Wife cheating on her husband: more than 15 changes in relationships and her behavior

How to recognize betrayal: obsession with appearance

figurative external comparison of a cheating and faithful wife

The behavior of a wife who regularly cheats on her husband changes, especially if the infidelity is permanent.

It is enough to be observant and you can see changes that have nothing to do with your husband. The important point is consistency. If your spouse's behavior was unusual only once, most likely there is nothing wrong with it.

The first signs by which you can determine that cheating has occurred:

  1. The appearance of strange odors. For example, the scent of men's perfume.
  2. She is more attentive to her body. Sugaring and depilation became her constant companions.
  3. Facial irritation and inflammation. A lover's stubble touching delicate skin can leave its consequences.
  4. The wife begins to take more care of herself. For example, if earlier she allowed herself to go to the store without makeup, now this does not happen.

First of all, you can determine betrayal by how the lady of your heart begins to take care of her appearance.

How to determine by physiology: the signs are very strict

There is a strange opinion that female infidelity does not exist. There is either revenge for the fact that the man is not around at the right time, or a “response” to a man’s betrayal, or new love. In any case, physiological signs make themselves felt:

  1. Lover's name. A lady can pronounce it not only during intimacy, but also in the process of doing household work or while sleeping.
  2. She becomes completely indifferent to her husband's caresses.
  3. After the meeting, the spouse may come home in a rumpled dress and with disheveled hair.
  4. The consequences of passion such as bruises or hickeys may appear on a woman’s body. This may indicate the presence of a rival. Sexual games often leave marks on a woman's body.
  5. Sometimes even the most subtle changes in behavior indicate the presence of a lover. Does not pay attention to kisses and compliments or reacts negatively. He spends less time putting the house in order and tries to leave for a meeting as quickly as possible.

The girl begins to compare her lover and her husband in her thoughts. Often it is the spouse who loses. The lover seems smarter, more beautiful, sexier. He is the best partner in love, he consoles her much more often. Comparison always indicates the presence of a rival.


Cheating, of course, spoils relationships, but you can prevent it if you pay attention to the behavior of your partner. Girls who are ready to cheat or who have already found someone “on the side” behave differently, become more hidden and withdrawn. Don't fool yourself and check what's going on in your relationship.

1. A cheating girl limits her personal space. She begins to hide correspondence, does not give out her phone or computer, and gets nervous if her partner uses one of the gadgets without asking. Most likely, she will change her passwords to prevent access to personal information. It is important to understand that everyone’s concept of personal space is different, and not every friend will be happy if her husband decides to leaf through her correspondence and monitor social networks from the first day of marriage. It is the sharp and inexplicable desire to urgently protect yourself from your partner, if this has not happened before, that should alert you.

2. The girl begins to take care of herself, changes her image from hairstyle and makeup to clothes. Previously, she did this for her partner, but over time, feelings and emotions dulled, and the long hours of preparation decreased. And here again the girl spins around the mirror, straightening her hair, and instead of her usual sneakers, she puts on heels, carefully puts on her makeup and uses new eau de toilette. This sign clearly indicates that she wants to impress, and perhaps not her partner.

3. The girl begins to spend more time in the company of friends, but does not invite her partner to meetings. She may come home late, in a great mood, and will only brush aside questions about how she spent her time. It is possible that after such walks she would lock herself in the bathroom with her phone.

4. Your intimate life is going to zero. Even kisses have become rare, and when going out the girl does not hold your hand. This behavior may indicate that she is cheating. She wants to see someone other than you next to her, and kissing you has become unpleasant for her.

5. The girl begins to notice the shortcomings of her partner, criticize his lifestyle, manner of dressing, talking and even drinking tea. If earlier she called it cute little things, now she is getting more and more angry. This behavior also indicates possible betrayal. The girl subconsciously compares her chosen ones, and clearly not in your favor.

