What is CHSV in slang? How to use it? Examples

What is ChSV in slang

Let's take a closer look at what ChSV is and what it is used for. The full name is “sense of self-importance.” It refers to the behavior of a person who puts his opinion and his decision above others. We can say that ChSV is a person who sticks his nose in everywhere, decides for others and allows himself to belittle other people’s opinions.

Self-importance is a concept that expresses a negative assessment towards a person with arrogant behavior. Therefore, they hint to him that no one likes his sense of self-importance. A person in a group cannot put himself above others and ignore other people’s words and knowledge.

Mannered behavior leads to the fact that a person is treated poorly and is told: his heart rate is too high. Thus, now you know what ChSV is in slang.

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How we learned about ChSV

Let's start, perhaps, with where this term came from. It was introduced by the famous esoteric scientist Castaneda. It was from him that we first learned about such a phenomenon as ChSV. Decoding this abbreviation today does not cause any difficulties for any active Internet user. And all thanks to the Russian-language wikiencyclopedia “Lurkomorye” - it was it that popularized the ChSV meme, as well as many other well-known Internet phenomena. Due to the absence of strict formalities (as in Wikipedia itself), this resource covers a larger number of the most diverse objects of the modern world and gives a more complete and understandable picture of them.

Is emergency response good or bad?

It is not difficult to understand what emergency response is. This is a feeling of self-importance when a person wants others to listen to his opinion. However, how can one understand whether this is good or bad?

Man is a social animal. Without other people, without a group, we cannot survive alone. Therefore, when a person appears in a group who considers himself better than others, who belittles the opinions and words of another, they try to bring him down to earth. ChSV is not an insult, but only a hint to a person that he is “carrying away” in conversations. Thus, a group of people tries to distance themselves from the unpleasant person, but do not yet expel him from the team.

Therefore, of course, emergency situations are bad. However, for some people this is actually a good thing. These people think that they are better than others and consider others beneath them. From a moral point of view, this is wrong.

If you previously considered yourself better than others and you are called ChSV, then it’s time to reconsider your views and behavior in society. Knowing what emergency situations are, you can change for the benefit of yourself and others.

“Sense of Self-Importance” and “Sense of Own Greatness” (SSV)

“Sense of Self-Importance” or “Sense of Own Greatness” (SGB) is a feeling of superiority over something or someone, a feeling of increased significance of oneself, one’s actions and deeds, which does not reflect the real picture of what is happening. The concept of CSV was used by Carlos Castaneda in many of his books.

Don Juan spent a lot of time and effort on explaining the meaning of the concept of ESV, since it is extremely capacious.

Using all the explanations that don Juan gives us, the ESF has the following description and meaning: “This feeling is not initially inherent in a person, it is introduced into a person from the outside

By forcing a particular person throughout his life, that is, constantly, to check his own significance and importance, the life values ​​of this person change. The results of such checks put in first place, among all the life values ​​of a person, the values ​​that satisfy his personal feelings

At the same time, values ​​that do not satisfy the self-interest are relegated to the background or are completely discarded.

Unfortunately, as a result, even a person’s life itself falls into the category of concepts that do not satisfy the ESS (unimportant). In order not to lose one’s self-esteem, a person is ready to do any stupidity and even death. At the same time, emotional distress is destructive and, apart from the above-mentioned revaluation of oneself, does not bring significant changes in a person’s abilities and life

The main prerequisite for achieving the feeling of a warrior, as well as accepting responsibility for one's actions and erasing personal history, is the loss of a sense of self-importance or greatness. The concept of ChSV is highlighted in many books, especially in the third book, “Journey to Ixtlan”

Thus, often using the concept of ChSV on the Internet, the very concept of ChSV has become a common Internet meme, characterizing people who excessively demonstrate and exaggerate in front of others their importance and the significance of their person in the eyes of other people and the community as a whole.

Symptoms and characteristics of CVS

The characteristics and symptoms of PWS are:

  • excessive or exceptional narcissism and selfishness
  • exaggeration of one's talents and one's role
  • demonstrative behavior

Having seen such symptoms, one can confidently diagnose a person with FWS.

Aphorisms and phrases of people with CVS

People with HF often use similar aphorisms and expressions:

  1. I'm D'Artagnan, and you're all cunts
  2. I don’t care about anyone, I do my job and the way I see fit (if pronounced without connection with anything)
  3. I have +100500 edits for each post on the forum, during correspondence
  4. I have a significant contribution to articles, and you are a flooder and a troll
  5. and so on.

How and when is ChSV used?

Most often, ChSV was applied to such figures as Artemy Lebedev, Varrax, Katya Gordon, Yaroslav Zolotarev, Dimitry Podkovyrov, and so on. ChSV is also attributed to Wikipedia activists who often carried out self-promotion on Wikiprojects - Ayuz, Pogrebnoy-Alexandrov and Goldberg.

Do you consider yourself an important person, so important that not a single person can cope without your help? As a rule, people with high HR think this way. Perhaps this will seem funny to them, but such behavior is somewhat painful in nature, therefore, understanding what PSV is is simply necessary for those who strive for perfection

Are feelings of self-worth and self-esteem different things?

Do not confuse self-esteem and self-esteem. We have already explained what emergency response is and why it is bad. Now let's look at what self-esteem is.

