Modern means of communication

Just ten to fifteen years ago, there were two means for communicating with friends, acquaintances and loved ones who are far from us - making phone calls and sending paper letters. Today, when mobile communications and Internet access are available to most, opportunities for communication at a distance have become much greater.

Those who are older probably remember magazine sections with the headings “Looking for a pen pal,” “Let’s get acquainted,” etc. In these sections, advertisements were published for people who wanted to find soul mates, like-minded people and pen pals (by paper, which involved sending letters by Soviet and later Russian mail). Now such columns are found less and less often in printed publications. The Internet has penetrated into our homes, making it possible not only to keep in touch with people we already know, but also to make new interesting acquaintances. If previously we met mainly compatriots (this is understandable - foreigners did not particularly read our printed media with the section “Looking for friends”), today any of us can find a spouse, friend or just an interlocutor living in any corner of the planet - be it Australia , USA, Zimbabwe or Brunei. For this purpose, there are numerous dating sites - both Russian-language (and located, accordingly, in the ru zone) and foreign. Just choose! Another question is that virtual searches for friends, and especially spouses, can bring a lot of trouble - for example, famous gigolos who have robbed many women look for their victims on such sites. However, even before, when it was possible to leave advertisements only in the newspaper, this happened - just not on such a global scale, which is quite logical - on the Global Network and fraud is becoming global.

For those who like to discuss various topics or just chat to brighten up their leisure time, there are all kinds of chat rooms and forums on the Internet where people, usually with common interests, gather. In fact, both forums and chats are a kind of clubs of like-minded people, and therefore, if you have any hobby, passion or passion, you can easily find people on the Internet who share your interests. Learn something new and demonstrate your progress. Communication in such “interest groups” is very fruitful and, as a rule, beneficial.

Recently, the so-called social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, etc.) have become very popular. Conversations that the entire office plankton spends half of their working time on Odnoklassniki have already become the talk of the town. However, social networks are not as useless as their opponents claim. On social networks you can not only chat with friends and acquaintances, but also take part in various surveys, listen to music, play online games, in a word, have a good time. And most importantly, social networks have given many people the opportunity to find each other. After all, they are looking not only for classmates, fellow students, co-workers and former colleagues, but also for relatives with whom they once lost contact. How much joy such a find brings! And you don’t have to go to the “Looking for You” program!

The VKontakte service is most popular among the younger generation. Young people also prefer to communicate via Internet pagers, which make it possible to exchange text messages in real time. Today there are quite a large number of instant messaging programs: Qip, Windows Messenger, agent Mail, Miranda. However, ICQ, popularly lovingly called “ICQ,” has remained one of the most popular Internet messengers for many years. The question of how to register on icq is asked not only by teenagers, but also... by grandmothers. Yes, yes, more and more people of the older generation are mastering this service - perhaps in order to save money, which is very important for our pensioners. If children and grandchildren pay for unlimited Internet to their grandparents, they will not have to spend money on calls, wanting to talk with their loved ones longer, but realizing that a long conversation on the phone will cost a pretty penny. Using ICQ, your family will contact you at any time. And don’t think that this is difficult for old people. If grandmothers have already mastered SMS, then they will understand ICQ without difficulty.

However, progress does not stand still, and today we have the opportunity not only to exchange text messages on the Internet, but also to communicate by voice with an image displayed on the monitor using the special Skype program - however, with the necessary equipment, which is not cheap, but fast pays off, since Internet telephony is free (you only pay for traffic, and if the Internet tariff is unlimited, then the calls are truly free).

Give yourself and your loved ones the joy of communication via the Internet! It's interesting, convenient and, most importantly, profitable.

Online program “Best Communication Techniques”

In just 2 months, you will learn how to better interact with people in this online program. You will gain systematic knowledge of the 72 most effective ways to communicate with people, collected from dozens of sources. You will also understand in what situations they are used, what effect should be expected from them, and see examples of their use. If you manage a team and you need to find an individual approach to each member and be able to resolve conflicts; if you want to establish trusting relationships with family and friends, improve mutual understanding; If your work involves the need to communicate with people - both acquaintances and strangers, this program is especially for you! Find out more...

Don't put off until tomorrow learning what you can learn today. Then your “tomorrow” will be full of new discoveries and achievements. Learn to communicate now, and we wish you good luck!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg
  • Let's learn to speak or communication theory in practice
  • How to communicate with anyone, anywhere?
  • Everyday magic of communication
  • Secrets of communication from the greats
  • Development of communication skills
  • How to understand how a person feels
  • Relationships with People: A Guide
  • How to Deal with Difficult People
  • Social skills: what they are, what they are and how to develop them