6. She begins to miss calls, stops answering messages and very often says that the phone is dead or she did not hear the ringtone. It is possible that at such moments the girl meets a new fan, so the phone is on silent mode or completely turned off.

7. She has overtime work, new responsibilities at the institute, or other commitments that prevent her from coming home on time. If this has not happened before, then your partner should think about it.

8. The girl becomes indifferent to her partner. She stops noticing his late arrivals from work or school, does not pay attention to his appearance and generally seems to have forgotten that he exists. Communication is reduced to a minimum, and the partner feels that his chosen one is moving away.

9. The girl herself can talk about her new acquaintance, emphasizing in every possible way that they are connected only by friendly relations. However, more and more often his eyes begin to sparkle, and stories about his merits, character traits and appearance can go on for a long time.

10. The behavior of the girl who cheated changes. She may become nervous and irritable, or may withdraw into herself, trying to avoid any contact with her partner. In this case, the smile on her lips fades, she becomes more and more thoughtful, ignoring attempts to start a conversation.

Every couple can save a relationship, but to do this, it is important to work together on your union and not allow circumstances to separate you. You can avoid troubles and betrayal if you notice in time the beginning changes in the behavior of your beloved. Usually, betrayal is preceded by disagreements in couples, cooling of feelings and other disturbing moments, which, if dealt with in a timely manner, can prevent betrayal.

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17.11.2018 04:34

Phone as evidence of spouse abuse

You cannot unfairly accuse a person if there is no evidence. You should not confuse attacks of jealousy with a real fact, or believe all kinds of gossip that may come from family or friends.

In the modern world, the telephone has become a very important companion for every person. All telephone conversations and messages remain in the phone's memory.

A woman who cheats will try her best to keep her phone with her.

Of course, this may be a normal reaction for her, but for some this behavior is significantly different from usual. Increased control may be in the event that a message is about to arrive, or she is wary that her husband will see an unexpected call.

You can try to track her calls in two ways:

  1. View the call log while your wife is sleeping or gone somewhere.
  2. Ask your mobile operator to print out calls made from her phone number.

It’s easy to identify your lover through the phone, but you shouldn’t solve the problem with him with your fists.

Intimate details of the “left” combat capability

You can tell if your wife has another man by looking at her underwear. For example, I started purchasing more and more beautiful lace lingerie. She began to wear it not in the evening before meeting her husband, but before work or going to a cafe with friends.

It may also be suspicious that the underwear that she wore only for special evenings with her husband began to be worn on other days.

You can check your wife for repeated infidelity using the following basic signs:

  1. A woman buys beautiful underwear, began to wear sexy stockings, but does not try to please her husband. There is no need to come up with an excuse for this.
  2. Torn linen. You can even suspect infidelity by looking at your underpants. If the wife came home happy, but her panties (or bra and other clothes) were torn, perhaps this happened in a fit of passion that has nothing to do with her husband.
  3. The first thing a woman does after arriving home is to go to the bathroom. This may be due to the fact that she is trying to eliminate the smell or disguise the traces of a crime. By the way, men claim that the smell of sex is special and cannot be confused with any other scent. Ask to go to the bathroom afterward. Pay attention to the marks on the body. If a wife does not let her husband in, most likely she is hiding something.
  4. You can invite your wife to have sex immediately after she returns home. It is unlikely that a lady will want to have sex with her husband after meeting her beloved and desired man.
  5. Changes in sex. The spouse may become much more closed and refuse intimacy. Or, on the contrary, experiencing remorse, she will try to fulfill all her husband’s wishes.
  6. No kissing. Often a woman may not refuse sex, but kisses become much less or absent.

Even by menstruation you can determine whether a woman is cheating.

Very often, menstruation is the reason for refusing intimacy. But sometimes ladies take advantage of this opportunity and publicize the problem. It is clear that a woman cannot experience them several times a month.

Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies to determine the connection between a woman's sexual desire and the menstrual cycle. It turns out that this is largely influenced by hormonal changes in the body. There are 4 main reasons:

  1. Temperament. Sexual interest largely depends on a woman’s temperament. But it may differ depending on the menstrual cycle.
  2. Hormonal changes. During ovulation, a woman's libido increases. This happens especially often in women after childbirth.
  3. Emotions. Women are very dependent on emotional attachment. A lady may refuse intimacy both due to a lack of interest in her husband, and due to increased interest in her lover.
  4. Menstruation. Each organism is individual. Some women experience an increase in interest immediately after the cessation of menstruation, and after 16 days, that is, after the onset of ovulation.

If a wife refuses sex for a month, then this is a reason to think that she has a lover.

How to find out about treason

During my entire practice, I studied thousands of stories in which a woman cheated and left for another. There were love triangles, squares, hexagons. Experience has allowed me to identify the typical signs of a flighty woman. The presence of at least one item from the following list is a reason to doubt the lady’s integrity.

Provocative appearance of a girl

Let's start with the banal - the lady's appearance. If she wears short shorts, skirts and low-cut necklines, or in other ways visually provokes the men around her, do you think she doesn't feel what she's doing? She feels great - she wants to be devoured with her eyes. However, like a man with an athletic build, who chooses clothes that emphasize his arms and chest. For what? To get women's attention. A lady can justify herself to herself with the words “I dress like this for myself,” but why do you need this noodles on your ears? With revealing outfits, a woman emphasizes her readiness to meet new candidates and competes with other women.

A pathological lover of short skirts does this regardless of the presence or absence of a man nearby. Because the influx of fresh exhibits into her menagerie is more important to her than a stable relationship. The appetite of such ladies is often off the scale and men are still deceived - they try to remake these problematic chicks. My friend, if you think that you will bend someone over there, fall in love, get married and she will be so LOVE and become good - you are naive. At the moment of your first weakness, she will find a new boyfriend.

The same applies to candid and inviting photographs on social networks. Remember one rule: a woman who defiantly demonstrates her beauty lives to increase her heart rate. The most important thing in her head: her own beauty, richness and relevance. She will never sacrifice this, so she is doomed to be unhappy, and the man next to her will be doubly unhappy.

The more a woman thinks about herself, the easier it is for her to cross the moral line. And it’s also easier for her to justify herself and make you look guilty. As mentioned earlier, for such a girl, cheating is an interesting adventure. To run left, you only need two basic elements: a suitable candidate and favorable circumstances.

Defiant behavior in women

If a woman behaves defiantly, swears, or is rude to someone, be wary. She loves to be the center of attention and uses toxic methods to achieve this. Communication with such street fight: if she senses an opportunity to gain an advantageous position, she will use any technique. In a relationship, this will result in scandals and squabbles. And since such a girl is accustomed to considering everyone but herself bad, one day she will take revenge on you through Vasily. At the beginning of a relationship, such girls like to throw mud at their exes. One day you will be on their list: she will tell the next guest what an asshole you already were.

Frivolous relationships

A lady's turbulent youth is an alarming sign. If a girl started relationships with men early, it means she initially does not have internal boundaries. If there were several of these guys, you can completely forget about the frames. At the time of your meeting, such a woman has a seething personal life: there was one guy, a month later - a second, a third is on the way. She broke up with everyone or someone broke up with her. There was nothing serious in these relationships - we conclude: for her, being with a man is fun.

A good woman takes life as a couple seriously. Therefore, she always keeps a distance from male colleagues, acquaintances from a common company or neighbor. I’m generally silent about exes: in principle, they shouldn’t be around her. A fit lady does not let strangers come closer than arm's length, does not give out advances and does not start dances. And if at the beginning of the relationship someone else sent her flowers, some men write all day long, she spends time with guy friends - you have fallen into a mousetrap. Soon a formal Santabarbara will begin: from banal triangles to multidimensional trigonometry.

