These kind deeds should not leave you indifferent

Fundamentals of secular ethics. Lesson No. 19. “Moral act”

Presentation for the lesson

People are not born, but become who they are
Topic: Moral action

I. Organizational moment

II. Game technique “Friendly wash”

III. Announcing the topic of the lesson. Working on the concept of “morality”

1. I would like to read to you the words of the wonderful, beloved Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy:

Is it really possible that, amid this charming nature, a feeling of malice, revenge or the passion of exterminating one’s own kind can be retained in a person’s soul? Effort is a necessary condition for moral improvement. A person is like a fraction, the numerator is what he is, and the denominator is what he thinks about himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction.

Discuss with children the meaning of this statement. Lead children to correct self-esteem and the topic of the lesson.

– Today in class we will talk to you about the actions of people, and we do actions every day, we will highlight and figure out what a moral act is. People judge us as a person by our actions. How do you understand the word action ?

– Read about the action in your manuals. (reading aloud) What do you think can be called a moral act? What about immoral? (Children give their specific examples, justifying it)

– Read the statements of great people who lived in different centuries and in different countries.

J. J. Rousseau (18th century, French writer)

Man is kind by nature, and we just need to not interfere with the development of this innate goodness.

Omar Khayyam (11th century, Persian poet, mathematician, philosopher)

Nobility and Meanness, Courage and Fear - Everything is inherent in our hearts from birth.

Ancient Indian saying

Doing good to your neighbors means doing what you want for yourself.

Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher)

We do not discuss what virtue (morality) is, but in order to be good people. Analysis of sayings to prove their relevance today.

IV. Independent work

Discuss in groups the components of moral action.

V. Game moment “Black and white world”

The class is divided into groups of 5-6 people. Each group receives a sheet of Whatman paper, divided into two parts “black” and “white”. On the “black” part, children write actions. Reflecting the dark side of life, and on the other - the bright side of life. The results of the groups’ work are glued together into a single canvas, which can be called “Life”

VI. Reading and discussion of literary works

1. Reading the poem “Hedgehog” by O. Vysotskaya (read by prepared students)

2. Discussion of the situation:

– How do you feel about children’s behavior? And what about Marina’s proposal? What caused it? What would you do?

3. Guys, what qualities should a person have in order to perform moral actions? (Children's answers)

– Is the development of one of these qualities sufficient for personal development? (No) – What qualities are incompatible in a person? (Children answer)

– Read, to confirm your answers, I. Goethe’s poem:

Five properties do not get along with the other five. Listen carefully to my commandment: Friendship cannot be related to Arrogance, Politeness will not be born from Rudeness, We do not seek greatness from Villainy, The miser will not give to the poor and the poor, For Faith and Loyalty, Lies are not a support. Learn all this and keep it from the thief.

VII. Working with illustrations

– Guys, discuss what is drawn in the pictures and clippings.

– Can a moral act be called a “ good deed”?

VIII. Homework:

Discuss the saying at home with your parents: “The end justifies the means”, memo:

Let's finish the lesson with the words of L. Tolstoy (Slide 10):

“If you see that the structure of society is bad and want to correct it, then know that there is only one means for this: for people to become better. And in order for people to become better, you have only one thing in your power: to become better yourself.


The process of formation of moral values

There are two interconnected processes for the formation of moral values: awareness of the significance of morality in ordinary, everyday reality and an emotional and creative approach to it. These processes should be combined with emotional development, since it is not enough for children to simply convey information about ethics and then simply require them to comply with moral standards. It is many times more difficult for them to form their own attitude towards moral standards, based on the desire to comply with these guidelines. Another feature of the process of formation of moral values ​​is the understanding of the need for such a model of behavior. In this case, both direct emotions and the internal need to establish certain moral standards within society are significant.

Different scientists have different approaches to the interpretation of the development of moral values. For example, T.S. Karanchentsev and Yu.V. Larin call this process processing associated with the transformation of the external environment into sensual human nature and the cultural world. These processes are carried out by people themselves and are based on their own activities. Based on an analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, the point of view asserts that mastery includes the process of mastering and assimilation by people of moral norms, consisting of content, results, activity and target components.

V.A. Titov ranked mastery among the concepts used as generic ones in relation to the concept of “morality”. It is in it that two important features that characterize morality are combined: its ability to reflect reality and its ability to transform it. Consequently, modern science considers the development of moral values ​​as a special method that determines the uniqueness of morality. Mastery is the result of a multivariate contact between the human world and the world of morality, acting as a way of educating the individual. In pedagogy, the essence of the term “mastery” is reduced to the process of a person’s mastery of moral norms and values.

What to focus on

Each person must comprehend the realities of the world that surrounds him, and have a rough idea of ​​what others expect from him. When we behave in one way or another, we show through moral action that our value system is correct and characterized by kindness and fairness, a desire to provide help, to encourage our freedom and the choice of others.

