Heartbroken: advice from psychologists on how a man can survive a divorce from his wife

The process of official divorce, regardless of who initiated the breakup, is unpleasant. However, it is most difficult for a man in a situation when he is abandoned, and he is unable to do anything to save his family. “How to survive a divorce from your wife?” - this question worries representatives of the stronger sex who find themselves in a situation of family breakdown, no less than the fair half of humanity.

Do husbands regret separation?

Divorced men are a heterogeneous category, so the feelings they experience are determined by the circumstances of the breakup.

If divorce is initiated by the spouse

The reaction in this case is the most painful. Even despite the outward emotional restraint characteristic of most men, it is noticeable that such an outcome is unpleasant for them.
But whether the abandoned husband will have regrets will depend on the strength of love. If feelings have long cooled down, and only habit remains, supported by everyday comfort, then such an individual will not regret the separation for a long time.

If, having lost a woman, a man realizes that he loved her very much, and despite everything, his feelings remained, then the pain of separation will affect his life for a long time even after the official dissolution of the marriage.

If they break up due to their own fault

If the relationship is terminated on the initiative of the spouse, then most often there are no regrets about what was done. However, there are exceptions.

For example, having gone to their mistress, some expect that the love “euphoria” will never end, but in practice they discover that the other woman has her own shortcomings. Then a feeling of regret for what was lost arises.

Even if such a man does not (or cannot make) an attempt to renew his relationship with his ex, he begins to believe that his first wife was better, and he made a mistake by breaking up a completely successful marriage.

Crazy thought4

You could be the victim of some wild thought that flew into your head and caused a stir among the cockroaches. It happens. Most likely, you just wanted drive and adventure. You remember well how you picked up girls, how you could turn your head. You just need to go left.

Good news: no one forbids flirting with beautiful strangers. Do you want to boost your self-esteem? Well, go ahead. But remember: you are not 20 years old anymore. I bet that you will go to young beauties to exercise, but do they need you? That is the question. And your manners with a lonely flower and “Rafaelka” will not impress anyone. Conclusion: in order to arouse genuine interest in a girl, you need to drive up not in a classic pickup truck, but in a Mercedes. You just know... Your wife's burning eyes are much more beautiful. A woman is such a creature: the more romantic things her husband does, the brighter his wife looks.

It’s even worse with mature women: they’ve already been married and don’t want to go there anymore, believe me.

And doubts may also begin to gnaw at you. This is understandable, because it may happen that nothing changes. Well, except that now there is no wife nearby. In such a situation, it would be advisable to try an imitation divorce. Live separately. Believe me, you will immediately understand what you want. This method has saved more than one couple from divorce and at the same time allowed many to survive the separation much easier. The thing is that your spouse is unlikely to call you a super-husband and rank you as an ideal. And the likelihood that she will quickly get used to living in splendid isolation, but at the same time being in absolute happiness, is high. Yes, you yourself can catch the melancholy and understand that the thought of parting is crazy. Or maybe vice versa, you, like your wife, will taste all the fruits of a free life and become a completely happy person.

And yet, don’t rush into a new relationship like you’re in a whirlpool. Live for yourself, relax. Why dance on a rake with the persistence of a moron. Girls only at first walk with the eyes of an alluring doe. Being married, they repeat each other as if they were a carbon copy. And everything will start all over again.

How to painlessly survive a divorce from your wife if you still love?

The old truth says that love not only warms, but also burns.
Therefore, men for whom divorce means separation from their beloved suffer especially severe psychological trauma. Some bring themselves to such a state that they will no longer recover without the help of specialists. At an early stage, you should pull yourself together and listen to at least some recommendations from psychologists:

  • you should occupy all your free time with work, sports and other hobbies, interesting events, travel and meetings;
  • during the recovery period it is better to give up alcohol so as not to do anything stupid;
  • do not try to knock things out with wedges (i.e. do not start a new novel);
  • analyze the reason for the breakup;
  • pull yourself together and get rid of feelings of resentment and anger, forgive the offender.

If previous attempts to return your wife were unsuccessful, then a pause is necessary, which will give both parties time to think and weigh everything.