Former lovers

Of course, it is unacceptable to consider for long-term relationships women who had affairs where they were in the status of mistress. The tendency to be a lover does not come out of nowhere. Triangles are highly charged emotionally. If such a guilty pleasure is acceptable for a woman, the chance that she will have a lover is very high. There are situations where a girl was deceived and found out about the presence of a wife already in the process of a relationship with a guy. What is important here is her behavior after discovering the truth: a decent girl will get out of such a situation, and if the presence of a competitor did not stop the lady, then the conclusions suggest themselves.

The girl has no shame

The absence of reflexive embarrassment when a lady is without clothes should be alarming. Even children after a certain age reflexively cover the appropriate places. Although they might not have been told anything about it. Closer to five or six years old, children try to hide their nakedness.

Therefore, if after the first intimacy the girl does not try to cover herself, you should think about it. How many times had she found herself in the same situation with a new man? If she isn't embarrassed, she probably is a lot. Men with extensive experience can confirm in the comments: ladies who cover up after the first episodes of intimacy turn out to be more decent. And on the contrary, girls who can walk around the house dressed as Eva when you’ve known each other for a couple of days are experienced in everything! Including, probably, there is experience in coming up with excuses for one’s own betrayal.

Lies in relationships

Also a bright marker is a lie, a blatant lie! If at least once she, looking into your eyes, tried to deceive, play around, keep silent about something, she will do this all her life. There are no trifles in this matter. There is an interesting phrase in the Bible: “He who is unfaithful in a little is unfaithful in much.” Any liar justifies his actions to the last. Even if you catch such a girl cheating, she will definitely come up with a story where her lover is a work colleague. He just gave her a ride home. And they went to him to get reports for the accounting department. Scuffs on the lady's knees are due to the fact that the skin is delicate and she rests them on the work table.

Abortion from a lover, discord in the family of the culprit

Abortion is a surgical procedure. The consequences of such a step can be varied. Some women undergo surgery and can never have children, while others, on the contrary, often come to the gynecologist with this question. Diseases with which a woman pays for such an act cannot be ruled out. They can be both psychological and physical. Based on some folk and medical signs, one can know with certainty or suspect that the wife secretly had an abortion because the child was from her lover.

There are several types of abortion. In the early stages, a medical abortion is performed: the doctor prescribes the use of medications that can provoke premature termination of pregnancy. After a while, no doctor will be able to determine the presence of this type of abortion upon examination. The only thing that can indicate this fact is the presence of an entry in the card, and only if the woman does not open a new medical card or simply does not delete the pages.

The most dangerous are the consequences of mechanical intervention. There may be damage to the uterus. After a vacuum abortion, negative manifestations are hormonal imbalances. A woman experiences disruptions in her menstrual cycle.

The husband can find out about the abortion if he contacts the doctor whose wife is being examined. Also, any doctor can determine after examination whether surgical intervention was performed. But not a single specialist can accurately determine the time frame when this happened.

Is love possible at a distance or does she go on secret dates there?

Work in another city or country, travel; relatives who live far away - all this can cause the separation of two lovers. Testing a wife's fidelity is complicated because of this, but is also possible.

Signs by which you can identify cheating wives at a distance:

  1. For women, emotional connection is very important. It is necessary to pay attention to how often the spouse calls, talks about her life, or tries to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
  2. Some representatives of the fair sex suffer from remorse due to their betrayal. In this case, they seek to make amends with gifts or try to satisfy their spouse after returning, which is strange if this has not happened before.
  3. The time of fast technologies helps loving people communicate regardless of distance. For example, using Skype you can communicate at any time of the day, as well as call unexpectedly in order to verify a woman’s fidelity.
  4. After a long-distance affair, a wife may return disappointed and take her anger out on her husband. This may happen because she does not want to be separated from her beloved man and it is unpleasant for her to return to the family again.

This is how a girl who cheats at a distance behaves.

Physiological signs

If we talk about men who cheat, their behavior changes in that they become more active sexually. Girls behave differently.

