How to properly combine honey with soda to increase potency in men?

Soda is a unique substance with wide applications. For many centuries, people have been using this white powder to eliminate various impurities. But, soda can also be used in folk medicine. For example, for the treatment of diseases of the male genitourinary system and restoration of potency.

In the literature on the treatment of potency with folk remedies, you can find the statement that soda has aphrodisiac properties. But that's not true. The main function of this substance is to suppress the pathogenic microflora of the body. This allows you to restore potency caused by this problem.

Taking sodium bicarbonate orally

According to reviews from many men, potency increases if you take soda dissolved in milk orally. To notice positive results, such treatment should be at least 10 days, but not more than a month.

Thoroughly stir the baking soda into the milk before drinking!

Thoroughly mixed soda in milk should be drunk warm. The stirring process needs to be given special importance. If the alkali is poorly dissolved, it will form lumps and it will be unpleasant to drink milk.

If a man has severe pathological processes that have led to a decrease in potency, one should not count on complete healing using this method. Milk and soda will be good helpers in the traditional treatment of erectile dysfunction and the disease that caused it.

If this remedy increases potency, but in the process of consuming the milk soda solution the man began to feel side effects from the digestive system, then such treatment should be abandoned.


The use of baking soda for potency is classified into 2 directions: external and internal. When taking sodium bicarbonate internally, a distinction is made between direct and indirect.

Direct internal use of the substance is based on dissolving a quarter of a small spoon of soda powder in heated water. After dissolving, the solution is allowed to cool and the contents of the glass are drunk once a day while warm.

A too concentrated solution of sodium bicarbonate can release carbon dioxide in excess quantities when it enters the stomach, because a neutralization reaction occurs with hydrochloric acid of the digestive organ.

A man should try treatment with baking soda if there is a decrease in potency, the causes of which are psycho-emotional stress, emotional and physical stress over a long period of time.

IMPORTANT: problems with potency of a physiological or anatomical nature require a qualified medical approach with medication or radical treatment, where taking sodium bicarbonate can be not only ballast, but also intensify the existing pathology. There are no contraindications for external use of NaHCO3

Any abnormalities in the genitourinary system reduce the intensity of manifestations during alkaline baths (including malignant neoplasms)

There are no contraindications for external use of NaHCO3. Any abnormalities in the genitourinary system reduce the intensity of manifestations during alkaline baths (including malignant neoplasms).

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The indirect effect of baking soda on the organs of the reproductive system is expressed in its addition when baking baked goods as a leavening agent.


An alkaline solution in the form of a bath before bed is a means for calming, removing toxins from skin structures, improving metabolism, and restoring potency.

Rinsing the body with a contrast shower after taking a warm bath with soda (but not hot!) normalizes peripheral blood circulation, improves metabolism, and increases muscle tone and nervous system.

The bath is taken for half an hour. To prepare the solution, a pack of NaHCO3 is dissolved in 3 liters of hot water; after obtaining a homogeneous solution, it is poured into the bathtub.


To prepare an enema, dissolve a large spoon of baking soda in warm water. Enemas can be given daily.

The benefit of sodium bicarbonate enemas is to rid the body of toxins through the digestive system. An abundance of toxins is formed when eating foods rich in fats and meat products. It is convenient to treat the rectum with a soda solution for prostate diseases and problems with potency.

Honey to the rescue

External use, which belongs to the field of traditional medicine and has not yet been recognized by doctors, is associated with the preparation of a mixture of honey and soda powder.

Natural honey for the mixture is taken in a 2:1 ratio with soda. The resulting mixture is applied to the penis and rubbed into the skin with light movements. The composition should remain on for 7 minutes, after which it must be thoroughly rinsed under warm running water.

There is no therapeutic effect, as such, on the physiology of potency, but the rush of blood from irritation with the mixture actually increases the size of the sexual organ.

Balm “Star” and potency

Speaking about the benefits of “Zvezdochka” balm for a man’s potency, it is hardly possible to extract rational grain from its use. The essential oils contained in the ointment are classified as hyperallergenic substances, and the burn of the delicate skin of the genital organ after applying the ointment can be stated with certainty. What kind of potential is there?!

