How to write a reference for an employee from the place of work + sample references


  • What is an employee characteristic
  • Why do you need a characteristic?
  • What are the characteristics
  • Who prepares and signs characteristics
  • How to write a description correctly
  • Sample characteristics
  • Characteristics to the court
  • Production characteristics
  • Characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor
  • Qualification characteristics
  • What is better not to do when preparing a specification
  • Conclusion

Where is it issued?

Who needs this document? Excellent or average references from places of work may be required at any time. This document is often requested when applying for a job in another organization . It may also be requested by other authorities, for example, a court, law enforcement agencies, a bank or guardianship authorities. Sometimes a document is required for admission to an educational institution on a budgetary basis (when sending a citizen for retraining), or is requested for nomination or re-election to a special position.

When conducting certification and disciplinary proceedings of civil servants and other municipal employees, character references may also be required.

The compilation of characteristics is carried out by employees of the HR department , or by the heads of the organization (if the enterprise is small). But in most cases, a person characterizes himself by drawing up this document with his own hand. And in this situation, the document is signed by the immediate supervisor and director.

What is the alternative to a production or performance characteristic? The reference from the place of work can be replaced by a copy of the reference from the place of residence. Such a document can be drawn up or created by housing department employees upon request.

We talked in more detail about what kind of document this is in this article.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the nuances of writing characteristics using examples of popular positions:

  1. locksmith;
  2. economist;
  3. Chief Accountant;
  4. lawyer and student trainee;
  5. security guard;
  6. cook;
  7. Sales Manager;
  8. electrician;
  9. loader;
  10. administrator, welder, engineer, electrician and mechanic.

What are the characteristics

All characteristics are generally divided into 2 large groups: external and internal. Internal ones are usually used only in the company in which they were issued. They are compiled if you are transferred from one department to another, promoted, and so on.

External type characteristics are more common. They are provided to third-party organizations, banking institutions, law enforcement agencies, and so on.

Regardless of what type the reference is, it must be certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization that issued it.

Programming in 1C for everyone

Often, when developing application solutions, tasks may arise to add additional characteristics for various accounting objects. These characteristics can be stored in object details, or you can use the 1C characteristics type plan.

Let's consider an example: we have a directory Regions, and we need to store additional information about these regions (location, number of inhabitants, economic status, etc.) in the database. We can use object details for this, but this option has a number of disadvantages. First, we may not know exactly what characteristics the regions will have at the time the configuration is designed. Secondly, not all characteristics for all regions may be applicable. For example, for some region you need to use characteristics A, B, C, and for another - B, D, E, then the extra characteristics on the form of the directory element will load the form.

In such cases, it is much more rational to use a plan of characteristic types, which can store additional information about the object of analytical accounting (the Regions directory). What is a characteristic type plan? In essence, this is a reference book in which elements (characteristics) can be of different types. For example, there is a characteristic Region area, the type of which is Number. In the characteristic Area of ​​a region, you can only write a number and no more. Moreover, one plan of types of characteristics can have characteristics (elements) of different types. For example, the Date of foundation characteristic may have a type of Date.

Thus, we can summarize: if a regular directory has all elements of the same type (link to this directory), then a plan of characteristic types can have elements of different types, depending on how it is configured during configuration.

Let's implement the following task: create the ability to store various characteristics of the Regions directory. Characteristics can be in the form of primitive types (for example, the area of ​​the region), as well as in the form of some specific values ​​(for example, the position of the region: “North”, “South”, etc.), which will be created by the users themselves.

Let's create a plan for types of characteristics Additional properties of regions.

In the characteristic type plan designer, on the “Basic” tab, pay attention to the “Characteristic value type” field; in this field you must specify the type (or types). The characteristics of the new characteristic type plan will only be of the types specified in this field. If you click on the “…” button for this field, a window for editing the data type will open. Let's select all primitive types (to select several types, you need to set the Composite data type flag).

But, in the conditions of the task it is said that the characteristics can be stored in the form of some specific values, and the user should be able to select one of these values. Moreover, the user can set these values ​​independently. Where is the best place to store the values ​​of a particular characteristic? And in such a way that these values ​​do not intersect.

For example, a region may have a characteristic “Region position”, which contains arbitrary values ​​of the region’s position (“North”, “South”, “West”, etc.), and may also have a characteristic “Economic status”, which contains values ​​of economic status of the region (“Donor”, ​​“Developing”, etc.), the values ​​of these characteristics should not intersect. If we chose the Regional Position characteristic, we should see only the values ​​of position, and not economic status.

