What is self-hypnosis and how does it work?

What is self-hypnosis

In fact, people use the power of self-hypnosis every day. And quite often this happens completely unconsciously. So, people, by their own or someone else’s will, tune in to illness, poverty, negativity, losses, and then wonder why there are so many bad events in their lives?

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You can deny the existence of self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis, attribute it to excessive optimism, pessimism, an invention of psychiatrists or obsessive mania. This will not change anything at all in your life, because scientists have long proven the existence of this powerful force, which has a huge impact on us.

Self-hypnosis is the work of human consciousness, which is aimed at itself and is reinforced through visual images. Thanks to this work, certain subconscious attitudes are formed. In this case, one of the areas of the cerebral cortex dominates, and the remaining areas are in an inhibited state.

To perform self-hypnosis, there is no need to fall into a trance. It is quite enough to provide yourself with a calm, secluded environment, to fully concentrate on a specific goal, achieving relaxation or, conversely, receiving a strong emotional shock.

When you say your intention many times, your brain will be “programmed” for it, and your thought will soon become a reality.

Self-hypnosis should not be confused with willpower. Willpower is the conscious effort to perform some action. It is common for any effort to encounter resistance from our psyche.

The work of self-hypnosis is carried out through feelings, emotions, imagination, while attitudes penetrate deep into our consciousness and are expressed at the physical level in the form of certain abilities, sensations or actions.

For what purpose can it be used?

Self-hypnosis has enormous potential. With the right direction, these opportunities allow you to perform real miracles, changing a person’s personality and physical potential for the better, improving his emotional state and allowing him to achieve his goals. But self-hypnosis can be both positive and negative. Used unconsciously in our lives, it can have a bad effect on us.

This is how the mechanism of self-hypnosis is often introduced into your consciousness by the words of others. Of course, we cannot attribute our failures and mistakes entirely to other people, since until we internally approve of other people’s attitudes, they will not be able to translate into reality.

But just in case, you should stay away from people who convince you that you are nothing of yourself, that you cannot achieve something or learn something. They block the channel for you to achieve what you want and program your personality to be completely negative.

Using self-hypnosis for self-confidence and success, you will protect yourself from aggressive external influences and gain complete control over your life. Do not forget that your life is a real miracle, you are a unique and inimitable person. You need to instill this in yourself, allow yourself to become happy, loved, rich, successful - choose the one you need from this list. And an organism programmed for success will be able to cope with the task within the limits of the capabilities it possesses.

Eliminate any doubts from your subconscious by performing self-hypnosis. After all, it is sincere faith that plays a huge role in this process. When formulating what we want, we are not talking about reality, but only about the desired result, but this is done in real time. Our consciousness does not understand such concepts as “yesterday” or “tomorrow”; it works only on the principle of “here and now”.

You will learn more about self-hypnosis from the following video:

How to bring about positive change?

In order to bring about changes in yourself with the power of thought, you need to focus on the desired reality. The main mistake is to worry about how things are at the current moment in time.

Positive change happens when you let go of reality and ignore how others see you. Of course, you shouldn't go to extremes. But if any of your friends, relatives or acquaintances convinces you that your desires are useless or is doubtful about trying to change for the better, it is better not to take it seriously.

Perhaps someone will say that ignoring an unpleasant reality is a way to hide from problems or wearing “rose-colored glasses.” However, if we soberly look the situation in the face and obediently accept the blows of fate, we will definitely not be able to live happily.

And now we forget all the bad things, put on “rose-colored glasses” and boldly move on. Below I will talk about techniques that direct thoughts in the right direction and make them a powerful means of achieving a goal.

Method 1. Balloon

One of the easiest, but nevertheless effective methods of self-hypnosis. I use it every day before bed. It helps get rid of negative thoughts, makes sleep deep and restful, and eliminates nightmares.

The essence of this method is simple and understandable even to a beginner. You need to imagine a deflated balloon above your head. Next you need to take a deep, slow breath. As you exhale, mentally fill the ball with your worries and problems. Negative thoughts that prevent you from falling asleep for a long time are also placed in a balloon.

When the ball is full, you need to exhale and take another deep breath. Then, as you exhale, the ball is mentally released, floats away and disappears into the darkness. This way you can free yourself from apathy, sadness, melancholy and depression.