A man's experience of divorce

After a divorce, the spouses separate and everyone begins to live their own lives. A man, accustomed to living together and spending time together, is left alone with himself.

For most men, this situation turns out to be quite difficult, even if they themselves sought a divorce.

Unexpected and unusual loneliness often pushes men to make rash decisions.

actions and demonstrative actions that are aimed at overcoming feelings of melancholy. It is during the period after a divorce that men often begin to drink alcohol, gamble, engage in promiscuous sex, etc. Such behavior is explained by a reluctance to analyze their psychological state and remain alone with their thoughts.

As a rule, a man’s external relaxedness, cheerfulness and social activity are designed to hide his internal tension and desire to withdraw into himself from prying eyes.

Such behavior leads to mental crisis and prolonged depression, which is why it is so important to soberly assess your condition and, if necessary, seek help from specialists.

A particularly traumatic situation for a man is when he was not the initiator of the divorce.

In this case, he realizes that he has been abandoned and begins to experience an inferiority complex. It is important not to constantly blame yourself, but to try to soberly analyze the situation. In a divorce, both are always to blame. It is important to learn lessons and take into account all your mistakes in past relationships, so as not to make them again in a new union.

How to behave in case of divorce if there is a child?

If a family with children breaks up, this is the most difficult case. In this case, the man also has to worry about the problem of maintaining paternal closeness, because custody of minors is often given to the mother.

Living separately after a divorce is inevitable, so the first priority is to establish a “truce” for the sake of the psychological state of children, especially young ones. You should also immediately agree with your ex-wife on a schedule of visits with your children, and also urgently discuss the new realities of raising and providing for children.

Both parties should remember that it is unacceptable to involve children in situations involving a showdown . You also shouldn’t go to extremes and shower them with gifts or over-indulge them.

It is better to preserve the father’s presence in their lives as much as possible and constantly organize interesting joint leisure activities that evoke positive emotions.

And most importantly, do not forget to talk to the child that it is not his fault that the parents separated, and tirelessly explain that they love him equally much even after the divorce and will never leave him.

If the wife immediately begins to oppose meetings with the children, one should be prepared for the fact that the right to see the children will have to be defended in court.

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Is it worth leaving at all?

If you still haven’t decided whether you should leave your wife, first weigh the pros and cons, or rather, what happened before the breakup and what awaits you in the future.

Not loving your spouse and at the same time continuing to be in a relationship with her is not easy. Throughout your life together, you will be haunted by irritation. Moreover, you will lash out at your spouse with or without reason. You will not need to see the person day after day. Which, accordingly, will save your nervous system.
A man who does not love his wife, but continues to live with her, feels guilt and shame (especially if he regularly goes “to the left”).You are not tormented by a terrible feeling of guilt. After all, you are completely honest with your ex-wife.
If there are children in a couple, they will suffer greatly when they see their parents’ dislike.It is not easy for children to come to terms with the fact that mom and dad are breaking up. However, this does not compare with the pain that a child feels when watching his parents' daily scandals.

How to come to your senses and forget the woman you love who left for another man?

If the wife left not for her mother, but for her lover, then we can almost definitely talk about a final breakup. For the abandoned husband in this situation, it is important not to fall into despair and maintain self-esteem. Of course, a feeling of resentment and wounded pride can interfere with a correct assessment of the situation, but it is still necessary to try.

Psychologists recommend not to impose attempts at reconciliation and:

  • accept divorce as a fact and do not deny what happened;
  • analyze the situation and look at your ex-partner from a critical perspective;
  • give yourself some time to suffer, and then start solving some “global” problems (you can “conclude” a written agreement with yourself);
  • remove from your home all things that remind you of the past and avoid visiting places that evoke memories.

It is advisable to change your environment for a while and go on a short trip.

Why shouldn't a man rush to leave his wife?

So, you realized that everything is bad in the relationship, and you are thinking about breaking up. I’ll say right away: take your time. After all, cutting from the shoulder is the lot of emotional ladies, right?! Therefore, you need to sit down and think about everything carefully.