This style of behavior can be countered by immorality, injustice and hatred. A person should strive to realize his moral aspirations, and not destroy himself and the world around him. Of course, just understanding how things should work is not enough.

A person with a correct value system is identified by moral behavior and moral action. It is worth taking actions, the result of which will be positive both for the individual and for the surrounding world. Be happy and don't bother others, as they say. Sometimes you even need to refuse some actions, for example, to avoid temptation, refuse a bribe or a chance to win some benefits in an unfair way.

Examples of moral values

A fundamental and generally accepted moral value is a person’s love for other people. This type of love cannot be compared with the feelings experienced by people towards members of the opposite sex, since this type of love is manifested in the feelings that people show towards others, regardless of their age, nationality, gender and social background. It is this kind of love that allows a person to understand the needs of other people, not to harm them, teaches empathy, compassion and mutual assistance, and prevents manifestations of physical or psychological violence towards one’s neighbor. It is very difficult to achieve this, since human nature has a craving for competition, the struggle for survival, envy and hatred.

Love promotes the manifestation of other moral values ​​in a person , for example, kindness and generosity , which are closely related to a sincere desire to help others. The most valuable gift from one person to another is his time, which should be given to family, friends, loved ones, acquaintances and, if necessary, even strangers, because often giving something is even more pleasant than receiving gifts.

Honesty is recognized as another important moral quality. The ability to remain honest with people and with yourself, combined with the ability not to flaunt the good deeds you have done, always inspires respect. A person with the qualities and values ​​listed above is an example of a truly noble personality. Other important moral values ​​include positive intentions, a benevolent attitude towards others, altruism, and a sense of respect for people.

Listen to everyone, listen to the chosen ones

Society, as a rule, gives its assessments of certain actions. They largely depend on what kind of people surround you. There are generally accepted norms of behavior that may differ slightly in different social groups.

A person's moral actions may not be appreciated as such if it is not beneficial to those around you. But here it is very important to understand when you are to blame, and when those around you think too much about their own gain. Then we can say that the motives for a moral act have nothing to do with the goals of your colleagues and friends.

You can’t blindly follow someone else’s orders and please, you need to be able to analyze and be honest with yourself. Only then will you be calm and feel that you are acting correctly.

What are moral standards?

Moral norms are a set of rules of behavior that are established within a particular society depending on people’s ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice. The preservation of moral standards is ensured through public approval and the internal conviction of each member of society.

All moral norms are formed from the real principles, ideals, and concepts of good and evil that people have. Thus, they all go through some kind of “social sieve” through which all norms of behavior are sifted and truly correct ones remain.

Thanks to the presence of moral norms, human behavior is regulated in various sectors and spheres of public life. First of all, we can highlight everyday life, work, family and personal relationships, intergroup and international. However, any type of interaction is determined by a specific set of moral standards. It is worth noting that moral standards differ markedly from the specific requirements of each industry in their socially all-encompassing nature, since they are mandatory for all people. They fix special requirements and constitute the basis and norm of behavior of society , determine the culture of interpersonal relations.

Any moral norm must be justified from the point of view of the value base of society, as well as its ideals, since moral norms act as a subordinate instrument of these ideals.

Control over compliance with moral standards is formed under the influence of public opinion and authorities, which cultivates in the minds of each person a position in matters of personal ideas about worthy and unworthy, moral and immoral.

Where do the roots come from?

There are a number of factors on which the analysis of individual behavior is based. First you need to figure out what exactly pushes a person to take this or that action. A moral act is performed only for good purposes, which can be described as noble. Although, of course, it also happens that by the will of fate, having a rather favorable plan, you can cause harm. Here the consequences that the event led to are already assessed.

They are the basis for making the final verdict and assessment when the signs of a moral act are analyzed. The main criterion is how significant and useful the step is for society as a whole. It is also important to consider the circumstances in which the events took place.

Good purpose

Under different conditions, the same action can be both praiseworthy and immoral. So you need to be flexible and be able to grasp the demands of the world around you, while at the same time not losing your own head on your shoulders. A moral act denies self-interest and profit, although there is nothing wrong with achieving one's desires in a righteous way.

The most important thing is that you do not harm others. Only the result that will not cause harm to other people should be achieved. There is a fine line between improvement, reaching new heights and selfish behavior, excessive individualism. You need to feel it and try not to cross it.


Only a morally developed person can carry out moral actions. Examples of these can often be found in literary works or films, which carry a certain charge of wisdom to the reader and viewer. In any novel or story there are heroes whose behavior can be rewarded for courage, dedication, and ethics. This is how we learn about the sublime purpose of the individual.

All this happens against the backdrop of a certain era, its way of life and ideas about correct and sinful behavior. In order to make the reader think, the authors create situations in which the characters on the pages of the books commit moral actions. Examples of them abound in the novel War and Peace, written by Tolstoy.

