What to do and how to respond if someone confesses their love to you?

What does recognition oblige you to?

And the delicacy of this situation lies in the fact that love is not always mutual, and a person who confesses his love to us may not evoke reciprocal feelings in us .

The most important thing to remember is that declaring another person’s love does not oblige you to reciprocate .

It is impossible to make a man or a woman fall in love - everyone should know this.

Nevertheless, such a situation obliges us to at least treat with understanding the one who opens our souls and pay appropriate attention to him.

Positive options

If you also love the guy who confesses his love to you, you can answer him in different ways. For example, say the same phrase - I love you. A special look that will tell everything for you will also do. Or you can throw yourself on your loved one’s neck and whisper sweet nothings to him. An interesting option is to learn the phrase “I love you” in several languages ​​and answer the same way each time, but differently. If you know poetry, read a suitable quatrain to your loved one.

A declaration of love does not mean that the girl can now control the guy. There was just an opportunity for close communication. You shouldn’t tell everyone that they confessed their love to you. This will characterize you as an unreliable and dishonest person. It happens that, having opened up, a guy begins to demand tenderness and attentiveness from his beloved. This doesn't look like love. The main thing is to understand in time what exactly they want from you, and, if necessary, refuse your lover.

How to react?

Naturally, the person who opens his soul to us hopes for your reciprocal feeling . How to properly respond to a love confession? Especially if the person is not likable?

You need to answer in such a way as not to hurt the person , because at the moment he is in an extremely vulnerable situation.

Try to behave calmly - after all, the intensity of feelings will still be present.

And in any case, you must make sure that the person is not offended by your reaction .

Is it possible to just remain silent?

What adds piquancy to such a situation is the fact that etiquette does not allow one to remain silent in this situation.

A person reveals his feelings to you - and your silence will be, at least, tactless.

It can become painful for a person - after all, there is nothing worse than the unknown. What to do in response to a romantic confession?

What to do if a guy confesses his love to you? Tips in the video:

What to answer if love is mutual or non-reciprocal?

A person is not obliged to share feelings if there is not even the slightest sympathy. Therefore, the answers in cases of mutual and unrequited love are different. Let’s imagine a situation where the person you’ve liked for a long time came up and confessed his feelings. What to answer if love is mutual and non-reciprocal?


  • I am very glad to hear that. I don’t know if I noticed, but I’ve also liked you for a long time . Next there may be a turn of affectionate words, hugs, kisses, etc.
  • How long have I been waiting for this! I love you very much too! It's good that now we can be together!
  • I thought that you would never dare to do this! Haven't you noticed that I also love you more than life itself?

In the case of non-reciprocal love, there are 2 options: politely show the person that no one wants a relationship with him, or simply answer rudely. You should not resort to the latter, even if the lover is antipathetic. Why offend someone and trample on their feelings. It’s better to just pluck up the courage and answer:

  • I am very glad that you found the strength to admit your feelings. But I can't reciprocate your feelings. Sorry, but I love someone else. I really hope that you will still find “your person” who will adore you and carry you in his arms.
  • Sorry but no. I do not like you. And dating out of pity or forcefully trying to love someone is not in my rules. I’m very flattered that you’re in love with me, but I’m sorry... We won’t succeed... I advise you to get these feelings out of your head as quickly as possible... And then you can really find a girl who will truly love you.
  • Thank you, I'm very pleased to hear this. But I don't regard you as my boyfriend. I'm sorry, but the most I can offer you in return is friendship. You are a very good person - so I sincerely hope that you will meet your beloved and be happy. And I love another person. Perhaps this refusal sounds too categorical, but I respect you, so I don’t want to “lead you by the nose” and give vain hope.

Speak from the heart, you don’t need to do it with coldness and indifference, because this offends you very much.

What to say?

How to respond to a love confession? What to do next?

How not to fall in love with a guy or a girl? Advice from psychologists will help you!

If the love is mutual

This situation will find a solution on its own .

If you love someone who confesses his love to you, your feelings will help you dot all the i’s, and your excitement and joy will hardly be hidden from your admirer.

Do not try to speak in complex phrases at this moment - after all, in fact, the person expects very little from you - to hear in response “I love you too.”

If the feeling is not mutual

This option is not as beautiful as the first one. How to express your reaction correctly? What words should you choose to let a person know that he should not expect love from you ?

You can answer directly that you do not have mutual romantic feelings. You have every right to do this.

However, this should not sound mocking, humiliating, should not be a sentence - say calmly about what you don’t like - maybe you have friendly feelings, respect, but - no matter how hard it may be for your admirer or fan, the most important thing in such moment - sincerity.

Make it clear to your failed partner that you do not want him to be deceived and harbor empty illusions - after all, even a small chance of reciprocity strengthens the belief that the person experiences reciprocal feelings, and the resulting disappointment will be even more painful.

