35. Social and psychological mechanisms of influence in the process of communication

35. Social and psychological mechanisms of influence in the process of communication

Infection –

this is an unconscious, spontaneous form of inclusion of the individual in empathy for a general mental state with a large group of people at the same time, as well as a method of influence leading to such a state.

The phenomenon of infection most often occurs in an unorganized community (crowd), which itself contributes to its intensification.

The mechanism of infection can manifest itself in mass outbreaks of various mental states that arise during situations of panic, sports excitement, ritual dances, religious ecstasy, etc.

The basis of infection is the emotional impact of the inductor (the carrier of the emotional charge) under conditions of direct contact. When infected, a strong mental and emotional charge is transmitted, which, passing through interaction channels, is intensified many times over, creating a mental background of infection.

Infection functions:

1) strengthening group cohesion, if such cohesion already exists;

2) compensation for insufficient cohesion.

Suggestion –

This is a socio-psychological mechanism of targeted, unreasoned influence, focused on the formation of a general mental state and incentives for individual or mass action.

Suggestion is characterized by uncritical perception of information and is carried out by verbal means based on a person’s emotional readiness to receive an attitude to action. Children, people with a dominant situational mental attitude, those who are unsure of themselves, tired or weakened are susceptible to suggestion.

Conditions necessary for effective suggestion:

1) the authority of the source of information;

2) trust in him;

3) lack of resistance to suggestive influence.

Distinctive features of suggestion:

1) the suggestor (suggestor) himself is not in the same emotional state as the suggestible (suggestor);

2) suggestion is a personalized emotional-volitional influence;

3) suggestion is verbal in nature and does not require proof or logic.

Belief -

This is a socio-psychological mechanism of communication, built on a system of logical evidence focused on a critical personality.

Conditions for the effectiveness of persuasive influence:

1) the content and form of the belief correspond to the level of age-related development of the individual;

2) persuasion is built taking into account the individual characteristics of the addressee;

3) the belief is consistent and demonstrative;

4) belief contains generalizing and specific facts;

5) persuasion is based on the mind of the person being convinced, his experience and knowledge;

6) the person who persuades deeply believes in what he convinces;

7) the interest of the person to whom the impact is addressed.

Distinctive features of persuasion:

1) persuasion is focused on the formation of the conscious activity of the person being convinced;

2) when convinced, the recipient of information draws conclusions independently;

3) persuasion is predominantly an intellectual influence.

Imitation –

This is the reproduction by one person of certain patterns of behavior of another person or group of people.

Types of imitation:

1) logical and non-logical;

2) internal and external;

3) imitation-fashion and imitation-custom.

Laws of imitation:

1) internal models cause imitation earlier than external ones;

2) those lower on the social ladder imitate those higher.

Ways to imitate:

1) when new reactions arise through observation of the model;

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2) when observing a model being rewarded or punished increases or decreases inhibited behavior;

3) when observation of a model contributes to the actualization of patterns of behavior previously known to the observer.

Mechanisms of influence in the process of communication

Definition 1
Communication mechanisms are socio-psychological processes that arise from the mutual influence of interlocutors on each other and have a certain impact on communicative activity, the nature and effectiveness of communicative behavior.

This definition is partially similar to the generally accepted interpretation of the term mechanism, used for both natural and social phenomena. It is applicable for such definitions as mental infection, imitation, suggestion, persuasion, fashion, etc.

The specificity of communication mechanisms, which distinguishes them from other psychological mechanisms, is that they embody the strength and potential of intra-collective relationships of subjects with each other.

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Communication mechanisms, as a rule, are unconscious and spontaneous.

One of the main features of the communication process is the ability to influence the participants in communication.

Psychological influence is an impact on the mental, emotional state, thoughts and actions of a subject using psychological verbal or non-verbal means, which involves providing the opportunity and time to respond.

Social and psychological mechanisms of influence in the process of communication. Cheldyshova

Contagion is an unconscious, spontaneous form of inclusion of a person in the empathy of a general mental state with a large group of people at the same time, as well as a method of influence leading to such a state.

The phenomenon of infection most often occurs in an unorganized community (crowd), which itself contributes to its intensification.

The mechanism of infection can manifest itself in mass outbreaks of various mental states that arise during situations of panic, sports excitement, ritual dances, religious ecstasy, etc.

The basis of infection is the emotional impact of the inductor (the carrier of the emotional charge) under conditions of direct contact. When infected, a strong mental and emotional charge is transmitted, which, passing through interaction channels, is intensified many times over, creating a mental background of infection.