This concept considers the human value and honor of the individual. Every person, every life is a value that no one can encroach on. Morality, religion and laws do everything to preserve the dignity of the individual. This concept includes the positive qualities of a person, his true characteristics and independence from other people’s judgments.

For example, if a person is insulted, this harms the dignity of the person. A person must know that he is worthy of adequate behavior on the part of his opponent, his interlocutor. Every person has rights and deserves to defend them. Each person has his own opinion and his own word, and he deserves them too.

How then do ChSV and ChSD differ? Because in the first case the value of other people is belittled. In the second case, a person considers himself worthy of the society in which he finds himself. Therefore, he can express his assessment, listen to others, and agree or disagree with them. However, imposing your point of view, suppressing someone else’s and belittling it will not work.

This is why debates were invented, why disputes and courts appeared. This all has to do with the third party listening to the two personalities and giving preference to the first or second.

CSV will never take a position in an argument or debate because for her there is no other opinion other than hers.

Thus, SEI (feeling of self-importance) and self-esteem are two different things.

Not ChSV

The feeling of Self-Greatness is sometimes confused with other similar manifestations that have nothing in common with it.

  • Well-known and popular personalities who appear on the red carpet with enviable regularity should not be immediately counted among the army of private-spirited people. Not all actors and musicians consider themselves the navel of the earth, which every person they meet should worship. First of all, actions speak about a person.
  • “Dangerous” professions are also not an indicator. Internal relations in such organizations are built on strength and a certain hierarchy that must be strictly observed. Therefore, having become accustomed to this state of affairs at work, army personnel and law enforcement officers often transfer this feature to the civilian world, where they are not always perceived as they would like.
  • Reasoned criticism for an unprepared person is terrible, incomprehensible, and therefore the reaction to it can be inadequate. Especially creative people. Therefore, you should not ask a question if you are not ready to hear the answer. There is also no need to answer such questions if you know the reaction in advance. Be smarter.
  • Deep knowledge in a particular topic. The classic example with film critics, who sometimes make a career out of CSV, is that the critic has seen a lot during his career, and therefore it is very difficult to surprise or impress him. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions about what he “thinks of himself” if he calls your next romantic comedy, book or play trivial and unremarkable. First, find out how competent the person is in this matter.

When you don’t need to talk about emergency situations

In what cases should you not talk about emergency situations?

  • In case someone else's opinion is immoral, against humanity, against laws and against religion. For example, it could be fascism, nationalism, racism, etc.
  • If a person simply expresses his assessment and opinion
  • If one person's opinion doesn't match the group's

In all these cases, there is no need to talk about emergency response. They either exceed the meaning of this concept or do not apply to it at all.

How to determine heart rate? If you see all these qualities in a person, you can definitely say that he has a heart attack:

  • arrogance;
  • demonstrating your intelligence and uniqueness;
  • perception of oneself as the “coolest” person;
  • demonstration of one’s absolute rightness;
  • the desire to say the final word;

So, if you notice that in a person’s behavior there is not one, not two, but several of the signs listed above, then you can tell him about the emergency response. You may even notice traits in yourself that should make you think about your behavior.

Increased heart rate

People with high heart rate are very easy to identify! It is enough to look at their manner of communication, behavior with friends and loved ones, and at least once see a person in an uncomfortable environment. Everything immediately becomes clear.

By the way, on the Internet you can also easily notice people with inflated heart rate. Pay attention to their comments and writing style. Such people love to teach everyone around them wisdom and attract attention in every possible way. They want to demonstrate their uniqueness and “coolness” to the whole world.

It's just not cool at all.

Want to know a little more about ChSV? Watch a short but informative video:

And if you think too highly of yourself, then this is a reason to think about it. Has your emergency situation gone beyond the limits of reason?

How to change if you were told about emergency situations

If you have already been told that your heart rate is too high, then you need to think about it. To change, to become a pleasant person for others, you need

  • try to listen to other people
  • do not humiliate, do not tease, do not mock anyone, do not negatively evaluate other people’s personal views and thoughts
  • express your thoughts openly without fear of criticism
  • accept criticism calmly and without emotion
  • try to build a dialogue rather than run away from the conversation
  • criticize other people's words objectively, giving arguments and arguments
  • do not raise your voice or express aggression
  • don't belittle others' importance

This way, you can become a better person and stop hearing negative comments about yourself. You will learn what FSA is, so be prepared to change your behavior.

What is an underestimated heart rate?

In contrast to overestimated, underestimated heart rate characterizes people who are very insecure and doubt their abilities, skills or appearance. As a rule, these are very calm, quiet, modest and uninitiative people, through whose oppression those around them actually assert their own feelings.

As a result, I would like to note that the inflection of the Sense of Self-Importance in one direction or the other is not a good thing. With this phenomenon, in principle, as with everything else, it is necessary to maintain a balance. Be confident, but don't be cocky. Don’t sit and whine under a warm blanket, but try, learn and work on yourself.

Examples of emergency situations in real life

Let's look at how you can detect emotional distress in the behavior of other people using examples of statements:

  • “I don’t care about your opinion, everything should be the way I want it”
  • “Can you even hear yourself? Don't have enough brains to think? Listen to me!"
  • “I am the queen, so whatever the queen says must be done.”
  • “Your boyfriend will be mine in 5 minutes”
  • “It shouldn’t concern you what I think and do. It all depends on me"

This is how ChSV people most often express themselves. That is why it is unpleasant to talk to them, much less be friends.

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