Of course, there are advantages to using asterisk: irritating, blood-filling, anti-inflammatory effects are obvious. But the skin burn outweighs the balance of the positive and negative effects of the ointment on a man’s erectile function.

Myths about soda and men's health

The widespread claim about the miraculous effect of baking soda in stopping the growth of cancerous tumors or inflammation of the prostate casts doubt on the duration of taking sodium bicarbonate in this case. It turns out that only constant use of white matter can save you from severe pathology.

Removing waste from the destruction of malignant cells using NaHCO3 is an effective method. But how much of the substance must be in the body for the result to be positive? Every day you need to drink more than 1 liter of soda solution. Is it possible? Not every man can do this procedure.

And it’s easy to imagine what sodium bicarbonate will do to the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, bypassing the beneficial effect - these are large-scale erosions. Severe alkalization of the blood for the kidneys can result in tragedy.

Medicinal properties

What are the benefits of baking soda for men? It is used in folk medicine as a remedy with natural antimicrobial properties. Regular intake of water, to which a small amount of this product is added, improves overall well-being and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. In addition, based on the practical use of sodium bicarbonate (the chemical formula of soda), it became known that this remedy can still have a positive effect regarding erection.

The effect of soda on potency in men is as follows:

  • restores the balance of acid and alkaline compounds in the organs of the digestive system, normalizes intestinal function, which in turn has a positive effect on metabolism, and improves the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • helps reduce inflammatory processes in the tissues of the prostate gland, and therefore potency becomes more stable, the duration of sexual intercourse increases several times;
  • prevents the proliferation of bacteria, viruses and fungal infections that have entered the body and, together with the blood flow, penetrate the organs of the genitourinary system, reducing their functional abilities;
  • increases the protective function of the immune system, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland and testicles;
  • due to the liquefaction effect, blood flow improves, there is no stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic area, and at the moment of sexual arousal, the sexual organ quickly becomes erect;
  • improvement of metabolic processes ensures the normalization of spermatogenesis, and the amount of semen increases.

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Using baking soda for medicinal purposes allows you to eliminate inflammation, normalize blood circulation in the prostate tissues and thereby restore the functioning of the genitourinary system as a whole. If the underlying disease that causes erection problems is provoked by infectious microorganisms (for example, bacterial prostatitis), then baking soda has an antiseptic effect, suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora, allowing the cells of the immune system to independently cope with the causative agent of the disease.

Is there a positive effect of soda solution on potency?

Medicine does not have data on a man’s recovery from cancer or inflammatory diseases in the genitourinary organs after consuming NaHCO3. In folk medicine, there are still recipes for the external effects of soda on potency.

However, the corrosive effects of carbonic acid and sodium on the rectal mucosa or skin can hardly be considered a safe method of treatment.

When resorting to treatment in this way, you need to discard self-medication and find out the possible positive effect of sodium bicarbonate on the body from the attending physician, who, taking into account contraindications, will determine the risk of taking it.


System-wide diseases for which baking soda is contraindicated for any use are:

  • decreased acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastritis-ulcerative conditions of the mucous membranes of the digestive system;
  • allergic reactions to the substance;
  • diabetes.

External use of baking soda causes dry skin, eliminating not only pathogenic microflora, but also natural ones that do not cause harm to humans.

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With frequent use of intimate masks and scrubs in the form of soda and honey, it leads to microtraumas, a noticeable decrease in sensitivity and a decrease in the secretion of lubricant, which interferes with pleasure during sexual activity.


An analysis of reviews from men who took soda to increase potency does not contain data on the reliable benefits of the solution. Not a single review has data on the dynamic regression of pathologies, impotence and other indications when using the substance.

The only short review on the Internet about enlarging the penis due to a rush of blood after external use of soda does not contain data on the frequent use of this method, but informs about possible microtraumas, i.e. Before us is a review of a single use of sodium bicarbonate with a short-term effect.

Therefore, every man, using soda for potency, does so at his own peril and risk, and should not count on a 100% long-lasting result.

How to use baking soda to increase potency?

Today, treating male impotence with baking soda is very popular. This is due to the fact that this treatment method is not only effective, but also does not cause side effects.

