What are lucid dreams? How to get into the phase? Techniques, examples, books, films

Why am I writing about lucid dreams...

I decided to write about lucid dreams because it's really cool! And I want to share my experience. Tell me how it was the first time. And after what events. And now I write, inspired by lucid dreams.

Today I slept until lunchtime. But first I woke up a little earlier. Then I decided to take a little more nap. And an hour later I fell asleep. I realized in the dream itself and off we go) I flew and walked through walls, ending up in interesting places. Why didn’t I do anything! And when I woke up, I had breakfast and sat down to write an article.

In general, this background is so that you understand that I am not talking about the OS because of the relevance of the topic. Although the topic is really popular. But I actually have experience and have been practicing this activity for quite a long time. Let's start with a definition.

What are lucid dreams?

Or lucid dreams. Out-of-body experiences and travel. And also OS or phase. And many people call this state access to the astral plane. Who likes it more?

A lucid dream is an altered state of consciousness of a person in which he understands that he is in a dream. And he can control his dreams to one degree or another. This is the borderline state between REM sleep and wakefulness.

How does everything really happen? And is every person able to get into this phase and control dreams? Yes, any of us can get into the OS. The only question is how easy or hard it is.

One may find himself in the phase the first time. Others need long training sessions. Some people will be able to stay in the phase for a long time. And the other one will immediately fly out and wake up, or continue to sleep as usual. Everything here is individual.

And before we look at the techniques with which you can get into lucid dreams, we will define the paths of awareness. That is, from what state can you get to the OS. There are 3 ways:

  1. Direct output (when falling asleep)
  2. During normal sleep
  3. Upon awakening

What is the most optimal state for switching to the OS? As a rule, the first method is the most difficult. The third is considered the easiest - getting into the phase upon awakening. It is quite common. But I began to notice that most often I manage to get into the OS when watching a normal dream.

How does this happen? I'm watching a dream. And I accidentally cling to some event that seems strange to me. As soon as I think about it, I immediately realize that I am in a dream. And you're done! I immediately switch automatically into a lucid dream and begin to build my plot.

I would like to note that before, no matter how vivid and believable the dreams I had, I was not able to cling to certain oddities in order to become conscious. This came gradually, with experience. When I have already been in the phase upon awakening enough times. And I tried the techniques.

OS Country: What Russians See in Lucid Dreams

Today, Lilia’s favorite nighttime activities are to fly, breathe underwater, and explore the boundaries and possibilities of her psyche. “A person is an animal with sensory needs, and before moving on to working on oneself and daring fantasies, one needs to satisfy the needs of the body, to give oneself what is missing in life. That is, first everyone tries to have sex and try food from Michelin-starred restaurants, and only then they imagine dragons and unicorns,” she says.

To gain control of her dreams, Lilia constantly conducts “reality tests” and uses grounding techniques. “I trained myself to check all the time to see if I was dreaming,” she says. — When I notice that something strange is happening, for example, I’m flying, I ask myself whether this can happen in reality, and I instantly become aware, that is, I understand that I am in a dream. Next you need to ground yourself. I tell myself: “The past is memories, the future is fantasies; I feel my body right here and now.” After the mantra, I scan all my tactile sensations: I try to feel what’s under my feet, what clothes I’m wearing, whether the wind is blowing in my face, whether I’m warm. Then I connect my eyes, look at the world around me very carefully, as if I came to visit a nice apartment and want to remember all the “tricks” so that I can later repeat them in my interior. Concentrating on feelings helps me maintain a state of awareness for as long as possible. You can do anything in it. In the real world there are ethics, criminal codes and other conventions. In dreams, only I set boundaries.”

Lilia says that her fascination with dreams led to changes in real life. “You can't have lucidity in your dreams without lucidity in your waking life,” she says. “When you start doing this, you first come across the collective unconscious. For example, my husband recently discussed with a friend that they both dreamed about Donbass during the Ukrainian events of 2014. With practice, you come out of the bubble of information garbage and find yourself face to face with your own unconscious, and there are almost always fears there. It's like the movie Inception, where the characters dive from one level of sleep to a deeper one. And that’s where the real work on yourself happens.”