We can, of course, create separate directories for Regional Regulations and Economic Statuses, but we cannot be sure that later no new characteristics will be added that will contain arbitrary values, and we will not have to modify the configuration. The most optimal solution would be to create a single directory to store all the values ​​of such characteristics. This directory must be subordinated to the plan of characteristics types Additional properties of regions. In this case, any characteristic (element of the plan of characteristic types), the type of which is “link to a subordinate directory”, will have its own set of values ​​that do not intersect with anything.

Let's create such a directory, call it Region Properties and on the "Owners" tab set the only owner, the plan of characteristics types Additional properties of regions.

After creating the directory, go to the plan of characteristics types Additional properties of regions and in the “Characteristic value type” field of the “Basic” tab, add a new type - a link to the Region Properties directory. Now we can create elements (characteristics) of our plan of characteristic types with this type, as well as create elements of the Region Properties directory that are subordinate to the desired characteristic.

But that’s not all, in terms of types of characteristics, you need to indicate that the values ​​of the characteristics are stored in the Region Properties directory. This is indicated in the “Additional characteristics values” property of the “Basic” tab.

And the last step remains: it is necessary to connect together the region, additional properties of the region (characteristics) and the meaning of these properties (characteristics). Because when we create some properties of regions and their values, then this data and specific regions will be separate.

Let's do this, create a non-periodic and independent register of information, which we will call Value of Region Properties.

Correctly, we should create two dimensions in which regions and properties will be indicated, and one resource in which the value of the region property will be indicated (if we create dimensions - Region, Property and Value, then it will be possible to assign several different values ​​to one property for one region) .

For the Region dimension, set the Leading property.

And we will create a resource “Value”, the type of which will be the characteristic of the plan of characteristic types “Additional properties of regions”.

As a result, the Value resource will contain those characteristic values ​​that are defined for the “Additional region properties” characteristic type plan.

Let's save the configuration, update the database and create the following characteristics (elements of the plan of types of characteristics): Area (type number), Date of foundation (type date), Location and Economic status (type link to the Region Properties directory).

When creating a new element of the characteristic type plan, you must specify the value type of this element.

For the characteristics Location and Economic status, we will create subordinate elements of the Region Properties directory.

Let's try using the information register Value of region properties to associate some characteristic and its value to a specific region. There is no need to go into the register itself, just open the Regions directory element and execute the command Value of garage properties, which is located at the top of the element form (it appeared because we set the Leading flag for the Region dimension earlier).

If we try to create a new information register entry in which we select some property (for example, Area), we will find that we need to indicate what type should be in the Value field.

In order for the type in the Value field to appear automatically after filling out the Property field, we will make the following setting for the resource Value of the information register: in the Link by resource type Value property, we will indicate the Properties dimension, which will determine the type of the resource.

After such settings, the type of the Value field will be selected automatically.

But, if we select a property whose type is a link to the Region Properties directory, then all elements of the Regions directory will be offered. Although I will note that this directory is subordinate and it has an owner, a plan of characteristics types, the element of which is selected in the Properties field.

In order to show only those elements of the Region Properties directory that are subordinate to the selected element of the characteristic type plan, we will make the following setting for the Value resource. In the resource property Links of selection parameters (in this property the dependence of some details on others is configured), we will configure the connection of the resource with the Properties dimension by owner.

After such settings, only those elements of the Garage Properties directory will be shown whose owner is the element of the plan of characteristics types selected in the Property field.

As a result, we will be able to assign several different characteristics to the region.

How to write a description correctly

First of all, let's figure out what components should be contained in a typical characteristic.

So this is:

  1. Name. In our case, this is a “characteristic”.
  2. Last name and initials of the employee. Must be written in full.
  3. The position held by the employee. Also no abbreviations.
  4. Age of the employee. In principle, an optional item to indicate.
  5. When the employee started and when he finished working in the specified position.
  6. Achievements in the profession, awards (if any).
  7. Information about whether the employee underwent advanced training or received additional training. education.
  8. Information about penalties (if any).
  9. Information about the employee’s job skills and abilities.
  10. Information about personal qualities (most often about mobility and stress resistance, level of conflict).


To store various characteristics of goods, you can use directory details, such as color, size, manufacturer, etc.
But in this case, if you need to add a new characteristic, for example composition, you will have to add a new directory attribute. And also some characteristics can be used only for some of the goods, therefore, for the rest of the goods this detail will not be filled in. It is to solve this problem that the plan of types of characteristics . In its structure, the plan of types of characteristics is practically no different from the reference book. Its main difference is that for each element you can specify a value type. The type is stored in the ValueType , which has the TypeDescription type.

