Why is aggression growing in society and crimes becoming more and more violent?

Why people are cruel to each other: definition of cruelty + how ruthlessness manifests itself in people + reasons that give rise to cruelty + 7 signs of a cruel person + scientific experiments on the cruelty of people + how to protect yourself from a merciless person.

Cruelty, unfortunately, is now one of the key character traits of almost every person on planet Earth. Only in some it is less pronounced, in others it is more pronounced.

In this article, I propose to understand the reasons why people are often cruel to each other.

What is cruelty and how does it manifest itself?

Every day we communicate and perhaps even get to know different people, and we form an impression about them: whether they are good or bad, evil or kind, cruel or merciful. And, as much as I wouldn’t like it, there are a lot of cruel people in the world. They make wars, kill, take revenge, cause mental pain, it is from them that evil comes. They say that it is necessary for there to be balance in the world. As for me, it’s better without balance, as long as everyone is alive and well.

Cruelty is a very insidious psychological trait. We are all endowed with it from birth, like any other quality. Only some people refuse to develop it, while others do everything possible to become even tougher every year. Cruelty is always accompanied by bitterness, feelings of envy, rudeness, destructive aggression and terrible selfishness. A cruel person, in achieving his goal, will go over their heads, kill if necessary, and will never show mercy, even if there is an innocent child in front of him. The worst thing is that a cruel person always gets pleasure from his atrocities.

Important: there are two forms of cruelty: active, in which a person himself commits crimes against any living being intentionally, and passive, when a person observes the manifestation of cruelty, does not react to a cry for help, but enjoys what he sees. Both forms of cruelty are very dangerous. And, unfortunately, it is not always possible to identify people with such qualities right away, because they skillfully disguise their true face.

Cruelty can be physical and mental. I propose to consider the main manifestations of cruelty in a person:

  1. Gossip, slander, ridicule, humiliation and other verbal aggression towards another person.
  2. Physical harm: beating, sexual violence.

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Destruction of all living things: animals, plants, people. Negative emotions in an extremely pronounced form: irritability, anger, intolerance and hatred. Intentional destruction of inanimate objects. Refusal to provide help to those who ask.
Here we are talking about saving human life and health. Sadists have all of the above manifestations. These are mentally ill people who simply cannot live without causing physical pain to someone. They get tremendous pleasure from their actions. For example, these are maniacs, murderers, terrorists. Such people believe that the harm and evil that comes from them is a mission that they must fulfill during their lifetime. As for me, such people simply need to be exterminated. Maybe this is how my cruelty manifests itself, too, but I believe that cruel people are “metastases” who only poison the life of the planet’s population, robbing them of strength and energy.

The science of psychology about the causes of anger

Anger is a feeling of intense resentment and resentment that sometimes manifests itself in abuse. Such a person not only experiences negative emotions, but also deliberately causes harm to another: he puts pressure on a weak point, manipulates important values, and shows physical violence.

But the fact is that people become evil and cruel, and are not born that way. The cause of the hardening of the soul can be eliminated when it is known where it comes from. Close people and psychologists can become helpers in coping with oneself, who will support the awareness of controlling emotions.

Psychologists say that anger is suppressed fear that comes from the first childhood experience. A little person who has often been limited and controlled develops two reactions: submission and resistance.

If the second appears, then the person will strive with all his soul to ensure that everything is in accordance with his wishes. Such people are afraid to again feel pressure and interference from outsiders or factors. The heart of a child especially hardens if he grows up in an atmosphere of cruelty. Then for him these feelings will be the norm of existence.

When becoming an adult, in situations that get out of control, such a person shows aggression. She is dangerous not only because of her loud screaming and moral insults, but also because of the possibility of physical violence.

A visual experiment is described in the book of the famous expert on emotions Paul Ekman. Psychologists conducted a scientific experiment on children: they held them tightly by the hands and did not allow them to escape. The subjects resisted with a gradual increase in rage, which was expressed in biting and kicking. From here the main conclusion was drawn - the cause of anger is an obstacle to achieving the goal.

