11 Relationship Facts Couples Should Remember Forever

Types of relationships between people

Relationships between people are in constant development. An ordinary friendship between a man and a woman can develop into something more, and vice versa - long-term family relationships suddenly lead to divorce. The following types of relationships can be distinguished:

  • Identical - people understand each other well, quickly find a common language, and are built on empathy and trust. This is a good option for friendship because people have similar skills and knowledge levels;
  • Dual ones are ideal for creating married couples, where each partner has their own strengths and weaknesses. Such relationships are characterized by ease. Minor conflict situations contribute to the revitalization of communication;
  • Business - effective for overcoming difficulties and extreme situations. For this type of relationship, what is important is, first of all, actions: if discussions prevail, the relationship will change. To build such relationships, a common goal is important;
  • Conflict - each partner tries to impose his point of view on the other, without even trying to understand the other opinion. People begin to notice minor shortcomings, exaggerate them, and often argue. This is the most difficult relationship, which can only be saved by caring for each other;
  • Relatives - suitable for spending time together: going to the cinema, gatherings in a cafe, talking on various topics. People in such relationships usually understand each other well, but have different approaches to solving the same problem, so they always try to find a compromise;

These are the most common types of relationships. Now let's look at more specific types.

Types of interactions between people of either gender

Relationships between different people in social life are a reality that cannot be avoided. In a society without interpersonal relationships, nothing can be created. But a harmonious union requires mutual respect and trust. Also an integral sign of a stable relationship is the mutual desire of partners to maintain it. There are different types of relationships between people, each with its own characteristics.


Professional interaction between people is aimed at developing and implementing effective strategic plans that will lead to the beneficial implementation of their work. Unlike everyday communication, professional communication:

  • better organized;
  • culturally regulated;
  • most often it is forced.

Professional interaction can be divided into several types:

TypeHow do they treat the partner’s interests?Type characteristics
CooperationPositive (mutually)Meaningless actions at work, as well as lack of results, are not allowed. All conflict situations are resolved jointly, as partners strive to achieve the same goal
DialoguePositive (mutually)Partners are equal to each other. Relationships are built on respect and trust
GuardianshipPositive (mutually)It involves the care of one partner for the other (teacher for a student, doctor for a patient). Some people are transmitters of their experience and knowledge, while others actively accept it
SuppressionPositive (unilaterally)Common type. It is characterized by passive subordination of one partner to another (boss and subordinate). Suppression can be hidden. Submission will be carried out to authority, that is, a strong personality
AgreementNeutralAn agreement is characterized by frequent negotiations and agreements. In this case, everyone will look for their own benefit
ConfrontationNegativeThis type is typical for people who do not depend on their partner. They can work together, but at the same time be indifferent to the positive outcome of the case
IndifferenceNeutralInvolves hidden aggression and hostility. The reasons may lie in unsuccessful dialogue or psychological incompatibility

Depending on the consequences, partnerships can be divided into the following types:

  1. Constructive. They have a positive impact on productivity and help develop.
  2. Destructive. Negatively affect cooperation.

Also, relationships in the professional sphere can be divided into 2 types according to the method of interaction:

  1. Direct. Communication in such an alliance is of great importance, since you can directly assess a person’s reactions during a conversation.
  2. Indirect. Communication takes place through reports, letters, instructions and orders.

All professional types of interaction are interconnected. They often change places and complement each other.


Friendly relationships in a social environment arise after the acquaintance stage. They can reach a wide range of people. But in order for such a connection to strengthen, certain conditions must be met:

  • people should have mutual acquaintances;
  • mutual interest in friendly relations is necessary;
  • there must be joint activities that relate to recreation, education, work or everyday life.

Most friendships consist of people close in age, so gender, social status and education are extremely important.

The circle of friends is much narrower than the circle of just acquaintances. According to statistics, most often people with whom it is interesting to talk and have a pleasant time are called friends.


The emergence of friendly relations is formed from friendly connections, in which conditions for closer rapprochement appear. Time plays a major role in the formation of friendship between people.

Long-term friendly relationships allow men and women to get to know each other better. Gradually, sympathy will take root, trust will increase, and then the need for each other will arise. As a result, an attachment is formed, and the relationship turns into friendship.

The following situations most often affect rapprochement:

  • problems at work;
  • difficulties in personal life.

But friendships will never arise without trust, respect and sympathy. Selectivity is important for such communication. A true friend is a second alter (second “I”).

There are usually 2-3 people in a friendly relationship. Peers are often the best friends.


In interpersonal communication there are such relationships as companionship. They are based on mutual assistance. Partnership, unlike friendship, is determined not by the personal desires of people, but by joint activities.

The partnership is focused on achieving common goals. The main attributes of such a union are:

  • assistance;
  • mutual help;
  • cooperation.

The functioning of such relationships can be carried out in any composition of people. The camaraderie can move to other levels of interaction - into friendships or friendships.


