Remember everything: 7 exercises for memory development

Vitamins for attention and memory for children

Vitamins for attention and memory for children
With the arrival of school time, the load on the child’s body increases

Accordingly, memory, attention and concentration deteriorate. The child wants to sleep longer and has no desire to learn homework

How can I help my child to make it easier for him to learn?

Doctors advise children to take vitamins for attention and memory twice a year. These can be any vitamin complexes that contain various microelements and amino acids: VitaMishki, Pikovit, Alphabet and others.

Memory training exercises

The following exercises for developing the memory of older preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults, and the elderly can be done at any time. With their help, both children and teenagers can develop memory, because... they are interesting and exciting.

Long words

The first exercise to strengthen short-term memory is the long word technique. Choose a long word. For training adults, it can be imagined in the mind; for children, it can be written on paper. Try to form other words from the letters of this word.

For example, the word “homeless”:

  • house;
  • without;
  • goiter;
  • smoke.

This didactic method trains short-term memory, expanding its abilities. Do the exercise at any time. It's much more complicated than it seems. When you do it, your brain will really “sweat.”

Multiplication and counting in your head

The next task for developing short-term memory is multiplication. Pick a number and multiply it. 2 * 2 = 4 * 2 = 8 * 2 = 16 * 2... Multiply until it becomes difficult for you to calculate the result. The exercise is suitable for adults; defectologists also recommend it for children of middle and high school age.

This is a workout that can be done at any time of the day. For example, while traveling by bus or subway.

Recovering Memories

One of the best methods for developing memory is retrieving memories. The brain has no problems with memorization; it stores all the information it encounters. The problem arises when information should be “brought to the surface” - it simply sinks into the depths of the brain.

When receiving information only passively, memory gradually weakens. So retrieve your memories often. A great way is to remember the past day. When you go to bed, recall the whole day in reverse order. What did you do in the evening? What happened before? Make your way to breakfast, try to remember the smallest details. It will be difficult at first. But gradually the recovery of memories will improve. You will stretch the muscles of your brain and strengthen it.

Do you have free time that you have nothing to occupy? Ask yourself questions aimed at developing memory.

  • What did I have for lunch a week ago?
  • What did I do 2 weeks ago?
  • What did we study at school last Monday?
  • How did I dress for the last party?
  • What socks did I wear 3 days ago?


Retrieval of memories is a good memory development exercise for preschoolers and primary school children. In this case, it is better to use reading. Read a page of a book or part of an article to your child (the adult reads it himself). Answer the questions: what is written there? What is the important idea? Try to describe the content as clearly as possible.

Such memory exercises can be done every evening when reading articles, books, especially those whose contents you want to remember well. When information is restored, it is remembered better, because the brain creates stronger neural connections.

Counting letters

The method is suitable for developing short-term memory. Choose any letter. Count how many there are on the page. You need to focus both on reading and understanding the text, and on counting letters. This method is the oldest and most effective.


Since we live in the 21st century, it is worth mentioning memory development apps. This is the most convenient way. You are busy with your mobile phone, but don't feel guilty about wasting your time. You are training your brain.

  • Lumocity. This application will help develop not only memory, but also other brain functions: concentration, multitasking, counting, etc. The basic version is free.
  • Dual N-back. This is a more complex application. It's not easy to get good at at first, but it really gets your brain going at full speed. The player must focus on the on-screen cues and listen to the letters spoken by the robot. Depending on the level, you should recognize where the signal is coming from.

Brain Wars

A universal application that contains exercises to develop memory, reaction speed, mathematics skills and attentiveness.

If in similar applications a person simply completes tasks, then in Brain Wars he competes with other users. To do this, the algorithm will select an opponent with equal skills. After completing three tasks it will become clear who is better. To successfully perform in a “duel”, you can separately train one or another skill. However, in the free version the number of attempts is limited, so it makes sense to purchase a subscription.

The user will be able to evaluate their results in Brain Wars (how much their concentration has improved, counting speed, etc.). All information is available in the form of statistics, which provides additional motivation. The Brain Wars interface is intuitive and simple, but it is not translated into Russian.


  • complex brain development;
  • “duels” with other users;
  • simple interface;
  • statistics in which you can track results.


  • some users complain that the algorithm selects opponents that are too difficult;
  • no Russian language.