At the same time, it has been proven that when a person realizes that the interference in his plans is intentional and not accidental, then his emotions begin to manifest themselves with greater force. The most dangerous thing here is that anger spreads to another, and he responds with the same reactions. It is very difficult to remain calm when a person hears shouts directed at him. As a rule, people also begin to raise their voices, resort to insults and escalate the situation.

Based on the above, we can reduce the causes of anger to four situations:

  1. The person was physically or mentally hurt;
  2. The individual feels fear of losing control of the situation;
  3. The current circumstances contradict the values ​​of the individual and are unfair;
  4. Disappointment in loved ones.

Sometimes anger is hidden, when a person is afraid to attack obviously and acts in secret. He either indulges in meanness or eats himself with negative thoughts. In turn, they degenerate into psychosomatic diseases of the liver, joints and respiratory organs. Negativity accumulates in internal systems that are responsible for the expression of anger.

An example in the following case: the liver with its bile is responsible for hot temper. Suppressed emotions cause inflammation of the gallbladder, stagnation of internal secretions, dyskinesia of the excretory tract and the formation of stones. The joints help express the aggression of an angry person through swinging limbs and striking. Their inaction causes bursitis, dislocations and rheumatism.

There are many cruel people in the world who do not know how to control themselves. Their aggression is directed at loved ones or themselves. As a result, it turns out that expressing anger is bad, but restraining it is fraught with consequences.

Why people are cruel to each other: the main reasons

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The most important reason that gives rise to cruelty is childhood trauma. Children growing up in a favorable environment see only good, beautiful, and bright things around them. They will never grow up to be killers, since they will perceive any manifestations of cruelty as something unacceptable and wrong.

What happens to a person who absorbs evil and aggression from birth? Yes, he will hate this whole world, because it does not bring him anything good. And then, from childhood, the child will begin to show his cruelty towards living beings. For example, he will tear off the wings of a butterfly or pull a cat by the tail with all his might. And, if the parents do not explain to the child that this cannot be done, because such actions are harmful, then he will consider his behavior absolutely normal.

There is another reason for cruelty - the destroyed self-esteem of a person. If you are constantly humiliated, insulted, beaten, and you are forced to watch how in your family dad mocks mom, then mercy will never settle in your heart. You will want to assert yourself, and you will begin to do this in an aggressive way.

I would highlight several main reasons, also known as motives, why a person shows cruelty towards another.

Low self-esteemBy humiliating another person, you get the feeling that you are somehow better. In this case, the cruel person feels superior, and so his self-esteem increases.
Low self-esteemA person’s parents simply did not instill any moral and ethical standards, so he does not know what is good and what is bad.
The instinct of self-preservationSome people are sure that the only way to survive in this world is to be tough and uncompromising.
Inner weaknessBy showing cruelty, a person shows that he can be strong, and that everyone should fear him, since his personality in this world also has weight.

Personally, I feel pity for cruel people. I understand perfectly why they behave this way - they are deeply unhappy people who did not receive parental affection, love, attention. Only a few people from disadvantaged families manage to become worthy individuals with a good reputation and the ability to do good deeds.

A story from life, why people are cruel not only to each other, but also to their loved ones

In my life I met a person whom I considered simply a standard. I looked up to him, copied him literally in everything related to personal growth. For me, he was a bright leader who always spoke logical thoughts and strictly followed them. But I never paid attention to how he communicated with his loved ones, I didn’t care why he didn’t have a pet, or how his personal life was going. But one day a situation happened that revealed all the cards regarding this person.

I needed to get a set of books from him at home, so I came in the evening to get them. A woman who had scars all over her face and bruises on her legs opened the door for me. She was so thin and stooped, but at the same time she smiled. I went into the house, where everything was beautiful and well-groomed, except for one room in which this woman lived. As it turned out, she was the mother of my idol, who raised him very strictly as a child. Imagine, he allowed her to live in his apartment, but deliberately created terrible conditions in order to avenge her suffering in childhood. This was the last time we saw him, I didn’t take the book.

Why am I telling this? Moreover, a cruel person cannot be immediately recognized. But there are several clear signs of cruelty.

