Features of the impact of brown color in psychology

The influence of colors on the mental state of people has been studied since ancient times. Each of them means something. When looking at a certain color shade, a person experiences certain feelings that affect the rise or fall of mood. Often people are inclined to choose a certain option without even thinking about the fact that this decision was influenced by color.

Why certain colors are used in different fields of activity, and how to apply color characteristics for your own purposes is described below. We're talking about the color brown.

Colors and psychology

By making the right choice from the color scheme, a person can be guaranteed to achieve success in various areas of his life (at work, a romantic date, a business dinner, etc.). Understanding the meaning of shades and their combinations brings rationality and direction to the course of events. Realizing your emotions, observing the changes taking place in your environment, improving your mood and many other emotional factors are possible with the correct selection and combination of colors in your image and environment (at work and at home).

Experts have proven that some events or memories have a direct connection with one or another shade. Almost every person associates holidays and memorable events with bright colors (red, yellow, green, etc.). Sad events are painted in black and gray tones.

Perception and reaction to colors occur at the subconscious level. Since childhood, people perceive red as a sign of anxiety and prohibition. Green means confidence and security. Each color is individual and has its own characteristic properties. Shades can have a significant impact on the perception of a particular situation, and also on a person’s psychological health.

The effect of brown color on human physiology

Brown color is multifaceted. It is associated with material pleasures and pleasures.

The color range of brown includes only warm shades: red, yellow, orange. In this regard, brown is also a warm color, which is associated with comfort and pleasant warmth. If the walls in a room have this shade, it feels much warmer here than in other rooms of the house.

Since it contains shades of red and orange, brown has a slight stimulating effect:

  • a person can more easily tolerate significant physical activity;
  • blood circulation in the body improves;
  • promotes activation of the cardiovascular system;
  • has an effect on increasing immunity.

But, despite the stimulation of the body, this color also has a slight calming effect. This is due to the presence of cool blue and purple tones in it. A decrease in blood pressure and a slight inhibition of the processes of the human vegetative-vascular system are also the influence of brown shades.

Tired, exhausted people who are subject to great nervous stress can include brown color therapy in their wellness program. Being surrounded by this shade, especially beige tones, a person can breathe a sigh of relief, he realizes that he can stop the rhythm of life for a while and give himself a rest.

Physiological effects

Brown color has a complex structure, therefore it combines both positive and negative properties. Cold and warm energy manifests itself depending on the purity and saturation of the shade. Brown-red and orange shades have a warming effect. It stimulates blood circulation and improves immunity. Psychologists and physiologists recommend wearing items or clothing of these shades to increase strength and replenish energy.

Light brown improves memory and helps concentrate. It is recommended for use by people associated with mental activity. It is believed that a brown stone or candle will help you pass an exam or test.

Rich and deep shades of brown have a calming effect. These colors help extinguish strong emotions, relieve stress and anxiety. At the physiological level, dark brown helps slow down metabolism and stimulate the nervous system. Any item of this color can slightly lower blood pressure and soften anger.

Mental component

Color promotes calm and relaxation. But these feelings are different from the cold and indifferent blue. The feeling is more like home comfort, a soft sofa with a fluffy blanket, where you can sit with a cup of fragrant tea or aromatic latte with chocolate. Brown is associated with a calm fireplace fire, the rustling of leaves in an autumn forest, or a fluffy cat curled up on your lap.

Brown color in psychology is the best way to overcome stress or blues. A special role is given not only to some sedative influence, but also to associative images: tree, earth, fresh crispy bread. All this has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Brown not only has a calming effect, but also helps to increase self-esteem and self-confidence, gives a feeling of stability and trustworthiness.

Based on psychological studies conducted by scientists, it was revealed that the beige color also has a good social influence. It encourages teamwork, helps to establish business connections, but at the same time helps to maintain a certain distance in communication.

Psychologists recommend using brown shades when many problematic and unresolved issues arise in life. The color means hope for a good outcome of events.

Such shades mean that the people who choose them are hard-working and truth-loving. When going for an interview, it is advisable to wear a brown outfit.

Brown simultaneously signifies common sense and stability, but also some frustration and depression. It contains red, which signifies aggressiveness and activity, and yellow, which suppresses these traits.

Brown lovers are very cheerful and reasonable. If a critical situation arises, they can suggest a rational way out, showing composure.

In the sexual sphere, this color denotes conservatism and traditionalism. For such a person, first of all, emotions are important, and only after that physiology.