Method 2. Affirmations - an easy way to achieve what you want

At first, it is difficult for beginners to master psychotechniques. The best place to start is with affirmations. This is repeated repetition of formulas. A short and positively colored phrase reinforces the attitude in the brain. Over time, reality is transformed in accordance with the meaning contained in the affirmation.

In practice, it looks like this: out loud or silently, you affirm that your desire has come true. For example, “I am slim”, “my body is athletic and fit”, “I have an interesting job”, “I am happy”, “I love and am loved”, “I feel great”, etc. d.

No training in affirmations is required. Formulas are repeated many times a day. At the same time, you can do your usual things. I repeated phrases with positive attitudes during short breaks at work, while riding public transport, and working out at the gym. From personal experience I will say that this really adds strength, optimism and the desire to achieve more.

One type of affirmation is gratitude. It's a powerful feeling that motivates you to do more good things and feel important. This may seem strange to you, but start thanking the Universe for what you don’t yet have, but really want to have. No, this is not nonsense. This method works in reverse.

If you are unsuccessfully trying to lose weight, say every day: “Thank you, God, for keeping me thin.” If you lack courage and confidence, thank God that you have it.

Method 3. Visualization - a powerful form of self-hypnosis

After mastering affirmations, you can move on to the next stage – visualization. This is the idea and experience of desired changes in life. Have you ever wondered why it feels good to dream? This happens because the brain does not distinguish between real and imagined events. When experiencing or visualizing achieving a goal, positive emotions arise. The brain remembers them, and it becomes easier for you to implement the changes.

For me, visualization is a pleasant daily ritual. You need to learn to enjoy the process, remember this state and live as if what you imagined has already come true. This will happen soon.

I have compiled visualization rules that will help achieve maximum effectiveness of self-hypnosis:

  1. It is necessary to form visual attitudes in a comfortable and calm environment. The ideal time is when you are at home alone. At the same time, nothing distracts you. Silence also means a lot.
  2. It is important to take a comfortable body position. The body should relax so that you hardly feel it.
  3. You need to form as clear and vivid a mental image as possible. This will help your brain respond faster to visualization.
  4. The main thing is to have fun. Visualization is only effective if it brings joy and causes positive mental and physical sensations.


There is no universal guide to visualization. Everyone has their own secrets of forming visual images of what they want. I just shared mine with you. Start visualizing and soon you will discover a lot of new and beautiful things in yourself.

Method 4. Immersion in a meditative state

One step above visualization is meditation. This is contemplation penetrating deep into the subject. The only way to get to the core of an idea is by focusing on one factor and excluding all others.

If you are not yet familiar with this method, you will have to work hard. But the result is worth it. I have experienced from my own experience how difficult it is to turn off attention from one’s own thoughts and external stimuli in order to concentrate on what is most important. However, it is possible.

Meditation is divided into 4 stages:

  • installation formation;
  • immersion in emptiness;
  • transfer of a given installation to oneself;
  • returning to reality with an attitude embedded in the subconscious.

For me, meditation is an opportunity to be born again and be who you want. If the first time it was not possible to transfer the installation to the subconscious, try the next day, etc. It is most effective to meditate immediately after waking up. At this time, the brain is minimally loaded with information.

By the way, with the help of meditation it is possible to fool a lie detector.

Method 5. Self-hypnosis - the highest level of self-regulation

You can begin self-hypnosis after confidently mastering meditation. When you learn to dive into the essence of things and focus on the main factors, you will be ready to travel into the subconscious. The inner world is fraught with many mysteries and enormous power that can radically change life for the better.

Before entering self-hypnosis, you need to relax. Feel the tension leaving your body from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers and toes. Then you need to enter a state of peace. Only after this can you proceed to the main part.

Say the phrase “I am deeply asleep...”. Speak slowly and deliberately. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, count from 5 to 0. Feel how you break away from reality and fly into limitless hypnotic oblivion. An immense and unknown world meets you and amazes you with its depth. Then, after counting “zero,” voice the key phrase “I am deeply asleep...” again. Look around, you are in your subconscious. What do you see there, what would you like to see?