7 signs of an abusive person

I’ll tell you in more detail about how to recognize a cruel person:

  1. A person is inclined to lie. For him, one lie gives rise to another.
  2. The person does not take responsibility for anything. If something negative happens, he blames everyone around him, but not himself. Naturally, he will also never ask for forgiveness for his actions.
  3. An abusive person seeks to control everything. This could be the personal life of children, relatives or wards. If something gets out of his control, he immediately begins to feel helpless, which makes him even angrier.
  4. A person does not trust anyone and judges people by himself in everything.
  5. Such a person almost never cares about the interests of other people. He may ask what you would like, but only for the purpose of understanding what benefit this could have for him personally.
  6. Such people do not accept reality, and for the sake of their well-being they can turn everything inside out.
  7. These people are unhappy with everything, they gossip and discuss those who are doing well in life.

Think, maybe there are people like this among your friends. If the answer is yes, then run away from them immediately, otherwise you will soon become their victim.

Is there any justification for acts of cruelty?

Personally, I cannot answer this question unambiguously. Cruelty, as a manifestation, of course, has only a negative connotation. But each case is individual. For example, there are situations that make you wonder what I would do if I were in this person’s place.

Let's compare two circumstances:

  1. A man was walking down the street, saw a tramp and for this he beat him, insulted him, and then laughed at the poor fellow.
  2. A little girl was raped and buried alive. A grief-stricken mother finds the villain and strangles him in revenge for the death of her girl.

In the first case, I would shame such a person, point out that he was wrong, and in the second case, as a mother, I would probably do the same.

Perhaps, cruelty in yourself is still worth developing, but only in order to be able to protect yourself, and not intentionally cause pain to others. To do this, you can go to wrestling, boxing or other sections where they develop physical strength. Feel this fine line and don’t let anyone offend you!

Where does cruelty come from? What does kindness mean?

Why are people cruel to each other?

How to protect yourself from an abusive person: step-by-step instructions

There are several steps you can take to ensure that an abusive person will not become a threat to you under any circumstances.

Step 1: Build physical strength and endurance.Go to the gym or wrestling class. This is good for health and always helps if you find yourself in a situation where someone threatens your life.
Step 2: Build self-confidence.
Step 3: Build your self-esteem.Cruel people are very sensitive to weak people who don’t love themselves. They are the ones who become their victims. They won’t even come close to a strong person who respects himself.

If, after reading this article, you suddenly realized that you too are a cruel person, then you need to work on your own self-esteem, as well as participate in situations where you need to show kindness and compassion. The best training for this is to put yourself in the shoes of another person.

Now that you know why people are cruel to each other, do not forget that everything returns to our lives like a boomerang. The more we show cruelty to others, the worse it will be for us in the future. Good will save the world!

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Why are some people cruel to other people even though they are not a threat to them - sometimes even to their own children? Where does this behavior come from and what purpose does it serve?

“Men are the triumph and scum of the universe,” concluded French philosopher Blaise Pascal in 1658. Not much has changed since then. We love and we hate, we help and we harm, we lend a helping hand and we stick a knife.

We understand if someone behaves aggressively in response to aggression or in self-defense. But when someone harms a harmless creature, we ask, “How could you?”

People usually do things to gain pleasure or avoid pain. Most of us, when we hurt others, share their pain. And we don't like this feeling. So there are two reasons why people may harm those who do not threaten them: either they do not feel other people's pain, or they like to feel it.

People may also harm others because they perceive some kind of threat. Even if someone isn't putting your body or wallet at risk, they may be threatening your social status. This helps explain puzzling behavior—when, for example, people harm those who help them financially.

Liberal societies believe that if one person makes another suffer, then he has harmed him. However, some philosophers reject this idea. In the 21st century, will we be able to comprehend cruelty in order to be kind?

Sadists and psychopaths

A person who takes pleasure in hurting or humiliating others is a sadist. Sadists feel other people's pain more strongly than ordinary people. And they like it. At least until this pain ends. But then they feel bad.

In the popular imagination, sadism is associated with torturers and murderers. But there is also a less extreme, but more widespread phenomenon of everyday sadism.

