Where and how to find a rich man: places with a good selection, dating tips

What kind of women do successful men like?

It is a mistaken opinion that in order to attract a guy, a girl only needs a bright image, expensive clothes, and a beautiful face. Successful young people who have independently won their place in the sun, and not “daddy’s boys,” look much deeper. They like women who


  • They are interested in business and careers , attend thematic forums, trainings, courses, and master classes.
  • They constantly improve themselves , watch scientific documentaries, follow politics, understand economics, and read the news.
  • They are passionate about art , because otherwise there won’t even be anything to talk about with their chosen one. This is a very important point, because when receiving high-ranking officials and business people, it is customary to talk about “high things.”
  • They do everything sincerely . You can trust them with any task or problem without fear of betrayal.
  • Always optimistic . Why does a businessman need a pessimist, for whom everything is bad in life, who does not appreciate what she has, constantly cries, and sees only the bad? Such men need reliable support and support in order to increase their capital.
  • Familiar with the concept of “femininity” . It's not just a good hairstyle, high heels and a tight dress, but also good behavior. A girl should not swear, raise her voice, especially to the opposite sex, smoke or drink.
  • They do not disdain housework . A real housewife simply cannot help but be able to cook a delicious dinner, iron a shirt, and tie a tie.
  • Confident in yourself . In the business world, you need to be able to stand up for yourself and show your teeth. A modest girl from the village who came to the capital wearing rose-colored glasses is unlikely to interest the oligarch. At the same time, in society, a girl, even if she can stop a galloping horse, should always be in the background, and her man will be in the background. Here are simple and proven ways to increase a woman’s self-esteem. You will need some cosmetics, a trip to the spa and a few other things. Read more about this in another article on the site.

Avoid young millionaires (sons of oligarchs), they often make bad managers who can lose their fortune in 2-3 years.

And now more about appearance... The main rule in order to attract rich Pinocchio is grooming . Manicure, facial and body skin - everything should be flawless. We also advise you to find out what kind of hair men like. All details (length, color, hairstyle) can be found in our other article.

Makeup – minimal, but high quality; clothes are necessarily expensive. Wealthy young people pay special attention to perfumes. In this article we have prepared for you a rating of the 10 best fragrances.

If you want to become a wife and not a kept woman, be seductive, but not vulgar!

How to find a rich and successful man 10 tips

Every modern girl wants to repeat the story of Julia Roberts’ heroine in G. Marshall’s comedy melodrama “Pretty Woman,” to charm a financial tycoon and turn from “Cinderella” into a comfortable and cheerful lady.

How to repeat such success and find a wealthy husband who can provide an amazing vacation in the best places on the globe, give luxurious gifts and introduce successful, interesting and famous people into society. The answers should be read below.

How to find a prestigious groom on the Internet

If you want to find an interesting rich partner without leaving home, then you should use:

  • online sites of marriage agencies and dating;
  • social networks and online chats;
  • video chats.

In both options, you can easily meet foreigners to move to another country in the future, as well as simply find an interesting pen pal.

At the same time, there is a possibility of simply being disappointed, since lovers of sexual victories may simply try to charm a new victim via the Internet, offering one-time sex for a fee.

Working as a webcam model as a way to attract

Video chat as a way to make acquaintances

In addition to regular dating sites, you can use video chats. There are a great many of them. The advantage of webcam sites is their focus on foreign audiences. Finding a rich person from another country is much easier this way. Is working as a web model acceptable? as a testing ground for honing seduction and flirting skills.

It’s not at all necessary to strip naked and stage some kind of outrageous erotic show. Makeup, hairstyle, lace underwear - this will be quite enough to attract male attention.

Need I say that girls make impressive earnings in video chats? More information about the intricacies of working as a webcam model can be found in the section Reviews of web models about working as webcams

What kind of girls attract wealthy men?

Among the majority of young beautiful women who are hunters of a successful man, there is a misconception that in order to attract the object of desire, it is enough to have:

  • attractive bright image;
  • expensive and stylish clothes;
  • pretty face, ample breasts and slender figure.