The main goal of self-hypnosis is self-programming. After plunging into darkness, we move on to this stage. By being in the middle of yourself, you can lay down positive attitudes for changes for the better. Here affirmations are combined with visualization, and a solid image of the desired reality is fixed deep in the subconscious.

Conscious and unconscious self-suggestion

Most people use negative self-hypnosis without realizing it. Having read about some unpleasant facts or terrible events, they tend to unconsciously attract them into their lives.

A very good example is a person reading a medical reference book that describes some terrible disease. He begins to look for the same symptoms that are indicated in the book, and having found them, in reality he very soon falls ill. The power of self-hypnosis is so strong that a person can convince himself that he is suffering from incurable pathologies, and the matter ends in death.

There is another name for consciously programming oneself for failures and troubles - pessimism. If these are not the best times in your life, inspire yourself that very soon all the bad things will go away, and only good events await you ahead, all your dreams and desires will easily come true. For your subconscious, such an attitude will be a straw for a drowning man; it will happily pick it up, and unexpectedly strength will appear that will help you cope with stress and troubles.

Self-hypnosis technique

There are a huge number of self-hypnosis techniques. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular of them.

  • Affirmation is a self-hypnosis technique that involves repeating certain formulas silently or out loud. Examples of such formulas: “I am happy”, “I am healthy”, “I have a good job”, “I have an excellent caring and loving husband” and so on. Create affirmations based on your needs and repeat them to yourself regularly. Then, over time, all the negative attitudes of your subconscious will be replaced by positive ones.
  • Visualization – This involves mentally imagining and experiencing events that you imagine. The main point of this technique is that you imagine the situation as much as possible and begin to live in it. The effect of this method is due to the fact that our mind is not able to distinguish real events from imaginary ones. When you visualize something, your mind believes that it is actually happening.
  • Self-hypnosis E. Coue. You will need to take a comfortable position (lying or sitting), close your eyes, relax and whisper a certain self-hypnosis formula several times. It is important that it be simple, consist of a couple of words, for example, “I am happy.” Repeat sessions of this method for three to four minutes several times a day for several weeks.


Try to meditate and you will see that our thoughts are material. To do this, you need to retire to a room with dim light. You can lie down or sit down, reclining for convenience. Close your eyes and relax as much as possible. Focus your thoughts on getting results (for example, increasing your monthly income to a certain amount). Say to yourself affirmatively that you have the money. Imagine how you hold this amount in your hands and what you will spend it on. The main thing is not to see, but to feel and remember this state. At this time, you need to look, as if sending your desires there.

By exercising yourself twice a day, you will feel changes within a month. Hypnosis for money will help clear brain blockages and attract wealth.

We cannot always clear our thoughts on our own and direct them in the right direction. This is why there are competent specialists who will help you understand your subconscious and remove useless blockages.

Who introduces negative attitudes into our consciousness?

No one is born with negative attitudes and mental images, so where do they come from? Why do people start thinking that they are losers?

There are several main sources of negative suggestion:

  1. Parents. Many parents spoil the psyche of their children, and without meaning to. The main mistake that mom and dad make is comparing their child with their peers not in his favor. There are also constant reproaches for “wrong” actions; they often take out their own disappointment on the child.

All this is deposited in the subconscious and makes a person feel inferior, doubt his own strengths and capabilities. Negative attitudes from childhood are transformed into adulthood, and it becomes difficult for a person to make decisions and take responsibility for his actions.

  1. Negative past experiences . Bad experiences in the past also contribute to the formation of a negative attitude towards what they were associated with. The image is fixed in the subconscious that if nothing worked out the first time, then all subsequent ones will also be unsuccessful.

For example, in a relationship you encountered betrayal, which resulted in severe psychological trauma. As time passed, you moved away from the experience and entered into a new relationship. But at the subconscious level, you are now trying to convict all your new boyfriends of cheating. You suffer from doubts, even if they are groundless, you create scenes of jealousy, all the time waiting for life to throw you another trick.

How to believe in your beauty and attractiveness?

Are you unsure of your attractiveness? Do you have a lot of complexes about your own appearance? It's high time to say goodbye to this!

Believe in your beauty! And how to do this, read below. Today I will tell you how we solve the problem of our own ugliness and low self-esteem with female cadets. And I’ll show you with a specific example.