  1. Stay calm - because, most likely, this is what your fan needs most at the moment. But this does not mean that you should emanate indifference and coldness - a person, first of all, can count on respectful communication. He needs to understand that you take his feelings seriously.
  2. If the situation took you by surprise , you can also explain this to your fan.
    Say that you are unsure of your feelings and want to be alone to make the right choice - at least this will make it clear that you take the feelings of the person who confessed his love to you very seriously. You can ask for time for this - if you cannot find suitable phrases at the moment. At least you answer sincerely, and this should not feed your conscience.
  3. Tell us about the feelings that you really feel for this person - it could be respect, admiration for some individual traits - make it clear that the person who confessed his love to you is not an empty place for you. Describe his attractive sides, give a soft, non-binding compliment.
  4. Try to explain the reason why you do not feel reciprocal feelings or do not agree to see this person - unless, of course, this does not humiliate his dignity.
    Perhaps some traits of his character do not suit you, or you see difficulties in further communication - this will be a real, sincere conversation about feelings, and you must make it clear to the fan that you also have the right to express what you feel towards him.
  5. Make it clear that you can stay close to him , that you value this person, that you want to see him and need to communicate with him - he can see you, count on help and support.

What is better: to love or to be loved? Find out the answer right now.

How to respond to: “I love you,” or an unexpected confession

Many people cannot quickly understand a non-standard situation. Unless you're a showbiz superstar with hordes of fans following you around, chances are you don't hear confessions of your feelings every day. When someone says such words, shares their true emotions with you, you need to know exactly how to respond to “I love you” so as not to hurt the person. This article will help you understand this situation and not get confused at the most crucial moment.

Traditionally, it is believed that men should be the first to declare their love. Of course, every girl is very pleased and even flattered to hear such words, even from someone she doesn’t particularly like. In this case, you should not humiliate a man with stupid common phrases like: “I love MYSELF too,” “I’m happy for you,” “Thank you,” and so on. Such answers can simply kill a person who, probably, for a long time did not dare to open up to you, stepped over pride and fear of being rejected.

A real woman who doesn't give a damn about her friend's feelings would never do that. So how do you respond to “I love you”? If you do not have reciprocal feelings for a person, then you should not give him hope of starting a relationship. You need to say everything directly, but choose words that will convince him that he is important to you, that you do not want to lose him just because the love is not mutual. Of course, you can say that you are not very worthy of him, that with you he cannot be truly happy, but these words are more like an excuse than a desire to reassure the person. Unflattering words addressed to yourself indicate that the man was mistaken in talking about his feelings, because you are actually worse than he imagined. It’s already hard for a person who wasn’t told what he expected to hear in response, so there’s no need to finish him off. Now you know how to respond to “I love you.”

If a woman talks about her feelings, then it is even more difficult to refuse her tactfully. As you know, girls are more emotional than young people, so refusal for them is a personal tragedy, a huge disappointment in themselves and in the representatives of the stronger half of humanity as a whole. "I love you!" How to respond to such sincere words from a sweet girl who may be close to you in spirit, but does not evoke reciprocal emotions? Do not remain silent under any circumstances, do not laugh at her. You can’t even imagine what efforts she had to make in order to confess everything to you. “Women should not say this phrase first” - this is precisely the attitude that representatives of the fair sex receive from childhood.

In fact, there is no one hundred percent recipe for how to answer the question: “Do you love?” It all depends on the individual psychological characteristics of both the person who refuses and the person who is refused. The main thing is to remain polite and be sincere towards the one who says the most beautiful words in the world to you.

If you have mutual feelings for a person, then the question of how to respond to “I love you” does not even arise. Say that the emotions are mutual and be happy!

What should you not do or say?

What actions or words should you avoid if a person confesses his love to you? What should not be done in this case?

  1. Don't make fun of the person. The most humiliating and offensive thing for your fan will be your frivolous attitude towards his feelings - and this can even develop into hatred, because, as you know, only a step separates them.
    If you do not want to make an enemy, do not laugh at the person who confesses his love to you.
  2. Do not move the conversation to another topic - perhaps the person took a long time to decide before uttering these words. You should not run away from a frank conversation - after all, sooner or later, you will still have to return to it.
  3. Do not say a banal phrase - “I love you as a friend.” We all know very well that love and friendship are different concepts and should not be put on the same level. It’s better to say that you need a person, his support, help, that you value him and feel the need for communication - but this has nothing to do with that romantic love. Separate these two concepts.
  4. Keep in touch with this person after your conversation with the fan is over. Write and call him, ask, be interested in his affairs and well-being, do not stand aside - perhaps he will really need your support at the moment. If you do not experience reciprocal feelings, this does not mean at all that communication should be stopped - in fact, this is not the point in the relationship.

At the moment, the person is very dependent on you and your words. And your attention can significantly improve the morale of your fan or fan.

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