If a woman falls in love with another man, then she will avoid intimacy with her boyfriend, because she feels guilty towards him or because he has become no longer interesting to her. Therefore, if there were no problems with sex in a relationship before, but then they appeared, then it is possible that another man satisfies her.

The girl will also so that her partner does not see her like that. Will be wrapped in a blanket.

Naturally, the reason for refusal of sex can be dissatisfaction with the relationship or with your life in general. But if she flirts with others and denies her boyfriend attention, then most likely there are big problems in the relationship.

How else can you check the fidelity of your significant other?

You can guess about a girl’s hidden betrayal by other “symptoms”:

  1. Lack of joint plans. When people love each other, they try their best to be together and plan something. Talk and determine how she sees the future going forward.
  2. Does your companion share her secrets? If she begins to talk much less about what is happening in her life, this is a reason to think.
  3. She began to receive new expensive gifts. Perfumes, cosmetics, lingerie, jewelry - all these can be gifts from a new lover.
  4. My wife started coming home from work much later. She had urgent matters to attend to. She justifies her absence by saying that there are a lot of problems at work or that her friend urgently needs support.
  5. Inattention. She does not listen attentively to what her husband tells her. She stopped worrying about what was happening in her husband’s life.
  6. The wife no longer shares her problems. I started to solve all the issues on my own.
  7. Guests began to appear in the house frequently, because the lady did not want to be alone with her husband often.

Final Thoughts

I do not support treason in any form. Because it is wrong, both from a moral point of view and from an ethical point of view. I consider infidelity and betrayal of a loved one to be the most painful thing that can happen in a relationship. And, if lately you have noticed unusual behavior of your significant other. Then you need to openly talk to her about it. Before it's too late.

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Summing up - is there any cause for concern?

You can make sure that you have a rival after honestly answering the following questions of the short “is my wife cheating on me” test:

  1. Has the attitude towards you become much colder lately?
  2. Is your other half happy when you leave home for a few days?
  3. Does your spouse often stay late at work?
  4. Do you go on holiday together or separately?
  5. Does she share her problems with you like she used to?

If more of the answers are positive, then you need to have a serious conversation with your spouse. It is even more worthwhile to tune in to the conversation if about 10 or more signs of female infidelity have been identified.

Some clinics perform special tests to detect semen or vaginal discharge on clothing. You can learn about this from the video:

Signs of betrayal

Do you want to know the true signs of a cheating wife? Women know how to lead a double life very secretly, but you can still catch them. Let's look at all the signs of female infidelity.

The first bells

Some men are accustomed to suspecting a woman of infidelity almost from the first day they met. You shouldn’t torture yourself and your future or current spouse. There are sure signs of a wife’s betrayal, but how can you know for sure that there is another man? If your wife has just found a lover, she will not be able to control herself one hundred percent. Many things will alert an excited husband during this period. The first signs of a wife's betrayal:

  1. Your spouse has stopped worrying about you. Previously, when you were late at work, she would call and grumble. And now you come at two o’clock in the morning and haven’t received a single pathetic SMS yet? Now you have ceased to be the center of the universe for your wife. Most likely, she is not thinking about you at all, but about her fresh lover.
  2. She doesn't ask for anything. “Fix the tap, buy bread and dishwashing detergent, get your child ready for school” - these annoying requests have disappeared from communication with you. It seems that they were boring before, but now something was missing. The wife was not focused on the home environment. She's mentally somewhere else.
  3. She is no longer annoyed by what used to be the cause of conflict. Your week-long stubble and a mountain of dirty dishes after dinner are no longer the cause of a quarrel. At first you are happy, and then you understand that peace is not without reason.
  4. The wife refuses sex. The excuses are different all the time: I have a headache, I’m tired at work, “these” days. Your spouse can be cunning by not coming into the bedroom until you fall asleep. Everyone has periods of low libido, but such behavior cannot last for months without a reason.
  5. Delays at work. Dating another man takes time. And it is possible to find it only with the help of excuses that resemble the truth. Regular delays at work, which have not been observed before, are one of the first signs of infidelity by your woman.