When creating a new plan for characteristic types, you need to specify a list of possible types of values ​​that can be specified for plan elements. Types must be specified on the Basic in the Characteristic value Type :

When creating a new element of the plan of characteristic types, you can select a type from those that were specified in the configurator:

Not all types can be selected; for primitive types, qualifiers can be changed (only downward). But you cannot add new types that were not specified in the configurator.

The plan of characteristic types, in addition to the main type Plan of Characteristic TypesLink.PlanName, adds one more type: Characteristic.PlanName:

If you select the Characteristic.PlanName type for the attribute, then in this attribute you can store the values ​​of the types that were specified for the plan of characteristic types.

For a better understanding of how this works, let's look at a few examples.

Sample characteristics

Characteristics from the place of work are either written by hand or printed on a computer.
They are usually printed on an A4 sheet. The points that we talked about earlier should be fully reflected in the document, and the writing of the employee characteristics should be completed by indicating where and for what purpose it will be provided.

Also, do not forget to indicate the date and year when the reference was compiled, and then do not forget to put the organization’s stamp.

The specification does not have an expiration date; it can be provided at the place of request at any time. But if suddenly it is lost, you can re-create it at any time.

Next, we’ll look at how to correctly format some other types of characteristics.

Characteristics to the court

During the process of consideration of a case in the courts in which an employee of your organization is participating, his or her characterization from the place of work may be required.

Note that this type of characteristic is one of the most complex types. There are situations when the characteristics will determine what decision the court will make against a person. In this regard, such a description is often made not by a personnel service employee, but by the manager himself.

The reference for the court is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead. Be sure to indicate the person’s marital status, indicate the number of children and the age of each. Please also include information about your education and military service.

The description should also include data that characterizes the person’s personal qualities. Moreover, it is necessary to reflect both positive and negative ones. This is an important section; the participants in the process judge your employee by it.

In addition, the description must contain a note that it was drawn up for presentation to the judicial authorities. It is signed by the head and employee of the HR department.

Ultimately, the characteristic is recorded in the outgoing documentation log and assigned a number.

Production characteristics

It characterizes the skills, abilities and abilities of a person. Often, based on it, they decide whether to hire an applicant or not.

This characteristic is usually given by the head of the company in which the person worked. At the same time, if an employee has reprimands or penalties, these should also be reflected.

There are a number of requirements for writing this characteristic:

  • When compiling, be sure to indicate the date and serial number of the characteristics;
  • In chronological order, reflect the stages of the employee’s professional development;
  • Reflect the existence of penalties and awards to the employee;
  • Complete the document with your signature or the signature of your manager and affix the company seal.

You should also not ignore the negative characteristics of the employee. Unfortunately, in some cases it is necessary to draw up such documents.

In any case, even a negative characteristic must be objective. No matter what kind of employee you are, you don’t need to express your emotions towards him in your character reference.

As for the writing structure, it will be the same as that of a regular characteristic. Only each point is viewed from a negative perspective.

In practice, such a description is rarely given to an employee, even if he has committed an offense. It is clear that if you write such a description of a former employee, it is unlikely that anyone will hire him.

Therefore, for the most part, employers try to simply part with a problematic employee, but not have a negative impact on his future life.

Example. Wealth accounting specialist I. has been working in our company for two years. Despite a number of positive qualities, he is generally characterized as an employee with low professional potential. Periodically violates deadlines for completing instructions and reporting deadlines. I. was repeatedly subjected to disciplinary sanctions and received reprimands several times. Conflicts with colleagues and refuses to help new employees. He categorically refuses to participate in the public life of the company.

Characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor

This document can be drawn up for both internal and external use. In the second case, such characteristics must be provided by those employees who in the future plan to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” and so on.

Such a characteristic reflects information that shows the person in the best light and reflects the best qualities of the honorary employee. It is imperative to emphasize the fact that the person is fully qualified for the position held.

Also, if the characteristics will not be used within the company, then you can consult with the employee himself on how best to compose it. There is no violation in this.

Next, let's talk about qualifications and cross-industry characteristics.

Qualification characteristics

This is a kind of standard of specialist qualifications. This document formulates all the basic requirements for the qualifications of workers. This document is used mainly for government agencies and organizations.

This characteristic contains:

  • Description of the meaning of the profession;
  • Working conditions;
  • Psychological and physiological nuances of the profession;
  • Requirements for specialist training.