In her own unconscious, Lilia discovered two main fears: dying and not living up to her mother’s expectations. Working through that fateful dream with a psychotherapist, she gradually worked through each of them. “I realized that when I confessed my love, I stopped resisting. Love unites. Realizing all this, it was as if I was born again.”

Lucid dreaming techniques

So, let's move on to OS techniques. What is the point? A person who has had enough sleep has a better chance of getting into the phase. Because if the sleep is too deep, it is difficult to become conscious.

Also, many people will find a couple of points inconvenient due to their lifestyle and schedule. Which are associated with work, study, forced early awakening. Therefore, the first two points can be ignored. And start with the next ones. And depending on your luck. Personally, that's what I did.

Set an alarm and wake up in 4 hours

Set your alarm clock to wake up in 4-5 hours. Or so. Then you need to go to the toilet or drink some water. And lie down again. Staying awake can take anywhere from 5 to 50 minutes. This is done so that the body gets almost enough sleep in a few hours.

Falling asleep with intention

So, during this period of time you set yourself the intention to get into the phase and become aware. Also, you can read this article again and brush up on the techniques. So that a clear goal is formed in your mind. Once you have made a plan and memorized the techniques, you can continue to sleep. But without an alarm clock. 2 methods of falling asleep quickly will help you fall asleep.

OS Techniques

Now that you've had a little sleep and fallen asleep again, your awakening may soon come on its own. And repeat from time to time. This is what happens in everyday life, when the body is already full of sleep.

And it is precisely in these moments of awakening that it is important to remember the OS techniques. Don't open your eyes and toss and turn from side to side! Otherwise, there is a risk of completely waking up. And start performing any of the techniques below. Or alternate them until you find the optimal one for yourself.

3.1 Separation from the body

So, once you feel like you are waking up, immediately imagine that you are turning around and rolling out of your body. If it doesn't work, keep going. There should be a feeling of separation. It is as if you begin to separate from the body.

At the same time, you may well realize that you are lying on the sofa. And then fall off it onto the floor (not really). Or ride over a wall. Sometimes it may seem like it's almost done. It's important not to stop. The trick is that techniques sometimes require a lot of willpower.

3.2 Rotation technique

Similar to the previous one. This is also where you start to turn. Rotate smoothly around your axis. Right or left. Then, if strange sensations appear, begin to separate by rolling out. as described in the first technique.

3.3 Swimming technique

If one technique fails within a few seconds, move on to another. Imagine that you are floating. Try to feel the touch of water. How the hands move to create waves. Or just imagine yourself moving your arms in bed. When the actions become completely obvious, you have entered the lucid dream phase.

3.4 Phantom wobble

Imagine yourself swinging. But don't tense your muscles. You can swing your body as a whole, or your arms or legs separately. Start small and gradually increase the amplitude until separation from the body begins to occur.

3.5 Visualization of hands

This is a technique for visualizing your hands in front of your eyes. Of course, you don’t really need to open your eyes and raise your hands. But you don’t just look at them, but actively begin to rub your palms together. If an effect occurs, continue, mentally intensifying it. At the very peak it can be combined with separation.

3.6 Observing images

This technique is based on peering. It is possible that at first it will be dark and empty. Look harder until images begin to emerge. But it is not recommended to look at them carefully, otherwise they will begin to blur. On the contrary, you should look through the picture until the image becomes as realistic as possible.

Introduction to Lucid Dreaming Techniques

Important requirement : this technique is designed for precise, consistent follow-up. If you do not know or do not understand why certain actions are needed, they should not be skipped under any circumstances. Just follow the rules below for lucid dreaming step by step There are no trifles here. Everything is important.

In advance, you can right now, think about what you will do in the OS. This is also important. The current technique requires the presence of a plan of action and intention. At first it should be something very simple . For example, leave the body (separate from the body), get out of bed, go out into the hallway, look at yourself in the mirror, then go into the kitchen or go out onto the landing. Maybe take some easily accessible thing that always lies in the same place: it could be an electric kettle or a tablespoon.

