Structure of communication table – Structure of communication – diagram, table – Schemo.RF

types of styles, how they are characterized, table

Human life cannot be imagined without communication. However, it does not always go smoothly. The science of psychology deals with specific problems that arise in the process of communication. Scientists argue that mutually satisfactory communication is subject to certain laws, the observance of which significantly helps to build a constructive dialogue.


Concept and types of interpersonal communication

If relationships are defined through the concept of “connection,” then communication is understood as a multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between individuals. At the initial stage of interaction with a person, it is advisable to establish what type of communication he is configured for. In psychology, there is a classification of communication depending on its goals, means and content.

According to the goals, a distinction is made between biological communication, aimed at satisfying the biological needs of the individual, and social communication, which involves the establishment and deepening of interpersonal contacts and spiritual development.

Based on the means of information transmission used, the following types of communication in psychology are distinguished:

  • Verbal – that is, carried out through speech, language, signs.
  • Nonverbal – communication through body language, facial expressions, intonation, images.

Important! The transfer of information occurs mainly through non-verbal means. Therefore, the ability to correctly interpret sensorimotor signals is the most important condition for effective interaction.

You can sometimes learn more by reading your interlocutor's body language than by listening to his words.

According to the content, there are the following types and functions of communication:

  • Material – exchange between people of the products of their individual activities.
  • Cognitive - transferring information and knowledge to each other, for example, how much a product costs, how to solve a mathematical problem.
  • Activity - the exchange of skills and abilities carried out in the process of joint activities.
  • Motivational – transferring certain motivations and attitudes to each other. An example would be trying to persuade a friend to go to a certain movie.
  • Conditional or emotional communication is the transfer of emotions in order to change the mental state of the interlocutor.

Also in psychology there are several types of communication:

  • Dialogue is a full-fledged two-way exchange of transactions (units of communication).
  • Frontal communication (control) - when transactions go in one direction from the speaker to many listeners. For example, when a student asks a question to a teacher, a kind of dialogue may arise between them. But the type of communication remains frontal, since the principle “one speaks - the rest are silent” remains.
  • Indirect communication – transactions go in both directions through information recorded in the form of text, diagram, sound or video.

Functions of different communication styles

Psychology first started talking about communication styles in 1939.
Psychologist Kurt Lewin led a group of scientists involved in leadership research. As part of the study, a group of students was divided into three teams, each of which was led by a person using a certain style of pedagogical communication:

  • Authoritarian, when the teacher alone makes and cancels decisions. Students' opinions are not listened to. The predominant methods of motivation are orders, comments, and punishments. This style allows you to react as quickly as possible to changing circumstances.

Authoritarian management style does not allow dissent

  • Democratic, when the teacher makes decisions taking into account the opinion of the group. Management is carried out through requests and wishes. This allows you to create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere for group members.
  • Liberal-permissive, when the teacher strives to reduce the level of his participation in the life of the class to a minimum. Students are given complete freedom to make decisions and control their implementation.

The study found that the lax communication style was the least effective. The children demanded instructions from the leader, lost motivation to study, and were extremely reluctant to interact together.

Note! It cannot be said that a liberal style of interaction with a subordinate group of people will always produce bad results. Thus, in a family where parents adhere to an exclusively authoritarian parenting style, children grow up with a weak position in life or increased aggressiveness. Democratic style requires a lot of time for joint decision making. Ideally, you need to be able to switch from one communication style to another depending on the situation.

The work of K. Levin is still used in pedagogy and management activities. Also, when determining business communication styles, S. Bratchenko’s classification is used.

Style Features:

  • Dialogical style – cooperation on equal terms.
  • Authoritarian – a person strives for constant dominance over others.
  • Alterocentric – sacrificing one’s interests for the sake of the interests of other participants in the interaction.
  • Conformal – characterized by the individual’s focus on imitation and adjustment to the partner.
  • Manipulative – others act only as a means to achieve personal goals.
  • Indifferent – ​​avoiding communication as such, focusing on “purely business” issues.

Additional Information. Your characteristic style of interpersonal communication can be identified by taking S.L. Bratchenko’s questionnaire, L.N.’s individual typological questionnaire. Sobchik.