In this appearance, as a rule, it will be possible to attract the attention of “daddy’s boys” who squander their parental capital, representing nothing of themselves. Successful young men who have achieved their position on their own choose girls who:

  • show interest in business and career growth, and attend thematic trainings and master classes for development purposes;
  • are engaged in self-improvement, in connection with which they follow news in the country and the world, understand politics and economics, watch scientific documentaries;
  • are creative people and are fond of painting and poetry, can discuss art at receptions with “business” people and dignitaries;
  • They do everything honestly and frankly, hand on heart. There is no need to be afraid of betrayal from such sincere companions; they will cope with any entrusted problem;
  • always believe in a positive outcome of events. Businessmen and politicians need optimists who can provide a strong rear.
  • behave correctly, show femininity and without bad habits;
  • they don’t disdain housework, they know how to cook, they can iron clothes and get their loved one ready for work by matching their shirt and tying a stylish tie;
  • self-confident ladies and at the same time companions who are in the shadow of their chosen one.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the main condition for attracting a successful and wealthy “Falaleya” is grooming. Must be flawless:

  • skin of the face and body;
  • makeup (first-class and at the same time minimal);
  • hairstyle (hair length, color, style);
  • stylish and expensive clothes that fit your figure;
  • perfume.

Men are very attracted to the scents of women; scents are more important than appearance. Persistent, but not cloying, the noble aroma intoxicates and at the same time helps the stronger sex to relax, calm down and escape from problems. Therefore, you should use brands from Chanel, Christian Dior, Valentino and other manufacturers of sweet poisons that cloud the male mind.

In general, you need to be seductive, but not vulgar.

Places to meet luxury fans

The axiom of finding a successful man is simple - excellent education and a decent job or personal business, ambition and an authoritative, powerful environment. In this case, worthy men for a serious relationship in the future can be found during visits:

  • thematic seminars and trainings for business, where there are always “promising” managers seeking to develop commerce and production;
  • elite restaurants with a dress code and social events;
  • fitness clubs, indoor skating rinks and sports sections (tennis, horse racing and racing, karting clubs, yachts and golf clubs), sports bars and iconic sporting events - lovers of an active lifestyle are always present in such places;
  • fashionable resorts in the south of France, the Maldives and Miami, ski resorts - this is where millionaires vacation;
  • museums and exhibitions - in modern high society it is considered the norm to be interested in art.

Work social circle

Business ladies have a great chance of finding an attractive, successful man. You should take a closer look at your partners during business negotiations and rounds.

Girls from specialists in oil and gas companies and prestigious banks, luxury car dealerships and branded men's clothing boutiques have a good chance of success. Promising future executives work in such places and are visited by very attractive rich men.

Meet in real life

Don’t be afraid of dating in real life - you need to approach the man you like first. Even if it is a quick and adventurous acquaintance, it will be interesting and unusual.

In general, a vitally active and promising young man can be found:

  • while walking, including cycling, in the park;
  • at a sports or music party;
  • in public transport and various shops.

You should start a conversation with the man you like, ask for advice in choosing a purchase or just help with something. The main thing is not to be shy!

How to figure out if a man is rich

A wealthy man who is promising for marriage can be recognized by 6 main criteria:

  • well-groomed appearance from head to toe;
  • stylish business plain suit;
  • restraint in behavior, including purchases and gifts. No, not greed, but moderation, because a serious person will not give expensive gifts to the first girl he meets;
  • a clearly planned rhythm of life - all business meetings and leisure are scheduled to the minute;
  • geography of vacation - a rich man vacations at least several times a year at luxury foreign resorts;
  • security and property (bodyguards, personal driver and expensive car, wealthy friends).

The combination of these aspects in the selected young man indicates that the oligarch hunter is in the top ten.

How to arouse the interest of the “prince”

Any hunter for the rich “Pinocchio” asks herself questions - how to attract attention and communicate with the wealthy man she likes. Yes, it’s very simple - be natural and exclude affectation, pay attention to gestures. Certain aspects of nonverbal communication with a man can clarify a lot in a relationship. So, a young man thirsty for female affection may begin to lick his lips - this is a hint of intimacy.

You should learn the rule - for a rich man, everything revolves around his wallet or bank account. Therefore, the potential chosen one needs to be distracted from thoughts about the wallet. After all, you can enjoy life not in an elite restaurant, but in a cozy cafe, on a picnic or just walking in the park.

You can mention money, but casually, as it were. And under no circumstances should you ask for expensive gifts, for example, an exclusive mink coat, an apartment in a prestigious area, or a new foreign car. This will only repel and alienate the chosen one.

