Corporate culture of business communication.

Etiquette tasks

Behavior at work includes aspects related to employees in the team and external contacts (between teams and communication with clients).

Speech etiquette in business communication performs the following tasks:

  • creates a healthy atmosphere;
  • increases productivity;
  • motivates you to fulfill your duties.

When the norms of business communication are observed, a pleasant, inviting atmosphere is constantly felt in the team. It is important that each employee enjoys the work done and strives to do it as best as possible.

Business communication ethics are designed to be applied in practice and for handling work situations. A team in which business communication etiquette comes first is distinguished by management’s respect for employees, the ability to find a way out of a conflict situation, and making the right decisions in work situations.

Speech etiquette in business communication includes several components:

  • conversations;
  • negotiations with representatives of other companies;
  • presentations;
  • correspondence;
  • meetings;
  • conferences;
  • talking on the phone;
  • consultations;
  • interview;
  • interviews.

In these options, working contacts are established, decisions are made, and information is exchanged. Business ethics helps establish clear boundaries within which business problems are resolved. By following the rules of behavior in the business world, orders are given and received, and a friendly, professional atmosphere is maintained.

A wise leader, applying business communication etiquette in practice, achieves high productivity in the company. Employees become motivated and are ready to achieve their goals. The culture of business communication and the competent application of its principles creates a positive mood in the team.

Speech culture of business communication

For almost all businessmen, various types of negotiations, communication, presentations, and stories are an important part of business communication. The ability to choose the right topic of conversation, structure the conversation itself, and understand the emotional mood of the interlocutor consists of the speech culture of business communication, which is so necessary for successful business conduct.

Here we can note several basic requirements for the speech of any senior manager:

  • right,
  • accuracy and clarity,
  • brevity,
  • availability.

Any business communication is regulated by the norms of speech etiquette. It includes official chain of command and rules of business communication. Rhetoric is used to master the culture of business communication, in particular the art of eloquence. With its help, you can have a psychological and didactic impact on the audience, using the principles of the effectiveness of speech influence. These principles include:

  • the nature and content of the speech,
  • audience composition,
  • accessibility of speech,
  • associative approach,
  • intensity and expressiveness of the presentation of material.

In order to be heard and understood by the interlocutor, a special speech technique is used. Where everything is important: diction, breathing, voice characteristics and the ability to withstand pauses.

Types of behavior in a team

There are three known options for working communication in a team:

  • top down;
  • down up;
  • horizontally.

The work contact options contain general rules. Every employee should feel respect, regardless of their position. A wise boss strives to create a friendly atmosphere in the team and adheres to correct treatment of employees. But at the same time, subordination is not excluded.

The culture of business communication includes talking on the phone:

  1. While at the workplace, it is unacceptable to greet a person with an ordinary “hello” or “yes.” When you pick up the phone, you need to introduce yourself, naming the company and your position. In some organizations, the employee adds his name to the greeting.
  2. During the conversation you should be as attentive as possible. The client is pleased when he is addressed by name.
  3. Answers must be clear and to the point.
  4. If it is impossible to carry on a conversation, you must definitely apologize, offering to reschedule it for another time.

Business language

The business style of speech is used in the professional business environment. It is necessary to study the specifics of business language:

  • conciseness;
  • obligatory for all individuals;
  • specific terminology, clericalism;
  • inadmissibility of emotionally expressive expressions.

A person’s speech is assessed using several indicators. Among them:

  • vocabulary (a large vocabulary makes speech precise and expressive);
  • vocabulary (do not use adverbs, jargon and other words that are unacceptable in the business environment);
  • pronunciation (different organizations use the state or English language; correct pronunciation plays an important role in oral interaction);
  • grammar (correct word order, absence of repetitions, filler words).

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Contact between manager and subordinate

If the boss wants the team to observe the norms of business communication, then he must show by personal example how this works. You can give an order in several ways. This can be done in a strict form or in the form of a request. How the order will sound depends on how competently the manager knows etiquette in business communication.

A wise leader knows and values ​​his employees, listens to their opinions and advice, and is ready to make compromises (without compromising work).

A good boss is fair - this is required by the ethics of business communication. If a subordinate made a mistake or inaccuracy in the performance of duties, then the fines must correspond to the amount of the omission. It’s the same with incentives—work done requires a reward.

Speech etiquette in business communication involves the conversation itself and the tone in which phrases are pronounced. The same order can be given in different timbres of voice, and as a result its perception changes. Therefore, the first phrases spoken to attract the attention of the interlocutor are important. The culture of business communication prescribes greetings that are chosen depending on the status, age and gender of the employee.

Speech culture in business communication

Speech communications in business negotiations

In the process of communication, everyone pursues their own goals. Some need to convey their thoughts briefly and laconically, others try to express several concepts with a play on words.

simultaneously. In any version, we can use both literary style and slang expressions. Speech culture in business communication is a rather broad concept that includes all the specifics of verbal contact, and this is:

  • commercial negotiations;
  • receiving clients and business partners;
  • business telephone conversation;
  • meetings;
  • communication between colleagues.

In each case, contact is implied between people connected by common interests, but pursuing different goals. By establishing trusting relationships among themselves, businessmen in dialogue try to impose their point of view on their opponent, convince them of the validity of their conclusions, and prevent the interlocutor from winning a verbal duel. Despite the severity of the situation, it does not envisage any hostility. Unlike the rest of the world, where in the process of communication people exchange useful and interesting information, and in disputes they give birth to the truth, in business circles only information content is valued. The truth has already been determined, and it is with the one who got what he wanted as a result of negotiations.

Speech culture in business communication: basic principles

Competent communication in business circles is based on three main factors:

  • correctness of speech;
  • accuracy and accessibility;
  • brevity.