Tips from teachers

If you want to help your child become more attentive and improve his memory, then you should conduct classes with him, following certain rules:

It is important to select materials for games and exercises that are appropriate to the age of the children. It is worth choosing simpler and shorter tasks for hyperactive children, as such activities are difficult for them. You need to play one or two games at a time, no more. Keep kids interested in each new exercise by using attractive pictures and toys. Musical games and tasks can be used to develop attention and memory. For example, repeat a given rhythm or identify the sounding instrument. Praise children not only for their successes, but also for their efforts. Consistent and regular games to develop attention for preschoolers will certainly bring excellent results

Children love them and benefit them greatly!

Consistent and regular games for developing attention for preschoolers will certainly bring excellent results. Children love them and benefit them greatly!


A functional application that has 7 categories of educational games aimed at improving memory, reaction speed, language and mathematics skills, and flexibility. However, after downloading, the user needs to take a test for the program to determine his skill level. The test, by the way, is very simple and consists of 3 games. At the end, the results are processed and Lumosity offers the user a personalized program.

In game 1 you need to choose colors to match. The second is aimed at testing the ability to separate thinking, and the third tests memory. These tasks seem simple, but in fact they require attention and mental investment.

All information is presented in the form of graphs, so monitoring learning results is not only convenient, but also pleasant. I am especially pleased with the motivation during training. The developers promise that regularly doing exercises in Lumosity will help you do everyday tasks much faster than usual.


  • versatility – available on iOS and Android;
  • an accurate test to check your current skills;
  • many training programs.


  • The free version is very limited in functionality.

Development of memory and attention

Concentrate on one thing. If you are listening to a lecture or sitting at a meeting, do not correspond with someone on the phone, listen carefully to the person speaking in front of you. You need to listen to him as carefully as possible and not be distracted by trifles.

In the evening, be sure to remember today’s lecture and try to recall it in memory down to the smallest detail. Proper nutrition for the brain is very important. Don’t eat fast food or snacks on the run; it’s harmful to both your brain and your body.

A proper diet should include the following foods: vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, dairy products, cereals and herbs. Don't overload your brain. If you feel tired, give your body a rest, a tired brain does not perceive new information well. Never overload your brain with unnecessary, unnecessary information. Load it only with useful and truly important information. Be sure to take walks in the fresh air; this is also very important for the proper functioning of your brain. The brain must receive oxygen. It's good if your walks in the fresh air are active. You can engage in different sports or simply relax actively.

Simple exercises to develop memory and attention

  1. Let's start with the simplest thing - you need to go to the grocery store. Don’t take a cheat sheet with you on which the list of goods is written, write it down and try to remember what you wrote, then go to the store. If the situation is completely hopeless, then take your grocery list with you, but try not to take it out of your bag. Buy as a souvenir, and at the very end, take it out and check whether you bought everything or not.
  2. Train yourself to read, this can be any time during your lunch break or before bed. You can read one to five pages at first, and gradually try to reach at least ten or twenty pages. Read carefully. After you read, try to retell it in as much detail as possible. If you don’t have time to retell what you read, then you can do it while you’re eating home or going to the store.
  3. On your way to work or to the store, you can remember the numbers of houses or license plates of cars that pass by. It trains your memory well.
  4. Try to remember the price tags in the store for the goods you buy. Once you remember the prices, you can compare them with the prices of another store.
  5. If you are preparing a new dish, using a new recipe, try to remember it. You can try to write it down from memory, on paper, and then check it with the original recipe.
  6. Learn the poem by heart and please your loved one with it. Learn the words to a new song. On your way to work or to the store, you can hum a new song to yourself.
  7. If you are walking, try changing your route and taking a different road. Look carefully at what new and interesting things you saw while you were walking, perhaps beautiful houses and unusual signs on stores, maybe beautiful flowers or fluffy blue Christmas trees. When you get home, remember your new route and replay it in your head. What do you remember about him? What are your impressions of this route? What new did you see?
  8. When you talk with employees, with a neighbor on the landing, with a girlfriend or friend, try to remember as much as possible: eye color, clothing, some small things done on clothing or on a person. Listen carefully to what they tell you, delve into every detail. After the conversation, try to remember everything down to the smallest detail and scroll through it again in your head.
  9. To develop super memory in 30 days, sign up for our course:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course: to develop the child’s memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better. After completing the course, the child will be able to:

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for a longer period of time
  3. The speed of recalling the necessary information will increase

TOP 10 exercises and methods for memory development for adults and children

Books as a source of new information

According to scientists, the peak of cognitive abilities occurs when people reach 27 years of age. After this, brain activity begins to decrease, processes slow down, which affects memory, intelligence, and speed of thinking. To prevent inhibition processes and restore memory, it is necessary to maintain brain activity.

