How to improve diction and clarity of speech for adults and children: 5 powerful exercises + books and training

Hello dear readers! Lyudmila Redkina is with you. Take your time, you are walking along the embankment and a lebenak approaches you. He shouts: “Auntie/uncle, mother, how I am doing!” Give me some kaaku!” Which means: “Aunt/Uncle, watch me play! Give me some candy!” It’s probably unusual for you to read such words, right? And hearing them is even more fun! Today we’ll talk to you about how to improve your diction and clarity of speech, so that there won’t be something like this: “password”, “do you have a muse? - but I don’t have a muse, that’s such a bad thing in life!”, “girl, huh?” do you like Kafka?, – yes, especially Grefneva…” and so on.


Why do you need good diction?

First, let's figure out what diction is and why we should care about it.

Diction is a clear, clear pronunciation when a person pronounces words and phrases clearly and legibly. A person with good speech does not “suffer” from a lisp, nasal tone, or stuttering.

Good diction is not a requirement only for TV presenters and teachers. Everyone needs it in life and everyday life. We all get a job, communicate among our circle of acquaintances, we don’t know, in the end, where we will be “taken”, where and with whom we will interact.

A very striking example of a person with “good” diction was from 2021 to 2019 in the Supreme Council of Ukraine - A.V. Parubiy. Everyone who could laugh at his speech, because it’s not often that you hear a SPEAKER (from the word “speak”) of a country’s council with such diction! This is exactly what I mean: we need to take care of improving the quality of speech now, learn to speak beautifully, so as not to make people laugh later...

Exercises to improve diction and speech clarity

Philologists have studied the issue of the development of diction and come to the conclusion that many people need to improve the articulation of speech of the Russian-speaking population. This is due to the fact that the Russian language is distinguished by “lazy” articulation, unlike English, for example.

There are even certain ways to check if you have good articulation for clear speech:

  1. Take a mirror and, looking into it, pronounce vowel sounds (a, o, i, e, u, s). Do your lips change position and shape? If they move well and change shape, then you are on the right track.
  2. Tongue mobility is important for good articulation. Roll it up into a tube. If it does not work out, it is due to muscle weakness or a congenital feature. But you can develop!
  3. It is also important to open your mouth well. To check this, prepare your palm without the thumb. Then open your mouth as much as possible, slide 4 fingers inward between the upper and lower jaw. If you managed to do this, then your mouth opens without clamps, which means the muscles are ready to work.

So, we’ve sorted out the diagnostics, now let’s decide what to do to develop speech and improve articulation. I present to you several effective exercises to help you achieve your goal.


Take a pen or pencil between your teeth and say any sentence or phrase of 10–15 words. In this case, the pencil must be squeezed as hard as possible. Then take out the stationery object and say the phrase again. You will hear the difference immediately! The entire articulatory apparatus will be tuned to correct speaking, precise and accurate.

It is enough to warm up with a pencil for up to 5 minutes before exercises; this exercise is necessary to “pump up” the articulation muscles.

You can also warm up with nuts. Demosthenes in Ancient Greece developed a unique method of training speech with stones. On the seashore, he picked up a mouthful of stones and shouted words into the stormy sea, trying to pronounce them clearly. Practicing with nuts does almost the same thing. You put them in your mouth and try to pronounce the speech-improving words as best you can.

Warm up with a pencil

Tongue Twisters

At home, you can perfectly improve your speech pronunciation, because everyone has pencils and access to tongue twisters. This is the minimum set of articulation development. But let's move on.

Tongue twisters are used for children aged 4–6 years. This is a very effective way. Tongue twisters are also used to improve the diction of adults; below I will write the most effective of them. In addition, with such phrases you improve not only your speech, but also your vocabulary. Select the tongue twisters you need, just focus on working out all the letters and their combinations.

Listen to a recording of your voice

Oh, I don’t really like listening to my records. I remember how I once heard my childish and funny voice on the recorder, and I was saying quite serious things... I and all my friends laughed at the recording.

But for the development of clear and competent speech, listening to your voice on a recording is a very useful activity. Almost every person will want to change it, work on diction. You need to do it this way: you take some passage from the text, then clearly try to read it, recording it on a voice recorder. If you didn’t like the entry, repeat reading. And so on until you perfect your pronunciation.

The same can be done to improve your English speaking. You can also bring in a good friend who speaks English to listen to an “expert” opinion.

A prerequisite is diaphragm training.