We can talk about a whole chain of difficult moral problems that are resolved in the course of the story. Even looking at the life of one of the main characters, A. Bolkonsky, one can notice moments of perfect peace, which are replaced by military difficulties. He selflessly sacrifices his own life for the sake of his native land, which deserves all praise and approval.

Proper education

You can also learn a lot about morality and spiritual purity from a large number of fairy tales. Take the same “Cinderella” written by Charles Perrault. The main character is hardworking, despite all the bullying, she helps her relatives who do not love her. Anger and hatred do not appear in her heart.

Of course, you shouldn’t let others push you around, but letting go of a grudge is truly a skill that everyone should learn. It is very important to maintain peace and purity in your soul. This is a feat for the benefit of not only those around you, but also your own heart in the first place.

Life is full of sharp turns, but this should not knock a good person off his feet, he should remain strong and persistent without losing his love for the world. Another storehouse of wisdom for children, and for adults as well, can be considered the story “The Scarlet Flower,” written by Aksakov. There is love for the main character’s father, and the ability to see things hidden behind appearances and bright attributes, to look into the inner world of even the most terrible monster.

Not only did Anastasia surrender for the sake of her family, she also managed to feel the brightest sides of her new owner’s personality and helped him return to balance and beauty. A truly pure, kind person can do this.

The meaning of moral values

Thanks to moral guidelines and values, people have the opportunity to determine their own position in front of their loved ones, friends, society and themselves, while simultaneously forming a personal attitude towards such categories as good and evil, deceit and honesty, morality and immorality, etc. The primary function of morality is to regulate human behavior in society and regulate the relationship between the individual and society. An additional function of morality includes its promotion of the formation of individual consciousness, as well as its influence on the formation processes:

  • a person’s views regarding the meaning of life;
  • the range of obligations of the individual to society;
  • need to respect others.

Through the morality of consciousness, a person’s behavior pattern begins to be consistent with moral norms. A characteristic distinguishing feature of moral values ​​is their control over the consciousness and activity of an individual in a number of important areas of life, including:

  • sphere of life;
  • interpersonal, family and work relationships;
  • communication with other people.

A person encounters all of the above aspects every day, therefore, it is on moral ideas that his behavioral model is built, his relationship with the surrounding reality and people.

Look inside yourself

The system of values ​​and aspirations of an individual should always remain harmonious and not interfere with the development of either the person or the world around him. You need to cultivate pure convictions, strive for good goals, not go over your head, but achieve everything through legal means, strive for self-development and show will.

Every person wants to express themselves, but this must be done in constructive ways that do not destroy anything in the process. You are free to do as you please. Since every person, deep down in his soul, wants everyone to be happy and live in peace, you should listen to your deepest impulses, and you will find the right path.


Types of moral values

Moral values ​​are divided into several categories. They can be individual, group and universal; depending on the type of relationship, they are divided into complementary and mutually exclusive.

Modern scientists consider universal human norms to be dominant in relation to group values, since universal human values ​​are more universal , objective, impartial and universal, although they are capable of intraspecific transition, and even of losing their former significance and meaning when external conditions change, for example, in the process of modernization society.

The self-improvement of a particular individual is inextricably linked with his observance of the principles of morality, and this observance must be strict and constant. To truly become a better person, a person should try to be kinder, more attentive and caring to the people around him. In addition, it will be useful for everyone to be honest with others and with themselves, try to control their own emotions, thoughts and actions, not give up their principles and fulfill their obligations.


FULL NAME. teachers Andreeva Nadezhda Valentinovna

School number, district school No. 267 Admiralteysky district

Educational set (system of textbooks, author of the textbook, pages in the textbook.) Series “Russian School”, “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics” pp. 41-42

Lesson topic: “Moral act”

Purpose and objectives of the lesson

feelings, emotions, thoughts;

Lesson type: problem-dialogical.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard

1.Teacher's introductory speech

- Fine. Let's find out if we are right. Open the textbook to page. Read the topic of the lesson. We wrote down the topic in our notebook.

2.Working with information

-Read about the action in the textbook (reading out loud)

-What do you think can be called a moral act? What about immoral? (Children give their own specific examples, justifying them)

- So, a moral act is only that action of a person that he performs, guided by moral ideals and values. A moral act has special characteristics.

-Read the paragraph in the textbook and fill out the diagram of a moral act (its five components).

Each student has a plan

The same diagram on the interactive whiteboard.

-Let's check what kind of diagram you got (The teacher writes the words into the diagram, and the children check). As we fill out the diagram, we discuss each point (as we understand what we read).

- What is a motive? (Children's answers). Fine. Written down in notebooks

Motive (from the Latin word movere - to set in motion) is an incentive to activity.