Kinship relationships involve interaction between close and distant relatives. The number of persons who are included in these connections depends on several factors:

  • territories where people live, their proximity to each other;
  • traditions and culture in the family.

People cannot choose their relatives on their own. Relationships with them can take different forms: camaraderie, friendship, friendly relations.

Relationships between relatives also include connections between parents and children. It determines how a person’s interpersonal relationships will develop in the future. If the importance of family ties is not instilled in a child from childhood, with age he will cease to value and respect even his parents.

In order for brother and sister to get along, they need to be taught from an early age to seek compromise. So that the son and daughter do not forget their mother in old age, it is worth paying more attention to the children when they are small. The same applies to other relatives. The more frequent and closer the communication, the stronger the friendship in this related group.

Types of relationships between exes

Relationships between exes are only possible if both partners are accomplished individuals. To understand the psychology of communication between people who were a couple, you need to give yourself an idea of ​​what you personally want to get. Relationships between exes can be divided into two categories:

  • Friendly. This may indicate that one (or both) of the partners is still experiencing feelings. You should only be friends with exes when, after breaking up, both people have found a partner again. The best option for such relationships is simple communication on various topics. A few hours a week is enough for this, no more. In cases where the reason for friendship is business, you should only talk about business. If there are children in the family, adults should treat each other with respect;
  • Open relationship. Often, ex-spouses continue to meet even if they are officially divorced. Essentially, it is a no-strings-attached relationship driven by sexual desire. This situation can become an obstacle to creating new relationships. If necessary, you can ask your partner to take a break to think everything over carefully. If one of the people has a new partner, it is unlikely that it will be possible to resume the old relationship. It is better to change the format of communication;

After breaking up, it is better not to meet with your ex-partner for a couple of months. You shouldn’t live with the ghosts of the past - you need to move forward, this is the only way to create a successful union between a man and a woman.

Forecast for a toxic couple11

Dependent relationships are extremely difficult to predict, since according to many psychologists and psychotherapists, attempts to change a toxic partner are not effective. The only chance for change comes from personal desire, working through childhood traumas and developing new social attitudes and habits. Toxic couples also have prospects in relationships when the second partner (donor) learns to balance and make up for the lack of resources given to the other half.

Types of relationships between a man and a woman

The relationship between a man and a woman largely depends on the characteristics of each individual, outlook on life, and interests. Each person has their own ideal version of a relationship. Conventionally, all types of relationships between a man and a woman can be divided into five groups:

  • Conflict - some couples deliberately create conflict situations and start an argument. This is how they try to get rid of routine, and this makes a certain sense;
  • Harmonious - a man and a woman are united by a common goal, lifestyle, and vision of certain situations. Partners understand each other well, know their strengths and weaknesses, but do not change the person, accepting him as he is. This is the strongest and most durable type of relationship;
  • With complete immersion - such couples are completely passionate about each other. This is a good relationship, but attachment to a partner can push a man or woman away from communicating with family and friends. As with everything else, it is important to observe moderation;
  • Passionate – based on sexual desire. The basis of such relationships is sex. When partners are together, they experience happiness. But such intense relationships often lead to suffering due to separation;
  • Independent – ​​each partner is, first of all, a self-sufficient person. A man and a woman can fall in love with each other, but live separately because they value personal space;

And, of course, contrary to popular belief that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, it can be argued that this is not so. Often friendships are established between two people of the opposite sex, based on conversations on common topics, hobbies, and work.


Many people have heard that opposites attract. In fact, not everything is so simple. Excessively different partners can remain happy as long as the relationship has enough fuel, that is, exactly until the period of time when falling in love and passion ends. But still, couples consisting of partners who are opposites exist. They are distinguished by the following features:

  • independence of partners;
  • patriarchal or matriarchal system of relationships;
  • frequent conflicts based on differences and inconsistencies;
  • partners complement each other.

Couples consisting of radically different partners can be very harmonious and happy. For example, a calm, driven woman and a leading, dominant man. This is an ideal combination in which partners can remain themselves and at the same time organically combine with each other without much effort. The advantage of such a connection is that there is no need to adapt.

Types of relationships between children

Children, as well as adults, also have relationships with each other. Moreover, such relationships should not be underestimated, since they help shape the future personality and prepare the child for adult life. Relationships between children are clearly manifested in preschool age. In each group of children the following personality types can be distinguished:

  • Leader – has a pronounced character, purposeful;
  • Activist – takes initiative;
  • Performer - susceptible to influence, carrying out instructions from the leader and activist;
  • Loner - has his own view of what is happening around him;
  • Rebel - opposes established rules;

Depending on their psychological portrait, children choose their social circle. Some people like to be friends with strong and active peers, others prefer the company of quiet and calm people.

Relationships at work

What is the relationship between a man and a woman at work? They are also different. Moreover, there is a category of people who call them business, and there are those who believe that such relationships do not exist at all.

