Lecture 4 Psychology of communication


Communication, Person, Attitude, Process, Information, Function, Object, Barrier
TOPIC: Psychology of communication.

: to familiarize students with the features of the process of interaction between people, during which interpersonal relationships arise, manifest themselves and are formed.


  1. General characteristics of human communication.
  2. Communication concept. Communication functions.
  3. Psychology of interpersonal influence.


  1. General characteristics of human communication.

Communication is a process of interaction between people, during which interpersonal relationships arise, manifest and are formed. This is the process of transmitting and receiving messages using verbal and non-verbal means, including feedback, resulting in the exchange of information between participants in communication. Communication is seen as the most important social need.

Sides of communication.

  1. The communicative side of communication is the exchange of information between people.
  2. The interactive side of communication is the organization of interaction between people.
  3. The perceptual side of communication is the process of communication partners perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding on this basis.

Communication functions.

  1. Information and communication – transmission and reception of information as a message. The main elements are: the text and the person’s attitude towards it.
  2. Regulatory-communicative – the organization of interaction between people, as well as a person’s correction of his activity or state (the relationship between motives, needs, intentions, goals, etc.).
    Communication is aimed at achieving harmony and establishing strong-willed unity.
  3. Affective-communicative – the process of making changes in the state of people under special or involuntary influence.

Psychology of communication.

The category “communication” is one of the central ones in psychological science, along with such categories as “thinking”, “behaviour”, “personality”, “relationships”. The “cross-cutting nature” of the communication problem becomes clear if we give one of the typical definitions of interpersonal communication. According to this definition, interpersonal communication

is a process of interaction between at least two persons, aimed at mutual knowledge, establishment and development of relationships and presupposing mutual influence on the states, views, behavior and regulation of the joint activities of the participants in this process.
25 pages, 12489 words

Chapter III. Communication and interaction of people

...activities and values ​​on which human communication is based. Interpersonal relationships reflect all kinds of subjective manifestations of a person in the process of his interaction with various objects of the external world, not ... the way people influence each other, and as a mechanism for regulating interaction, and as a process of psychological cognition of a person by a person, etc. As a rule, communication and attitude...

Over the past 20-25 years, the study of the problem of communication has become one of the leading areas of research in psychological science, and especially in social psychology. Its movement to the center of psychological research is explained by a change in the methodological situation that has clearly emerged in social psychology in the last two decades. From a subject of research, communication has simultaneously turned into a method, a principle for studying, first, cognitive processes, and then the personality of a person as a whole (Znakov V., 1994).

Communication is not the subject of only psychological research, therefore the task of identifying the specifically psychological aspect of this category inevitably arises (Lomov B.F., 1984).

At the same time, the question of the connection between communication and activity is fundamental; one of the methodological principles for revealing this relationship is the idea of ​​the unity of communication and activity (Andreeva G.M., 1988).

Based on this principle, under communication

understands the reality of human relations, which presupposes any forms of joint activity of people.

However, the nature of this connection is understood in different ways. Sometimes activity and communication are considered as two sides of a person’s social existence; in other cases, communication is understood as an element of any activity, and the latter is considered as a condition for communication in general (Leontyev A.A., 1965).

And finally, communication can be interpreted as a special type of activity (Leontyev A.A., 1975).

It should be noted that in the overwhelming majority of psychological interpretations of activity, the basis of its definitions and categorical-conceptual apparatus is the “subject-object” relationship, which nevertheless covers only one side of human social existence. In this regard, there is a need to develop a category of communication that reveals another, no less significant side of human social existence, namely, the “subject-subject(s)” relationship.

Here you can quote the opinion of V.V. Znakova, which reflects the existing ideas about the category of communication in modern Russian psychology: “Communication I will call this form of interaction between subjects, which is initially motivated by their desire to identify each other’s mental qualities and during which interpersonal relationships are formed between them... Joint activity will be further understood as situations in which interpersonal communication between people is subordinated to a common goal - solving a specific problem" (Znakov V.V., 1994).