How the appearance and behavior of an unfaithful spouse changes

Many husbands do not understand how to identify their wife’s infidelity - the signs are not always obvious. But there are manifestations that simply cannot be ignored. This concerns a woman’s behavior and her external transformation. What is alarming and confirms fears about betrayal:

  1. The wife hides her gadgets and changed the passwords. If before you often took your wife’s phone that came to hand and looked at the time and weather on it, now it is never in sight. My wife carries it in her pocket and doesn’t even put it out before going to the bathroom: it means she has something to hide.
  2. The wife turns off the phone. She has regular communication problems: the network disappears, messages do not arrive. Strange, isn't it? It is possible that during “network problems” she is having fun in the arms of her lover.
  3. She makes a mess when she leaves the house. When getting ready for work or somewhere else alone, the wife spends more time getting ready than usual. And when you go on a visit or on business together, she limits herself to combing her hair. This behavior signals possible infidelity.
  4. The wife is simply beaming. Passionate sex and falling in love are real catalysts for beauty. If there are no such emotions between you, it means that your spouse receives them on the side. She just can’t get five years younger in one fell swoop.
  5. Wears nice lingerie when going out. There are signs of a wife cheating on her underpants. If earlier she only bought comfortable cotton shorts, now she wears such underwear only in front of you. She wears lace thongs to work and for walks.
  6. The wife is constantly away for get-togethers with her “girlfriends.” Previously, the wife preferred a quiet holiday at home and only occasionally went out to someone’s birthday. Now every weekend she hangs out with her “friends” and comes home in the morning. This behavior is very alarming: has your wife acquired a lover for an hour?

Traitors - young girls or ladies of Balzac's age

A woman can fall in love at any age. It depends on the person and circumstances, but not on age.

If a girl does not marry for love, then over time she begins to look for these feelings on the side. If feelings disappear over time due to understatement, undeserved grievances and disappointments, then the appearance of a rival is only a matter of time.

There is a "midlife" crisis. It concerns not only men, but also women. She wants to be beautiful, desired and loved again.

Therefore, signs of a woman’s infidelity even at 40 years old can be detected in the following ways.

How to take her by surprise

Suspicions alone are not enough. There must be facts of treason. You can catch your wife cheating and not give her a chance to justify herself in the following ways:

  1. Unexpectedly returning from a business trip.
  2. Find direct evidence. For example, this could be correspondence on the phone or on social networks.
  3. You can set up location transfer on your phone. This way you can control its location.
  4. Caught talking on the phone. For example, a wife may wake up at night to talk to her lover.

How to check the fact of infidelity?

If a guy notices some features in his girlfriend’s behavior that indicate she’s cheating, then he needs to check it out immediately. On the one hand, such an act is not very correct, but on the other hand, doubts may be justified.

You can check the girl as follows:

  1. View her messages on your phone or laptop.
  2. Follow your beloved. If she said that she was going to meet a friend, then you should follow her to make sure who she is with.
  3. Ask your best friend for help. He should write the girl a message like “I know everything!” If she really has something to worry about, she can ask her friend not to tell her boyfriend anything. Well, if not, then such a message can always be translated into a joke.
  4. Arrive at her house earlier than agreed. Perhaps you will be able to catch your chosen one with her lover.
  5. Catch her on inaccuracies in her words. If she is confused about what she is telling, then most likely it is a lie.
  6. Unexpectedly for her, come to meet her from work or school. Perhaps another guy will do it too.
  7. You can lie about your schedule. And when she thinks her boyfriend is at work, come to her house unannounced.
  8. Just ask her directly about cheating. But you need to be aware that she can lie.

Cheating is an unpleasant situation that couples in love face. But she always has her own reason. There is no need to relax and stop working on your relationships, because there are no irreplaceable people.

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