Everyday sadists derive pleasure from inflicting pain on others or watching them suffer. They are likely to enjoy gory films, find fights exciting, and are interested in torture. Although they are rare, they are not too common. About 6% of students admit that they enjoy hurting other people.

The everyday sadist can be an internet troll or a school tyrant. In online RPGs, they are more likely to ruin the game for others. Such people are attracted to violent computer games. And the more they play, the more cruel they become.

Unlike sadists, psychopaths do not harm people simply because they enjoy it (although they may). Psychopaths need specific things. If hurting others helps them get what they want, then so be it.

They behave this way because they rarely feel pity, remorse or fear. They can understand how others feel, but they do not feel the same themselves.

This is a very dangerous skill set. Humanity has changed over the millennia, so many of us find it difficult to harm others. Many of those who torture or kill people are then prevented from living normally by these experiences. But psychopaths often commit unprovoked violence.

And that’s why it’s useful to be able to recognize a psychopath. You can suspect this just by looking at someone's face or by talking a little. Unfortunately, psychopaths know that we can recognize them. So they take great care of their appearance to make a good first impression.

Fortunately, most people on the planet do not have psychopathic traits. Only 0.5% of people can be considered psychopaths. However, about 8% of men and 2% of women in prison are psychopaths.

However, not all psychopaths are dangerous. Antisocial psychopaths may seek thrills in drugs or dangerous activities. But prosocial psychopaths enjoy the pursuit of new ideas. As innovation shapes our society, prosocial psychopaths could change the world for all of us. And this can be both good and bad.

Where do these traits come from?

No one really knows why some people are sadists. Some suggest that sadism developed so that people could kill animals while hunting. Others say that he helped people gain power.

Italian philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli once suggested that “time, not people, creates disorder.” In much the same vein, neuroscientists suggest that sadism may be a survival tactic caused by the onset of hard times. When certain foods are scarce, serotonin levels drop and we become more inclined to harm others because it becomes enjoyable.

Psychopathy can also be an adaptation option. Some studies have linked higher levels of psychopathy with greater fertility. Others have come to the opposite conclusion. The reason may be that psychopaths have a reproductive advantage in harsh environments.

Indeed, psychopathy thrives in unstable, competitive worlds. The abilities of psychopaths make them master manipulators. Their impulsiveness and lack of fear help them take risks and achieve quick gains. In the movie Wall Street, psychopath Gordon Gekko makes millions. And while psychopathy can be an advantage in the corporate world, it provides only a slight advantage in leadership.

The association of psychopathy with creativity may explain the survival of such personality traits. Mathematician Eric Weinstein argues that unpleasant people create innovation. However, if your environment supports creative thinking, opposing behavior is not as associated with creativity. Nice people can also create something new.

Sadism and psychopathy are associated with other traits such as narcissism and Machiavellianism. These traits, taken together, are called the “dark factor personality” or D-factor for short.

These traits can be inherited. That is, some people may simply be born that way. Additionally, parents with high D-factors may pass on these traits to their children by being abusive. Finally, seeing someone behave cruelly can cause us to begin to behave in the same way. So everyone can do their part to reduce cruelty.

Fear and dehumanization

Sadism involves enjoying the humiliation and pain of another person. However, it is often said that dehumanization makes us cruel. Potential victims are called dogs, lice or cockroaches, which is said to make it easier to abuse them.

There's something to it. Research shows that when someone violates social norms, our brain perceives their face as less human. This makes it easier for us to punish people who violate norms of behavior.

So a pleasant thought appears that if we see a person in someone, we will not harm him. This is also a dangerous misconception. Psychologist Paul Bloom argues that the worst cruelty occurs where there is no dehumanization. People hurt others precisely because they recognize them as people who do not want to suffer pain, insult or humiliation.

For example, the Nazi Party dehumanized Jews by calling them cockroaches and lice. However, the Nazis also humiliated, tortured and killed Jews precisely because they believed they were people who would suffer such treatment.

Derogation of good deeds

Sometimes people harm even those who are useful to them. Imagine you are playing an economics game in which all players can invest in a group fund. The more money invested in it, the more profit it brings. And the fund pays dividends to all players, regardless of whether they invested money or not.