But, before using soda, it is important to know exactly the cause of sexual dysfunction

There are various methods of treating this disease using sodium bicarbonate. And each of them is aimed at eliminating the main cause of this disease.

Soda can be used as an oral solution, medicinal baths or microenemas. If the main factor in male impotence is stress, anxiety and physical fatigue, then an effective way to restore potency will be a course of general health improvement of the body. In this case, soda must be used in each of the forms listed above.

Soda baths

One of the most effective ways to combat inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system are baths based on a soda solution. In addition, such baths have a general strengthening effect, remove waste and toxins from the body, and also normalize metabolism. Which subsequently leads to the restoration of sexual function.

These baths are best used before bed. This procedure not only has a healing effect, but also helps you fall asleep easily. After taking such a bath, you need to rinse with a cool shower. Thanks to the tonic effect of such water procedures, blood flow in the body will speed up and the delivery of nutrients to the organs and tissues of the body will improve.

Baths with soda to restore potency

To take such a bath, you need to prepare a soda solution. For this:

  1. A pack of soda (0.5 kg) must be diluted in boiling water (3 liters)
  2. We draw a bath (the water temperature should be comfortable for the body)
  3. Pour the prepared solution into the bath and mix

Taking such a bath should not exceed 25-30 minutes.


Sometimes the cause of potency problems is an incorrect diet. Fatty and heavy foods not only negatively affect your overall well-being, but can cause various diseases. Some of which directly affect potency.

Using soda you can cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this, you can reduce the risk of developing diseases such as prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

The procedure for cleansing the body with soda in this case involves the use of microenemas with a solution based on this product. Preparing this solution is very simple:

Soda (1 tablespoon) is diluted in clean water (1 liter)

For this purpose, you can use special drinking water from the store or boiled water from the tap.


You can also use soda internally to cleanse and normalize the functioning of internal organs. But, this method is good only in cases where it is necessary to reduce the risk of developing the disease. It does not work in advanced forms of the disease.

Soda (1/2 teaspoon) must be dissolved in warm milk (1 glass)

You need to take this “drink” every day for 10 to 25 days.

Methods of use to improve potency

Due to the effective effect of baking soda on male potency, this product can be used to prepare the following types of traditional medicines:

  1. Solutions for oral use.
  2. Enemas that act directly on the affected area.
  3. Baths with a complex effect.

It should be understood that soda is not an aphrodisiac. It can only normalize the functions of some body systems, promote the elimination of toxins and pathogens, improve immunity, etc. The course of treatment for potency with baking soda is 1-3 months. It all depends on the degree of development of the pathology. But you shouldn't count on an instant effect.

Before treatment, you should consult your doctor. Taking soda-based products will not harm the body, but it will not help solve the problem if its cause is a serious pathology. Such self-medication can lead to a significant aggravation of the situation.

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Oral product

First of all, you should know that drinking soda in its pure form is strictly prohibited, as this can cause injury to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The recipe for improving potency is prepared as follows:

  1. A small amount of soda is poured into a glass of warm water. Initially, the dosage should be small (soda is scooped up with the tip of a knife), gradually increasing to a teaspoon.
  2. The product is thoroughly mixed.

This medicine should be taken after sleep, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts up to one and a half months, after which it is necessary to take a two-week break.

Soda baths

The procedures are used to improve the health of the entire body and improve metabolic processes.

Recipes may involve the preparation of both sitz baths and full baths. This method is considered the most effective because it allows you to achieve the following results:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • promotes activation of lymph flow, metabolic processes and blood flow;
  • relieves nervous and muscle tension;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • launches regenerative processes.

The recipe for preparing baths to improve potency involves the following steps:

  1. 250 grams of soda are poured into 1.5 liters of water.
  2. The solution is added to the bath and filled with water at a temperature of 38 degrees.
  3. You should take this bath for about half an hour. Upon completion of the procedure, the patient needs a contrast shower.

To prepare sitz baths, use the following recipe:

  1. Take a small basin into which about 5 liters of warm water is poured.
  2. Add 250 grams of soda to the water and mix thoroughly.
  3. You should sit in the solution so that the water washes the genitals, perineum and anal sphincter.