Psychological structure of communication

Communication structure

When characterizing the structure of communication, three sides are usually distinguished:

  • Perceptual, when the individual perceives and evaluates social objects (partner, communities of people). The success of organizing coordinated actions with him depends on the degree of understanding of the interlocutor’s behavior.
  • Communicative, when a person’s actions are consciously oriented towards their semantic perception by other people. Communicative influence is possible only when people communicate using a single system of meaning.
  • Interactive – building a general interaction strategy. This is no longer just communication, but joint activity, mutual influence of contacting individuals on each other.

All aspects of communication are interconnected and interdependent.

What determines the choice of communication style?

The choice of form of address to the interlocutor is usually determined by his social status, personal characteristics, purpose and situation of the communication process. Psychiatrist A. Dobrovich, when conflicts arise, recommends moving to a higher level of communication than that of the interlocutor. This technique disarms the opponent and allows you to enter into a normal dialogue with him.

The scientist identifies seven levels or types of interpersonal communication in accordance with the criterion of “ethical impeccability.” The lowest and most undesirable in this typology is primitive interaction, the most effective is spiritual communication.

Important! A person may not be fully aware, but he always feels, at least at the subconscious level, whether he, his fate and interests are valuable to the interlocutor, and reacts accordingly: he behaves more aggressively, manipulatively, or drops his masks and begins to cooperate.

Manipulative level of communication

Table of communication types

Levels of Communicationa brief description of
SpiritualThe partner is treated as a carrier of spirituality. Freedom of expression for communication participants is unlimited.
BusinessAt this level, there is no need for masks or games. The common cause comes first.
GameThere is a keen interest in the personal characteristics of the partner, based on sympathy for him.
ConventionalThere is an attitude toward open communication and adherence to ethical standards of interaction.
StandardizedInteraction is superficial, standard, formal. This is “mask contact”. What kind of communication can there be here? For example, feigned-aggressive, formally polite. True thoughts and feelings are hidden.
ManipulativeIn communication, only personal gain is pursued. A partner is an opponent in a psychological game that must definitely be won.
PrimitiveA partner is perceived as a thing that can be used or thrown away as unnecessary.

Interesting about the psychology of communication

Communication, as psychologists say, is one of the basic human needs. Full development of personality occurs only in society. Children who experienced extreme social isolation during preschool years and were raised by animals are virtually unable to communicate meaningfully, despite years later spent in human society.

To interact effectively, you not only need to skillfully master speech and psychological techniques, but also learn to actively listen. People often interrupt their interlocutor because everyone assumes that they know what their partner is going to talk about. Practice shows that this is usually nothing more than our delusion. Therefore, it is important to give the opponent the opportunity to fully express his thoughts.

The skill of active listening is as important as the ability to convey your thoughts to your interlocutor.

Speaking and listening are the two most important and equally important skills of verbal competence. A sincere desire to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation is the foundation for successful communication.


Definition, structure and means of communication

Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities.

Communication includes the exchange of information between its participants, which can be characterized as the communicative side of communication. The second side of communication is the interaction of those communicating - the exchange in the process of speech not only of words, but also of actions and deeds. And finally, the third side of communication involves the perception of those communicating with each other.

The structure of communication can be represented as a triune process, including:

— communicative (transmission, exchange of information);

— interactive (interaction);

- perceptual (mutual perception) side.

Considered in the unity of these three sides, communication acts as a way of organizing joint activities and relationships between the people involved in it. [1, p.6]

1. Communication is a specific exchange of information, the process of transmitting emotional and intellectual content.

Communication in modern conditions is the basis of life support for every company, organization, and enterprise. Management experts believe that 63% of English, 73% of American, 85% of Japanese managers highlight communication as the main condition for achieving the effectiveness of their organizations, and the managers themselves spend from 50 to 90% of their time on it.

Thanks to communication, information is collected, analyzed and systematized both within the enterprise and outside it, and the necessary level of interaction with business partners, competing firms, consumers, suppliers, financiers, and clients is ensured. [6, p.11]

In the communication process, verbal and non-verbal means of communication are distinguished.

