and innervation of the neck and head. This provokes a decrease in the quality of vision.
  • Intoxication with alcoholic drinks, drugs; poisoning with surrogate alcohol.
  • Eye injuries, infections (especially chronic, advanced forms). Viruses and bacteria, penetrating into the tissues of the eye organs, provoke their organic changes.
  • Environmental factor.

All these factors provoke overstrain of the visual muscles, changes in the retina and corneal layer (trauma).

If you do special eye exercises, it may save you from surgery in the future.

According to statistics, in our country every second resident has vision problems. The level of ophthalmological diseases is constantly growing, and the number of children suffering from eye pathologies is increasing.

How is visual gymnastics useful for cataracts?

The eyes are an incredibly fragile organ that should be treated with extreme care throughout your life. According to qualified ophthalmologists, performing visual gymnastics will benefit not only people suffering from eye pathologies, but also those who do not have them.

Important! The benefits of eye exercises are due to the fact that they help restore vision and prevent eye diseases.

Surely you know that with age there is a gradual decline in visual functions, and therapeutic exercises are aimed at slowing down the aging process of the visual organs and reducing the likelihood of developing ophthalmological diseases. In addition, special visual exercises activate the eye muscles and provide a person with a boost of energy.

Prevention of eye cataracts - how to keep your eyes healthy, read here.

By regularly performing simple actions with your eyes, you can:

  • improve overall well-being;
  • relieve visual fatigue;
  • slow down the aging process of the body;
  • strengthen the eye muscles;
  • improve vision;
  • prevent the development of serious eye diseases.

Tibetan gymnastics

Suitable for the treatment and prevention of many eye diseases, including cataracts.

Examples of exercises:

  • alternately close your eyes intensely, perform 15-20 times;
  • massage by gently pressing the sclera with your index finger;
  • stroking with light movements of the upper and lower eyelids with fingertips. Perform for 1-2 minutes;
  • watch the candle burn until tears begin to flow.


  • It is better to do gymnastics early in the morning;
  • Tibetan gymnastics is performed in the fresh air.

Preventive methods and methods of control


The first indispensable condition is normalization of nutrition. At an early stage, by limiting harmful foods and adding necessary foods, vitamin complexes and medications to the diet, elasticity can be restored to the lens, establishing metabolic processes in the body, regulating the endocrine system, and lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Nutrition as a preventive method is carried out with the use of drug treatment, the purpose of which is a direct effect on the lens.

For this purpose, eye drops are prescribed in combination with lutein. Especially common in such cases are eye drops Quinax, Katachrom, Catalin, Taufon, Taurine.

To achieve a greater effect, blueberries, black currants, sea buckthorn or strawberries, corn, buckwheat and green peas must be included in the diet.

In this case, eye drops act as a source of nutrients, a stimulant and an eye corrector at the same time. Honey diluted with Albucid, honey infused in egg white or apple are used as folk remedies for eye drops.

Very often, green tea lotions are used, which are applied to the eyes for 10 minutes. Folk remedies for lotions recommend calendula infusion or tincture of potato sprouts, and for oral administration - fennel mixed with coriander and brown sugar.

Eye exercises

Gymnastics for the eyes for cataracts is considered very effective. This is one of the varieties of eye techniques, different from others in that it requires daily use and contains exercises aimed at achieving a specific result.

Eye exercises

The complex for increasing vision clarity and training the vestibular apparatus contains 4 exercises:

  1. Ten times the eyes follow the finger from bottom to top and the same number of times from top to bottom.
  2. Sevenfold movement of the eyes with a motionless head from right to left, and the same from left to right.
  3. Sitting on a chair and holding your head still, making a circular movement with your eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise. The exercise is repeated 4-5 times.
  4. Also, in a chair with a stationary head, the eyes are raised and lowered, directed to the right and then to the left. A fivefold repetition is recommended.

The video below clearly demonstrates gymnastics for the prevention and treatment of cataracts and eye fatigue.