There are several ways to record information, namely:

  • Visual memory;
  • Auditory;
  • Flavoring;
  • Figurative;
  • Tactile and others.

It is important to develop all types for productive memorization of information. In an adult, the type that is associated with his activity is in the lead. Children, especially those of primary school age, usually have all types of memory developed; it is important to continue to stimulate their work.

Child training

Note! If a person, an adult or a teenager, is constantly in stressful situations and does not get enough sleep, then the nervous system suffers. As a result, the intensity of brain activity decreases, which affects memory.

How to restore memory:

  • Avoid stress and lack of sleep;
  • Learn to plan;
  • Organize a workplace;
  • Alternate physical and mental activity.

Natural features lay the foundation for the development of memory, the leading type and speed of memorization. Psychology claims that you can influence the process by stimulating brain activity. Then the abilities of a person after 60 years will not differ from the abilities of schoolchildren. Memory and attention training for adults and children contains exercises that help improve the process.

Unfortunately, the older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to learn the same two-page poems. Let's look at why this happens in adults:

  • The brain pays more attention to thoughts about home and work.
  • A monotonous daily schedule narrows your horizons.
  • The advent of electronic gadgets with calendars and notes simplifies our lives, but the brain also stops trying to remember information (dates, to-dos).
  • There is no constant memory training.

Unfortunately, this applies to everyone. We are surprised that our grandmother remembers how much bread cost 40 years ago and what the weather was like on your fifth birthday. And we forget what the boss told us yesterday.

However, this can be fixed. You just have to want it and start working. You will immediately realize that life has become easier, you will no longer forget about birthdays and you will not need to make a shopping list before going to the store. And in general, developing your mind will help you avoid memory problems in old age.

What should be done? Now let's look at it in detail.

What is he like? His hair color? Eye color? Facial features and special features, if any (mole, scar, etc.). What is this person wearing? How does he behave?

In the evening, when you come home from work, remember this person and describe him.

Herbs for memory and attention

Herbs for memory and attention
We described above how to prepare tinctures from plants that will help restore brain activity. But you can produce herbal decoctions for memory and attention, which will help the brain work well with their aromas and beneficial substances. These herbs include:

  • Ginko biloba. Contained in the preparation "Ginko biloba". This herb helps activate cerebral circulation and ensure the delivery of oxygen to cells.
  • Rosemary. The essential oils of this plant contain antioxidants and carnosic acid, which help expand cerebral vascular tissue.
  • Ginseng. An excellent brain stimulant that increases human performance.
  • Gotu Kola. This plant is called the “memory herb” due to its ability to increase mental activity and speed up thinking processes.

What kind of shower is called circular?

Therapeutic and preventive effects on the body can be achieved by taking a circular shower. This is not only a pleasant, but also a useful hydro procedure, common in therapeutic medical institutions, SPA salons and resort sanatoriums.

Circular shower

The method of treatment and prevention through this type of therapy has long been well studied. Irritation of skin receptors resulting from exposure to numerous thin jets of water has a positive effect on the tone of the body as a whole, and also has a beneficial effect on performance and mood.

Based on the sensations that such a water procedure causes, a circular shower is also called a “needle” shower. The impact of many thin streams of water on the body is similar in sensations to acupuncture over the entire skin surface.

In German medicine, this hydroprocedure was called “Mantel-shower” (covering shower), from the German word “Mantel”, which translated into Russian means coat or cloak. At its core, the water from a circular shower envelops the body from all sides, which can truly be associated with covering a coat.


If you're looking for an app that is backed by science and the exercises are tried and tested, then NeuroNation is a great option. Here you will find not only tasks and mini-games, but also personalized courses. All you need to do is check the state of your cognitive abilities at the moment. The application will select your personal training program from 60 exercises. Develop memory, attention, concentration and intelligence!