For vocalists and people who stutter, the diaphragm is a condition for success. Who would have thought that some kind of bridge over the stomach determines a lot of money in show business! But for correct speech and singing, mandatory training of this very diaphragm is necessary. A trained diaphragm makes it possible to finish a phrase and finish singing it.

You can train it this way: take a deep breath, then draw out the vowel sound until there is no breath left at all.

When you reach 25-30 seconds of this “pulling”, change the pitch of your voice, try to draw out the sound in a thinner voice.

When and under this condition you stretch the vowel to 25-30 seconds, proceed to inflating balloons. It’s good for your body, and you’ll please those around you! Well, jokes aside, inflating balloons very well develops the diaphragm and increases lung volume.

Combination of different sounds

In addition to tongue twisters, correct speech and diction can be achieved using special combinations of sounds. These combinations use consonants and vowels. By repeating them 5 times, you practice diction. Well, competent speech is added by the experience of reading different books (I’ll give a list below). What combinations will be useful:

  • bgi-pki, bga-pka, bge-pke;
  • vzdri-fstri, vzdro-fstro, vzdry-fstro;
  • stri-ztri, stra-ztra, stro-ztro;
  • gkru-khkru, gkro-khkro, gkra-khkra, etc.

Exercises and texts for speech development (training)

The speech generation program includes several tasks. They will take 3 days to complete. When performing a new task, do not forget to repeat the previous one each time. First, practice for 15-20 minutes. Gradually increase the time to an hour.

  1. We replenish our vocabulary. You will need a dictionary and text. The essence of the task is to replace some words with others. When reading the text, it is necessary to replace certain words, for example, nouns, with synonyms. At first, you need a dictionary. Later you will learn to cope on your own.
  2. We are training to compose a story based on reference points. Using the “poke” method, select five absolutely any words. Now you need to make a sentence from these words. This exercise trains thinking and mental flexibility.
  3. Talk to the mirror while doing the second exercise. Tell different texts with and without intonation. Include facial expressions. Study what facial expressions are suitable for a specific text. This way you will learn to skillfully control your facial expressions.
  4. Story on reference points No. 2. The same as in the second paragraph, but we use 10 words instead of 5.
  5. Listen to yourself. Dictate your speech into a voice recorder. Understand your strengths and weaknesses.
  6. Exercise with another person. For a conversation you will need an interlocutor. Perhaps this will be someone who is also trying to develop spoken language. But if there is no such person, then ask someone you know to help you. You must learn to interest your partner in your speech and try to hold his attention for at least 5 minutes.

Recommendation from the author of the blog – Pavel Butor

Friends, if you want to learn how to sell coolly through voice, then you need to go to Mikhail Kravchenko. He is an expert in the art of public speaking.

I met Misha on Fr. Bali in January 2021 at the Accel anti-conference. Incredible charisma, voice and presentation. He instantly captured our attention - we met and talked.

Me with Mikhail Kravchenko on Accel

I'll tell you what Mikhail will teach. You will never again:

  • be afraid to go live;
  • worry about speaking in public;
  • prohibit yourself from speaking confidently;
  • sell for small checks;
  • Drain audiences on webinars;
  • eat words;
  • avoid recording videos and Stories;
  • be ashamed of your own speech.

Why doesn't your webinar bring in 1 million?

And if it brings, then why doesn’t it bring 2, 3, 5?

Most experts lose money right here, on the webinar! Weak engagement, retention, completion, low number of registrations and, as a result, shortfall in payments.

No one comes to a topical webinar if they are not interested in the topic and are not ready to buy. And then the question is only for you: “Why did 100 people come to the webinar and buy 10, and not 50, for example?” Mikhail also has such cases.

It's all about you. More precisely, in your sale. Submission. The ability to involve, grab the audience “by the metaphorical balls” and bring it to the end - to the offer. After all, this is obvious: in order for your offer to interest a potential buyer, he must first hear it.

Mikhail Kravchenko helps experts and online schools with a turnover of 1 million rubles increase audience engagement and retention at webinars and increase conversion to applications and payments up to +30% in 2 months through voice training and detailed development of a sales speech.

Misha will teach you to speak in such a way that people, listening to you, will not only stay until the end of the webinar, but will not even leave the computer to go to the toilet. So that they feel as if “an angel has descended from heaven” and is whispering in their ear. Not less.

It will reveal your individuality, charisma, natural charm and magnetism. Will teach you how to control your voice in order to better convey key meanings to the audience. Your performances will have a hypnotic effect.