The procedures should take 20 minutes. To improve efficiency, it is recommended to take a contrast shower. Baths should be taken daily before bed for 3 months.


Such procedures are very popular for erectile dysfunction, as they achieve the following effects:

  • removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • prevention of constipation;
  • launching intestinal peristalsis;
  • fight against bacteria, preventing the spread of pathogenic microflora;
  • normalization of digestive processes, etc.

Problems such as chronic constipation, digestive problems, poor diet and the presence of pathogenic microflora in the body can cause erectile dysfunction and prostatitis. Therefore, the above-described properties of baking soda for increasing potency are a scientifically proven fact.

The recipe for preparing a solution for microenemas is simple:

  1. Heat boiled water to a temperature of 42 degrees.
  2. Dissolve 0.5 tablespoon of soda in prepared water.
  3. The solution is poured into a syringe with a soft tip.

The product must be injected into the anorectal passage. To reduce discomfort, you can lubricate the tip of the syringe with Vaseline or baby cream.


Microclysters with NaHCO3 help normalize digestion and intestinal motility. This helps fight constipation, hemorrhoids and inflammation of the male genital area. At the same time, alkali inhibits the growth of pathological microflora. Chronic constipation always provokes inflammation of the intestines, which causes the appearance of inflammatory diseases such as prostatitis.

The enema solution is prepared according to the following recipe. Half a tablespoon of NaHCO3 is dissolved in half a liter of water. The solution is drawn into a syringe, its tip is inserted into the rectum. To reduce unpleasant symptoms from an enema, you need to lubricate the anus with baby cream. Vaseline is also suitable for such purposes. The enema is done before bedtime.

Instructions for use

If you follow a number of rules, drinking soda will be safe and healthy. You should not consume soda with food. Having alkaline properties, it can interfere with the normal digestion process. You should drink soda solution at certain times of the day. The first dose should be early in the morning before meals. It is not recommended to start treatment with soda with large doses. You should listen to your own body’s reaction. There are the following options for using soda internally:

  • The most popular method is as follows: you need to take a quarter teaspoon of baking soda powder and dissolve it at the bottom of a glass of hot water. After this, you need to add cold water. The total volume of liquid should be half a glass. After a week, you can increase the amount of soda and use a whole teaspoon. The course of treatment should be 1 month.
  • The second method is recommended for repeated treatment. To do this, you need to take half a teaspoon of baking soda and dissolve it in hot water. Next, you need to add cold water and mix the solution thoroughly. The liquid should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Repeating the procedure twice a week will significantly improve the overall condition of the body. The duration of treatment can be several months.

If any signs of soda rejection by the body occur, you must stop using the soda solution.

For potency

The beneficial properties of soda are extended to the treatment of diseases of the male genital area. Soda powder can be used to restore and strengthen potency. Problems of this nature can be a big shock for a man. Some of them turn to the use of expensive drugs. However, the effectiveness of such funds is quite small, and the validity period is very short. Also, it should be borne in mind that such drugs have a chemical base that is harmful to the body. Sodium bicarbonate does not have a strong stimulating effect. The action of the powder is aimed at improving the body’s activity and suppressing pathogenic microflora. As a result, the normal functioning of the reproductive system is completely restored. There are several rules that must be followed when using this product. To solve problems related to potency, you should know about the possible options for using soda:

Take as a soda solution. Many problems associated with erection are the result of an imbalance in the acid-base environment. Sexologists say that the causes may be bad habits and poor nutrition. Soda solution will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. Also, it will solve the problem with potency.

Taking soda baths. Carrying out such procedures will improve your psycho-emotional state. Nervous tension and stress are the main factors that can cause problems with potency. Soda baths should be taken regularly. Carrying out 10 procedures will have a beneficial effect on male strength.