At this stage there is no need to come up with complex plans for the OS. Since the task is to determine the reality of the existence of such a phenomenon as a lucid dream, a complex plan, the implementation of which will require serious effort, will only complicate the achievement of the goal. Subsequently, the plan may be much more intense, but for now, the simpler the better.

Also, clarify for yourself in advance the technique of separation from the body, which you will begin to use at the right moment. Below is a general description of the method :

  1. Try to separate from the body immediately after waking up in the morning. To do this, without opening your eyes, mentally imagine how without the participation of your body muscles , sit down on the bed, and then get up and immediately go to carry out the previously planned plan.
  2. If it was not possible to leave the body immediately after waking up, then in order:
  • Mentally imagine for 5 seconds how you sway from side to side (you don’t need to swing on the bed in your physical body);
  • Mentally imagine for 5 seconds how you rotate around your axis, first in one direction, then in the other;
  • Look into the darkness in front of your eyes for 5 seconds.
  1. If any action begins to pull you into sleep, continue to perform this action for more than 5 seconds until you are drawn deep enough. Then separate from the body - mentally, without the participation of the muscles of the real body, get out of bed.
  2. If you failed to separate from the body after 3 actions, start doing them one by one again. You can repeat the cycle of 3 actions 2 more times, i.e. in total you will do a maximum of 3 times, 3 manipulations for 5 seconds.
  3. If nothing worked in 3 cycles of 3 actions, relax and “go” to sleep again. At your next awakening (there should be several), try everything again from step 1.

If the OS techniques don't work...

If it turns out that the technique did not work and you fell asleep or finally woke up, do not be upset. Try again the next time you wake up. Keep for yourself the techniques that gave you the sensations. But perhaps you just didn’t finish them. Then it will work out next time.

Some people get it right the first time. For others later. And it will definitely work out if you continue training and apply techniques. And it happens like that. The dreamer completely despaired and abandoned this matter. And suddenly, after a few days, I spontaneously fell into a phase.

Action plan for lucid dreaming

What else is important to know about out-of-body travel? Be sure to think in advance about what you will do during the phase. Why is it important? When you get into the OS, there is a high probability of getting confused. Then you will start wandering around aimlessly. And the risk of moving into the normal sleep phase increases significantly.

In addition, we want to learn how to lucid dream. Which in itself implies management. What kind of managers are we if we don’t have clear goals? It turns out that we will go with the flow. And we need to build the plot ourselves in order to master the OS as best as possible and consolidate our skills.

What can you do in lucid dreams? Whatever! If it's hard to come up with, look at the examples:

  • Get answers to your questions from a pre-conceived person or creature.
  • Visit another city, country, event. In space, on the moon or any planet.
  • Fly by yourself or on a dragon. In the sky or in another reality altogether.
  • Find a person and chat. Or meet the deceased.
  • Ride a car or fly a plane.
  • Travel to the past or future.
  • Transform into a mermaid or a dinosaur.
  • Transmigrate to another body.
  • Get to know yourself and the world around you.
  • Visit other worlds.
  • And for the advanced: learn skills, cure a disease, lose weight, etc.

So, in this regard, there is room to roam. It all depends on your imagination and needs.

Features of the practice of lucid dreaming

The difference between lucid dreaming and normal dreaming is the awakening of the sleeping person's normal daytime consciousness. He realizes that he is sleeping, but at the same time the ability to critical thinking is activated, as if the person is in virtual reality. In a dream you can do anything; the dreamer’s actions are not limited by anything. An individual can fly, descend to the bottom of the ocean, walk on water, visit other galaxies, travel in space and time - that is, do absolutely everything that the imagination allows.

With the help of the practice of lucid dreaming, you can work on yourself, for example, use it to get rid of fears and to effectively search for solutions to absolutely any problem. So, if a person has a fear of public speaking, then during lucid dreams he can train and hone his ability to speak in front of an audience.

Lucid dreams allow you to dialogue with all aspects of your personality, so you may experience sudden bursts of creativity. Artists, writers, musicians experiencing a creative crisis can, through the practice of lucid dreaming, awaken their “dormant” creativity. Lucid dreams can also contribute to personal growth and improve the quality of life in general.