A person is considered to be secretive if he rejects the color brown in any of its manifestations. He does not consider physical comfort a necessity and does not indulge the needs of his body. Such people tend to take risks and do not think about danger.

Psychology and meaning of brown in clothing

The color brown got its name from words such as “cinnamon” and “bark”. This color speaks of dark wood, noble soil, sweet chocolate and autumn leaves falling to the ground. That is why the various shades of brown, which we will definitely tell you about, are close to the color of the earth. The use of brown in ensembles is a symbol of reliability, well-being, stability, and confidence. Many people find brown overly conservative, but this statement can only be considered true if a person uses only one shade of brown when composing looks.

Fans of brown clothes are characterized by restraint and balance . Such people are thorough and tend to perform only deliberate actions. They try to refrain from noisy campaigns, choosing loneliness, peace and quiet. Along with this, supporters of brown are harsh in relationships, but they are characterized by frugality and resilience. Such people strive to dominate and achieve success. They cannot make a colossal impression, but you can turn to them for help in difficult times.

Women whose wardrobe is dominated by brown are active in love and devote a lot of time to their chosen one . Such persons spend a lot of time thinking about life and global problems. When they set themselves a task, they try with all their might to solve it.

Girls in brown clothes are sometimes distinguished by excessive stubbornness, but they are distinguished by devotion and fidelity. Brown is successful at business receptions and important negotiations.

Brown color, together with all its shades, is classified as a warm color . The color of wood and earth among many peoples was considered a sign of fading beauty and old age; it was often worn by commoners. This is probably why for many, earthy color evokes boredom and melancholy, unless, of course, you know how to combine it with rich shades. Dark tones should be avoided so as not to provoke an increase in negative emotions in people around you.

Modern Europeans give brown the meaning of a color associated with common sense. The color of clay is often used in their ensembles by people who feel the need for peace, security and home warmth and comfort, and who are trying to overcome depression and discomfort.

What does it symbolize?

The symbolism of brown is quite diverse. In the modern world, it is associated with stability, comfort, and family. The color is associated with carnal pleasures, gourmet food and bodily pleasures. He has sensuality. Red is more passionate, burning, and brown means slow pleasure and enjoyment.

But there are also a small number of negative characteristics of this shade. They go back to medieval times, when it evoked associations of mundaneness, boredom, poverty and hard work. Brown was worn mainly by the poor and peasants whose work was related to the land.

Beginning in the 20th century, the shade began to be associated with military dictatorship. It evoked associations with the military uniform of fascist soldiers. To this day, fascism is called the “brown plague.”

But the negative aspects of color are insignificant and do not prevail over the positive impact on the human psyche. Therefore, most people have a positive attitude towards him.

Zodiac preferences

Since in psychology the value of brown color is emphasized as a factor of “grounding”, a return to nature and natural simplicity, this color is ideal for two zodiac signs - Virgo and Capricorn.

The practical Capricorn always strives to remain unconvinced, but he hates to complicate everything and, in search of the truth, inevitably returns to the basics. Capricorn has a vital need to periodically turn to the experience of his ancestors, and the brown color helps him not to lose this connection and remain something of a keeper of family traditions and ancestral memory.

Thoughtful and pedantic, Virgo never has her head in the clouds, and in all matters prefers to use the shortest path to solving a problem. Dark shades such as “brown”, “mahogany”, “chocolate” help Virgo to concentrate and not be distracted by unimportant details.

Clothes and image in brown

In clothing, shades of brown add charm, attractiveness, and comfort. The color is universal. It is ideal for both a business look and everyday wear. The brown shade is appropriate in any style: romantic, strict, casual. The color range of this color is very diverse. It goes well with both warm and cool tones. For example, beige can be worn with yellow, red or sand. It is also suitable for formal wear, especially in summer. Warm tones suit both light-skinned blondes and dark-skinned mulattoes.

Dark shades of brown can be used as an alternative to black, which has an aging effect. But it is advisable to add some bright accessory so as not to look boring.

Shades of this color are highly valued by makeup artists. They are able to transform a woman and make her image unforgettable. These tones are suitable for any appearance. Beige shadows emphasize the depth and brightness of eyes of all colors. Experts advise using more saturated tones of brown for women belonging to the “spring” or “autumn” color types.

The color looks great on dark-haired people with olive skin tones. Its light tones visually emphasize volume, while its dark tones slightly reduce it. The optimal shade can be selected for any type.

Thanks to such tones, the image of a trustworthy, punctual and stable person is created. There is a feeling of respect for him. In this regard, brown is very popular among business people. It gives seriousness and maturity. This shade eliminates the romance and airiness of the image. Therefore, you should not overuse it if you have difficulties communicating with people of the opposite sex.