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Games to develop attention

Educational games and exercises are a great option not only to pass the time or have fun, but also to improve memory. Let's look at some of the most powerful exercises.

Educational game “memory matrix”

Remember the location of the shaded fields in 1-2 seconds, and then reproduce the shaded fields from memory. The game trains visual memory and memorization speed.

Search for numbers and letters

Try also to practice searching for letters. These exercises are great for developing peripheral vision and speed reading. You can read more about this exercise in the separate article Search for letters and in the article with the simulator Search for numbers and numbers.

Educational game “Remember and find”

A game to develop working memory and memorize objects. For a moment, a set of objects is shown that you need to have time to remember, and from memory determine which object has changed.

Anagrams will help develop such qualities as: attention, concentration, speed of thought, speed reading. In this game you have to choose 1 option out of 4, in which only those letters that are part of the given word are mixed

Each round a new word is given. Remember that time is limited! The faster you look for the answer, the more points you will get at the end of the game.

Educational game “Find a coin”

  1. Develops memory capacity
  2. Improves visual memory
  3. Improves spatial memory

Open the cells on the screen and find coins. The cell closes after opening, so you need to remember which cells have already been clicked on.

The Schulte table is one of the most effective exercises for developing the brain, attention, concentration, and accelerating visual search. This exercise is also the most popular exercise for developing speed reading. Schulte tables usually consist of randomly placed numbers or letters. The number of cells in tables also varies and most often they are 5x5 elements in size.

Educational game “Letter span”

A game to develop memory capacity. The screen shows letters that you need to have time to remember and reproduce in the right order.


Tag is a great way to exercise your brain throughout the day! This is a game for developing thinking. The game of tag is a square board divided into 16 equal square sections. You have 15 square dominoes at your disposal, numbered accordingly. The dominoes themselves are randomly mixed inside the box.

The essence of this game is to put the dominoes in order, namely to place the numbers one after another from top to bottom, from left to right, therefore, the empty square should be from the bottom to the right. The game will help you develop logical thinking and memory, because it is useful to remember various tricks and combinations. You will also be able to develop the ability to calculate moves ahead without making mistakes. Shall we play?

Educational game “Memorize and call”

This educational game is aimed primarily at developing attention span. The more different elements we can remember at one time, the better.

A table with numbers will be shown for a few seconds; you need to have time to remember all the numbers and reproduce them in ascending order.

Reading by sighting

We have also developed another useful simulator that is suitable for both the development of lateral vision and the development of speed reading. When you click on the “Random phrase” button, the simulator displays a random sentence for 1-2 seconds. Try to look at the entire line:


A relatively new program for brain development, equipped with an impressive range of simulators aimed at developing memory, logical thinking and improving concentration.

As the creators of the application note, all of its simulators are based on scientific methods. There are Schulte tables, the Ebbinghaus curve, the Wundt technique and several other programs. They increase the productivity of gray matter and develop memory. The latter, by the way, was confirmed by specialists from Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

You may be interested in: TOP 5 games about superheroes

To use all Vikium functions, the user needs a premium account. You can activate it either for a certain period of time or forever. The paid version has a daily program, as well as additional educational courses. In addition, a paid account provides complete training statistics. With its help, you can compare the results with the achievements of other users of the utility.

Vikium is suitable for users aged 7 years and older. However, there is no upper age ceiling. In addition, for the youngest there is a section “Elementary School Students”.


  • functionality;
  • many programs;
  • Suitable for almost all ages;
  • simple and clear menu.


  • not found.


To quickly reduce cholesterol you need to follow certain dietary rules. You will need to completely eliminate foods that produce bad cholesterol. You can quickly reduce cholesterol with folk remedies.

You need to add foods to your diet that contain special monounsaturated fats, healthy pectin, essential fiber and important omega-polyunsaturated fats. Using these products, you can maintain optimal cholesterol, reduce it, or remove “bad” cholesterol.