And at the end of the game, you can punish other players for how much they choose to invest. To do this, you give up part of your earnings, and the money of your chosen player is taken away. In short, you can be vindictive.

Some players decide to punish those who contributed little or nothing to the group fund. However, others want to punish players who contributed more to the group's fund than themselves. Such actions seem pointless. Generous players bring you more money - why should you discourage them?

This phenomenon is called “diminution of good deeds.” It can be found all over the world. In hunter-gatherer societies, successful hunters are criticized for killing an animal that is too large, even though this means everyone gets more meat. The less generous player in the economic game described above may think that his generous colleague will seem like a more preferable partner to others. The more generous person threatens to become dominant. As Voltaire said, the best is the enemy of the good.

However, this effect has a hidden positive side. After we have denigrated someone's good cause, we become more open to the ideas they promote. One study found that people who were allowed to express dislike of vegetarians began to eat less meat. If a person is shot, crucified, or not elected, his message has a better chance of being heard.

The future of cruelty

In the movie Whiplash, a music teacher uses cruelty to encourage greatness in one of his students. Such tactics may cause indignation among us. Yet the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche believed that we are overly resistant to such cruelty.

According to Nietzsche, cruelty allows a teacher to burn criticism at another person for his own good. People can also be cruel to themselves in order to become who they want to be. Nietzsche believed that suffering from cruelty helps develop courage, endurance and creativity. Do we need to make ourselves and others suffer in order to develop virtue?

Probably not. We now know the potentially terrible long-term consequences of abuse at the hands of others, including damage to both physical and mental health. The benefits of self-compassion rather than abuse are increasingly being recognized.

And the idea that people must suffer in order to grow is questionable. Positive life events such as falling in love, having children, and achieving cherished goals can lead to growth.

Learning through cruelty involves abuse of power and selfish sadism. But Buddhism offers an alternative: angry compassion. In this case, we act with love to confront others to protect them from greed, hatred and fear. Life may be cruel, the truth may be cruel, but we may not be.


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October 30, 2020

Relationships between people include different facets of communication. You can love each other, hate each other, be neutral, stay within the bounds of decency and give vent to your character (and it is often incredibly difficult, sometimes impossible, to resist). Among everything else is cruelty.


Why does cruelty appear?

The word rudeness can be a synonym for cruelty. A cruel person treats his interlocutor rudely (out of malice or ignorance), without taking into account the thoughts and desires of his opponent, without thinking about his mental or physical pain. Conversion includes influence on all levels: from moral to physical. Even maliciously refusing a request for help is included in this list.

All cruelty cannot be assessed as a categorically negative, negative phenomenon. When answering the question of why people are cruel to each other and how to react to this, it is important to analyze what exactly the aggression was:

  • Forced. For example, a girl who was attacked by a maniac in the park fights off her attacker. In this case, her actions are justified, aimed at preventing a greater evil, therefore, such cruelty cannot be condemned. Even the law will acquit the defender. In some cases, aggression can even be rewarded - if, for example, we are talking about wartime and defenders of their land.

Military in turbulent times

  • Unfounded. In this case, the reason for cruelty will be a weighty argument only for the aggressor, and sometimes not even consciously. For example, a person may be angry with another, and he will release his anger by lashing out over a trifle at someone else, towards whom rudeness is completely unjustified. Or the aggressor humiliates the opponent only for the sake of increasing his own self-esteem - this is also unjustified anger.

Important! The validity of aggression or its absence is determined in each specific case, depending on the details of the situation and the current cultural and historical situation.

Abusive adults

Every person has at least once experienced cruelty from two sides: both as an aggressor and as a victim. This is a natural emotional impulse, but only if it occurs rarely. Those who often feel angry and want to do something bad to their neighbor most likely have psychological problems, psychologists say.

To summarize, the causes of cruelty in adults can be the following:

  • Self-esteem problems.