There is a peculiar division of functions between verbal and nonverbal means of communication: pure information is transmitted through the verbal channel, and the attitude towards the communication partner is transmitted through the verbal channel. [2, p.35]

Verbal communication occurs through speech. Speech refers to natural sound language, i.e. a system of phonetic signs that includes two principles - lexical and syntactic. Speech is the most universal means of communication, since when transmitting information with its help, the meaning of communication is least lost. Thanks to it, information is encoded and decoded.

Although speech is a universal means of business communication, it acquires significance only if it is included in the system of activity. Speech is necessarily supplemented by non-speech sign systems. [1, p.8]

Nonverbal communication is structurally represented by the following systems: visual, acoustic, tactile and olfactory (Figure 1).

Visual types of communication include gestures (kinesics), facial expressions, postures (pantomime), skin reactions (redness, paleness, sweating), spatiotemporal organization of communication (proxemics), as well as auxiliary means of communication - emphasizing or hiding body features (signs). gender, age, race); means of transforming the natural physique (clothing, hairstyle, cosmetics, glasses, jewelry, tattoos, mustache, beard, small objects in the hands). This also includes such a specific form of business communication as eye contact. These gross motor movements of different parts of the body reflect a person's emotional reactions, making communication more nuanced.

The acoustic system is divided into the following aspects: The paralinguistic system is the vocalization system, i.e. voice timbre, range, tonality. Extralinguistic system - the inclusion of pauses in speech, as well as other means, for example, coughing, crying, laughter, speech rate.

Tactile: (takeshika) - touching, shaking hands, hugging, kissing.

Olfactory - pleasant and unpleasant odors of the environment

(natural and artificial human odors).

Figure 1 Nonverbal communication

Each individual sign system represents a certain lever in establishing correct (correct), situation-dependent, contact with subordinates, the ability to influence his psyche and his internal state without direct intervention.

2. Interaction – organization of interaction between people.

The main components of this process are the people themselves, their mutual connection and influence on each other, implying mutual changes.

The following types of interaction are distinguished:

— group integration (joint work activity, cooperation);

- competition (rivalry),

— conflict.

The specificity of interaction is that each participant retains his autonomy and can ensure self-regulation of his communicative actions.

Interaction consists of actions, which, in turn, consist of the following elements: the acting subject, the object of the action or the subject on whom the influence is directed, the means or instruments of influence, the method of action or the method of using the means of influence, the reaction of the person being influenced, or result of action.

When interacting, physical contact, joint organization of the spatial environment and movement in it, joint group or mass action, verbal and non-verbal information contact are carried out. [6, p.13]

3. Perception is a process of perception that promotes mutual understanding between participants in communication.

The perception of social objects has specifics:

— the perceived person seeks to transform his self-image in a direction favorable to his goals;

— the perceiver’s attention is focused primarily on semantic and evaluative (including causal) interpretations of the object;

- greater dependence of perception on motivational and semantic activity and its connection with affects.

A person becomes aware of himself through another person through certain mechanisms of interpersonal perception, which include:

— knowledge and understanding of each other by people (identification, empathy, attraction);

— self-knowledge in the process of communication (reflection);

— predicting the behavior of a communication partner (causal attribution).

Identification is a way of knowing another person, in which an assumption about his internal state is built on the basis of attempts to put oneself in the place of a communication partner.

Empathy is emotional empathy for another. Empathy is based on the ability to correctly imagine what is happening in the soul of another person, what he is experiencing, how he evaluates the world around him.

Attraction is a form of knowing another person, based on the formation of a stable positive feeling towards him. In this case, understanding a communication partner arises through the formation of an attachment to him, a friendly or deeper intimate-personal relationship.

Reflection is a mechanism of self-knowledge in the process of communication, which is based on a person’s ability to imagine how he perceives his communication partner.

Causal attribution is a mechanism for interpreting the actions and feelings of another person (the desire to find out the reasons for the subject’s behavior).

The perceptual function of communication in joint activities is aimed at solving the following tasks:

— formation of the content of interpersonal perception;

— promoting mutual understanding;

— ensuring the influence of participants in joint activities on each other. [6, p.13]

An important aspect of the perceptual function is ensuring the influence of other people on each other, as a result of which behavior, attitudes, intentions, and assessments change. [6, p.15]

Concept of communication. Structure of communication.


is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities. Communication includes the exchange of information between its participants, which can be characterized as the communicative side of communication. The second side of communication is the interaction of those communicating - the exchange in the process of speech not only of words, but also of actions and deeds. And finally, the third side of communication involves the perception of those communicating with each other.