“Hello Oksana. I’m in my third month of training and I can’t achieve good results in meeting men. I am 46 years old, I am not married (I have had a man for three years), my daughter is 18 years old. Relationships with a man are strained...

I answer your questions:

- “Why am I ugly?” Because I have yellow teeth and thin calves. It’s probably funny to you, but for me it’s been going on since childhood.

- “What is my hidden benefit in considering myself ugly?” What a benefit. Men have always considered me hard to touch - this is how I hid from them, i.e. didn’t let almost anyone get close. I read a lot, played sports and drew, and I felt good. An ex-husband appeared who courted me for 6 years, and we lived together for 18 years.

Yes, I got it into my head that I have such shortcomings. Looking at my mother, whom everyone - both men and women - always paid attention to, she really was a beauty. As a child, I was never told that I was beautiful, only that I looked like my dad.

The main problem: I never learned how to meet and communicate easily with men.

- “What’s stopping you?” Shyness, isolation, lack of self-confidence. Uninteresting, poorly paid work, lack of your own home, self-criticism, soft character. Fear of passing years.

- “What can be done to solve the problem?” Love yourself, communicate more with interesting people; learn to look at problems adequately, more simply and easily; pay more attention to yourself. Become independent from a man, find a creative job with a normal income (although I can’t imagine that this is possible). To become an enviable bride, the one who will decide for herself whether she needs this particular man?..”

Best regards, Svetlana.

“...Why am I ugly? Because I have yellow teeth and thin calves. It’s probably funny to you, but for me this has been going on since childhood...”

It can't be funny if it's causing problems. If a girl is taught from childhood that “such” legs make her look ugly, she will consider herself ugly all her life. Every woman has her own problems. Thin calves, crooked legs, thin hair... Yellow, blue, crooked or chipped teeth. And what’s even more offensive is that there are no front teeth at all.

By the way, one of my friends recently fell down the stairs and knocked out all her front teeth (even the roots were damaged). Now he wears snow-white denims and flashes a Hollywood smile. She has become even more beautiful - there is no end to men.

Well, who cares what’s wrong with your teeth? The main thing is how you feel and how you present it.

You can consider yourself disabled with dentures. And you can find new opportunities and advantages in any disadvantage, and draw the benefits of life with a shovel.

Josephine de Beauharnais, Napoleon's wife, had a serious drawback - extremely bad teeth. But this flaw did not prevent her from being considered a very beautiful woman who had many admirers both before and after her marriage to Napoleon.

I recently counseled a woman with “thin” legs. She sent her photo - normal, beautiful legs, a wonderful waist like the young Gurchenko. By the way, Lyudmila Gurchenko also had thin calves, but this never stopped her from considering herself “Perfection Itself”! And really, who said that too thin or too thick calves are ugly?! I know a lot of beautiful women with calves that are too thin or, conversely, too thick. And they are really beautiful, no one even doubts that.

They began to figure out where this complex came from in the cadet, and it turned out that her parents had always told her: “My legs are too thin.” And my girlfriends were also making fun of me. She will wear a few tights to school and ask her friends how her legs look - thicker or not. And they say: “Oh, they’re so skinny, it’s just a nightmare!”

It is clear that the girlfriends were gloating. She would have asked: “Are my legs thick,” - her friends would have confirmed “thick.”

I suggest that all women with similar complexes work on how they relate to their body:

You need to sit in front of the mirror, look at yourself, and think about your attitude towards yourself, your face, your figure. And write down all the first thoughts that come to mind. It is important to write down the first thoughts, since they come to us directly from the Subconscious. All subsequent thoughts are already conscious reasoning. Such records must be kept for three days.

Many women, after conducting a similar analysis, find out that they actually treat their body as something absurd - ugly, unworthy, wrong, etc. And what’s most interesting: it turns out to be a COMPLETE SURPRISE for them! - “I take care of myself! I love myself, I dress up, paint, and do shaping. How did it happen?.."

And what’s most offensive: When you consider yourself to be something awkward, it is always visible to others, since your nonverbal signals will always tell you about it. This means that the people around you will also consider you far from beautiful.