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These dreams have one peculiarity. By performing some actions during sleep that affect the vestibular apparatus, be it jumping, somersaults or spinning, you can get a very interesting effect. The dream image disappears, the person feels that he is in his bed, but has not yet woken up.

At this moment, every attempt to move or get out of bed entails strong tactile sensations - rotation, stretching, twisting, compression, etc. Attempts to move your arms or legs will meet strong resistance, overcoming which you can feel how the ephemeral arms or legs are separated. Having freed your body in this way, you can go for a walk. This phenomenon is called out-of-body experiences, out-of-body experiences.

Having gained the experience of controlling dreams for the first time, a person experiences a shock, a feeling of another dimension, the awakening of certain superpowers that were available before, but had been dormant until that moment. The practice of lucid dreaming is used in a variety of teachings, for example, in Tibetan Buddhism. In order to master the practice of lucid dreaming, it is necessary to make some efforts, but the results obtained will exceed them many times over, filling life with bright colors, allowing you to learn new facets of an alternative reality.

Lucid dreams and first experiences

Now I want to tell you about my OS experience. How did I first enter the phase? And what features did I notice? Because it is somewhat different from the subsequent ones.

Before, I had no idea what this condition was. But one day a guy I knew gave me a book by Mikhail Raduga called “Phase”. To be honest, at first I didn’t understand what she was talking about. I threw it on the shelf with the thought that I would look at it later. And I completely forgot about her.

After some time, I came across courses from a very good practitioner on the social network VKontakte. This is Oleg Kuyava, OS teacher. And the topic of dreams has always worried me. Because not a single night goes by without me having a dream. My dreams are varied and vivid. They are much more interesting to watch than TV. I've always been curious about how dreams appear. That’s why the attitude is reverent. Still, we spend a good part of our entire lives in this state.

So I became interested in Oleg’s training. And after listening to him, it suddenly dawned on me that my book was just about lucid dreams. I just didn’t immediately understand it when I saw the name Phase. And transcript - A practical textbook on out-of-body experiences. This confused me.

And then this happened. I had a lot of free time at work, which allowed me to start reading the book. Before I even read half of it, I already started using the techniques. True, there was no success. Perhaps because I got up early and didn’t have much time for practice.

But my brain, apparently, put away valuable information in its bins. And at the right moment he pulled it out when I didn’t suspect it. And it happened soon. I woke up in the middle of the night, realized that it was too early to get up and began to fall asleep again. I didn’t even use any techniques.

And then something amazing happens. There was a hum. And it became louder and louder. Even half asleep, I wanted to be indignant that someone was disturbing my sleep. After all, it’s night and you have to get up early for work. But then it stopped. I look at the wall, but I see different wallpaper. Some strange pattern in the semi-darkness.

It dawned on me - I’m in the phase! Wow! This means it’s time to try to roll out of the body using the separation technique. It didn’t work out right away. But pretty quickly. I ended up on the floor, but I couldn’t really get up. And since such cases were cited in the book, I knew what to do.

I literally dived through the floors. I flew through several apartments and stopped in some room. I could already walk. And even through walls. It was terribly interesting. And at the same time, I’m happy that my plan has finally come true.

But we couldn’t stay for long. As it happens the first time. Therefore, the plan could not be carried out this time. But a start had been made. I woke up and fell asleep again contentedly, watching my usual dreams.

Lucid dreams - side effects

After that I thought for a long time. Indeed, in the book by Mikhail Raduga there are many examples where dreamers talk about their OCs. And in many early practices the same phenomena are observed. This is extraneous noise or buzzing in the ears. And also the inability to get up immediately.

I want to say that I only heard the noise once. Perhaps two. But it’s not always possible for experienced practitioners to get on their feet right away. Therefore, you can first start crawling and moving on all fours. Or better yet, take off. Just wave your hands. Personally, these are the tactics I use.