Mikhail works with the best and only individually. His clients:

  • Nikolay Mrochkovsky is one of the founders of the online education market in Russia and the holder of the Guinness record for the largest online business training;
  • Vitaly Kuznetsov – founder of the Federation of Online Business and the best expert on startups in Russia;
  • Sergei Teplykh - man of the year according to JQ, performed at the Olympic Stadium for 25 thousand people;
  • Ajit is the highest paid tantra trainer in Russia and the founder of LYAM-DOM.

All of them are participants in Misha’s individual coaching “Voice in a Million”.

After all, a webinar that brought in 5 million can bring in 10. And voice is one of the most important criteria that most players in the market do not take into account. But the best ones are used.

Your voice and its sound are your personal signature. This is a brand that is expensive. This is a status that inspires trust.

Sign up for a consultation in the header of Mikhail Kravchenko’s Instagram profile.

The most effective tongue twisters for improving diction in adults

I wrote above about the importance of tongue twisters for the development of ideal diction for an adult. I will only note that after recording your voice, you must decide which speech sounds do not suit you. Perhaps it will be hissing or “l-r”, or other sounds. And in accordance with your observations, select tongue twisters that work specifically on them. And for prevention, you can train them all.

  • The Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.
  • The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol.
  • Don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, better buy a pile of peaks, better buy a pile of peaks.
  • The angry widow put the firewood into the barn: once firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood could not fit, and two woodcutters, two woodcutters, for the emotional Varvara, expelled the firewood across the width of the yard back to the woodyard, where the heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died .
  • Just as you can’t ring all the bells, you can’t beat them again, you can’t beat all the tongue twisters, you can’t speed them up, but trying is not torture.

Well, something easier.

  • Tell us about your purchases, about which purchases, about your purchases, about your purchases, about your purchases.
  • The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.
  • The pig snouted, white-nosed, blunt-nosed, dug up half the yard with its snout, dug, dug.
  • Advertising for grips has seams with coverage, but potholders without coverage have been snatched up.
  • In the shallows we lazily caught burbot, in the shallows we caught tench.
  • Their pesticides are not comparable to ours in terms of their pesticide effectiveness.
  • We ate and ate ruffs at the spruce tree, we barely finished them off.
  • Appreciates the flail cut by the braid.
  • The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.
  • From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Tongue twisters are good for developing memory and attention in adults, in addition to speech.

Tongue twister to improve diction

How to improve diction for an adult or a teenager?

The King speaks!

WALNUTS . A good way to improve your diction is to use walnuts for this. They need to be placed behind the cheek (one on each side) and the tongue twister must be spoken for several minutes. After which you need to remove the nuts and say the same tongue twister again.

PENCIL IN YOUR TEETH . Hold a pencil between your teeth and read a poem from memory with expression.

IMPORTANT: Both methods can be used by both children and adults. With their regular use, you can improve your diction and make your speech more relaxed and free. This technique can be used even in cases of speech impairment due to a stroke.

RECORDING ON A DICTAPHONE . This technique can be combined with reading aloud, which we described above. Turn on the recorder before you start reading aloud and record a fragment of any text you read. Then you need to listen to the recording and mark the sounds that you pronounce incorrectly. When you read books aloud later, try to pay special attention to problematic sounds.

TONGUE TWISTERS . Perhaps the most famous way to improve your diction is tongue twisters. Repeat these rhythmic phrases daily. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of problematic sounds. If your diction suffers from incorrectly pronounced hissing or whistling sounds, then you can solve this problem with the help of a tongue twister:

ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS . There are a lot of exercises to improve diction, which are included in the concept of articulatory gymnastics. With their help, you can significantly improve the pronunciation of an adult. We will talk about them in the section “Exercises for diction and articulation.”

BREATHING EXERCISES . Many people underestimate proper posture and breathing when communicating with other people. But without this it is impossible to have correct diction. Entire courses in the study of acting are devoted to correct inhalation and exhalation. And if you want to speak like Andrei Mironov or Vasily Livanov, then be sure to devote a few minutes a day to breathing training.

  1. Stand straight, place your hands on your waist and your feet shoulder-width apart
  2. Inhale slowly through slightly parted lips
  3. Then try also inhaling air while reading the text out loud
  4. Then make the task even more difficult: move around the room, take a breath and speak
  5. As you exhale, rise up and stretch the letter “mm-mm”

Books that improve speech and vocabulary

To improve your speech, you need to read texts on different topics. In this situation, speech is enriched with new words, logic appears in statements, and speech literacy improves. You won’t find a professor who couldn’t connect two words or said “here”, “there”, “tuta”, “Thursday”, “sERtse”. This is because books improve the rhetoric of speech and help formulate thoughts.