Correct speech implies the absence of errors in conversation, the correct placement of stress and compliance with lexical and stylistic norms. How often can one observe speech hesitations when a person feverishly figures out how to express his thought more correctly and accurately. He freezes, looks away, hums, then finally says something and immediately corrects himself. Listening to such an interlocutor is tiring. It is quite understandable that when talking to him, people focus their attention on how he speaks, and not on what he is trying to convey. A memorized speech in advance will not save the situation, since as soon as you interrupt such a “speaker” and ask him a couple of questions, he will immediately “get lost.”

The golden rule of communication

Accuracy and accessibility of content is the “golden rule” on which the culture of speech in business communication is based, which allows you to explain to your opponents the essence of your conclusions, decisions and conclusions as clearly as possible. Business people say no to ambiguous phrases. Avoidance of unrelated topics in conversation is also unacceptable. You should not overload your monologue with sophisticated vocabulary or show off your vocabulary. This is only appropriate at literary evenings and scientific symposiums, and not among people who value their time and money.

Save your time and your partners' time

Brevity is an equally important indicator in business, where people prefer to do business rather than chat over a cup of coffee. When conducting business meetings and negotiations, you need to be able to value not only your own, but also other people’s time. This is especially useful at the initial stage of communication, when it is necessary to convey to the listener the importance of information in a fairly short period of time. It is necessary from the first seconds to interest the interlocutor, to provide the necessary data in such a way that he is ready to devote not only his time, but also to allocate funds. Anyone who is familiar with the culture of speech in business communication, not only in theory, but also in practice, will be able to achieve great success in any field of activity, whatever he chooses.

Contact between subordinate and supervisor

One of the main rules that business communication etiquette prescribes is respect for the manager by subordinates. This does not mean that he needs to be flattered or agree with everything.

An employee with his own views and opinions on issues related to work issues, and who knows how to present this in the correct form, is a good employee. Such subordinates are devoted to their company and do not neglect speech etiquette in business communication.

When talking with your boss, it is not recommended to point out any shortcomings in a harsh manner. The culture of business communication in such contact comes down to the ability of a subordinate to convey the necessary information to the manager without flattery, lies or cunning. In a calm and friendly atmosphere in a team, this is not difficult to do. Relationships between subordinates and managers, built on trust, are the application of ethical rules in business communication.

If a subordinate wants to make suggestions to improve the company's performance, then he should not immediately go to the top manager of the company. First you need to contact your nearest boss, otherwise the chain of command will be broken. In the future, such behavior of a subordinate will cause discord in the team.

Rules of business communication

Each employee has rights and responsibilities. A good boss distributes the workload evenly among his subordinates. Although each employee does his own job, he necessarily encounters and comes into contact with other colleagues.

To avoid conflict situations that interfere with the work process, the culture of business communication is important:

  1. Unforeseen situations sometimes arise at company presentations or meetings. To avoid conflict and personalization, observe the etiquette of business communication. Guided by the rules, it is unacceptable to interrupt colleagues, and if questions or comments arise, they can only be asked in the correct form.
  2. In pursuit of praise from their boss, some subordinates make mistakes. This manifests itself in the form of empty promises, or the employee takes on more responsibilities that he subsequently fails to cope with.
  3. Many people do not know how to listen to their interlocutor. But in working moments you cannot do without this skill. Speech etiquette in business communication helps to properly manage working time, listen and correctly understand the interlocutor.
  4. Some companies host foreign representatives of countries and organize buffets in their honor. During such negotiations, it is important to observe business communication etiquette. Knowing the rules and applying them correctly, you can achieve the desired result in negotiations. A favorable atmosphere and the ability to interest the interlocutor leads to the achievement of the desired goal.
  5. The rules of work contacts during negotiations or other business processes prohibit touching the interlocutor. But for every rule there are exceptions, and here it is a handshake. Such a gesture should be brief and businesslike, and the hand should be dry and not cold. During negotiations, unnecessary gestures and facial expressions are avoided. If a person is insecure, fussing, hiding his eyes, then he is unlikely to gain the trust of his interlocutor.

It is important how employees greet each other. Ethics of business communication allows you to use the following techniques:

  • friendly look;
  • smile;
  • appropriate compliments;
  • showing interest;
  • respect;
  • emphasizing the importance of the employee;
  • nice words.

Such options help create a calm, working environment in the team.

Forms and types of business communication

It is worth distinguishing between the types of such interaction. Highlight:

  • direct communication (by phone or in front of each other);
  • correspondence (electronic correspondence, dialogue on social networks or regular letters).

Direct influence is considered more effective because psychological techniques are used. Indirect communication is more formal, because the participants do not have personal contact. The most popular direct means of business communication is conversation. The goal is partnership and solving current difficulties.

It is important to choose the appropriate form of communication. It could be:

  • conversation (only if the topics are important for the entire company; this form is useful for both employees and directors; during such conversations, subtle details can be revealed, participants can voice problems and find solutions);
  • correspondence (letters must be written concisely and competently; the author must indicate the time frame for waiting for a response; the style of correspondence determines the image of the interlocutor);
  • speech in front of listeners (if you need to acquaint a large audience with important facts, make a presentation; the speaker must study the topic well and be able to convey it; the following qualities are important for this: confidence, literacy, patience, clear speech, the ability to formulate thoughts consistently; structure of oratorical speech: introduction, summary, conclusion);
  • meeting (it is important to hold not only general discussions with the team, but also thematic meetings; they are resorted to if problems are brewing that urgently need to be resolved);
  • discussion (it is not customary to express opinions that contradict moral principles; but a constructive discussion is allowed within the framework of moral standards; during the dispute, unexpected views are voiced that can positively affect the development of the company).

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