There are also vibrations. Usually they are combined with a hum. Which becomes so loud that vibrations go through the body. But they can also occur without noise. Therefore, having felt them, you need to seize the moment.

Another common occurrence is blindness. It can occur at any stage. And with blindness, the risk of falling out of phase increases. And what kind of dreams are they without visual perception? Therefore, we will look at several simple techniques for maintaining phase.

How to gain a foothold in a lucid dream

As you already understand, it is not so easy for beginners to stay in the phase for a long time and fulfill their plan. Therefore, you need to start doing entry techniques again as soon as you feel the instability of your state.

In addition, there are many auxiliary actions that need to be used to make the lucid dream brighter and the phase more stable. So, when you start to lose the picture, do the following:

  • Rub your palms or breathe on them
  • If the image has not completely disappeared, look at your hands and nails
  • Spin up fast like a top
  • Contain the storm of emotions so as not to wake up
  • Start falling through floors or underground
  • Look in the mirror, but don't be scared if it's not you)

I once looked at some colored pebbles. And after that the picture became quite clear and bright.

Keep these simple techniques in mind so you don't have to waste time while sleeping. Over time they will become a habit.

Sleep paralysis

What is this and why did I decide to raise this topic? I'll explain in simple words.

Sleep paralysis is a temporary inability to move when falling asleep or waking up. When your muscles are still asleep, but your brain is not quite there anymore.

What happens? You see a room. Hear sounds. And you may even find a person in the room! And then panic sets in. It seems to you that you are not sleeping, but someone is present in your home. And perhaps it touches you or puts pressure on your body. Well, is it familiar?)

This is why many people believe that the brownie is playing a cruel joke on them and wants to harm them. And all from ignorance of the processes of the body. But we've just revealed a secret. Forewarned is forearmed. What am I getting at...

Now that you know that you may find yourself in a state of sleep paralysis, use it to enter the phase. As soon as you feel familiar symptoms, immediately start doing the techniques. Spin, separate from the body. Whatever. The main thing is not to be afraid!

And I’m sure that now you will remember this in a state of paralysis. Which means half the job is done. After all, this is a borderline state from which it is easy to rebuild and go deeper into a lucid dream. If you see someone, don’t be afraid. Think of it as a game.

I also experienced sleep paralysis. And they scared me. Not to say that it was strong, but it was strange. Sometimes it's creepy. And I wanted to wake up faster, but it didn’t work. At the same time, I saw a man in the room. Both standing and sitting next to you on the bed. Only after a series of attempts was it possible to open my eyes.

How to enter a lucid dream?

There are several common techniques, one of which is to control your consciousness in the borderline state between sleep and reality. It is better to learn to enter into a lucid dream at precisely such moments - when you started to wake up, but did not fully wake up.

A more advanced technique is to remain conscious while falling asleep. That is, initially immerse yourself in controlled sleep. Using special techniques, you can also learn to wake up in a dream and take control of it. To do this, you need to write down your dreams every day in as much detail as possible. This way you will develop a good memory of dreams and be able to control them.

In fact, the main thing is a great desire. If you focus on the desire to enter a lucid dream, you will certainly succeed. Fall asleep with this thought, wake up with it, and sooner or later you will realize that you are seeing a dream, but you can influence it.

Tips for lucid dreaming

So, I’ll give you a list of all kinds of tips and life hacks. By the way, if I'm missing something, you can add it in the comments.

Reality tests

If you think you've woken up and the technicians have let you down, take a reality test. Very often we cannot understand that we are already in a phase. And then we fall asleep. For example:

  • take a look in the mirror - your appearance may change
  • look at your hands - they may seem unusual
  • look at the clock a couple of times in a row - the time should change
  • walk through a wall or put your hand through
  • jump or try to fly
  • pinch your nose and breathe

Surely you know that in a dream all images are distorted. Therefore, determining reality or its absence will not be difficult.

No alcohol

This is a must. You will not be able to enter the phase while intoxicated. So, if you are serious about practicing OS, exclude any alcoholic drinks. Only sobriety - only hardcore!))