We all know that external beauty (grooming, manners, style and image) is not everything. We can see two women, completely identically well-groomed, stylishly dressed, etc. But at the same time, one will be considered beautiful (and will be admired with pleasure), and the other ugly (and no one will admire her).

Why is that?

Because the first woman is truly beautiful - she is beautiful both Consciously and Subconsciously, convinced to the marrow of her bones of her beauty. And the second one can be beautiful only externally, but in the Subconscious at the same time have an awkward monster, which she secretly hates since childhood.

We have all seen more than once very beautiful women with amazing energy and inner light. But if you look at them in more detail, you can also see a lot of flaws in their appearance. But no one notices all these shortcomings - everyone only admires the merits of these ladies. Why?


And we often see quite beautiful women whom no one considers beautiful. This is such injustice.

Yes, consciously we are accustomed to consider ourselves beautiful, but we don’t even want to open up what is deep in our Subconscious. But in vain. After all, it is precisely these stupidities that often prevent us from truly loving ourselves. Really decide that you are Beautiful and deserve all the best in this world!

Success stories

“I’m no longer afraid to ask myself questions, take responsibility into my own hands and just enjoy life”

“Hello, Oksana! The passage of the third month took me almost a year, during which I honed and improved the knowledge that you passed on. I started the course again several times until I realized that I had changed both externally and internally :). During this time, much was discovered, studied and destroyed, or replaced with something constructive and conscious. It turns out that I had so many problems and complexes :). This hindered further development.

To be honest, I didn’t go through the third month as you recommended. Although I took an interview, there was no problem approaching someone, and I wrote several articles for the central newspaper. But that's not what's important. I'm past my third month of daily life. My work involves communicating with different people, since I am a businesswoman, albeit at the initial stage. And by the nature of my work, I communicate with people of different social and emotional levels. And if before many things were a problem (sometimes even just calling or asking to pay a bill :)), now for me there is no word “I can’t” or “I’m afraid.”

I enjoy communicating with different people, even very picky people, with whom no one wants to contact - but I want to, and I get what I need. I have discovered my talent for persuasion, as my companions tell me :)). It’s so strange: I just want to communicate with a person - and he answers me the same!

I’m no longer afraid of men, and I know exactly how to make him want to continue dating! I hear declarations of love quite often, not to mention compliments. The circle of acquaintances has increased significantly, and not only among men. I see how people are drawn to me. Nice!

I finally released that leader and light within me that had gone out in the series of failures and mistakes I had made. But at the same time, I realized that all this leads me to problems that I am not yet able to overcome.

But the most wonderful thing is that I am no longer afraid to ask myself questions, take responsibility and simply enjoy life. It’s an amazing feeling to realize that everything is in my hands :).

I can’t say how many people I met during this period, but their number is impressive :)). I gave myself an A in the three-month course, but only got Bs in two areas. I evaluate it honestly, because only I need it.”


Taking responsibility for your life into your own hands is an expensive pleasure. After all, now you will ALWAYS consider yourself an adult, smart and self-sufficient. Do not give yourself any concessions, and demand the best from yourself and life.

Yes it is hard! But the results are worth it! After all, in this case you have the opportunity to get much more from life.

Is that what you want? Really want to? Then enroll in our course “DAO: The Way of a Woman”

, and every day WORK on yourself with us.

Demand more from yourself - and you will definitely get it!

How to get rid of self-hypnosis

You have already realized that self-hypnosis can greatly poison our lives; it increases our sensitivity to the words of others and makes us more vulnerable. The positive thing is that this problem can be resolved. The people around you are not to blame for your troubles; their key lies in you.

  1. You need to accept your problems. Find the true source of all your misfortunes. To do this, you need to enter a state of altered consciousness, although sometimes the problem is found when replaying past events. Find the starting point when a negative image has taken hold in your head, making you doubt your own abilities.
  2. Change your memories. When the starting point that provoked the negative memory is found, it is necessary to imagine the situation that happened, but only this way. so that it turns into a positive one. Think about how it would be different if you or other people acted differently. Fill yourself with these positive feelings, believe in the new role, so that a new, changed, positive situation is deposited in your subconscious.

This is how you need to work on all the negative memories until you replace them all with positive emotions.