It is best to forget about the prince’s income and try to pay for himself in entertainment establishments, even if only at first. And, believe me, this behavior will definitely pay off - you will receive offers for a trip to Paris for a walk on the Champs Elysees and other charming places in the world.

If the main reference point is a man’s money, then it is better to admit this goal right away. However, in such a situation, in addition to a beautiful body, in exchange for possible investments, existing ideas about a new business and increasing a man’s existing funds should be offered. Even if it is somewhat utopian, the main task is to arouse interest.

How to correspond correctly on the Internet

In the modern world, it is quite possible to find a wealthy man on the Internet. Of course, this will not be a millionaire, but still, he may be a very attractive person. When initiating correspondence, it is necessary to find out the essence of the interlocutor. Therefore, you can start with the image of a business person that suits your opponent.

There is a hit - you need to develop contact further, proceed from the interlocutor’s answers, finding out the reason for loneliness, the nature of rest and pastime, and much more. The main thing is not only to interest and intrigue, but at the same time to surprise. For example, to say that now there are so few people who are interested not only in money and a tidy bank account, but in art, and one of them is you.

The main mistakes of hunters of rich men

A man needs to fall in love with himself - this is the main rule of winning over him. Therefore, to achieve your cherished goal, you should change yourself, your appearance and under no circumstances make the following mistakes:

  • forget about intelligence and constantly chat about shopping trips to boutiques, fashion and the relationships of show business stars;
  • pretending that men are completely indifferent to business and money - for the stronger half of humanity, work occupies a significant place in life. It is better to simply periodically mention success in this area and show a certain joy in the victories achieved;
  • making your body like a doll by pumping up your lips with Botox and your butt and breasts with silicone - smacks of vulgarity and petty flirting, not a serious relationship (everything should be in moderation);
  • give up personal life and interests in favor of a man, independence;
  • agreeing to sex too quickly - they will be used and thrown away.

Also, you should not be aggressive or intrusive, bother with constant reminders of yourself, for example, phone calls, try to impose your opinion or even a solution to a problem, plans for future life, or share bad news.

In general, in order to avoid mistakes and not become something like furniture for a rich young man, it is worth listening to the experience of “experienced” hunters of millionaires. Such ladies usually share their stories on various talk shows, the videos of which are filled with the World Wide Web. It is also worth watching such masterpieces of cinema as the aforementioned “Pretty Woman”, the Indian “Passion”, “Enough Is Enough”, the plots of which tell about the life stories of not rich girls who have affairs with wealthy men.

In general, before you go hunting for a wealthy groom, you should first create an image of such an exchange in your head. Draw him, so, let’s say, imagine his figure, appearance, hair color and eyes. Determine your field of activity: business, politics or something else and start the day by thinking about your “hero”. And such a person will definitely meet. Here, the main thing is not to make a mistake - to be natural, to charm a man with your smile!

In general, whoever seeks will always find. Go for it, dear ladies.

Where to find a rich suitor

Here are the TOP 9 places where you can meet a respectable groom:

  1. Business trainings, seminars, forums . Those who want to improve their project management skills, increase capital, and develop their business come here.
  2. Eco-shops . Healthy eating, like the entire lifestyle, is a very expensive pleasure, so only wealthy people can afford it.
  3. Premium fitness clubs . It is unlikely that you will be able to meet an oligarch here; they really value their time, so they prefer to train at home, but you will be able to meet a well-to-do young man.
  4. Fashionable restaurants . Establishments must be truly elite, preferably with a dress code.
  5. Expensive resorts . If possible, go “hunting” in Monaco, the south of France (Cannes, Nice), the Maldives (Rania), Miami - this is where millionaires spend their money! Among the ski resorts, Swiss Zermatt should be highlighted.
  6. Marriage agencies . If you don't mind moving abroad, use their services. Take a closer look at candidates from Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, England, Norway, and the USA. This is where the largest number of millionaires live.
  7. Dating websites . Here are some suitable resources - favoritka.org, sajt-znakomstv-interfriendship.ru, znakomstva-s-bogatymi.com. But keep in mind that on these sites you may be directly offered content or even one-time sex for money and gifts.
  8. Sport sections . Visit tennis courts, horse racing, racing events such as Formula 1, a golf club and a yacht club.
  9. Job . The easiest thing for those who work in a car dealership is to take a closer look at those who buy expensive cars - Bentley, Porsche, Rolls-Royce, Ferrari. Employees of travel agencies and branded men's clothing and shoe stores may also be lucky. Girls working in oil and gas companies and banks also have many chances.