Among the basic nutritional rules, important factors can be identified:

There are a lot of useful things in fish - tuna, mackerel. To quickly reduce the total level of bad cholesterol, simply eat 100 grams of fish a couple of times every seven days. This is an ideal opportunity to maintain all blood in a predominantly liquefied form, meaning the risk of blood clots can be effectively reduced. It is worth eating a small amount of nuts. This is a fairly fatty product, which contains a lot of healthy monounsaturated fats. Experts recommend eating 30 grams of nuts every day. These can be walnuts, Siberian pine, forest, Brazilian, almonds, pistachios and cashews. It is quite possible to increase cholesterol levels through the simultaneous consumption of sunflower seeds, healthy flax seeds, and sesame seeds. To understand the approximate amount of nuts consumed, it is worth knowing that 30 grams is 7 walnuts, 22 almonds, 18 cashews or 47 pistachios. It is worth adding unusual vegetable oils to your diet, but giving preference to flaxseed and soybean oils. The most beneficial is olive oil. It is better to add it fresh to food and salads. It is recommended to eat soy products and healthy olives, only the main thing is that there is an inscription on the package stating that there are no GMOs. To reduce the substance, you should eat 35 grams of fresh fiber every day. This is a special substance that is present in large quantities in cereals, legumes, bran, greens, vegetables and various fruits. Bran should be consumed in 2 tablespoons and be sure to wash it all down with water. There is no need to neglect apples and other fruits. They contain healthy pectin, which allows you to remove excess cholesterol or reduce it. A large amount of pectin is found in products such as watermelon, citrus fruits, beets, sunflowers. Pectin is a very useful substance that helps eliminate toxins that lead to heavy metal disease, which is quite important in the relatively unfavorable environmental conditions of modern cities. To remove excess cholesterol from the blood or reduce it, you need to carry out juice therapy from time to time. It is useful to drink juice from various citrus fruits - orange, grapefruit. If you are preparing pineapple, pomegranate, apple or other juice, you can add a little fresh lemon juice to them. It is worth consuming various berry juices, as well as vegetable juices, especially from carrots and garden beets.

Any juices should be consumed with caution, especially if you have liver problems. You need to start with the minimum dose and gradually increase it. Fresh green tea is most beneficial for high cholesterol

With its help, you can not only reduce bad cholesterol for the body, but increase the amount of good cholesterol. Tea can be replaced with mineral water from time to time.

There are also certain general rules for eating with high cholesterol. Many experts note that almost every person in the body has a gene that increases the amount of good cholesterol.

To activate it, you just need to eat right and eat food every 4 hours and preferably at the same time. Then lowering cholesterol with folk remedies may not be necessary.

Many people think that in order to reduce the amount of dangerous cholesterol, you need to give up eggs and butter, and supposedly you shouldn’t eat lard.

Scientists have concluded, this is an erroneous opinion, that the synthesis of the substance in the liver is inversely dependent on the volume penetrated with products. In other words, synthesis will increase if there is little substance in the blood and can be reduced if there is a lot of it.

Important! If you completely stop eating foods that contain cholesterol, it will immediately begin to be produced by nature in decent amounts.

Butter and eggs contain healthy cholesterol, so you shouldn’t stop eating them. A ban should be placed on products containing refractory fats from beef or lamb.

It is worth reducing the amount of cream, full-fat milk, homemade sour cream, and saturated fat cheese consumed

It is important to remember that cholesterol is found in large quantities in fatty foods of common animal origin.

Accordingly, if you need to reduce the amount of cholesterol, you should exclude these foods. If you eat poultry meat, you must remove the skin from it; this is where the fat is located and its amount can be reduced.

Circular shower straight from Switzerland

Circular shower straight from Switzerland

A circular shower is one of the hydrotherapy procedures that is so popular today to treat various diseases and improve the overall health of the body.

Professionals call it Swiss or needle, because of the country in which it has long been widespread and for the nature of its effect on the skin.

This procedure is gaining increasing fame and popularity because it is easy to carry out not only in a sanatorium or spa under the supervision of a specialist, but also at home.

*Read more: Radon baths, benefits and harm

All that is required is a whirlpool unit, which is quite easy to install. Fans of hydrotherapy say that a circular shower, like no other procedure, forces the body to tone, become more active and relax at the same time.

How does the procedure work?

Usually one procedure takes about 20 minutes, but the first sessions can be reduced to 5 - so that the body gradually gets used to the new type of influence.

The shower installation contains many holes throughout its entire area. From them, under a pressure of about 1.5 atmospheres, jets of water fall on the body. The sensations can be compared to weightless tingling, painless and pleasant, they help achieve a strong massage effect.