Infection functions:

1) strengthening group cohesion, if such cohesion already exists;

2) compensation for insufficient cohesion.

Suggestion is a socio-psychological mechanism of targeted, unreasoned influence, focused on the formation of a general mental state and incentives for individual or mass actions.

Suggestion is characterized by uncritical perception of information and is carried out by verbal means based on a person’s emotional readiness to receive an attitude to action. Children, people with a dominant situational mental attitude, those who are unsure of themselves, tired or weakened are susceptible to suggestion.

Conditions necessary for effective suggestion:

1) the authority of the source of information;

2) trust in him;

3) lack of resistance to suggestive influence.

Distinctive features of suggestion:

1) the suggestor (suggestor) himself is not in the same emotional state as the suggestible (suggestor);

2) suggestion is a personalized emotional-volitional influence;

3) suggestion is verbal in nature and does not require proof or logic.

Persuasion is a socio-psychological mechanism of communication, built on a system of logical evidence focused on a critically minded person.

Conditions for the effectiveness of persuasive influence:

1) the content and form of the belief correspond to the level of age-related development of the individual;

2) persuasion is built taking into account the individual characteristics of the addressee;

3) the belief is consistent and demonstrative;

4) belief contains generalizing and specific facts;

5) persuasion is based on the mind of the person being convinced, his experience and knowledge;

6) the person who persuades deeply believes in what he convinces;

7) the interest of the person to whom the impact is addressed.

Distinctive features of persuasion:

1) persuasion is focused on the formation of the conscious activity of the person being convinced;

2) when convinced, the recipient of information draws conclusions independently;

3) persuasion is predominantly an intellectual influence.

Imitation is the reproduction by one person of certain patterns of behavior of another person or group of people.

Types of imitation:

1) logical and non-logical;

2) internal and external;

3) imitation-fashion and imitation-custom.

Laws of imitation:

1) internal models cause imitation earlier than external ones;

2) those lower on the social ladder imitate those higher.

Ways to imitate:

1) when new reactions arise through observation of the model;

2) when observing a model being rewarded or punished increases or decreases inhibited behavior;

3) when observation of a model contributes to the actualization of patterns of behavior previously known to the observer.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Mechanisms of social behavior

Mechanisms of social behavior are socio-psychological regulators of behavior.
Thanks to these regulators, the personality is connected with the social environment. Definition 1

Behavior is the interaction of living things with their environment.

Behavior in relation to real conditions can be adequate or inadequate.

Inappropriate behavior may have its own reasons:

  • weaknesses of the individual;
  • pathological condition;
  • defects in education and volitional regulation;
  • splitting of real and verbal plans of command.

In behavior, two aspects are distinguished: affective or impulsive and cognitive, i.e. intellectual-volitional.

Impulsive behavior is reflexive - it is the presence of a fairly strong connection between a stimulus and a behavioral response. This reaction can manifest itself both at the genetic level and from the past experiences of the individual.

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The intellectual aspect of behavior is characterized by forecasting the possible consequences of behavior, while analyzing its most optimal options with a critical assessment of the achieved results.

The social behavior of an individual can be formed in the process of targeted education, during socialization.

In the process of socialization A.V. Petrovsky identified three stages of personality development:

  1. adaptation;
  2. integration;
  3. socialization.

Human adaptation usually coincides with childhood. During this period, the entire educational space - parents, educators, teachers - is aimed at the child as an object of social relations. This is the time of entry into the world of people - the child masters sign systems, norms and rules of behavior, learns simple forms of activity - learning to be an individual is underway.

This stage does not go well for all children; there may be difficulties in socialization, difficulties in mastering social roles. Partial isolation of the individual occurs at the stage of individualization; as a rule, it is caused by some of his isolation.

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The individual becomes a subject of social relations, capable of expressing himself as a unique individual.

The first stage is mainly associated with assimilation, and the second stage is already with reproduction in individual forms.

Individualization is characterized by contradictions between the result of adaptation and the need to fully realize one’s characteristics. At this stage, differences between people appear.

Integration is understood as a balance between the individual and society, the integration of subject-object relations of the individual with society. This process is complex because the development of society is characterized by contradictory trends.

Fortunately, for a particular person to adapt, there are optimal ways of living. At this stage, the formation of such properties occurs that are evidence of a particular person’s belonging to a particular social group.

In the process of socialization, the individual’s passive and active position develops.

With a passive position, norms are learned, and the individual is an object of social relations; with an active position, the individual not only perceives social experience, but also acts as a subject capable of integrating subject-object relations.

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