The subject-subject approach to the problem of the relationship between communication and activity overcomes the one-sided understanding of activity only as a subject-object relationship. In Russian psychology, this approach is implemented through the methodological principle of communication as subject-subject interaction, theoretically and experimentally developed by B.F. Lomov (1984) and his colleagues. Communication considered in this regard acts as a special independent form of activity of the subject. Its result is not so much a transformed object (material or ideal), but rather the relationship of a person with a person, with other people. In the process of communication, not only a mutual exchange of activities takes place, but also perceptions, ideas, feelings, a system of “subject-subject(s)” relationships manifests itself and develops.

8 pages, 3632 words

Problems of personality and communication in Russian psychology

... personality is not only an object and product of social relations, but also an active subject of activity, communication, consciousness, self-awareness. Personality expresses everything that is supernatural in a person... personalities are concerned, perhaps most of all, with ideas about the structure of personality. In Russian psychology, there are a number of attempts to present the structure of personality (A. G. Kovalev, V. N. Myasishchev, K. K. Platonov, ...

In general, the theoretical and experimental development of the principle of communication in domestic social psychology is presented in a number of collective works cited above, as well as in the works “Psychological Studies of Communication” (1985), “Cognition and Communication” (1988).

In the work of A.V. Brushlinsky and V.A. Polikarpova (1990), along with this, provides a critical understanding of this methodological principle, and also lists the most famous cycles of research in which all the multifaceted problems of communication in domestic psychological science are analyzed.

Structure of communication. In Russian social psychology, the problem of the structure of communication occupies an important place. The methodological study of this issue at the moment allows us to identify a set of fairly generally accepted ideas about the structure of communication (Andreeva G.M., 1988; Lomov B.F., 1981; Znakov V.V., 1994), which serve as a general methodological guideline for organizing research.

Under the object structure

in science we understand the order of stable connections between the elements of the object of study, ensuring its integrity as a phenomenon during external and internal changes. The problem of the structure of communication can be approached in different ways, both by highlighting the levels of analysis of this phenomenon, and by listing its main functions. Usually there are at least three levels of analysis (Lomov B.F., 1984):

1. Macro level: an individual’s communication with other people is considered as the most important aspect of his lifestyle. At this level, the process of communication is studied in time intervals comparable to the duration of human life, with an emphasis on the analysis of the mental development of the individual. Communication here acts as a complex developing network of relationships between an individual and other people and social groups.

2. Mesa level (middle level): communication is considered as a changing set of purposeful, logically completed contacts or interaction situations in which people find themselves in the process of current life activity at specific time periods of their lives. The main emphasis in the study of communication at this level is on the content components of communication situations - “about what” and “for what purpose.” Around this core of the topic, the subject of communication, the dynamics of communication are revealed, the means used (verbal and non-verbal) and the phases or stages of communication during which the exchange of ideas, ideas and experiences are carried out are analyzed.

3. Micro level: here the main emphasis is on the analysis of elementary units of communication as related acts, or transactions. It is important to emphasize that the elementary unit of communication is not a change in the intermittent behavioral acts of its participants, but their interaction. It includes not only the action of one of the partners, but also the associated assistance or opposition of the other (for example, “question-answer”, “incitement to action - action”, “communication of information - attitude towards it”, etc.).

Each of the listed levels of analysis requires special theoretical, methodological and methodological support, as well as its own special conceptual apparatus. And since many problems in psychology are complex, the task arises of developing ways to identify relationships between different levels and discover the principles of these relationships.

10 pp., 4890 words

Psychology of business communication and diagnostics of communication abilities...

... regulation of the communication process [10]. A.A. Kidron understood communicative abilities as “a general ability associated with diverse substructures of personality and manifested in the skills of the subject of communication to enter into social... pure information, and in non-verbal terms - attitude towards a communication partner. “A person’s nonverbal behavior is inextricably linked with his mental states and serves as a means...

  1. Communication concept. Communication functions.

Under communication functions

understands the roles and tasks that communication performs in the process of human social existence. The functions of communication are diverse, and there are various bases for their classification.

One of the generally accepted bases for classification is the identification of three interrelated aspects or characteristics in communication - informational, interactive and perceptual (Andreeva G. M., 1980).

In accordance with this, the following are distinguished:

  • information and communication,
  • regulatory-communicative,
  • affective-communicative functions (Lomov B.F., 1984).

The information and communication function of communication consists of any type of exchange of information between interacting individuals. The exchange of information in human communication has its own specifics. First, we are dealing with the relationship of two individuals, each of whom is an active subject (as opposed to a technical device).