Brown is considered the base color of a wardrobe. But it looks more solid than regular black or white. Shoes and outerwear look great in this color. By combining brown with brighter colors, you can create a bright and unforgettable look.

This tone is perfect for products with a textured surface: suede, wool, fur. Brown is especially good in the cold season, when you want warmth and comfort. But we should not forget about combining dark and light tones so as not to look gloomy.

Clothes in brown tones

Psychologists call the brown color in clothing both the choice of the powerful and the preference of the vulnerable. The first category of people belongs to the true connoisseurs of a practical life position - it is important for them that their clothes are always impeccable, do not get dirty, and do not serve as the subject of undue attention. This color is chosen by hidden manipulators, as well as very thrifty people who live with a constant eye on their peace of mind and sense of inner comfort.

The second category reveals emotionally depressed people who are looking for support on a physical level - financial stability, material wealth, family status. In such clothes, especially if they include 2-3 shades of brown in muted tones, it is easy to hide in the crowd after waiting out some difficult period in life.

Now a few words about the psychology of women. The color brown in a lady's wardrobe is closely associated with the bleak, baggy clothes of Soviet times, when bright fabrics were difficult to obtain and the fair sex was forced to dress almost alike. For this reason, modern women very rarely buy toiletries in chocolate and coffee shades, although dark colors can favorably emphasize the advantages of a figure and hide flaws.

Young people should not get carried away with painting their lives in chocolate tones, as such a choice can visually age a person and give the image a touch of fading. It is better to focus on beige shades, complementing the suit with bright, contrasting accessories.

Brown and interior

As already mentioned, brown equates home comfort and family values. Thanks to these properties, these tones are good for use in most areas of the home. But it is not recommended to use it in the bedroom, since in this room brown can contribute to the deterioration of intimate relationships between spouses. But if it is successfully combined with red or peach, then the negative effect will be nullified.

Similar tones are great for the kitchen or living room. Thanks to them, a warm comfort is created, which has a beneficial effect on the psychological situation in the family and reduces disputes between parents and children.

It is recommended to use warm shades of color in the house. And in a work environment, cold tones can also be used. Brown is combined with gray, white and gold. Dark brown is associated with a high level of professionalism, which will help close new deals.

Application in advertising

Brown psychology is also used by advertisers. Along with green, brown is used in advertising to emphasize the naturalness of the product being offered. For example, manufacturers package organic cosmetics in beige or brown paper. The same applies to food.

The stability of brown in advertising for banks and other financial institutions attracts new customers.

Catering establishments choose this color to develop their logo. Thus, their coziness and the quality of the cuisine are emphasized.

Companies with a long history use color to create the status of a reliable, stable and proven organization.

Effect on human physiology

The color has a complex structure that combines both cold and warm shades. Light colors with red or orange undertones have a warming effect. They help stimulate blood circulation, increase strength and improve immunity. Color has a beneficial effect on memory and also helps to concentrate on one thing for a long time. Therefore, before a mental test, you can relax using a brown candle or natural stone.

Dark rich tones calm and neutralize the flow of emotions, soften anger and exciting situations.

At the physiological level, brown helps to slightly slow down metabolic processes, inhibit the nervous system and lower blood pressure.

The importance of brown in psychology cannot be exaggerated. Color therapy plays an important role in restoring a person’s mental health.

Impact on character

On a subconscious level, brown color appeals to serious and practical people. They usually belong to the zodiac signs under the protection of the Earth element. Most often, the goal of such people is the desire for success and professional development.

Among brown color lovers, successful businessmen and rich people are most often found. The main value of such people is family tradition, so they often follow the path of their parents. Among them there are many labor dynasties.

The distinctive character traits of such people are:

  • punctuality;
  • hard work;
  • careerism;
  • calm;
  • incredulity.

Due to their strong attachment to the family and practical, these people do not have inner freedom and ease. You can always rely on them and entrust an important matter, but you will rarely find romance among them.

An innate dislike of the color brown also speaks of certain character traits. It turns out that these people are distinguished by their love of freedom and deny any authority. Among them there are many creative people, musicians, artists and writers.

Psychologists note that most often those who strive for individuality do not like the color brown. Among them are many emigrants and people of the world. They easily change their place of residence, work and social circle.

Those who don't like brown are too emotional, so they rarely add things of all shades of this color to their environment. The only shade that can be found in the interior of homes that do not like brown is coffee with milk.

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