Eye exercises for cataracts are done, unlike gymnastics, as needed, as soon as severe eye fatigue is felt as a result of work. There is a simple and effective set that includes exercises for cataracts, which does not require special conditions and takes little time.

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It includes intensive blinking, covering your eyes with your palms until complete darkness, leaning forward and breathing deeply and evenly, “writing” various figures in the air with your nose, drawing circles with your eyes, starting with the minimum diameter of the circle and ending with the maximum possible.

Eye exercises for cataracts include approximately the same elements, but in a simpler and shorter form, and to achieve effectiveness should be carried out 10-12 times a day. If there is no opportunity to be particularly distracted at work, you can exercise by quickly blinking a dozen times or moving your eyes diagonally across the clock dial - from 10 to 4, from 2 to 8.

Tibetan eye gymnastics, which was developed separately for cataracts and glaucoma, is in particular trend today as a preventive set of measures.

The peculiarities of the impact of the Tibetan technique are that when used, it creates a special psychological mood, rational distribution of energy resources, and even the color effect on the eye of interior items and the colors themselves.

The Tibetan method considers green to be the best color for the eyes. Gymnastics for cataracts according to Tibetan methods are practically no different from those commonly used and also include such elements as frequent blinking, focusing on a specific object and its abrupt change, repeated and strong squinting for 5-10 seconds.

With exercise you can improve your vision and get rid of the disease

Eyes are one of the most important organs in our body. They are fragile, so it is very easy to damage them. Even though today there are a huge number of devices that will help protect our eyes, they still need to be treated with care.

In the age of technology, it is necessary to try to spend as little time as possible on the computer and TV. At the same time, it is recommended to perform comprehensive training, which will help improve vision even with cataracts.

Many people use various methods to treat and combat cataracts. But most people forget about eye exercises. There are a huge number of exercises to train visual acuity that you can do at home or at work. And most importantly, it doesn’t take that much time.

Listed below are a number of eye exercises that need to be done if you have cataracts:

  1. Stand straight in front of the mirror and lift only your eyelids. First together, then one by one. You can also use your eyebrows a little bit. This movement improves blood flow to the eyes.
  2. Stand in front of the pendulum and follow it only with your eyes, not your head.
  3. Stand near the window and look into the distance for a few seconds, and then sharply shift your gaze to what is very close. Repeat 5 times.
  4. Keep your head still. Counting to 5, slowly look up and, counting to 5, lower your gaze down. The same thing needs to be done with looking down and to the sides.
  5. Close your eyes completely and use your fingertips to massage them in a circular motion.

Many people know that Tibetan training is beneficial for the whole body and gives real results. There are specially designed Tibetan gymnastics for cataracts that will help improve vision. It is recommended to do it in the morning, as during this period of time our eyes are rested and full of energy.

One of the Tibetan workouts includes the following exercises:

  • Close your eyes completely, squeezing them tightly for a few seconds. And then relax them. Complete this task within a minute.
  • Close your eyes, press on them with your fingers, but not too much. Do it 10 times.
  • Close your eyes. It is recommended to place your fingers on your eyelids and then try to open your eyes. It is worth remembering that you need to keep your fingers on your eyelids so that they do not open, thereby providing resistance.
  • Place your finger on the bridge of your nose. Concentrate on it, and then slowly move it away from your nose, and then closer. This movement must be done 15 times.
  • You need to blink very quickly for 30 seconds.

After the set of exercises is done, you need to wash your face with slightly warm water and sit or lie down for 2-3 minutes with your eyes closed.

Method of V. Zhdanov

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov

Exercises for cataracts using the Zhdanov method are very popular all over the world. The tasks themselves are not difficult. The eyes rest, visual acuity gradually returns.

