Research work “The influence of classical music on human consciousness”


  • Classical music for health
  • Mozart
  • Mendelssohn
  • Strauss
  • Beethoven
  • Bach
  • Musical instruments and their effect on the body
  • How classical music affects children
  • Recommendations for children listening to music
  • Scientists have proven that classical music has a positive effect on the human body. Listening to the immortal works of great composers from childhood helps the child develop intellectually, have greater resistance to stress and receptivity to science. We especially recommend listening to works by Mozart. They act on the human body as follows:

    • Stimulate brain function before exams and any other serious tests;
    • Develop the desire for self-improvement and the will to win;
    • The influence of Mozart’s music on people engaged in mental work or those who have chosen creativity as their field of activity is especially noticeable.

    An experiment was conducted in which a chicken egg was placed in front of speakers at a metal music concert. The squealing and clanging sounds that were made caused the protein to curl up and look like it was boiled. The only difference was that this protein became viscous and viscous, similar to honey.

    In addition, the growth and development of plants stops if heavy metal or rock is played next to them. Ultimately, the plant dies.

    Next to the aquarium in which the fish were swimming, they turned on heavy rock music and directed the light and music towards living creatures. Ten hours later, more than 50% of the fish died.

    It is known that teenagers who spend a long time at a disco or concert, where the music is dominated by hard rock and metal, are close to a hypnotic trance in their psychological state.

    Both modern classical music and ancient works of famous composers have the opposite effect.

    Classical music for health

    More recently, it has become clear that classical music, which has become unfashionable to listen to, has a positive effect in the treatment of many diseases. It does not replace medications, but it relieves negative stress well and normalizes the biorhythms of human organs.


    The works of this composer carry maximum positive energy, because major notes predominate in them. They help with headaches, mobilize brain activity and form clear thoughts. Mozart's music is especially often played for those suffering from cancer.

    There is a known case when the milk yield of cows was experimentally increased by playing Mozart compositions to them.


    It is not for nothing that one of the most significant events in every person’s life takes place to the tune of “Mendelssohn’s Wedding March” - a wedding. His works can instill self-confidence, increase self-esteem and help get rid of insecurity. “Spring Song” treats headaches, and “Wedding March” normalizes heart activity and blood pressure.


    His works of classical music online and in recordings have been listened to by many generations of people. The talent of this composer resulted in beautiful waltzes and piercingly tender works that can put any person in a lyrical mood, giving him peace and satisfaction. Indeed, those who suffer from migraines, headaches and nervous breakdowns are advised to listen to Strauss' music.


    One has only to remember this composer and “Moonlight Sonata” comes to mind. What could be more beautiful than these gentle, enveloping sounds? Only the singing of birds or the rustling of leaves on an amazing moonlit summer night. Each work of Beethoven, “Moonlight Sonata” or “Fur Elise” is a meaningful musical poem about the life and feelings of a person who is able to talk about his experiences through sounds. Those who are under constant emotional stress or prone to depression should listen to the immortal masterpieces of the great composer.


    Bach's music (especially organ pieces) has an amazing stimulating effect on the development of logical thinking, memory and concentration. It is recommended to listen to his music for those who do not like exact sciences. It helps a person develop talent for mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

    The immortal works of Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Chopin, Schubert and many other composers are the key to a person’s spiritual health and physical well-being.

    Who among us has not listened to music during difficult moments in our lives? Not many people who. Scientists have proven that listening to classical works affects the human nervous system on a par with antidepressants and sedatives. The advantage here is that, unlike drugs, music does not cause side effects or poison the body.

    Fifteen minutes of listening to a classical piece is equal in value to one hour of exposure to fresh air.

    In the morning, listen to the cheerful, light sounds of classical melodies. During the lunch break there are invigorating marches. For the evening, it is advisable to leave calm, lyrical works, listening to which you will gratefully remember the past day and look forward to the next one. It will help those who suffer from insomnia to fall asleep peacefully and sleep soundly.

    It is important to select compositions in accordance with your inner mood and state of health. If you want to calm down and think about an important problem, it should be a calm, peaceful melody. If the goal is to cheer up or get into a warlike mood (in the good sense of the word), choose Bach or the “almighty” Mozart. If you turn on a song and feel discomfort, do not force yourself, choose another one or turn off the music. Otherwise, instead of a positive effect, you will get the opposite - negative. This can completely ruin your mood and make you give up music altogether for a long time.

    The recommendations given for listening to classical music also apply to folklore works. Or those that are written based on them. The perception of musical works largely depends on the nationality of people. Let’s say it’s difficult for a Japanese person to appreciate the works of Mozart or Bach .
    And for a European, the traditional music of the Japanese people with purring sounds and piercing notes is not always pleasant to the ear. Therefore, music therapists recommend listening to classical and folk music created by composers of the nationality to which you belong. For general development, it is, of course, useful to listen to other works, but you should not get carried away with them. Ethnic motifs can cleanse the human body and the surrounding space from negativity and filth, give strength to live and work, saturate the biofield with positive energy and activate vital centers.

