The influence of communication on human life

Types of communication in psychology - what they include, its functions

The outside world constantly influences a person’s personality. The content of communication is the product transmitted in the process of interpersonal or group communication. The content of communication has both positive and negative effects on the psyche.

For example, if adults build pedagogical interaction with their pupil in a calm, measured style, then the child will be distinguished by balance, prudence, and self-confidence. If a child is constantly in a frantic and restless environment, he will grow up to be an unbalanced person prone to hysteria.

Communication between parents and children

The positive structure of communication with a partner is a whole science that will help you achieve the main goals of communication without stress.

Here are a few short rules for positive communication:

  • Making eye contact. Words, of course, are very important, but an open and direct look will convince the interlocutor of the sincerity of intentions. While a bored and shifty gaze will make you doubt a person’s honesty and integrity.
  • The use of gestures should be justified depending on the purpose and style of communication (gestures that are appropriate on vacation with friends will look ridiculous at an official meeting).
  • Communication is built in the form of dialogue (polylogue), rather than monologue. If they ask a question, they first listen to the answer, and only then express their attitude to the issue under discussion (monologue speech is acceptable during lectures, reports and speeches).
  • Excessive complaints and reproaches make communication toxic.
  • The interlocutor is not always ready to accept truthful information presented in a direct and categorical form, so you need to carefully consider the feasibility of transmitting information and choose the form of presenting the material.

Important! The rule “a person has 2 ears and 1 mouth” means that you need to listen more than talk in order to be considered a pleasant conversationalist among others.

virtual communication

At all times, the role of communication in personality development has been colossal. In modern society, it is probably more difficult for a person to find solitude than to suffer from a lack of communication, which is increasingly moving from direct to remote form. Virtual communication is a wonderful invention of mankind, making it easier to communicate with people at a great distance from each other and quickly solving many communication problems.

Psychologists have already noted the negative consequences of such communication: long-term communication on social networks or by phone complicates direct communication. People who find a lot of topics to talk about over the phone find themselves with nothing to talk about when they meet directly. In addition, virtual communication does not impose the same responsibility on partners as direct communication (for example, so-called “trolling,” when negative or even offensive comments are made on any event, most often goes unpunished, and in direct communication such words will be severely condemned) , which also negatively affects the psyche.

If an adult is an already formed personality who is well aware of the pitfalls of virtual communication, then for the unstable psyche of a child or teenager this type of communication can be disastrous. Not knowing the value of direct communication, the child plunges headlong into the virtual space, where he sees his importance and knows the rules of communication accepted in his host community.

It is not for nothing that doctors call for limiting the time a child works with modern gadgets - this not only affects the physical health of children, but also provokes the emergence of one of the most intractable addictions - computer addiction. The task of adults is not only to provide financially for their child, but also to show the beauty of direct communication, to point out the dangers of the virtual world and its difference from reality. Domestic educational psychologists note that children with computer addiction have no idea how to relate to peers in the class, lag behind in many subjects, are irritable and unbalanced.

Positive interactions with peers

Pedagogy presents many schemes for communicating with students that contribute to the correct formation of communication skills.

Thus, communication is an integral component of human life in society. It affects a person's character, personality and quality of life. Initial communication skills are formed in infancy, then develop and improve throughout a person’s life.

Functions and purposes of communication

There are three functions of communication:

  • regulatory - a change in behavior by one person from another (for example, a boss gives a subordinate some order);
  • informational – transfer of information to each other;
  • affective – interchange of emotions.

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The goals of communication can be divided into functional and objective.

The functional goals of communication include:

  • changing the opinion, intentions, behavior of another person;
  • searching for a person who can give support, praise, sympathy, understanding, emotional response;
  • helping another person;
  • getting help;
  • self-expression (communication with those who give the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, resourcefulness, ingenuity, and abilities);
  • searching for a partner for joint activities, conversation, games, and so on (i.e., a partner for interaction);
  • introducing another (others) to one’s own or universal values ​​(education, training).

The objective goals of communication include the search for an interlocutor - a person who can give exactly what is needed.

As for communication functions, they can be divided into the following types:

  • informational;
  • expressive;
  • regulatory;
  • socialization;
  • social control.

Soviet psychologist Boris Fedorovich Lomov also identifies other functions of communication, which other specialists define as the goals of communication. These include:

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  • establishing and developing interpersonal relationships;
  • organization of joint activities;
  • knowledge of the personal characteristics of the interlocutor.

If we consider the generally accepted functions of communication, then the information function is responsible for receiving and transmitting information from one person to another. The expressive function is responsible for adopting the emotional state of another person, because Often a person needs communication in order to change his emotional state. The regulatory function is needed to influence a participant in interpersonal communication in order to change his behavior for the better, but this influence must necessarily be mutual. The socialization function is important because of the formation of a single whole in the team. For successful “survival” it is necessary to take into account the interests of others, express goodwill, and take actions aimed at improving relations in the team. The social control function is responsible for establishing norms of behavior and penalties for non-compliance.

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