Below is one of his workouts:

  1. Look up and down. And so 6 times, and then blink. Then, without moving your head, just look right and left with your eyes and blink again.
  2. Look up, then left, then right, and then down. Then in the opposite direction.
  3. Slowly draw a rectangle with your eyes. Repeat 3 times.
  4. Imagine a dial and look at 12 o'clock, then at 3 o'clock, and then at 6 and 9. Repeat 3 times.
  5. Draw a spiral with your eyes in a clockwise direction. Start drawing from the nose.

Norbekov Mirzakarim Sanakulovich

There is another equally famous person who is popular on social networks thanks to videos and literature, where he shows eye gymnastics for cataracts. His name is Norbekov Mirzakarim Sanakulovich.

His technique is known abroad and has helped many people. Some people consider her technique unique and inimitable. If you strictly follow its rules, then after a few weeks you can see the result.

Here are some tasks:

  • The head is motionless. Mentally with your eyes you need to connect the chin and forehead, and then stretch the thread from the left to the right ear. Executes slowly.
  • Draw an infinity sign with your eyes.
  • Bring your index fingers to your nose and focus on them. And then slowly move them apart in different directions.

You can choose one of the above sets of exercises and do it every day. Or you can alternate them with each other. Only by following all the recommendations of doctors and performing effective eye training can you protect yourself from such a disease and make your vision sharper. Also, with the help of natural recovery, eye surgery can be avoided.

About the subtleties of oriental gymnastics for the eyes

Supporters of alternative medicine claim the benefits of Tibetan visual gymnastics for cataracts. We are talking about the Qigong system, which consists of health-improving exercises and breathing exercises.

Important! Traditionally, exercises are performed in the early morning - between 6:00 and 8:00, as it is believed that at this time the body is best positioned to receive energy.

So, here are some eye exercises that people suffering from cataracts should do (all of them are done with eyes closed):

  1. Start by alternately closing your right eye and then your left eye. Do about 13 reps.
  2. Bring the index fingers of both hands to your eyes and lightly press on the sclera. Repeat 15 times. This is a kind of massage aimed at increasing blood circulation in the eyeball.
  3. Place your index fingers on your eyelids and press lightly, then try to open your eyes. This way you will resist. Do 13 reps.

Another effective exercise is blinking: for 60 seconds you need to blink quickly, without straining or closing your eyes. After performing the above exercises, you need to rinse your vision organs with warm water.

Top 5 eye exercises for cataracts

  1. This exercise is time-tested and has been used to treat cataracts since ancient China. Warm up your hands by rubbing them against each other, then massage the upper eyelids 20-30 times, then start massaging the superciliary area, eyes should be closed. After performing the massage, without opening your eyes, move your eyeballs left/right 20-30 times. Perform 2 times a day.
  2. Blinking quickly for 20-40 seconds, this eases the condition of the eyes and helps moisturize the mucous membrane.
  3. Another effective exercise for cataracts is “draw with your nose”; the patient needs to draw any shapes in the air. In addition to having a positive effect on sore eyes, it helps improve blood circulation.
  4. Look at the lamp and shake your head, gradually increasing the motor amplitude, trying to relax the spine as much as possible. Lesson duration 20 minutes.
  5. Stretch your arms forward and begin to move your fingers, alternately bringing your palms closer to your face and then moving them away, without looking away. Duration 2 minutes.

Eye massage

Massage is not only an effective addition to drug treatment and classical gymnastics, but also simply a useful and enjoyable activity:

  1. Using smooth circular movements, massage the forehead above the eyebrows and gradually move towards the temples and the back of the head. This technique relaxes the body, in particular, relieving fatigue and swelling.

  2. Gently press under the eyebrows and under the eyes. These movements significantly relieve pressure and relieve dryness.
  3. Apply light pressure with your thumb and forefinger to the edges of your eye. Bring them together and separate them within one minute.

By the way, when doing a massage, you don’t have to limit yourself to classical techniques. Tibetan monks believed that the body itself knows what it needs. It’s worth giving free rein to your imagination - doing arbitrary pressing, massaging, stroking on the top of the head and near the eyelids. The main thing is to learn two simple rules: do not put too much pressure on your eyeballs and do such activities regularly.