But if a situation in the past has caused you severe pain and disappointment that you are unable to cope with on your own, it is better to seek help from a professional. The effect of self-hypnosis is a very serious thing that can greatly change your life. Therefore, do not be afraid to trust a specialist who, using effective techniques, will help you achieve a comfortable and harmonious state.

Self-hypnosis and mind programming in action

To change your subconscious mind, autosuggestion is just one of the tools you can use. But using it correctly, you will notice the first results.

The effectiveness of self-hypnosis depends on three things:

  • the amount of emotion put into words;
  • number of word repetitions;
  • priority of what is desired.

There are many ways to turn on self-hypnosis, but the most effective and fastest is through affirmations.

Affirmations are statements that focus on a positive outcome.

Next, we will tell you step by step about the process of self-hypnosis through affirmations.

Determine what you want to change

The human brain is an automatic goal-seeking mechanism. If you have not programmed yourself for something new, you will automatically strive for those goals that are laid down in your subconscious by other people (they may also be negative).

If new goals are in conflict with goals that are firmly ingrained in your subconscious, they will not work. For positive changes it is necessary to eradicate old attitudes. This can also be done through self-hypnosis.

Just relax

Suggestions are accepted more readily when your conscious mind, the guardian of the subconscious, is turned off. This happens most often during:

  • sleep;
  • driving;
  • flow states;
  • hypnotic trance state (for example, meditation);
  • any other relaxing activity (for example, listening to music).

An experienced hypnotist can suggest certain things to your subconscious and make you act on them.

For the purposes of self-hypnosis, meditation in an isolated environment is the most effective tool. Meditation involves relaxation in an awake but comfortable state. This induces a trance that opens the subconscious to greater influence.


Your words must be believable. You must have deep faith in the amount of change you can take on yourself and your environment as a whole.

Most of us spend the entire day thinking about negative things. Why don't we think otherwise for once?

There is only the present

Your suggested statements should be in the first person and present tense. For example:

  • I am open to positive changes;
  • I am valuable at work;
  • I cope well with any difficulties.

You must see the future as already accomplished.

According to quantum physics, there is no such thing as past and future. Everything exists now and will always exist because it is the only reality. This means that who you want to be already exists, you just need to take action to turn your life in the right direction.

If you like your current position, keep doing what you are doing. But we're guessing you want some improvements in your life, otherwise you wouldn't have read this article this far, right?

Think positively

Your self-hypnosis should be positive - you should not use the words “no”, “never”, “don’t”, “can’t” in statements. The subconscious mind responds only to positive commands. Compare the phrases “I am always confident” and “I am never nervous.” Do you see the difference?

When you focus on an outcome such as “I never get nervous,” you are focusing on “don’t get nervous.” What happens in the end? You start to get nervous.

Practice, practice and more practice

If you want your affirmations to be effective, you need to practice them often.

Repetition is the best way to influence the subconscious. How did a person even learn to do anything? He did it again and again and again and again. Repetition is part of the learning process.

It's the same with your self-hypnosis. You need to do this again and again until you feel that your affirmations are you, and you are them.

Self-hypnosis is very effective if used correctly, but it is not a cure for all diseases. Consider it as one of your self-improvement tools. As with everything, there are no shortcuts here. But if you use persistent, diligent, repeated action, your life will change in incredible ways.

Here are some of the amazing books that inspired this article. Check them out if you want to continue your research into autosuggestion and mind programming:

  • "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.
  • "Psychocybernetics", Maxwell Moltz.
  • "Break the habit of being yourself" by Joe Dispenza.
  • "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Peale.
  • “Conscious self-hypnosis as a path to self-mastery”, Emile Coue.

Do you use self-hypnosis? How have you achieved your goals using self-hypnosis? Share your stories in the comments.

We wish you success!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Self-hypnosis: a brief educational program on autosuggestion
  • Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich" - summary
  • The power of thought: scientific facts and research
  • Shakti Gewein “Creative Visualization” - summary
  • The main ideas of Konstantin Stanislavsky
  • My best gift is from 4BRAIN!
  • How does motivation work?
  • 13 Tools for Brain Development
  • Formation of correct self-esteem
  • What is consciousness?

Key words: 1Cognitive science, 1Psychoregulation

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