Please note: to make it easier to weigh the pros and cons, take a piece of paper and a pen. Thoughts put on paper automatically become more organized and clear. Find out what specifically doesn't suit you in the relationship. Determine the severity of the situation. If the issue is solely about you, then divorce will solve absolutely nothing. It’s just that another woman will take the place of one woman. Be completely honest with yourself, no matter how unpleasant this truth may be.

If, even after careful consideration, you have not come to a decision, give your relationship a trial period. Let's say a year. If nothing changes this year, we can run away. But it is important to understand the degree of your interest. After all, if you have no desire to change, build, improve something, why have these doubts?!

When should you leave?

When you feel that the relationship has reached a dead end, the main thing is not to act out of your hand.

The only valid reason for divorce can only be mutual desire. If both you and your spouse have come to the conclusion that this cannot continue, break up on good health. Only in this case, you need to separate once and for all, without giving each other any strange “second chances.” If you haven’t even separated yet, but the desire to give this very second chance has already appeared, see the previous paragraph.

How to survive a divorce from your husband: a life story and 4 tips

Do women return after cheating: statistics

Statistics show that 56% of women who left for someone else do not regret what happened. However, 44% regret the divorce. The last category is inclined to consider the option of restoring the family if the ex is ready to accept and forgive.

And the last thing is the most difficult, because you need to find the strength and wisdom in yourself to accept a woman after cheating and not stop wanting to be one with this person.

If a decision is made and the prodigal wife is given a second chance, one should forget about the betrayal and not even remember this incident in a joking manner.

Measure seven times - cut once or what do you lose3

We will not analyze crisis situations. It’s already clear there that you need to get out as quickly as possible.

Before you decide to proudly leave the quiet, family haven, think carefully about how bad everything is in your marriage. Just don't do it emotionally. According to statistics, 70% of couples separate after a major quarrel. As a result, many regret what happened, but for some reason they are ashamed of the rapprochement and prefer to leave everything as it is.

Imagine that you are free. What feelings come to you? Most likely, intoxicating delight: finally, you are free to do whatever you want and live the way you want. But at the same time, consider what you will lose:

  • children - definitely, there will definitely not be normal communication with them,
  • clean and comfortable house with delicious dinner,
  • loneliness will overtake you in the evenings,
  • free access to the female body: you will have to look for and seduce young ladies who can no longer be seduced with flowers.

Yes, a lot of negativity will go away, but how ready are you to just burn all your bridges? It will be much more productive to work on relationships, and any idiot can break them completely. And this is not an ode in defense of family and marriage, and not pretentious statements. That's life!

What can help you find the strength to move on after a breakup?

Divorced people, taught by bitter experience, continue to feel the consequences of divorce for a long time. Those who suffer especially are those who did not initiate the breakup and hoped until the very end for a favorable outcome. Both men and women feel a lot of negative emotions: anger, fear, pain, resentment.

However, they need to live on, and for this they need to find a new meaning in life. In any case, it should be remembered that the source of strength is in each of us, it just weakens a little in certain situations.

What will help you find and open internal reserves:

  • environment (relatives and friends);
  • motivational literature, cinema and other forms of art (just not tearful love stories);
  • spiritual and physical self-development (will help you become stronger in every sense of the word);
  • career (success will help you become more self-sufficient and distract you from worries);
  • caring for other people (for example, volunteering);
  • religion (just don’t join dubious sects).

If you want to start a new life, do not under any circumstances forget about your common children, because, despite the divorce, a normal father not only pays alimony, but also participates in the upbringing of his children.

I can’t love anyone: psychological help for divorced men

After a breakup, many men find that they cannot love anyone. It seems that time has passed, and feelings have rested, and worthy contenders for the heart have appeared, but... The complex of emotions that poets call love does not arise.

This problem may even make me happy for a while (like, now no one will hurt me). But over time, a feeling of emptiness still appears, which weighs no less than unrequited feelings.

First you need to realize the problem and stop being afraid to love. Of great importance is the acceptance of the fact that feelings for a woman are not synonymous with pain and suffering, loss and the collapse of all plans. However, you shouldn’t dwell on the problem of lack of love.

Perhaps the time has simply not come, because until the emotional wounds heal, it will not be possible to establish a full-fledged personal life. Always be yourself and enjoy life. Only then will everything naturally fall into place.

Don't compare all women to your ex.

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