The category “communication” is one of the central ones in psychological science, along with the categories “thinking”, “activity”, “personality”, “relationships”.

Given the complexity of communication, it is necessary to somehow indicate its structure

so that analysis of each element is then possible. The structure of communication can be approached in different ways, as well as the definition of its functions. We propose to characterize the structure of communication by identifying three interrelated aspects in it: communicative, interactive and perceptual.

The communicative side of communication

, or communication in the narrow sense of the word, consists of the exchange of information between communicating individuals.

Interactive side

consists in organizing interaction between communicating individuals, i.e. in the exchange of not only knowledge, ideas, but also actions.

Perceptual side

communication means the process of perception and knowledge of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis.

The role of communication in human life.

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, consisting of the exchange of information, as well as the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person transmitting information is called a communicator, and the person receiving it is called a recipient.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to ample opportunities for learning, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, and would be doomed to remain a half-animal until the end of his life, only externally, anatomically and physiologically reminiscent of a person. There are numerous testimonies to this; facts described in the literature and showing that, being deprived of communication with his own kind, the human individual, even if he, as an organism, is completely preserved, nevertheless remains a biological being in his mental development. As an example, we can cite the conditions of people who are found from time to time among animals and who for a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already as adults, as a result of an accident found themselves alone, isolated for a long time from their own kind ( for example, after a shipwreck). Communication with adults in the early stages of ontogenesis is especially important for the mental development of a child. At this time, he acquires all his human, mental and behavioral qualities almost exclusively through communication, since until the start of school, and even more definitely before adolescence, he is deprived of the ability for self-education and self-education. The mental development of a child begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that arises in ontogenesis and thanks to which the baby receives the information necessary for its individual development.

Communication structure

Definition 1
The structure of communication is a set of basic elements that form the communication process, while communication itself is the interaction of 2 or more people for the purpose of exchanging information.

In social psychology, the category of communication is basic and includes the transmission and reception of information, perception of a communication partner, and influencing him.

Communication is a system of social and interpersonal relations of a person. All living beings communicate with each other, but only at the human level does communication acquire perfect forms, become conscious and mediated by speech.

The structure of communication includes the following main components:

  • subject,
  • content,
  • facilities,
  • motivation and purpose,
  • way of interaction,
  • result.

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In inter-individual contacts, living beings transmit information or content to each other - this can be information about their emotional state - anger, joy, sadness, or internal motivation. People can also transmit information about personal needs, information about help, etc.

Information is transmitted in order to set up a living being or person for contacts.

The content of communication in animals can be very different - a signal about danger, about the presence of food, about someone’s presence, etc. Of course, in humans it is much broader and multidisciplinary. The number of communication goals among people is increasing significantly, and it is a means of satisfying social, cultural, creative, aesthetic, and cognitive needs.

Animal communication is defined as ways of encoding, processing and decoding information transmitted during communication. Information can also be transmitted through direct bodily contacts, touching the body and its other parts.

A person can transmit and perceive information at a distance using the senses. An important way for humans to transmit information is language, writing, and technical means of recording.

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Human means of communication are divided into groups:

  • speech means, i.e. linguistic;
  • kinetic means - gestures, facial expressions, pantomime;
  • paralinguistic means, i.e. voice, its tonality, range;
  • extralinguistic – laughter, crying, rate of speech, pause;
  • spatio-temporal means.

The following phases are distinguished in the dynamics of communication:

  1. the need for communication and determining its purpose, what exactly needs to be achieved;
  2. the subject's entry into a communicative situation;
  3. orientation in the personality of the interlocutor and in the communication situation;
  4. planning content and means of communication;
  5. developing a position regarding a communication partner;
  6. interaction phase;
  7. assessment and perception of the interlocutor’s responses;
  8. adjustment of methods and communication style;
  9. leaving contact.

Note 1

Communication will be ineffective and will be ineffective if one of the links in the act of communication is broken.

Definition, goals, means and types of communication. Structure of communication.