Let us note just a few features:

  • Constant close contacts. There are pros and cons here: some people like to work side by side with their partner, while others quickly get tired of it;
  • If a loved one is nearby at work, this can motivate lovers to certain feats professionally. If a quarrel occurs, then, on the contrary, work efficiency can decrease significantly. There are also those for whom the presence of their beloved partner becomes a hindrance;

  • Misunderstanding on the part of colleagues. Not everyone is able to understand what close relationships at work are, and also to accept them: hence anger, aggression, envy, and sometimes hidden bullying;
  • Managers are also not all able to accept love relationships at work, especially if they interfere with the lovers’ ability to perform their functions. Sometimes it comes to dismissal.

Expert opinion

Ksenia Terentyeva


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Office romances have their own nuances, both positive and negative. Often they do not always benefit lovers. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves what to do at work: work or have affairs. And of course, here it is worth carefully weighing the possible consequences of such a relationship.

Author's experience

Vladimir Ekimov

Author of the article

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I have seen the development and decline of such relationships at work three times. I myself had such an experience once. It ended in nothing, I had to leave that job. Of course, the teams are different, and each will perceive two people in love differently. Even if a couple does not strive to demonstrate their relationship explicitly, it will still become known about it. In a team you can rarely hide anything, especially in a female team. It’s good if such a relationship can end in marriage. Or husband and wife work together. But basically, they rarely end successfully, unlike the happy ending of such relationships in the film “Office Romance.”

Types of relationships between parents and children

The relationship between parents and children can differ significantly, depending on the rules and traditions in a particular family. There are these types of relationships:

  • Safe – parents respond to the child’s needs in a timely manner. Thanks to this, children feel safe and grow self-confident, quickly becoming independent and responsible;
  • Avoidant - children feel insecure because their parents do not respond to requests, and are forced to take care of themselves. In such a relationship, it is difficult for a child to adapt to a new society due to underdeveloped social skills;
  • Ambivalent - parents are inconsistent in their actions, they can respond to the child’s needs, or they can ignore them. As a result, the child shows excessive emotionality and acquires a tendency towards attachment;
  • Disorganized – Parents completely ignore the child’s needs. Such children quickly realize that they cannot count on help in a difficult situation, become withdrawn, and can show aggression;

There is no single recipe for an ideal relationship between parents and children. To establish contact, you need to regularly show your children your love and treat them with respect.


A romantic or sexual union involving more than one person. Unlike an open marriage, all participants are equal and included in the relationship. Important components of this relationship are awareness and honesty: partners voluntarily agree to this format and discuss everything they want to receive in the union.


Harmonious exchange in relationships. Research shows that polyamorous people have more honesty, intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and less jealousy than monogamous people. Sometimes in polyamorous relationships, the connection between partners can take different forms: for example, with someone they build a stronger spiritual connection, and with someone - a sexual one. So, polyamorous people do not expect “everything at once” from one person.

Mindfulness. The experience of such relationships helps people improve their emotional intelligence. They learn not only to understand their emotions, but also to talk about the feelings of other people. In addition, all participants in such a union closely monitor sexual health and contraception.


Equal attention to participants. Polyamory requires more responsibility. It is important for participants to discuss doubts, look for a format that is suitable for all participants, and devote time to all partners. They may begin to show more feelings for someone in the union, and this is already a problem for the others.

Raising common children. Difficulties arise if there are children in polyamorous families - they become attached not only to biological parents, but also to other partners (as well as their children). If partners change frequently, children have to go through the breakup again and again.

What is the secret to long-term relationships?

To create strong and long-term relationships, a man and a woman must work hard on themselves. First of all, it is necessary to understand each other. You should not conform to any standards; you must initially accept your other half for who she really is.

Develop positive qualities in yourself, show mutual care. In any case, try to understand your person, learn to feel him, and leave accusations without grounds for later.

If you constantly accuse each other of something, suspect each other of non-existent acts, you can quite quickly destroy everything that has been built for so long.

Here are just a few principles to follow:

  • Whatever happens, talk to each other. There should be no omissions;
  • In order not to doubt something, it is better to immediately ask an exciting question;
  • Lying is not the answer. The truth is better, whatever it may be;
  • Don't try to change him or her by force. Better change yourself;
  • It is necessary to extinguish the conflict immediately;
  • And if there is a quarrel, then try to end everything on a positive note. Namely: there is no need to be rude, make hasty decisions, and, if possible, turn an unpleasant conversation into a humorous statement.

Author's opinion

Vladimir Ekimov

Author of the article

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I would also like to say the following about long-term and harmonious relationships. For this to happen, it is necessary that at the first meetings, people have a feeling of “their” person, with whom it is at least interesting, there is something to talk about and something to do together. Then you can develop the relationship further. If there is no initial feeling, the soul or heart does not respond to this, then it will be problematic to do this. The relationship will most likely end in the early stages.

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