These characteristics are currently used in professional selection, as well as in employment in government agencies, in particular in the fields of education, culture and health care.

When to use characteristics

Firstly, the characterization can become one of the pieces of evidence in a civil case, in administrative proceedings, or in cases of administrative offenses. It is often requested as part of investigations and consideration of criminal cases.

The characteristics are also used in the learning process. So, such a document is drawn up for the student at the military registration and enlistment office, for the student from the place of study or from the place of internship. These are important documents for future employment.

Quite often, the document in question is drawn up by the person being characterized, who is interested in providing it. That is why every example of a characteristic on our website can be used in everyday life.

What is better not to do when preparing a specification

Although there is wide scope for creativity when writing characterizations, you still need to adhere to some simple writing rules:

  1. You should not use overly emotionally charged expressions, much less offensive ones . Whether you are happy with the employee or not, follow business etiquette.
  2. The information in the description must be truthful and reliable . It is unacceptable to reflect information about a person’s political and religious beliefs, as well as nationality.
  3. Control your literacy . If you find an error, rewrite the text again. It is important to remember that if the rules listed above are ignored, the employee will be able to appeal the document at any time.

Types of characteristics

Characteristics are usually divided into two types: external and internal. The name contains the principle of their application. Within the enterprise, internal characteristics are used. Their goals and objectives are aimed at identifying the best candidate:

  • to make decisions about moving an employee up the career ladder;
  • for transfer from one division of the enterprise to another;
  • to announce gratitude and bonuses;
  • for other cases when a qualitative comparison of the organization's employees is required.

To determine the degree of guilt and choose a punishment for a violator of labor discipline, the head of an enterprise has the right to demand a reference from the employee’s immediate superior. Based on this, conclusions are drawn regarding further measures. A characteristic for an employee, which is compiled for presentation to other organizations, is called external. It can be drawn up either at the request of an employee, indicating the institution where it is required, or at the request of third-party organizations. These include:

  • banks (when issuing loans);
  • military registration and enlistment offices (for conscription for military service);
  • municipal government bodies (if necessary).

Typically, enterprises that have a human resources department on their staff establish uniform rules for writing characteristics. For each type, a list of items of which it will consist is certified. The appearance of the document is recorded. The procedure for drawing up and a sample characteristics for the employee are established.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the issue of providing characteristics at the request of the court. It is necessary to draw up a psychological portrait of the person who has violated the law. If an employee is brought to criminal or administrative liability, the court may make a request to provide information characterizing the identity of the employee being held accountable. In this case, the document is treated with special attention so as not to harm the accused. It is best to write it in close cooperation with a lawyer or discuss the contents with the employee for whom it will be written.

Expert opinion

Maria Bogdanova

More than 6 years of experience. Specialization: contract law, labor law, social security law, intellectual property law, civil procedure, protection of the rights of minors, legal psychology

The reference from the place of work to the court must necessarily contain a note that it was issued for presentation to this particular institution.

Analogs LM358

Our tool has a sufficient number of prototypes, which, of course, we will tell you about. Perhaps we should start with the most popular “LM”: “258”, “158”, “209”, “4092”, “307”, “2902”. They have similar characteristics and have an almost identical internal structure. This is explained by the fact that they are produced, most often, from one production facility.

If we talk about those devices that still have slight differences regarding thermal or electrical properties, then, first of all, it is necessary to note: “na-157”, “op-122”, “sa 358”, “ta-6165” ", "ora-257". The structural composition of the above sensors is of less quality, so they cost less, but they last a long time.

Description of more famous

Remembering those meters that are most similar to ours, one cannot fail to mention a number of their features that play a key role in operation.

So, let's highlight the following:

  1. Frequency compensation implemented internally;
  2. Large constant voltage gain: 100 D;
  3. Wide Bandwidth: (1.1 MHz) (with temperature compensation)
  4. Very small power supply current on the channels (virtually independent of holding power and power supply);
  5. Small initial bias current and U-th: 20 nA and 2 mV;
  6. The scale and volume of incoming “gravity” voltage includes negative rails;
  7. Large change in output pressure: from zero Volts to plus or minus one and a half.

Description of lesser known

The so-called “cheap analogues” have the following characteristics:

  1. High signal transmission coefficient to the primary phase;
  2. Lightweight integrated circuit view;
  3. The presence of “non-inverting” and “inverting” points;
  4. Simplification of complex mathematical modules;
  5. The resistance at the terminals is zero (there are rare exceptions to the rules).
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