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Men who have complexes about the size of their penis are ready to use any means to enlarge it. Traditional medicine will allow you to solve this problem economically and effectively. At the same time, there is no need to resort to expensive operations and the use of chemicals. With the help of soda, you can make the dream of many men come true. To achieve the desired effect, you need to use soda in the following ways:

  • Use baking soda as a solution;
  • Take soda baths;
  • Do regular massage of the penis using soda powder;

Massage of the male genital organ requires regular stretching exercises. Before the massage, you can make a compress with soda. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of warm water and dissolve 3 teaspoons of soda in it. After moistening a small piece of cloth, you need to wrap it around the penis for 10 minutes. The compress will increase blood flow, which will allow for better stretching of the skin during the massage.

Which nuts are best for increasing potency?

Andrologists confirm that you need to eat peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts for potency. They quickly compensate for the deficiency of amino acids, vitamins, PUFAs, microelements and are available all year round for families with any budget. You can diversify your diet and expand the range of nutrients by consuming almonds, cashews, pine nuts, pistachios, nutmeg and Brazil nuts.

Important! The most useful nuts for increasing male potency are dried. If the kernels are fried or salted, they lose some of their healing properties. Which nuts do not increase potency: coconuts, macadamia and pecans

They are useless for men because they contain the least amount of protein and substances useful to the reproductive organs.

Which nuts do not increase potency: coconuts, macadamia and pecans. They are useless for men because they contain the least protein and substances useful to the reproductive organs.

Pistachios and almonds

Pistachios improve blood circulation in the genitals, make sperm full, increase libido and enhance orgasm. For impotence, you need to eat 90 g of them for three weeks, and for prevention, no more than 15 pieces per day.

Pistachios and almonds

Almonds are rich in amino acids, therefore they stimulate the production of sex hormones, increase desire and strengthen libido. To increase potency, it is enough for a man to eat up to 30 g of these nuts (20 pieces) per week half an hour before breakfast.

Doctors recommend alternating the consumption of dried pistachios and almonds without salt. Which of these nuts will be the most beneficial for potency - each man decides for himself.

Pine nuts and hazelnuts

Pine nuts are useful for potency in their raw form. Thanks to their composition, both the mobility and strength of the sperm itself, as well as the ejaculation process and the duration of the erection, are improved. The remaining substances are involved in the mechanisms of hematopoiesis and metabolism. Reviews from men indicate that to treat impotence, you need to eat 50 g (300 pieces) of pine nuts per day for 21 days in a row. For prevention purposes, they are consumed 1 tbsp. spoon.

Hazelnuts or hazelnuts increase energy levels, restore neurons, improve metabolism, and improve male potency. A good help in stimulating libido is the daily consumption of 50 g of hazel with sour cream and honey.


Nutmeg is useful for increasing potency due to its composition rich in microelements and pectin. It prevents cardiovascular diseases, erectile dysfunction, and pathologies of the vascular and nervous systems.

It is appropriate to use nutmeg for psychogenic impotence or decreased libido. Its powder is added to tea, during the preparation of jam, compotes, meat or fish dishes, vegetable side dishes, baked goods and other hot dishes.

Why nutmeg is good for potency:

  • belongs to natural aphrodisiacs, increases the arousal of men (and women);
  • improves blood supply to the reproductive organs;
  • relieves muscle fatigue;
  • promotes relaxation after stress or psycho-emotional stress;
  • spice substances are involved in the normalization of the nervous system.


The spice should not be consumed in excess of 1.5 g/day or in combination with alcohol. Therefore, instead of an alcohol extract, a hot water infusion or decoction of nutmeg is more useful.

Cashew and Brazil nut

Cashews quickly replenish zinc deficiency, so testosterone synthesis and levels are restored within a week of daily consumption. It is recommended to eat 30 g of nuts per month. With increased weight, the daily norm is reduced to 15 g.

American doctors recommend eating Brazil nuts for potency. They increase testosterone levels, activate the synthesis of sex hormones, and increase the quality and quantity of semen. You should eat no more than 2-3 of them per day, as there may be a glut of selenium.


Traditional healers recommend being treated with healing gifts of nature growing in a person’s homeland, since their biochemical composition is best absorbed by the body. In their opinion, the most beneficial for potency will be a walnut if a man was born or raised in the central latitudes of the country. It has a large complex of substances necessary for the normal uninterrupted functioning of the reproductive organs and the prevention of chromosomal disorders in the germ cells. The maximum daily dose is 8 nut kernels.

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