How to help the lens

So why can the lens become cloudy? Let's list the main reasons:

  1. The main optical lens of the eye does not have its own blood supply and is fed from the surrounding ocular fluid. Its composition (excess sugar, toxins during inflammation, etc.) affects the structure of the lens and can cause clouding.
  2. The capsule containing the lens is suspended inside the eye by ligaments that connect it to the ciliary muscles. When these muscles work weakly, the lens loses its ability to actively move, increase or decrease its optical power.

So, in order for the lens to maintain transparency and elasticity, it requires good blood supply, an influx of nutrients, and normal tone of all the muscles of the eye. Such conditions can delay the development of cataracts for many years - for this purpose, various training methods and sets of exercises have been created: yoga, Tibetan eye gymnastics for cataracts, V.M. Zhdanov’s complex, M.S. Norbekova, recommendations of traditional medicine. They all stimulate the same processes:

  • rest and relaxation after prolonged strain on the visual apparatus;
  • inclusion and training of various eye muscles;
  • accommodation training: transition from their “working at a distance” mode to the “working near” mode;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • improving blood supply through massage of the eyelids and eyeball;
  • rinsing the eye with tears to clear away accidental infections and contamination.

Gymnastics for the eyes in the early stages of cataracts Gymnastics for the eyes VISION RESTORATION

Cataracts are a fairly common disease, especially among older people. This disease is dangerous because it can deprive a person of the ability to see, and the only way to cure it is surgery. However, eye exercises for cataracts play an important role in the course of the disease.

Regular exercises to restore vision can improve the progression of any eye disease. They are useful even for those people who do not suffer from eye diseases, but constantly tire their eyes and spend a lot of time at the computer.

The first conversations about the benefits of eye exercises appear among ancient yogis and healers. They developed a set of exercises to relax the eyes, and found that such exercises can even improve vision.

At that time there was no physical therapy, much less laser therapy, but daily exercises helped many get rid of eye diseases.

However, in those days these ailments were not as common as they are today, in the era of technological development. Nowadays, from early childhood, a child’s eyes are exposed to a huge negative impact. Every person experiences eye fatigue, and every third person suffers from eye diseases. Eye exercises help improve vision slowly but naturally.


Most often, it appears when a person has other systemic diseases - diabetes, metabolic disorders, and poor nutrition. One of the causes of cataracts is poor ecology and increased background radiation. It accompanies certain eye diseases or when taking certain medications.

It has been proven that cataracts also develop in active smokers. Even electronic cigarettes and hookah can cause eye disease. This also applies to passive smokers.

It can occur in people who work in hazardous industries, with caustic chemicals.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of this pathology, and a set of eye exercises can delay its occurrence.

How to do it?

A minimum of movements makes it possible to conduct classes anywhere: at home, at work, on the street. You don't need to spend a lot of time training; 10 minutes a day is enough to achieve a positive result.

Since the exercises do not require special mobility or special conditions, you can do them at a convenient time, at home, at work, waiting for transport at a bus stop, etc. It is important to ensure that the exercises are varied.

It is better to start training after consulting an ophthalmologist.

To begin with, to improve blood circulation in the organs of vision, you should alternate between the eyelids. Then leaving your head motionless, look, then down and so on 8-10 times. Then repeat the same exercise, but moving the eyeballs to the right and left. Draw geometric shapes with the nose. To complete the complex, close your eyes and do a light massage in a circular motion.

Standard complex

To keep your vision normal, you need to regularly perform simple basic exercises. The following exercises will help relieve tension and reduce eye pressure:

  1. Give a light massage to your temples.
  2. Massage your eyelids with light circular movements.
  3. Walk with your fingertips over the eyebrows from the nose to the temples.
  4. Finish the massage by lightly tapping your forehead from your eyebrows with your fingertips.
  5. Blink 30 times, and then forcefully close and open your eyelids.
  6. Select the near and far points that are in the field of view and move your gaze for at least 10 p.
  7. Draw a circle with your eyes, first to the left, then to the right, the number of approaches is 7-10.