Secondly, the exchange of information necessarily involves the interaction of thoughts, feelings and behavior of partners. Thirdly, they must have a single or similar system of codification/decodification of messages.

The transmission of any information is possible through various sign systems. Usually there is a distinction between verbal

(speech is used as a sign system) and
(various non-speech sign systems) communication.

In turn, nonverbal communication also has several forms:

  • kinetics (optical-kinetic system, including gestures, facial expressions, pantomime);
  • paralinguistics (system of vocalization, pauses, coughing, etc.);
  • proxemics (norms for organizing space and time in communication);
  • visual communication (eye contact system).

Sometimes the set of odors possessed by communication partners is separately considered as a specific sign system.

The regulatory-communicative (interactive) function of communication is to regulate behavior and directly organize the joint activities of people in the process of their interaction. Here it is worth saying a few words about the tradition of using the concepts of interaction and communication in social psychology. The concept of interaction is used in two ways: firstly, to characterize the actual real contacts of people (actions, counteractions, assistance) in the process of joint activity; secondly, to describe mutual influences (impacts) on each other in the course of joint activities, or more broadly, in the process of social activity.

In the process of communication as interaction (verbal, physical, non-verbal), an individual can influence motives, goals, programs, decision-making, execution and control of actions, i.e. on all components of their partner’s activities, including mutual stimulation and behavior correction.

45 pp., 22001 words

Assessment of the impact of the construction process on environmental components

... assessing the impact on environmental components; assessment of the impact of the construction process on environmental components; calculation of fees for the negative impact on environmental components during the construction of the node ... International Association for Environmental Impact Assessment. In the modern understanding, EIA is, first of all, a systematic process, covering both planning (design), ...

The affective-communicative function of communication is associated with the regulation of the emotional sphere of a person. Communication is the most important determinant of a person’s emotional states. The entire spectrum of specifically human emotions arises and develops in the conditions of human communication - either a rapprochement of emotional states occurs, or their polarization, mutual strengthening or weakening.

You can give another classification scheme of communication functions, in which, along with those listed, other functions

: organization of joint activities; people getting to know each other; formation and development of interpersonal relationships. This classification is partly given in the monograph by V.V. Znakova (1994); the cognitive function as a whole is included in the perceptual function identified by G.M. Andreeva (1988).

A comparison of two classification schemes allows us to conditionally include the functions of cognition, the formation of interpersonal relationships, and the affective-communicative function into the perceptual function of communication as more capacious and multidimensional (Andreeva G.M., 1988).

When studying the perceptual side of communication, a special conceptual and terminological apparatus is used, which includes a number of concepts and definitions and allows one to analyze various aspects of social perception in the process of communication.

Firstly, communication is impossible without a certain level of mutual understanding between the communicating subjects. Understanding is a certain form of reproduction of an object in knowledge that arises in the subject in the process of interaction with cognizable reality (Znakov V.V., 1994).

In the case of communication, the object of cognizable reality is another person, a communication partner. At the same time, understanding can be considered from two sides: as a reflection in the consciousness of interacting subjects of each other’s goals, motives, emotions, attitudes; and how the acceptance of these goals allows relationships to be established. Therefore, in communication it is advisable to talk not about social perception in general, but about interpersonal perception or perception. Some researchers prefer to talk not about perception, but about the knowledge of another (Bodalev A.A., 1965,1983).

The main mechanisms of mutual understanding in the communication process are identification, empathy and reflection. The term “identification” has several meanings in social psychology. In the field of communication, identification

- this is the mental process of likening oneself to a communication partner in order to cognize and understand his thoughts and ideas.
to the mental process of likening oneself to another person, but with the goal of “understanding” the experiences and feelings of the person being cognized. The word “understanding” is used here in a metaphorical sense—empathy is “affective understanding.”