Key words:1Communication


The information aspect of the problem of communication has occupied and occupied not only social psychologists, sociologists and linguists, but also science fiction writers and futurologists - scientists who study the future, describing its possible scenarios. And although not all the expectations of the latter were met, it should be recognized that they were the first to think about the upcoming changes in the field of communication and information exchange. In practice, it turned out that the emerging information society is characterized not only and not so much by expanding opportunities for accumulating and processing information, but by new forms of communication. The study of the specifics of information exchange in the context of the transition to an information society is just beginning, but the data of researchers allows us to change the idea of ​​​​classical communication. Even before the mass distribution of computers, people began to communicate using technical means (telephone, telegraph), which replaced correspondence and reduced personal visits and meetings. Technology facilitates the transfer of information during communication (the time of transmission of information flows is reduced, their volume increases and the distances between participants in communication are reduced). Imagine how much time separated the receipt of a letter from its sending if there were several thousand kilometers between the participants in the correspondence. Today, using a fax, you can not only send a message in an original manner within a few minutes, but also communicate online on the Internet. In connection with the expansion of the sphere of communication with the help of modern technology, not only its method, style, and character are changing. The structure of a person’s communicative experience also changes. Thus, in the environment of new information technologies, a characteristic feature of communication is the constant need to “complete”, constructing both the image of a communication partner and the rules of interaction with him. A virtual communication partner is in many ways a synthesis of what is known about him from the information provided, and what the other participant in the communication thinks about him without seeing him directly. Communication in global information networks, on the one hand, is free from rigid forms (network users themselves choose the form and content of communication). However, on the other hand, the openness of information exchange is combined with the fragmentation of the virtual communication process itself, which lacks emotional richness and sometimes social responsibility. Scientists note that the intensity of information flows significantly exceeds the ability to comprehend and assimilate it. Such an “information boom” can have a negative impact on the human psyche.

During the period from 1992 to 1998, Russian Internet users had a steadily increasing interest in scientific information (mainly natural science, especially software) with a simultaneous increase in interest in sources related to humor, hobbies and leisure activities.

The very accumulation of large volumes of information places increased demands on their interpretation by the subject. One of the paradoxes of modern communication was figuratively formulated by film director A. Konchalovsky: “The more information, the less meaning.” The variety of forms of information presentation is not always accompanied by its semantic richness. The globalization of the media sets a unique “world information order”, the essence of which is the forced spread of Western, North American cultural standards throughout the world. At the same time, the recipient (the one who perceives the information) really has little influence on the content of this information. Basic concepts: communication as the exchange of information, features of communication in the information society. Terms: communication, nonverbal communication.

Test yourself

1) How is communication different from communication? 2) What role does speech play in the process of information exchange? 3) What prevents accurate understanding of information in the communication process? 4) What are non-verbal means of communication? 5) How is communication different in the information world?

Think, discuss, do

1. Make a comparative table “Communication and communication”. Orally draw conclusions from such a comparison. 2. Do the exercise “One thought, but many words.” Offer as many options as possible for conveying in other words the following thought: “Communication through language helps to understand another.” Try to fulfill the following conditions: 1) do not distort the meaning of the statement; 2) not a single word from the sentence given in the condition should be used in the options you propose. 3. Agree or disagree with the following statement: “Three things are important in speech: who speaks, how he speaks and what he says, the latter being the least important” (John Morley, English publisher, biographer and politician). 4. Conduct a small sociological study on your own on the topic “My friends are Internet users”; When classifying World Wide Web users you know, use the following information. A number of applied studies note that the influence of Internet communication on a person is not associated with the experience of virtual communication as such, but with the nature of the awareness of personal goals that computer-mediated communication satisfies. According to this principle, Internet users can be divided into “hackers,” “hobbyists,” and “pragmatists.” “Pragmatists” are those who are interested in the network sporadically, in accordance with a specific task; interpersonal communication, active participation and identification with online communities play a secondary role for them. “Amateurs” are not identified with network users in general or with specific communities, but they also do not use it for narrowly pragmatic purposes. “Hackers” are maximally identified with Internet users as a social category. 5*. Recently, many books have been published on nonverbal communication. With their help, compile your dictionary of gestures, indicating which gestures carry which information.

Work with the source

Read an excerpt from the book by modern psychologist E.I. Rogov, “Psychology of Communication.”

Communication barriers

The emergence of a barrier to understanding can be caused by a number of reasons, both psychological and other. It may occur due to errors in the process of transmitting information. […] The phenomenon of phonetic misunderstanding appears as a result of the communicator using inexpressive, fast speech, tongue-twister speech, or speech with a large number of parasitic sounds. […] There are also semantic barriers to understanding due to the fact that participants in communication use different meanings of words. And when, say, a pilot or tanker hears the words in the theater: “Bring in the crew!” - then this may cause them slight bewilderment, since the play is about a carriage, and they imagine people driving the car. […] Finally, we can talk about the existence of a logical barrier of misunderstanding. It occurs in cases where the logic of the speaker’s reasoning is either too complex for the listener to understand, or seems incorrect to him, or contradicts his inherent manner of proof. So, for example, if you ask a baby why the boat he floats in the basin floats, he will answer: “Because it is red” or “Because it is mine.” In this case we are talking about children's logic. We can talk about the existence of female and male psychological logic, etc. Often the cause of a barrier to understanding can be socio-cultural differences between communication partners. These may be social, political, religious and professional differences that lead to different explanations of certain concepts. Speaking about social differences, we can recall the saying: “The well-fed cannot understand the hungry.” Political misunderstanding is best demonstrated by the State Duma, where every law is discussed for a long time by representatives of different parties and sometimes is never adopted. Religious wars in Ireland, Turkey, Afghanistan, etc. indicate that people professing different religions also experience difficulties in communicating with each other: […] Imagine if you heard the same information from your friend, from your father or from the school principal. In which case will you do what was suggested to you faster? Psychologists have shown that the higher the speaker’s authority in the eyes of the listener, the lower the communication barrier. The higher the authority, the fewer barriers to assimilating the information offered. In some cases, they talk about attitude barriers. We are talking about the emergence of a feeling of hostility, distrust towards the speaker, which extends to the information conveyed by him. Questions and tasks: 1) What types of barriers to communication are indicated in the text? 2) Which of them are more related to the transmission, and which - to the reception of information? 3) Which of these barriers do you consider to be the most significant for misunderstanding in the exchange of information? 4) Formulate your own rules of communication that will help overcome communication barriers.