    The influence of classical music on the human body

    Here are recommendations for using music to treat certain diseases:

    • The works of Mozart are suitable for stabilizing and activating brain activity. These could be the first and third movements from piano sonatas and concertos, “Rondo” from “A Little Night Serenade”.
    • Oginsky's polonaise, Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody, and Beethoven's Fidelio will save you from headaches.
    • Insomnia can be cured by Grieg's Peer Gynt suite, Sibelius's Sad Waltz, and Tchaikovsky's plays.
    • It is useful for hypertensive patients to listen to Chopin's Nocturne in D Minor, Mendelssohn's Wedding March and Bach's Violin Concerto in D Minor
    • Pleasant music also has a beneficial effect on the blood. A favorite melody causes an increase in lymphocytes in the blood, making it easier for the body to fight diseases.
    • Listening to classics helps you remember information easily.

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    Musical instruments and their effect on the body

    When starting a conversation about musical instruments, it should be noted that we are talking about performing classical music on them.

    • Piano or grand piano . People who love and know how to play these instruments have a stable psyche. It has been established that keyboard instruments can have a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, thyroid gland and genitourinary system.
    • Cello, violin, harp (string instruments) . The sounds of these instruments stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and normalize blood pressure.
    • Trumpet, double bass, flute. People who play wind instruments are distinguished by the fact that they rarely suffer from diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. In addition, the body's blood vessels are not clogged with cholesterol plaques and remain in good shape.
    • Drums, cymbals, xylophone . They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys.

    General information

    Is it true that music influences a person’s worldview and psyche?

    Today there are 17 main genres of music, as well as hundreds of subgenres.

    And each of them has its own loyal listeners, lovers and admirers. But why do people pay so much attention to music? And how does it affect brain function ?

    Any composition has an emotional coloring and mood . It may be an aggressive propaganda song or lyrics, but each will cause an appropriate and expected reaction.

    For example, participants in one experiment deciphered a neutral facial expression as sad or happy depending on what kind of music they had previously listened to.

    This suggests that melodic compositions can change our view of the world and the things happening in it. The mental and physiological level of the body is subject to the influence of music.

    Perhaps the reason for a person’s “violent reaction” to music is historical background . Indeed, in ancient times, people were accustomed to identifying sounds with signals of danger or safety, which means that people are genetically hypersensitive to acoustic stimuli.

    It is worth noting that any music, depending on the impact it has on a person, can be classified as ergotropic or trophotropic.

    1. Ergo-hurried or stimulating (major mode, dotted rhythm, dissonances, sudden changes in melody, activity, percussive pulsation). Such music provokes increased heart rate and breathing, increased heart rate, muscle tone, skin irritation, an excited state, and dilated pupils.
    2. Trophotropic (minor scale, consonances, low volume, lack of pronounced accents, smooth rhythm). Such compositions help lower blood pressure, slow breathing and pulse, constrict pupils, relax muscle fibers, immerse in “near-meditative” states, calm and tranquility.

    How classical music affects children

    Doctors recommend starting to listen to classical music, starting from the period when the baby is in the womb. The list of composers recommended by pediatricians is extensive. Among them are the following:

    • Mozart;
    • Vivaldi;
    • Strauss;
    • Chopin and others.

    The main thing is that the music contains major notes, and mom also enjoys listening to it. Choose pieces based on your own mood and your baby’s reaction to the music.

    Recommendations for children listening to music

    The main goal of music therapy is to help a person and not harm his mental state. Therefore, there are several recommendations that it is advisable to take into account:

    • The speakers from which music sounds must be at least a meter away from the child;
    • The sound should not be too loud or too quiet. Choose a volume that is acceptable for you and your baby;
    • If you turn on classical music in the morning, before your child's afternoon and evening sleep for half an hour, this is quite enough. It’s good when a child falls asleep to the gentle melodies of classical composers.

    It’s not always possible to turn on classical music for your children when you need it, so listen when you can.

    It's great if classical music plays in the background while eating or playing. Change the compositions as your baby gets bored with them.

    Scientists all over the world are arguing about the need to create an entire science - music therapy. The conclusions and postulates of this teaching are controversial. The same classical work can have the opposite effect on each person. The results of the research activities of music therapists are the collection of statistical data on the influence of music on people. Classical music will have a positive impact on both an adult and a child only if he really wants to listen to it. In addition, the choice of melodies directly depends on the baby’s temperament. It is best if mother and child choose a suitable piece together. Then, with the help of music, you can even adjust the mood and emotional state of your child.

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