I have made a selection of books that can become for you lessons in the Russian language, literature, as well as an excursion into linguistics and other philological sciences.

  1. Vadim Khrappa “From Adam’s apple to the apple of discord.”
  2. Korney Chukovsky “Alive as life.”
  3. Larry King: How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.
  4. Nigel Brown "The Oddities of Our Language"
  5. Natalya Rom “I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques.”
  6. Victoria Volodina “Album on speech development.”
  7. Lev Uspensky “A Word about Words.”

These books will help you improve your spoken Russian, and with their help you will determine how to use unfamiliar words for their intended purpose.

Speech development

More and more people cannot formulate sentences correctly, do not know the meanings of many words, and abuse filler words and profanity. I think this is mainly due to the fact that most people prefer to watch TV or go to the movies instead of reading an interesting book. But you and I are not like that. At a minimum, you are already reading this article, and I am writing it for you. Therefore, we continue to develop speech.

Correct sentence construction

It is very difficult to understand a person who, during a conversation, jumps from topic to topic, tries for a painfully long time to find the right words and cannot form sentences correctly, depriving his story of logic.

But the order of words is of great importance. This is taught at school during Russian language lessons. Due to incorrect word order, the meaning of the sentence is distorted and may even cause laughter. Let me give you a few examples of semantic errors.

  1. Residents of the house demanded troubleshooting and repairs (What did the residents demand? Make repairs or eliminate them?).
  2. The owner kicked the dog, which immediately took offense and ran away (The leg got offended and ran away?).
  3. A few years later he met her again. This was, unfortunately, a 39-year-old married lady (Is it a pity that she is already 39 years old? Or that she is married?).

To avoid such mistakes in a conversation, I advise you to do the following:

  • improve literacy with the help of Russian language textbooks and reference books;
  • Read at least 30 minutes every day - preference is best given to fiction, journalism, and special books on development.
  • retell what you read - just be sure to check how consistently and logically you repeat the text.

Increasing vocabulary

A meager vocabulary does not allow one to fully express thoughts, forcing a person to constantly stumble in search of the right word. Such speech sounds choppy and monotonous, because the same words are used, and overall produces a repulsive impression.

Regular replenishment of vocabulary will be ensured by the following actions.

  1. Read quality literature daily. Be sure to get yourself a notebook where you will write down your favorite phrases and clever expressions. At the right moment, the right quote will come to mind and embellish your speech.
  2. Working with an explanatory dictionary. As soon as you come across a new word, be sure to check its meaning in a dictionary. You can write down the word and try to remember it, but only in context, in order to avoid incorrect use of the term in the future.
  3. Solving crosswords, scanwords and other games that require an extensive vocabulary.
  4. Selection of synonyms. This is great practice for completing a thesaurus and will help you avoid tautology when speaking. Now there are various applications for smartphones that help you select synonyms.

Getting rid of parasitic words

Parasitic words include words and phrases devoid of any semantic meaning:

  • Well;
  • Briefly speaking;
  • exactly this;
  • type;
  • Here;
  • as if, etc.

Most often, a person pronounces them unconsciously to fill the pause that has arisen. The insidiousness of parasite words is that their use becomes a bad habit. It can be eradicated only by making conscious efforts. Here are some tips.

  1. Record any conversation you have with friends or relatives on a voice recorder.
  2. Listen to the recording and identify the filler words.
  3. Train yourself to speak a little slower than you are used to, so that you have time to realize the moment when you want to utter a harmful word. It's better to take a short break.
  4. Ask relatives, friends and acquaintances to make comments to you as soon as they hear the parasitic word. And so that the motivation of your interlocutors is even stronger and they listen more greedily to your speech, pay them 50 rubles for each “parasite” that slips through. This way you will have better control over yourself, otherwise you will go broke.

It will be difficult at first. After all, eradicating a bad habit requires enormous effort, powerful self-discipline and control. It will take 2 to 3 weeks of hard work to clear your speech of “slag.”

How to improve your child's speech

I once wrote many articles about improving the speech of a child aged 4 years and older. And now this is really a problem for many parents. We will not discuss the reasons, mechanisms and various nuances of this topic; this article is not about that. I’ll just say that you need to try hard to improve the oral speech of preschoolers and teenagers. That's what speech therapists are for.