1 One of the peoples of the North. 2 From cognitio - knowledge, cognition and dissonans - lack of harmony, inconsistency, contradiction to something, discord.

Communication as interaction

What are interpersonal relationships? What types of interpersonal relationships exist? What makes up the specifics of interpersonal relationships? What role do emotions play in interpersonal interaction?

Communication is not limited to the exchange of information. You can imagine what happens when several people work together to carry out an activity. For example, several students are assigned to work together to clean the classroom. Some of them take time off, some bring water to wash the floor, some wipe the dust, and some take care of the houseplants. In this case, communication between participants in the process of joint activity acts as interpersonal interaction, or interaction (from inter - between and action - action). There are a number of theories in science that explain the essence of interpersonal interaction in different ways. Thus, proponents of exchange theory believe that people interact with each other based on their experience, weighing possible rewards and costs. At the same time, reward is not always understood as material, and costs are not only physical or resource. Another theory considers the behavior of people in relation to each other and to objects in the surrounding world depending on the meanings that people attach to them. There is a theory that views the situation of social interaction as something like a dramatic theater, in which actors strive to create and maintain favorable impressions of themselves. According to the theory of psychoanalysis, interpersonal interaction is strongly influenced by ideas learned in early childhood and conflicts experienced during this period of life.


The interaction process, or the interactive side of communication, includes two components: external and internal. The external component is represented by a unique regulated order of actions in each specific situation. You can even talk about communication etiquette. The second component relates to the psychological side of interaction. The fact is that when interacting, people satisfy a number of needs related to maintaining their mental balance. There are needs that can only be satisfied together and through other people. Often these needs are not realized because they seem completely natural. Nevertheless, their satisfaction requires the expenditure of psychic energy. Such needs include, for example, the need to determine one’s social identity and status. As soon as people get together, they signify their status and membership in a particular group in various ways. You have probably observed that in any company people position themselves relative to each other in a certain way, express common interests and positions with their looks, gestures, and determine their closeness or distance from each other. Remember the wise children's fairy tale G.-X. Andersen about the ugly duckling. When they first entered the poultry yard, the child ducklings immediately saw that the main one here was a duck with a red rag on its paw. It was she who was destined to please the entire brood. It was to her that all the participants in the show fawned over her. It was she who, noticing that one of the ducklings was too large and clumsy, suggested remaking it. The need to determine belonging to one’s own kind is realized precisely in interaction. Another need associated with interaction is the need to maintain good relationships. If such relationships do not work out, the person experiences psychological discomfort. This is why interaction can be seen as a series of ritual acts that serve as signals of a person's good intentions towards other people. In the process of communication, people enter into an infinite number of different kinds of interactions. According to one of the researchers, interaction is a systematic, sustainable performance of actions that are aimed at eliciting a response from the partner, while the evoked reaction, in turn, generates a reaction from the influencer. We can imagine interaction as a process that consists, on the one hand, of physical contact, joint movement in space, joint group or mass action and, on the other hand, of spiritual contact expressed in verbal or non-verbal form. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that joint activity in the process of communication is directly dependent on the level of informational, and in a certain sense, spiritual contact between people. It is not for nothing that it is customary to talk about effective communication, that people understand each other without words, act harmoniously, as one person. All the variety of manifestations of human interaction in the process of communication can be represented as cooperation

In the first case, in the process of communication, the individual forces of the participants are coordinated (ordering, combining these forces). Without cooperation, successful interaction is hardly possible. In fact, it is impossible to imagine full-fledged communication between partners, each of whom is silent and inactive. Just as it is impossible to applaud with one hand, so in the communication of real individuals the actions of both are necessary. You may be familiar with the concept of competition in economics. Unlike competition in economics, competition in communication somehow undermines joint activities and presents certain obstacles to interaction. Competition as a type of interaction manifests itself most clearly in its extreme form—conflict. More details about the conflict will be discussed below. But you yourself can easily recall cases when communication is difficult or completely blocked due to the fact that the participants in the interaction quarreled. In order to present communication as a successful interaction, it is worth considering what psychological compatibility is.


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