The formula for success is quite simple - good education + ambition + influential environment and a decent job or business. Learn and develop! As a bonus, here's a list of places to find a nice guy. Here are the options from cafes to resorts.

Journalists from TV channel 24 looked into what a girl who wants to charm a rich man should be prepared to do, here is the video:

Where to look for a rich man: 7 proven places

So, where to find a successful, promising groom? In the modern world, the answer seems obvious - on the Internet. Go to popular dating sites and you're done. However, you can meet anyone there, not just the rich and worthy. After all, sometimes completely incomprehensible personalities are hidden behind the monitor screen. Let’s better remember offline places for status dating for love. Moreover, a girl who wants a serious, successful guy needs to be active in real life, and not just online.

7 places where wealthy men hang out

  1. Charity evenings.
    Combine business with pleasure. At such evenings there are always many wealthy guests, and there is a reason to get to know each other. Look at posters in your city or nearby major cities.
  2. Theater premieres.
    Another good place where successful men are found. Discuss the new production with the guy you like during intermission.
  3. VIP events, such as private screenings, parties, club openings.
    Of course, you need to try and find an invitation, plus keep track of such holidays. To do this, communicate more with high-ranking people, go to various social events, and get acquainted.
  4. Airport waiting rooms.
    Do you fly often for work or travel? A good excuse to meet a cool guy while waiting for your flight.
  5. World resorts.
    Well, of course, rich grooms allow themselves a cool vacation, usually at famous resorts. Go for it. Flirt nicely with a man in a relaxed atmosphere, discuss interesting topics, demonstrate your physical rating. How else can you quickly seduce a billionaire? Do you agree? Holiday romances are a good option if you take advantage of the opportunities correctly and don’t go overboard with accessibility.
  6. Gym.
    Successful guys, as a rule, take care of themselves and their health. Go to the hall, and who knows, maybe your prince will be found here.
  7. Golf Club.
    Another sporty option. Golf is only available to wealthy people, and men love this sport.

If your finances do not allow you to fly to expensive resorts, play golf, or attend events for VIPs, then there is an option to get a job at an airport, an expensive restaurant, or at a golf club. Or join business communities, interest clubs on social networks, you don’t need money for this. Besides golf, there are other sports, such as tennis. In general, you can always look for alternative options or use those that are available. Plus gradually change your environment.

However, meeting a potential groom is not enough. You need to think in advance about how to attract a rich man. By the way, how can you immediately distinguish a wealthy guy from someone who simply pretends to be rich or is showing off with his parents’ money? Do you know? Write your answers in the comments and read on.

How to find and identify a rich man among other decent ones and not be mistaken

Pay attention to his accessories. A truly wealthy man's watch, tie, shoes, purse, bracelet and similar things are expensive, original, high-quality, and sometimes collectible. Even if he is dressed in faded jeans and an old sweater, his shoes or watch will definitely give him away.

Look how the man behaves. Billionaires are usually restrained in their emotions, calm and confident. Majors, on the contrary, behave defiantly and, by the way, are often dressed flashily and like to show off. What other life hacks are there to figure out a guy at the first meeting, see also in the regular section of our official website of the Pavel Rakov Shopping Center “Secrets of meeting and first date”.

How to tell if a man is rich

You need to pay attention to the following:

  • Appearance . A man with a huge fortune is always well-groomed, from his toenails to the hair on his head. He always smells pleasant, and does not smell like tobacco or alcohol a mile away.
  • Cloth . Serious young people dress the same way - you can see them wearing an expensive, custom-made trouser suit. Wardrobe items are mostly plain, no stripes, flowers, or squares. Jeans and other informal attire are allowed, but only in everyday life.
  • Behavior . A serious rich man will never squander money, especially in front of the first person he meets (if we are talking about a future wife and not a kept woman). But, having gotten to know his companion better, he can give her luxury gifts (jewelry, certificates to spa salons, etc.)
  • Interests . For a well-off MCH, everything is scheduled down to the minute. At the same time, he always finds time to play golf, tennis, travel on a yacht and other elite entertainment.
  • Rest . Anyone who has money certainly travels to other countries at least 3-4 times a year. He boasts an impressive list of cities and countries visited, whether for business or personal visits.
  • Environment and property . If your “victim” has a personal security guard or even two, his own driver, an expensive car, famous and wealthy friends - you have come to the right place!