And at home, your task is to teach kids to pronounce all sounds, and schoolchildren to formulate their thoughts and communicate in complete sentences.

Correct pronunciation of sounds is not an easy task for many. Here articulation exercises, gymnastics, massages, songs and the development of fine motor skills of the hands will come to the rescue - this, by the way, also develops memory and attention. There are actually a lot of ways.

By the age of 5, children should be able to pronounce all sounds. Older children already need the help of a speech therapist or psychologist. You can improve the speech of a child aged 6 years and older in terms of vocabulary and expressing his thoughts only with books and communication. After all, no gadgets can replace live communication, sudden questions and their explanations, presentations of characters from fiction books and their descriptions out loud.

How to develop diction and clarity of speech with the help of training

School of speech technique and voice production @LABVoice includes 6 main blocks:

  1. Speech breathing.
  2. Working with diction, articulators, resonators.
  3. Manipulation, intonation and expressiveness of speech.
  4. Self-presentation, improvisation and speech logic.
  5. Speech therapy exercises.
  6. Public speaking, fear of speaking, discomfort in communication.

The training was developed by Maria Savicheva, an expert in speech technique and voice production (more than 20 years of experience).

Suitable for people who:

  • a quiet, expressionless, unconvincing voice;
  • there is misunderstanding on the part of colleagues and relatives;
  • difficulties with pronunciation, sluggish, unclear diction, sore throat, loss of voice;
  • relationships with the opposite sex do not work out;
  • no career growth;
  • They don’t listen, they interrupt, they don’t give a chance to speak in company.

1,273 students were surveyed after classes. Of them:

  1. 100% have become more confident in themselves.
  2. 84% began to earn more.
  3. 100% strengthened leadership skills.
  4. 94% felt much sexier and more attractive.
  5. 88% no longer have stage fright.

This is 100% online learning. More than 7,000 participants have already completed it.

How the training works:

  1. First you will conduct a Voice and Speech analysis. Receive personal recommendations and additions to the course program.
  2. Follow video lessons and strictly follow the expert’s instructions.
  3. Interim analysis of voice and speech with program adjustments.
  4. Final voice analysis with an expert’s conclusion and further recommendations.

For 249 rubles. You can get a voice test right now. Then they will create an individual program for you depending on your results. The price of training will depend on this (3,500–26,900 rubles). You can pay immediately or in installments over 4 months.

The training time is approximately 1.5–2 months.

If you don't like the training, you can get your money back within 14 days.

You can also get access to a free trial lesson for 5 days.

Also, if you want to powerfully improve your voice, I recommend taking courses at the Ostankino Show School.

First, you will pass a test and get into a free casting.

On course:

  1. Improve diction, articulation, eliminate speech defects.
  2. Learn to dub films, cartoons, podcasts, YouTube videos.
  3. Improve your acting skills and voice intonation.

At the end of the training you will receive a diploma and assistance in finding orders.

Diction. Exercises for developing clear and pure speech

“Sasha lives in the world. Sasha has porridge in his mouth..."

This is a wonderful and instructive poem by S.V. Mikhalkov.

Good diction will help you out more than once in life. It is necessary always and everywhere, especially when you perform on stage in front of a large audience, practice vocals, shoot videos or participate in filming, like our studio members. No, we will not talk here about the causes and consequences of incorrect pronunciation; you will find this information in abundance on the Internet. Our goal is to help you correct existing speech defects on your own. During stage speech classes, studio mentors perform exercises with the children to correct diction, but this is not enough, since daily training is necessary to achieve results.

If you need to improve your diction, use special exercises. They will help you learn to speak beautifully and clearly and achieve success in life.

Diction is the degree of clarity in the pronunciation of sounds, syllables and words in speech. The clarity and purity of the sound of speech depend on the correct and active functioning of the articulatory apparatus.

Work on diction begins with articulation

Before starting pure speaking and tongue twisters, do a warm-up for your lips and tongue. This articulation exercise trains the muscles of the jaw, cheeks and tongue. It is perfect for both adults and children.

Rub your cheeks with circular movements of your fingers.

Pronounce the vowels slowly and continuously in one exhalation, stretching your lips as much as possible: “AAAAAA”, “EEEEEE”, “OOOOOO”, “UUUUU”, “YYYYYY”, “IIIIII”.

“Hamster” : inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks alternately. Pull in your cheeks.

“Smile” : smile without opening your lips and stretching your lips as much as possible, while your teeth stand on top of each other in the “Fence” position.