-What is a goal? (Children's answers). Fine. Written down in notebooks

-What are funds? (Children's answers). Fine. Written down in notebooks

The means to achieve a goal are what can make an action moral or immoral.

- Guys, think about who can perform a moral act?

—Have you committed a moral act? Which?

-So, what is a “moral act”, do you think?

—What special characteristics does a moral act have?

(motive, goal, means, action itself, result)

A moral act is only that action of a person that he performs, guided by moral ideals and values. A moral act has special characteristics.

Motive (from the Latin word movere - to set in motion) is an incentive to activity.

The means to achieve a goal are what can make an action moral or immoral.

3.Inclusion of additional information in the main material

-You have a text on your desk (see appendix). What is the name of? Who is author? Let's read it (reading aloud; “Kitten” by Leo Tolstoy)

-Do you know this work? (Yes)

-What can you say about Vasya? What is he like?

-What does it mean to “go as soon as I could”?

-Can we blame Katya for running away?

-Did Katya do the right thing? When answering the question, put yourself in Katya’s place.

-Why did the guys take the kitten with them?

-Was the kitten in danger? Which? Whose fault is it? What children?

-What feelings did you experience while listening to the story?

-What moment in the story, in your opinion, was the most tense and disturbing?

-By writing this story, L.N. Tolstoy wanted us, his readers, to understand one very important thing. Which one?

These kind deeds should not leave you indifferent

There is no better example of kindness in our world than spontaneous acts of kindness from complete strangers. Kind people helping each other for no reason can really renew your faith in humanity.

These photographs show that all people - no matter how much money or time they have - can have a significant impact on others and help make our world a better place.

1. Graduates of the “Boiko Author’s School” in Kharkov have been refusing expensive proms for the 3rd year. And the saved funds are used to help young children with heart pathologies. Giving a gift of life to a person is much more important than celebrating a graduation party in a fashionable dress in a restaurant.

2. A young Egyptian girl helps a street vendor's child learn to read and write every day.

3. A kind neighbor made sure that water did not get into this car during a sudden downpour. On the note, “You left the window open, so I covered it with a bag to keep it dry inside. Have a nice day, your neighbor Gilligan."

4. On Valentine's Day, a stranger made a timely and kind gesture. The inscription on the sign is “Free flowers for your loved ones.”

5. A gentleman helps 3 elderly ladies walk to their car in the pouring rain using a table umbrella.

6. A woman bought 2 portions of food from a street vendor and gave one to a homeless person. She sat down next to him, introduced herself and began asking the man about his life, treating him as an equal and showing basic human compassion.

7. This postman loves to make people smile. “I am a postman. Sometimes I put notes like this in strangers' mailboxes. On the note: “Hey, remember that you are a wonderful person and you can achieve anything you want. Have an amazing day!”

8. This fireman risked his life to save a grateful woman's cat.

9. Dry cleaning workers help unemployed people get jobs. The sign reads, “If you're unemployed and need your clothes cleaned for a job interview, we'll do it for free.”

10. The Spanish athlete slowed down to support his opponent and help him finish.

11. Even snapping turtles sometimes need help to cross the road safely.

12. A brave policeman handcuffed himself to a woman who wanted to jump down and threw away the key. This saved her life.

13. Cameron Lyle was a college star who wanted to become a professional athlete. He trained hard for 8 years to reach the finals... But he gave up this chance when he learned that he could become a bone marrow donor for a man with leukemia who had only a few months to live. Cameron didn’t hesitate; he saved the stranger by giving up the championship that was decisive in his life.

14. Spectators help a young man in a wheelchair enjoy the concert along with everyone else.

15. This policeman went beyond his official powers.

16. A world-class marathon runner, finishing first, slows down to help a disabled person drink water, sacrificing the prize for victory.

17. The boy won a competition for collecting waste paper and rags. And he gave his huge prize to a little neighbor battling leukemia. “How much chemotherapy can you buy for $1,000?” the boy asks his mother.

18. A diamond ring accidentally fell into this beggar's cup. But he honestly returned the ring to the owner, who, in gratitude, organized a fundraiser so that this honest man could change his life and get back on his feet.

19. A soldier saved a little rabbit and raised it until it became possible to release the little rabbit into the wild.

20. A colleague makes amends for his mistake. On the note: “Hey, please accept my apologies for stealing this container of chicken and rice yesterday because I thought it was my wife's lunch. But when I got into the car after work, I discovered that I had left my container on the seat.

I feel awkward and I want you to know that I don't steal my coworkers' lunches. Please accept my apologies and let me pay for your lunch today. PS The chicken and rice were amazingly delicious.”

21. When her opponent was injured during a running competition, this athlete helped her cross the finish line.

After all, the world is not such a bad place... There are many good people in it who are always ready to help you if you stumble. Share your experience and spread happiness by sharing this article.

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