State of aggression

Sometimes beginners fail to succeed due to a lack of aggression. They start trying, but there is no result. And as a result, you fall asleep. You must repeat the attempts as persistently as you do with sleep paralysis when you want to wake up.

In fact, as I already said, techniques require willpower. I myself have noticed that sometimes the exit does not happen immediately. You begin to flounder in place, but there is no way to separate. It's getting boring already. But I continue and achieve my goal.

Intention and planning

Again, I will repeat the importance of these points. You should intend to go out by replaying these thoughts before going to bed. And also draw up a clear plan of action in a lucid dream. This is how you program your consciousness.

It is especially important to do this in the initial stages. Because this will help you stay asleep. Otherwise, you will get confused, relax and fall into a deep sleep. And don’t you yourself want to fulfill your deepest desires? Even if in a dream.

Frequency of techniques

There is no need to try to enter the phase every night. Statistics have been noted that with such regular use of techniques, a person completely stops seeing lucid dreams for a long period. Therefore, it would be optimal to try 2-3 times a week. Besides, then it can happen by itself. Like me or many other OS practitioners.

Mandatory steps to enter a lucid dream

Background information: the technique is used in the morning. Make sure in advance that nothing and no one will disturb you. It is important to be sure that you completely protect yourself from distractions. Prepare a glass of filtered or mineral water without gas at room temperature. Go to bed no later than 11 pm so that your body has enough rest, but still has the opportunity to fall asleep. Set your alarm for 5 or 5:30 am. Now go to bed. Just sleep as usual. The alarm clock will wake you up at the scheduled time.

When your alarm wakes you up, turn off the ringer. Go to the toilet. Drink some water. You don't need to drink the whole glass unless you're thirsty. Make sure you're not hungry, you don't need to go to the bathroom, you're not thirsty, and the bedroom isn't too stuffy.

Now repeat the following to yourself (this is the most important step of this technique, never skip it), you can speak out loud, you can mentally say to yourself, it is important to do this consciously, with understanding and clearly. There is no need to memorize it, you just need to understand it all clearly. Speak in your own words:

  • Now I will go to sleep, but after some time I will wake up and immediately try to separate from the body.
  • If I don’t manage to immediately exit my body into a lucid dream, I will mentally imagine myself swinging from side to side for 5 seconds. If I start to be pulled into sleep, I will rock until I am pulled in hard enough, then I will separate from my body - I will stand up without using physical muscles.
  • If nothing changes in 5 seconds of rocking, I will imagine myself spinning from side to side for the next 5 seconds. I will feel that I am being pulled into sleep, then I will repeat the rotation until I find myself deep enough in sleep, after which I will separate from the body.
  • If the previous 2 actions do not help me end up in the OS, I will stare into the darkness in front of my eyes for 5 seconds. If I start to feel like I’m being pulled into sleep, I’ll continue to look into the darkness before my eyes, and then try to separate myself from the body.
  • If a cycle of 3 actions does not give the desired result, I will repeat it. In total, you can do 3 cycles of 3 actions. If this doesn't help, I'll relax and go to bed. After a while I realize that I have woken up and will immediately start all over again.
  • When I separate from my body and find myself in a lucid dream, I will immediately go... (here say the simple, easy-to-follow plan ).
  • If, while in the lucid dream, I feel that the dream is “fading”, the surroundings are losing realism, or in a lucid dream my vision is blurry, I will begin to rub my palms together, and then I will begin to feel the surrounding objects with my hands.

All. Go to sleep and act exactly as you just said.

A few clarifications. The last item in the previous list provides a simple technique for holding a lucid dream. It happens that immediately after leaving the body, the immersion into a lucid dream is shallow. Occasionally, at first, visual perception is incomplete or even completely absent. And it happens that this happens after some time. You shouldn’t be afraid of this - the holding technique easily corrects everything and deepens the OS - rub your palms against each other, feel the surrounding objects with your hands. Try not to linger for a long time on one object and, in general, not to stand still. Just act in a lucid dream according to the intended program.

When you complete a simple plan, for example, look at yourself in the mirror and then go out into the yard, or take some object, consider the task completed. What to do next is up to you, but at this stage it doesn’t matter. You have achieved your goal - you have accessed the OS and are convinced of the reality of the phenomenon.