These are the main criteria for finding a rich groom.

What to do to interest a rich man

  • Play sports . A healthy mind in a beautiful body. Try to improve your figure so that seductive female forms look beautiful in any outfit.
  • Upload only the best, professional photos to your profile . Don't put everything on display; you should look dignified, but at the same time attractive and enticing. Your charming femininity will attract the attention of a lonely rich man, because men “love with their eyes.”
  • Determine the main components of a potential groom (except finances) and leave this information in your profile.
  • Broaden your horizons, develop comprehensively : read interesting literature, study languages, find a hobby, something you like, in order to be a good conversationalist for your man.
  • Find common ground, common interests , topics, it shouldn’t be boring with you.
  • Take care of yourself , meeting millionaires obliges you to always be in good shape, you must correspond to a status man. Appearance is not the last thing for the rich.

Having wealth does not mean that a man will be too generous and wasteful. You should be grateful for the gifts, attention and kind attitude towards you, and he, in turn, will appreciate your positive qualities.

Our honest rating of dating sites with rich men in Moscow provides an extensive database of sites with suitable candidates for husbands. You just need to use the ready-made information and we are sure that very soon you will find your happiness - the man of your dreams, and your life will turn into a fairy tale.

How to get attention and communicate

First of all, you need to behave naturally, there should be no affectation.
If you are interested not only in his money, but also in his position in society and prospects for yourself, then forget about them altogether! If he invites you on a date to an elite restaurant, suggest going to some inexpensive but cozy coffee shop. He invites you to Paris for the weekend - ask your grandmother to join you in the village. And so it is in everything. Believe me, sooner or later it will pay off, and you will still go to your Paris, only, perhaps, as a wife.

Remember that for the rich, everything revolves around the wallet, so your task is to distract your candidate from this! Show that you can enjoy life without a solid bank account. Invite your man to ride bicycles, roller skates, go for a walk in the park, or have a picnic in the forest.

A very important point is the absence of questions about the income of your “prince”. You also need to pay in restaurants and shops yourself, or at least offer this at first. Don’t ask to buy you a mink coat, much less an apartment in a new building.

If you only need his money , have the courage to immediately admit it to yourself and the man. There is no need to play hard to get, no one likes that. Think about what you can offer in return, other than your body. Perhaps you have some developments, plans, commercial proposals that require large investments. Offer to help him increase his capital, even if you can’t do it, your “prince” will obviously be interested.

Be sure to pay attention to gestures when speaking. In order for you to correctly understand “body language”, we have revealed all the nuances of non-verbal communication. You will find out why the interlocutor touches his lips, twirls something in his hands, etc.

How to correspond on the Internet

Let us hasten to disappoint you, finding a millionaire dating online is the same as finding a needle in a haystack. But there are enough wealthy people there. If you initiate communication, then start with something positive, for example, “The image of a business person suits you.” If your interlocutor is like that, he will correct you and say that this is not an image at all, but its essence.

Once you are sure that you are in the right place, start a conversation about the fact that now it is very difficult to find an adequate person who is interested not only in the thickness of the wallet. Next, build on his answers. Ask how he likes to rest and relax, why he is still alone, etc.

How to find out a man's worth

Sometimes people pretend they are not who they are. You can easily find out whether the man you like is wealthy; you just need to pay attention to some aspects.

Rich men are always well-groomed - hair, nails, skin, shoes, expensive scent. Clothes are 80% pantsuits, on which you will never see ridiculous colors, childish prints, stripes, checks, geometric shapes, etc. Casual clothes are used only during non-working hours, but they are also chosen with taste. Any outfit is complemented with an expensive watch.

The interests of a rich, upper class man. If it’s fishing, then in the middle of the ocean; if it’s sport, then with the most elite equipment. Of course, where would we be without a small collection (yachts, motorcycles, cars, rare brands, paintings). If it’s a vacation, then definitely not on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The behavior of a rich man depends on the character and degree of interest in the girl. Daddy's boy loves to show off - he wastes money in the very first minutes of meeting him. If a man has already matured morally and has serious plans for you, this will not be observed in his behavior. BUT! Once your partner gets to know you better, believe me, exquisite gifts and expensive courtship await you.