When the patient first begins the procedure, the water is at a temperature of 35 degrees. Gradually, without sudden changes, it drops to 25.

Warm jets relax the body, warm and easily massage it, while cold jets tone muscles, activate blood circulation and a surge of oxygen to skin cells and internal organs.

*Read more: What is a cascade shower

But it is known that jets of water hitting the skin are not enough to treat gynecological and urological diseases. But the circular ascending shower is created just for such cases.

Circular shower session

To carry out the procedure, the patient must sit on a specially equipped seat without a core, and water at a temperature of 20 to 40 degrees begins to flow through the outlet tube to his perineum, depending on the doctor’s instructions. This treatment has no cosmetic effect, but works wonders in gynecology and urology.

*Also read: Charcot shower - contraindications in old age

Another variety is the famous Charcot douche - its use brought fame to “active” hydrotherapy in general. Two jets of water supplied under pressure up to 4 atmospheres are used only for medicinal purposes.

Therapeutic effect of the procedure

A circular therapeutic shower cannot be considered only a cosmetic procedure.

Its effect on the body as a whole, on the inner layers of the skin and organs is difficult to overestimate.

After a course of such hydrotherapy, patients notice different therapeutic effects:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • regeneration processes are launched in various layers of the skin, it is smoothed;
  • metabolism improves;
  • toxins and other harmful substances are eliminated;
  • immunity is strengthened.

A circular shower, the benefits of which are so great, is used both in cosmetology and in medicine - to treat a wide variety of ailments and diseases.

Circular shower indications for carrying out

A circular shower is prescribed by a doctor. Even if it is intended to be used only for cosmetic purposes, you should definitely consult a doctor before starting the course.

Circular shower device

In general, water procedures are indicated for:

Expanding your memorization capabilities

We offer effective ways to develop your thinking processes at home and completely free of charge.


The method of co-feelings allows you to build memorable associations. To do this, you need to learn to connect all five senses. For example, create associations for the word “airplane.” How do you see it? What do you hear? How do you feel after the touch? What taste do you feel? What's the smell?

In this way, you can learn to more acutely perceive and remember new data more reliably. It is difficult to forget something that caused the activity of several senses at once.

Training attention

Attention is something without which it is impossible to achieve maximum memory. In the era of information overload, it is simply necessary to be able to focus on the main thing

The following exercise is suitable for those who are looking for how to train memory and attention for one minute a day

Set your stopwatch to 60 seconds. Make marks in the figures as shown in the example, strictly one by one. Repeat the exercise every day until you can cross out everything correctly and meet the deadline. If you wish, you can increase the difficulty level and increase the number of figures. Print as many copies as you like and make the actions automatic.

Memorizing texts using pictograms

Pictograms surround us everywhere. These include smartphone icons, road signs, and brand logos.

Pictograms are an excellent means of memorizing any text that needs to be stored in memory verbatim, no matter if it’s a verse, a quote or a definition of a term.

A clear example of the use of this technique is in the book “100% Memory” by E. Dodonova.

So, in the first picture we see an excerpt from E. Yevtushenko’s poem “The Third Snow”.

This is how the author of the book depicted these lines using pictograms.

Thus, every person, young and old, can learn to quickly memorize by drawing pictograms as their own imagination dictates.

Mind maps

This method is also called “mind maps”, “mind maps” or “mind maps”. As with pictograms, they must be drawn. But it's worth it: mind maps have a long-term effect if you need to completely remember a book, organize a business project, or sketch out a vacation plan.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing mental maps look like this.

  • In the center we depict an image of a task, problem or area of ​​knowledge.
  • We move the main sections of the map to the sides in the form of thick branches (we sign them to the minimum and number them).
  • Using keywords, colors and icons, we reveal details on thin branches.

Let us remind you: memory exercises will give results only if repeated many times.

Candle and snowman

Come up with associations for numbers and words according to their external form. You can spend as much time on this as you need. Then close the picture.

Answer the questions provided.

  1. What number corresponds to the snowman?
  2. What numbers correspond to a ravine and a candle?
  3. What numbers correspond to the sailboat, egg and snake?
  4. What numbers correspond to a balloon, a bird, a children's slide and a duck?
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