Once you are deeply immersed in a lucid dream, you will understand what it is. Don’t be afraid of the stunning hyper-realism of what’s happening, don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to return. It's just a special dream. The problem of return in the case of lucid dreams does not arise at all. In general, it’s difficult to get there, it’s not easy to stay there, but getting back (i.e., waking up) is easy. Typically, at first, the duration of the dive will be no more than 3–5 minutes, even if the retention technique is performed correctly. Over time, this period can be increased.

How to get to the right place or find a person in a dream

Don't worry if it doesn't work out right away. You don't always get to the place you want. Or it is distorted beyond recognition. So is the desired person. You want to find one, but a completely different person or entity appears in front of you.

But some search tips can still make your efforts easier. To find a place, don't try to go all the way physically. Remember that you are in a dream. Therefore, it is enough to imagine it, and then go there by opening the door. Go through a wall or floor. Dive into the mirror or TV. Jump out the window and land in the desired location.

When searching for a person, you can try the following tactics:

  • call out loudly by name
  • close your eyes, imagine it in front of you and open
  • imagine him from behind and turn around
  • think it's around the corner and go there
  • ask the first person you meet where the person is

It's not as simple as it seems. Again, training is required.

Books about lucid dreams

If the topic of out-of-body travel has sunk into your soul, I recommend reading books by professionals:

  • Carlos Castaneda. "The Art of Dreaming"
  • Mikhail Raduga. "Phase. A Practical Primer on Out-of-Body Experiences"
  • Mikhail Raduga. "Phase. Cracking the illusion of reality"
  • Andrey Budko. Mikhail Raduga. "Out of Body for the Lazy"
  • Mikhail Raduga. “School of out-of-body travel - 2. Personal experiences”
  • Mikhail Raduga. "Elizabeth's Mystery" Kingdom of Dreamers"
  • Oleg Kuyava. "Phase. Reality Enhancement Tool"
  • Florinda Donner. "Life in a Dream"
  • Bradley Thompson. "Lucid dreaming in 7 days"
  • Robert Monroe. "Travel Out of the Body"
  • Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. "Tibetan Yoga of Sleep and Dreams"

Why are lucid dreams necessary?

Such dreams open up endless spaces for human consciousness. Essentially, you are discovering a new reality that does not obey the laws we know. Time flows differently in it, in it you can see and hear something that does not exist in everyday life. A lucid dream is your personal virtual reality.

In addition, managing your dreams allows you to get rid of nightmares and obsessive, recurring dreams. Every night you will be able to generate the kind of dreams in which you want to be, instead of those that your subconscious has given you.

Another important point is that a lucid dream allows you to learn how to leave the body, enter the astral plane, and temporarily throw off your bodily shell. A very useful skill in modern life. After all, astral travel opens up a new world for a person, without pulling him out of his usual life, since travel occurs during night sleep.

Films about lucid dreams

It wouldn’t hurt to watch thematic films in your spare time:

  • Start
  • Conscious dream
  • Waking Life (cartoon)
  • Sleeping
  • Good night
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Erased reality
  • Dream Hunters
  • End of the century
  • A cheerful dream, or Laughter and tears
  • Beyond reality
  • Falling water
  • Anamnesis (TV series)
  • Cartography of Dreams (documentary)

Examples of my interesting lucid dreaming practices

And finally, I want to tell you two of my OS practices. And at the same time, a story about what I experienced with sleep paralysis.

Lucid dreaming is one of the most vivid

It was difficult for me to decide on the choice of dream for the story. But I settled on this one, because the colors were really bright. As well as the smells. And I managed to enter the phase upon awakening.

As soon as I felt myself in that very borderline state, I immediately applied the separation technique. As a rule, if I roll towards the floor, I end up on the floor. Then I get up and go to do what I have planned.

But this time I was approaching the back of the sofa. Actually, there was nowhere to roll out. Not so! I fell through the portal in the back of the sofa into a clearing in the forest. Once on the ground, I felt the wonderful smell of fresh grass, like after rain.