Zhdanov complex

To prevent the development of cataracts, Professor Zhdanov has developed a set of exercises that increase visual acuity. Includes the following exercises:

  1. Draw all sorts of geometric shapes with your eyes, blink after each shape.
  2. Imagine and draw a snake, moving your eyeballs from head to tail and back, don’t forget to blink between exercises.
  3. Imagine a spiral and untwist it with your eyes, starting from the nose and, moving clockwise, blink and twist the spiral in the other direction.
  4. Scroll the same spiral, moving it to the horizontal plane; draw a bow with your eyes and blink.

Types of cataracts

The aging process of the eye cannot be stopped. In most people, with age, the lens loses elasticity and the ability to quickly adjust sharpness. The onset of this period can be delayed if you train the lens in advance by doing various simple eye exercises.


The most common of all. A person begins to see things worse in the dark, there is a feeling of pain in the eyes in bright light, and the eyes get tired more quickly. These changes begin at the age of about 40 years, this is age-related cataract. The person manages to get used to the changing picture before his eyes, and at first he does not even notice any deterioration.


There is also a situation when the lens is damaged as a result of injury, with a sharp bright flash of light. This could be an eye contusion.

Traumatic cataracts sometimes develop due to a chemical burn. It can occur almost instantly and lead to complete blindness. This type of cataract develops very quickly.

Such cataracts can also occur during radiation therapy.

There is a “temporary” traumatic cataract, when the lens is damaged due to short-term exposure to caustic substances, pungent aromas, or gas poisoning.


Sometimes such cataracts occur. It requires a special approach, its own methods of therapy. It develops most often due to the fact that the mother had infectious diseases during pregnancy; even a completely “harmless” cold can provoke the development of such a pathology.

Another type of cataract can be called “temporary” - it occurs from exposure to pungent odors and prolonged bright light. With it, the eyes need some rest and the cataract goes away. Special eye exercises for cataracts help well.

Source: //paracels24.ru/bolezni/katarakta-video-uprazhneniya.html

Harm of gymnastic exercises for the eyes

As a rule, exercise for cataracts has only a positive effect and does not cause harm to human health.

But you must definitely follow the recommendations of the ophthalmologist; you cannot exceed the norm prescribed by him.

If, while doing exercises, a person feels pain or discomfort, then you need to immediately stop exercising and give your eyes a rest. And next time reconsider the load norm. If the discomfort does not stop, be sure to contact an ophthalmologist to review the gymnastic complex.

Is it possible to do exercises without consulting a doctor?

It is recommended to start exercises only after a medical examination, since only a specialist can choose the most optimal method and exclude pathologies in which visual exercises are contraindicated.


  • retinal detachment - with this problem, charging can further provoke a decrease in visual acuity;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies - it is prohibited to perform a complex of gymnastics for diseases such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, since the mucus and tear fluid secreted by the eye contain pathogenic microbes and bacteria, which, when performing exercises, can spread to other areas of the face;
  • laser correction - after laser eye correction, gymnastics are recommended to be performed only after 6-7 months.

Exercises for cataracts will be more effective if a person adheres to a healthy diet, exercises, and monitors visual hygiene.

Exercises according to Norbekov’s method

Eye gymnastics according to Norbekov for cataracts has proven itself as an effective means of preventing and combating the disease. Patients who performed this set of exercises noted positive dynamics after a month of daily training.

  1. Draw an imaginary line with your eyes from the edge of your chin to your forehead. Use the next line to connect the ears.
  2. Imagine a piece of paper in front of you and with your gaze draw the number 8 on it several times.
  3. Place 2 fingers of your left and right hand in front of your eyes, focus your gaze on them. Slowly begin to spread your hands to the sides, while trying not to take your eyes off your fingertips for as long as possible.
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