Illustration of high self-esteem

  • Violated ideas about morality and morality.
  • Self-assertion, a distorted attempt at self-preservation.
  • Fears from childhood, which appeared due to the indifference or cruelty of parents, persisted into adulthood.
  • Proving one's own importance through humiliation, suppression, and killing others (this is sadism - a form bordering on, and sometimes coexisting with, madness).
  • Revenge.
  • Covering up personal complexes.

In adults, abuse is often encountered - this is also cruelty, humiliation, submission, suppression of a partner when for some reason he is dependent on the abuser. Moreover, such violence can happen even towards a loved one. More often, men become such aggressors, but women can also exhibit a similar tendency.


Violent children

In the case of children, everything is different. The division between justified aggression and not is preserved, but the list of reasons for the cruelty of a little person in the second case is different.

A child grows and develops by looking at the closest people in his life, copying their behavior, accepting it as the absolute norm. An adult can question a fact, challenge it, develop his own point of view, but a child who is just learning to live is not capable of this. If cruelty has become the norm for him, most often the problem is with mom and dad. For example, if it is customary in a family to swear, insult, or raise hands against each other, then the child will perceive this state of affairs as natural.

Having seen cruel corporal punishment from a deeply religious mother for a child’s offense, carried out in religious zeal “in the name of saving the child’s soul,” a little person is unlikely to grow up understanding and capable of forgiveness.

Cruel punishment

Even in a family that professes peace, cruelty can be engendered in a child. This often happens due to deception. Parents teach their child morality, and then, before his very eyes, for some reason they transgress the boundaries they themselves have set. As a result, children develop resentment towards the “cheaters” and begin to get angry.

This is also how a child hungry for attention can lash out. With the Internet, he can easily find interest in his person in a dysfunctional company, this will also entail cruelty. However, overprotection and total control act similarly.

At the age of 9-11, the most important stage in the development of children occurs - separation from their parents as the truest example of life and the transfer of this title to society. It is important for a student to prove his place in the class, acquire a certain status, and gradually become popular; this process can also be associated with aggression.

Attention! Child cruelty often manifests itself against those who are weaker - animals. If we are talking about a baby, then the reasons for the cruelty of a little person may be simple ignorance of the rules of treatment and a lack of understanding that the animal is also alive. Then the only way out is to explain what could have happened if the parents had not made it in time. If a grown-up child does this, then this is either an attempt to take out anger, or that same affirmation in the team.

Animal abuse

What is cruelty?

Cruelty is selfish selfishness, envy, hatred and malice towards other people, towards life and towards oneself. This is the result of a lack of success in achieving one’s own goals and objectives with intentional or accidental harm to everything around.

It's no secret: what goes around comes around - cruelty begets cruelty. Causing harm to everything around in order to gain benefit for themselves, people do not think about the consequences that will not take long to arrive.

Are all people evil?

Everyone is familiar with cruelty. But this does not mean that every person is evil. Cruelty is a natural emotion that is aimed at self-preservation and defending one’s boundaries. Why it is absolutely normal for people to be angry sometimes is because anger is a kind of psychological barrier that protects a person.

Low self-esteem in a person from a psychological point of view

It is important to be able to build this defense correctly. “The freedom of each ends where the freedom of another begins,” this quote belongs to the philosopher M.A. Bakunin, and it perfectly reflects how cruelty should be treated. It is permissible to defend your own freedoms in a critical situation in this way, but in no case should you encroach on those of others. It is equally necessary to study ways of peaceful resolution of external and internal conflicts. To do this, get acquainted with educational literature (the psychology of communication and conflict management), and work through the resulting theory. Aggression should be reserved as a last resort.

Important! It is generally impossible to renounce cruelty, since this will result in a gradual suppression of the personality of the person who refuses.

Society is gradually gaining more and more freedom, because people have become more evil. However, this is not a reason to refuse a calm discussion of the problem. Moreover, the principles of mutual respect and peaceful conversations should be laid down from early childhood.

Mom teaches daughter

How to overcome cruelty?