I decided to take a walk and see what was next. And I needed to ask someone a question that was very concerning to me at that time. I walked along the path into a village. Yes, not just some kind, but a fairytale one. It reminded me of the hobbit settlement from Tolkien's fairy tale.

There were people walking around who did not pay attention to me. But an interesting creature came across. Instead of hair, there were tentacles on the head. When I asked him a question, I did not receive a clear answer. Just around the bush.

So I moved on to meet someone else. Continuing my journey, I admired the forest. The bright green crowns of the trees looked magnificent against the cloudy sky. The clouds were approaching and the weather promised spectacles.

And then a tornado the size of a nine-story building appears from behind the forest. And lightning flashes from it. By the way, I always loved to observe such weather phenomena. That's probably why my brain transmitted them to me. This whole thing was coming towards me. But there was no fear, since I was aware of everything.

And then a magic carpet flies out of that tornado. And there is a genie sitting on it. Truly a fabulous dream!)) And the colors are so rich... It flew out and landed a couple of meters from me. I come closer and understand that the genie doesn’t mind me keeping company and sitting on the carpet.

Which is what was done. I thought: “Now I’ll definitely get the answer to the question.” And I just opened my mouth... And he was already preparing to listen to me carefully. Suddenly my cat started playing and running around the room. Damn right on time! And I woke up. I received my answers later in other dreams. But that's a different story...

An experiment in lucid dreaming

When I was already fully practicing entering the phase, I decided to conduct an experiment that I had previously read about in books. I cut up a stack of paper squares and numbered them. Then she stirred and pulled one out. Of course, I didn’t watch the performance, since it was done for experience. And in a dream I had to (no, not guess!) see the chosen number.

I put a piece of paper under my laptop. A couple of days later the phase entered. I realized and remembered about the experiment. She took out a piece of paper from under the laptop and began to look at it. A lot of things were written on it. And not at all what is needed. No matter how hard I tried to concentrate, nothing happened. But I don't give up.

I had to wait for the next lucid dream. Soon it happened. I went to the table, picked up my laptop and took out a square of paper. Turning it, I clearly saw the number 4. “Well, great,” I thought. When I woke up, I was sure that everything had worked out. I got up and checked first. And indeed, the number 4! But the most interesting thing is that I didn’t guess it. Namely, I saw it.

Lucid dreaming. Observations from a colleague on the topic:

New opportunities and experiences can be so fascinating that a person loses awareness, and attraction to the enchanting person leads him astray. I never aspired to abilities, magic, psychic skills. As for me, the desire for awareness and adequacy is paramount. Having discovered the program in myself, “I don’t want to be a monkey with a grenade; let the possibilities open up for me as my awareness develops,” I left it as it is. Let the appearance of abilities be a sign that you are on the right path, but not a goal for which you need to spend your efforts.

I’m not saying that all acquired skills need to be immediately closed or encapsulated. And having received more power and opportunities to influence, it would be adequate to realize that “great power requires great responsibility.” It’s not just about not harming someone, but, first of all, yourself. The person who projects the emotion, intention, desire is the first and, as a result, the last to feel the impact of his creation.

A person can get confused, look for answers, then get new opportunities, but unraveling one thing, get confused in another. Do we think that for the power to emerge, we must now first lay the foundation of awareness? Not often enough, in my opinion. What if everyone asked themselves: “What would I choose: the widest range of super abilities or the strongest balance and peace in my heart?” Perhaps this is one of the Creator’s maturity exams .

If you are new to esotericism and want to understand how energy protections work, when and under what conditions they are recommended to be used so as not to waste energy, and also try their methods on yourself, then this webinar is for you. During the webinar, the theory of energy security is given , as well as work practices that you can try out during the lesson and then use independently.

The webinar is intended for beginners. You don’t need any preliminary preparation, you just need to provide yourself with a quiet space while you work. If you are sensitive to the subtle plane, this is a plus. If you don’t have it, it’s okay, we’ll learn.

Total duration: 3 hours 12 minutes

Cost: 990 rub.

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