As can be seen from the definitions, identification and empathy are very close in content, and often in the psychological literature the term “empathy” has a broad interpretation - it includes the processes of understanding both the thoughts and feelings of a communication partner. At the same time, when speaking about the process of empathy, one must also keep in mind an unconditionally positive attitude towards the individual. This means two things:

a) acceptance of a person’s personality as a whole;

11 pages, 5088 words

Nonverbal communication in the process of intercultural communication

... and problems of nonverbal communication in the process of intercultural communication. The object of the work is the process of non-verbal communication between people of two... on the interlocutor out of politeness and understanding of the emotional state of the participant in the communication. An assertive and intense gaze is perceived as... gaze. Social Gaze When our gaze drops below the level of another person, an atmosphere of social communication is created. Experiences...

b) own emotional neutrality, absence of value judgments about what is perceived (Sosnin V.A., 1996).


in the problem of understanding each other, this is the individual’s understanding of how he is perceived and understood by his communication partner. In the course of mutual reflection of communication participants, reflection is a kind of feedback that contributes to the formation of both the behavioral strategy of the subjects of communication and the correction of their understanding of the characteristics of each other’s inner world.

Another mechanism of understanding in communication is interpersonal attraction. Attraction

(from English,
attract -
to attract, attract) is the process of forming the attractiveness of a person for the perceiver, the result of which is the formation of interpersonal relationships. Currently, an expanded interpretation of the attraction process is being formed as the formation of emotional and evaluative ideas about each other and about one’s interpersonal relationships (both positive and negative) as a kind of social attitude with a predominance of the emotional and evaluative component.

The considered classifications of communication functions, of course, do not exclude each other. Moreover, there are other classification options. This, in turn, suggests that the phenomenon of communication as a multidimensional phenomenon must be studied using systems analysis methods.

Verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

There are verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Verbal means verbal. Verbal means of influence are words. Nonverbal means non-verbal. That is, communication is carried out using gestures, gait features, facial expressions, voice features, eye expression and body expression in general.

Stages of the communication procedure:

  1. Need for communication
  2. Orientation for communication purposes, in a communication situation
  3. Orientation in the personality of the interlocutor
  4. Planning the content of your communication
  5. Unconscious choice of specific means of communication, speech phrases, ways of behavior
  6. Perception and assessment of the interlocutor’s response, monitoring the effectiveness of communication based on feedback
  7. Adjusting the direction, style and methods of communication

Communication barriers

When some difficulties or psychological obstacles suddenly appear in the way of information transfer, we speak of a communication barrier.

. There are three types of communication barriers:

1. Barriers to understanding. The emergence of this barrier can be caused by a number of reasons, both psychological and other, for example, phonetic

misunderstanding - an error in the process of transmitting information, appears as a result of inexpressive rapid speech, tongue twister speech or speech with a large number of parasitic sounds.
There are also semantic
barriers to understanding due to the fact that participants in communication use different meanings of words.
barriers arise when the speaker’s speech style does not match the communication situation or the style of the person who is currently listening.
barriers of misunderstanding arise in cases where the logic of the speaker’s reasoning is either too complex for the listener to understand, or seems incorrect to him, or contradicts his inherent manner of proof.

11 pages, 5436 words

Psychological features of interpersonal communication

... the work is interpersonal communication, and the subject is the psychological characteristics of interpersonal communication. Consideration of the psychological characteristics of interpersonal communication will be... a necessary action; suggestive - providing a suggestive influence in order to change behavior, replace... Communication theory may also depend on the hermeneutic theory of pre-understanding, since understanding itself...

2. Barriers of socio-cultural differences - social, political, religious and professional differences lead to different explanations of certain concepts. Sometimes the very perception of a communication partner as a person of a certain profession, a certain nationality, gender and age can become an obstacle.

3. Barriers of attitude – are associated with the emergence of a feeling of hostility, distrust of the speaker, which extends to the information being transmitted.

  1. Psychology of interpersonal influence.

The essence of psychological influence comes down to the mutual exchange of information and interaction. From the content side, the psychological impact can be pedagogical, managerial, ideological, etc. and is carried out at different levels of the psyche: conscious and unconscious.

The subject of psychological influence can act as an organizer, performer (communicator) and even a researcher of his influence process. The effectiveness of influence depends on gender, age, social status and many other components of the subject, and most importantly - on his professional and psychological preparedness to influence his communication partner.

Subject of interpersonal influence:

  • studies the object and the situation in which the influence is carried out;
  • chooses strategy, tactics and means of influence;
  • takes into account signals received from the object about the success or failure of the influence;
  • organizes counteraction to the object (with possible counter-influence of the object on the subject), etc.