“Nut” : we rest our tongue alternately on the left and then on the right cheek. This exercise is good for strengthening the cheek muscle and subsequently for producing the sound [r].

“Brushing your teeth” : imitate brushing your teeth with your tongue, while your mouth is wide open, your lower jaw is motionless, your tongue should be wide and move from bottom to top. First, brush the lower teeth on one side and the other, then from the molars to the center of the upper teeth on both sides, it is important that the tip of the tongue reaches the gums. The exercise is useful for producing the sounds [w], [r], [l], [sch].

“Painter” : movements with the tip of the tongue across the palate, as if we are painting the “ceiling” in the mouth, the mouth is wide open. The exercise strengthens the muscles of the tongue for the upper rise; it is especially good to use when making the sound [r].

“Spatula” : holding the tongue tense and spread on the lower lip for a count of five. In this case, it is important that the mouth is wide open, the lips are in a smile, the lower lip does not support the tongue and that it does not deviate to the side.

“Pussy laps milk” : movements of the tongue back and forth, when moving into the oral cavity, the lateral edges of the tongue are slightly bent, as if forming a ladle. This exercise trains the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, strengthens its lateral muscles, stretches the hyoid ligament (frenulum) and is also good for making the sounds [w] and [r], when making the latter, good stretching of the frenulum is very important.

“Horse” : clicking your tongue like a horse. The exercise stretches the hyoid ligament well, strengthens the upper elevation of the tongue, and is used when making the sound [r]. In this case, it is very important that the mouth is open and the lower jaw remains motionless.

“Watch” : mouth slightly open. The lips are stretched into a smile. With the tip of the narrow tongue, alternately reach at the teacher’s count to the corners of the mouth.

“Snake” : mouth wide open. Push the narrow tongue forward and move it deep into the mouth.

"Swing" : mouth open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or the upper and lower incisors.

"Accordion" : mouth open. Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Without lifting your tongue from the roof of your mouth, strongly pull down your lower jaw.

On average, it takes 15-20 minutes to warm up.

We are working on clear speaking

To develop the vocal apparatus and organize the correct pronunciation of sounds, use the following exercises.

Task 1. Pronounce difficult combinations of sounds. First slowly, then faster: LRO, NMI, JR, KPT, TLZ, MKRTCH, KFT, KSHT, KST, KTSCH, VRZH, KZhDA, KZhDO, KZhDU, KSHTA, KSHTE, KSHTU, KSHTO, ZZDRI, ZZDRE, ZZDRA, ZZDRO, ZZDRU, ZZDRU




Task 5. Use onomatopoeia. Actively explode consonants

  • Hammer the nails: GBDU! GBDO! GBDE! GBDA! GBDE! GBDI!
  • Imitate a horse's stomp: PTKU! PTKA! PTKI! PTKO! PTKE! PTKE!
  • Throw imaginary plates: KCHKA! KCHKE! KCHKO! KCHKU! KCHKI! KCHKE!


Improving diction with tongue twisters

Tongue twisters need to be pronounced not only clearly and correctly, but also quickly. Such exercises are very helpful in speech development. Reading tongue twisters should begin at a slow pace, while clearly pronouncing each word and each sound. Gradually increase the pace, but make sure that the clarity of pronunciation does not decrease.

Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback. The jackdaw sat on a stick, the stick hit the jackdaw. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. The bull's white lip was blunt. The water truck was carrying water from the water supply system. Fenya has a sweatshirt, Faya has shoes. On seven sleighs, seven people sat in the sleigh themselves. The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain. Prokop arrived and the dill was boiling. Prokop left—the dill was boiling. Just as dill was boiling under Prokop, dill was boiling without Prokop. Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt. The bee buzzed and the spider buzzed. Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig. The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style, the cap should be re-packed, but the cap should be re-packed. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood - do not cut wood on the grass of the yard. The ships tacked, but did not tack. You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.

Basic rules without which it is impossible to achieve the desired result

  1. Do the exercises daily! Here, as in sports, only daily training will lead you to victory.
  2. Be patient! Keep in mind that you may not be able to perform the exercises correctly right away, be patient and you will succeed.
  3. Praise yourself! Rejoice and encourage yourself for the successes you have achieved.
  4. Read out loud! Talk more! Read everything - messages, articles, books, and so on. Conversation practice is essential for the acquisition and development of speech skills.
  5. Each exercise is practiced until it can be performed easily and freely, without much tension.
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