Knowing and understanding what cruelty is, you can take certain measures to protect yourself from it. Among them are simple methods and work on yourself:

  1. If you realize that cruelty is evil, then this is the first step towards solving the issue of getting rid of it.
  2. It is necessary to love yourself, people and the whole world around you, thereby getting rid of internal fears.
  3. You need to give to the world what you yourself want to receive: mercy, compassion, kindness.
  4. Increasing self-esteem, the desire for success, and social recognition is one of the effective ways to combat cruelty.
  5. Limiting your social circle. Surrounded by kind and decent people, the world becomes cleaner.

Thus, cruelty is caused by both external and internal factors that are ingrained in a person from childhood. We talked not only about our own ability to be cruel, but also about the very attitude of other people to such manifestations. Therefore, it is necessary to fight and prevent this character trait from childhood, instilling in the child kindness and mercy towards the people around him.

Feeling angry

familiar to every person.

This condition can be explained not only from a psychological, but also from a medical point of view.

How to change an abusive person

No one will like friendship with an evil person. Anger is not a death sentence; you can still work on it. The following characteristics are important for this:

  • Self confidence. Abusive people have a feeling for those who are weaker, and those who are more likely to become victims of their attacks. With a confident person, verbal insults simply won't work - he knows they are lies.
  • Ability to talk about a problem. For someone who is used to being angry, it may simply not be clear what it looks like from the outside. You should talk to the aggressor, without complaints, discuss the situation.
  • Adequate self-esteem. A soft, weak-willed person, unable to adequately evaluate himself, will always be a “whipping boy” for “energy vampires” (that is, those who assert themselves by humiliating others).

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It’s a good idea to take care of yourself: learn self-defense techniques and carefully filter your surroundings. An envious, overly self-confident person who does not want to change anything in his life is not the best friend or interlocutor.

Important! In the case of abuse, no remedy will help; there is only one way out of such a relationship for the benefit of the victim - stopping communication.

Medical factors

In a state of stress, irritation, anger, the level of norepinephrine


This is a hormone of the adrenal medulla, which is in many ways similar in its characteristics to adrenaline.

During negative emotional reactions due to increased levels of norepinephrine in the blood

the heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, and blood supply to the muscles increases.

If you pay attention to an angry person, you can notice the redness of his face, muscle tension, and a change in facial expressions.

In a state of strong excitement, a person begins to speak loudly, his nostrils flare, and his breathing quickens.

All these external manifestations of experienced dissatisfaction are the result of an increase in the level of norepinephrine in the blood. It is for this reason that it is so important not to keep feelings inside, but to give them a way out. This allows you to reduce the negative impact on the body


How to deal with cruelty yourself

Fear of death - why it arises and how to get rid of it
If a person has realized cruelty in himself (either on his own or through a conversation with a loved one), then the first thing he must understand is the problem that needs to be dealt with. You need to do it like this:

  • Visit a specialist. In psychology, the science of mental processes, there is always a way to solve a problem. You just need to go to a psychologist and honestly discuss the situation with him.

Appointment with a psychologist

  • Work on your self-esteem. You may have to evaluate your capabilities soberly, maybe you will need to learn not to underestimate your merits.
  • Develop empathy. It is easy to insult another without paying attention to his feelings. If this is done to the aggressor himself, most likely he will not like this experience. Therefore, it is important to study the technique of “what will happen to your neighbor”: you should try on each of your words and actions, noting the reaction. The final indicator will be the developed ability to “feel” the emotions of another, this will help cope with excessive anger.

One conclusion can be drawn from the above: cruelty is the real fire of personality. It must exist and be used for good, but for this it requires careful attention to oneself. Aggression left to its own devices can seriously ruin the life of both the cruel person and those around him.

What is it: definition of the concept


is a negative emotional reaction in which an extreme degree of dissatisfaction and irritation is felt.

Caused by specific circumstances, the actions of other people, and one’s own mistakes.

Often this feeling occurs for no apparent reason.

due to internal contradictions tearing apart the personality.

Anger is an exclusively negative, destructive phenomenon. It negatively affects not only the emotional state of the person experiencing it, but also his relationships with others.

The more people in a society who demonstrate dissatisfaction and irritation, the more negative the mood of all its members as a whole.


The same thing happens in a small group: one dissatisfied person can ruin the mood of everyone else.

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