Mistakes of millionaire hunters

Here's what you should never do:

  • Pretend that you are not at all interested in his money. On the contrary, say that you are pleased to see a successful person next to you and that you want to match him.
  • Constantly talk about shopping, fashion, sorting out relationships between stars. It doesn't give intelligence to a girl.
  • Pump up your lips, buttocks, and breasts with silicone if your goal is a serious relationship, not flirting and contentment.
  • Give up your life, devoting all your time only to a man. You must have your own interests and your own business. This way you can still protect yourself if your chosen one decides to leave you.
  • Too fast sex - if on the 2-3rd date you end up in bed with him, the likelihood of building a serious relationship is almost zero. Get ready to become another doll that is used, broken and then thrown away as unnecessary.
  • Most girls think, now I’ll lure him into the net, sit down and dangle his legs. This is a failed plan; you won't get far with it. Be independent!

Avoid these mistakes, learn how to behave with men so that they fall in love! Our article, which contains many useful tips, will help you with this. You will learn how to treat your gentleman, what you should change in yourself, what you should say, etc.

What kind of girl does a successful man need?

To attract the attention of a wealthy man, you need to become a girl who will interest him, and for this you need to use feminine tricks and become the lady he wants to see next to him.

Necessary qualities to please a wealthy man:

  1. Men love with their eyes and this is a well-known fact. Since rich men are rarely deprived of female attention, they need to work hard on their appearance in order to stand out among the other ladies around him. Start visiting the gym, beauty salons, visit a stylist and choose the perfect look. You must look stunning so that he does not notice anyone but you.
  2. The second important point is self-confidence and the ability to demonstrate it. A confident girl will definitely attract the attention of a man, since for him this works as an internal indicator that he is with a girl who is not for everyone. Don't show your potential date that you want to marry him. Show with your eyes that he is not bad, and he should understand that it is time for him to take action.
  3. The ability to carry on a conversation is a very useful skill. To build a strong relationship, and not just for one night, a man should be interested in a girl. This requires the ability to listen, be erudite and maintain a conversation on topics of interest. There is no need to be smart, the main thing is to show your interest in his life. I assure you, there are very few people around him who are sincerely interested in him, and not in his finances, which is why a good interlocutor will be very valuable to him.
  4. Be positive, no one likes gloomy and downcast people. A girl should be cheerful and able to ignite a man’s inner fire, so that he would want to perform feats for her sake. Therefore, when communicating, we under no circumstances talk about problems and troubles; we forget about them completely.

Inspirational Movies to Watch

If you don’t want to become furniture for a rich man that people will simply wipe their feet on, watch a few real-life films:

  • “Pretty Woman” is the story of a prostitute who makes it into the public eye.
  • “Enough is Enough” - the film tells the story of the life of an ordinary waitress who has an affair with a wealthy young man.
  • “How to Marry a Millionaire” - the events take place in New York, and again about unequal love.
  • “Sense and Sensibility” is a film about the children of a once-widowed rich woman who fell in love with people outside her circle.
  • “Passion” is an Indian melodrama about how the sons of influential people went crazy over poor girls.

If you want to avoid mistakes, watch the program “Concerns Everyone.” The stories of real hunters for millions are told here, there is a lot of educational information. Girls, don’t forget about intelligence if you don’t want to look as stupid as the heroines of this video:

How to attract a wealthy suitor into your life

Form an image of your “prince” in your head – hair color, height, build. Imagine how and where you meet him, what you say, what he looks like. Think about what he should do - show business, financial sector, politics, etc. Start every day with thoughts about him. When meeting a potential candidate, act naturally, repeat to yourself: I am the best, I am a charming person, everyone likes me. Be sure to smile! Before going on a search, if you believe in otherworldly forces, you can perform the following ritual:

Exactly at midnight, retire to your room, turn off the lights, light 13 church candles. Mentally picture to yourself how you see your chosen one. Then read the spell 3 times: “I invite suitors, generous and rich. Night, help me, bring me my betrothed. I don’t have the strength to live in poverty, from now on I don’t want to know the needs, I’m waiting for the man of my dreams. Fire, do everything I ask, for luck today I do it!” Then repeat out loud 3 times, Amen, put out the candles and throw the cinders outside the house.

Before you go looking for a rich man, think about whether it's worth it. Well, you find it, you conquer it, and suddenly he goes bankrupt? Maybe you will be much happier, achieving goals together with a partner of your social status...

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