In the event that the recipient does not agree with the information offered to him and seeks to reduce the effect of the influence exerted on him, the communicator has the opportunity to use the patterns of reflexive control or manipulative influence.

The object of interpersonal influence (recipient), being an active element of the influence system, processes the information offered to it and may disagree with the subject, and in some cases exercise a counter-influence on the communicator. The object correlates the information offered to it by the communicator with its existing value orientations and its life experience, and then makes decisions. The characteristics of the object that influence the effectiveness of the impact on it include gender, age, nationality, profession, education, experience in participating in communication exchanges and other characteristics.

The process of interpersonal psychological influence (influence), being in turn a multidimensional system, includes strategy, tactics, means, methods, forms, argumentation and criteria for the effectiveness of influence. Strategy is the subject’s methods of action to achieve the main goal of psychological influence on the recipient. Tactics is the solution of intermediate tasks of psychological influence through the use of various psychological techniques.

In social psychology, verbal (speech) and nonverbal (paralinguistic) features of means of influence are distinguished. To methods of influence

include persuasion and coercion (at the level of consciousness), as well as suggestion, infection and imitation (at the unconscious level of the psyche).

4 pages, 1606 words

Man as a subject of socio-cultural activity various scientific, mainly cultural, concepts, a person is considered as a subject and object of socio-cultural activity. Moreover, the activity itself in which a person ... orientations and preferences. It is personal properties that are most susceptible to the influence of the surrounding socio-cultural environment and at the same time serve as a necessary means of creative self-actualization...

The last three methods are socio-psychological.

Forms of interpersonal influence

can be verbal (written and oral) and visual. The argumentation system involves both ideological (abstract) evidence and information of a specific nature (numerical and factual information is easier to remember and compare).

It is advisable to take into account the principles of selection and presentation of information - evidence and satisfaction of the information needs of a particular object, as well as communication barriers (cognitive, socio-psychological, etc.)

Criteria for the effectiveness of influence are divided into strategic (delayed in the future, for example, ideological) and tactical (intermediate), which are guided directly in the process of influencing a partner (verbal statements, facial expressions, etc.).

As intermediate criteria for the effectiveness of interpersonal influence, the subject can use changes in the psychophysiological, functional, paralinguistic, verbal, proxemic and behavioral characteristics of the object. It is advisable to use the criteria in a system by comparing their different intensity and frequency of manifestation.

Exposure conditions

include the place and time of communication, as well as the number of participants affected.

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Basic Components of Communication

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Typically, intercultural communication includes the following components of communication, forming a certain structure of interpersonal communication. These include:

  • subject and object of communication;
  • means of communication;
  • motivation, need, purpose of communication;
  • result of communication.

Communication always occurs with the help of individuals who are trying to establish some kind of connection with each other. Each participant in interpersonal communication is a subject or object of communication. An individual can represent both sides at the same time. One person gets to know his interlocutor, while the second person views the first as the object of his knowledge.

To organize communication between two or more people, certain tools are needed that help establish and maintain communication between them. The main role is played by speech, which is characterized by content, expressiveness, richness of linguistic means and culture. The main means of communication is language.

Application of communication in psychology

The psychology of communication with people examines many different situations that can be observed when interacting with a certain person. It is very important in such a process to focus on the status, age and interests of the interlocutor. For example, older people do not tolerate being treated like their peers. To avoid this situation, you need to use other techniques and take a different approach. Here, the psychology of communication implies empathy, in particular, the ability to understand the true state and feelings experienced by another person. Therefore, when communicating with the older generation, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their emotional state, which is usually filled with the experience of loneliness, anxiety and changes in the physical plane.

An in-depth study of the psychology and ethics of business communication is a must for all purposeful and self-confident people who strive to achieve success and prosperity, regardless of their type of activity. If you have communication skills and are well versed in various techniques and techniques, then their use will help you quickly and easily obtain a new position or conclude a lucrative work contract.

It follows from this that the correct application of knowledge of psychology and ethics of business communication will help improve things not only at work and in the family, but even among friends. Therefore, they need to be studied regardless of age and social class. This is the only way to achieve great success with little effort.

Photo: Psychology of Communication


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