In psychology, communication is defined as a complex process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs for joint activities and including the exchange of information of a cognitive (cognitive) or emotional-evaluative (affective) nature.

In addition to the exchange of information, during communication the development of a unified strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of the other person is carried out. Communication is the basic form of human existence. The absence or lack of communication can cause deformation of the psyche and personality.

Although in a certain sense, loneliness can also be useful and necessary for a person’s mental health. For example, loneliness can be useful for rethinking your relationships with people or realizing the value of communication. Some peoples have a custom of leaving young men who have reached a certain age alone for some time. This test helps to understand how difficult it is to live alone, young people begin to value relationships with other people more.

Solitude is practiced for human self-improvement in many Japanese practices. The technique of cultivation through solitude is called “moritao.”

It is considered one of the most difficult, although a person is not subjected to any physical deprivation. The essence of this technique is to live in a cave for a week. At the same time, it is forbidden to talk even to yourself. Those who have gone through this test then rejoice at every meeting and communication with other people. But what is especially interesting is that their need not so much to speak as to listen and empathize becomes more acute.

However, as already mentioned, excess loneliness leads to mental and personality disorders. This can be confirmed
by repeatedly described cases of solo travel.
In 1952, French traveler Alain Bombard crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the Heretic inflatable boat. His goal was to prove that a shipwrecked person can survive, relying only on his own strength. It should be noted that A. Bombar made his journey without water and food. He believed that the ocean contained everything necessary for survival.

His diary contains the following entry: “Complete loneliness is unbearable. Woe to him who is alone! It seems to me that loneliness is falling on me from all sides, immeasurable, boundless, like an ocean, as if my heart suddenly became the center of gravity for this “nothing”, which then seemed to me “everything”... Nothing can break the ring of loneliness; this is more difficult to do than to approach the horizon. From time to time I begin to speak loudly in order to at least hear my voice, but this only makes me feel even more alone, in distress in an ocean of silence.”15

In 1938, Englishman Richard Bard

spent six months in a hut among the ice of Antarctica.
He wanted to find out how prolonged solitude affects a person. But already in the fourth month of his experiment, R. Bard fell into deep depression. “I think that a person cannot do without communication with other people, just as he cannot live without phosphorus and calcium... All actions seemed to me unfinished, incomplete, aimless, devoid of connection with internal experiences or desires... Hundreds of bitter, obsessive memories floated over me at night... My thoughts required fewer and fewer words, I didn’t cut my hair for months, I became absent-minded... I was looking for peace and spiritual enrichment here, but now I clearly see that I find only disappointment and hopelessness”6. These facts confirm the need for communication for people's mental health.
Lack of communication leads to depression and loss of basic everyday culture skills. At the same time, a feeling of loneliness can arise when surrounded by people. That is, loneliness is a psychological state that people can experience even in a situation of intense communication.”


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The social meaning of communication is that it acts as a means of transmitting forms of culture and social experience. The psychological meaning of communication is determined by the fact that in its process the subjective world of one person is revealed to another person and a change occurs in the feelings, thoughts, and behavior of interacting people.

In communication, a number of aspects can be distinguished: content, goal, means .
The content of communication refers to information that is transmitted from one person to another.
The purpose of communication is understood as that for which people enter into communication.

Communication goals:

  • Receiving and transmitting information
  • Activation of partners
  • Relieving tension
  • Managing your actions
  • Providing assistance and influencing a communication partner.

The goals of communication participants may coincide or contradict, or exclude each other. The nature of communication also depends on this.

Communication means are a way of transmitting information in the process of communication.

The following means of communication are distinguished:

  • verbal
    (oral and written speech) - Oral speech has its own rules; its main advantage is economy (requires fewer words), and its disadvantage is polysemy and speech errors. Written speech requires accuracy and responsibility.
  • non-verbal (non-verbal means) – the following groups are distinguished here:

- visual (movement, direction of gaze, eye expression, face, posture, skin reactions /redness, perspiration/, distance /distance, angle of rotation/, clothing, cosmetics, jewelry);

- acoustic (related to speech /intonation, timbre, pitch, pauses/, not related to speech /laughter, crying, sighs/);

- tactile (physical impact /contact dance/, takevika /shaking hands, clapping on the shoulder/).

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